;init_envmap_cub2: ; mov esi,envmap ; mov edi,envmap_cub ;take cubic env. map from ; xor eax,eax ;spherical env. map ; @@: ; add esi,eax ; movsd ; dec edi ; dec esi ; add esi,511*3 ; add eax,3 ; cmp eax,511*3 ; jl @b ;ret init_envmap_cub: ; create 512x512 env map .temp equ word [ebp-2] push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,2 mov edi,envmap_cub fninit mov cx,-256 .ie_hor: mov .temp,cx fild .temp fabs ; fmul st,st0 ; fsqrt mov .temp,255 fisubr .temp fmul [env_const] fistp .temp mov ax,.temp or ax,ax jge .ie_ok1 xor ax,ax jmp .ie_ok2 .ie_ok1: cmp ax,255 jle .ie_ok2 mov ax,255 .ie_ok2: stosb stosb stosb inc cx cmp cx,256 jne .ie_hor mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret calc_one_col: ; procedure don't save registers !!! ; in - st - dot_product ; stack - other parameters ; out - eax - 0x00rrggbb .dot_prd equ dword[ebp+4] ; dot product - cos x - not now .min_col_r equ word[ebp+8] ; minimum color - ambient .min_col_g equ word[ebp+10] .min_col_b equ word[ebp+12] .max_col_r equ word[ebp+14] ; maximum color - specular .max_col_g equ word[ebp+16] .max_col_b equ word[ebp+18] .org_col_r equ word[ebp+20] ; orginal color - diffuse .org_col_g equ word[ebp+22] .org_col_b equ word[ebp+24] .n equ word[ebp+26] ; shines - not implemented .temp equ word[ebp-2] .color_sum_r equ dword[ebp-6] .color_sum_g equ dword[ebp-10] .color_sum_b equ dword[ebp-14] ; color = ambient+cos(x)*diffuse+(cos(x)^n)*specular mov ebp,esp sub esp,14 mov ax,.min_col_r add ax,.max_col_r add ax,.org_col_r cwde mov .color_sum_r,eax mov ax,.min_col_g add ax,.max_col_g add ax,.org_col_g cwde mov .color_sum_g,eax mov ax,.min_col_b add ax,.max_col_b add ax,.org_col_b cwde mov .color_sum_b,eax ; fld .dot_prd ; fild .n ; fxch st1 ; fabs ; fyl2x ; ; f2xm1 ; fld1 ; faddp ; st = dot_product ^ n fld st ; copy dot pr fmul st,st0 fmul st,st0 fmul st,st0 cmp .n,255 ; .n = 255 -> spot light jne @f fmul st,st0 fmul st,st0 fmul st,st0 @@: fld st ; st0=st1=dot_pr^n, st2=dot_pr fimul .max_col_b fild .org_col_b fmul st,st3 faddp ; st0=first piece of col, st1=dot_pr^n.. fiadd .min_col_b fimul .max_col_b fidiv .color_sum_b fistp .temp movzx eax,.temp shl eax,16 fld st fimul .max_col_g fild .org_col_g fmul st,st3 faddp fiadd .min_col_g fimul .max_col_g fidiv .color_sum_g fistp .temp mov ax,.temp mov ah,al shl eax,8 fimul .max_col_r fild .org_col_r fmulp st2,st faddp fiadd .min_col_r fimul .max_col_r fidiv .color_sum_r fistp .temp mov ax,.temp ;eax - 0xbbgg00rr ; mov ah,al ror eax,16 xchg al,ah ; eax - 0x00rrggbb mov esp,ebp ret 24 calc_bumpmap: ; calculate random bumpmap ;--------------in edi _ pointer to TEX_X x TEX_Y bumpmap push edi cmp [bumps_flag],0 je .random_bump_map ; else bumps according to texture mov esi,texmap mov ecx,TEXTURE_SIZE @@: movzx ax,byte[esi] movzx bx,byte[esi+1] movzx dx,byte[esi+2] add ax,bx add ax,dx cwd div [i3] stosb add esi,3 loop @b jmp .blur_map ; push ecx ; mov eax,0x88888888 ; mov ecx,16/4 ; rep stosd ; mov eax,0xffffffff ; mov ecx,16/4 ; rep stosd ; pop ecx ; loop @b .random_bump_map: mov ecx,TEXTURE_SIZE @@: push ecx xor ecx,ecx mov edx,255 call random stosb pop ecx loop @b .blur_map: pop edi movzx ecx,[bumps_deep_flag] inc cx .blur: xor esi,esi mov edx,TEXTURE_SIZE xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx @@: mov ebp,esi dec ebp and ebp,TEXTURE_SIZE mov al,byte[ebp+edi] mov ebp,esi inc ebp and ebp,TEXTURE_SIZE mov bl,byte[ebp+edi] add eax,ebx mov ebp,esi sub ebp,TEX_X and ebp,TEXTURE_SIZE mov bl,byte[ebp+edi] add eax,ebx mov ebp,esi add ebp,TEX_X and ebp,TEXTURE_SIZE mov bl,byte[ebp+edi] add eax,ebx shr eax,2 mov byte[esi+edi],al inc esi dec edx jnz @b loop .blur ret random: ; in - ecx - min ; edx - max ; out - eax - random number mov bx,[rand_seed] add bx,0x9248 ror bx,3 mov [rand_seed],bx mov ax,dx sub ax,cx mul bx mov ax,dx add ax,cx cwde ret optimize_object1: ; setting point (0,0,0) in center of object ; recalculate all coords , scale object, ;the coords in <-1.0,1.0> ;in : real_points - table filled of real float dd coordinates (x,y,z), end mark dd -1 ; _ global variable ; points_count_var - dw integer variable with exactly points count ; - global variable ; SIZE_X, SIZE_Y must be defined .max equ dword[ebp-4] .min equ dword[ebp-8] .maxxx equ dword[ebp-12] .center equ dword[ebp-16] mov ebp,esp sub esp,16 fninit mov .maxxx,0 mov ecx,3 xor ebx,ebx ; ebx - x,y,z coord in real_points list .next_c: ; max/min/center x,y,z mov edi,[points_ptr] ; in real_point list minimum two points mov edx,[points_count_var] fld dword[edi+ebx] fst .max fstp .min add edi,12 dec edx .next_coord: ; next coord from real_points list fld dword [edi+ebx] ; real_points -> x,y,z fcom .max ; max_x,y,z fstsw ax sahf jbe @f ; jmp less equal fstp .max ; new max_x,y,z jmp .end_coords @@: fcom .min ; min_x,y,z fstsw ax sahf jnbe @f ; jmp greater fst .min ; new min_x @@: ffree st .end_coords: add edi,12 ; cmp dword[edi],-1 ; cmp with end mark dec edx jnz .next_coord ; ok after this we found max_coord and min_coord fld .max ; find center point fadd .min fld1 fld1 faddp fdivp st1,st ; st0 - center coord fstp .center fld .max fsub .center ; st = .max - .center fcom .maxxx ; maximum of all .max fstsw ax sahf jbe @f ; jmp lower fst .maxxx ; new maxx @@: ffree st mov edi,[points_ptr] mov edx,[points_count_var] ; substraction all coords - center point @@: fld dword[edi+ebx] fsub .center fstp dword[edi+ebx] add edi,12 ; cmp dword[edi],-1 ; jne @b dec edx jnz @b add ebx,4 ; ebx - x,y,z cooficientes in list real_points dec ecx jnz .next_c fld .maxxx mov edi,[points_ptr] ; create all coords in <-1.0,1.0> mov ecx,[points_count_var] @@: fld dword[edi] fdiv .maxxx fstp dword[edi] fld dword[edi+4] fdiv .maxxx fstp dword[edi+4] fld dword[edi+8] fdiv .maxxx fstp dword[edi+8] add edi,12 loop @b ; cmp dword[edi],-1 ; jne @b mov esp,ebp ret generate_object: ; generate node .N equ 32 .x equ word[ebp-2] .Ndiv2 equ word[ebp-10] .MthickSqr equ dword[ebp-14] ; diameter^2 .temp equ dword[ebp-18] ; variable for x <-1;1> .Hthick equ dword[ebp-22] .cos_temp equ dword[ebp-26] .next_const equ dword[ebp-30] .a equ dword[ebp-34] .Pi2 equ ebp-38 mov ebp,esp sub esp,42 mov .Ndiv2,.N/2 fninit fldpi fadd st,st fst dword[.Pi2] fidiv .Ndiv2 fst .a ; .Ndiv2*.a=2Pi => .a=2pi/.Ndiv2 fld [.Mthick] ; inside diameter, (outside daiameter = 1) fmul st,st0 fstp .MthickSqr fld1 fsub [.Mthick] fst .Hthick ; Hthick = 1 - Mthick fld st fadd st,st faddp fstp .next_const ; next_const = Hthick * 3 ;init triangles list mov edi,[triangles_ptr] xor esi,esi xor eax,eax mov ebx,.N+1 mov ecx,(.N*2)+2 ;-- mov edx,(.N*3)+3 ;--- mov [triangles_count_var],0 .again_tri: stosd ; main wave mov dword[edi],ebx inc eax add edi,4 stosd stosd mov dword[edi],ebx inc ebx mov dword[edi+4],ebx add edi,8 mov dword[edi],ecx ;---- ; n2+2 ; xor ax,ax inc ecx ; n2+3 ; mov bx,.N+1 mov dword[edi+4],edx ; ; mov cx,(.N*2)+2 ;-- mov dword[edi+8],ecx ; n3+3 ; mov dx,(.N*3)+3 ;--- mov dword[edi+12],edx ; n3+3 ; inc edx ; ; mov dword[edi+16],edx ; n2+3 ; mov dword[edi+20],ecx ; n3+4 add edi,24 ;---- dec eax ; border of wave dec ebx dec ecx dec edx stosd ; first border inc eax stosd mov dword[edi],edx add edi,4 mov dword[edi],edx add edi,4 stosd inc edx mov dword[edi],edx mov dword[edi+4],ebx ; second border mov dword[edi+8],ecx inc ebx mov dword[edi+12],ebx mov dword[edi+16],ebx mov dword[edi+20],ecx inc ecx mov dword[edi+24],ecx add edi,28 add [triangles_count_var],8 ;10 inc esi cmp esi,.N jne .again_tri add eax,((.N+1)*3)+1 add ebx,((.N+1)*3)+1 add ecx,((.N+1)*3)+1 add edx,((.N+1)*3)+1 xor esi,esi cmp eax,(.N*13)+13 ;;;(.N*23)+23 ; ax,(.N*13)+13 jl .again_tri ; mov dword[edi],-1 ; <--- end mark not always in use ; init real points list mov .x,-(.N/2) mov edi,[points_ptr] lea esi,[edi+(12*(.N+1))] mov eax,[points_ptr] mov ebx,eax add eax,2*12*(.N+1) ;--- add ebx,3*12*(.N+1) ;--- mov [points_count_var],0 .R_P4 equ edi+(4*12*(.N+1)) .R_P5 equ edi+(5*12*(.N+1)) .R_P6 equ edi+(6*12*(.N+1)) .R_P7 equ edi+(7*12*(.N+1)) .R_P8 equ edi+(8*12*(.N+1)) .R_P9 equ edi+(9*12*(.N+1)) .R_P10 equ edi+(10*12*(.N+1)) .R_P11 equ edi+(11*12*(.N+1)) .R_P12 equ edi+(12*12*(.N+1)) .R_P13 equ edi+(13*12*(.N+1)) .R_P14 equ edi+(14*12*(.N+1)) .R_P15 equ edi+(15*12*(.N+1)) @@: ; x coordinate fild .x fld st ;; fmul .a ; st = <-2pi;2pi> when mul .a fidiv .Ndiv2 fst .temp ; temporary x in <-1.0;1.0> fst dword[edi] ;x coordinate of point fst dword[esi] fst dword[eax] ;-- fst dword[.R_P4] fst dword[.R_P5] fst dword[.R_P6] fst dword[.R_P7] fst dword[.R_P8] fst dword[.R_P9] fst dword[.R_P10] fst dword[.R_P11] fst dword[.R_P12] fst dword[.R_P13] fst dword[.R_P14] fst dword[.R_P15] fstp dword[ebx] ;pop ;*******y coord dword[offset + 4] fmul .a ; st = <-2pi;2pi> fsincos fmul .next_const fst dword[edi+4] ; y coordinate of point fst dword[esi+4] fst dword[.R_P4+4] fst dword[.R_P5+4] fld .Hthick faddp fst dword[.R_P6+4] fst dword[.R_P7+4] fst dword[eax+4] fst dword[ebx+4] fchs fst dword[.R_P10+4] fst dword[.R_P11+4] fst dword[.R_P14+4] fst dword[.R_P15+4] fadd .Hthick fadd .Hthick fst dword[.R_P8+4] fst dword[.R_P9+4] fst dword[.R_P12+4] fstp dword[.R_P13+4] fmul .Hthick fmul .next_const fstp .cos_temp ; cos_temp = Hthick^2 * 3 ;***************z coord fld .temp fld st fmul st,st0 ; z coords fchs fld1 faddp fabs fsqrt ; fld st ; fsub fld st fsub .cos_temp fst dword[esi+8] fstp dword[eax+8] ;-- fld st fadd .cos_temp fst dword[.R_P9+8] fstp dword[.R_P10+8] fchs fld st fsub .cos_temp fst dword[.R_P6+8] fstp dword[.R_P5+8] fadd .cos_temp fst dword[.R_P13+8] fstp dword[.R_P14+8] fmul [.Mthick] fmul st,st0 fchs fld .MthickSqr faddp fabs fsqrt fld st fsub .cos_temp fst dword[edi+8] ; z coordinate fstp dword[ebx+8] ;-- fld st fadd .cos_temp fst dword[.R_P8+8] fstp dword[.R_P11+8] fchs fld st fsub .cos_temp fst dword[.R_P7+8] fstp dword[.R_P4+8] fadd .cos_temp fst dword[.R_P12+8] fstp dword[.R_P15+8] add edi,12 add esi,12 add eax,12 ;-- add ebx,12 ;--- add [points_count_var],24 ;16 inc .x cmp .x,.N/2 jng @b ; mov dword[esi],-1 ; <-- end mark mov [culling_flag],0 mov esp,ebp ret .Mthick dd 0.85 ; size-thickness make_random_lights: .temp1 equ ebp-4 .temp2 equ ebp-8 ; - light vector generate variables .temp3 equ ebp-12 .max equ 800 RDTSC mov [rand_seed],ax push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,12 mov edi,lights fninit mov dword[.temp2],.max mov dword[.temp3],.max/2 .again: xor esi,esi @@: mov edx,.max xor ecx,ecx call random sub eax,.max/2 mov dword[.temp1],eax fild dword[.temp1] fidiv dword[.temp3] fstp dword[edi+esi*4] inc esi cmp esi,2 jne @b .max1 equ 1000 mov dword[.temp2],.max1/2 mov edx,.max1 xor ecx,ecx call random mov dword[.temp1],eax fild dword[.temp1] fchs fidiv dword[.temp2] fstp dword[edi+8] xor esi,esi @@: mov ecx,220 ; max colors and shine , ecx = 200 - more bright shading mov edx,255 call random mov byte[edi+18+esi],al inc esi cmp esi,4 jne @b xor esi,esi @@: mov ecx,100 ; orginal colors movzx edx,byte[edi+18+esi] call random mov byte[edi+12+esi],al inc esi cmp esi,3 jne @b xor esi,esi @@: mov ecx,1 ; min cols movzx edx,byte[edi+12+esi] call random mov byte[edi+15+esi],al inc esi cmp esi,3 jne @b add edi,LIGHT_SIZE ;22 cmp edi,lightsend ; see file View3ds,asm jne .again mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret generate_texture2: .const equ 32 mov edi,texmap xor bx,bx .next_line: xor dx,dx .next2stripes: mov eax,-1 mov ecx,(TEX_X/.const)*3/4 rep stosd mov eax,0x00ff0000 mov ecx,(TEX_X/.const) @@: stosd dec edi loop @b inc dx cmp dx,.const/2 jl .next2stripes inc bx cmp bx,TEX_Y jl .next_line ret blur_screen: ;blur n times ; blur or fire ;in - ecx times count ;.counter equ dword[esp-4] .counter1 equ dword[esp-8] if Ext>=SSE2 push ebp mov ebp,esp push dword 0x01010101 movss xmm5,[esp] shufps xmm5,xmm5,0 .again_blur: push ecx mov edi,[screen_ptr] movzx ecx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X*3/4 lea ecx,[ecx*3+1] shr ecx,2 ; mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd if 1 movzx ebx,word[size_x_var] movzx ecx,word[size_y_var] sub ecx,3 imul ecx,ebx lea ecx,[ecx*3] shr ecx,4 lea ebx,[ebx*3] ; mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/16 .blr: @@: push ecx movups xmm0,[edi+ebx] mov ecx,edi sub ecx,ebx movups xmm1,[ecx] movups xmm2,[edi-3] movups xmm3,[edi+3] pavgb xmm0,xmm1 pavgb xmm2,xmm3 pavgb xmm0,xmm2 psubusb xmm0,xmm5 ; importand if fire movups [edi],xmm0 add edi,16 add esi,16 pop ecx loop .blr end if xor eax,eax movzx ecx,word[size_x_var] lea ecx,[ecx*3] shr ecx,2 ; mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4 rep stosd pop ecx loop .again_blur mov esp,ebp pop ebp end if if Ext=SSE emms push ebp mov ebp,esp push dword 0x01010101 push dword 0x01010101 movq mm4,[esp] .again_blur: push ecx mov edi,[screen_ptr] movzx ecx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X*3/4 lea ecx,[ecx*3] shr ecx,2 ; pxor mm5,mm5 xor eax,eax rep stosd movzx ebx,word[size_x_var] movzx ecx,word[size_y_var] sub ecx,3 imul ecx,ebx lea ecx,[ecx*3] shr ecx,3 lea ebx,[ebx*3] ; mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/8 .blr: @@: movq mm0,[edi+ebx] movq mm1,[edi-ebx] movq mm2,[edi-3] movq mm3,[edi+3] pavgb mm0,mm1 pavgb mm2,mm3 pavgb mm0,mm2 psubusb mm0,mm4 ; importand if fire movq [edi],mm0 add edi,8 add esi,8 loop .blr xor eax,eax mov ecx,[size_x_var] lea ecx,[ecx*3] shr ecx,2 ; SIZE_X*3/4 rep stosd pop ecx loop .again_blur mov esp,ebp pop ebp end if if Ext=MMX emms push ebp mov ebp,esp push dword 0x0 push dword 0x01010101 .again_blur: push ecx mov edi,[screen_ptr] mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4 pxor mm5,mm5 xor eax,eax rep stosd mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/4 .blr: @@: movd mm0,[edi+SIZE_X*3] movd mm1,[edi-SIZE_X*3] movd mm2,[edi-3] movd mm3,[edi+3] punpcklbw mm0,mm5 punpcklbw mm1,mm5 punpcklbw mm2,mm5 punpcklbw mm3,mm5 paddw mm0,mm1 paddw mm0,mm2 paddw mm0,mm3 psrlw mm0,2 packuswb mm0,mm5 psubusb mm0,qword[esp] ; importand if fire movd eax,mm0 stosd loop .blr xor eax,eax mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4 rep stosd pop ecx loop .again_blur mov esp,ebp pop ebp end if if Ext=NON .blur: push ecx xor ecx,ecx .next_col_coof: xor esi,esi xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx mov edi,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y .next: mov ebp,esi dec ebp cmp ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 ; clipping jl @f mov ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 @@: or ebp,ebp jg @f xor ebp,ebp @@: lea edx,[ebp*3+screen] mov al,byte[edx+ecx] mov ebp,esi inc ebp cmp ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 ; clipping jl @f mov ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 @@: or ebp,ebp jg @f xor ebp,ebp @@: lea edx,[ebp*3+screen] mov bl,byte[edx+ecx] add eax,ebx mov ebp,esi sub ebp,SIZE_X cmp ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 ; clipping jl @f mov ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 @@: or ebp,ebp jg @f xor ebp,ebp @@: lea edx,[ebp*3+screen] mov bl,byte[edx+ecx] add eax,ebx mov ebp,esi add ebp,SIZE_X cmp ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 ; clipping jl @f mov ebp,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y-1 @@: or ebp,ebp jg @f xor ebp,ebp @@: lea edx,[ebp*3+screen] mov bl,byte[edx+ecx] add eax,ebx shr eax,2 lea edx,[esi*3+screen] or al,al jz @f dec al ; not importand if fire mov byte[edx+ecx],al @@: inc esi dec edi jnz .next inc ecx cmp ecx,3 jne .next_col_coof pop ecx dec ecx jnz .blur end if ret mirror: ; mirror effect - loseless operation ; in ah - button id = 11, 12, 13 mov edi,[points_ptr] ; one real point - triple float mov esi,[points_normals_ptr] ; one 3dvector - triple float dword x,y,z fninit mov ecx,[points_count_var] cmp ah,11 je @f cmp ah,12 je .yn cmp ah,13 je .zn @@: ; neg x fld dword[edi] ;x fchs fstp dword[edi] ;x fld dword[esi] fchs fstp dword[esi] add edi,12 add esi,12 loop @b ret .yn: fld dword[edi+4] ;y fchs fstp dword[edi+4] ;y fld dword[esi+4] fchs fstp dword[esi+4] add edi,12 add esi,12 loop .yn ret .zn: fld dword[edi+8] ;z fchs fstp dword[edi+8] ;z fld dword[esi+8] fchs fstp dword[esi+8] add edi,12 add esi,12 loop .zn ret exchange: ; exchange some coords - loseless operation mov edi,[points_ptr] ; one real point - triple float mov esi,[points_normals_ptr] ; one 3dvector - triple float dword x,y,z fninit ; exchange both points and normal vactors coords/coofics mov ecx,[points_count_var] cmp [xchg_flag],1 je @f cmp [xchg_flag],2 je .zx cmp [xchg_flag],3 je .yz @@: fld dword[edi] ;x fld dword[edi+4] ;y fstp dword[edi] ;x fstp dword[edi+4] ;y fld dword[esi] ;x fld dword[esi+4] ;y fstp dword[esi] ;x fstp dword[esi+4] ;y add esi,12 add edi,12 loop @b ret .zx: fld dword[edi] ;x fld dword[edi+8] ;z fstp dword[edi] ;x fstp dword[edi+8] ;z fld dword[esi] ;x fld dword[esi+8] ;y fstp dword[esi] ;x fstp dword[esi+8] ;y add esi,12 add edi,12 loop .zx ret .yz: fld dword[edi+8] ;z fld dword[edi+4] ;y fstp dword[edi+8] ;z fstp dword[edi+4] ;y fld dword[esi+8] ;x fld dword[esi+4] ;y fstp dword[esi+8] ;x fstp dword[esi+4] ;y add edi,12 add esi,12 loop .yz ret ;#\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\comented/////////////////////////////// if 0 calc_attenuation_light: ;; calculate point to spot_light distance ; spot light with attenuation ;; and vector, normalize vector, ;; calc dot_pr and unlinear color according ;; to dot_product, write to color buff .distance equ dword[ebp-4] ;; color buff in bumpmap for save the mem .temp_col equ word[ebp-6] .vector equ [ebp-20] .spot_light_ptr equ dword [ebp-24] mov ebp,esp sub esp,24 mov edi,rotated_points_r ;points_rotated mov edx,point_normals_rotated mov ecx,bumpmap ; mem area with temp points color list xor ax,ax ; counter mov esi,spot_light_params mov .spot_light_ptr,esi .again_color: push eax lea ebx,.vector mov esi,.spot_light_ptr ; calc vector fom light to every point call make_vector_r ; ebx - ptr to result vector fld dword [ebx] fmul st, st fld dword [ebx+4] fmul st, st fld dword [ebx+8] fmul st, st faddp st1, st faddp st1, st fsqrt fstp .distance push edi mov edi,ebx call normalize_vector ; edi - normalized distance vector mov esi,edx call dot_product ; esi first vector, edi second vector ; st0 - dot product fabs ; why not ? - think about it pop edi fldz fcomip st1 jbe @f ; st1>0 mov dword[ecx],0 mov word[ecx+4],0 add ecx,6 ffree st0 jmp .update_counters @@: ; pop edi ; calc color(with atenuation), write to buff ; buff - color of points list ; color = ambient+cos(x)*diffuse+(cos(x)^n)*specular push edx push edi push ecx push ebp ; mov eax,spot_light_params mov eax,.spot_light_ptr movzx dx,byte[eax+15] push dx ; shines movzx dx,byte[eax+8] ; b push dx ; orginal col movzx dx,byte[eax+7] ; g push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+6] ; r push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+14] ; max col push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+13] push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+12] push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+11] ; min col push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+10] push dx movzx dx,byte[eax+9] push dx push eax ; dot pr. (in st0) call calc_one_col ; eax - 0x00rrggbb ; brightness = 1 - (distance/light.fadezero)^fogness ; if brightness < 0, then brightness = 0 ; attenuetion equation taken from 3dica tutorial - 1/d^2 isn't perfect ; color = color * brightness ; fogness = <0.5,2.0> pop ebp pop ecx fld .distance mov esi,.spot_light_ptr ; fidiv word[spot_light_params+16] ; fadezero fidiv word[esi+16] ; fadezero ; fmul st,st0 ; fogness = 2 fabs ; to be sure fchs fld1 faddp fld1 fcomip st1 jnbe @f ffree st0 fld1 @@: fld st ; st - brightness ror eax,16 movzx bx,al ; al - r mov .temp_col,bx fimul .temp_col fistp word[ecx] cmp word[ecx],0 jge @f mov word[ecx],0 @@: ; mov edx,dword[spot_light_params+12] ; max colors mov edx,dword[esi+12] ; max colors movzx bx,dl ; r max cmp word[ecx],bx ; choose the brightest for r, g, b jl @f mov word[ecx],bx @@: add ecx,2 fld st ror eax,16 movzx bx,ah ; g mov .temp_col,bx fimul .temp_col fistp word[ecx] cmp word[ecx],0 jg @f mov word[ecx],0 @@: movzx bx,dh ; g max cmp word[ecx],bx jle @f mov word[ecx],bx @@: add ecx,2 movzx bx,al ; b mov .temp_col,bx fimul .temp_col fistp word[ecx] cmp word[ecx],0 jg @f mov word[ecx],0 @@: shr edx,16 movzx bx,dl ; b max cmp word[ecx],bx jle @f mov word[ecx],bx @@: add ecx,2 ;end if ; ror eax,16 ; movzx bx,al ; mov word[ecx],bx ; ror eax,16 ; movzx bx,ah ; mov word[ecx+2],bx ; xor ah,ah ; mov word[ecx+4],ax ; add ecx,6 pop edi pop edx .update_counters: add edx,12 ; normal_size add edi,12 ;6 ; 3d point_coord_size pop eax inc ax cmp ax,[points_count_var] jne .again_color add .spot_light_ptr,18 cmp .spot_light_ptr,spot_l_end jl .again_color mov esp,ebp ret end if ;#\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\comented////////////////////////////////////