#ifndef KOS32 #include #endif #include "sst.h" void prelim(void) { skip(2); prout("-SUPER- STAR TREK"); skip(1); prout("Latest update-21 Sept 78"); skip(1); } void freeze(int boss) { char *x, *y; FILE *fp; int key; if (boss) { strcpy(citem, "emsave.trk"); } else { if ((key = scan()) == IHEOL) { proutn("File name(9 characters maximum): "); key = scan(); } if (key != IHALPHA) { huh(); return; } chew(); if (strchr(citem, '.') == NULL) { strcat(citem, ".trk"); } } if ((fp = fopen(citem, "wb")) == NULL) { proutn("Can't freeze game as file "); proutn(citem); skip(1); return; } fwrite(&d, sizeof(d), 1, fp); fwrite(&snapsht, sizeof(snapsht), 1, fp); fwrite(quad, sizeof(quad), 1, fp); fwrite(kx, sizeof(kx), 1, fp); fwrite(ky, sizeof(ky), 1, fp); fwrite(starch, sizeof(starch), 1, fp); fwrite(kpower, sizeof(kpower), 1, fp); fwrite(kdist, sizeof(kdist), 1, fp); fwrite(kavgd, sizeof(kavgd), 1, fp); fwrite(damage, sizeof(damage), 1, fp); fwrite(future, sizeof(future), 1, fp); fwrite(&a, sizeof(a), 1, fp); fwrite(passwd, sizeof(passwd), 1, fp); fclose(fp); /* I hope that's enough! */ } void thaw(void) { char *x, *y; FILE *fp; int key; passwd[0] = '\0'; if ((key = scan()) == IHEOL) { proutn("File name: "); key = scan(); } if (key != IHALPHA) { huh(); return; } chew(); if (strchr(citem, '.') == NULL) { strcat(citem, ".trk"); } if ((fp = fopen(citem, "rb")) == NULL) { proutn("Can't find game file "); proutn(citem); skip(1); return; } fread(&d, sizeof(d), 1, fp); fread(&snapsht, sizeof(snapsht), 1, fp); fread(quad, sizeof(quad), 1, fp); fread(kx, sizeof(kx), 1, fp); fread(ky, sizeof(ky), 1, fp); fread(starch, sizeof(starch), 1, fp); fread(kpower, sizeof(kpower), 1, fp); fread(kdist, sizeof(kdist), 1, fp); fread(kavgd, sizeof(kavgd), 1, fp); fread(damage, sizeof(damage), 1, fp); fread(future, sizeof(future), 1, fp); fread(&a, sizeof(a), 1, fp); fread(passwd, sizeof(passwd), 1, fp); fclose(fp); /* I hope that's enough! */ } void abandn(void) { int nb, l; chew(); if (condit==IHDOCKED) { if (ship!=IHE) { prout("You cannot abandon Ye Faerie Queene."); return; } } else { /* Must take shuttle craft to exit */ if (damage[DSHUTTL]==-1) { prout("Ye Faerie Queene has no shuttle craft."); return; } if (damage[DSHUTTL]<0) { prout("Shuttle craft now serving Big Mac's."); return; } if (damage[DSHUTTL]>0) { prout("Shuttle craft damaged."); return; } if (landed==1) { prout("You must be aboard the Enterprise."); return; } if (iscraft!=1) { prout("Shuttle craft not currently available."); return; } /* Print abandon ship messages */ skip(1); prouts("***ABANDON SHIP! ABANDON SHIP!"); skip(1); prouts("***ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!"); skip(2); prout("Captain and crew escape in shuttle craft."); prout("Remainder of ship's complement beam down"); prout("to nearest habitable planet."); if (d.rembase==0) { /* Ops! no place to go... */ finish(FABANDN); return; } /* If at least one base left, give 'em the Faerie Queene */ skip(1); icrystl = 0; /* crystals are lost */ nprobes = 0; /* No probes */ prout("You are captured by Klingons and released to"); prout("the Federation in a prisoner-of-war exchange."); nb = Rand()*d.rembase+1; /* Set up quadrant and position FQ adjacient to base */ if (quadx!=d.baseqx[nb] || quady!=d.baseqy[nb]) { quadx = d.baseqx[nb]; quady = d.baseqy[nb]; sectx = secty = 5; newqad(1); } for (;;) { /* position next to base by trial and error */ quad[sectx][secty] = IHDOT; for (l = 1; l <= 10; l++) { sectx = 3.0*Rand() - 1.0 + basex; secty = 3.0*Rand() - 1.0 + basey; if (sectx >= 1 && sectx <= 10 && secty >= 1 && secty <= 10 && quad[sectx][secty] == IHDOT) break; } if (l < 11) break; /* found a spot */ sectx=5; secty=5; newqad(1); } } /* Get new commission */ quad[sectx][secty] = ship = IHF; prout("Starfleet puts you in command of another ship,"); prout("the Faerie Queene, which is antiquated but,"); prout("still useable."); if (icrystl!=0) prout("The dilithium crystals have been moved."); imine=0; iscraft=0; /* Gallileo disappears */ #ifdef CAPTURE brigcapacity = 300; // Less capacity now brigfree = brigcapacity; #endif #ifdef CLOAKING iscloaked = iscloaking = FALSE; #endif /* Resupply ship */ condit=IHDOCKED; for (l = 1; l <= ndevice; l++) damage[l] = 0.0; damage[DSHUTTL] = -1; energy = inenrg = 3000.0; shield = inshld = 1250.0; torps = intorps = 6; lsupres=inlsr=3.0; shldup=0; warpfac=5.0; wfacsq=25.0; return; } void setup(void) { int i,j, krem, klumper; int ix, iy; alldone = gamewon = 0; #ifdef DEBUG idebug = 0; #endif // Decide how many of everything if (choose()) return; // frozen game // Prepare the Enterprise ship = IHE; energy = inenrg = 5000.0; shield = inshld = 2500.0; shldchg = shldup = 0; inlsr = 4.0; lsupres = 4.0; iran8(&quadx, &quady); iran10(§x, §y); torps = intorps = 10; nprobes = (int)(3.0*Rand() + 2.0); /* Give them 2-4 of these wonders */ warpfac = 5.0; wfacsq = warpfac * warpfac; for (i=0; i <= ndevice; i++) damage[i] = 0.0; // Set up assorted game parameters batx = baty = 0; d.date = indate = 100.0*(int)(31.0*Rand()+20.0); d.killk = d.killc = nkinks = nhelp = resting = casual = d.nromkl = 0; // Added d.starkl=0 6/2015 isatb = iscate = imine = icrystl = icraft = d.nsckill = d.nplankl = d.starkl = 0; iscraft = 1; landed = -1; alive = 1; docfac = 0.25; for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++) d.newstuf[i][j] = starch[i][j] = 0; // Initialize times for extraneous events future[FSNOVA] = d.date + expran(0.5 * intime); future[FTBEAM] = d.date + expran(1.5 * (intime / d.remcom)); future[FSNAP] = d.date + 1.0 + Rand(); // Force an early snapshot future[FBATTAK] = d.date + expran(0.3*intime); future[FCDBAS] = 1e30; future[FSCMOVE] = d.nscrem ? d.date+0.2777 : 1e30; future[FSCDBAS] = 1e30; future[FDSPROB] = 1e30; // Starchart is functional stdamtim = 1e30; // Put stars in the galaxy instar = 0; for (i=1; i<=8; i++) for (j=1; j<=8; j++) { int k = Rand()*9.0 + 1.0; instar += k; d.galaxy[i][j] = k; } // Locate star bases in galaxy for (i = 1; i <= inbase; i++) { int contflag; do { do iran8(&ix, &iy); while (d.galaxy[ix][iy] >= 10); contflag = FALSE; for (j = i-1; j > 0; j--) { /* Improved placement algorithm to spread out bases */ double distq = square(ix-d.baseqx[j]) + square(iy-d.baseqy[j]); if (distq < 6.0*(6-inbase) && Rand() < 0.75) { contflag = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG printf("DEBUG: Abandoning base #%d at %d-%d\n", i, ix, iy); #endif break; } #ifdef DEBUG else if (distq < 6.0 * (6-inbase)) { printf("DEBUG: saving base #%d, close to #%d\n", i, j); } #endif } } while (contflag); d.baseqx[i] = ix; d.baseqy[i] = iy; starch[ix][iy] = -1; d.galaxy[ix][iy] += 10; } // Position ordinary Klingon Battle Cruisers krem = inkling - incom - d.nscrem; klumper = 0.25*skill*(9.0-length)+1.0; if (klumper > 9) klumper = 9; // Can't have more than 9 in quadrant do { double r = Rand(); int klump = (1.0 - r*r)*klumper; if (klump > krem) klump = krem; krem -= klump; klump *= 100; do iran8(&ix, &iy); while (d.galaxy[ix][iy] + klump >= 1000); d.galaxy[ix][iy] += klump; } while (krem > 0); // Position Klingon Commander Ships #ifdef DEBUG klumper = 1; #endif for (i = 1; i <= incom; i++) { do { do { /* IF debugging, put commanders by bases, always! */ #ifdef DEBUG if (idebug && klumper <= inbase) { ix = d.baseqx[klumper]; iy = d.baseqy[klumper]; klumper++; } else #endif iran8(&ix, &iy); } while ((d.galaxy[ix][iy] < 99 && Rand() < 0.75)|| d.galaxy[ix][iy]>899); // check for duplicate for (j = 1; j < i; j++) if (d.cx[j]==ix && d.cy[j]==iy) break; } while (j < i); d.galaxy[ix][iy] += 100; d.cx[i] = ix; d.cy[i] = iy; } // Locate planets in galaxy for (i = 1; i <= inplan; i++) { do iran8(&ix, &iy); while (d.newstuf[ix][iy] > 0); d.newstuf[ix][iy] = 1; d.plnets[i].x = ix; d.plnets[i].y = iy; d.plnets[i].pclass = Rand()*3.0 + 1.0; // Planet class M N or O d.plnets[i].crystals = 1.5*Rand(); // 1 in 3 chance of crystals d.plnets[i].known = 0; } // Locate Romulans for (i = 1; i <= d.nromrem; i++) { iran8(&ix, &iy); d.newstuf[ix][iy] += 10; } // Locate the Super Commander if (d.nscrem > 0) { do iran8(&ix, &iy); while (d.galaxy[ix][iy] >= 900); d.isx = ix; d.isy = iy; d.galaxy[ix][iy] += 100; } // Place thing (in tournament game, thingx == -1, don't want one!) if (Rand() < 0.1 && thingx != -1) { iran8(&thingx, &thingy); } else { thingx = thingy = 0; } // idate = date; skip(3); d.snap = 0; if (skill == SNOVICE) { printf("It is stardate %d. The Federation is being attacked by\n", (int)d.date); printf("a deadly Klingon invasion force. As captain of the United\n" "Starship U.S.S. Enterprise, it is your mission to seek out\n" "and destroy this invasion force of %d battle cruisers.\n", inkling); printf("You have an initial allotment of %d stardates to complete\n" "your mission. As you proceed you may be given more time.\n\n" "You will have %d supporting starbases.\n" "Starbase locations- ", (int)intime, inbase); } else { printf("Stardate %d.\n\n" "%d Klingons,\nan unknown number of Romulans\n", (int)d.date, inkling); if (d.nscrem) printf("and one (GULP) Super-Commander.\n"); printf("%d stardates\n%d starbases in ",(int)intime, inbase); } for (i = 1; i <= inbase; i++) { cramlc(0, d.baseqx[i], d.baseqy[i]); if (i < inbase) proutn(" "); } skip(2); proutn("The Enterprise is currently in"); cramlc(1, quadx, quady); proutn(" "); cramlc(2, sectx, secty); skip(2); prout("Good Luck!"); if (d.nscrem) proutn(" YOU'LL NEED IT."); skip(1); newqad(0); if (nenhere) shldup=1.0; if (neutz) attack(0); // bad luck to start in a Romulan Neutral Zone } int choose(void) { tourn = 0; thawed = 0; skill = 0; length = 0; while (TRUE) { if (fromcommandline) /* Can start with command line options */ fromcommandline = 0; else proutn("Would you like a regular, tournament, or frozen game?"); scan(); if (strlen(citem)==0) continue; // Try again if (isit("tournament")) { while (scan() == IHEOL) { proutn("Type in tournament number-"); } if (aaitem == 0) { chew(); continue; // We don't want a blank entry } tourn = (int)aaitem; thingx = -1; srand((unsigned int)(int)aaitem); break; } if (isit("frozen")) { thaw(); chew(); if (*passwd==0) continue; randomize(); Rand(); Rand(); Rand(); Rand(); if (!alldone) thawed = 1; // No plaque if not finished report(1); return TRUE; } if (isit("regular")) { skip(2); randomize(); Rand(); Rand(); Rand(); Rand(); break; } proutn("What is \""); proutn(citem); prout("\"?"); chew(); } while (length==0 || skill==0) { if (scan() == IHALPHA) { if (isit("short")) length = 1; else if (isit("medium")) length = 2; else if (isit("long")) length = 4; else if (isit("novice")) skill = SNOVICE; else if (isit("fair")) skill = SFAIR; else if (isit("good")) skill = SGOOD; else if (isit("expert")) skill = SEXPERT; else if (isit("emeritus")) skill = SEMERITUS; else { proutn("What is \""); proutn(citem); prout("\"?"); } } else { chew(); if (length==0) proutn("Would you like a Short, Medium, or Long game? "); else if (skill == 0) proutn("Are you a Novice, Fair, Good, Expert, or Emeritus player?"); } } while (TRUE) { scan(); strcpy(passwd, citem); chew(); if (*passwd != 0) break; proutn("Please type in a secret password (9 characters maximum)-"); } #ifdef DEBUG if (strcmp(passwd, "debug")==0) idebug = 1; #endif // Use parameters to generate initial values of things damfac = 0.5 * skill; d.rembase = 3.0*Rand()+2.0; inbase = d.rembase; inplan = (PLNETMAX/2) + (PLNETMAX/2+1)*Rand(); d.nromrem = (2.0+Rand())*skill; d.nscrem = (skill > SFAIR? 1 : 0); d.remtime = 7.0 * length; intime = d.remtime; d.remkl = 2.0*intime*((skill+1 - 2*Rand())*skill*0.1+.15); // d.remkl and inkling includes commanders and SC inkling = d.remkl; incom = skill + 0.0625*inkling*Rand(); d.remcom= min(10, incom); incom = d.remcom; d.remres = (inkling+4*incom)*intime; inresor = d.remres; if (inkling > 50) { inbase = (d.rembase += 1); } #ifdef CAPTURE brigcapacity = 400; brigfree = brigcapacity; kcaptured = 0; // TAA fix 6/2015 #endif #ifdef CLOAKING ncviol = 0; // TAA fix 6/2015 iscloaked = FALSE; iscloaking = FALSE; #endif return FALSE; } void dropin(int iquad, int *ix, int *iy) { do iran10(ix, iy); while (quad[*ix][*iy] != IHDOT); quad[*ix][*iy] = iquad; } void newcnd(void) { condit = IHGREEN; if (energy < 1000.0) condit = IHYELLOW; if (d.galaxy[quadx][quady] > 99 || d.newstuf[quadx][quady] > 9) condit = IHRED; } void newqad(int shutup) { int quadnum = d.galaxy[quadx][quady]; int newnum = d.newstuf[quadx][quady]; int i, j, ix, iy, nplan; iattak = 1; justin = 1; basex = basey = 0; klhere = 0; comhere = 0; plnetx = plnety = 0; ishere = 0; irhere = 0; iplnet = 0; nenhere = 0; neutz = 0; inorbit = 0; landed = -1; ientesc = 0; ithere = 0; iseenit = 0; #ifdef CLOAKING isviolreported = FALSE; #endif if (iscate) { // Attempt to escape Super-commander, so tbeam back! iscate = 0; ientesc = 1; } // Clear quadrant for (i=1; i <= 10; i++) for (j=1; j <= 10; j++) quad[i][j] = IHDOT; // cope with supernova if (quadnum > 999) { return; } klhere = quadnum/100; irhere = newnum/10; nplan = newnum%10; nenhere = klhere + irhere; // Position Starship quad[sectx][secty] = ship; // Decide if quadrant needs a Tholian if ((skill < SGOOD && Rand() <= 0.02) || /* Lighten up if skill is low */ (skill == SGOOD && Rand() <= 0.05) || (skill > SGOOD && Rand() <= 0.08) #ifdef DEBUG || strcmp(passwd, "tholianx")==0 #endif ) { do { ithx = Rand() > 0.5 ? 10 : 1; ithy = Rand() > 0.5 ? 10 : 1; } while (quad[ithx][ithy] != IHDOT); quad[ithx][ithy] = IHT; ithere = 1; /* Reserve unocupied corners */ if (quad[1][1]==IHDOT) quad[1][1] = 'X'; if (quad[1][10]==IHDOT) quad[1][10] = 'X'; if (quad[10][1]==IHDOT) quad[10][1] = 'X'; if (quad[10][10]==IHDOT) quad[10][10] = 'X'; } if (quadnum >= 100) { // Position ordinary Klingons quadnum -= 100*klhere; for (i = 1; i <= klhere; i++) { dropin(IHK, &ix, &iy); kx[i] = ix; ky[i] = iy; kdist[i] = kavgd[i] = sqrt(square(sectx-ix) + square(secty-iy)); kpower[i] = Rand()*150.0 +300.0 +25.0*skill; } // If we need a commander, promote a Klingon for (i = 1; i <= d.remcom ; i++) if (d.cx[i]==quadx && d.cy[i]==quady) break; if (i <= d.remcom) { quad[ix][iy] = IHC; kpower[klhere] = 950.0+400.0*Rand()+50.0*skill; comhere = 1; } // If we need a super-commander, promote a Klingon if (quadx == d.isx && quady == d.isy) { quad[kx[1]][ky[1]] = IHS; kpower[1] = 1175.0 + 400.0*Rand() + 125.0*skill; iscate = 1; ishere = 1; } } // Put in Romulans if needed for (i = klhere+1; i <= nenhere; i++) { dropin(IHR, &ix, &iy); kx[i] = ix; ky[i] = iy; kdist[i] = kavgd[i] = sqrt(square(sectx-ix) + square(secty-iy)); kpower[i] = Rand()*400.0 + 450.0 + 50.0*skill; } sortkl(); // If quadrant needs a starbase, put it in if (quadnum >= 10) { quadnum -= 10; dropin(IHB, &basex, &basey); } if (nplan) { // If quadrant needs a planet, put it in for (i=1; i <= inplan; i++) if (d.plnets[i].x == quadx && d.plnets[i].y == quady) break; if (i <= inplan) { iplnet = i; dropin(IHP, &plnetx, &plnety); } } // Check for condition newcnd(); // And finally the stars for (i = 1; i <= quadnum; i++) dropin(IHSTAR, &ix, &iy); // Check for RNZ if (irhere > 0 && klhere == 0 && basex == 0) { neutz = 1; if (REPORTS) { skip(1); prout("LT. UHURA- \"Captain, an urgent message."); prout(" I'll put it on audio.\" CLICK"); skip(1); prout("INTRUDER! YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE ROMULAN NEUTRAL ZONE."); prout("LEAVE AT ONCE, OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!"); } } if (shutup==0) { // Put in THING if needed if (thingx == quadx && thingy == quady) { dropin(IHQUEST, &ix, &iy); thingx = thingy = 0; // Transient if (damage[DSRSENS] == 0.0) { skip(1); prout("MR. SPOCK- \"Captain, this is most unusual."); prout(" Please examine your short-range scan.\""); } } } // Put in a few black holes for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) if (Rand() > 0.5) dropin(IHBLANK, &ix, &iy); // Take out X's in corners if Tholian present if (ithere) { if (quad[1][1]=='X') quad[1][1] = IHDOT; if (quad[1][10]=='X') quad[1][10] = IHDOT; if (quad[10][1]=='X') quad[10][1] = IHDOT; if (quad[10][10]=='X') quad[10][10] = IHDOT; } } void sortkl(void) { double t; int sw, j, k; // The author liked bubble sort. So we will use it. :-( if (nenhere < 2) return; do { sw = FALSE; for (j = 1; j < nenhere; j++) if (kdist[j] > kdist[j+1]) { sw = TRUE; t = kdist[j]; kdist[j] = kdist[j+1]; kdist[j+1] = t; t = kavgd[j]; kavgd[j] = kavgd[j+1]; kavgd[j+1] = t; k = kx[j]; kx[j] = kx[j+1]; kx[j+1] = k; k = ky[j]; ky[j] = ky[j+1]; ky[j+1] = k; t = kpower[j]; kpower[j] = kpower[j+1]; kpower[j+1] = t; } } while (sw); }