;MOS3DE V 0.1 - MENUETOS 3D Engine V 0.1 ; Compile with FASM for MENUET ; this is a very early Version: I'm so happy that it runs at all. ; Of course it's a bad ASM style and it can be optimized a lot. ; anyway - I have thought I uploap this so other PPL might optimize it ; as well or transform it to something completely diffrent. ; There are some Mouse- and Keyboardhandling Subs and Constructs. They are here ; because I will probably use them for the Navigation in a First Person ; Perspective Game - which is the goal of this project. ; http://www.melog.ch/mos_pub/ dietermarfurt@angelfire.com ; of course you can remove or replace them. It has only linear Texturemapping. ; Perspective Correction is a future option. ; a flag for multiple Textures selection should be implemented in the ; Meshfile Format. As I said - it's a very erarly version. use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd 0x200000 ; memory for app dd 0x7fff0 ; esp dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon IMAGE_W = 320 IMAGE_H = 240 START: ; start of execution call init_gfx call draw_window ; at first, draw the window gamestart: ; ******* MOUSE CHECK ******* mov eax,37 mov ebx,1 ; check mouseposition int 0x40 mov ebx,eax shr eax,16 and eax,0x0000FFFF ; mousex and ebx,0x0000FFFF ; mousey mov [mousex],eax mov [mousey],ebx cmp eax,5 ; mouse out of window ? jb check_refresh ; it will prevent an app-crash cmp ebx,22 jb check_refresh cmp eax, IMAGE_W jg check_refresh cmp ebx,221 jg check_refresh cmp eax,160 ; navigating? jb m_left cmp eax,170 ; jg m_right continue: cmp ebx,100 ; jb s_up cmp ebx,144 ; jg s_down ; ******* END OF MOUSE CHECK ******* check_refresh: mov eax,23 ; wait for system event with 10 ms timeout mov ebx,1 ; wait 10 ms, then continue int 0x40 ; mov eax,11 ; or use this for full speed instead ; int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; window redraw request ? je red2 cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? je key2 cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? je button2 call clear_screen call updateworld call put_screen ;call log ; used for debugging mov edi,[mouseya] ; check flag if a refresh has to be done cmp edi,1 jne gamestart mov [mouseya],dword 0 jmp gamestart ; END OF MAINLOOP red2: ; redraw call draw_window ; call draw_stuff jmp gamestart key2: ; key mov eax,2 int 0x40 cmp al,1 je gamestart ; keybuffer empty cmp ah,27 ; esc=End App je finish cmp ah,178 ; up je s_up cmp ah,177 ; down je s_down cmp ah,176 ; left je s_left cmp ah,179 ; right je s_right jmp gamestart ; was any other key s_up: ; walk forward (key or mouse) mov eax,[vpx] mov ebx,[vpy] mov ecx,[vheading] imul ecx,4 add ecx,sinus mov edi,[ecx] mov edx,[vheading] imul edx,4 add edx,sinus add edx,3600 cmp edx,eosinus ;cosinus taken from (sinus plus 900) mod 3600 jb ok200 sub edx,14400 ok200: mov esi,[edx] ; sal esi,1 ; edit walking speed here ; sal edi,1 add eax,edi ; newPx add ebx,esi ; newPy mov edi,eax ; newPx / ffff mov esi,ebx ; newPy / ffff sar edi,16 sar esi,16 mov ecx,esi sal ecx,5 ; equal *32 add ecx,edi add ecx,grid cmp [ecx],byte 0 ; collision check jne cannotwalk0 mov [vpx],eax mov [vpy],ebx mov [mouseya],dword 1 ; set refresh flag cannotwalk0: jmp check_refresh s_down: ; walk backward mov eax,[vpx] mov ebx,[vpy] mov ecx,[vheading] imul ecx,4 add ecx,sinus mov edi,[ecx] mov edx,[vheading] imul edx,4 add edx,sinus add edx,3600 cmp edx,eosinus ;cosinus taken from (sinus plus 900) mod 3600 jb ok201 sub edx,14400 ok201: mov esi,[edx] ; sal esi,1 ; edit walking speed here ; sal edi,1 sub eax,edi ; newPx sub ebx,esi ; newPy mov edi,eax ; newPx / ffff mov esi,ebx ; newPy / ffff sar edi,16 sar esi,16 mov ecx,esi sal ecx,5 add ecx,edi add ecx,grid cmp [ecx],byte 0 jne cannotwalk1 mov [vpx],eax mov [vpy],ebx mov [mouseya],dword 1 cannotwalk1: jmp check_refresh s_left: ; turn left (key) mov edi,[vheading] ; heading add edi,50 cmp edi,1800 jb ok_heading0 sub edi,1800 ok_heading0: mov [vheading],edi mov [mouseya],dword 1 jmp check_refresh s_right: ; turn right mov edi,[vheading] sub edi,50 cmp edi,-1 jg ok_heading1 add edi,1800 ok_heading1: mov [vheading],edi mov [mouseya],dword 1 jmp check_refresh m_left: ; turn left (mouse) mov edi,[vheading] ; heading mov ecx,160 sub ecx,eax sar ecx,2 add edi,ecx cmp edi,1800 jb ok_heading2 sub edi,1800 ok_heading2: mov [vheading],edi mov [mouseya],dword 1 jmp continue ; allow both: walk and rotate m_right: ; turn right mov edi,[vheading] sub eax,170 sar eax,2 sub edi,eax cmp edi,-1 jg ok_heading3 add edi,1800 ok_heading3: mov [vheading],edi mov [mouseya],dword 1 jmp continue button2: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id int 0x40 cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne gamestart ; eo GAME mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm finish: mov eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw; 2 - end int 0x40 mov eax, 48 ; get skin height mov ebx, 4 int 0x40 lea ecx,[eax + (119 shl 16) + IMAGE_H + 4] mov ebx,192*65536+IMAGE_W+9 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov edx,0x74000000 ; skinned window, not resizable mov edi,labelt ; window title mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window int 0x40 mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 ret ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- init_gfx: ; Pwidth = 63 Shl 16 ;original texture width in pixels -1 shl 16 ; Pheight = 63 Shl 16 ;original texture height in pixels -1 shl 16 mov [pwidth],dword 63 shl dword[pwidth],16 mov [pheight],dword 63 shl dword[pheight],16 ;; Read in a mesh mov eax,0 ; tex1+4 mov edi,anz add edi,4 ; beginning of mesh data ;using a copy will allow inverse kinematic transformations (future option) readmesh: mov edx,eax add edx,a_xwww ; desti mov ecx,[edi] ; value in ecx mov [edx],ecx add edi,4 ;--- mov edx,eax add edx,a_ywww ; desti mov ecx,[edi] ; value in ecx mov [edx],ecx add edi,4 ;--- mov edx,eax add edx,a_zwww ; desti mov ecx,[edi] ; value in ecx mov [edx],ecx add edi,4 ;--- add eax,4 cmp edi,eo_mesh jl readmesh ; zoom=-500 mov [zoom],dword -500 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------ log: ;write some Variable info to screen (used for debugging) pusha mov edi,wonder ;a_xwww ;add edi,200 mov [remecx], dword 24 print: mov eax,47 mov ebx,0x000f0000 ;mov ebx,0x000f0100 ; hex mov ecx,[edi] mov edx,[remecx] or edx,0x000C0000 mov esi,0x00ff0000 int 0x40 add [remecx],dword 8 add edi,dword 4 cmp [remecx], dword 250 jl print popa ret ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UPDATE WORLD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- updateworld: mov edx,[a_xw] ; Miny% = 32767 ; Maxy% = 0 mov [miny],dword 32737 mov [maxy],dword 0 ; Color 0,0,0 ; clear screen - l8er ; Rect 0,0,320,240,1 ; a=a+1.0 ; automatic rotation... add [a],dword 10 cmp [a],dword 3598 jl ok360 mov [a],dword 0 ok360: ; If a>359.9 Then a=0 ; alpha=a ; beta=a ; gamma=a+a Mod 360 mov eax,[a] mov [alpha],eax mov [beta], eax mov [gamma],eax add [gamma],eax cmp [gamma],dword 3599 jl ok360_2 sub [gamma],dword 3600 ok360_2: ; mausy#=0.1+(MouseY()/50.0) ; >>>>>>l8er mov eax,[alpha] mov [alphacopy],eax mov eax,[beta] mov [betacopy],eax mov eax,[gamma] mov [gammacopy],eax ; For i=0 To anz ; do rotation and projection etc mov esi,0 for_i: ; ***************************** ; ROTATE pitch jaw roll... ; ***************************** ;; xl1#=zwww(i)*Sin(gamma)+xwww(i)*Cos(gamma) mov eax,esi imul eax,4 add eax,a_zwww mov ebx,[eax] mov eax,[gammacopy] call get_sinus imul ebx,[eax] mov [tempdiv],ebx ; is zwww(i)*sin(gamma) mov eax,esi imul eax,4 add eax,a_xwww mov ebx,[eax] mov eax,[gammacopy] call get_cosinus imul ebx,[eax] ; is xwww*cos(gamma add ebx,[tempdiv] mov eax,ebx ;or eax,1 cdq mov ecx,6553 idiv ecx mov [xl1],eax ;; yl1#=ywww(i) mov eax,esi imul eax,4 add eax,a_ywww mov ebx,[eax] mov [yl1],ebx ;; zl1#=zwww(i)*Cos(gamma)-xwww(i)*Sin(gamma) mov eax,esi imul eax,4 add eax,a_zwww mov ebx,[eax] mov eax,[gammacopy] call get_cosinus imul ebx,[eax] mov [tempdiv],ebx ; is zwww(i)*cos(gamma) mov eax,esi imul eax,4 add eax,a_xwww mov ebx,[eax] mov eax,[gammacopy] call get_sinus imul ebx,[eax] ; is xwww*sin(gamma sub [tempdiv],ebx mov eax,[tempdiv] ;or eax,1 cdq mov ecx,6553 ; once 6500 idiv ecx mov [zl1],eax ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; xl2#=xl1 mov eax,[xl1] mov [xl2],eax ;; yl2#=yl1*Cos(beta)-zl1*Sin(beta) mov ebx,[yl1] mov eax,[betacopy] call get_cosinus imul ebx,[eax] mov [tempdiv],ebx ; is yl1*cos(beta) mov ebx,[zl1] ; zl1 mov eax,[betacopy] call get_sinus imul ebx,[eax] ; is zl1*sin(beta sub [tempdiv],ebx mov eax,[tempdiv] ;or eax,1 cdq mov ecx,6553 idiv ecx mov [yl2],eax ;; zl2#=yl1*Sin(beta)+zl1*Cos(beta) mov ebx,[yl1] mov eax,[betacopy] call get_sinus imul ebx,[eax] mov [tempdiv],ebx ; is yl1*sin(beta) mov ebx,[zl1] ; zl1 mov eax,[betacopy] call get_cosinus imul ebx,[eax] ; is zl1*cos(beta add ebx,[tempdiv] mov eax,ebx ;or eax,1 cdq mov ecx,6553 idiv ecx mov [zl2],eax ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; xl3#=(yl2*Sin(alpha)+xl2*Cos(alpha)) mov ebx,[yl2] mov eax,[alphacopy] call get_sinus imul ebx,[eax] mov [tempdiv],ebx ; is yl2*sin(alpha) mov ebx,[xl2] ; xl2 mov eax,[alphacopy] call get_cosinus imul ebx,[eax] ; is xl2*cos(alpha add ebx,[tempdiv] mov eax,ebx ;or eax,1 cdq mov ecx,6553 idiv ecx mov [xl3],eax ;; yl3#=(yl2*Cos(alpha)-xl2*Sin(alpha)) mov ebx,[yl2] mov eax,[alphacopy] call get_cosinus imul ebx,[eax] mov [tempdiv],ebx ; is yl2*cos(alpha) mov ebx,[xl2] ; xl2 mov eax,[alphacopy] call get_sinus imul ebx,[eax] ; is xl2*sin(alpha sub [tempdiv],ebx mov eax,[tempdiv] ;or eax,1 cdq mov ecx,6553 idiv ecx mov [yl3],eax ;; zl3#=(zl2) mov eax,[zl2] mov [zl3],eax ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ********************* ; PROJECTING 3D to 2D ; If yloc# - Zoom <> 0 Then yloc = Int(yl3 ) * 200 / (zl3 - Zoom) ;------- mov ecx,[zl3] sub ecx,[zoom] mov eax,[yl3] imul eax,200 or eax,1 cdq idiv ecx ;mov eax,[yl3] ; no perpective mov [yloc],eax ;------ ; If xloc# - Zoom <> 0 Then xloc = Int(xl3 ) * 200 / (zl3 - Zoom) ;------ mov ecx,[zl3] sub ecx,[zoom] mov eax,[xl3] imul eax,200 or eax,1 cdq idiv ecx ;mov eax,[xl3] ; no perspective mov [xloc],eax ;------ ; xw(i)=((mausy#)*xloc) +160 ; yw(i)=((mausy#)*yloc) +120 ; zw(i)=(zl3+256) mov eax,[mousey] ; define scaling mov [factor],eax cmp eax,32000 jl positivemousey mov [factor],dword 10 jmp less220 positivemousey: cmp eax,10 jg more20 mov [factor],dword 10 jmp less220 more20: cmp eax,220 jl less220 mov [factor],dword 220 less220: mov eax,esi ; i... imul eax,4 mov ecx,[xloc] mov eax,esi imul eax,4 mov ebx,a_xw add ebx,eax imul ecx,[factor] sar ecx,5 mov [ebx],ecx add [ebx],dword 160 mov ecx,[yloc] ; mov eax,esi ; imul eax,4 mov ebx,a_yw add ebx,eax imul ecx,[factor] sar ecx,5 mov [ebx],ecx add [ebx],dword 120 mov ecx,[zl3] ; used for z sorting mov ebx,a_zw add ebx,eax mov [ebx],ecx add [ebx],dword 256 ; Next inc esi cmp esi,[anz] jle for_i ;--------------- mov [sorted_quads],dword 0 ; ; z-sorting... ; For i=0 To 10000 ; clear old info ; zbuffer(i)=-1 ; Next mov eax,zbuffer mov ebx,eax add ebx,40000 clear_zbuffer: mov [eax],dword 1000000 add eax,4 cmp eax,ebx jle clear_zbuffer ; For i=0 To anz-3 Step 4 mov eax,0 mov ebx,[anz] for_i_0_to_anz: ; If zw(i)>=0 ; clip Quads behind Camera mov ecx,eax imul ecx,4 add ecx,a_zw mov edx,[ecx] cmp edx,0 jle behindcamera ; zwmax=zw(i) mov esi,edx ; ;find quads internal most far point ; If zwmax-1 And zwmax<10000 ; zwmax=zwmax+1 ; Wend mov eax,esi ; is actual z/poititon of point (used for z-order) imul eax,4 findslot: mov ebx,eax add ebx,zbuffer cmp [ebx],dword 1000000 je found_empty_slot add eax,4 cmp eax,40000 jl findslot found_empty_slot: ; zbuffer(zwmax)=i inc dword[sorted_quads] ; check slot writing mov ecx,[i] mov [ebx],ecx pop ebx pop eax ; EndIf behindcamera: ; Next add eax,4 cmp eax,[anz] ;ebx jl for_i_0_to_anz ;---------------- ;mov [rendered_quads],dword 0 ; debugging... ; For i2=10000 To 0 Step -1 ; reading quads in z-order from far to near mov eax,40000 mov ebx,0 for_i_0_to_10000: ; i=zbuffer(i2) mov edx,eax add edx,zbuffer mov ecx,[edx] ; i... ; If i>-1 And i< anz-2 ; if it isn't -1 then it's a Quad Point 1 ID cmp ecx,1000000 je is_empty_slot ;inc dword[rendered_quads] ; used for debugging ; ;***Mapping*** ; ;GetPolygonPoints(i) ; ;FindSmallLargeY() mov [ilocal],ecx call get_polygon_points call find_small_large_y ; X1% = Polypoints%(0, 0) mov edi,[polypoints] mov [x1],edi ; Y1% = Polypoints%(0, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+4] mov [y1],edi ; X2% = Polypoints%(1, 0) mov edi,[polypoints+8] mov [x2],edi ; Y2% = Polypoints%(1, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+12] mov [y2],edi ; ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 1) ;scan top of picture mov [pside],dword 1 call scan_convert ; X1% = Polypoints%(1, 0) mov edi,[polypoints+8] mov [x1],edi ; Y1% = Polypoints%(1, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+12] mov [y1],edi ; X2% = Polypoints%(2, 0) mov edi,[polypoints+16] mov [x2],edi ; Y2% = Polypoints%(2, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+20] mov [y2],edi ; ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 2) ;scan Right of picture mov [pside],dword 2 call scan_convert ; X1% = Polypoints%(2, 0) mov edi,[polypoints+16] mov [x1],edi ; Y1% = Polypoints%(2, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+20] mov [y1],edi ; X2% = Polypoints%(3, 0) mov edi,[polypoints+24] mov [x2],edi ; Y2% = Polypoints%(3, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+28] mov [y2],edi ; ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 3) ;scan bottom of picture mov [pside],dword 3 call scan_convert ; X1% = Polypoints%(3, 0) mov edi,[polypoints+24] mov [x1],edi ; Y1% = Polypoints%(3, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+28] mov [y1],edi ; X2% = Polypoints%(0, 0) mov edi,[polypoints] mov [x2],edi ; Y2% = Polypoints%(0, 1) mov edi,[polypoints+4] mov [y2],edi ; ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 4) ;scan Left of picture mov [pside],dword 4 call scan_convert ; TextureMap() call texture_map ; EndIf is_empty_slot: ; Next sub eax,4 cmp eax,0 ;ebx jge for_i_0_to_10000 ;Wend ret ;End ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- get_sinus: imul eax,4 ; expects degree*10 add eax,sinus ret get_cosinus: imul eax,4 ; expects degree*10 add eax,sinus add eax,10804 cmp eax,eosinus jl ok3600sub sub eax,14400 ok3600sub: ret ;; ------------------ texture mapping functions----------------------------- ;Function GetPolygonPoints(ilocal%) ; initially read in a rectangle get_polygon_points: pusha ; For Count% = 0 To 3 ; Polypoints%(Count%, 0) = xw(ilocal%+Count%) ; Polypoints%(Count%, 1) = yw(ilocal%+Count%) ; Next mov eax,0 ; --- count_0_3: mov ebx,eax imul ebx,8 ; count add ebx,polypoints ; desti adr mov ecx,eax add ecx,[ilocal] imul ecx,4 add ecx,a_xw ; src adr mov edx,[ecx] mov [ebx],edx ; ---- add ebx,4 ; desti 2 mov ecx,eax add ecx,[ilocal] imul ecx,4 add ecx,a_yw ; src 2 mov edx,[ecx] mov [ebx],edx ; ---- inc eax cmp eax,4 jl count_0_3 ;End Function popa ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Function FindSmallLargeY() find_small_large_y: pusha ; For Count% = 0 To 3 mov eax,0 for03b: ; Ycoord% = Polypoints%(Count%, 1) mov ebx,eax imul ebx,8 add ebx,4 add ebx,polypoints mov ecx,[ebx] ; If Ycoord% < Miny% Then ; is this the New lowest y co-ord? ; Miny% = Ycoord% ; Yes... ; End If cmp ecx,[miny] jge isge0 mov [miny],ecx isge0: ; If Ycoord% > Maxy% Then ; is this the New highest y co-ord? ; Maxy% = Ycoord% ; Yes... ; End If cmp ecx,[maxy] jle isge1 mov [maxy],ecx isge1: ; Next inc eax cmp eax,4 jl for03b ;End Function popa ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Function ScanConvert (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Pside) scan_convert: pusha ; If Y2% < Y1% Then mov eax,[y1] mov ebx,[y2] cmp eax,ebx jl l_else0 ; temp%=X1% : X1%=X2% : X2%=temp% ; temp%=Y1% : Y1%=Y2% : Y2%=temp% ; Lineheight% = (Y2% - Y1%) ; ScanLeftSide(X1%, X2%, Y1%, Lineheight%, Pside) mov [y1],ebx ; swap y,x mov [y2],eax mov eax,[x1] mov ebx,[x2] mov [x1],ebx mov [x2],eax mov eax,[y1] mov ebx,[y2] ; eo swap sub ebx,eax mov [lineheight],ebx call scan_left_side jmp l_endif0 ; Else l_else0: ; Lineheight% = (Y2% - Y1%) ; ScanRightSide(X1%, X2%, Y1%, Lineheight%, Pside) sub ebx,eax mov [lineheight],ebx call scan_right_side ; End If l_endif0: ;End Function popa ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Function ScanLeftSide (X1%, X2%, Ytop%, Lineheight%, Pside) scan_left_side: pusha mov eax,[y1] mov [ytop],eax ; Lineheight% = Lineheight% + 1 ; prevent divide by zero inc dword[lineheight] ; Xadd = (X2% - X1%) Shl 16 mov edi,[x2] sub edi,[x1] sal edi,16 ; Xadd = Xadd / Lineheight% mov eax,edi ; whole cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ; or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [v_xadd],eax ; ------------ ; If Pside = 1 Then cmp [pside],dword 1 jne psidenot10 ; Px = Pwidth% - 1 ; Py = 0 mov edi,[pwidth] mov esi,edi sub esi,1 mov [px],esi mov [py],dword 0 ; Pxadd = -Pwidth% / Lineheight% ; Pyadd = 0 mov eax,0 sub eax,[pwidth] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [pxadd],eax mov [pyadd],dword 0 ; End If psidenot10: ; ------------ ; If Pside = 2 Then cmp [pside],dword 2 jne psidenot20 ; Px = Pwidth% ; Py = Pheight% mov edi,[pwidth] mov esi,[pheight] mov [px],edi mov [py],esi ; Pxadd = 0 ; Pyadd = -Pheight% / Lineheight% mov [pxadd],dword 0 mov eax,0 sub eax,[pheight] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [pyadd],eax ; End If psidenot20: ; ------------ ; If Pside = 3 Then cmp [pside],dword 3 jne psidenot30 ; Px = 0 ; Py = Pheight% mov [px],dword 0 mov edi,[pheight] mov [py],edi ; Pxadd = Pwidth% / Lineheight% ; Pyadd = 0 mov eax,[pwidth] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [pxadd],eax mov [pyadd],dword 0 ; End If psidenot30: ; ------------ ; If Pside = 4 Then cmp [pside],dword 4 jne psidenot40 ; jne ; Px = 0 ; Py = 0 mov [px],dword 0 mov [py],dword 0 ; Pxadd = 0 ; Pyadd = Pheight% / Lineheight% mov [pxadd],dword 0 mov eax,[pheight] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx mov [pyadd],eax ; End If psidenot40: ; ------------ ; x = X1% Shl 16 mov edx,[x1] ; used for x mov edi,[px] ; used for px mov esi,[py] ; used for py sal edx,16 ;mov [x],edx ;------ ; For y% = 0 To Lineheight% mov eax,0 for0lineheight0: ; Ytopy%=Ytop%+y% mov ebx,[ytop] mov [ytopy],ebx add [ytopy],eax ; If Ytopy%<0 Then Ytopy%=0 ; prevent read pre array cmp [ytopy], dword 0 jge isnot00 mov [ytopy],dword 0 isnot00: ; Lefttable(Ytopy%, 0) = x Sar 16 ;polygon x mov ecx,[ytopy] imul ecx,16 add ecx,lefttable mov [ecx],edx sar dword[ecx],16 ; Lefttable(Ytopy%, 1) = Px ;picture x add ecx,4 mov [ecx],edi ; Lefttable(Ytopy%, 2) = Py ;picture y add ecx,4 mov [ecx],esi ; x = x + Xadd ;Next polygon x ; Px = Px + Pxadd ;Next picture x ; Py = Py + Pyadd ;Next picture y add edx,[v_xadd] add edi,[pxadd] add esi,[pyadd] ;------ ; Next inc eax cmp eax,[lineheight] jl for0lineheight0 ;End Function popa ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Function ScanRightSide (X1%, X2%, Ytop%, Lineheight%, Pside) scan_right_side: pusha mov eax,[y1] mov [ytop],eax ; Lineheight% = Lineheight% + 1 ; prevent divide by zero inc dword[lineheight] ; Xadd = (X2% - X1%) Shl 16 mov edi,[x2] sub edi,[x1] sal edi,16 ; Xadd = Xadd / Lineheight% mov eax,edi ; whole cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [v_xadd],eax ; ------------ ; If Pside = 1 Then cmp [pside],dword 1 jne psidenot11 ; Px = 0 ; Py = 0 mov [px],dword 0 mov [py],dword 0 ; Pxadd = Pwidth% / Lineheight% ; Pyadd = 0 mov eax,[pwidth] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [pxadd],eax mov [pyadd],dword 0 ; End If psidenot11: ; ------------ ; If Pside = 2 Then cmp [pside],dword 2 jne psidenot21 ; Px = Pwidth% ; Py = 0 mov edi,[pwidth] mov [px],edi mov [py],dword 0 ; Pxadd = 0 ; Pyadd = Pheight% / Lineheight% mov [pxadd],dword 0 mov eax,[pheight] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [pyadd],eax ; End If psidenot21: ; ------------ ; If Pside = 3 Then cmp [pside],dword 3 jne psidenot31 ; Px = Pwidth% ; Py = Pheight% mov edi,[pwidth] mov [px],edi mov esi,[pheight] mov [py],esi ; Pxadd = -Pwidth% / Lineheight% ; Pyadd = 0 mov eax,0 sub eax,[pwidth] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,3 ; prevent div 0 idiv ebx ; result now in eax mov [pxadd],eax mov [pyadd],dword 0 ; End If psidenot31: ; ------------ ; If Pside = 4 Then cmp [pside],dword 4 jne psidenot41 ; jne ; Px = 0 ; Py = Pheight% mov [px],dword 0 mov esi,[pheight] mov [py],esi ; Pxadd = 0 ; Pyadd = -Pheight% / Lineheight% mov [pxadd],dword 0 mov eax,0 sub eax,[pheight] cdq mov ebx,[lineheight] ; divisor ;or ebx,1 idiv ebx mov [pyadd],eax ; End If psidenot41: push edx push edi push esi ; ------------ ; x = X1% Shl 16 mov edx,[x1] ; used for x mov edi,[px] ; used for px mov esi,[py] ; used for py sal edx,16 cmp [lineheight],dword 100 ; lineheight is up to 33 mio ??? jle okok mov eax,[lineheight] mov [wonder+4],eax okok: ;------ ; For y% = 0 To Lineheight% mov eax,0 for0lineheight1b: ; Ytopy%=Ytop%+y% mov ebx,[ytop] mov [ytopy],ebx add [ytopy],eax ; If Ytopy%<0 Then Ytopy%=0 ; prevent read pre array cmp [ytopy], dword 0 jg isnot01 mov [ytopy],dword 0 isnot01: ; righttable(Ytopy%, 0) = x Sar 16 ;polygon x mov ecx,[ytopy] imul ecx,16 add ecx,righttable mov [ecx],edx sar dword[ecx],16 ; righttable(Ytopy%, 1) = Px ;picture x add ecx,4 mov [ecx],edi ; righttable(Ytopy%, 2) = Py ;picture y add ecx,4 mov [ecx],esi ; x = x + Xadd ;Next polygon x ; Px = Px + Pxadd ;Next picture x ; Py = Py + Pyadd ;Next picture y add edx,[v_xadd] add edi,[pxadd] add esi,[pyadd] ;------ ; Next inc eax cmp eax,[lineheight] jl for0lineheight1b dbg2: pop esi pop edi pop edx ;End Function popa ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; well I'm shure the following Sub CAN and SHOULD be optimized a LOT. ;Function TextureMap() texture_map: pusha ; For y% = Miny% To Maxy% mov eax,[miny] for_miny_maxy: ; If y>0 And y<=239 cmp eax,0 jle clipy cmp eax,239 jg clipy mov [y],eax ; Polyx1% = Lefttable((y%), 0) mov ebx,eax sal ebx,4 add ebx,lefttable mov ecx,[ebx] mov [polyx1],ecx ; Px1 = Lefttable(y%, 1) add ebx,4 mov ecx,[ebx] mov [px1],ecx ; Py1 = Lefttable(y%, 2) add ebx,4 mov ecx,[ebx] mov [py1],ecx ; Polyx2% = Righttable((y%), 0) mov ebx,eax sal ebx,4 add ebx,righttable mov ecx,[ebx] mov [polyx2],ecx ; Px2 = Righttable(y%, 1) add ebx,4 mov ecx,[ebx] mov [px2],ecx ; Py2 = Righttable(y%, 2) add ebx,4 mov ecx,[ebx] mov [py2],ecx ; Linewidth% = Polyx2% - Polyx1% mov ecx,[polyx2] sub ecx,[polyx1] ; Linewidth%=Linewidth% Or 1 or ecx,1 mov [linewidth],ecx ; Pxadd = ((Px2 - Px1)) / Linewidth% mov eax,[px2] sub eax,[px1] cdq mov ebx,[linewidth] ; divisor or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; should be idiv ... probs mov [pxadd],eax ; Pyadd = ((Py2 - Py1)) / Linewidth% mov eax,[py2] sub eax,[py1] cdq mov ebx,[linewidth] ; divisor or ebx,1 idiv ebx ; should be idiv ...probs mov [pyadd],eax mov edi,[px1] mov esi,[py1] ; For x% = Polyx1% To Polyx2% mov eax,[polyx1] cmp eax,[polyx2] jge clipxfully for_polyx1_polyx2: ; If x>0 And x<=319 cmp eax,0 jl clipx cmp eax,319 jg clipx ; Col%=ReadPixelFast((Px1 Shr 16),(Py1 Shr 16),imgtxt) mov ebx,edi sar ebx,16 ; is eq (px1 shr 16)*64 and ebx,63 sal ebx,2 ; is x mov ecx,esi sar ecx,16 and ecx,63 sal ecx,8 ; y add ecx,ebx add ecx,tex1 ; adr of texturepixel now in ecx mov edx,[ecx]; rgb now in edx ; WritePixelFast x%,y%,Col% mov ebx,[y] mov [tempdiv],ebx shl dword [tempdiv],6 shl ebx,10 sub ebx,[tempdiv] ;this was imul ebx,960 ; *1024 - *64 add ebx,eax add ebx,eax add ebx,eax add ebx,0x80000 or [ebx],edx ; EndIf clipx: ; Px1 = Px1 + Pxadd ; Py1 = Py1 + Pyadd add edi,dword [pxadd] add esi,dword [pyadd] ; Next x inc eax cmp eax,[polyx2] jl for_polyx1_polyx2 clipxfully: mov eax,[y] ; EndIf clipy: ; Next y inc eax cmp eax,[maxy] jl for_miny_maxy ;End Function popa ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- put_screen: pusha mov eax,7 mov ebx,0x80000 mov ecx,IMAGE_W*65536+IMAGE_H mov edx,0 int 0x40 popa ret clear_screen: push ebx mov ebx,0x80000 cls: mov [ebx],dword 0 add ebx,4 cmp ebx,0x80000+(IMAGE_W*IMAGE_H*3) jl cls pop ebx ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA AREA ; cube.inc includes the mesh 3D Data, in this case a simple cube. Any Model ; is theoreticly possible. Check the File, the Format is trivial. ; The Quads should not intersect for a bearable z-sorting. The Quads must be ; clockwise. include "cube.inc" ;;------------------------------ grid: ; 32*32 Blocks, Map: 0 = Air, 1 to 5 = Wall ; this is a relict from an other program. I leave it here to keep ; the Navigation Subs compatible (planning to recycle them) db 2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 db 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,8 db 5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 5,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,2,1,3,3,3,0,5,0,2,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 5,0,0,0,1,0,0,4,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 1,1,0,1,1,1,1,4,1,0,1,3,0,0,0,0,5,2,1,2,0,3,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 5,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,3,3,3,5,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 5,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8 db 1,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,8 db 2,2,2,2,2,2,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,0,0,0,6,6,0,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8 db 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1585,1596,1607,1618,1629,1640,1651,1663,1674,1685 dd 1696,1707,1718,1729,1740,1751,1762,1773,1784,1795 dd 1806,1817,1828,1839,1850,1861,1872,1883,1894,1905 dd 1916,1926,1937,1948,1959,1970,1981,1992,2003,2014 dd 2025,2036,2046,2057,2068,2079,2090,2101,2111,2122 dd 2133,2144,2155,2166,2176,2187,2198,2209,2219,2230 dd 2241,2252,2262,2273,2284,2295,2305,2316,2327,2337 dd 2348,2359,2369,2380,2391,2401,2412,2423,2433,2444 dd 2454,2465,2476,2486,2497,2507,2518,2529,2539,2550 dd 2560,2571,2581,2592,2602,2613,2623,2634,2644,2655 dd 2665,2675,2686,2696,2707,2717,2728,2738,2748,2759 dd 2769,2779,2790,2800,2811,2821,2831,2841,2852,2862 dd 2872,2883,2893,2903,2913,2924,2934,2944,2954,2965 dd 2975,2985,2995,3005,3015,3026,3036,3046,3056,3066 dd 3076,3086,3096,3106,3117,3127,3137,3147,3157,3167 dd 3177,3187,3197,3207,3217,3227,3237,3246,3256,3266 dd 3276,3286,3296,3306,3316,3326,3336,3345,3355,3365 dd 3375,3385,3394,3404,3414,3424,3433,3443,3453,3463 dd 3472,3482,3492,3501,3511,3521,3530,3540,3550,3559 dd 3569,3578,3588,3598,3607,3617,3626,3636,3645,3655 dd 3664,3674,3683,3693,3702,3711,3721,3730,3740,3749 dd 3758,3768,3777,3786,3796,3805,3814,3824,3833,3842 dd 3852,3861,3870,3879,3888,3898,3907,3916,3925,3934 dd 3943,3953,3962,3971,3980,3989,3998,4007,4016,4025 dd 4034,4043,4052,4061,4070,4079,4088,4097,4106,4115 dd 4124,4133,4142,4150,4159,4168,4177,4186,4194,4203 dd 4212,4221,4230,4238,4247,4256,4264,4273,4282,4290 dd 4299,4308,4316,4325,4333,4342,4351,4359,4368,4376 dd 4385,4393,4402,4410,4419,4427,4435,4444,4452,4461 dd 4469,4477,4486,4494,4502,4511,4519,4527,4535,4544 dd 4552,4560,4568,4577,4585,4593,4601,4609,4617,4625 dd 4634,4642,4650,4658,4666,4674,4682,4690,4698,4706 dd 4714,4722,4730,4737,4745,4753,4761,4769,4777,4785 dd 4792,4800,4808,4816,4824,4831,4839,4847,4854,4862 dd 4870,4877,4885,4893,4900,4908,4915,4923,4930,4938 dd 4945,4953,4960,4968,4975,4983,4990,4998,5005,5012 dd 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-------------------------- imgtxt: dd 0 mousex: dd 0 mousey: dd 0 factor: dd 0 i: dd 0 miny: dd 0 maxy: dd 0 pwidth: dd 0 pheight: dd 0 ;anz: ; dd 0 a: dd 0 alpha: dd 0 beta: dd 0 gamma: dd 0 zoom: dd 0 zwmax: dd 0 i2: dd 0 x1: dd 0 y1: dd 0 x2: dd 0 y2: dd 0 count: dd 0 ilocal: dd 0 ycoord: dd 0 pside: dd 0 temp: dd 0 lineheight: dd 0 linewidth: dd 0 v_xadd: dd 0 pxadd: dd 0 pyadd: dd 0 ytop: dd 0 ytopy: dd 0 px: dd 0 py: dd 0 x: dd 0 y: dd 0 polyx1: dd 0 polyx2: dd 0 px1: dd 0 py1: dd 0 px2: dd 0 py2: dd 0 remeax: dd 0 remebx: dd 0 remecx: dd 0 remedx: dd 0 remedi: dd 0 remesi: dd 0 singamma: dd 0 sinbeta: dd 0 sinalpha: dd 0 alphacopy: dd 0 betacopy: dd 0 gammacopy: dd 0 ;;fixed size arrays -------------------- lefttable: times 1920*2 dd 0 ; 1440 righttable: times 1920*2 dd 0 polypoints: times 12 dd 0 ; 8 zbuffer: times 10010 dd 0 ; 10000 ; floating vars ------------------------ twohundred: dd 200 mausy: dd 0 xl1: dd 0 yl1: dd 0 zl1: dd 0 xl2: dd 0 yl2: dd 0 zl2: dd 0 xl3: dd 0 yl3: dd 0 zl3: dd 0 xloc: dd 0 yloc: dd 0 tempdiv: dd 0 tex1: ; the texture ( dd 0xRRGGBB,0xRRGGBB... 64*64*32 Bit) include "wall3.inc" labelt: db 'MOS3DE',0 labellen: I_END: