//Copyright 2007-2020 by Veliant & Leency //Asper, lev, Lrz, Barsuk, Nable, hidnplayr... #ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif //libraries #define MEMSIZE 1024 * 1000 #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\draw_buf.h" #include "..\lib\list_box.h" #include "..\lib\cursor.h" #include "..\lib\collection.h" #include "..\lib\random.h" #include "..\lib\clipboard.h" // *.obj libraries #include "..\lib\obj\box_lib.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libimg.h" #include "..\lib\obj\http.h" #include "..\lib\obj\iconv.h" #include "..\lib\obj\proc_lib.h" //useful patterns #include "..\lib\patterns\history.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\http_downloader.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\simple_open_dialog.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\toolbar_button.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\restart_process.h" char editbox_icons[] = FROM "res/editbox_icons.raw"; char version[]="WebView 2.7"; #include "texts.h" #include "cache.h" #include "show_src.h" bool debug_mode = false; enum { NEW_TAB=600, ENCODINGS=700, BACK_BUTTON=800, FORWARD_BUTTON, REFRESH_BUTTON, GOTOURL_BUTTON, CHANGE_ENCODING, SANDWICH_BUTTON, VIEW_SOURCE, EDIT_SOURCE, OPEN_FILE, NEW_WINDOW, VIEW_HISTORY, DOWNLOAD_MANAGER, CLEAR_CACHE, UPDATE_BROWSER, IN_NEW_TAB, IN_NEW_WINDOW, COPY_LINK_URL, DOWNLOAD_LINK_CONTENTS, TAB_ID, TAB_CLOSE_ID = 900 }; _history history; enum { TARGET_SAME_TAB, TARGET_NEW_WINDOW, TARGET_NEW_TAB }; #include "..\TWB\TWB.c" //HTML Parser, a core component TWebBrowser WB1; #include "history.h" #define PADDING 9 #define TSZE 25 #define STATUSBAR_H 15 #define TAB_H 20 dword TOOLBAR_H = PADDING+TSZE+PADDING+2; _http http = 0; bool source_mode = false; progress_bar wv_progress_bar; char stak[4096]; proc_info Form; int menu_id=NULL; #include "tabs.h" char default_dir[] = "/rd/1"; od_filter filter2 = { 22, "TXT\0HTM\0HTML\0DOCX\0\0" }; char editURL[URL_SIZE+1]; edit_box address_box = {, PADDING+TSZE*2+PADDING+6, PADDING+3, 0xffffff, 0x94AECE, 0xffffff, 0xffffff,0x10000000,URL_SIZE-2,#editURL,0,,19,19}; dword shared_url; dword http_get_type; void LoadLibraries() { load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init,1); load_dll(iconv_lib, #iconv_open,0); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); } void HandleParam() { if (!param) { history.add(URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE); } else { if (!strncmp(#param, "-source ", 8)) { source_mode = true; history.add(#param + 8); } else if (!strncmp(#param, "-new ", 5)) { history.add(#param + 5); } else { if (GetProcessesCount("WEBVIEW") == 1) { history.add(#param); } else { shared_url = memopen(#webview_shared, URL_SIZE+1, SHM_OPEN + SHM_WRITE); strncpy(shared_url, #param, URL_SIZE); ExitProcess(); } } } shared_url = memopen(#webview_shared, URL_SIZE+1, SHM_CREATE + SHM_WRITE); ESDWORD[shared_url] = '\0'; } void main() { int i, redirect_count=0; LoadLibraries(); //CreateDir("/tmp0/1/WebView_Cache"); HandleParam(); WB1.list.SetFont(8, 14, 10011000b); WB1.list.no_selection = true; WB1.custom_encoding = -1; SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER + EVM_STACK); loop() switch(@WaitEventTimeout(30)) { case evMouse: edit_box_mouse stdcall (#address_box); mouse.get(); if (WB1.list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) WB1.DrawPage(); scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll_wv); if (scroll_wv.delta) { WB1.list.first = scroll_wv.position; WB1.DrawPage(); break; } if (links.hover(WB1.list.y, WB1.list.first)) { if (mouse.mkm) { if (key_modifier&KEY_LSHIFT) || (key_modifier&KEY_RSHIFT) { EventClickLink(TARGET_NEW_WINDOW); } else { EventClickLink(TARGET_NEW_TAB); } } if (mouse.lkm) { CursorPointer.Restore(); EventClickLink(TARGET_SAME_TAB); } if (mouse.pkm) { CursorPointer.Restore(); EventShowLinkMenu(); } } else { CursorPointer.Restore(); if (mouse.pkm) && (WB1.list.MouseOver(mouse.x, mouse.y)) { EventShowPageMenu(); } } break; case evButton: ProcessEvent( @GetButtonID() ); break; case evKey: GetKeys(); if (key_modifier&KEY_LSHIFT) || (key_modifier&KEY_RSHIFT) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_TAB) {EventActivatePreviousTab();break;} } if (ProcessCtrlKeyEvent()) break; if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_F5) ProcessEvent(REFRESH_BUTTON); if (address_box.flags & ed_focus) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) { ProcessEvent(key_scancode); } else { EAX = key_editbox; edit_box_key stdcall(#address_box); } } else { #define KEY_SCROLL_N 11 if (SCAN_CODE_UP == key_scancode) for (i=0;i2) break; if (Form.height<120) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,120); break; } if (Form.width<280) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,280,OLD); break; } draw_window(); break; case evNetwork: if (http.transfer <= 0) break; http.receive(); EventUpdateProgressBar(); if (http.check_content_type()) && (!strncmp(#http.content_type,"application",11)) { EventOpenDownloader(history.current()); StopLoading(); history.back(); EventRefreshPage(); } if (http.receive_result != 0) break; if (http.status_code >= 300) && (http.status_code < 400) { // Handle redirects if (redirect_count<=5) { redirect_count++; http.handle_redirect(); history.back(); if (http_get_type==PAGE) OpenPage(#http.redirect_url); else if (http_get_type==IMG) http.get(#http.redirect_url); } else { notify("'Too many redirects.' -E"); StopLoading(); redirect_count = 0; } } else { // Loading the page is complete, free resources redirect_count = 0; http.hfree(); if (http_get_type==PAGE) { cache.add(history.current(), http.content_pointer, http.content_received, PAGE); LoadInternalPage(http.content_pointer, http.content_received); } else if (http_get_type==IMG) { cache.add(WB1.page_img.current_url(), http.content_pointer, http.content_received, IMG); WB1.page_img.set_data(cache.data.get_last(), http.content_received); GetImg(); } } break; default: if (ESDWORD[shared_url] != '\0') { EventOpenNewTab(shared_url); ESDWORD[shared_url] = '\0'; ActivateWindow(GetProcessSlot(Form.ID)); } } } bool ProcessCtrlKeyEvent() { if (key_modifier&KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier&KEY_RCTRL) switch(key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_KEY_O: EventOpenDialog(); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_H: ProcessEvent(VIEW_HISTORY); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_U: EventViewSource(); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_T: EventOpenNewTab(URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_N: RunProgram(#program_path, NULL); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_J: ProcessEvent(DOWNLOAD_MANAGER); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_R: ProcessEvent(REFRESH_BUTTON); return true; case SCAN_CODE_ENTER: EventSeachWeb(); return true; case SCAN_CODE_LEFT: ProcessEvent(BACK_BUTTON); return true; case SCAN_CODE_RIGHT: ProcessEvent(FORWARD_BUTTON); return true; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_W: EventCloseActiveTab(); return true; case SCAN_CODE_TAB: EventActivateNextTab(); return true; default: return false; } } void SetElementSizes() { address_box.width = Form.cwidth - address_box.left - 52 - 16; WB1.list.SetSizes(0, TOOLBAR_H+TAB_H, Form.width - 10 - scroll_wv.size_x, Form.cheight - TOOLBAR_H - STATUSBAR_H - TAB_H, BASIC_LINE_H); WB1.list.wheel_size = 7 * BASIC_LINE_H; WB1.list.column_max = WB1.list.w - scroll_wv.size_x / WB1.list.font_w + 1; WB1.list.visible = WB1.list.h; } void draw_window() { int i; bool burger_active = false; if (menu_id == OPEN_FILE) burger_active = true; SetElementSizes(); DrawBar(0,0, Form.cwidth,PADDING, sc.work); DrawBar(0,PADDING+TSZE+1, Form.cwidth,PADDING-1, sc.work); DrawBar(0,TOOLBAR_H-2, Form.cwidth,1, MixColors(sc.work_dark, sc.work, 180)); DrawBar(0,TOOLBAR_H-1, Form.cwidth,1, sc.work_graph); DrawBar(0, PADDING, address_box.left-2, TSZE+1, sc.work); DrawBar(address_box.left+address_box.width+18, PADDING, Form.cwidth-address_box.left-address_box.width-18, TSZE+1, sc.work); DrawTopPanelButton(BACK_BUTTON, PADDING-1, PADDING, 30, false); DrawTopPanelButton(FORWARD_BUTTON, PADDING+TSZE+PADDING-2, PADDING, 31, false); DrawTopPanelButton(SANDWICH_BUTTON, Form.cwidth-PADDING-TSZE-3, PADDING, -1, burger_active); //burger menu DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H, Form.cwidth,1, sc.work_graph); DrawRectangle(WB1.list.x + WB1.list.w, WB1.list.y, scroll_wv.size_x, WB1.list.h-1, scroll_wv.bckg_col); if (!BrowserWidthChanged()) { WB1.DrawPage(); DrawOmnibox(); } DrawProgress(); DrawStatusBar(); DrawTabsBar(); } bool BrowserWidthChanged() { dword source_mode_holder; if (WB1.list.w!=DrawBuf.bufw) { DrawBuf.Init(WB1.list.x, WB1.list.y, WB1.list.w, 400*20); if (!strncmp(history.current(),"http",4)) { //nihuya ne izyashnoe reshenie, no pust' poka butet tak source_mode_holder = source_mode; LoadInternalPage(#loading_text, sizeof(loading_text)); source_mode = source_mode_holder; } OpenPage(history.current()); return true; } return false; } void EventChangeEncodingAndLoadPage(int _new_encoding) { dword newbuf, newsize; WB1.custom_encoding = _new_encoding; newsize = strlen(WB1.o_bufpointer); newbuf = malloc(newsize); memmov(newbuf, WB1.o_bufpointer, newsize); LoadInternalPage(newbuf, newsize); free(newbuf); } void ProcessEvent(dword id__) { switch (id__) { case 1: ExitProcess(); break; case ENCODINGS...ENCODINGS+6: EventChangeEncodingAndLoadPage(id__-ENCODINGS); return; case NEW_WINDOW: RunProgram(#program_path, NULL); return; case SCAN_CODE_BS: case BACK_BUTTON: if (history.back()) { OpenPage(history.current()); } return; case FORWARD_BUTTON: if (history.forward()) { OpenPage(history.current()); } return; case GOTOURL_BUTTON: case SCAN_CODE_ENTER: EventSubmitOmnibox(); return; case REFRESH_BUTTON: EventRefreshPage(); return; case CHANGE_ENCODING: EventShowEncodingsList(); return; case SANDWICH_BUTTON: EventShowMainMenu(); return; case VIEW_SOURCE: EventViewSource(); break; case EDIT_SOURCE: if (check_is_the_adress_local(history.current())) { RunProgram("/rd/1/tinypad", history.current()); } else { CreateFile(WB1.bufsize, WB1.bufpointer, "/tmp0/1/WebView_tmp.htm"); if (!EAX) RunProgram("/rd/1/tinypad", "/tmp0/1/WebView_tmp.htm"); } return; case VIEW_HISTORY: OpenPage(URL_SERVICE_HISTORY); return; case DOWNLOAD_MANAGER: EventOpenDownloader(""); return; case UPDATE_BROWSER: EventUpdateBrowser(); return; case CLEAR_CACHE: cache.clear(); notify(#clear_cache_ok); EventRefreshPage(); return; case IN_NEW_TAB: EventClickLink(TARGET_NEW_TAB); return; case IN_NEW_WINDOW: EventClickLink(TARGET_NEW_WINDOW); return; case COPY_LINK_URL: Clipboard__CopyText(GetAbsoluteActiveURL()); notify("'URL copied to clipboard'O"); return; case DOWNLOAD_LINK_CONTENTS: EventOpenDownloader( GetAbsoluteActiveURL() ); return; case OPEN_FILE: EventOpenDialog(); return; case SCAN_CODE_F12: debug_mode ^= 1; if (debug_mode) notify("'Debug mode ON'-I"); else notify("'Debug mode OFF'-I"); return; case NEW_TAB: if (http.transfer) break; EventOpenNewTab(URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE); return; case TAB_ID...TAB_ID+TABS_MAX: if (http.transfer) break; if (mouse.mkm) { EventTabClose(id__ - TAB_ID); } else { EventTabClick(id__ - TAB_ID); } return; case TAB_CLOSE_ID...TAB_CLOSE_ID+TABS_MAX: EventTabClose(id__ - TAB_CLOSE_ID); return; } } void StopLoading() { if (http.transfer) { EAX = http.transfer; EAX = EAX.http_msg.content_ptr; // get pointer to data $push EAX // save it on the stack http_free stdcall (http.transfer); // abort connection $pop EAX free(EAX); // free data http.transfer=0; pause(10); } wv_progress_bar.value = 0; DrawOmnibox(); } //rewrite into //bool strrpl(dword dst, from, into, dst_len); bool ReplaceSpaceInUrl(dword url, size) { unsigned int i, j; bool was_changed=false; for (i=url+size-3; i>url; i--) { if (ESBYTE[i]!=' ') continue; for (j=url+size-3; j>=i; j--) { ESBYTE[j+3]=ESBYTE[j+2]; ESBYTE[j+2]=ESBYTE[j+1]; ESBYTE[j+1]=ESBYTE[j]; } ESBYTE[i] = '%'; ESBYTE[i+1] = '2'; ESBYTE[i+2] = '0'; was_changed = true; } return was_changed; } bool HandleUrlFiles(dword _path, _data) { dword url_from_file; if (!UrlExtIs(_path, "url")) return false; if (! url_from_file = strstri(_data, "URL=")) return false; replace_char(url_from_file, '\n', '\0', strlen(url_from_file)); OpenPage(url_from_file); return true; } bool GetLocalFileData(dword _path) { dword data, size; file_size stdcall (_path); if (!EBX) return false; size = EBX; data = malloc(size); ReadFile(0, size, data, _path); if (!HandleUrlFiles(_path, data)) { LoadInternalPage(data, size); } free(data); return true; } void OpenPage(dword _open_URL) { char new_url[URL_SIZE+1]; char new_url_full[URL_SIZE+1]; int unz_id; StopLoading(); SetOmniboxText(_open_URL); strncpy(#new_url, _open_URL, URL_SIZE); //Exclude # from the URL to the load page //We will bring it back when we get the buffer if (strrchr(#new_url, '#')) { anchors.take_anchor_from(#new_url); } history.add(#new_url); /* There could be several possible types of addresses: - cached page (only http/https) - internal page - web page - local file So we need to detect what incoming address is and then halndle it in the propper way. */ if (cache.has(#new_url)) { //CACHED PAGE LoadInternalPage(cache.current_buf, cache.current_size); } else if (!strncmp(#new_url,"WebView:",8)) { //INTERNAL PAGE if (streq(#new_url, URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE)) LoadInternalPage(#buildin_page_home, sizeof(buildin_page_home)); else if (streq(#new_url, URL_SERVICE_HELP)) LoadInternalPage(#buildin_page_help, sizeof(buildin_page_help)); else if (streq(#new_url, URL_SERVICE_HISTORY)) ShowHistory(); else LoadInternalPage(#buildin_page_error, sizeof(buildin_page_error)); } else if (!strncmp(#new_url,"http:",5)) || (!strncmp(#new_url,"https:",6)) { //WEB PAGE if (ReplaceSpaceInUrl(#new_url, URL_SIZE)) { strcpy(#editURL, #new_url); } http_get_type = PAGE; if (!strncmp(#new_url,"http:",5)) { http.get(#new_url); } else if (!strncmp(#new_url,"https://",8)) { strcpy(#new_url_full, "http://gate.aspero.pro/?site="); strncat(#new_url_full, #new_url, URL_SIZE); http.get(#new_url_full); } DrawOmnibox(); if (!http.transfer) { StopLoading(); LoadInternalPage(#buildin_page_error, sizeof(buildin_page_error)); } } else { //LOCAL PAGE if (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".docx")) { DeleteFile("/tmp0/1/temp/word/document.xml"); CreateDir("/tmp0/1/temp"); unz_id = RunProgram("/sys/unz", sprintf(#param, "-o \"/tmp0/1/temp\" -h \"%s\"", #new_url)); while (GetProcessSlot(unz_id)) pause(2); strcpy(#new_url, "/tmp0/1/temp/word/document.xml"); } if (!GetLocalFileData(#new_url)) { LoadInternalPage(#buildin_page_error, sizeof(buildin_page_error)); } } } dword EventOpenDownloader(dword _url) { //char download_params[URL_SIZE+50]; return RunProgram("/sys/network/dl", _url); } bool EventClickAnchor() { dword aURL = links.active_url; if (anchors.get_pos_by_name(aURL+1)!=-1) { WB1.list.first = anchors.get_pos_by_name(aURL+1); //WB1.list.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); strcpy(#editURL, history.current()); strcat(#editURL, aURL); DrawOmnibox(); WB1.DrawPage(); return true; } return false; } void EventClickLink(dword _target) { char new_url[URL_SIZE+1]; char new_url_full[URL_SIZE+1]; dword aURL = GetAbsoluteActiveURL(); if (!aURL) return; strcpy(#new_url, aURL); if (ESBYTE[aURL]=='#') { if (_target == TARGET_SAME_TAB) { EventClickAnchor(); return; } else { strcpy(#new_url, history.current()); strcat(#new_url, aURL); } } if (_target == TARGET_NEW_TAB) { EventOpenNewTab(#new_url); return; } if (_target == TARGET_NEW_WINDOW) { strcpy(#new_url_full, "-new "); strncat(#new_url_full, #new_url, URL_SIZE); RunProgram(#program_path, #new_url_full); return; } if (!strncmp(#new_url,"mailto:", 7)) || (!strncmp(#new_url,"tel:", 4)) { notify(#new_url); return; } if (http.transfer) { StopLoading(); history.back(); } if (strrchr(#new_url, '#')!=0) { anchors.take_anchor_from(#new_url); OpenPage(#new_url); return; } if (!strncmp(#new_url,"WebView:",8)) { OpenPage(#new_url); return; } if (strncmp(#new_url,"http://",7)!=0) && (strncmp(#new_url,"https://",8)!=0) { if (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".htm")!=true) && (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".html")!=true) { if (strchr(#new_url, '|')) { ESBYTE[strchr(#new_url, '|')] = NULL; RunProgram(#new_url, strlen(#new_url)+1+#new_url); } else { RunProgram("/sys/@open", #new_url); } return; } } else { if (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".png")==true) || (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".jpg")==true) || (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".zip")==true) || (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".kex")==true) || (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".pdf")==true) || (UrlExtIs(#new_url,".7z")==true) { EventOpenDownloader(#new_url); return; } } OpenPage(#new_url); } void EventSubmitOmnibox() { char new_url[URL_SIZE+1]; if (!editURL[0]) return; if (!strncmp(#editURL,"http:",5)) || (editURL[0]=='/') || (!strncmp(#editURL,"https:",6)) || (!strncmp(#editURL,"WebView:",8)) { OpenPage(#editURL); } else { strcpy(#new_url, "http://"); strncat(#new_url, #editURL, URL_SIZE-1); OpenPage(#new_url); } } void LoadInternalPage(dword _bufdata, _in_bufsize){ if (!_bufdata) || (!_in_bufsize) { LoadInternalPage(#buildin_page_error, sizeof(buildin_page_error)); } else { WB1.list.first = 0; //scroll page to the top DrawOmnibox(); if(!strrchr(#editURL, '#')) { strcat(#editURL, #anchors.current); DrawOmnibox(); } WB1.ParseHtml(_bufdata, _in_bufsize); DrawStatusBar(); DrawActiveTab(); if (source_mode) { source_mode = false; WB1.custom_encoding = CH_CP866; ShowSource(WB1.bufpointer, _in_bufsize); } else { WB1.DrawPage(); } //GetImg(); } } bool UrlExtIs(dword base, ext) { if (!strcmpi(base + strlen(base) - strlen(ext), ext)) return true; return false; } void DrawProgress() { dword persent; if (http.transfer == 0) return; if (wv_progress_bar.max) { persent = wv_progress_bar.value*100/wv_progress_bar.max; } else { persent = 10; } DrawBar(address_box.left-1, address_box.top+20, persent*address_box.width+16/100, 2, 0x72B7EB); } void EventShowPageMenu() { open_lmenu(mouse.x, mouse.y, MENU_TOP_LEFT, NULL, #rmb_menu); menu_id = VIEW_SOURCE; } void EventShowLinkMenu() { open_lmenu(mouse.x, mouse.y, MENU_TOP_LEFT, NULL, #link_menu); menu_id = IN_NEW_TAB; } void EventShowMainMenu() { open_lmenu(Form.cwidth - PADDING -4, PADDING + TSZE + 3, MENU_TOP_RIGHT, NULL, #main_menu); menu_id = OPEN_FILE; } void EventShowEncodingsList() { open_lmenu(Form.cwidth-4, Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 12, MENU_BOT_RIGHT, WB1.cur_encoding + 1, "UTF-8\nKOI8-RU\nCP1251\nCP1252\nISO8859-5\nCP866"); menu_id = ENCODINGS; } void ProcessMenuClick() { int click_id; if (menu_id) { if (click_id = get_menu_click()) { click_id += menu_id - 1; ProcessEvent(click_id); } if (!menu_process_id) menu_id = NULL; } } void EventUpdateProgressBar() { wv_progress_bar.max = http.content_length; if (wv_progress_bar.value != http.content_received) { wv_progress_bar.value = http.content_received; DrawProgress(); } } void EventSeachWeb() { char new_url[URL_SIZE+1]; replace_char(#editURL, ' ', '_', URL_SIZE); strcpy(#new_url, "https://www.google.com/search?q="); strncat(#new_url, #editURL, URL_SIZE); OpenPage(#new_url); } void EventOpenDialog() { OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) { OpenPage(#openfile_path); } } void EventViewSource() { char source_view_param[URL_SIZE+1]; //strcpy(#source_view_param, "-source "); //strncat(#source_view_param, history.current(), URL_SIZE); //RunProgram(#program_path, #source_view_param); source_mode = true; EventOpenNewTab(history.current()); } void EventRefreshPage() { if (http.transfer) { StopLoading(); draw_window(); } else { OpenPage(history.current()); } } dword GetFileSize(dword _path) { BDVK bdvk; if (GetFileInfo(_path, #bdvk)!=0) { return 0; } else { return bdvk.sizelo; } } void EventUpdateBrowser() { dword downloader_id, slot_n; dword current_size; dword new_size; int error; draw_window(); downloader_id = EventOpenDownloader(#update_param); do { slot_n = GetProcessSlot(downloader_id); pause(10); } while (slot_n!=0); current_size = GetFileSize(#program_path); new_size = GetFileSize("/tmp0/1/Downloads/WebView.com"); if (!new_size) || (new_size<5000) { notify(#update_download_error); return; } if (current_size == new_size) { notify(#update_is_current); return; } if (error = CopyFileAtOnce(new_size, "/tmp0/1/Downloads/WebView.com", #program_path)) { notify(#update_can_not_copy); } else { notify(#update_ok); RunProgram(#program_path, history.current()); ExitProcess(); } } void DrawStatusBar() { dword status_y = Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 4; dword status_w = Form.cwidth - 90; DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H+1, Form.cwidth,STATUSBAR_H-1, sc.work); if (links.active_url) { ESI = math.min(status_w/6, strlen(links.active_url)); WriteText(10, status_y, 0, sc.work_text, links.active_url); } if (http.transfer>0) && (http_get_type==IMG) { // } DefineHiddenButton(status_w+20, status_y-3, 60, 12, CHANGE_ENCODING); WriteTextCenter(status_w+20, status_y, 60, sc.work_text, WB1.cur_encoding*10+#charsets); } void DrawOmnibox() { int imgxoff; DrawOvalBorder(address_box.left-2, address_box.top-3, address_box.width+18, 24, sc.work_graph, sc.work_graph, sc.work_graph, sc.work_dark); DrawBar(address_box.left-1, address_box.top-2, address_box.width+18, 1, 0xD8DCD8); DrawBar(address_box.left-1, address_box.top-1, address_box.width+18, 1, address_box.color); DrawBar(address_box.left-1, address_box.top, 1, 22, address_box.color); if (address_box.flags & ed_focus) address_box.flags = ed_focus; else address_box.flags = 0; EditBox_UpdateText(#address_box, address_box.flags); edit_box_draw stdcall(#address_box); if (http.transfer) imgxoff = 16*23*3; else imgxoff = 0; _PutImage(address_box.left+address_box.width+1, address_box.top-1, 16, 23, imgxoff + #editbox_icons); DefineHiddenButton(address_box.left+address_box.width-1, address_box.top-2, 17, 23, REFRESH_BUTTON); DrawProgress(); } void SetOmniboxText(dword _text) { strcpy(#editURL, _text); address_box.flags=0; DrawOmnibox(); } dword GetAbsoluteActiveURL() { char abs_url[URL_SIZE]; if (links.active_url) { strncpy(#abs_url, links.active_url, URL_SIZE); get_absolute_url(#abs_url, history.current()); return #abs_url; } return 0; } dword GetImg() { while (WB1.page_img.next_url()) { if (cache.has(WB1.page_img.current_url())) continue; http_get_type = IMG; http.get(WB1.page_img.current_url()); return; } DrawOmnibox(); WB1.DrawPage(); } stop: