#include "rsplatform.h" #include "../rsgame.h" rs_app_t rs_app; // set this macro to zero (0) if bug is fixed #define FIX_MENUETOS_LEGACY_ONE_PIXEL_BORDER_GAP_BUG (-1) // Fixed frame rate, set to 25 #define GAME_REQUIRED_FPS 25 //extern char PATH[256]; //extern char PARAM[256]; int window_width, window_height; int fps = 0; int dt = 1; int draw_dt = 1; int area_width = 160; int area_height = 160; int low_performance_counter = 0; int logic_halted = 0; int w_plus = 0; #define BIT_SET(var,mask) { var |= (mask); } #define BIT_CLEAR(var,mask) { var &= ~(mask); } #define BIT_TOGGLE(var,mask) { var ^= (mask); } #define IS_BIT_SET(var,mask) ( (var) & (mask) ) #define IS_BIT_CLEARED(var,mask) (!( (var) & (mask) )) void BoardPuts(const char *s) { unsigned int i = 0; while(*(s + i)) { asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(63), "b"(1), "c"(*(s + i))); i++; } } void board_write_integer(const char *s, int i) { char tmp[16]; }; void kol_wnd_resize(unsigned w, unsigned h) { asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(67), "b"(-1), "c"(-1), "d"(w), "S"(h)); } void wnd_draw() { char tmp[] = "Fps:000 | Heliothryx Beta by Roman Shuvalov"; kol_paint_start(); tmp[4] = '0' + ( (fps/100) % 10 ); tmp[5] = '0' + ( (fps/10) % 10 ); tmp[6] = '0' + ( (fps) % 10 ); if (!logic_halted) { kol_wnd_define(100, 100, window_width, window_height, 0x74ddddff, 0x34ddddff, "Heliothryx"); kol_wnd_caption(tmp); GameProcess(); } else { kol_wnd_define(100, 100, window_width, window_height, 0x34ddddff, 0x34ddddff, "Heliothryx"); //kol_paint_bar(0, 0, window_width, window_height, 0xffffffff); kol_paint_string(20, 20, "Performance is too low. Halted. ", 0x902222ff); }; kol_paint_end(); } /// =========================================================== void kol_main() { BoardPuts("Hello, Heliothryx!\n"); int err; int version =-1; if((err = InitSound(&version)) !=0 ){ BoardPuts("Sound Error 1\n"); }; if( (SOUND_VERSION>(version&0xFFFF)) || (SOUND_VERSION<(version >> 16))){ BoardPuts("Sound Error 2\n"); } unsigned event; unsigned key; unsigned key_up; unsigned btn; unsigned pos, x, y; int gx, gy; //srand(kol_system_time_get()); // kol_event_mask( 0xC0000027 ); // enable using of mouse kol_event_mask(7); // keyboard only kol_key_mode_set(1); area_width = 640; area_height = 360; // Initializing variables window_width = FIX_MENUETOS_LEGACY_ONE_PIXEL_BORDER_GAP_BUG + area_width + 10; // 2 x 5px border window_height = FIX_MENUETOS_LEGACY_ONE_PIXEL_BORDER_GAP_BUG + kol_skin_height() + area_height + 5; // bottom 5px border GameInit(); wnd_draw(); fps = 0; unsigned int tick_start = kol_time_tick(); unsigned int tick_current = tick_start; unsigned int tick_last = tick_start; unsigned int fps_counter = 0; int wait_time; int already_drawn = 0; float xf; float xfs; int xfs_i; while (1) { tick_last = tick_current; tick_current = kol_time_tick(); dt = tick_current - tick_last; tick_last = tick_current; already_drawn = 0; while (( event = kol_event_wait_time(1) )) { switch (event) { case 1: wnd_draw(); // <--- need to clear event! already_drawn = 1; break; case 2: key = kol_key_get(); key = (key & 0xff00)>>8; key_up = key & 0x80; key = key & 0x7F; if (!logic_halted) { if (key_up) { GameKeyUp(key); } else { GameKeyDown(key); }; }; break; case 3: switch ((kol_btn_get() & 0xff00)>>8) { case 1: // close button kol_exit(); case 2: // 'new' button //init_board(); //wnd_draw(); break; } break; case 6: btn = kol_mouse_btn(); // read mouse button pos = kol_mouse_posw(); // read mouse position x = pos / 65536; y = pos % 65536; if (x > window_width) x=0; if (y > window_height) y=0; break; } }; if (!already_drawn) { wnd_draw(); }; fps_counter++; tick_current = kol_time_tick(); if (tick_current > tick_start+100) { fps = fps_counter; fps_counter = 0; tick_start += 100; }; draw_dt = tick_current - tick_last; wait_time = (100/GAME_REQUIRED_FPS) - draw_dt; if (wait_time <= 0) { wait_time = 1; }; kol_sleep(wait_time); if (draw_dt > 19) { low_performance_counter++; } else { low_performance_counter--; if (low_performance_counter < 0) { low_performance_counter = 0; }; }; if (low_performance_counter > 6) { logic_halted = 1; window_width = 280; window_height = 80; kol_wnd_caption("Heliothryx"); kol_wnd_resize(window_width, window_height); }; } GameTerm(); kol_exit(); }