;;================================================================================================;; ;;//// pcx.asm //// (c) dunkaist, 2010 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;; ;; ;; This file is part of Common development libraries (Libs-Dev). ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 ;; ;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ;; ;; even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Libs-Dev. ;; ;; If not, see . ;; ;; ;; ;;================================================================================================;; include 'pcx.inc' include '../../../../system/board/trunk/debug.inc' ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.is.pcx _data, _length ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Determine if raw data could be decoded (is in Targa format) ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _data = raw data as read from file/stream ;; ;> _length = data length ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = false / true ;; ;;================================================================================================;; push ecx edi xor eax, eax mov edi, [_data] cmp [edi+pcx_header.magic_number], 10 jne .is_not_pcx cmp [edi+pcx_header.version], 5 jne .is_not_pcx cmp [edi+pcx_header.encoding], 1 jne .is_not_pcx cmp [edi+pcx_header.reserved], 0 jne .is_not_pcx add edi, pcx_header.filler xor al, al mov ecx, 58 cld repe scasb test ecx, ecx jnz .is_not_pcx .is_pcx: inc eax .is_not_pcx: pop edi ecx ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.decode.pcx _data, _length, _options ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Decode data into image if it contains correctly formed raw data in Targa format ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _data = raw data as read from file/stream ;; ;> _length = data length ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 (error) or pointer to image ;; ;;================================================================================================;; locals ; IMGwidth dd ? ; IMGheight dd ? ; IMGbpp dd ? buf rb 1 nplanes rd 1 xsize rw 1 ysize rw 1 stxsize rw 1 stysize rw 1 total_bpl rd 1 total_bpl_tmp rd 1 line_begin rd 1 retvalue rd 1 endl pusha mov esi, [_data] cmp [esi+pcx_header.bpp], 1 jz monochrome cmp byte[esi+pcx_header.nplanes], 3 jnz indexed _24bit: xor eax, eax mov al, byte[esi+pcx_header.nplanes] mov [nplanes], eax mul word[esi+pcx_header.bpl] mov [total_bpl], eax movzx eax, word[esi+pcx_header.xmax] inc ax sub ax, word[esi+pcx_header.xmin] mov [xsize], ax movzx ebx, word[esi+pcx_header.ymax] inc bx sub bx, word[esi+pcx_header.ymin] mov [ysize], bx stdcall img.create, eax, ebx, Image.bpp24 mov [retvalue], eax test eax, eax jz .quit movzx ebx, [xsize] movzx ecx, [ysize] mov edx, [eax+Image.Data] rol ebx, 16 or ebx, ecx xor ebx, [edx] mov [eax+Image.Checksum], ebx mov esi, [_data] add esi, 128 mov edi, [retvalue] mov edi, [edi+Image.Data] add edi, 2 mov [line_begin], edi mov ebx, [total_bpl] .begin: mov eax, [_data] mov ax, word[eax+pcx_header.bpl] .decode: mov dl, byte[esi] inc esi mov [buf], dl and dl, 0xC0 cmp dl, 0xC0 jne @f mov dl, byte[buf] and dl, 0x3F mov dh, [esi] inc esi .write_sequence: mov [edi], dh dec ax dec ebx add edi, [nplanes] dec dl test dl, dl jnz .write_sequence test ax, ax jz .end_color_line jmp .decode @@: mov dl, byte[buf] mov [edi], dl add edi, [nplanes] dec ebx dec ax jz .end_color_line jmp .decode .end_color_line: test ebx, ebx jz .end_full_line dec [line_begin] mov edi, [line_begin] jmp .begin .end_full_line: dec word[ysize] jz .quit mov ebx, [total_bpl] add edi, 2 mov [line_begin], edi jmp .begin .quit: popa mov eax, [retvalue] ret indexed: xor eax, eax mov al, byte[esi+pcx_header.nplanes] mov [nplanes], eax mul word[esi+pcx_header.bpl] mov [total_bpl], eax movzx eax, word[esi+pcx_header.xmax] inc ax sub ax, word[esi+pcx_header.xmin] mov [xsize], ax movzx ebx, word[esi+pcx_header.ymax] inc bx sub bx, word[esi+pcx_header.ymin] mov [ysize], bx stdcall img.create, eax, ebx, Image.bpp8 mov [retvalue], eax test eax, eax jz .quit mov esi, [_data] add esi, [_length] sub esi, 768 mov edi, [eax+Image.Palette] mov ecx, 256 @@: mov ebx, [esi] and ebx, 0x00ffffff bswap ebx shr ebx, 8 mov [edi], ebx add edi, 4 add esi, 3 dec ecx jnz @b movzx ebx, [xsize] movzx ecx, [ysize] mov edx, [eax+Image.Data] rol ebx, 16 or ebx, ecx xor ebx, [edx] mov [eax+Image.Checksum], ebx mov esi, [_data] add esi, 128 mov edi, [retvalue] mov edi, [edi+Image.Data] .begin: mov eax, [_data] mov ax, word[eax+pcx_header.bpl] .decode: mov dl, byte[esi] inc esi mov [buf], dl and dl, 0xC0 cmp dl, 0xC0 jne @f mov dl, [buf] and dl, 0x3F mov dh, [esi] inc esi .write_sequence: mov [edi], dh inc edi dec ax dec dl jnz .write_sequence test ax, ax jz .end_line jmp .decode @@: mov dl, byte[buf] mov [edi], dl inc edi dec ax jz .end_line jmp .decode .end_line: dec word[ysize] jz .quit jmp .begin .quit: popa mov eax, [retvalue] ret monochrome: xor eax, eax mov ax, word[esi+pcx_header.bpl] mov [total_bpl], eax movzx eax, word[esi+pcx_header.xmax] inc ax sub ax, word[esi+pcx_header.xmin] mov [xsize], ax movzx ebx, word[esi+pcx_header.ymax] inc bx sub bx, word[esi+pcx_header.ymin] mov [ysize], bx stdcall img.create, eax, ebx, Image.bpp8 mov [retvalue], eax test eax, eax jz .quit mov edi, [eax+Image.Palette] mov [edi], dword 0x00000000 mov [edi+4], dword 0x00ffffff movzx ebx, [xsize] movzx ecx, [ysize] mov edx, [eax+Image.Data] rol ebx, 16 or ebx, ecx xor ebx, [edx] mov [eax+Image.Checksum], ebx mov esi, [_data] add esi, 128 mov edi, [retvalue] mov edi, [edi+Image.Data] .begin: mov eax, [total_bpl] mov [total_bpl_tmp], eax mov ax, [xsize] .decode: mov dh, byte[esi] inc esi mov [buf], dh and dh, 0xC0 cmp dh, 0xC0 je .cycle1 mov dh, 1 mov dl, [buf] jmp .exit1 .cycle1: mov dh, [buf] and dh, 0x3F mov dl, byte[esi] inc esi .exit1: push eax xor eax, eax mov al, dh sub [total_bpl_tmp], eax pop eax .write_sequence: mov ecx, 7 .go: bt edx, ecx jnc @f mov [edi], byte 0x01 jmp .later @@: mov [edi], byte 0x00 .later: inc edi dec ax jnz .lol @@: cmp [total_bpl_tmp], 0 jng @f mov dh, byte[esi] inc esi mov [buf], dh and dh, 0xC0 cmp dh, 0xC0 je .cycle2 mov dh, 1 mov dl, [buf] jmp .exit2 .cycle2: mov dh, [buf] and dh, 0x3F mov dl, byte[esi] inc esi .exit2: push eax xor eax, eax mov al, dh sub [total_bpl_tmp], eax pop eax jmp @b @@: dec word[ysize] jnz .begin jmp .quit .lol: dec ecx cmp ecx, -1 jne .go dec dh jnz .write_sequence jmp .decode .quit: popa mov eax, [retvalue] ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.encode.pcx _img, _p_length, _options ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Encode image into raw data in Targa format ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _img = pointer to image ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 (error) or pointer to encoded data ;; ;< _p_length = encoded data length ;; ;;================================================================================================;; xor eax, eax ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;! Below are private procs you should never call directly from your code ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;! Below is private data you should never use directly from your code ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;