#include #include struct tm __buffertime; struct tm * localtime (const time_t * timer) /* non-standard! ignore parameter and return just time now */ { int kos_date, kos_time; kos_date = _ksys_get_date(); kos_time = _ksys_get_system_clock(); int bcd_day = (kos_date >> 16); int bcd_mon = ((kos_date & 0xFF00) >> 8); int bcd_year = (kos_date & 0xFF); __buffertime.tm_mday = ((bcd_day & 0xF0)>>4)*10 + (bcd_day & 0x0F); __buffertime.tm_mon = ((bcd_mon & 0xF0)>>4)*10 + (bcd_mon & 0x0F) - 1; __buffertime.tm_year = ((bcd_year & 0xF0)>>4)*10 + (bcd_year & 0x0F) + 100; __buffertime.tm_wday = __buffertime.tm_yday = __buffertime.tm_isdst = -1; /* temporary */ int bcd_sec = (kos_time >> 16); int bcd_min = ((kos_time & 0xFF00) >> 8); int bcd_hour = (kos_time & 0xFF); __buffertime.tm_sec = ((bcd_sec & 0xF0)>>4)*10 + (bcd_sec & 0x0F); __buffertime.tm_min = ((bcd_min & 0xF0)>>4)*10 + (bcd_min & 0x0F); __buffertime.tm_hour = ((bcd_hour & 0xF0)>>4)*10 + (bcd_hour & 0x0F); return &__buffertime; } time_t time (time_t* timer) { time_t t = mktime(localtime(0)); if (timer) *timer = t; return t; } time_t mktime (struct tm * timeptr) { /*int y, m, d; time_t t; y = timeptr->tm_year + 1900; m = timeptr->tm_mon + 1; d = timeptr->tm_mday; // to -1 or not to -1? if (m < 3) { m += 12; y -= 1; } t = y * 365 + y / 4 + y /400 - y / 100; // years - > days t += 30 * m + 3 * (m + 1) / 5 + d; // add month days t -= 719561; // 01 jan 1970 t *= 86400; t += 3600 * timeptr->tm_hour + 60 * timeptr->tm_min + timeptr->tm_sec; return t;*/ int utcdiff = -3; const int mon_days [] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; unsigned long int tyears, tdays, leaps, utc_hrs; int i; tyears = timeptr->tm_year - 70 ;// tm->tm_year is from 1900. leaps = (tyears + 2) / 4; // no of next two lines until year 2100. i = (timeptr->tm_year - 100) / 100; leaps -= ( (i/4)*3 + i%4 ); tdays = 0; for (i=0; i < timeptr->tm_mon; i++) tdays += mon_days[i]; tdays += timeptr->tm_mday-1; // days of month passed. tdays = tdays + (tyears * 365) + leaps; utc_hrs = timeptr->tm_hour + utcdiff; // for your time zone. return (tdays * 86400) + (utc_hrs * 3600) + (timeptr->tm_min * 60) + timeptr->tm_sec; } double difftime (time_t end, time_t beginning) { return end - beginning; }