;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; IRC CLIENT for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; License: GPL / See file COPYING for details ;; ;; Copyright 2004 (c) Ville Turjanmaa ;; ;; Copyright 2009 (c) CleverMouse ;; ;; ;; ;; Compile with FASM for Kolibri ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; version equ '0.6' ;__DEBUG__ equ 1 ;__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; required os dd START ; program start dd initialized_size ; program image size dd 0x100000 ; required amount of memory dd 0x100000 dd 0,0 include "../../../macros.inc" include "../../../proc32.inc" include "../../../develop/libraries/network/network.inc" include "dll.inc" ;include "fdo.inc" include "eth.inc" ;include "lang.inc" ; connection statuses STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 0 ; disconnected STATUS_RESOLVING = 1 ; resolving server name STATUS_CONNECTING = 2 ; connecting to server STATUS_CONNECTED = 3 ; connected ; where to display status STATUS_X = 25 + 22*6 STATUS_Y = 183 + 7*12 ; supported encodings CP866 = 0 CP1251 = 1 UTF8 = 2 ; where to display encoding ENCODING_X = 25 + 15*6 ENCODING_Y = 183 + 3*12 def_server_name db 'kolibrios.org',0 ; default server name user_nick dd 12 ; length db 'kolibri_user ' ; string user_nick_max = $ - user_nick - 4 user_real_name dd 14 ; length db 'KolibriOS User ' ; string user_real_name_max = $ - user_real_name - 4 START: ; start of execution stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax,eax jnz exit mov eax,40 mov ebx,11000111b mcall mcall 60, 1, ipcbuf, ipcbuf.size mcall 9, 0xe0000, -1 mov eax,[ebx+process_information.PID] mov [main_PID],eax mov esi, def_server_name mov edi, irc_server_name @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b mov edi,I_END mov ecx,60*120 mov al,32 cld rep stosb mov eax,[rxs] imul eax,11 mov [pos],eax mov ebp,0 mov edx,I_END redraw: ; redraw call draw_window ; at first, draw the window still: mov eax,10 ; wait here for event mcall dec eax ; redraw je redraw dec eax ; key je main_window_key dec eax ; button je button cmp al,4 jz ipc call process_network_event cmp [I_END+120*60],byte 1 jne no_main_update mov [I_END+120*60],byte 0 mov edx,I_END call draw_channel_text no_main_update: call print_channel_list jmp still button: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id mcall cmp ah,1 ; close program jne noclose exit: or eax,-1 mcall noclose: cmp ah,21 jne no_change_encoding cmp byte[edx-1],0 jnz still mov eax,[encoding] inc eax mov edx,msgbox_struct mov byte[edx],al mov byte[edx-1],1 ; msgbox is running push mb_stack push edx call [mb_create] push msgbox_func_array call [mb_setfunctions] jmp still no_change_encoding: call socket_commands jmp still ipc: mov edx,msgbox_struct cmp byte[edx-1],0 jz @f mov byte[edx-1],0 mov al,[edx] dec eax mov byte[encoding],al call update_encoding jmp ipc_done @@: call process_command ipc_done: mov dword [ipcbuf+4], 8 jmp still main_window_key: mov eax,2 mcall shr eax,8 cmp eax,8 jne no_bks2 cmp [xpos],0 je still dec [xpos] call print_entry jmp still no_bks2: cmp eax,20 jbe no_character2 mov ebx,[xpos] mov [send_string+ebx],al inc [xpos] cmp [xpos],80 jb noxposdec mov [xpos],79 noxposdec: call print_entry jmp still no_character2: cmp eax,13 jne no_send2 cmp [xpos],0 je no_send2 cmp [send_string],byte '/' ; server command jne no_send2 call process_command jmp still no_send2: jmp still socket_commands: cmp ah,22 ; connect jnz tst3 ; ignore if status is not "disconnected" cmp [status], STATUS_DISCONNECTED jnz .nothing ; start name resolving inc [status] ; was STATUS_DISCONNECTED, now STATUS_RESOLVING push gai_reqdata push ip_list push 0 push 0 push irc_server_name call [getaddrinfo_start] test eax, eax jns getaddrinfo_done call update_status .nothing: ret tst3: cmp ah,23 ; write userinfo jnz tst4 ; ignore if status is not "connected" cmp [status], STATUS_CONNECTED jnz .nothing ; create packet in packetbuf mov edi, packetbuf mov edx, edi mov esi, string0 mov ecx, string0l-string0 rep movsb mov esi, user_real_name+4 mov ecx, [esi-4] rep movsb mov al, 13 stosb mov al, 10 stosb mov esi, string1 mov ecx, string1l-string1 rep movsb mov esi, user_nick+4 mov ecx, [esi-4] rep movsb mov al, 13 stosb mov al, 10 stosb ; send packet xchg edx, edi sub edx, edi mov esi, edi mcall 53, 7, [socket] .nothing: ret tst4: cmp ah,24 ; close socket jz disconnect no_24: ret getaddrinfo_done: ; The address resolving is done. ; If eax is zero, address is resolved, otherwise there was some problems. test eax, eax jz .good .disconnect: ; Change status to "disconnected" and return. and [status], 0 call update_status ret .good: ; We got a list of IP addresses. Try to connect to first of them. mov eax, [ip_list] mov esi, [eax + addrinfo.ai_addr] mov esi, [esi + sockaddr_in.sin_addr] push eax call [freeaddrinfo] mcall 53, 5, 0, 6667, , 1 cmp eax, -1 jz .disconnect ; Socket has been opened. Save handle and change status to "connecting". mov [socket], eax inc [status] ; was STATUS_RESOLVING, now STATUS_CONNECTING call update_status ret process_network_event: ; values for status: 0, 1, 2, 3 mov eax, [status] dec eax ; 0 = STATUS_DISCONNECTED - do nothing ; (ignore network events if we are disconnected from network) js .nothing ; 1 = STATUS_RESOLVING jz .resolving ; 2 = STATUS_CONNECTING dec eax jz .connecting ; 3 = STATUS_CONNECTED jmp .connected .resolving: ; We are inside address resolving. Let the network library work. push ip_list push gai_reqdata call [getaddrinfo_process] ; Negative returned value means that the resolving is not yet finished, ; and we continue the loop without status change. ; Zero and positive values are handled by getaddrinfo_done. test eax, eax jns getaddrinfo_done .nothing: ret .connecting: ; We are connecting to the server, and socket status has changed. mcall 53, 6, [socket] ; Possible values for status: SYN_SENT=2, SYN_RECEIVED=3, ESTABLISHED=4, CLOSE_WAIT=7 ; First two mean that we are still connecting, and we must continue wait loop ; without status change. ; Last means that server has immediately closed the connection, ; and status becomes "disconnected". cmp eax, 4 jb .nothing jz .established and [status], 0 call update_status ; close socket mcall 53, 8 ret .established: ; The connection has been established, change status from "connecting" to "connected". inc [status] call update_status ; Fall through to .connected, because some data can be already in buffer. .connected: call read_incoming_data ; Handle closing socket by the server. mcall 53, 6, [socket] cmp eax, 4 jnz disconnect ret disconnect: ; Release all allocated resources. ; Exact actions depend on current status. mov eax, [status] dec eax ; 0 = STATUS_DISCONNECTED - do nothing js .nothing ; 1 = STATUS_RESOLVING jz .resolving ; 2 = STATUS_CONNECTING, 3 = STATUS_CONNECTED ; In both cases we should close the socket. mcall 53, 8, [socket] jmp .disconnected .resolving: ; Let the network library handle abort of resolving process. push gai_reqdata call [getaddrinfo_abort] .disconnected: ; In all cases, set status to "disconnected". and [status], 0 call update_status .nothing: ret msgbox_notify: inc byte [msgbox_running] mcall 60,2,[main_PID],0,1 ret print_channel_list: pusha mov eax,13 mov ebx,415*65536+6*13 mov ecx,27*65536+12*10 mov edx,0xffffff mcall mov eax,4 mov ebx,415*65536+27 mov ecx,[index_list_1] mov edx,channel_list+32 newch: movzx esi,byte [edx+31] and esi,0x1f mcall add edx,32 add ebx,12 cmp edx,channel_list+32*10 jbe newch no_channel_list: popa ret print_user_list: pusha newtry: mov edx,ebp imul edx,120*80 add edx,120*60+8+I_END cmp [edx],byte 1 je nonp mov edx,ebp imul edx,120*80 add edx,120*70+I_END mov edi,edx mov eax,[edx-8] mov ebx,[edx-4] add ebx,edx sub ebx,3 inc eax dec edx newnss: inc edx dec eax jz startuu asdf: cmp [edx],word ' ' jne nodouble inc edx nodouble: cmp [edx],byte ' ' je newnss inc edx cmp edx,ebx jbe asdf dec dword [edi-8] popa ret startuu: cmp [edx],byte ' ' jne startpr inc edx startpr: pusha mov eax,13 mov ebx,415*65536+6*13 mov ecx,27*65536+12*10 mov edx,0xffffff mcall popa mov eax,4 mov ebx,415*65536+27 mov ebp,0 newuser: mov esi,0 newusers: cmp [edx+esi],byte ' ' je do_print inc esi cmp esi,20 jbe newusers do_print: mov ecx,[index_list_1] cmp [edx],byte '@' jne no_op mov ecx,[index_list_2] no_op: mcall inc ebp cmp ebp,10 je nonp add ebx,12 add edx,esi inc edx cmp [edx],byte ' ' jne newuser inc edx jmp newuser nonp: popa ret start_user_list_at dd 0x0 recode_to_cp866: rep movsb ret recode_to_cp1251: xor eax, eax jecxz .nothing .loop: lodsb cmp al,0x80 jb @f mov al,[cp866_table-0x80+eax] @@: stosb loop .loop .nothing: ret recode_to_utf8: jecxz .nothing .loop: lodsb cmp al, 0x80 jb .single_byte and eax, 0x7F mov ax, [utf8_table+eax*2] stosw loop .loop ret .single_byte: stosb loop .loop .nothing: ret recode: mov eax, [encoding] jmp [recode_proc+eax*4] process_command: pusha mov eax,[xpos] mov [send_string+eax+0],byte 13 mov [send_string+eax+1],byte 10 mov eax,[rxs] imul eax,11 mov [pos],eax mov eax,[send_to_channel] imul eax,120*80 add eax,I_END mov [text_start],eax cmp [send_string],byte '/' ; server command je server_command ; Ignore data commands when not connected. cmp [status], STATUS_CONNECTED jnz sdts_ret mov bl,13 call print_character mov bl,10 call print_character mov bl,'<' call print_character mov esi,user_nick+4 mov ecx,[user_nick] newnp: mov bl,[esi] call print_character inc esi loop newnp mov bl,'>' call print_character mov bl,' ' call print_character mov ecx,[xpos] mov esi,send_string newcw: mov bl,[esi] call print_character inc esi loop newcw mov eax,dword [send_to_channel] shl eax,5 add eax,channel_list mov esi,eax mov edi,send_string_header+8 movzx ecx,byte [eax+31] cld rep movsb mov [edi],word ' :' mov esi, send_string_header mov ecx,10 movzx ebx,byte [eax+31] add ecx,ebx mov edi, packetbuf rep movsb mov esi,send_string mov ecx,[xpos] inc ecx call recode mov esi, packetbuf mov edx, edi sub edx, esi mcall 53, 7, [socket] mov [xpos], 0 jmp sdts_ret server_command: cmp [send_string+1],dword 'anic' jne no_set_nick mov ecx,[xpos] sub ecx,7 cmp ecx,user_nick_max jb @f mov ecx,user_nick_max @@: mov [user_nick],ecx mov esi,send_string+7 mov edi,user_nick+4 cld rep movsb pusha mov edi,text+70*1+15 mov al,32 mov ecx,15 cld rep stosb popa mov esi,user_nick+4 mov edi,text+70*1+15 mov ecx,[esi-4] cld rep movsb mov [xpos],0 call draw_window popa ret no_set_nick: cmp [send_string+1],dword 'area' jne no_set_real_name mov ecx,[xpos] sub ecx,7 cmp ecx,user_real_name_max jb @f mov ecx,user_real_name_max @@: mov [user_real_name],ecx mov esi,send_string+7 mov edi,user_real_name+4 cld rep movsb pusha mov edi,text+70*0+15 mov al,32 mov ecx,15 cld rep stosb popa mov esi,user_real_name+4 mov edi,text+70*0+15 mov ecx,[esi-4] rep movsb mov [xpos],0 call draw_window popa ret no_set_real_name: cmp [send_string+1],dword 'aser' jne no_set_server mov ecx,[xpos] sub ecx,7 mov esi,send_string+7 mov edi,irc_server_name rep movsb mov al,0 stosb pusha mov edi,text+70*2+15 mov al,32 mov ecx,15 cld rep stosb popa mov ecx,[xpos] sub ecx,7 mov esi,send_string+7 mov edi,text+70*2+15 rep movsb mov [xpos],0 call draw_window popa ret no_set_server: ; All other commands require a connection to the server. cmp [status], STATUS_CONNECTED jnz sdts_ret cmp [send_string+1],dword 'quer' jne no_query_create mov edi,I_END+120*80 mov eax,1 ; create channel window - search for empty slot newse2: mov ebx,eax shl ebx,5 cmp dword [channel_list+ebx],dword ' ' je free_found2 add edi,120*80 inc eax cmp eax,[max_windows] jb newse2 free_found2: mov edx,send_string+7 mov ecx,[xpos] sub ecx,7 mov [channel_list+ebx+31],cl call create_channel_name push edi push eax mov [edi+120*60+8],byte 1 ; query window mov al,32 mov ecx,120*60 cld rep stosb pop eax pop edi ; eax has the free position ; mov [thread_screen],edi call create_channel_window mov [xpos],0 popa ret no_query_create: mov esi, send_string+1 mov ecx, [xpos] inc ecx mov edi, packetbuf call recode mov esi, packetbuf mov edx, edi sub edx, esi mov eax, 53 ; write server command mov ebx, 7 mov ecx, [socket] mcall send_done: mov [xpos],0 cmp [send_string+1],dword 'quit' jne no_quit_server mov eax,5 mov ebx,200 mcall mov eax, 53 ; close socket mov ebx, 8 mov ecx, [socket] mcall mov ecx,[max_windows] mov edi,I_END newclose: mov [edi+120*60+4],byte 1 call notify_channel_thread add edi,120*80 loop newclose popa ret no_quit_server: sdts_ret: popa ret get_next_byte: ; Load next byte from the packet, translating to cp866 if necessary ; At input esi = pointer to data, edx = limit of data ; Output is either (translated) byte in al with CF set or CF cleared. mov eax, [encoding] jmp [get_byte_table+eax*4] get_byte_cp866: cmp esi, edx jae .nothing lodsb .nothing: ret get_byte_cp1251: cmp esi, edx jae .nothing lodsb cmp al, 0x80 jb @f and eax, 0x7F mov al, [cp1251_table+eax] @@: stc .nothing: ret get_byte_utf8: ; UTF8 decoding is slightly complicated. ; One character can occupy one or more bytes. ; The boundary in packets theoretically can be anywhere in data, ; so this procedure keeps internal state between calls and handles ; one byte at a time, looping until character is read or packet is over. ; Globally, there are two distinct tasks: decode byte sequence to unicode char ; and convert this unicode char to our base encoding (that is cp866). ; 1. Check that there are data. cmp esi, edx jae .nothing ; 2. Load byte. lodsb movzx ecx, al ; 3. Bytes in an UTF8 sequence can be of any of three types. ; If most significant bit is cleared, sequence is one byte and usual ASCII char. ; First byte of a sequence must be 11xxxxxx, other bytes are 10yyyyyy. and al, 0xC0 jns .single_byte jp .first_byte ; 4. This byte is not first in UTF8 sequence. ; 4a. Check that the sequence was started. If no, it is invalid byte ; and we simply ignore it. cmp [utf8_bytes_rest], 0 jz get_byte_utf8 ; 4b. Otherwise, it is really next byte and it gives some more bits of char. mov eax, [utf8_char] shl eax, 6 lea eax, [eax+ecx-0x80] ; 4c. Decrement number of bytes rest in the sequence. ; If it goes to zero, character is read, so return it. dec [utf8_bytes_rest] jz .got_char mov [utf8_char], eax jmp get_byte_utf8 ; 5. If the byte is first in UTF8 sequence, calculate the number of leading 1s ; - it equals total number of bytes in the sequence; some other bits rest for ; leading bits in the character. .first_byte: mov eax, -1 @@: inc eax add cl, cl js @b mov [utf8_bytes_rest], eax xchg eax, ecx inc ecx shr al, cl mov [utf8_char], eax jmp get_byte_utf8 ; 6. If the byte is ASCII char, it is the character. .single_byte: xchg eax, ecx .got_char: ; We got the character, now abandon a possible sequence in progress. and [utf8_bytes_rest], 0 ; Now second task. The unicode character is in eax, and now we shall convert it ; to cp866. cmp eax, 0x80 jb .done ; 0x410-0x43F -> 0x80-0xAF, 0x440-0x44F -> 0xE0-0xEF, 0x401 -> 0xF0, 0x451 -> 0xF1 cmp eax, 0x401 jz .YO cmp eax, 0x451 jz .yo cmp eax, 0x410 jb .unrecognized cmp eax, 0x440 jb .part1 cmp eax, 0x450 jae .unrecognized sub al, (0x40-0xE0) and 0xFF ret .part1: sub al, 0x10-0x80 .nothing: .done: ret .unrecognized: mov al, '?' stc ret .YO: mov al, 0xF0 stc ret .yo: mov al, 0xF1 stc ret read_incoming_data: pusha .packetloop: .nextpacket: mcall 53, 11, [socket], packetbuf, 1024 test eax, eax jz .nothing mov esi, edx ; esi = pointer to data add edx, eax ; edx = limit of data .byteloop: call get_next_byte jnc .nextpacket cmp al, 10 jne .no_start_command mov [cmd], 1 .no_start_command: cmp al, 13 jne .no_end_command mov ebx, [cmd] mov byte [ebx+command-2], 0 call analyze_command mov edi, command mov ecx, 250 xor eax, eax rep stosb mov [cmd], eax mov al, 13 .no_end_command: mov ebx, [cmd] cmp ebx, 512 jge @f mov [ebx+command-2], al inc [cmd] @@: jmp .byteloop .nothing: popa ret create_channel_name: pusha search_first_letter: cmp [edx],byte ' ' jne first_letter_found inc edx jmp search_first_letter first_letter_found: mov esi,edx mov edi,channel_list add edi,ebx mov ecx,30 xor eax,eax newcase: mov al,[esi] cmp eax,'a' jb nocdec cmp eax,'z' jg nocdec sub al,97-65 nocdec: mov [edi],al inc esi inc edi loop newcase popa ret create_channel_window: pusha mov [cursor_on_off],0 ; mov [thread_nro],eax mov edx,[thread_stack] sub edx,8 mov [edx],eax mov [edx+4],edi mov eax,51 mov ebx,1 mov ecx,channel_thread mcall mov [edi+120*60+12], eax add [thread_stack],0x4000 ; add [thread_screen],120*80 popa ret print_entry: pusha mov eax,13 mov ebx,8*65536+6*80 mov ecx,151*65536+13 mov edx,0xffffff mcall mov eax,4 mov ebx,8*65536+154 mov ecx,0x000000 mov edx,send_string mov esi,[xpos] mcall popa ; Fall through to draw_cursor. ; ret draw_cursor: pusha mov eax,9 mov ebx,0xe0000 mov ecx,-1 mcall cmp ax,word [0xe0000+4] setnz dl movzx edx,dl neg edx and edx,0xffffff ; jne no_blink ; call print_entry mov ebx,[xpos] imul ebx,6 add ebx,8 mov cx,bx shl ebx,16 mov bx,cx mov ecx,151*65536+163 mov eax,38 mcall popa ret ; no_blink: ; ; mov eax,13 ; mov ebx,8*65536+6*60 ; mov ecx,151*65536+13 ; mov edx,0xffffff ; mcall popa ret set_channel: pusha ; UPPER / LOWER CASE CHECK mov esi,eax mov edi,channel_temp mov ecx,40 xor eax,eax newcase2: mov al,[esi] cmp eax,'#' jb newcase_over2 cmp eax,'a' jb nocdec2 cmp eax,'z' jg nocdec2 sub al,97-65 nocdec2: mov [edi],al inc esi inc edi loop newcase2 newcase_over2: sub edi,channel_temp mov [channel_temp_length],edi mov eax,channel_temp mov [text_start],I_END+120*80 mov ebx,channel_list+32 mov eax,[eax] mov edx,[channel_temp_length] stcl1: cmp dl,[ebx+31] jne notfound pusha xor eax,eax xor edx,edx mov ecx,0 stc4: mov dl,[ebx+ecx] mov al,[channel_temp+ecx] cmp eax,edx jne notfound2 inc ecx cmp ecx,[channel_temp_length] jb stc4 popa jmp found notfound2: popa notfound: add [text_start],120*80 add ebx,32 cmp ebx,channel_list+19*32 jb stcl1 mov [text_start],I_END found: popa ret channel_temp: times 100 db 0 channel_temp_length dd 0x0 print_nick: pusha mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' call print_text popa ret analyze_command: pusha mov [text_start],I_END mov ecx,[rxs] imul ecx,11 mov [pos],ecx ; mov bl,13 ; call print_character ; mov bl,10 ; call print_character ; mov ecx,[cmd] ; sub ecx,2 ; mov esi,command+0 ; newcmdc: ; mov bl,[esi] ; call print_character ; inc esi ; loop newcmdc mov edx,I_END ; call draw_channel_text ; cmp [cmd],20 ; jge cmd_len_ok ; ; mov [cmd],0 ; ; popa ; ret cmd_len_ok: cmp [command],dword 'PING' ; ping response jne no_ping_responce call print_command_to_main mov [command],dword 'PONG' call print_command_to_main mov eax,4 mov ebx,100*65536+3 mov ecx,0xffffff mov edx,command mov esi,[cmd] mov [command+esi-1],word '**' ; mcall mov eax,53 mov ebx,7 mov ecx,[socket] mov edx,[cmd] mov esi,command mov word [esi+edx-2], 0x0a0d mcall popa ret no_ping_responce: mov eax,[rxs] imul eax,11 mov [pos],eax mov [command],byte '<' mov eax,command mov ecx,100 new_blank: cmp [eax],byte ' ' je bl_found inc eax loop new_blank mov eax,50 bl_found: inc eax mov [command_position],eax mov esi,eax mov edi,irc_command mov ecx,8 cld rep movsb cmp [irc_command],'PRIV' ; message to channel jne no_privmsg ; compare nick mov eax,[command_position] add eax,8 call compare_to_nick cmp [cresult],0 jne no_query_msg mov eax,command+1 no_query_msg: call set_channel mov ecx,100 ; [cmd] mov eax,command+10 acl3: cmp [eax],byte ':' je acl4 inc eax loop acl3 mov eax,10 acl4: inc eax cmp [eax+1],dword 'ACTI' jne no_action push eax mov eax,action_header_short mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' call print_text mov bl,' ' call print_character pop eax add eax,8 mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread popa ret no_action: push eax mov bl,10 call print_character mov eax,command mov dl,'!' call print_text mov bl,'>' call print_character mov bl,' ' call print_character pop eax mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread popa ret no_privmsg: cmp [irc_command],'PART' ; channel leave jne no_part ; compare nick mov eax,command+1 call compare_to_nick cmp [cresult],0 jne no_close_window mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 call set_channel mov edi,[text_start] mov [edi+120*60+4],byte 1 call notify_channel_thread popa ret no_close_window: mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 call set_channel mov eax,action_header_red mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' mov cl,' ' call print_text mov eax,has_left_channel mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 mov dl,' ' call print_text call notify_channel_thread popa ret no_part: cmp [irc_command],'JOIN' ; channel join jne no_join ; compare nick mov eax,command+1 call compare_to_nick cmp [cresult],0 jne no_new_window mov edi,I_END+120*80 mov eax,1 ; create channel window - search for empty slot newse: mov ebx,eax shl ebx,5 cmp dword [channel_list+ebx],dword ' ' je free_found add edi,120*80 inc eax cmp eax,[max_windows] jb newse free_found: mov edx,[command_position] add edx,6 push eax push edx mov ecx,0 finde: inc ecx inc edx movzx eax,byte [edx] cmp eax,'#' jge finde mov [channel_list+ebx+31],cl pop edx pop eax call create_channel_name push edi push eax mov [edi+120*60+8],byte 0 ; channel window mov al,32 mov ecx,120*60 cld rep stosb pop eax pop edi ; eax has the free position ; mov [thread_screen],edi call create_channel_window no_new_window: mov eax,[command_position] add eax,6 call set_channel mov eax,action_header_blue mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' mov cl,' ' call print_text mov eax,joins_channel mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,[command_position] add eax,6 mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread popa ret no_join: cmp [irc_command],'NICK' ; nick change jne no_nick_change mov [text_start],I_END add [text_start],120*80 new_all_channels3: mov eax,action_header_short mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' call print_text mov eax,is_now_known_as mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,[command_position] add eax,6 mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread add [text_start],120*80 cmp [text_start],I_END+120*80*20 jb new_all_channels3 popa ret no_nick_change: cmp [irc_command],'KICK' ; kick jne no_kick mov [text_start],I_END add [text_start],120*80 mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 call set_channel ; new_all_channels4: mov eax,action_header_short mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' call print_text mov eax,kicked mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread ; add [text_start],120*80 ; cmp [text_start],I_END+120*80*20 ; jb new_all_channels4 popa ret no_kick: cmp [irc_command],'QUIT' ; irc quit jne no_quit mov [text_start],I_END add [text_start],120*80 new_all_channels2: mov eax,action_header_red mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,command+1 mov dl,'!' call print_text mov eax,has_quit_irc mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread add [text_start],120*80 cmp [text_start],I_END+120*80*20 jb new_all_channels2 popa ret no_quit: cmp [irc_command],dword 'MODE' ; channel mode change jne no_mode mov [text_start],I_END add [text_start],120*80 mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 call set_channel new_all_channels: mov eax,action_header_short mov dl,0 call print_text call print_nick mov eax,sets_mode mov dl,0 call print_text mov eax,[command_position] add eax,5 mov dl,0 call print_text call notify_channel_thread ; add [text_start],120*80 ; cmp [text_start],I_END+120*80*20 ; jb new_all_channels popa ret no_mode: cmp [irc_command],dword '353 ' ; channel user names jne no_user_list mov eax,[command_position] finde2: inc eax cmp [eax],byte '#' jne finde2 call set_channel finde3: inc eax cmp [eax],byte ':' jne finde3 pusha cmp [user_list_pos],0 jne no_clear_user_list mov edi,[text_start] add edi,120*70 mov [edi-8],dword 0 mov [edi-4],dword 0 mov al,32 mov ecx,1200 cld rep stosb no_clear_user_list: popa push eax mov esi,eax inc esi mov edi,[text_start] add edi,120*70 add edi,[user_list_pos] mov edx,edi mov ecx,command add ecx,[cmd] sub ecx,[esp] sub ecx,3 and ecx,0xfff cld rep movsb pop eax mov ebx,command add ebx,[cmd] sub ebx,eax sub ebx,2 mov [edx+ebx-1],dword ' ' add [user_list_pos],ebx mov eax,[user_list_pos] mov ebx,[text_start] add ebx,120*70 mov [ebx-4],eax call notify_channel_thread popa ret user_list_pos dd 0x0 no_user_list: cmp [irc_command],dword '366 ' ; channel user names end jne no_user_list_end mov [user_list_pos],0 popa ret no_user_list_end: mov [command],byte '-' call print_command_to_main popa ret cresult db 0 compare_to_nick: ; input : eax = start of compare ; output : [cresult] = 0 if match, [cresult]=1 if no match pusha mov esi,eax mov edi,0 new_nick_compare: mov bl,byte [esi] mov cl,byte [user_nick+4+edi] cmp bl,cl jne nonickm add esi,1 add edi,1 cmp edi,[user_nick] jb new_nick_compare movzx eax,byte [esi] cmp eax,40 jge nonickm popa mov [cresult],0 ret nonickm: popa mov [cresult],1 ret print_command_to_main: pusha mov [text_start],I_END mov ecx,[rxs] imul ecx,11 mov [pos],ecx mov bl,13 call print_character mov bl,10 call print_character mov ecx,[cmd] sub ecx,2 mov esi,command newcmdc2: mov bl,[esi] call print_character inc esi loop newcmdc2 mov edx,I_END call draw_channel_text popa ret print_text: pusha mov ecx,command-2 add ecx,[cmd] ptr2: mov bl,[eax] cmp bl,dl je ptr_ret cmp bl,0 je ptr_ret call print_character inc eax cmp eax,ecx jbe ptr2 ptr_ret: mov eax,[text_start] mov [eax+120*60],byte 1 popa ret cp1251_table: db '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' , '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' ; 8 db '?','?','?','?','?',$F9,'?','?' , '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' ; 9 db '?',$F6,$F7,'?',$FD,'?','?','?' , $F0,'?',$F2,'?','?','?','?',$F4 ; A db $F8,'?','?','?','?','?','?',$FA , $F1,$FC,$F3,'?','?','?','?',$F5 ; B db $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87 , $88,$89,$8A,$8B,$8C,$8D,$8E,$8F ; C db $90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$95,$96,$97 , $98,$99,$9A,$9B,$9C,$9D,$9E,$9F ; D db $A0,$A1,$A2,$A3,$A4,$A5,$A6,$A7 , $A8,$A9,$AA,$AB,$AC,$AD,$AE,$AF ; E db $E0,$E1,$E2,$E3,$E4,$E5,$E6,$E7 , $E8,$E9,$EA,$EB,$EC,$ED,$EE,$EF ; F ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F utf8_table: times 80h dw 0x98C3 ; default placeholder ; 0x80-0xAF -> 0x90D0-0xBFD0 repeat 0x30 store byte 0xD0 at utf8_table+2*(%-1) store byte 0x90+%-1 at utf8_table+2*%-1 end repeat ; 0xE0-0xEF -> 0x80D1-0x8FD1 repeat 0x10 store byte 0xD1 at utf8_table+2*(0xE0-0x80+%-1) store byte 0x80+%-1 at utf8_table+2*(0xE0-0x80+%)-1 end repeat ; 0xF0 -> 0x81D0, 0xF1 -> 0x91D1 store dword 0x91D181D0 at utf8_table+2*(0xF0-0x80) cp866_table: db $C0,$C1,$C2,$C3,$C4,$C5,$C6,$C7 , $C8,$C9,$CA,$CB,$CC,$CD,$CE,$CF ; 8 db $D0,$D1,$D2,$D3,$D4,$D5,$D6,$D7 , $D8,$D9,$DA,$DB,$DC,$DD,$DE,$DF ; 9 db $E0,$E1,$E2,$E3,$E4,$E5,$E6,$E7 , $E8,$E9,$EA,$EB,$EC,$ED,$EE,$EF ; A db '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' , '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' ; B db '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' , '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' ; C db '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' , '?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?' ; D db $F0,$F1,$F2,$F3,$F4,$F5,$F6,$F7 , $F8,$F9,$FA,$FB,$FC,$FD,$FE,$FF ; E db $A8,$B8,$AA,$BA,$AF,$BF,$A1,$A2 , $B0,$95,$B7,'?',$B9,$A4,'?','?' ; F ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F print_character: pusha cmp bl,13 ; line beginning jne nobol mov ecx,[pos] add ecx,1 boll1: sub ecx,1 mov eax,ecx xor edx,edx mov ebx,[rxs] div ebx cmp edx,0 jne boll1 mov [pos],ecx jmp newdata nobol: cmp bl,10 ; line down jne nolf addx1: add [pos],dword 1 mov eax,[pos] xor edx,edx mov ecx,[rxs] div ecx cmp edx,0 jnz addx1 mov eax,[pos] jmp cm1 nolf: no_lf_ret: cmp bl,15 ; character jbe newdata mov eax,[irc_data] shl eax,8 mov al,bl mov [irc_data],eax mov eax,[pos] call draw_data mov eax,[pos] add eax,1 cm1: mov ebx,[scroll+4] imul ebx,[rxs] cmp eax,ebx jb noeaxz mov esi,[text_start] add esi,[rxs] mov edi,[text_start] mov ecx,ebx cld rep movsb mov esi,[text_start] mov ecx,[rxs] imul ecx,61 add esi,ecx mov edi,[text_start] mov ecx,[rxs] imul ecx,60 add edi,ecx mov ecx,ebx cld rep movsb mov eax,ebx sub eax,[rxs] noeaxz: mov [pos],eax newdata: mov eax,[text_start] mov [eax+120*60],byte 1 popa ret notify_channel_thread: pusha mov eax, [text_start] mov ecx, [eax+120*60+12] mcall 60, 2, , 0, 1 popa ret draw_data: pusha and ebx,0xff add eax,[text_start] mov [eax],bl popa ret draw_window: pusha mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 mcall xor eax,eax ; draw window mov ebx,5*65536+499 mov ecx,5*65536+381 mov edx,[wcolor] add edx,0x14ffffff mov edi,title mcall mov eax,8 ; button: change encoding mov ebx,(ENCODING_X-2)*65536+38 mov ecx,(ENCODING_Y-2)*65536+12 mov edx,21 mov esi,[main_button] mcall ; mov eax,8 ; button: open socket mov ebx,43*65536+22 mov ecx,241*65536+10 ; mov edx,22 inc edx mcall ;mov eax,8 ; button: send userinfo mov ebx,180*65536+22 mov ecx,241*65536+10 ; mov edx,23 inc edx mcall ;mov eax,8 ; button: close socket mov ebx,317*65536+22 mov ecx,241*65536+10 ; mov edx,24 inc edx mcall mov eax,38 ; line mov ebx,5*65536+494 mov ecx,148*65536+148 mov edx,[main_line] mcall add ecx,1*65536+1 mov eax,38 ; line mov ebx,5*65536+494 mov ecx,166*65536+166 mcall add ecx,1*65536+1 mov eax,38 ; line mov ebx,410*65536+410 mov ecx,22*65536+148 mcall add ebx,1*65536+1 mov ebx,25*65536+183 ; info text mov ecx,0x000000 mov edx,text mov esi,70 newline: mov eax,4 mcall add ebx,12 add edx,70 cmp [edx],byte 'x' jne newline mov edx,I_END ; text from server call draw_channel_text call print_entry mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 mcall popa ret update_status: pusha mov esi, [status] mov edi, text + 7*70 + 22 mov ecx, status_text_len push ecx imul esi, ecx add esi, status_text mov edx, edi rep movsb pop esi mcall 4, STATUS_X*65536+STATUS_Y, 0x40000000, , , 0xFFFFFF popa ret update_encoding: pusha mov edx, 21 mcall 8 ; delete button mov esi, [main_button] mcall , <(ENCODING_X-2),38>, <(ENCODING_Y-2),12> ; recreate it mov esi, [encoding] mov edi, text + 3*70 + 15 mov ecx, encoding_text_len push ecx imul esi, ecx add esi, encoding_text mov edx, edi rep movsb pop esi mcall 4, ENCODING_X*65536+ENCODING_Y, 0 popa ret main_line dd 0x000000 main_button dd 0x6565cc text: db ' Real name : KolibriOS User - change with eg /areal Jill User ' db ' Nick : kolibri_user - change with eg /anick Jill ' db ' Server : kolibrios.org - change with eg /aserv irc.by ' db ' Encoding : UTF-8 ' db ' ' db ' 1) Connect 2) Send userinfo 3) Disconnect ' db ' ' db ' Connection status: disconnected ' db ' ' db ' Commands after established connection: ' db ' ' db ' /join #ChannelName - eg /join #general ' db ' /part #ChannelName - eg /part #windows ' db ' /query Nickname - eg /query Mary ' db ' /quit - Quit server and Close socket ' db 'x' ; <- END MARKER, DONT DELETE status_text: db 'disconnected ' db 'resolving server name...' db 'connecting... ' db 'connected ' status_text_len = 24 encoding_text: db 'CP866 ' db 'CP1251' db 'UTF-8 ' encoding_text_len = 6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; CHANNEL THREADS ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; channel_thread: ; mov ebp,[thread_nro] pop ebp pop edx mov eax,ebp shl eax,14 add eax,0x80000 mov esp,eax ; mov edi,ebp ; clear thread memory ; imul edi,120*80 ; add edi,I_END ; mov ecx,120*80 ; mov al,32 ; cld ; rep stosb ; Create IPC buffer in the stack. push eax push eax push eax push 8 push 0 mov ecx, esp push edx mcall 60, 1, , 20 pop edx mcall 40, 1100111b ; mov edx,[thread_screen] thread_redraw: call thread_draw_window call draw_channel_text call print_user_list call print_entry w_t: mov esi,ebp imul esi,120*80 add esi,I_END cmp [esi+120*60+4],byte 1 jne no_channel_leave mov [esi+120*60+4],byte 0 mov edi,ebp shl edi,5 mov dword [channel_list+edi],dword ' ' mov byte [channel_list+edi+31],byte 1 mov eax,-1 mcall no_channel_leave: mcall 10 dec eax jz thread_redraw dec eax jz thread_key dec eax jz thread_end cmp al,4 jz thread_ipc call check_mouse jmp w_t thread_end: mov eax,17 mcall mov eax,ebp imul eax,120*80 add eax,I_END cmp [eax+120*60+8],byte 0 ; channel window je not_close mov eax,ebp shl eax,5 add eax,channel_list mov [eax],dword ' ' mov [eax+31],byte 1 mov eax,-1 mcall not_close: mov [text_start],eax mov eax,nocl newcc: mov bl,[eax] call print_character inc eax cmp [eax],byte 0 jne newcc call draw_channel_text jmp w_t nocl: db 13,10,'To exit channel, use PART or QUIT command.',0 thread_ipc: mov byte [esp+4], 8 ; erase message from IPC buffer no_end: cmp [edx+120*60],byte 1 jne no_update mov [edx+120*60],byte 0 call draw_channel_text no_update: call print_user_list nopri2: jmp w_t check_mouse: pusha mov eax,37 mov ebx,1 mcall mov ebx,eax shr eax,16 and ebx,0xffff cmp eax,420 jb no_mouse cmp eax,494 jg no_mouse cmp ebx,145 jg no_mouse cmp ebx,23 jb no_mouse cmp ebx,100 jb no_plus mov eax,ebp imul eax,120*80 add eax,120*70+I_END inc dword [eax-8] call print_user_list mov eax,5 mov ebx,8 mcall jmp no_mouse no_plus: cmp ebx,80 jg no_mouse mov eax,ebp imul eax,120*80 add eax,120*70+I_END cmp dword [eax-8],dword 0 je no_mouse dec dword [eax-8] call print_user_list mov eax,5 mov ebx,8 mcall no_minus: no_mouse: popa ret thread_key: mov eax,2 mcall shr eax,8 cmp eax,8 jne no_bks cmp [xpos],0 je w_t dec [xpos] call print_entry jmp w_t no_bks: cmp eax,20 jbe no_character mov ebx,[xpos] mov [send_string+ebx],al inc [xpos] cmp [xpos],80 jb xpok mov [xpos],79 xpok: call print_entry jmp w_t no_character: cmp eax,13 jne no_send cmp [xpos],0 je no_send mov dword [send_to_channel],ebp pusha mcall 60,2,[main_PID],0,1 wait_for_sending: mov eax,5 mov ebx,1 mcall cmp dword [ipcbuf+4],8 jne wait_for_sending popa call draw_channel_text call print_entry jmp w_t no_send: jmp w_t draw_channel_text: pusha mov eax,4 mov ebx,10*65536+26 mov ecx,12 mov esi,[rxs] dct: pusha mov cx,bx shl ecx,16 mov cx,9 mov eax,13 mov ebx,10*65536 mov bx,word [rxs] imul bx,6 mov edx,0xffffff mcall popa push ecx mov eax,4 mov ecx,0 cmp [edx],word '* ' jne no_red mov ecx,0x0000ff no_red: cmp [edx],word '**' jne no_light_blue cmp [edx+2],byte '*' jne no_light_blue mov ecx,0x0000ff no_light_blue: cmp [edx],byte '#' jne no_blue mov ecx,0x0000ff no_blue: mcall add edx,[rxs] add ebx,10 pop ecx loop dct popa ret thread_draw_window: pusha mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 mcall mov ebx,ebp ; draw window shl ebx,16+4 xor eax,eax mov ecx,ebx mov bx,499 mov cx,170 mov edx,[wcolor] add edx,0x03ffffff mov esi,0x80555599 mov edi,0x00ffffff mcall mov eax,ebp ; label add eax,48 mov [labelc+14],al mov eax,ebp shl eax,5 add eax,channel_list mov esi,eax mov edi,labelc+17 movzx ecx,byte [eax+31] cld rep movsb mov esi,17 ; print label movzx ebx,byte [eax+31] add esi,ebx mov eax,4 mov ebx,9*65536+8 mov ecx,0x00ffffff mov edx,labelc mcall mov eax,38 ; line mov ebx,5*65536+494 mov ecx,148*65536+148 mov edx,[channel_line_sun] mcall add ecx,1*65536+1 mov edx,[channel_line_shadow] mcall ;mov eax,38 ; line mov ebx,410*65536+410 mov ecx,22*65536+148 mov edx,[channel_line_sun] mcall add ebx,1*65536+1 mov edx,[channel_line_shadow] mcall mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 mcall popa ret ; DATA AREA socket dd 0x0 bgc dd 0x000000 dd 0x000000 dd 0x00ff00 dd 0x0000ff dd 0x005500 dd 0xff00ff dd 0x00ffff dd 0x770077 tc dd 0xffffff dd 0xff00ff dd 0xffffff dd 0xffffff dd 0xffffff dd 0xffffff dd 0xffffff dd 0xffffff channel_line_sun dd 0x9999ff channel_line_shadow dd 0x666699 cursor_on_off dd 0x0 max_windows dd 20 thread_stack dd 0x9fff0 ;thread_nro dd 1 ;thread_screen dd I_END+120*80*1 action_header_blue db 10,'*** ',0 action_header_red db 10,'*** ',0 action_header_short db 10,'* ',0 has_left_channel db ' has left ',0 joins_channel db ' has joined ',0 is_now_known_as db ' is now known as ',0 has_quit_irc db ' has quit IRC',0 sets_mode db ' sets mode ',0 kicked db ' kicked from ',0 index_list_1 dd 0x0000bb index_list_2 dd 0x0000ff posx dd 0x0 incoming_pos dd 0x0 incoming_string: times 128 db 0 pos dd 0x0 text_start dd I_END irc_data dd 0x0 print db 0x0 cmd dd 0x0 rxs dd 66 res: db 0,0 command: times 600 db 0x0 nick dd 0,0,0 irc_command dd 0,0 command_position dd 0x0 counter dd 0 send_to_server db 0 channel_list: times 32*20 db 32 send_to_channel dd 0x0 send_string_header: db 'privmsg #eax :' times 100 db 0x0 send_string: times 100 db 0x0 xpos dd 0 string0: db 'USER guest ser1 ser2 :' string0l: string1: db 'nick ' string1l: attribute dd 0 scroll dd 1 dd 12 numtext db ' ' wcolor dd 0x000000 labelc db 'AIRC - WINDOW X: #xxx ' title db 'IRC client ',version,0 ipcbuf: dd 0 dd 8 dd ? dd ? db ? .size = $ align 4 @IMPORT: library network, 'network.obj', msgbox, 'msgbox.obj' import network, \ getaddrinfo_start, 'getaddrinfo_start', \ getaddrinfo_process, 'getaddrinfo_process', \ getaddrinfo_abort, 'getaddrinfo_abort', \ freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo' import msgbox, mb_create, 'mb_create', mb_setfunctions, 'mb_setfunctions' msgbox_running db ? ; must be the byte before msgbox_struct ; look to the handler of button 21 msgbox_struct: .default: dw ? ; default button, will be filled with current encoding db 'Encoding',0 db 'Select encoding for all messages:',0 db 'CP866',0 db 'CP1251',0 db 'UTF-8',0 db 0 align 4 status dd STATUS_DISCONNECTED encoding dd UTF8 recode_proc dd recode_to_cp866, recode_to_cp1251, recode_to_utf8 get_byte_table dd get_byte_cp866, get_byte_cp1251, get_byte_utf8 msgbox_func_array: times 3 dd msgbox_notify initialized_size: main_PID dd ? ; identifier of main thread utf8_bytes_rest dd ? ; bytes rest in current UTF8 sequence utf8_char dd ? ; first bits of current UTF8 character gai_reqdata rb 32 ; buffer for getaddrinfo_start/process ip_list dd ? ; will be filled as pointer to addrinfo list irc_server_name rb 256 ; buffer for irc_server_name packetbuf rb 1024 ; buffer for packets to server mb_stack rb 1024 ; stack for messagebox thread ;; ;; Channel data at I_END ;; ;; 120*80 * channel window (1+) ;; ;; At Size ;; ;; 00 , 120*60 window text 120 characters per row ;; 120*60 , 1 text is updated ;; 120*60+4 , 1 close yourself ;; 120*60+8 , 1 0 = channel window : 1 = private chat ;; 120*60+12 , 4 identifier of the thread ;; 120*61 , 256 channel name ;; 120*61+254 , 254 channel entry text from user ;; 120*61+255 , 1 length of entry text ;; 120*69+248 , 4 display names from n:th name ;; 120*69+252 , 4 length of names string ;; 120*70 , 1200 names separated with space ;; I_END: