align 4 proc glopViewport uses eax ebx ecx edx, context:dword, p:dword locals xsize dd ? ;int ysize dd ? ;int xmin dd ? ;int ymin dd ? ;int xsize_req dd ? ;int ysize_req dd ? ;int endl mov edx,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ecx,[ebx+4] mov [xmin],ecx mov ecx,[ebx+8] mov [ymin],ecx mov ecx,[ebx+12] mov [xsize],ecx mov ecx,[ebx+16] mov [ysize],ecx ; we may need to resize the zbuffer cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ysize],ecx jne @f mov ecx,[xmin] cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xmin],ecx jne @f mov ecx,[ymin] cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ymin],ecx jne @f mov ecx,[xsize] cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xsize],ecx jne @f jmp .end_f @@: mov ecx,[xmin] add ecx,[xsize] mov [xsize_req],ecx ;xsize_req = xmin + xsize mov ecx,[ymin] add ecx,[ysize] mov [ysize_req],ecx ;ysize_req = ymin + ysize cmp dword[edx+GLContext.gl_resize_viewport],0 je @f mov eax,ebp sub eax,4 push eax sub eax,4 push eax stdcall dword[edx+GLContext.gl_resize_viewport], edx ;gl_resize_viewport(context,&xsize_req,&ysize_req) cmp eax,0 je @f stdcall dbg_print,sz_glViewport,err_4 @@: mov ecx,[xsize_req] sub ecx,[xmin] mov [xsize],ecx mov ecx,[ysize_req] sub ecx,[ymin] mov [ysize],ecx cmp ecx,0 jg @f cmp dword[xsize],0 jg @f stdcall dbg_print,sz_glViewport,err_5 @@: mov ecx,[xmin] mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xmin],ecx mov ecx,[ymin] mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ymin],ecx mov ecx,[xsize] mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xsize],ecx mov ecx,[ysize] mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ysize],ecx mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.updated],1 .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc glopEnableDisable uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ecx,[ebx+8] mov ebx,[ebx+4] cmp ebx,GL_CULL_FACE jne @f mov [eax+GLContext.cull_face_enabled],ecx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_LIGHTING jne @f mov [eax+GLContext.lighting_enabled],ecx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_COLOR_MATERIAL jne @f mov [eax+GLContext.color_material_enabled],ecx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_TEXTURE_2D jne @f mov [eax+GLContext.texture_2d_enabled],ecx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_NORMALIZE jne @f mov [eax+GLContext.normalize_enabled],ecx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_DEPTH_TEST jne @f mov [eax+GLContext.depth_test],ecx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL jne .polygon_offset_fill cmp ecx,0 je @f or dword[eax+GLContext.offset_states],TGL_OFFSET_FILL jmp .end_f @@: and dword[eax+GLContext.offset_states],not TGL_OFFSET_FILL jmp .end_f .polygon_offset_fill: cmp ebx,GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT jne .polygon_offset_point cmp ecx,0 je @f or dword[eax+GLContext.offset_states],TGL_OFFSET_POINT jmp .end_f @@: and dword[eax+GLContext.offset_states],not TGL_OFFSET_POINT jmp .end_f .polygon_offset_point: cmp ebx,GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE jne .polygon_offset_line cmp ecx,0 je @f or dword[eax+GLContext.offset_states],TGL_OFFSET_LINE jmp .end_f @@: and dword[eax+GLContext.offset_states],not TGL_OFFSET_LINE jmp .end_f .polygon_offset_line: ;default: cmp ebx,GL_LIGHT0 jl .els_0 cmp ebx,GL_LIGHT0+MAX_LIGHTS jge .els_0 ;if (GL_LIGHT0 <= ebx < GL_LIGHT0+MAX_LIGHTS) sub ebx,GL_LIGHT0 stdcall gl_enable_disable_light, eax,ebx,ecx jmp .end_f .els_0: ;fprintf(stderr,"glEnableDisable: 0x%X not supported.\n",code); .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc glopShadeModel uses eax ebx, context:dword,p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ebx,[ebx+4] mov [eax+GLContext.current_shade_model],ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopCullFace uses eax ebx, context:dword,p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ebx,[ebx+4] mov [eax+GLContext.current_cull_face],ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopFrontFace uses eax ebx, context:dword,p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ebx,[ebx+4] mov [eax+GLContext.current_front_face],ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopPolygonMode uses eax ebx, context:dword,p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] cmp dword[ebx+4],GL_BACK jne @f mov ebx,[ebx+8] mov [eax+GLContext.polygon_mode_back],ebx jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[ebx+4],GL_FRONT jne @f mov ebx,[ebx+8] mov [eax+GLContext.polygon_mode_front],ebx jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[ebx+4],GL_FRONT_AND_BACK jne @f mov ebx,[ebx+8] mov [eax+GLContext.polygon_mode_front],ebx mov [eax+GLContext.polygon_mode_back],ebx jmp .end_f @@: ; assert(0); .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc glopHint, context:dword,p:dword if 0 ; int target=p[1].i; ; int mode=p[2].i; ; do nothing end if ret endp align 4 proc glopPolygonOffset uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword,p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ecx,[ebx+4] mov [eax+GLContext.offset_factor],ecx mov ecx,[ebx+8] mov [eax+GLContext.offset_units],ecx ret endp