;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2017. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; netsurf-installer - Set up Netsurf Browser on KolibriOS ;; ;; Author: ashmew2. ;; ;; ;; ;; Inspired from downloader.asm by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; URLMAXLEN = 65535 FILENAMEMAXLEN = 1024 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 1 __DEBUG__ = 0 format binary as "" use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; header dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; entry point dd I_END ; image size dd I_END+0x1000 ; required memory dd I_END+0x1000 ; esp dd 0x0 ; I_Path dd 0x0 ; I_Path include '../../macros.inc' include '../../proc32.inc' include '../../dll.inc' include '../../debug-fdo.inc' include '../../develop/libraries/http/http.inc' virtual at 0 http_msg http_msg end virtual ;; Parameters ;; HTTP URL to download ;; Target filename proc get_file_over_http targeturl, targetfilename pusha xor eax, eax mov [write_to_file.current_offset], eax mov [write_to_file.bufsize], eax mov [write_to_file.bufptr], eax DEBUGF 1, "---- HTTP : Getting %s\n", [targeturl] invoke HTTP_get, [targeturl], 0, 0, 0 cmp eax, 0 je .http_error mov [httpstruct], eax ;; No HTTP errors, create a new file for the download. DEBUGF 1, "---- Creating new file : %s\n", [targetfilename] mcall 70, create_new_file cmp eax, 0 jne .file_error .http_receive_loop: DEBUGF 1, "---- Receiving over http.\n" DEBUGF 1, "---- Invoking http receive.\n" invoke HTTP_receive, [httpstruct] cmp eax, 0 je .http_transfer_done mov ebp, [httpstruct] DEBUGF 1, "---- http flags = 0x%x.\n", [ebp + http_msg.flags] test [ebp + http_msg.flags], 0xffff0000 jnz .http_error mov ebp, [ebp + http_msg.content_received] cmp ebp, [write_to_file.current_offset] jle .http_receive_loop ;; Only proceed if we have more data in HTTP buffer than we have written to file. ;; Process data we got (write it to the file) mov ebp, [httpstruct] mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length] mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_received] DEBUGF 1, "---- Current file write offset : %u (http got : %u / %u)\n", [write_to_file.current_offset], edx, ecx sub edx, [write_to_file.current_offset] mov [write_to_file.bufsize], edx mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr] add ecx, [write_to_file.current_offset] mov [write_to_file.bufptr], ecx DEBUGF 1, "---- ecx + offset = 0x%x\n", ecx DEBUGF 1, "---- Writing to file %u bytes at 0x%x to %s\n", [write_to_file.bufsize], [write_to_file.bufptr], current_filename mcall 70, write_to_file cmp eax, 0 jne .file_error DEBUGF 1, "---- Wrote to file %u bytes.\n", ebx add [write_to_file.current_offset], ebx DEBUGF 1, "---- File offset updated to : %u\n", [write_to_file.current_offset] jmp .http_receive_loop .file_error: DEBUGF 1, "file_erroR with eax = %u!", eax mcall -1 .http_error: DEBUGF 1, "http_erroR!" mcall -1 .http_transfer_done: ;; Write any remaining bytes from the http buffer into the file DEBUGF 1, "---- http flags = 0x%x.\n", [httpstruct + http_msg.flags] DEBUGF 1, "Got %u bytes in total\n", [httpstruct + http_msg.content_length] mov ebp, [httpstruct] mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length] sub edx, [write_to_file.current_offset] mov [write_to_file.bufsize], edx mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr] add ecx, [write_to_file.current_offset] mov [write_to_file.bufptr], ecx DEBUGF 1, "---- Final ecx + offset = 0x%x\n", ecx DEBUGF 1, "-- Writing to file %u bytes at 0x%x to %s\n", [write_to_file.bufsize], [write_to_file.bufptr], current_filename mcall 70, write_to_file cmp eax, 0 jne .file_error DEBUGF 1, "-- Wrote to file %u bytes.\n", ebx add [write_to_file.current_offset], ebx DEBUGF 1, "-- File offset updated to : %u\n", [write_to_file.current_offset] mov ebp, [httpstruct] mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length] cmp [write_to_file.current_offset], edx jne .http_transfer_done invoke HTTP_free, [httpstruct] popa ret endp proc make_new_folder newfolder pusha mov eax, [newfolder] mov [create_new_folder.foldername], eax mcall 70, create_new_folder test eax, eax jz .success DEBUGF 1, "Failed to create folder: %s\n", [newfolder] mcall -1 .success: popa ret endp START: mcall 68, 11 ; init heap so we can allocate memory dynamically ; load libraries stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax, eax jnz .all_files_done_error stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_pointers stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_throbber stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_icons .get_next_file: mov edi, current_url mov esi, url @@: movsb cmp byte[esi], 0 jne @b ;; Loaded the base URL into current URL ;; Move onto the subsequent file. mov esi, [filelistoffset] cmp byte[esi], 0 je .all_files_done @@: movsb cmp byte[esi], 0 jne @b movsb ;; DEBUGF 1, "-- Current URL with filename is : %s\n", current_url ; Create name of file we will download to mov esi, download_file_path mov edi, current_filename @@: movsb cmp byte[esi], 0 jne @b mov esi, [filelistoffset] @@: movsb cmp byte[esi], 0 jne @b movsb mov [filelistoffset], esi ;; current_filename is now set to the name of the file ;; current_url is now set to the name of the file we will get after download stdcall get_file_over_http, current_url, current_filename jmp .get_next_file .all_files_done: DEBUGF 1, "All FILES DONE!\n" ;; Inform user that all files are done ;; print 'fuck off' .all_files_done_error: DEBUGF 1, "FUCKED BIG TIME with eax = %u!\n", eax mcall -1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Data area ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 @IMPORT: library lib_http, 'http.obj' import lib_http, \ HTTP_get, 'get', \ HTTP_receive, 'receive', \ HTTP_free, 'free' include_debug_strings download_file_path db '/tmp0/1/', 0 dirname_res db '/tmp0/1/res', 0 dirname_res_pointers db '/tmp0/1/res/pointers', 0 dirname_res_throbber db '/tmp0/1/res/throbber', 0 dirname_res_icons db '/tmp0/1/res/icons', 0 url db 'www.ashmew2.me/',0 filelist db 'res/adblock.css', 0 db 'res/quirks.css', 0 db 'res/Messages', 0 db 'res/licence.html', 0 db 'res/default.css', 0 db 'res/netsurf.png', 0 db 'res/sans.ttf', 0 db 'res/welcome.html', 0 db 'res/internal.css', 0 db 'res/maps.html', 0 db 'res/favicon.png', 0 db 'res/credits.html', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber8.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber3.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber4.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber0.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber6.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber2.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber1.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber7.png', 0 db 'res/throbber/throbber5.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/point.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/no_drop.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/wait.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/up-down.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/help.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/ru-ld.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/menu.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/not_allowed.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/cross.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/default.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/caret.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/left-right.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/lu-rd.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/progress.png', 0 db 'res/pointers/move.png', 0 db 'res/icons/back.png', 0 db 'res/icons/back_g.png', 0 db 'res/icons/scrollr.png', 0 db 'res/icons/osk.png', 0 db 'res/icons/forward_g.png', 0 db 'res/icons/scrolll.png', 0 db 'res/icons/history.png', 0 db 'res/icons/forward.png', 0 db 'res/icons/home_g.png', 0 db 'res/icons/history_g.png', 0 db 'res/icons/reload_g.png', 0 db 'res/icons/scrollu.png', 0 db 'res/icons/stop.png', 0 db 'res/icons/scrolld.png', 0 db 'res/icons/stop_g.png', 0 db 'res/icons/home.png', 0 db 'res/icons/reload.png', 0 db 'nskolibrios', 0 db 0 current_url rb URLMAXLEN filelistoffset dd filelist current_filename rb FILENAMEMAXLEN httpstruct dd 0 create_new_file dd 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0 dd current_filename create_new_folder dd 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0 .foldername dd 0 write_to_file dd 3 .current_offset dd 0, 0 .bufsize dd 0 .bufptr dd 0 db 0 dd current_filename I_END: