; ; DEBUG BOARD for APPLICATIONS and KERNEL DEVELOPMENT ; ; See f63 ; ; Compile with FASM for Menuet ; LMARGIN equ (15+5) TMARGIN equ (35+5) HSPACE equ 16 VSPACE equ 12 IPC_BUF equ 160 DR_GRID equ 0;1 FL_KRNL equ 1 include 'lang.inc' use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd i_end+0x2000 ; memory for app (4 Kb) dd i_end+0x2000 ; esp dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon include 'MACROS.INC' include 'debug.inc' purge newline MAXSTRINGS = 16 TMP = 80*(MAXSTRINGS+1) START: ; start of execution mcall 60,1,ipcbuff,IPC_BUF+20 mcall 40,1000111b mov [ipcbuff+4],8 mov ecx,1024 flush: mov eax,63 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 loop flush mov ecx, TMP xor eax, eax mov edi, [targ] rep stosb mov [tmp1],'x' mov [tmp2],'x' mov eax,14 int 0x40 and eax,0xffff0000 sub eax,399 shl 16 add eax,399 mov [xstart],eax red: call draw_window still: mov eax,23 ; wait here for event mov ebx,1 int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ? je red cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? je key cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? je button cmp eax,7 je ipc mov eax,63 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 cmp ebx,1 jne still new_data: mov ebp,[targ] .no4: cmp al,13 jne no13 and dword[ebp-8],0 jmp new_check no13: cmp al,10 jne no10 inc dword[ebp-4] cmp dword[ebp-4],MAXSTRINGS jbe .noypos mov dword[ebp-4],MAXSTRINGS lea esi,[ebp+80] mov edi,ebp mov ecx,80*(MAXSTRINGS) cld rep movsb mov esi,[ebp-4] imul esi,80 add esi,[ebp-8] add esi,ebp mov ecx,80 xor al,al rep stosb .noypos: mov [targ],text2 and [krnl_cnt],0 jmp new_check no10: cmp ebp,text1 je add2 mov ecx,[krnl_cnt] cmp al,[krnl_msg+ecx] jne .noknl inc [krnl_cnt] cmp [krnl_cnt],4 jne new_check mov [targ],text1 .noknl: mov ebp,[targ] jecxz .add push eax mov esi,krnl_msg .l1: lodsb call add_char loop .l1 pop eax .add: and [krnl_cnt],0 add2: call add_char new_check: mov eax,63 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 cmp ebx,1 je new_data cmp [vmode],2 je still call draw_window jmp still ipc: mov [vmode],2 mov eax,ipcbuff mov esi,[eax+8] mov byte[eax],1 push dword[eax+12] pop [dump_len] mcall 9,work,-1 mov ecx,eax .lp: mcall 9 cmp [ebx+30],esi je .ok loop .lp and [dump_len],0 jmp red .ok: mov [pid],esi lea esi,[ebx+10] mov edi,dump_title+10 mov ecx,12 rep movsb jmp red key: ; key mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore int 0x40 cmp ah,' ' je button.no_krnl_flt cmp [vmode],2 jne still cmp ah,176 ;left jb still cmp ah,179 ;right ja still mov ecx,[offs] shr eax,8 sub eax,176 add ecx,[arrows+eax*4] shl ecx,12 shr cx,12 jmp button.check_sel .nol: jmp still arrows dd -1,16,-16,1 button: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id int 0x40 cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne .noclose mov eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 .noclose: shr eax,8 cmp eax,10 jb .nodump lea edi,[eax-10] mcall 37,1 sub eax,[edi*4+dump_cell_marg] sub eax,TMARGIN+VSPACE push eax and eax,0xffff xor edx,edx div word[edi*4+dump_cell_size+2] mov ecx,eax shl ecx,16 xor edx,edx pop eax shr eax,16 div word[edi*4+dump_cell_size] mov cx,ax .check_sel: mov eax,ecx shl ax,12 shr eax,12 inc eax cmp eax,[dump_len] ja still;.nosel mov dword[sel_byte],ecx dec eax mov [offs],eax jmp red .nodump: cmp eax,2 jne .no_krnl_flt xor [flag],FL_KRNL jmp still .no_krnl_flt: mov [ipcbuff+4],8 and byte[ipcbuff],0 inc [vmode] cmp [vmode],3 jb .vmok and [vmode],0 .vmok: jmp red add_char: push esi mov esi,[ebp-4] imul esi,80 add esi,[ebp-8] mov [ebp+esi],al inc dword[ebp-8] cmp dword[ebp-8],80 jb .ok mov dword[ebp-8],79 .ok: pop esi ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,48 mov ebx,3 mov ecx,sc mov edx,sizeof.system_colors int 0x40 mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw int 0x40 ; DRAW WINDOW mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window ; mov ebx,50*65536+400 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ebx,[xstart] mov ecx,MAXSTRINGS*10+45 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,[sc.work] ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl or edx,0x03000000 int 0x40 ; WINDOW LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,[sc.grab_text] ; color of text RRGGBB or ecx,0x10000000 mov edx,header ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,header.len ; text length int 0x40 mov ecx,4 mov esi,[sc.work] mov ebx,316 shl 16+5*6 mov edx,3;+1 shl 30 mcall 8,,<5,12> mov edx,[vmode] lea edx,[edx*4+duk] mcall 4,<320,8>,,,4 cmp [vmode],2 je no_mdbg mov ebx,15*65536+33 ; draw info text with function 4 mov ecx,[sc.work_text] mov edx,text1 cmp [vmode],0 je .kern mov edx,text2 .kern: mov esi,80 newline: mov eax,4 int 0x40 add ebx,10 add edx,80 cmp [edx],byte 'x' jne newline jmp enddraw no_mdbg: if DUMP_TEST eq 1 mov esi,0 mov [dump_len],100;IPC_BUF else mov esi,ipcbuff+16 end if mov ecx,[dump_len] call dump_btn call draw_dump enddraw: mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw int 0x40 ret if DR_GRID eq 1 draw_grid: mov ecx,11 mov edi,(TMARGIN+VSPACE)shl 16+TMARGIN+VSPACE .l1: push ecx mov ebx,LMARGIN shl 16+LMARGIN+16*HSPACE mcall 38,,edi,0 add edi,VSPACE shl 16+VSPACE pop ecx loop .l1 mov ecx,17 mov edi,(TMARGIN+VSPACE)shl 16+TMARGIN+VSPACE*10 mov ebx,LMARGIN shl 16+LMARGIN .l2: push ecx mcall 38,,edi,0 add ebx,HSPACE shl 16+HSPACE pop ecx loop .l2 ret end if draw_numbers: mcall 4,(LMARGIN+2) shl 16+180,0,numb,numb_len-numb mov eax,dword[sel_byte] shl ax,12 shr eax,12 mov edi,eax if ~ DUMP_TEST eq 1 add edi,ipcbuff+16 end if mov edx,(LMARGIN+2+6*6)shl 16+180 mov ebx,0x30000 movzx ecx,byte[edi] mcall 47,,,,0x4e00e7 add ebx,0x20000 add edx,(6*10)shl 16 movzx ecx,word[edi] mcall add ebx,0x50000 add edx,(6*13)shl 16 mov ecx,[edi] mcall mov ebx,0x80100 add edx,(6*19)shl 16 mcall .ex: ret draw_dump: ; esi - data ptr, ecx - length jecxz draw_numbers.ex pusha call draw_numbers mcall 4,(LMARGIN+2) shl 16+27,0,dump_title,dump_t_len-dump_title mcall 47,0x30101,ipcbuff+8,(LMARGIN+2+6*29)shl 16+27 add edx,(6*27) shl 16 mov ecx,offs mcall sub edx,(5*6)shl 16 mcall ,0x30001 mov ecx,16 mov edi,HSPACE shl 16 mov ebx,(LMARGIN+5)shl 16+42 call draw_marks mov ecx,[esp+24] dec ecx shr ecx,4 inc ecx mov ebx,(LMARGIN-10)shl 16+TMARGIN+2+VSPACE mov edi,VSPACE call draw_marks popa mov edx,TMARGIN+2 mov edi,ecx .lp: add edx,(LMARGIN+2) shl 16+VSPACE mov ecx,16 cmp edi,ecx jae .less mov ecx,edi .less: sub edi,ecx push esi ecx mov ebx,0x20100 .lp1: push ecx esi movzx ecx,byte[esi] mcall 47,,,,0 add edx,HSPACE shl 16 pop esi ecx inc esi loop .lp1 pusha mov ebx,edx and ebx,0xffff add ebx,(LMARGIN+16*HSPACE+15)shl 16 mov edx,[esp+36] mov esi,[esp+32] mcall 4,,0 popa add esp,8 and edx,0xffff test edi,edi jnz .lp .ex: ret draw_marks: ; ebx -xy, edi-addition, ecx -cycles pusha mov edx,__hexdigits mov eax,4 mov esi,1 .tt: push ecx mcall ,,0xffffff add ebx,edi inc edx pop ecx loop .tt popa ret dump_btn: ; ecx-length jecxz draw_dump.ex pusha test ecx,0xffff je .even add ecx,16 .even: shr ecx,4 imul ecx,VSPACE add ecx,(TMARGIN+VSPACE)shl 16-5 mcall 8,LMARGIN shl 16+16*HSPACE-5,,10+3 shl 29,[sc.work] inc edx mcall ,(LMARGIN+16*HSPACE+15)shl 16+6*16 mov edx,0xff0000 mov esi,dump_cell_size xor eax,eax movzx ebx,[sel_byte] lodsw imul bx,ax shl ebx,16 lea ebx,[ebx+eax+LMARGIN shl 16] movzx ecx,[sel_byte+2] lodsw imul cx,ax shl ecx,16 lea ecx,[ecx+eax+(TMARGIN+VSPACE) shl 16] mcall 13 movzx ebx,[sel_byte] lodsw imul bx,ax shl ebx,16 lea ebx,[ebx+eax+(LMARGIN+16*HSPACE+15)shl 16] mcall 13 popa .ex: ret krnl_msg db 'K : ' duk db 'KernUserDump' numb db 'Byte: Word: Dword: Hex:' numb_len: dump_title db 'Dump from (pid= h) Offset: ( h)' dump_t_len: ; DATA AREA dump_cell_marg dd LMARGIN shl 16,(LMARGIN+16*HSPACE+15)shl 16 dump_cell_size dw HSPACE,VSPACE,6,VSPACE ; 11,11 > 0,-1 ; 5,11 > 0,-1 if lang eq ru header: db ' ' .len = $ - header else header: db 'GENERAL DEBUG & MESSAGE BOARD' .len = $ - header end if krnl_cnt dd 0 vmode dd 0 targ dd text2 I_END: offs dd ? flag rb 1 ipcbuff rb IPC_BUF+20 rd 2 ; x1pos dd ? ; y1pos dd ? text1 rb 80*(MAXSTRINGS+1) tmp1 db ? rd 2 ; x2pos dd ? ; y2pos dd ? text2 rb 80*(MAXSTRINGS+1) tmp2 db ? work rb 4096 sel_byte dw ?,? pid dd ? xstart dd ? dump_len dd ? sc system_colors i_end: