#ifndef KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENTS_H #define KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENTS_H /* GUI Elements being used */ #include "kolibri_editbox.h" #include "kolibri_checkbox.h" #include "kolibri_button.h" /* enum KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENT_TYPE contains all available GUI items from box_lib */ /* More elements can be added from other libraries as required */ enum KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENT_TYPE { KOLIBRI_EDIT_BOX, KOLIBRI_CHECK_BOX, KOLIBRI_RADIO_BUTTON, KOLIBRI_SCROLL_BAR, KOLIBRI_DYNAMIC_BUTTON, KOLIBRI_MENU_BAR, KOLIBRI_FILE_BROWSER, KOLIBRI_TREE_LIST, KOLIBRI_PATH_SHOW, KOLIBRI_TEXT_EDITOR, KOLIBRI_FRAME, KOLIBRI_PROGRESS_BAR, KOLIBRI_BUTTON, /* Add elements above this element in order to let KOLIBRI_NUM_GUI_ELEMENTS */ /* stay at correct value */ KOLIBRI_NUM_GUI_ELEMENTS }; /* Linked list which connects together all the elements drawn inside a GUI window */ struct kolibri_window_element { enum KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type; void *element; struct kolibri_window_element *next, *prev; }; typedef void (*cb_elem_boxlib)(void *) __attribute__((__stdcall__)); /* Generic structure for supporting functions on various elements of Kolibri's GUI */ struct kolibri_element_operations { cb_elem_boxlib redraw_fn; cb_elem_boxlib mouse_fn; cb_elem_boxlib key_fn; }; /* Structure for a GUI Window on Kolibri. It also contains all the elements drawn in window */ struct kolibri_window { unsigned int topleftx, toplefty; unsigned int sizex, sizey; char *window_title; /* Refer to sysfuncs, value to be stored in EDX (Function 0) */ unsigned int XY; struct kolibri_window_element *elements; }; /*---------------------End of Structure and enum definitions---------------*/ /*---------------------Define various functions for initializing GUI-------*/ /* Master table containing operations for various GUI elements in one place */ struct kolibri_element_operations kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_NUM_GUI_ELEMENTS]; void kolibri_init_gui_op_table(void) { /* Setting up functions for edit box GUI elements*/ kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_EDIT_BOX].redraw_fn = (cb_elem_boxlib)edit_box_draw; kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_EDIT_BOX].mouse_fn = (cb_elem_boxlib)edit_box_mouse; kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_EDIT_BOX].key_fn = (cb_elem_boxlib)editbox_key; /* Setting up functions for check box GUI elements*/ kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_CHECK_BOX].redraw_fn = (cb_elem_boxlib)check_box_draw2; kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_CHECK_BOX].mouse_fn = (cb_elem_boxlib)check_box_mouse2; kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_CHECK_BOX].key_fn = NULL; /* Setting up functions for Kolibri Buttons ( SysFunc 8 )*/ kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_BUTTON].redraw_fn = (cb_elem_boxlib)draw_button; kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_BUTTON].mouse_fn = NULL; kolibri_gui_op_table[KOLIBRI_BUTTON].key_fn = NULL; } /* Create a new main GUI window for KolibriOS */ /* tl stands for TOP LEFT. x and y are coordinates. */ struct kolibri_window * kolibri_new_window(int tlx, int tly, int sizex, int sizey, char *title) { struct kolibri_window *new_win = (struct kolibri_window *)malloc(sizeof(struct kolibri_window)); new_win->topleftx = tlx; new_win->toplefty = tly; new_win->sizex = sizex; new_win->sizey = sizey; new_win->window_title = title; new_win->XY = 0x00000013; /* All windows are skinned windows with caption for now */ new_win->elements = NULL; return new_win; } /* Add an element to an existing window */ void kolibri_window_add_element(struct kolibri_window *some_window, enum KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENT_TYPE element_type, void *some_gui_element) { struct kolibri_window_element *new_element = (struct kolibri_window_element *)malloc(sizeof(struct kolibri_window_element)); new_element -> type = element_type; new_element -> element = some_gui_element; if(!(some_window->elements)) /* No elements in window yet */ { some_window->elements = new_element; some_window->elements -> prev = some_window->elements; some_window->elements -> next = some_window->elements; } else { struct kolibri_window_element *last_element = some_window -> elements -> prev; last_element -> next = new_element; new_element -> next = some_window -> elements; /* start of linked list */ some_window -> elements -> prev = new_element; new_element -> prev = last_element; } } #endif /* KOLIBRI_GUI_ELEMENTS_H */