;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; TCP_input: ; ; IN: [esp] = ptr to buffer ; [esp+4] = buffer size ; ebx = ptr to device struct ; ecx = segment size ; edx = ptr to TCP segment ; ; esi = ipv4 source address ; edi = ipv4 dest address ; ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 TCP_input: DEBUGF 1,"TCP_input size=%u ", ecx ; Offset must be greater than or equal to the size of the standard TCP header (20) and less than or equal to the TCP length. movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.DataOffset] and eax, 0xf0 shr al, 2 DEBUGF 1,"headersize=%u\n", eax cmp eax, 20 jl .drop_not_locked ;------------------------------- ; Now, re-calculate the checksum push eax ecx edx pushw [edx + TCP_segment.Checksum] mov [edx + TCP_segment.Checksum], 0 push esi edi mov esi, edx TCP_checksum (esp), (esp+4) pop esi edi ; yes, swap them (we dont need dest addr) pop cx ; previous checksum cmp cx, dx pop edx ecx esi jnz .drop_not_locked DEBUGF 1,"Checksum is correct\n" sub ecx, esi ; update packet size jl .drop_not_locked DEBUGF 1,"we got %u bytes of data\n", ecx ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check if this packet has a timestamp option (We do it here so we can process it quickly) cmp esi, 20 + 12 ; Timestamp option is 12 bytes jl .no_timestamp je .is_ok cmp byte [edx + TCP_segment.Data + 12], TCP_OPT_EOL ; end of option list jne .no_timestamp .is_ok: test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN ; SYN flag must not be set jnz .no_timestamp cmp dword [edx + TCP_segment.Data], 0x0101080a ; Timestamp header jne .no_timestamp DEBUGF 1,"timestamp ok\n" ; TODO: Parse the option ; TODO: Set a Bit in the TCP to tell all options are parsed .no_timestamp: ;------------------------------------------- ; Convert Big-endian values to little endian ntohd [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] ntohd [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] ntohw [edx + TCP_segment.Window] ntohw [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer] ntohw [edx + TCP_segment.SourcePort] ntohw [edx + TCP_segment.DestinationPort] ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Next thing to do is find the TCB (thus, the socket pointer) ; IP Packet TCP Destination Port = local Port ; (IP Packet SenderAddress = Remote IP) OR (Remote IP = 0) ; (IP Packet TCP Source Port = remote Port) OR (remote Port = 0) mov ebx, net_sockets .socket_loop: mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr] or ebx, ebx jz .drop_with_reset_not_locked cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4 jne .socket_loop cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP jne .socket_loop mov ax, [edx + TCP_segment.DestinationPort] cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort], ax jne .socket_loop mov eax, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP] cmp eax, edi ; edi is source ip from packet je @f test eax, eax jnz .socket_loop @@: mov ax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort] cmp [edx + TCP_segment.SourcePort] , ax je .found_socket test ax, ax jnz .socket_loop .found_socket: DEBUGF 1,"Socket ptr: %x\n", ebx ; ebx now contains the pointer to the socket ;---------------------------- ; Check if socket isnt closed cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_CLOSED je .drop_not_locked ;---------------- ; Lock the socket add ebx, SOCKET.lock DEBUGF 1,"lock: %x\n", [ebx] call wait_mutex sub ebx, SOCKET.lock DEBUGF 1,"Socket locked\n" ;--------------------------------------- ; unscale the window into a 32 bit value movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.Window] push ecx mov cl, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE] shl eax, cl mov dword [edx + TCP_segment.Window], eax ; word after window is checksum, we dont need checksum anymore pop ecx ;----------------------------------- ; Is this socket a listening socket? test [ebx + SOCKET.options], SO_ACCEPTCON jz .no_listening_socket call SOCKET_fork jz .drop push [edx + TCP_segment.DestinationPort] pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort] push [edx - IPv4_Packet.DataOrOptional + IPv4_Packet.DestinationAddress] ;;; FIXME pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP] push [edx - IPv4_Packet.DataOrOptional + IPv4_Packet.SourceAddress] ;;; FIXME pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP] mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_LISTEN jmp .not_uni_xfer .no_listening_socket: ;------------------------------------- ; Reset idle timer and keepalive timer mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_idle], 0 mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_interval ;-------------------- ; Process TCP options cmp esi, 20 ; esi is headersize je .no_options DEBUGF 1,"Segment has options\n" cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_LISTEN ; no options when in listen state jz .not_uni_xfer ; also no header prediction lea edi, [edx + TCP_segment.Data] lea eax, [edx + esi] .opt_loop: cmp edi, eax jge .no_options cmp byte [edi], TCP_OPT_EOL ; end of option list? jz .no_options cmp byte [edi], TCP_OPT_NOP ; nop ? jz .opt_nop cmp byte [edi], TCP_OPT_MAXSEG je .opt_maxseg cmp byte [edi], TCP_OPT_WINDOW je .opt_window cmp byte [edi], TCP_OPT_TIMESTAMP je .opt_timestamp jmp .no_options ; If we reach here, some unknown options were received, skip them all! .opt_nop: inc edi jmp .opt_loop .opt_maxseg: cmp byte [edi+1], 4 jne .no_options ; error occured, ignore all options! test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jz @f movzx eax, word[edi+2] rol ax, 8 DEBUGF 1,"Maxseg: %u\n", ax mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg], eax @@: add edi, 4 jmp .opt_loop .opt_window: cmp byte [edi+1], 3 jne .no_options test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jz @f DEBUGF 1,"Got window option\n" ;;;;; @@: add edi, 3 jmp .opt_loop .opt_timestamp: cmp byte [edi+1], 10 jne .no_options DEBUGF 1,"Got timestamp option\n" ;;;;; add edi, 10 jmp .opt_loop .no_options: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Time to do some header prediction (Original Principle by Van Jacobson) ; There are two common cases for an uni-directional data transfer. ; ; General rule: the packets has no control flags, is in-sequence, ; window width didnt change and we're not retransmitting. ; ; Second rules: ; - If the length is 0 and the ACK moved forward, we're the sender side of the transfer. ; In this case we'll free the ACK'ed data and notify higher levels that we have free space in buffer ; ; - If the length is not 0 and the ACK didn't move, we're the receiver side of the transfer. ; If the packets are in order (data queue is empty), add the data to the socket buffer and request a delayed ACK cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_ESTABLISHED jnz .not_uni_xfer test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN + TH_FIN + TH_RST + TH_URG jnz .not_uni_xfer test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .not_uni_xfer mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT] jne .not_uni_xfer mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_segment.Window] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] jne .not_uni_xfer mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX] jne .not_uni_xfer ;--------------------------------------- ; check if we are sender in the uni-xfer ; If the following 4 conditions are all true, this segment is a pure ACK. ; ; - The segment contains no data. test ecx, ecx jnz .not_sender ; - The congestion window is greater than or equal to the current send window. ; This test is true only if the window is fully open, that is, the connection is not in the middle of slow start or congestion avoidance. mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] jl .not_uni_xfer ; - The acknowledgment field in the segment is less than or equal to the maximum sequence number sent. mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX] jg .not_uni_xfer ; - The acknowledgment field in the segment is greater than the largest unacknowledged sequence number. sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] jle .not_uni_xfer DEBUGF 1,"Header prediction: we are sender\n" ;--------------------------------- ; Packet is a pure ACK, process it ; Update RTT estimators ;;; TODO ; Delete acknowledged bytes from send buffer pusha mov ecx, eax lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd] call SOCKET_ring_free popa ; update window pointers mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax ; Stop retransmit timer mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_ack], 0 ; Awaken waiting processes mov [ebx + SOCKET.lock], 0 mov eax, ebx call SOCKET_notify_owner ; Generate more output call TCP_output jmp .drop_not_locked ;------------------------------------------------- ; maybe we are the receiver in the uni-xfer then.. .not_sender: ; - The amount of data in the segment is greater than 0 (data count is in ecx) ; - The acknowledgment field equals the largest unacknowledged sequence number. This means no data is acknowledged by this segment. mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] jne .not_uni_xfer ; - The reassembly list of out-of-order segments for the connection is empty (seg_next equals tp). ;;; TODO jnz .not_uni_xfer ; Complete processing of received data DEBUGF 1,"header prediction: we are receiver\nreceiving %u bytes of data\n", ecx add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT], ecx ; Update sequence number with number of bytes we have copied add esi, edx lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv] call SOCKET_ring_write ; Add the data to the socket buffer mov eax, ebx call SOCKET_notify_owner or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_DELACK ; Set delayed ack flag jmp .drop ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Header prediction failed, do it the slow way .not_uni_xfer: DEBUGF 1,"Header prediction failed\n" ; Calculate receive window size ;;;; TODO: 444 cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_LISTEN je .LISTEN cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_SYN_SENT je .SYN_SENT jmp .NOT_LISTEN_OR_SYN_SENT ;------------- ; Passive Open align 4 .LISTEN: DEBUGF 1,"TCP state: listen\n" test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_RST ;;; TODO: kill new socket on error jnz .drop test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jnz .drop_with_reset test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jz .drop ;;; TODO: check if it's a broadcast or multicast, and drop if so add [TCP_sequence_num], 64000 push [edx + TCP_segment.SourcePort] pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort] push [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.IRS] push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.ISS] pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] TCP_sendseqinit eax TCP_rcvseqinit eax mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_SYN_RECEIVED mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_interval ;;;; macro add eax, STREAM_SOCKET.snd call SOCKET_ring_create add eax, STREAM_SOCKET.rcv - STREAM_SOCKET.snd call SOCKET_ring_create lea ebx, [eax - STREAM_SOCKET.rcv] mov [ebx + SOCKET.lock], 0 jmp .trim_then_step6 ;------------ ; Active Open align 4 .SYN_SENT: DEBUGF 1,"TCP state: syn_sent\n" test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz @f mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS] jle .drop_with_reset cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX] jg .drop_with_reset @@: test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_RST jz @f test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .drop mov eax, ebx mov ebx, ECONNREFUSED call TCP_drop jmp .drop @@: test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jz .drop ; at this point, segment seems to be valid test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .no_syn_ack ; now, process received SYN in response to an active open mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] jle @f mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax @@: .no_syn_ack: mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 0 ; disable retransmission push [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.IRS] TCP_rcvseqinit ebx or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS] jle .simultaneous_open test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .simultaneous_open DEBUGF 1,"TCP: active open\n" ;;; TODO: update stats ; set socket state to connected mov [ebx + SOCKET.state],1 ;;;; FIXME mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_ESTABLISHED ;;; TODO: check if we should scale the connection (567-572) ;;; TODO: update RTT estimators jmp .trim_then_step6 .simultaneous_open: DEBUGF 1,"TCP: simultaneous open\n" ; We have received a syn but no ACK, so we are having a simultaneous open.. mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_SYN_RECEIVED ;------------------------------------- ; Common processing for receipt of SYN .trim_then_step6: inc [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] ;;; TODO: Drop any received data that follows receive window (590) mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_UP], eax dec eax mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1], eax jmp .ack_processed .NOT_LISTEN_OR_SYN_SENT: DEBUGF 1,"Slow TCP input: not listen or syn_sent state\n" ;-------------------------------------------- ; Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers ; First, check if timestamp is present ;;;; TODO 602 ; Then, check if at least some bytes of data are within window ;;;; TODO ;---------------------------- ; trim any data not in window ; check for duplicate data at beginning of segment mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT] sub eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] jle .no_duplicate DEBUGF 1,"Uh oh.. %x bytes of duplicate data!\n", eax test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jz .no_dup_syn ; remove duplicate syn and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not (TH_SYN) inc [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] cmp [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 1 jl @f dec [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer] jmp .no_dup_syn @@: and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not (TH_URG) dec eax jz .no_duplicate .no_dup_syn: DEBUGF 1,"Going to drop %u out of %u bytes\n", eax, ecx ; eax holds number of bytes to drop ; Check for entire duplicate packet cmp eax, ecx jge .duplicate ;;; TODO: apply figure 28.30 ; Check for duplicate FIN test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_FIN jz @f inc ecx cmp eax, ecx dec ecx jne @f mov eax, ecx and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not TH_FIN or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW jmp .no_duplicate @@: ; Handle the case when a bound socket connects to itself ; Allow packets with a SYN and an ACKto continue with the processing ;------------------------------------- ; Generate duplicate ACK if nescessary ; This code also handles simultaneous half-open or self-connects test eax, eax jnz .drop_after_ack cmp [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .drop_after_ack .duplicate: DEBUGF 1,"Duplicate received\n" ;---------------------------------------- ; Update statistics for duplicate packets ;;; TODO jmp .drop ;;; DROP the packet ?? .no_duplicate: ;----------------------------------------------- ; Remove duplicate data and update urgent offset add [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber], eax ;;; TODO sub [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], ax jg @f and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not (TH_URG) mov [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 0 @@: ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Handle data that arrives after process terminates cmp [ebx + SOCKET.PID], 0 jg @f cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_CLOSE_WAIT jle @f test ecx, ecx jz @f ;;; Close the socket ;;; update stats jmp .drop_with_reset @@: ;---------------------------------------- ; Remove data beyond right edge of window mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] add eax, ecx sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT] sub ax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND] ; eax now holds the number of bytes to drop jle .no_excess_data ;;; TODO: update stats cmp eax, ecx jl .dont_drop_all ;;; TODO 700-736 .dont_drop_all: .no_excess_data: ;----------------- ; Record timestamp ;;; TODO 737-746 ;------------------ ; Process RST flags test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_RST jz .rst_skip DEBUGF 1,"Got an RST flag" mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state] shl eax, 2 jmp dword [eax + .rst_sw_list] .rst_sw_list: dd .rst_skip ;TCB_CLOSED dd .rst_skip ;TCB_LISTEN dd .rst_skip ;TCB_SYN_SENT dd .econnrefused ;TCB_SYN_RECEIVED dd .econnreset ;TCB_ESTABLISHED dd .econnreset ;TCB_CLOSE_WAIT dd .econnreset ;TCB_FIN_WAIT_1 dd .rst_close ;TCB_CLOSING dd .rst_close ;TCB_LAST_ACK dd .econnreset ;TCB_FIN_WAIT_2 dd .rst_close ;TCB_TIMED_WAIT .econnrefused: DEBUGF 1,"Connection refused" ;;; TODO: debug info jmp .close .econnreset: DEBUGF 1,"Connection reset" ;;; TODO: debug info .close: DEBUGF 1,"Closing connection" ;;; update stats .rst_close: DEBUGF 1,"Closing with reset\n" ;;; Close the socket jmp .drop .rst_skip: ;-------------------------------------- ; handle SYN-full and ACK-less segments test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jz @f mov ebx, ECONNRESET call TCP_drop jmp .drop_with_reset test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .drop @@: ;--------------- ; ACK processing cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_SYN_RECEIVED jnz .no_syn_rcv DEBUGF 1,"TCP state = syn received\n" ;;;;; 801-815 .no_syn_rcv: ; check for duplicate ACK mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] jg .not_dup_ack test ecx, ecx jnz .reset_dupacks mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_segment.Window] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] jne .reset_dupacks DEBUGF 1,"Processing a duplicate ACK..\n" cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 10000 ;;;; jg @f mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] je .dup_ack @@: mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], 0 jmp .not_dup_ack .dup_ack: inc [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks] cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], TCP_re_xmit_thresh jne .no_re_xmit push [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] ; >>>> mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] cmovg eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] shr eax, 1 push edx xor edx, edx div [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg] cmp eax, 2 jge @f mov ax, 2 @@: mul [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg] pop edx mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH], eax mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 0 ; turn off retransmission timer mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 0 mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax mov eax, ebx call TCP_output ; retransmit missing segment push edx xor edx, edx mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg] mul [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks] pop edx add eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax pop eax ; <<<< cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] jl @f mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax @@: jmp .drop .no_re_xmit: jle .not_dup_ack DEBUGF 1,"Increasing congestion window\n" mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg] add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax mov eax, ebx call TCP_output jmp .drop .not_dup_ack: ;------------------------------------------------- ; If the congestion window was inflated to account ; for the other side's cached packets, retract it mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] jg @f cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], TCP_re_xmit_thresh jle @f mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax @@: mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], 0 mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX] jle @f ;;; TODO: update stats jmp .drop_after_ack @@: mov edi, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] sub edi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] ; now we got the number of acked bytes in esi ;;; TODO: update stats DEBUGF 1,"We have an acceptable ACK of %x bytes\n", esi ;------------------------------------------ ; RTT measurements and retransmission timer ;;;;; 912 - 926 mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 0 mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX] cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] je .all_outstanding mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 120 ;;;; TODO: correct this value (use a macro for it) .all_outstanding: ;------------------------------------------- ; Open congestion window in response to ACKs mov esi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg] cmp esi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH] jle @f push edx push eax mul eax div esi pop edx shr edx, 3 add eax, edx pop edx @@: add esi, eax push ecx mov cl, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE] mov eax, TCP_max_win shl eax, cl pop ecx cmp esi, eax cmovg esi, eax mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], esi ;------------------------------------------ ; Remove acknowledged data from send buffer push ecx edx ebx mov ecx, edi lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd] call SOCKET_ring_free pop ebx sub [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND], ecx pop edx ecx ; Wake up process waiting on send buffer mov eax, ebx call SOCKET_notify_owner ; Update TCB mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] jl @f mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax @@: ; General ACK handling complete ; Now do the state-specific ones mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state] jmp dword [eax*4 + .ACK_sw_list] .ACK_sw_list: dd .ack_processed ;TCB_CLOSED dd .ack_processed ;TCB_LISTEN dd .ack_processed ;TCB_SYN_SENT dd .ack_processed ;TCB_SYN_RECEIVED dd .ack_processed ;TCB_ESTABLISHED dd .ack_processed ;TCB_CLOSE_WAIT dd .ack_fw1 ;TCB_FIN_WAIT_1 dd .ack_c ;TCB_CLOSING dd .ack_la ;TCB_LAST_ACK dd .ack_processed ;TCB_FIN_WAIT_2 dd .ack_tw ;TCB_TIMED_WAIT .ack_fw1: ; 963 jmp .ack_processed .ack_c: ; 958 jmp .ack_processed .ack_la: ; 999 jmp .ack_processed .ack_tw: ; 1010 jmp .ack_processed .reset_dupacks: ; We got a new ACK, reset duplicate ACK counter mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], 0 .ack_processed: ; (step 6) DEBUGF 1,"ACK processed\n" ;---------------------------------------------- ; check if we need to update window information test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jz .no_window_update mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1] cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] jl .update_window jg @f mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2] cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] jl .update_window jg .no_window_update @@: mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2] cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] jne .no_window_update movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.Window] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] jle .no_window_update .update_window: DEBUGF 1,"Updating window\n" ; Keep track of pure window updates ; test ecx, ecx ; jz @f ; ; mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2] ; cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] ; jne @f ; ; ;; mov eax, tiwin ; cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] ; jle @f ; ; ;;; update stats ; ; @@: mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_segment.Window] cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd] jle @f mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd], eax @@: mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND], eax push [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber] pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1] push [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber] pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2] ;;; needoutput = 1 .no_window_update: ;----------------- ; process URG flag test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_URG jz .not_urgent cmp [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 0 jz .not_urgent cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_TIMED_WAIT je .not_urgent ; Ignore bogus urgent offsets ;;; 1040-1050 movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer] add eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv + RING_BUFFER.size] cmp eax, SOCKET_MAXDATA jle .not_urgent mov [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 0 and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not (TH_URG) jmp .do_data .not_urgent: ; processing of received urgent pointer ;;; TODO (1051-1093) ;-------------------------------- ; process the data in the segment .do_data: DEBUGF 1,"TCP: do data (%u)\n", ecx test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_FIN jnz .process_fin cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCB_FIN_WAIT_1 jge .dont_do_data test ecx, ecx jz .final_processing DEBUGF 1,"Processing data in segment\n" ;; TODO: check if data is in sequence ! movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.DataOffset] ;;; todo: remember this in.. edi ? and eax, 0xf0 shr al, 2 lea esi, [edx + eax] or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_DELACK add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT], ecx lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv] call SOCKET_ring_write mov eax, ebx call SOCKET_notify_owner jmp .final_processing .dont_do_data: ;--------------- ; FIN processing .process_fin: DEBUGF 1,"Processing FIN\n" mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state] shl eax, 2 jmp dword [eax + .FIN_sw_list] .FIN_sw_list: dd .no_fin ;TCB_CLOSED dd .no_fin ;TCB_LISTEN dd .no_fin ;TCB_SYN_SENT dd .fin_syn_est ;TCB_SYN_RECEIVED dd .fin_syn_est ;TCB_ESTABLISHED dd .no_fin ;TCB_CLOSE_WAIT dd .fin_wait1 ;TCB_FIN_WAIT_1 dd .no_fin ;TCB_CLOSING dd .no_fin ;TCB_LAST_ACK dd .fin_wait2 ;TCB_FIN_WAIT_2 dd .fin_timed ;TCB_TIMED_WAIT .fin_syn_est: jmp .final_processing .fin_wait1: jmp .final_processing .fin_wait2: jmp .final_processing .fin_timed: jmp .final_processing .no_fin: ;----------------- ; Final processing .final_processing: DEBUGF 1,"Final processing\n" ;;; if debug enabled, output packet ;test needoutput, needoutput ;jz .dumpit test [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW jz .dumpit DEBUGF 1,"ACK now!\n" push ebx mov eax, ebx call TCP_output pop ebx .dumpit: mov [ebx + SOCKET.lock], 0 call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret ;------------------------------------------ ; Generate an ACK, droping incoming segment align 4 .drop_after_ack: DEBUGF 1,"Drop after ACK\n" test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_RST jnz .drop and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW mov [ebx + SOCKET.lock], 0 push ebx mov eax, ebx call TCP_output pop ebx call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret ;------------------------------------------- ; Generate an RST, dropping incoming segment align 4 .drop_with_reset: mov [ebx + SOCKET.lock], 0 .drop_with_reset_not_locked: DEBUGF 1,"Drop with reset\n" test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_RST jnz .drop ;;; if its a multicast/broadcast, also drop test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK jnz .respond_ack test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_SYN jnz .respond_syn call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret .respond_ack: mov dl, TH_RST push ebx call TCP_respond_segment pop ebx jmp .destroy_new_socket .respond_syn: mov dl, TH_RST + TH_ACK push ebx call TCP_respond_socket pop ebx jmp .destroy_new_socket ;----- ; Drop align 4 .drop: mov [ebx + SOCKET.lock], 0 .drop_not_locked: DEBUGF 1,"Dropping packet\n" ;;;; If debugging options are enabled, output the packet somwhere .destroy_new_socket: ;;;; kill the newly created socket call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret