; SOKOBAN FOR MENUET v0.1 ; Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow ; ; Last changed: July 2, 2004 ; ; Main idea, art & graphics ; Sokofun for Windows 95 by Games 4 Brains ; and Sokoban 2.3 by BjЎrn Kфllmark ; ; Level designers: ; ; Alberto Garcia, Aymeric du Peloux, Brian Kent, David Holland, ; David W Skinner, Erim Sever, Evgeniy Grigoriev, Franчois Marques, ; Frantisek Pokorny, Howard Abed,J franklin Mentzer, Jaques Duthen, ; John C Davis, John Polhemus, Kobus Theron, Lee Haywood, Mario Bonenfant, ; Martin P Holland, Mic (Jan Reineke), Phil Shapiro, Richard Weston, ; Sven Egevad, Ken'ichiro Takahashi (takaken), Thinking Rabbit, ; Yoshio Murase, ZICO (Zbigniew Kornas) ; ; Special thanks to Hirohiko Nakamiya ; ; More credits: ; Masato Hiramatsu, Kazuo Fukushima, Klaus Clemens ; ; Game uses its own format of levelset files *.LEV ; with simple run-length compression ; COMPILE WITH FASM format binary as "" include 'macros.inc' ; decrease code size (optional) include 'CELLTYPE.INC' ; object identifiers ;include 'debug.inc' CUR_DIR equ '/sys/games/' ; change it to appropriate path SKIN_SIZE = 11520 ; size of skin file (16x240) ; field dimensions FLD_LEFT = 43 FLD_LEFT2 = FLD_LEFT shl 16 FLD_TOP = 40 FLD_TOP2 = FLD_TOP shl 16 IMG_SIZE = 16 shl 16+16 SHIFT = (16 shl 16) WND_COLOR = 0x00aabbcc ; level list dimensions LEVLIST_XY = FLD_TOP shl 16+45 LEVLIST_SPACING = 10 LEVWND_X = 320 LEVWND_Y = 200 ; input line dimensions INP_X = 10 shl 16+300 INP_Y = 160 shl 16+16 INP_XY = 15 shl 16+164 ; load button dimensions LOAD_X = 130 shl 16+65 LOAD_Y = 180 shl 16+14 LOAD_XY = 135 shl 16+184 CHOOSE_XY = 40 shl 16+148 WIN_XY = 135 shl 16+25 ; workmode constants, more defs in CELLTYPE.INC WM_WINNER = 0x10 WM_READSET = 0 WM_LOSE = 0x20 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd START dd I_END dd 0x100000 dd 0x7fff0 dd 0x0 dd 0x0 START: mov eax,70 ; load skin image-it is in RAW 16x240 BGR mov ebx,file_info ; IrfanView recommended int 0x40 test ebx,ebx ; jmp load_level ; jz close load_fail: ; clear input line, also if levelset load failed mov [inp_pos],0 load_std: mov esi,stdlev mov edi,path_end mov ecx,stdlev_len-stdlev rep movsb mov ecx,10 reset_fi: mov dword[cnf_level],level_start xor eax,eax mov [levpage],eax mov word[ll_num],'00' ; reset some counters read_cnf: mov eax,70 mov ebx,file_info int 0x40 test ebx,ebx ; load standard levels SOKO-?.LEV instead of custom jz nxt_cnf add dword[cnf_level],ebx nxt_cnf: test ecx,ecx ; this check is for loading a custom levelset jz no_increase inc byte[file_num] ; next standard levelset loop read_cnf no_increase: cmp dword[cnf_level],level_start jne go_on test ecx,ecx jz load_fail jmp close ; missing standard levels & exiting go_on: mov eax,[cnf_level] mov byte[eax],0xf0 ; end-of-levels mark call read_levelset backto_set: mov byte[workmode],WM_READSET mov byte[winmode],0 jmp red restart_level: call decode_field ; uncompress level red: call draw_window still: mov eax,10 int 0x40 cmp byte[winmode],WM_WINNER je backto_set cmp byte[winmode],WM_LOSE je backto_set cmp eax,1 je red cmp eax,2 je key cmp eax,3 je button jmp still key: mov eax,2 int 0x40 cmp byte[workmode],WM_READSET jne key_move cmp ah,32 ; Space moves focus to input line je is_input cmp ah,184 jne no_prev cmp [levpage],0 ; PgUp jz still sub [levpage],10 cmp byte[ll_num+1],'0' jnz _pu dec byte[ll_num] mov byte[ll_num+1],'9'+1 _pu: dec byte[ll_num+1] jmp red no_prev: cmp ah,183 ; PgDn jne no_next mov eax,[levpage] add eax,10 cmp eax,[levelcount] jae still mov [levpage],eax cmp byte[ll_num+1],'9' jnz _pd inc byte[ll_num] mov byte[ll_num+1],'0'-1 _pd: inc byte[ll_num+1] jmp red no_next: sub ah,48 cmp ah,9 ja still movzx eax,ah ; user selects a level add eax,[levpage] cmp eax,[levelcount] jae still mov eax,[levelmap+eax*4] mov [levptr],eax ; current level pointer mov al,byte[eax] mov byte[workmode],al jmp restart_level ; we're already in game key_move: cmp ah,180 ; Home je backto_set cmp ah,176 jb no_arrows sub ah,176 cmp ah,3 ja no_arrows movzx ecx,ah movzx edx,[player] inc ch call valid_move cmp byte[winmode],WM_WINNER jne no_winner mov ecx,0x00ac0000 mov edx,win_msg mov esi,win_msg_end-win_msg ; print victory congratulations print_msg: mov ebx,WIN_XY mov eax,4 int 0x40 jmp d_f no_winner: cmp byte[winmode],WM_LOSE jne d_f no_loser: test al,al ; no move accepted jnz still d_f: call draw_field ; move performed-redraw jmp still no_arrows: cmp ah,27 je restart_level jmp still button: mov eax,17 int 0x40 cmp ah,1 jne noclose close: xor eax,eax dec eax int 0x40 ; shutdown. noclose: cmp ah,2 jne no_input is_input: ; simple input line with backspace feature mov ebx,[entered] ; sorry - no cursor test ebx,ebx jnz wait_input mov [inp_pos],ebx inc [entered] wait_input: call draw_input mov eax,10 int 0x40 cmp eax,2 jne still mov edi,[inp_pos] mov eax,2 int 0x40 shr eax,8 cmp eax,27 je still cmp eax,13 je load_level cmp eax,8 je backsp mov [fn_input+edi],al inc [inp_pos] jmp wait_input backsp: test edi,edi jz wait_input dec [inp_pos] jmp wait_input no_input: cmp ah,3 jne no_load load_level: mov ecx,[inp_pos] test ecx,ecx je load_std mov esi,fn_input mov byte[esi+ecx],0 inc ecx mov edi,path_end rep movsb jmp reset_fi no_load: jmp still ; ********************************************* ; ** FILLS LEVEL POINTER MAP ****************** ; ********************************************* read_levelset: mov dword[wnd_width],LEVWND_X mov dword[wnd_height],LEVWND_Y mov [levelcount],0 mov edi,level_start mov esi,levelmap mov al,0xff rls_cycle: cmp byte[edi],EOF je end_of_levelset mov [esi],edi add esi,4 mov ecx,1024 inc [levelcount] repne scasb jecxz eol ;end_of_levelset jmp rls_cycle end_of_levelset: mov eax,[levelcount] ; debug_print_dec eax ret eol: ; debug_print '*** ' jmp end_of_levelset ; ********************************************* ; ******* DEFINE & DRAW WINDOW & OTHER STUFF * ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 mov eax,0 mov ebx,150*65536 add ebx,[wnd_width] mov ecx,50*65536 add ecx,[wnd_height] mov edx,0x13000000 + WND_COLOR mov esi,0x005080d0 mov edi,zagolovok int 0x40 cmp byte[workmode],WM_READSET je list_levels mov edi,[levptr] ; print custom level filename add ebx,170*65536 lea edx,[edi+4] movzx esi,byte[edi+3] int 0x40 call draw_field cmp [entered],0 jz end_of_draw mov edx,fn_input ; print input line text mov esi,[inp_pos] mov ebx,FLD_LEFT2+FLD_TOP-15 jmp draw_level_file list_levels: call draw_input mov eax,8 ; draw load button mov ebx,LOAD_X mov ecx,LOAD_Y mov edx,3 mov esi,WND_COLOR int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ecx,0x00107a30 mov ebx,LOAD_XY mov edx,load_char mov esi,loadlen-load_char int 0x40 mov ebx,LEVLIST_XY mov edi,0x004e00e7 xor esi,esi mov ecx,10 ll_cycle: push ecx esi ebx esi lea ecx,[esi+'0'] mov [ll_num+2],cl mov ecx,edi mov edx,ll_num mov esi,4 int 0x40 add ebx,25 shl 16 pop esi add esi,[levpage] mov edx,[levelmap+esi*4] add edx,4 movzx esi,byte[edx-1] int 0x40 pop ebx esi ecx inc esi mov edx,[levelcount] sub edx,[levpage] cmp edx,esi jbe choose_print add ebx,LEVLIST_SPACING loop ll_cycle choose_print: mov edx,ll_msg mov esi,ll_msg_end-ll_msg mov ebx,CHOOSE_XY draw_level_file: mov eax,4 int 0x40 end_of_draw: mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* DRAW CELL IMAGES WITHIN FIELD ******* ; ********************************************* draw_field: cmp byte[workmode],sSokonex jne no_chl call check_lasers ; Sokonex game no_chl: mov eax,13 ; clear field area mov edx,WND_COLOR mov edi,[levptr] movzx ebx,byte[edi+1] shl ebx,4 lea ebx, [FLD_LEFT2+ebx] movzx ecx,byte[edi+2] shl ecx,4 lea ecx, [FLD_TOP shl 16+ecx] int 0x40 mov edx, FLD_LEFT2+FLD_TOP movzx edi,byte[edi+1] shl edi,20 add edi, FLD_LEFT2 xor eax,eax mov ecx,[fld_size] mov esi,field fld_cycle: lodsb call draw_img add edx,SHIFT cmp edx,edi jl no_nl add edx,16 and edx,0xffff add edx,FLD_LEFT2 no_nl: loop fld_cycle cmp byte[workmode],sSokonex jne end_of_df call draw_lasers end_of_df: ret ; ********************************************* ; *********** DRAW CELL IMAGE ***************** ; ********************************************* draw_img: ; in: eax-object index, edx-coordinates pusha cmp eax,tWall jbe no_adjust cmp [workmode],sSokolor jne no_di_color add eax,pm_col-pm_nex jmp no_adjust no_di_color: cmp [workmode],sSokonex jne no_adjust inc eax no_adjust: movzx ebx,byte [pic_map+eax] cmp ebx,0xf je no_img bl_place: mov ecx, IMG_SIZE imul ebx, 256*3 add ebx,strip mov eax,7 ; draw_image sysfunc int 0x40 no_img: popa ret ;**************************************** ;******* DRAW CONTENTS OF INPUT LINE **** ;**************************************** draw_input: push edi cmp eax,4 jne highlight mov esi,WND_COLOR jmp di_draw highlight: mov esi,0xe0e0e0 di_draw: mov eax,8 mov ebx,INP_X mov ecx,INP_Y mov edx,2 int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ecx,0x00107a30 ; шрифт 1 и цвет ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov ebx,INP_XY mov edx,fn_input mov esi,[inp_pos] int 0x40 pop edi ret ; ******************************************************** ; * DECOMPRESS LEVEL & FILL SOME TABLES TO CHECK VICTORY * ; ******************************************************** decode_field: ; debug_print <13,10> xor eax,eax mov dword[checkpoint],eax mov dword[checkpoint+4],eax mov byte[checkcount],al mov edi,[levptr] mov dl,[edi] mov [workmode],dl movzx edx,byte[edi+1] mov esi,edx shl esi,4 add esi,FLD_LEFT*2-25 mov [wnd_width],esi neg edx mov [move_map+8],edx neg edx mov [move_map+4],edx movzx eax,byte[edi+2] mov esi,eax shl esi,4 add esi,FLD_TOP*2-18 mov [wnd_height],esi imul edx,eax mov [fld_size],edx lea esi,[edi+4] movzx ecx,byte[edi+3] add esi,ecx cmp byte[esi],0xff je backto_set xor edi,edi cld dec_cycle: lodsb movzx ecx,al and ecx,0xf ; ecx-count of objects shr al,4 ; eax-index of object inc ecx sub edx,ecx dc_cycle: mov [field+edi],al call chk_win_obj jne no_register push eax ecx esi movzx ecx,al shl eax,12 or eax,edi inc byte[checkcount] cmp [workmode],sSokolor jne chk_sokoban ; debug_print ':' ; debug_print_dec ecx sub ecx,tRedB shl ecx,1 cmp word[checkpoint+ecx],0 jnz no_new_check mov [checkpoint+ecx],ax and eax,0xfff ; debug_print_dec eax jmp no_new_check chk_sokoban: cmp [workmode],sSokonex jne no_nex cmp byte[checkcount],1 ja no_new_check no_nex: movzx ecx,byte[checkcount] mov word[checkpoint-2+ecx*2],ax no_new_check: pop esi ecx eax no_register: inc edi loop dc_cycle cmp edx,0 jg dec_cycle mov ecx,[fld_size] xor edx,edx fp_cycle: mov al,[field+edx] and al,0xfe cmp al,tPlayer je pl_found inc edx loop fp_cycle pl_found: mov [player],dx movzx eax,byte[checkcount] ; debug_print_dec eax ret ; ********************************************* ; * WHETHER OBJECT IS VICTORY DEPENDENT ******* ; ********************************************* chk_win_obj: ; al-object in a cell push ecx eax and al,0xf mov cl,[workmode] cmp cl,sSokoban jne nota_sokoban cmp al,tBlock jmp cwo_exit nota_sokoban: cmp cl,sSokonex jne nota_sokonex cmp al,tConnect je cwo_exit cmp al,tStConnect jmp cwo_exit nota_sokonex: push eax and eax,tRedB cmp eax,tRedB pop eax cwo_exit: pop eax ecx ret ; ********************************************* ; ***** GET CELL AT CERTAIN DIRECTION ********* ; ********************************************* get_cell_at: ; in: dx - current cell, cl - direction mov ebx,edx ; out: al - object at direction, bx - new position movzx eax,cl and eax,11b mov eax, [move_map+eax*4] add ebx,eax mov al,[field+ebx] ret ; ********************************************* ; *** WHETHER A MOVE CAN BE DONE, & DO IT ***** ; ********************************************* valid_move: ; in: dx - current cell, cl - direction push edx esi call get_cell_at ; if ch>0 perform all moves cmp al,tWall jb result_ok je vm_exit cmp [workmode],sSokonex jne n_vm_nex cmp al,tStConnect je vm_exit cmp al,tHole je vm_exit n_vm_nex: push edx ebx mov edx,ebx movzx esi,al call get_cell_at cmp al,tPlace jbe push_it cmp [workmode],sSokonex jne no_plate cmp al,tHole jne no_plate cmp esi,tBroken jae vm_sink cmp esi,tPlate jne no_plate and byte[field+ebx],0 vm_sink: and byte[field+edx],0 jmp vm_hole no_plate: pop ebx edx esi edx ret push_it: call do_move vm_hole: pop ebx edx result_ok: call do_move xor al,al vm_exit: pop esi edx ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* ACTUALLY PERFORM MOVES ************** ; ********************************************* do_move: ; in: dx - source cell test ch,ch ; bx - target cell jz dm_exit ; ch = 0 don't perform moves mov al,byte[field+edx] cmp byte[workmode],sSokoban jne no_dm_ban and al,0xfe no_dm_ban: xor byte[field+edx],al or byte[field+ebx],al call chk_win_obj jne no_check_win pusha movzx ecx,byte[checkcount] xor edi,edi dm_cycle: movzx esi,word[checkpoint+edi*2] and esi,0xfff and edx,0xfff cmp esi,edx jnz not_an_obj movzx eax,dl movzx eax,byte[field+ebx] shl eax,12 or eax,ebx mov word[checkpoint+edi*2],ax jmp dm_ex not_an_obj: inc edi loop dm_cycle dm_ex: popa call check_win jne no_check_win mov byte[winmode],WM_WINNER no_check_win: cmp al,tPlayer jne dm_exit mov [player],bx dm_exit: ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* CHECK VICTORY CONDITIONS ************ ; ********************************************* check_win: ; debug_print <13,10> push eax ebx ecx esi xor eax,eax movzx ecx,byte[checkcount] mov esi,checkpoint mov bl,byte[workmode] xor bh,bh mov [colcount],bh cld cw_cycle: lodsw cmp bl,sSokoban jne nocw_sokoban test ax,1 shl 12 jz cw_not_inplace inc bh cw_not_inplace: loop cw_cycle ; movzx eax,bh cmp [checkcount],bh jmp cw_exit nocw_sokoban: cmp bl,sSokonex jne nocw_sokonex mov dx,ax call scan_root cmp al,[checkcount] jmp cw_exit nocw_sokonex: cmp esi,checkpoint+8 ja cwlor_exit ; debug_print '*' test ax,ax jz cw_cycle mov dx,ax call scan_root add [colcount],al ; debug_print '*->' ; debug_print_dec eax jmp cw_cycle cwlor_exit: mov al,[colcount] cmp al,[checkcount] cw_exit: ; debug_print <13,10> pop esi ecx ebx eax ret ; ********************************************* ; **** WHETHER LASERS DESTROY SOMETHING ******* ; ********************************************* check_lasers: pusha xor edx,edx mov ecx,[fld_size] cl_loop: push ecx edx mov cl,[field+edx] sub cl,tLaserW jl cl_exit cl_begin: call get_cell_at cmp al,tLaserW jae cl_destroy cmp al,tBroken je cl_destroy cmp al,tEmpty je no_cl_destroy cmp al,tHole je no_cl_destroy cmp al,tPlayer jne cl_exit mov ecx,0x00ac0000 mov edx,lose_msg mov esi,lose_msg_end-lose_msg ; print loose message mov byte[winmode],WM_LOSE mov ebx,WIN_XY mov eax,4 int 0x40 jmp cl_exit cl_destroy: mov byte[field+ebx],0 no_cl_destroy: mov edx,ebx jmp cl_begin cl_exit: pop edx ecx inc edx loop cl_loop popa ret ; ********************************************* ; *** USED BY CHECK_WIN IN SOKONEX & SOKOLOR ** ; ********************************************* scan_root: ; input: dx-beginning cell, ebx-what to search push esi mov edi,srch ; output: eax-number of win_obj found mov eax,0xfff movzx ecx,[checkcount] inc ecx cld rep stosw ; clearing area for scan movzx ebx,dx and edx,eax ; dx-cell number to compare with shr ebx,12 ; bl-obj id mov [color],bl mov esi,srch mov edi,eax ; mask to extract cell mov word[srch],dx sr_loop: lodsw push esi ; saving scan pointer movzx edx,ax ; edx-[dirs*4][cell*12] and edx,edi ; debug_print ' >' mov ecx,4 sr_dir_loop1: ; debug_print '.' push ecx ; saving dir counter lea ebx,[ecx+11] bts word[esi-2],bx jc sr_endloop ; this entry is already processed ; debug_print '^' dec ecx ; cl-direction call get_cell_at ; bx-new position, al-object ; cmp [workmode],sSokonex ; jne no_sr_nex call chk_win_obj jne sr_endloop ; not a win_obj there ; debug_print '@' cmp [workmode],sSokolor jne no_sr_lor cmp al,[color] jne sr_endloop no_sr_lor: push esi mov esi,srch ; let us search for existing entries sr_loop1: lodsw and eax,edi ; eax-cell w/o dirs cmp eax,ebx je sr_foundentry ; this is the entry we're seeking for cmp word[esi],0xfff jnz sr_loop1 ; next entry ; we reached empty area mov [esi],bx add esi,2 sr_foundentry: mov eax,15 sub eax,ecx bts [esi-2],ax ; mark entry as used pop esi ; inc [e_fnd] ; one more obj found sr_endloop: pop ecx loop sr_dir_loop1 ; jmp tttt ; sr_dir_loop: ; jmp sr_dir_loop1 ; tttt: pop esi cmp word[esi],0xfff jne sr_loop mov eax,esi sub eax,srch shr eax,1 pop esi ; debug_print_dec eax ret ; ********************************************* ; *** SPECIAL ROUTINE TO DRAW LASERS ********** ; ********************************************* draw_lasers: xor edx,edx mov ecx,[fld_size] dl_loop: push ecx edx mov cl,[field+edx] sub cl,tLaserW jl dl_eloop inc ch dl_gca: call get_cell_at cmp al,tEmpty je dl_draw cmp al,tHole jne dl_eloop dl_draw: call draw_beams mov edx,ebx jmp dl_gca dl_eloop: pop edx inc edx pop ecx loop dl_loop ret ; ********************************************* ; *** DRAWS LASER BEAMS IN CERTAIN DIRECTION ** ; ********************************************* draw_beams: pusha mov esi,[levptr] movzx esi,byte[esi+1] mov eax,ebx xor edx,edx div esi movzx esi,cl dec esi shr esi,1 and esi,1 shl edx,20 mov ebx,edx shl eax,20 mov ecx,eax add ebx,dword[beam_xy+esi*8] add ecx,dword[beam_xy+esi*8+4] mov edx,0xe9e25c mov eax,13 int 0x40 popa ret ud: ud2 ; debugging purposes only ; ********************************************* ; *** COMPRESS LEVEL - NOT READY YET ********** ; ********************************************* ; push esi ebx ;ecx ; xchg ebx,edi ; mov esi,edi ; esi,edi - beginning ;; ebx - end of unpacked field ; first_enc: ; lodsb ; al - first byte ; shl ax,8 ; ah - this byte, al=0 ; next_enc: ; cmp esi,ebx ; jae exit_enc ;; movzx ecx,byte[esi] ;; debug_print_dec ecx ; cmp ah,byte[esi] ; jne newchar ; inc esi ; inc al ; cmp al,15 ; jb next_enc ; newchar: ; shl al,4 ; shr ax,4 ; stosb ; jmp first_enc ; exit_enc: ; shl al,4 ; shr ax,4 ; stosb ; mov al,0xff ; stosb ; pop ebx esi ecx ; ; dec ecx ; jcxz outcycle ; jmp next_lev ; outcycle: ; Здесь находятся данные программы: ; интерфейс программы двуязычный - задайте язык в macros.inc load_char: if lang eq ru db 'Загрузить' else db 'Open file' end if loadlen: ll_msg: if lang eq ru db 'Выберите уровень' else db 'Choose a level' end if db ' (0-9, PgUp, PgDn)' ll_msg_end: fn_input: ; db 'cnf' ; db 'soko-4.lev' if lang eq ru db 'или введите имя файла' else db 'or enter a filename' end if inp_end: rb 256-(inp_end-fn_input) win_msg: if lang eq ru db 'Ура!!! Вы прошли уровень!' else db "You've completed the level!" end if win_msg_end: lose_msg: if lang eq ru db 'Вы парализованы! Проигрыш...' else db "You're paralized! Game over..." end if lose_msg_end: zagolovok: db 'Sokoban', 0 pic_map: db 0xf,9,0,0,1,1,5,6 pm_nex: db 2,7,8,3,4,0xa,0xa,0xa,0xa pm_col: db 0xb,0xc,0xd,0xe beam_xy: dd (FLD_LEFT+7) shl 16+2, FLD_TOP2+16 dd FLD_LEFT2+16, (FLD_TOP+7) shl 16+2 ll_num db '00x.' move_map dd -1,+0,-0,1 ; 0 - W, 1 - S, 2 - N, 3 - E stdlev db 'SOKO-0.LEV',0 stdlev_len: inp_pos dd inp_end-fn_input entered dd 0 file_info: dd 0 ; subfunction - read dd 0, 0 ; file offset dd 0x20000 ; number of bytes to read cnf_level dd strip ; data buffer file_name db CUR_DIR ; Filename path_end db 'SKIN.' file_num db 'RAW',0 rb 256-($-file_name) I_END: ; конец программы winmode db ? scanptr dd ? levpage dd ? workmode db ? player dw ? fld_size dd ? levptr dd ? wnd_height dd ? wnd_width dd ? color db ? colcount db ? levelcount dd ? checkcount db ? checkpoint rw 256 levelmap rd 1024 strip rb SKIN_SIZE workarea: srch rb 0x10000-($-workarea) level_start rb 0x20000 field: