;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Include file for apps which want to use FTDI device ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Bitmode constants BITMODE_RESET = 0x00 ;Switch off bitbang mode, back to regular serial FIFO BITMODE_BITBANG= 0x01 ;Classical asynchronous bitbang mode, introduced with B-type chips */ BITMODE_MPSSE = 0x02 ;MPSSE mode, available on 2232x chips */ BITMODE_SYNCBB = 0x04 ;Synchronous bitbang mode, available on 2232x and R-type chips */ BITMODE_MCU = 0x08 ;MCU Host Bus Emulation mode, available on 2232x chips */ ;CPU-style fifo mode gets set via EEPROM (cuurenntly EEPROM burn not supported in KolibriOS) BITMODE_OPTO = 0x10 ;Fast Opto-Isolated Serial Interface Mode, available on 2232x chips */ BITMODE_CBUS = 0x20 ;Bitbang on CBUS pins of R-type chips, configure in EEPROM before */ BITMODE_SYNCFF = 0x40 ;Single Channel Synchronous FIFO mode, available on 2232H chips */ BITMODE_FT1284 = 0x80 ;FT1284 mode, available on 232H chips ;Line property constants ;parity NONE = 0 shl 8 ODD = 1 shl 8 EVEN = 2 shl 8 MARK = 3 shl 8 SPACE = 4 shl 8 ;stop bits STOP_BIT_1 = 0 shl 11 STOP_BIT_15 = 1 shl 11 STOP_BIT_2 = 2 shl 11 ;break type BREAK_OFF = 0 shl 14 BREAK_OFF = 1 shl 14 ;number of bits has to be at lower byte ;Flow control SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL = 0x0 SIO_RTS_CTS_HS = (0x1 shl 8) SIO_DTR_DSR_HS = (0x2 shl 8) SIO_XON_XOFF_HS= (0x4 shl 8) ;Chip types TYPE_AM = 0 TYPE_BM = 1 TYPE_2232C = 2 TYPE_R = 3 TYPE_2232H = 4 TYPE_4232H = 5 TYPE_232H = 6 TYPE_230X = 7 ;IO codes ;Get list of detected ftdi chips FTDI_GET_LIST = 1 ;Acquire lock on ftdi device ;[input+8] - none ;[output] - PID device is locked by FTDI_LOCK = 2 ;Unlock ftdi device ;[input+8] - none ;[output] - 0 if unclock success, overwise PID device is locked by FTDI_UNLOCK = 3 ;[output] - chunksize FTDI_GET_WRITE_CHUNKSIZE = 4 ;[output] - chunksize FTDI_GET_READ_CHUNKSIZE = 5 ;[input+8] - chunksize FTDI_SET_WRITE_CHUNKSIZE = 6 ;[input+8] - chunksize FTDI_SET_READ_CHUNKSIZE = 7 ;Writes data in chunks to the chip ;[input+8] - size of data, [input+12] - beginning of data FTDI_WRITE_DATA = 8 ;Reads data in chunks from the chip ;[input+8] - size of data, [output] - red data FTDI_READ_DATA = 9 ;Sets the chip baud rate ;[input+8] - baudrate FTDI_SET_BAUDRATE = 10 ;Enable/disable bitbang modes ;[input+8] - 0xnnnnXXYY, where XX-bitmask, YY-bitmode FTDI_SET_BITMODE = 11 ;Set rts line high ;[input+8] - none FTDI_SET_RTS_HIGH = 12 ;Set rts line low ;[input+8] - none FTDI_SET_RTS_LOW = 13 ;Set dtr line high ;[input+8] - none FTDI_SET_DTR_HIGH = 14 ;Set dtr line low ;[input+8] - none FTDI_SET_DTR_LOW = 15 ;Resets the ftdi device ;[input+8] - none FTDI_USB_RESET = 16 ;Set flowcontrol for ftdi chip ;dword[input+8] - one of flow control constants FTDI_SET_FLOW_CONTROL = 17 ;Set the special event character ;[input+8] - 0xnnnnXXYY, where XX-1/0(enable/disable), YY-event char FTDI_SET_EVENT_CHAR = 18 ;Set error character ;[input+8] - 0xnnnnXXYY, where XX-1/0(enable/disable), YY-error char FTDI_SET_ERROR_CHAR = 19 ;FTDI chip keeps data in the internal buffer for a specific ;amount of time if the buffer is not full yet to decrease ;load on the usb bus ;[input+8] - 0xnnnnXXXX, where XX-latency FTDI_SET_LATENCY_TIMER = 20 ;Get latency timer ;[output] - latency FTDI_GET_LATENCY_TIMER = 21 ;Directly read pin state, circumventing the read buffer. Useful for bitbang mode ;[output] - pins' values FTDI_READ_PINS = 22 ;This function allows the retrieve the two status bytes of the device. ;The device sends these bytes also as a header for each read access ;where they are discarded by ftdi_read_data(). The chip generates ;the two stripped status bytes in the absence of data every 40 ms ; ; Layout of the first byte: ; - B0..B3 - must be 0 ; - B4 Clear to send (CTS) ; 0 = inactive ; 1 = active ; - B5 Data set ready (DTS) ; 0 = inactive ; 1 = active ; - B6 Ring indicator (RI) ; 0 = inactive ; 1 = active ; - B7 Receive line signal detect (RLSD) ; 0 = inactive ; 1 = active ; Layout of the second byte: ; - B0 Data ready (DR) ; - B1 Overrun error (OE) ; - B2 Parity error (PE) ; - B3 Framing error (FE) ; - B4 Break interrupt (BI) ; - B5 Transmitter holding register (THRE) ; - B6 Transmitter empty (TEMT) ; - B7 Error in RCVR FIFO ;[output] - poll modem status FTDI_POLL_MODEM_STATUS = 23 ;Set (RS232) line characteristics ;dword[input+8] - line property constants combination FTDI_SET_LINE_PROPERTY = 24 ;Clears the read buffer on the chip ;[input+8] - none FTDI_PURGE_RX_BUFFER = 25 ;Clears the write buffer on the chip ;[input+8] - none FTDI_PURGE_RX_BUFFER = 26 ;Structures ;list layout from FTDI_GET_LIST struct dev_list size dd ? nodes rd size*sizeof.node ends struct node islocked dd ? ; Will be 'LCKD', if dev is already locked; or 'NLKD', if dev is free chip_type dd ? ; FTDI chip type (see Chip types constants) dev_handle dd ? ; Device handle, value the same as in in_buf_map.dev_handle ends ;input buffer map for requests above FTDI_GET_LIST struc in_buf_map pid dd ? ; Should be PID of application using this file dev_handle dd ? ; Should be value acquired from one of dev_list's nodes