$Revision$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; SB16.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; Sound Blaster 16 functions for MenuetOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright 2002 Paolo Minazzi, paolo.minazzi@inwind.it ;; ;; ;; ;; See file COPYING for details ;; ;; ;; ;; - 11.07.2002 8 bit stereo mode - Ville Turjanmaa ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SB16_load_music equ 0xc0000000 SB16_play_music equ 0xc0000001 DMAPage equ 0x2A Rate equ 44100 ;SB16_Status equ SB16Buffer+65536 iglobal sound_data_format dd 0x1 sound_data_length dd 65536 sound_data_freq dd 44100 endg sound_interface: cmp eax,0 ; Load data jne no_SB16_load_music mov edi,[TASK_BASE] add edi,TASKDATA.mem_start add ebx,[edi] call code_SB16_load_music ret no_SB16_load_music: cmp eax,1 ; Play data jne no_SB16_play_music call code_SB16_play_music ret no_SB16_play_music: cmp eax,2 ; Set data formats jne no_SB16_data_format cmp ebx,0 ; ebx=0 play format jne no_sound_format mov [sound_data_format],ecx ; 1=8b mono, 2=8b stereo ret no_sound_format: cmp ebx,1 ; ebx=1 data length jne no_sound_length mov [sound_data_length],ecx ; ret no_sound_length: cmp ebx,2 ; ebx=2 sound data frequency jne no_sound_freq mov [sound_data_freq],ecx ret no_sound_freq: ret no_SB16_data_format: ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cmp eax, edi ; this is subfunction #55 ? jne retFunc55 ; if no then return. cmp byte [sound_flag],0 jne retFunc55 movzx eax, byte [countDelayNote] or al, al ; player is busy ? jnz retFunc55 ; return counter delay Note ; mov eax, [TASK_BASE] ; mov eax, [eax+0x10] ; address application im memory ; add eax, edx ; add offset Delay-Note string ; mov [memAdrNote], eax mov [memAdrNote],edx mov eax,[TASK_BASE] mov eax,[eax+TASKDATA.pid] mov [pidProcessNote],eax xor eax, eax ; Ok! EAX = 0 retFunc55: mov [esp+36], eax ; return value EAX for application ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ret code_SB16_play_music: cmp [sound_data_format],1 jne no_sound_8bm call sb_play_8b_mono ret no_sound_8bm: cmp [sound_data_format],2 jne no_sound_8bs call sb_play_8b_stereo ret no_sound_8bs: ret Blaster_command: push eax push ecx push edx mov dx,word [sb16] add dx,0xc mov cx,1000 bcl1: in al,dx and al,128 jz bcl2 loop bcl1 bcl2: mov al,[esp+8] mov dx,[esp+0] add dx,word [sb16] out dx,al pop edx pop ecx pop eax ret sb_play_8b_stereo: pusha call sb_set_dma call sb_set_stereo mov dx,0xc mov al,0xa8 call Blaster_command mov al,0x40 call Blaster_command mov al,245 call Blaster_command mov al,0x48 call Blaster_command mov al,0xff call Blaster_command call Blaster_command mov al,0x91 call Blaster_command popa ret sb_set_stereo: push eax push edx call sb_wait mov dx,word [sb16] add dx,0x4 mov al,0xe out dx,al inc dx in al,dx and al,253 or al,2 ; stereo out dx,al pop edx pop eax ret code_SB16_load_music: cmp byte [SB16_Status],1 je nol mov edi,SB16Buffer mov esi,ebx mov ecx,65536/4 cld rep movsd nol: ret iglobal dma_table db 0x87,0x83,0x81,0x82 endg ;-------------------------------- ; program dma ;-------------------------------- sb_set_dma: pusha mov eax,[sound_dma] add eax,4 out 0xa,al mov al,0 out 0xc,al mov eax,[sound_dma] add eax,0x48 out 0xb,al mov edx,[sound_dma] shl edx,1 mov al,0 out dx,al mov al,0 out dx,al mov edx,[sound_dma] add edx,dma_table movzx edx,byte [edx] mov al,DMAPage out dx,al mov edx,[sound_dma] shl edx,1 inc edx mov eax,[sound_data_length] dec eax and eax,0xff ; mov al,(DataLength-1) and 0xff out dx,al mov eax,[sound_data_length] dec eax shr eax,8 ; mov al,(DataLength-1) shr 8 out dx,al mov eax,[sound_dma] ; DMA out 0xa,al popa ret sb_play_8b_mono: call sb_set_dma cmp byte [SB16_Status],1 jne contsb16 jmp retserve contsb16: mov dx,word [sb16] add dx,4 mov ecx,[sound_dma] mov ax,0x01 shl ax,cl shl ax,8 add ax,0x81 out dx,ax mov ax,0f280h ;enable irq5 out dx,ax adr1_SB: mov dx,word [sb16] add dx,0ch in al,dx and al,080h jnz adr1_SB call sb_set_stereo mov al,0d1h out dx,al mov dx,word [sb16] add dx,0ch call sb_wait mov al,40h ; Rate out dx,al call sb_wait mov al,256-1000000/Rate out dx,al call sb_wait mov al,14h ; Datalength out dx,al call sb_wait mov eax,[sound_data_length] dec eax and eax,0xff ;mov al,(DataLength-1) and 0xff out dx,al call sb_wait mov eax,[sound_data_length] dec eax shr eax,8 ;mov al,(DataLength-1) shr 8 out dx,al retserve: ret sb_wait: in al,dx ;wait and al,080h jnz sb_wait ret ;**************************************** ; END CODE SB16 by Minazzi Paolo ;***************************************