struct _tag { char name[32]; char prior[32]; bool opened; collection attributes; collection values; dword value; bool is(); bool parse(); void debug_tag(); dword get_next_param(); dword get_value_of(); } tag=0; bool _tag::is(dword _text) { if ( !strcmp(#name, _text) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool _tag::parse(dword _bufpos, bufend) { bool retok = true; dword bufpos = ESDWORD[_bufpos]; dword params, paramsend; dword closepos; dword whitepos; if (name) strcpy(#prior, #name); else prior = '\0'; name = '\0'; attributes.drop(); values.drop(); if (!strncmp(bufpos,"!--",3)) { bufpos+=3; //STRSTR while (strncmp(bufpos,"-->",3)!=0) && (bufpos < bufend) { bufpos++; } bufpos+=2; retok = false; goto _RET; } if (ESBYTE[bufpos] == '/') { opened = false; bufpos++; } else { opened = true; } closepos = strchr(bufpos, '>'); whitepos = strchrw(bufpos, bufend-bufpos); if (debug_mode) { if (!closepos) debugln("null closepos"); if (!whitepos) debugln("null whitepos"); } if (!whitepos) || (whitepos > closepos) { //no param strncpy(#name, bufpos, math.min(closepos - bufpos, sizeof(; debug_tag(); bufpos = closepos; } else { //we have param strncpy(#name, bufpos, math.min(whitepos - bufpos, sizeof(; debug_tag(); bufpos = closepos; params = malloc(closepos - whitepos + 1); strncpy(params, whitepos, closepos - whitepos); if (debug_mode) { debug("params: "); debugln(params+1); } paramsend = params + closepos - whitepos; while (paramsend = get_next_param(params, paramsend-1)); free(params); } if (name) { strlwr(#name); // ignore text inside the next tags if (is("script")) || (is("style")) || (is("binary")) || (is("select")) { strcpy(#prior, #name); sprintf(#name, "", #prior); if (strstri(bufpos, #name)) bufpos = EAX-1; retok = false; } else { if (name[strlen(#name)-1]=='/') name[strlen(#name)-1]=NULL; //for
} } else { retok = false; } _RET: ESDWORD[_bufpos] = bufpos; return retok; } void _tag::debug_tag() { if (debug_mode) { debugch('<'); if (!opened) debugch('/'); debug(#name); debugln(">"); } } dword _tag::get_next_param(dword ps, pe) { // "ps" - param start // "pe" - param end // "q" - quote char char q = NULL; dword fixeq; dword val; dword attr; if (ESBYTE[pe] == '/') pe--; while (pe>ps) && (__isWhite(ESBYTE[pe])) pe--; if (ESBYTE[pe] == '"') || (ESBYTE[pe] == '\'') { //remove quote q = ESBYTE[pe]; ESBYTE[pe] = '\0'; pe--; //find VAL start and copy pe = strrchr(ps, q) + ps; val = pe; pe--; ESBYTE[pe] = '\0'; //find ATTR end while (pe > ps) && (ESBYTE[pe] != '=') pe--; ESBYTE[pe] = '\0'; } else { //find VAL start and copy while (pe > ps) && (ESBYTE[pe] != '=') pe--; val = pe+1; ESBYTE[pe] = '\0'; //already have ATTR end } //find ATTR start and copy while (pe>ps) && (!__isWhite(ESBYTE[pe])) pe--; attr = pe + 1; ESBYTE[pe] = '\0'; // Fix case: src=./images/logo?sid=e8ece8b38b // Exchange '=' and '\0' position. // attr: src=./images/logo?sid => src // val: e8ece8b38b => ./images/logo?sid=e8ece8b38b fixeq = strchr(attr,'='); if (!q) && (fixeq) { ESBYTE[val-1] >< ESBYTE[fixeq]; val = fixeq+1; } strlwr(attr); strrtrim(val); attributes.add(attr); values.add(val); if (debug_mode) { debug("atr: "); debugln(attr); debug("val: "); debugln(val); debugch('\n'); } if (pe==ps) return NULL; return pe; } dword _tag::get_value_of(dword _attr_name) { int pos = attributes.get_pos_by_name(_attr_name); if (pos == -1) { value = 0; } else { value = values.get(pos); } return value; }