#include "sst.h" #ifdef CLOAKING void cloak(void) { int key; enum {NONE, CLON, CLOFF} action = NONE; if (ship == IHF) { /* prout("Ye Faerie Queene has no cloaking device.");*/ prout("На Королеве Фей не установлен генератор невидимости."); return; } key = scan(); if (key == IHREAL) return; if (key == IHALPHA) { if (isit("on")) { if (iscloaked) { /* prout("The cloaking device has already been switched on.");*/ prout("Генератор невидимости уже был включен."); return; } action = CLON; } else if (isit("off")) { if (!iscloaked) { /* prout("The cloaking device has already been switched off.");*/ prout("Генератор невидимости уже включен."); return; } action = CLOFF; } else { huh(); return; } } else { if (!iscloaked) { /* proutn("Switch cloaking device on?");*/ prout("Включить генератор невидимости?"); if (ja()==0) return; action = CLON; } if (iscloaked) { /* proutn("Switch cloaking device off?");*/ prout("Отключить генератор невидимости?"); if (ja()==0) return; action = CLOFF; } if (action == NONE) return; } if (action==CLOFF) { if (irhere && d.date >= ALGERON && !isviolreported) { /* prout("Spock- \"Captain, the Treaty of Algeron is in effect.\n Are you sure this is wise?\"");*/ prout("Спок- \"Капитан, мы в зоне действия Алгеронского соглашения.\n Вы уверены, что это разумно?\""); if (ja() == 0) return; } /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"Aye, Sir.\"");*/ prout("Engineer Scott- \"Так точно, Сэр.\""); iscloaked = FALSE; if (irhere && d.date >= ALGERON && !isviolreported) { /* prout("The Romulan ship discovers you are breaking the Treaty of Algeron!");*/ prout("Корабль Ромуланцев обнаружил, что вы нарушили Алгеронское соглашение!"); ncviol++; isviolreported = TRUE; } // if (neutz && d.date >= ALGERON) finish(FCLOAK); return; } if (damage[DCLOAK]!=0) { /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"The cloaking device is damaged, Sir.\"");*/ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Генератор невидимости поврежден, Сэр.\""); return; } if (condit==IHDOCKED) { /* prout("You cannot cloak while docked.");*/ prout("При стыковке невозможно включать генератор невидимости."); return; } if (d.date >= ALGERON && !isviolreported) { /* prout("Spock- \"Captain, using the cloaking device is be a violation"); prout(" of the Treaty of Algeron. Considering the alternatives,"); proutn(" are you sure this is wise?");*/ prout("Спок- \"Капитан, использование генератора невидимости будет нарушением"); prout(" Алгеронского соглашения. Рассмотрите альтернативы,"); proutn(" Вы уверены, что это разумно?"); if (ja()==0) return; } /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"The cloaking device has been engaged, Sir.\"");*/ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Генератор невидимости активирован, Сэр.\""); iscloaking = TRUE; if (irhere && d.date >= ALGERON && !isviolreported) { /* prout("The Romulan ship discovers you are breaking the Treaty of Algeron!");*/ prout("Корабль Ромуланцев обнаружил, что вы нарушили Алгеронское соглашение!"); ncviol++; isviolreported = TRUE; } } #endif void sheild(int i) { int key; enum {NONE, SHUP, SHDN, NRG} action = NONE; ididit = 0; if (i == 2) action = SHUP; else { key = scan(); if (key == IHALPHA) { if (isit("transfer")) action = NRG; else { chew(); if (damage[DSHIELD]) { prout("Щиты пробиты и отключились.");/*Shields damaged and down.*/ return; } if (isit("up")) action = SHUP; else if (isit("down")) action = SHDN; } } if (action==NONE) { proutn("Вы хотите изменить напряженность силовых щитов? ");/*Do you wish to change shield energy?*/ if (ja()) { proutn("Энергии передать на щиты- ");/*Energy to transfer to shields*/ action = NRG; } else if (damage[DSHIELD]) { prout("Щиты пробиты и отключились.");/*Shields damaged and down*/ return; } else if (shldup) { /* proutn("Shields are up. Do you want them down? ");*/ proutn("Щиты включены, хотите погасить их? "); if (ja()) action = SHDN; else { chew(); return; } } else { /* proutn("Shields are down. Do you want them up? ");*/ proutn("Щиты погашены, хотите активировать их? "); if (ja()) action = SHUP; else { chew(); return; } } } } switch (action) { case SHUP: /* raise shields */ if (shldup) { /* prout("Shields already up.");*/ prout("Силовые щиты уже активированы."); return; } shldup = 1; shldchg = 1; if (condit != IHDOCKED) energy -= 50.0; prout("Силовые щиты активированы.");/*Shields raised*/ if (energy <= 0) { skip(1); /* prout("Shields raising uses up last of energy.");*/ prout("На активацию щитов потрачена вся энергия."); finish(FNRG); return; } ididit=1; return; case SHDN: if (shldup==0) { prout("Силовые щиты уже погашены."); /*Shields already down*/ return; } shldup=0; shldchg=1; prout("Напряженность силовых щитов понижена.");/*Shields lowered*/ ididit=1; return; case NRG: while (scan() != IHREAL) { chew(); /* proutn("Energy to transfer to shields- ");*/ proutn("Сколько энергии подать на щиты- "); } chew(); if (aaitem==0) return; if (aaitem > energy) { prout("Недостаточно энергии на корабле.");/*Insufficient ship energy*/ return; } ididit = 1; if (shield+aaitem >= inshld) { prout("Напряженность силовых щитов достигла максимума.");/*Shield energy maximized*/ if (shield+aaitem > inshld) { /* prout("Excess energy requested returned to ship energy");*/ prout("Избыток запрошенной энергии возвращен"); } energy -= inshld-shield; shield = inshld; return; } if (aaitem < 0.0 && energy-aaitem > inenrg) { /* Prevent shield drain loophole */ skip(1); /* prout("Engineering to bridge--"); prout(" Scott here. Power circuit problem, Captain."); prout(" I can't drain the shields.");*/ prout("Инженерный докладывает--"); prout(" Это Скотт. У нас проблема с силовыми кабелями, Капитан."); prout(" Я не могу дренировать силовые щиты."); ididit = 0; return; } if (shield+aaitem < 0) { /* prout("All shield energy transferred to ship.");*/ prout("Энергия силовых щитов возвращена на корабль."); energy += shield; shield = 0.0; return; } proutn("Скотт- \""); /*Scotty*/ if (aaitem > 0) /* prout("Transferring energy to shields.\"");*/ prout("Передаем энергию на силовые щиты.\""); else /* prout("Draining energy from shields.\"");*/ prout("Дренируем энергию с силовых щитов.\""); shield += aaitem; energy -= aaitem; return; case NONE: break; } } void ram(int ibumpd, int ienm, int ix, int iy) { double type = 1.0, extradm; int icas, l; prouts("***ОПАСНОСТЬ! ОПАСНОСТЬ!");/*RED ALERT! RED ALERT!*/ skip(1); prout("***НЕИЗБЕЖНОЕ СТОЛКНОВЕНИЕ.");/*COLLISION IMMINENT*/ skip(2); proutn("***"); crmshp(); switch (ienm) { case IHR: type = 1.5; break; case IHC: type = 2.0; break; case IHS: type = 2.5; break; case IHT: type = 0.5; break; } /* proutn(ibumpd ? " rammed by " : " rams ");*/ proutn(ibumpd ? " столкновение в точке" : " ударов "); crmena(0, ienm, 2, ix, iy); if (ibumpd) proutn(" (оригинальное положение)");/*(original position)*/ skip(1); deadkl(ix, iy, ienm, sectx, secty); proutn("***"); crmshp(); prout(" тяжело повреждено.");/*heavily damaged*/ icas = 10.0+20.0*Rand(); proutn("***Медотсек докладывает ");/*Sickbay reports*/ crami(icas, 1); prout(" смертей.");/*casualties*/ casual += icas; for (l=1; l <= ndevice; l++) { if (l == DDRAY) continue; // Don't damage deathray if (damage[l] < 0) continue; extradm = (10.0*type*Rand()+1.0)*damfac; damage[l] += Time + extradm; /* Damage for at least time of travel! */ } shldup = 0; if (d.remkl) { pause(2); dreprt(); } else finish(FWON); return; } void torpedo(double course, double r, int inx, int iny, double *hit) { int l, iquad, ix, iy, jx, jy, shoved=0, ll; double ac=course + 0.25*r; double angle = (15.0-ac)*0.5235988; double bullseye = (15.0 - course)*0.5235988; double deltax=-sin(angle), deltay=cos(angle), x=inx, y=iny, bigger; double ang, temp, xx, yy, kp, h1; bigger = fabs(deltax); if (fabs(deltay) > bigger) bigger = fabs(deltay); deltax /= bigger; deltay /= bigger; /* Loop to move a single torpedo */ for (l=1; l <= 15; l++) { x += deltax; ix = x + 0.5; if (ix < 1 || ix > 10) break; y += deltay; iy = y + 0.5; if (iy < 1 || iy > 10) break; if (l==4 || l==9) skip(1); cramf(x, 0, 1); proutn(" - "); cramf(y, 0, 1); proutn(" "); iquad=quad[ix][iy]; if (iquad==IHDOT) continue; /* hit something */ skip(1); switch(iquad) { case IHE: /* Hit our ship */ case IHF: skip(1); proutn("Торпеда попала в ");/*Torpedo hits*/ crmshp(); prout("."); *hit = 700.0 + 100.0*Rand() - 1000.0*sqrt(square(ix-inx)+square(iy-iny))* fabs(sin(bullseye-angle)); *hit = fabs(*hit); newcnd(); /* undock */ /* We may be displaced. */ if (landed==1) return; /* Cheat if on a planet */ ang = angle + 2.5*(Rand()-0.5); temp = fabs(sin(ang)); if (fabs(cos(ang)) > temp) temp = fabs(cos(ang)); xx = -sin(ang)/temp; yy = cos(ang)/temp; jx=ix+xx+0.5; jy=iy+yy+0.5; if (jx<1 || jx>10 || jy<1 ||jy > 10) return; if (quad[jx][jy]==IHBLANK) { finish(FHOLE); return; } if (quad[jx][jy]!=IHDOT) { /* can't move into object */ return; } sectx = jx; secty = jy; crmshp(); shoved = 1; break; case IHC: /* Hit a commander */ case IHS: if (Rand() <= 0.05) { crmena(1, iquad, 2, ix, iy); prout(" использовано анти-фотонное устройство;");/*uses anti-photon device*/ prout(" торпеда нейтрализована.");/*torpedo neutralized*/ return; } case IHR: /* Hit a regular enemy */ case IHK: /* find the enemy */ for (ll=1; ll <= nenhere; ll++) if (ix==kx[ll] && iy==ky[ll]) break; kp = fabs(kpower[ll]); h1 = 700.0 + 100.0*Rand() - 1000.0*sqrt(square(ix-inx)+square(iy-iny))* fabs(sin(bullseye-angle)); h1 = fabs(h1); if (kp < h1) h1 = kp; kpower[ll] -= (kpower[ll]<0 ? -h1 : h1); if (kpower[ll] == 0) { deadkl(ix, iy, iquad, ix, iy); return; } crmena(1, iquad, 2, ix, iy); /* If enemy damaged but not destroyed, try to displace */ ang = angle + 2.5*(Rand()-0.5); temp = fabs(sin(ang)); if (fabs(cos(ang)) > temp) temp = fabs(cos(ang)); xx = -sin(ang)/temp; yy = cos(ang)/temp; jx=ix+xx+0.5; jy=iy+yy+0.5; if (jx<1 || jx>10 || jy<1 ||jy > 10) { prout(" поврежден, но не уничтожен.");/*damaged but not destroyed*/ return; } if (quad[jx][jy]==IHBLANK) { prout(" отправлен в черную дыру.");/*buffeted into black hole*/ deadkl(ix, iy, iquad, jx, jy); return; } if (quad[jx][jy]!=IHDOT) { /* can't move into object */ prout(" поврежден, но не уничтожен.");/*damaged but not destroyed*/ return; } prout(" поврежден--");/*damaged*/ kx[ll] = jx; ky[ll] = jy; shoved = 1; break; case IHB: /* Hit a base */ prout("***СТАНЦИЯ УНИЧТОЖЕНА..");/*STARBASE DESTROYED*/ if (starch[quadx][quady] < 0) starch[quadx][quady] = 0; for (ll=1; ll<=d.rembase; ll++) { if (d.baseqx[ll]==quadx && d.baseqy[ll]==quady) { d.baseqx[ll]=d.baseqx[d.rembase]; d.baseqy[ll]=d.baseqy[d.rembase]; break; } } quad[ix][iy]=IHDOT; d.rembase--; basex=basey=0; d.galaxy[quadx][quady] -= 10; d.basekl++; newcnd(); return; case IHP: /* Hit a planet */ crmena(1, iquad, 2, ix, iy); prout(" уничтожена.");/*destroyed*/ d.nplankl++; d.newstuf[quadx][quady] -= 1; d.plnets[iplnet] = nulplanet; iplnet = 0; plnetx = plnety = 0; quad[ix][iy] = IHDOT; if (landed==1) { /* captain parishes on planet */ finish(FDPLANET); } return; case IHSTAR: /* Hit a star */ if (Rand() > 0.10) { nova(ix, iy); return; } crmena(1, IHSTAR, 2, ix, iy); prout(" нечувствительна к фотонному взрыву.");/*unaffected by photon blast*/ return; case IHQUEST: /* Hit a thingy */ skip(1); /* prouts("AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!");*/ prouts("УУУУУРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРААААААААААААААААААААААА!!!"); skip(1); /* prouts(" HACK! HACK! HACK! *CHOKE!* ");*/ prouts(" ХЛОП! ХЛОП! ХЛОП! *ШЛЕП!* "); skip(1); /* proutn("Mr. Spock-"); prouts(" \"Facinating!\"");*/ proutn("Мистер Спок-"); prouts(" \"Великолепно!\""); skip(1); quad[ix][iy] = IHDOT; return; case IHBLANK: /* Black hole */ skip(1); crmena(1, IHBLANK, 2, ix, iy); prout(" поглотила торпеду.");/*swallows torpedo*/ return; case IHWEB: /* hit the web */ skip(1); prout("***Торпеда попала в Толианскую сеть.");/*Torpedo absorbed by Tholian web*/ return; case IHT: /* Hit a Tholian */ skip(1); crmena(1, IHT, 2, ix, iy); h1 = 700.0 + 100.0*Rand() - 1000.0*sqrt(square(ix-inx)+square(iy-iny))* fabs(sin(bullseye-angle)); h1 = fabs(h1); if (h1 >= 600) { prout(" уничтожен.");/*destroyed*/ quad[ix][iy] = IHDOT; ithere = 0; ithx = ithy = 0; return; } if (Rand() > 0.05) { prout(" пережил фотонный взрыв.");/*survives photon blast*/ return; } prout(" исчез.");/*disappears*/ quad[ix][iy] = IHWEB; ithere = ithx = ithy = 0; { int dum, my; dropin(IHBLANK, &dum, &my); } return; default: /* Problem! */ skip(1); /* proutn("Don't know how to handle collision with ");*/ proutn("Не знаю, как обработать столкновение с "); crmena(1, iquad, 2, ix, iy); skip(1); return; } break; } if (shoved) { quad[jx][jy]=iquad; quad[ix][iy]=IHDOT; proutn(" отброшено взрывом в");/*displaced by blast to*/ cramlc(2, jx, jy); skip(1); for (ll=1; ll<=nenhere; ll++) kdist[ll] = kavgd[ll] = sqrt(square(sectx-kx[ll])+square(secty-ky[ll])); sortkl(); return; } skip(1); prout("Торпеда прошла мимо."); /*Torpedo missed*/ return; } static void fry(double hit) { double ncrit, extradm; int ktr=1, l, ll, j, cdam[6], crptr; /* a critical hit occured */ if (hit < (275.0-25.0*skill)*(1.0+0.5*Rand())) return; ncrit = 1.0 + hit/(500.0+100.0*Rand()); proutn("***КРИТИЧЕСКОЕ ПОПАДАНИЕ--");/*CRITICAL HIT*/ /* Select devices and cause damage */ for (l = 1; l <= ncrit; l++) { do { j = ndevice*Rand()+1.0; /* Cheat to prevent shuttle damage unless on ship */ } while (damage[j] < 0.0 || (j == DSHUTTL && iscraft != 1) || #ifdef CLOAKING (j == DCLOAK && ship != IHE) || #endif j == DDRAY); cdam[l] = j; extradm = (hit*damfac)/(ncrit*(75.0+25.0*Rand())); damage[j] += extradm; if (l > 1) { for (ll=2; ll<=l && j != cdam[ll-1]; ll++) ; if (ll<=l) continue; ktr += 1; if (ktr==3) skip(1); proutn(" и ");/*and*/ } proutn(device[j]); } prout(" поврежден.");/*damaged*/ if (damage[DSHIELD] && shldup) { prout("***Силовые щиты пробиты и отключены.");/*Shields knocked down*/ shldup=0; } #ifdef CLOAKING if (damage[DCLOAK] && iscloaked) { /* prout("***Cloaking device rendered inoperative.");*/ prout("***Генератор невидимости вышел из строя."); iscloaked = FALSE; } #endif } void attack(int k) { /* k == 0 forces use of phasers in an attack */ int percent, ihurt=0, l, i=0, jx, jy, iquad, itflag; int atackd = 0, attempt = 0; double hit; double pfac, dustfac, hitmax=0.0, hittot=0.0, chgfac=1.0, r; #ifdef CLOAKING if (iscloaked && !iscloaking) return; // Nothing happens if we are cloaked #endif iattak = 1; if (alldone) return; #ifdef DEBUG if (idebug) prout("ATTACK!"); #endif if (ithere) movetho(); if (neutz) { /* The one chance not to be attacked */ neutz = 0; return; } if (((comhere || ishere) && (justin == 0)) || skill == SEMERITUS) movcom(); if (nenhere==0) return; pfac = 1.0/inshld; if (shldchg == 1) chgfac = 0.25+0.5*Rand(); skip(1); if (skill <= SFAIR) i = 2; for (l=1; l <= nenhere; l++) { if (kpower[l] < 0) continue; /* too weak to attack */ /* compute hit strength and diminsh shield power */ r = Rand(); /* Increase chance of photon torpedos if docked or enemy energy low */ if (condit == IHDOCKED) r *= 0.25; if (kpower[l] < 500) r *= 0.25; jx = kx[l]; jy = ky[l]; iquad = quad[jx][jy]; itflag = (iquad == IHK && r > 0.0005) || k == 0 || (iquad==IHC && r > 0.015) || (iquad==IHR && r > 0.3) || (iquad==IHS && r > 0.07); if (itflag) { /* Enemy uses phasers */ if (condit == IHDOCKED) continue; /* Don't waste the effort! */ attempt = 1; /* Attempt to attack */ dustfac = 0.8+0.05*Rand(); hit = kpower[l]*pow(dustfac,kavgd[l]); kpower[l] *= 0.75; } else { /* Enemy used photon torpedo */ double course = 1.90985*atan2((double)secty-jy, (double)jx-sectx); hit = 0; proutn("***ТОРПЕДА ЛЕТИТ");/*TORPEDO INCOMING*/ if (damage[DSRSENS] <= 0.0) { proutn(" Из точки ");/*From*/ crmena(0, iquad, i, jx, jy); } attempt = 1; prout("--"); r = (Rand()+Rand())*0.5 -0.5; r += 0.002*kpower[l]*r; torpedo(course, r, jx, jy, &hit); if (d.remkl==0) finish(FWON); /* Klingons did themselves in! */ if (d.galaxy[quadx][quady] == 1000 || alldone) return; /* Supernova or finished */ if (hit == 0) continue; } if (shldup != 0 || shldchg != 0) { /* shields will take hits */ double absorb, hitsh, propor = pfac*shield; if(propor < 0.1) propor = 0.1; hitsh = propor*chgfac*hit+1.0; atackd=1; absorb = 0.8*hitsh; if (absorb > shield) absorb = shield; shield -= absorb; hit -= hitsh; if (propor > 0.1 && hit < 0.005*energy) continue; } /* It's a hit -- print out hit size */ atackd = 1; /* We weren't going to check casualties, etc. if shields were down for some strange reason. This doesn't make any sense, so I've fixed it */ ihurt = 1; cramf(hit, 0, 2); proutn(" модуль поврежден");/*unit hit*/ if ((damage[DSRSENS] > 0 && itflag) || skill <= SFAIR) { proutn(" на стороне ");/*on the*/ crmshp(); } if (damage[DSRSENS] <= 0.0 && itflag) { proutn(" из точки ");/*from*/ crmena(0, iquad, i, jx, jy); } skip(1); /* Decide if hit is critical */ if (hit > hitmax) hitmax = hit; hittot += hit; fry(hit); printf("Урон %g энергия %g\n", hit, energy);/*Hit %g energy %g*/ energy -= hit; } if (energy <= 0) { /* Returning home upon your shield, not with it... */ finish(FBATTLE); return; } if (attempt == 0 && condit == IHDOCKED) /*prout("***Enemies decide against attacking your ship.");*/ prout("***Враги решили не атаковать ваш корабль."); if (atackd == 0) return; percent = 100.0*pfac*shield+0.5; if (ihurt==0) { /* Shields fully protect ship */ /*proutn("Enemy attack reduces shield strength to ");*/ proutn("Вражеская атака уменьшила силовые щиты до "); } else { /* Print message if starship suffered hit(s) */ skip(1); proutn("Энергии осталось ");/*Energy left*/ cramf(energy, 0, 2); proutn(" силовые щиты ");/*shields*/ if (shldup) proutn("активны, ");/*up*/ else if (damage[DSHIELD] == 0) proutn("погашены, ");/*down*/ else proutn("повреждены, "); /*damaged*/ } crami(percent, 1); /* proutn("% torpedoes left ");*/ proutn("% торпед осталось "); crami(torps, 1); skip(1); /* Check if anyone was hurt */ if (hitmax >= 200 || hittot >= 500) { int icas= hittot*Rand()*0.015; if (icas >= 2) { skip(1); /* proutn("Mc Coy- \"Sickbay to bridge. We suffered ");*/ proutn("МакКой- \"Медотсек докладывает. Мы потеряли "); crami(icas, 1); prout(" человек");/*casualties*/ prout(" при последней атаке.\"");/*in that last attack*/ casual += icas; } } /* After attack, reset average distance to enemies */ for (l = 1; l <= nenhere; l++) kavgd[l] = kdist[l]; sortkl(); return; } void deadkl(int ix, int iy, int type, int ixx, int iyy) { /* Added ixx and iyy allow enemy to "move" before dying */ int i,j; crmena(1, type, 2, ixx, iyy); /* Decide what kind of enemy it is and update approriately */ if (type == IHR) { /* chalk up a Romulan */ d.newstuf[quadx][quady] -= 10; irhere--; d.nromkl++; d.nromrem--; } else if (type == IHT) { /* Killed a Tholean */ ithere = 0; } else { /* Some type of a Klingon */ d.galaxy[quadx][quady] -= 100; klhere--; d.remkl--; switch (type) { case IHC: comhere = 0; for (i=1; i<=d.remcom; i++) if (d.cx[i]==quadx && d.cy[i]==quady) break; d.cx[i] = d.cx[d.remcom]; d.cy[i] = d.cy[d.remcom]; d.cx[d.remcom] = 0; d.cy[d.remcom] = 0; d.remcom--; future[FTBEAM] = 1e30; if (d.remcom != 0) future[FTBEAM] = d.date + expran(1.0*incom/d.remcom); d.killc++; break; case IHK: d.killk++; break; case IHS: d.nscrem = ishere = d.isx = d.isy = isatb = iscate = 0; d.nsckill = 1; future[FSCMOVE] = future[FSCDBAS] = 1e30; break; } } /* For each kind of enemy, finish message to player */ prout(" уничтожен.");/*destroyed*/ quad[ix][iy] = IHDOT; if (d.remkl==0) return; d.remtime = d.remres/(d.remkl + 4*d.remcom); if (type == IHT) return; /* Remove enemy ship from arrays describing local conditions */ for (i=1; i<=nenhere; i++) if (kx[i]==ix && ky[i]==iy) break; nenhere--; if (i <= nenhere) { for (j=i; j<=nenhere; j++) { kx[j] = kx[j+1]; ky[j] = ky[j+1]; kpower[j] = kpower[j+1]; kavgd[j] = kdist[j] = kdist[j+1]; } } kx[nenhere+1] = 0; ky[nenhere+1] = 0; kdist[nenhere+1] = 0; kavgd[nenhere+1] = 0; kpower[nenhere+1] = 0; return; } static int targetcheck(double x, double y, double *course) { double deltx, delty; /* Return TRUE if target is invalid */ if (x < 1.0 || x > 10.0 || y < 1.0 || y > 10.0) { huh(); return 1; } deltx = 0.1*(y - secty); delty = 0.1*(sectx - x); if (deltx==0 && delty== 0) { skip(1); /* prout("Spock- \"Bridge to sickbay. Dr. McCoy,"); prout(" I recommend an immediate review of"); prout(" the Captain's psychological profile.");*/ prout("Спок- \"Мостик - медотсеку. Доктор МакКой,"); prout(" Я рекомендую немедленно проверить"); prout(" психологическое состояние Капитана."); chew(); return 1; } *course = 1.90985932*atan2(deltx, delty); return 0; } void photon(void) { double targ[4][3], course[4]; double r, dummy; int key, n, i, osuabor; ididit = 0; if (damage[DPHOTON]) { prout("Пусковые установки фотонных торпед повреждены.");/*Photon tubes damaged*/ chew(); return; } if (torps == 0) { prout("Торпеды кончились.");/*No torpedoes left*/ chew(); return; } key = scan(); for (;;) { if (key == IHALPHA) { huh(); return; } else if (key == IHEOL) { crami(torps,1); prout(" торпед осталось.");/*torpedoes left*/ proutn("Сколько торпед выпускать?- ");/*Number of torpedoes to fire*/ key = scan(); } else /* key == IHREAL */ { n = aaitem + 0.5; if (n <= 0) { /* abort command */ chew(); return; } if (n > 3) { prout("Максимальный залп - 3 торпеды.");/*Maximum of 3 torpedoes per burst*/ } else if (n <= torps) break; chew(); key = IHEOL; } } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { key = scan(); if (i==1 && key == IHEOL) { break; /* we will try prompting */ } if (i==2 && key == IHEOL) { /* direct all torpedoes at one target */ while (i <= n) { targ[i][1] = targ[1][1]; targ[i][2] = targ[1][2]; course[i] = course[1]; i++; } break; } if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } targ[i][1] = aaitem; key = scan(); if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } targ[i][2] = aaitem; if (targetcheck(targ[i][1], targ[i][2], &course[i])) return; } chew(); if (i == 1 && key == IHEOL) { /* prompt for each one */ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { proutn("Сектор прицеливания для торпеды");/*Target sector for torpedo number*/ crami(i, 2); proutn("- "); key = scan(); if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } targ[i][1] = aaitem; key = scan(); if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } targ[i][2] = aaitem; chew(); if (targetcheck(targ[i][1], targ[i][2], &course[i])) return; } } ididit = 1; /* Loop for moving torpedoes */ osuabor = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n && !osuabor; i++) { if (condit != IHDOCKED) torps--; r = (Rand()+Rand())*0.5 -0.5; if (fabs(r) >= 0.47) { /* misfire! */ r = (Rand()+1.2) * r; if (n>1) { prouts("***ТОРПЕДА");/*TORPEDO NUMBER*/ crami(i, 2); prouts(" - СБОЙ ПУСКА.");/*MISFIRES*/ } else prouts("***ТОРПЕДА - СБОЙ ПУСКА.");/*TORPEDO MISFIRES*/ skip(1); if (i < n) prout(" Залп прерван.");/*Remainder of burst aborted*/ osuabor=1; if (Rand() <= 0.2) { prout("***Пусковые установки повреждены при сбое.");/*Photon tubes damaged by misfire*/ damage[DPHOTON] = damfac*(1.0+2.0*Rand()); break; } } #ifdef CLOAKING if (iscloaked) r *= 1.2; /* Torpedoes are less accurate */ else #endif if (shldup != 0 || condit == IHDOCKED) r *= 1.0 + 0.0001*shield; /* Torpedos are less accurate */ if (n != 1) { skip(1); proutn("Торпедный след номер");/*Track for torpedo number*/ crami(i, 2); proutn("- "); } else { skip(1); proutn("Торпедный след- ");/*Torpedo track*/ } torpedo(course[i], r, sectx, secty, &dummy); if (alldone || d.galaxy[quadx][quady]==1000) return; } if (d.remkl==0) finish(FWON); } static void overheat(double rpow) { if (rpow > 1500) { double chekbrn = (rpow-1500.)*0.00038; if (Rand() <= chekbrn) { /*prout("Weapons officer Sulu- \"Phasers overheated, sir.\"");*/ prout("Орудийный офицер Сулу- \"Фазеры перегреты, Сэр.\""); damage[DPHASER] = damfac*(1.0 + Rand()) * (1.0+chekbrn); } } } static int checkshctrl(double rpow) { double hit; int icas; skip(1); if (Rand() < .998) { prout("Силовые щиты ослаблены.");/*Shields lowered*/ return 0; } /* Something bad has happened */ prouts("***КРАСНАЯ ТРЕВОГА!");/*RED ALERT! RED ALERT!*/ skip(2); hit = rpow*shield/inshld; energy -= rpow+hit*0.8; shield -= hit*0.2; if (energy <= 0.0) { /* prouts("Sulu- \"Captain! Shield malf***********************\"");*/ prouts("Сулу- \"Капитан! Силовые щиты наеб*****************\""); skip(1); stars(); finish(FPHASER); return 1; } /* prouts("Sulu- \"Captain! Shield malfunction! Phaser fire contained!\"");*/ prouts("Сулу- \"Капитан! Силовые щиты повреждены! Огнем фазеров!\""); skip(2); /* prout("Lt. Uhura- \"Sir, all decks reporting damage.\"");*/ prout("Лейтенант Ухура- \"Сэр, все палубы докладывают о повреждениях.\""); icas = hit*Rand()*0.012; skip(1); fry(0.8*hit); if (icas) { skip(1); /* prout("McCoy to bridge- \"Severe radiation burns, Jim.");*/ prout("МакКой - мостику- \"Серьезная утечка радиации, Джим."); proutn(" "); crami(icas, 1); prout(" потерь на данный момент.\"");/*casualties so far*/ casual += icas; // Changed from -=, October 2013 } skip(1); /* prout("Phaser energy dispersed by shields."); prout("Enemy unaffected.");*/ prout("Фазерные лучи поглощены щитами."); prout("Враг повреждений не получил."); overheat(rpow); return 1; } void phasers(void) { double hits[21], rpow, extra, powrem, over, temp; int kz = 0, k=1, i; /* Cheating inhibitor */ int ifast=0, no=0, ipoop=1, msgflag = 1; enum {NOTSET, MANUAL, FORCEMAN, AUTOMATIC} automode = NOTSET; int key; skip(1); /* SR sensors and Computer */ if (damage[DSRSENS]+damage[DCOMPTR] > 0) ipoop = 0; if (condit == IHDOCKED) { /* prout("Phasers can't be fired through base shields.");*/ prout("Силовое поле станции мешает открыть огонь из фазеров."); chew(); return; } if (damage[DPHASER] != 0) { prout("Панель управления фазерами повреждена.");/*Phaser control damaged*/ chew(); return; } if (shldup) { if (damage[DSHCTRL]) { prout("Панель быстрого регулирования силовых щитов повреждена.");/*High speed shield control damaged*/ chew(); return; } if (energy <= 200.0) { /* prout("Insufficient energy to activate high-speed shield control.");*/ prout("Недостаточно энергии для режима быстрого регулирования силовых щитов."); chew(); return; } /* prout("Weapons Officer Sulu- \"High-speed shield control enabled, sir.\"");*/ prout("Орудийный офицер Сулу- \"Режим быстрого регулирования силовых щитов включен, Сэр.\""); ifast = 1; } ididit = 1; /* Original code so convoluted, I re-did it all */ while (automode==NOTSET) { key=scan(); if (key == IHALPHA) { if (isit("manual")) { if (nenhere==0) { prout("Вражеские цели отсутствуют.");/*There is no enemy present to select*/ chew(); key = IHEOL; automode=AUTOMATIC; } else { automode = MANUAL; key = scan(); } } else if (isit("automatic")) { if ((!ipoop) && nenhere != 0) { automode = FORCEMAN; } else { if (nenhere==0) prout("Энергия рассеется в космосе.");/*Energy will be expended into space*/ automode = AUTOMATIC; key = scan(); } } else if (isit("no")) { no = 1; } else { huh(); ididit = 0; return; } } else if (key == IHREAL) { if (nenhere==0) { prout("Энергия рассеется в космосе.");/*Energy will be expended into space*/ automode = AUTOMATIC; } else if (!ipoop) automode = FORCEMAN; else automode = AUTOMATIC; } else { /* IHEOL */ if (nenhere==0) { prout("Энергия рассеется в космосе.");/*Energy will be expended into space*/ automode = AUTOMATIC; } else if (!ipoop) automode = FORCEMAN; else proutn("Ручной (manual) или автоматический (automatic)? ");/*Manual or automatic?*/ } } switch (automode) { case AUTOMATIC: if (key == IHALPHA && isit("no")) { no = 1; key = scan(); } if (key != IHREAL && nenhere != 0) { /* proutn("Phasers locked on target. Energy available =");*/ proutn("Фазеры наведены на цель. Энергии доступно ="); cramf(ifast?energy-200.0:energy,1,2); skip(1); } do { while (key != IHREAL) { chew(); proutn("Мощность выстрела=");/*Units to fire*/ key = scan(); } rpow = aaitem; if (rpow >= (ifast?energy-200:energy)) { proutn("Энергии доступно= ");/*Energy available*/ cramf(ifast?energy-200:energy, 1,2); skip(1); key = IHEOL; } } while (rpow >= (ifast?energy-200:energy)); if (rpow<=0) { /* chicken out */ ididit = 0; chew(); return; } if ((key=scan()) == IHALPHA && isit("no")) { no = 1; } if (ifast) { energy -= 200; /* Go and do it! */ if (checkshctrl(rpow)) return; } chew(); energy -= rpow; extra = rpow; if (nenhere) { extra = 0.0; powrem = rpow; for (i = 1; i <= nenhere; i++) { hits[i] = 0.0; if (powrem <= 0) continue; hits[i] = fabs(kpower[i])/(phasefac*pow(0.90,kdist[i])); over = (0.01 + 0.05*Rand())*hits[i]; temp = powrem; powrem -= hits[i] + over; if (powrem <= 0 && temp < hits[i]) hits[i] = temp; if (powrem <= 0) over = 0.0; extra += over; } if (powrem > 0.0) extra += powrem; hittem(hits); } if (extra > 0 && alldone == 0) { if (ithere) { proutn("*** Толианская сеть поглотила ");/*Tholian web absorbs*/ if (nenhere>0) proutn("избыток ");/*excess*/ prout("энергии фазеров.");/*phaser energy*/ } else { cramf(extra, 0, 2); prout(" рассеяна в пустом космосе.");/*expended on empty space*/ } } break; case FORCEMAN: chew(); key = IHEOL; if (damage[DCOMPTR]!=0) /* prout("Battle computer damaged, manual file only.");*/ prout("Тактический компьютер поврежден, только ручное управление."); else { skip(1); prouts("---ОБРАБОТКА---");/*WORKING*/ skip(1); /* prout("Short-range-sensors-damaged"); prout("Insufficient-data-for-automatic-phaser-fire"); prout("Manual-fire-must-be-used");*/ prout("Сенсоры-ближнего-радиуса-действия-повреждены"); prout("Недостаточно-информации-для-автоматического-управления-фазерами"); prout("Ручное-управление-должно-быть-использовано"); skip(1); } case MANUAL: rpow = 0.0; for (k = 1; k <= nenhere;) { int ii = kx[k], jj = ky[k]; int ienm = quad[ii][jj]; if (msgflag) { proutn("Энергии доступно= ");/*Energy available*/ cramf(energy-.006-(ifast?200:0), 0, 2); skip(1); msgflag = 0; rpow = 0.0; } if (damage[DSRSENS] && !(abs(sectx-ii) < 2 && abs(secty-jj) < 2) && (ienm == IHC || ienm == IHS)) { cramen(ienm); /* prout(" can't be located without short range scan.");*/ prout(" невозможно обнаружение без сенсоров ближнего радиуса."); chew(); key = IHEOL; hits[k] = 0; /* prevent overflow -- thanks to Alexei Voitenko */ k++; continue; } if (key == IHEOL) { chew(); if (ipoop && k > kz) { int irec=(fabs(kpower[k])/(phasefac*pow(0.9,kdist[k])))* (1.01+0.05*Rand()) + 1.0; kz = k; proutn("("); crami(irec, 1); proutn(") "); } proutn("единиц затратить по точке ");/*units to fire at*/ crmena(0, ienm, 2, ii, jj); proutn("- "); key = scan(); } if (key == IHALPHA && isit("no")) { no = 1; key = scan(); continue; } if (key == IHALPHA) { huh(); ididit = 0; return; } if (key == IHEOL) { if (k==1) { /* Let me say I'm baffled by this */ msgflag = 1; } continue; } if (aaitem < 0) { /* abort out */ ididit = 0; chew(); return; } hits[k] = aaitem; rpow += aaitem; /* If total requested is too much, inform and start over */ if (rpow >= (ifast?energy-200:energy)) { /* prout("Available energy exceeded -- try again.");*/ prout("Превышен запас энергии -- повторите."); chew(); key = IHEOL; k = 1; msgflag = 1; continue; } key = scan(); /* scan for next value */ k++; } if (rpow == 0.0) { /* zero energy -- abort */ ididit = 0; chew(); return; } if (key == IHALPHA && isit("no")) { no = 1; } energy -= rpow; chew(); if (ifast) { energy -= 200.0; if (checkshctrl(rpow)) return; } hittem(hits); ididit=1; break; case NOTSET: break; // cannot occur } /* Say shield raised or malfunction, if necessary */ if (alldone) return; if (ifast) { skip(1); if (no == 0) { if (Rand() >= 0.99) { /* prout("Sulu- \"Sir, the high-speed shield control has malfunctioned . . ."); prouts(" CLICK CLICK POP . . ."); prout(" No response, sir!");*/ prout("Сулу- \"Сэр, панель быстрого регулирования силовых щитов не работает . . ."); prouts(" КЛИК КЛИК БУМ . . ."); prout(" Не реагирует, Сэр!"); shldup = 0; } else prout("Силовые щиты активированы.");/*Shields raised*/ } else shldup = 0; } overheat(rpow); } void hittem(double *hits) { double kp, kpow, wham, hit, dustfac, kpini; int nenhr2=nenhere, k=1, kk=1, ii, jj, ienm; skip(1); for (; k <= nenhr2; k++, kk++) { if ((wham = hits[k])==0) continue; dustfac = 0.9 + 0.01*Rand(); hit = wham*pow(dustfac,kdist[kk]); kpini = kpower[kk]; kp = fabs(kpini); if (phasefac*hit < kp) kp = phasefac*hit; kpower[kk] -= (kpower[kk] < 0 ? -kp: kp); kpow = kpower[kk]; ii = kx[kk]; jj = ky[kk]; if (hit > 0.005) { cramf(hit, 0, 2); proutn(" модуль поврежден в точке ");/*unit hit on*/ } else proutn("Малое повреждение в точке ");/*Very small hit on*/ ienm = quad[ii][jj]; crmena(0,ienm,2,ii,jj); skip(1); if (kpow == 0) { deadkl(ii, jj, ienm, ii, jj); if (d.remkl==0) finish(FWON); if (alldone) return; kk--; /* don't do the increment */ } else /* decide whether or not to emasculate klingon */ if (kpow > 0 && Rand() >= 0.9 && kpow <= ((0.4 + 0.4*Rand())*kpini)) { /* proutn("***Mr. Spock- \"Captain, the vessel at");*/ proutn("***Мистер Спок- \"Капитан, судно в точке"); cramlc(2,ii,jj); skip(1); prout(" только что лишилось огневой мощи.\"");/*has just lost its firepower*/ kpower[kk] = -kpow; } } return; } #ifdef CAPTURE /* $NetBSD: capture.c,v 1.6 2003/08/07 09:37:50 agc Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ** Ask a Klingon To Surrender ** ** (Fat chance) ** ** The Subspace Radio is needed to ask a Klingon if he will kindly ** surrender. A random Klingon from the ones in the quadrant is ** chosen. ** ** The Klingon is requested to surrender. The probability of this ** is a function of that Klingon's remaining power, our power, ** etc. */ int selectklingon(void); void capture(void) { int i; int k; double x; ididit = FALSE; // Nothing if we fail Time = 0.0; /* Make sure there is room in the brig */ if (brigfree == 0) { /* printf("Security reports the brig is already full.\n");*/ printf("Служба безопасности докладывает, что корабль переполнен.\n"); return; } if (!REPORTS) { /* printf("Uhura- \"We have no subspace radio communication, sir.\"\n");*/ printf("Ухура- \"Радиосигналы отсутствуют, Сэр.\"\n"); return; } if (damage[DTRANSP] != 0) { /* printf("Scotty- \"Transporter damaged, sir.\"\n");*/ printf("Скотти- \"Транспорт поврежден, Сэр.\"\n"); return; } /* find out if there are any at all */ if (klhere < 1) { /* printf("Uhura- \"Getting no response, sir.\"\n");*/ printf("Ухура- \"Никто не отвечает, Сэр.\"\n"); return; } /* if there is more than one Klingon, find out which one */ k = selectklingon(); Time = 0.05; // This action will take some time ididit = TRUE; // So any others can strike back /* check out that Klingon */ /* The algorithm isn't that great and could use some more * intelligent design */ // x = 300 + 25*skill; x = energy; x /= kpower[k] * nenhere; x *= 2.5; /* would originally have been equivalent of 1.4, but we want command to work more often, more humanely */ i = x; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Prob = %d (%.4f)\n", i, x); // i = 100; // For testing, of course! #endif if (i > 100*Rand()) { /* guess what, he surrendered!!! */ /* printf("Klingon captain at %d,%d surrenders\n", kx[k], ky[k]);*/ printf("Клингонский капитан в точке %d,%d сдается\n", kx[k], ky[k]); i = 200*Rand(); if ( i > 0 ) /* printf("%d Klingons commit suicide rather than be taken captive\n", 200 - i);*/ printf("%d клингонов предпочли самоубийство сдаче в плен\n", 200 - i); if (i > brigfree) { /* printf("%d Klingons die because there is no room for them in the brig.\n", i-brigfree);*/ printf("%d клингонов умерло, посколько для них не хватило жилого пространства на корабле.\n", i-brigfree); i = brigfree; } brigfree -= i; printf("%d captives taken\n", i); deadkl(kx[k], ky[k], quad[kx[k]][ky[k]], kx[k], ky[k]); if (d.remkl==0) finish(FWON); return; } /* big surprise, he refuses to surrender */ printf("Большая удача, капитан\n");/*Fat chance, captain*/ return; } /* ** SELECT A KLINGON ** ** Cruddy, just takes one at random. Should ask the captain. ** Nah, just select the weakest one since it is most likely to ** surrender (Tom Almy mod) */ int selectklingon() { int i; if (nenhere < 2) i = 1; else { // Select the weakest one double pow = 1e6; int j; for (j=1; j <= nenhere; j++) { if (quad[kx[j]][ky[j]] == IHR) continue; // No Romulans surrender if (kpower[j]< pow) { pow = kpower[j]; i = j; } } } return i; } #endif