macgub 92b749efe6 Update to ver 077 - edit subbmit fixed, fire bug fixed, see readme.txt for details.
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@9740 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2022-03-14 17:02:40 +00:00

1216 lines
25 KiB

; push ebp
; mov ebp,esp
mov edi,-1
movd xmm7,edi
pshufd xmm7,xmm7,0
mov esi,[triangles_ptr]
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
; jecxz .cop
mov eax,[esi]
; mov ebx,[esi+4]
; mov edx,[esi+8]
cmp eax,[esi+4]
je .tri_fail
cmp eax,[esi+8]
je .tri_fail
mov eax,[esi+4]
cmp eax,[esi+8]
je .tri_fail
; cmp ebx,[esi]
; je .tri_fail
; cmp ebx,[esi+8]
; je .tri_fail
; cmp edx,[esi]
; je .tri_fail
; cmp edx,[esi+4]
; je .tri_fail
add esi,12
loop .chck
jmp .cop
movq [esi],xmm7
movd [esi+8],xmm7
add esi,12
loop .chck
mov esi,[triangles_ptr]
mov edi,[triangles_ptr]
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
xor edx,edx
cmp [esi],dword -1
je @f
movdqu xmm0,[esi]
movq [edi],xmm0
movhlps xmm0,xmm0
movd [edi+8],xmm0
add edi,12
inc edx
add esi,12
loop .cp
mov [triangles_count_var],edx
if Ext > SSE2
mov ecx,3
mov edi,point_light_coords
push ecx
xor ecx,ecx
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
call random
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax
movss [edi],xmm0
xor ecx,ecx
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
call random
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax
movss [edi+4],xmm0
mov ecx,-1900
mov edx,-600
call random
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax
movss [edi+8],xmm0
mov [edi+12],dword 0
add edi,16
pop ecx
loop @b
intersect_tri: ; Moeller-Trumbore method
; in:
; xmm0 - ray direction ; should be normalized
; xmm1 - ray orgin
; xmm2 - tri vert1
; xmm3 - tri vert2
; xmm4 - tri vert3
; if eax = 1 - intersction with edge
; xmm6 - edge lenght
; if eax = 0 - intersect with ray (classic)
; out:
; eax = 1 - intersection occured
; xmm0 - float lo -> hi = t, v, u, ...
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
and ebp,-16
sub esp,220
.dir equ [ebp-16]
.origin equ [ebp-32]
.ta equ [ebp-48]
.tb equ [ebp-64]
.tc equ [ebp-80]
.tvec equ [ebp-96]
.pvec equ [ebp-112]
.qvec equ [ebp-128]
.e1 equ [ebp-128-16]
.ift equ dword[ebp-152]
.invdet equ [ebp-156]
.det equ [ebp-160]
.ed_l equ [ebp-164]
.u equ [ebp-168]
.v equ [ebp-172]
.t equ [ebp-176]
.e2 equ [ebp-192]
movaps .dir,xmm0
movaps .origin,xmm1
movaps .ta,xmm2
movaps .tb,xmm3
movaps .tc,xmm4
mov .ift,eax
movss .ed_l,xmm6
subps xmm3,xmm2
subps xmm4,xmm2
andps xmm3,[zero_hgst_dd]
andps xmm4,[zero_hgst_dd]
movaps .e1,xmm3
movaps .e2,xmm4
lea esi,.dir
lea edi,.e2
lea ebx,.pvec
call cross_aligned
movaps xmm0,.e1
mulps xmm0,.pvec
; andps xmm0,[zero_hgst_dd]
haddps xmm0,xmm0
haddps xmm0,xmm0
movss .det,xmm0
; cmpnless xmm0,[eps]
; movd eax,xmm0
; or eax,eax
; jz @f
comiss xmm0,[eps]
jb @f
rcpss xmm0,.det
movss .invdet,xmm0
movaps xmm0,.origin
subps xmm0,.ta
andps xmm0,[zero_hgst_dd]
movaps .tvec,xmm0
mulps xmm0,.pvec
haddps xmm0,xmm0
haddps xmm0,xmm0
mulss xmm0,.invdet
movss xmm1,xmm0
movss .u,xmm0
cmpnless xmm1,[epsone]
cmpnless xmm0,[epsminus]
pxor xmm1,xmm0
movd eax,xmm1
or eax,eax
jz @f
lea esi,.tvec
lea edi,.e1
lea ebx,.qvec
call cross_aligned
movaps xmm0,.dir
mulps xmm0,.qvec
haddps xmm0,xmm0
haddps xmm0,xmm0
mulss xmm0,.invdet
movss .v,xmm0
movss xmm1,xmm0
addss xmm1,.u
cmpnless xmm1,[epsone]
cmpnless xmm0,[epsminus]
pxor xmm1,xmm0
movd eax,xmm1
or eax,eax
jz @f
movaps xmm1,.e2
mulps xmm1,.qvec
haddps xmm1,xmm1
haddps xmm1,xmm1
mulss xmm1,.invdet
movss .t,xmm1
; cmpnless xmm1,[eps]
; movmskps eax,xmm1
; test eax,1
; jz @f
comiss xmm1,[eps]
jb @f
mov eax,1
cmp .ift,0
je .end ; ok intersect occured, no edge cause
movss xmm0,.t ; else check with edge lenght
; movss xmm1,.t
cmpnless xmm0,[eps]
cmpnless xmm1,.ed_l
xorps xmm0,xmm1
movd ebx,xmm0
or ebx,ebx
jz @f
; mov eax,1
; movaps xmm0,.t
jmp .end
xor eax,eax
movaps xmm0,.t
add esp,220
pop ebp
end if
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,32
.ed_cnt equ [ebp-4]
.edd_ptr equ [ebp-8]
.counter equ [ebp-12]
mov ebx, 12
mov eax, 68
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shl ecx,4
add ecx,1024
mov edx,[edges_ptr]
int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to edges
mov [edges_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
mov ebx,[edges_ptr]
mov eax,[triangles_ptr]
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
movdqu xmm0,[eax]
movq [ebx],xmm0
pshufd xmm0,xmm0,11001001b
movq [ebx+8],xmm0
pshufd xmm0,xmm0,11001001b
movq [ebx+16],xmm0
add ebx,24
add eax,12
loop @b
mov ebx,[edges_ptr]
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
mov eax,[ebx]
mov edx,[ebx+4]
cmp eax,[ebx+4]
cmovg eax,edx
cmovg edx,[ebx]
mov [ebx],eax
mov [ebx+4],edx
add ebx,8
loop .mxd
; insert sort
mov ebx,[edges_ptr]
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,3
add esi,ebx
dec ecx
mov eax,[ebx+8]
cmp eax,[ebx]
jae .g
movq xmm0,[ebx+8]
push ebx
cmp ebx,esi
jae .done
cmp ebx,[edges_ptr]
jb .done
cmp eax,[ebx]
jae .done
movq xmm7,[ebx]
movq [ebx+8],xmm7
sub ebx,8
jnz .c
add ebx,8
movq [ebx+8],xmm0
pop ebx
add ebx,8
loop .ccc
; insert sort again
mov ebx,[edges_ptr]
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,3
add esi,ebx
push ecx
push ebx
xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,[ebx] ; count
inc ecx
add ebx,8
cmp ebx,esi
jae .br ; break
cmp eax,[ebx]
je .aa
mov .counter,ecx
pop ebx
mov edi,ebx
sub edi,8
mov edx,[ebx+8]
cmp ebx,esi
jbe @f
add esp,4
jmp .ff
mov eax,[ebx+12]
mov edx,[ebx+8]
cmp eax,[ebx+4]
jae .gg2
movq xmm0,[ebx+8]
push ebx
cmp eax,[ebx+4]
jae .done2
movq xmm7,[ebx]
movq [ebx+8],xmm7
sub ebx,8
cmp ebx,edi
jz @f
cmp [ebx+8],edx
jz .c2
add ebx,8
movq [ebx],xmm0
pop ebx
add ebx,8
dec ecx
cmp ecx,1
jnz .ccc2
pop ecx
sub ecx,.counter
add ebx,8
ja .count
jmp .ff
.br: ;break
add esp,8
; count edges
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3+3]
mov esi,[edges_ptr]
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,eax
cmp ebx,[esi]
jnz .ic
cmp eax,[esi+4]
jnz .ic
loop .nx
jmp .endc
inc edx
loop .nx
mov .ed_cnt,edx
mov ecx,edx
shl ecx,3
add ecx,65536
mov ebx,12
mov eax,68
mov edx,.edd_ptr
int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to new edges
mov .edd_ptr, eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
add ecx,ecx
mov esi,[edges_ptr]
mov edi,eax
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,eax
cmp ebx,[esi]
jnz .ic1
cmp eax,[esi+4]
jnz .ic1
loop .nx1
jmp .endc1
xchg eax,ebx
mov eax,ebx
inc edx
loop .nx1
mov eax,68
mov ebx,13
mov ecx,[edges_ptr]
int 0x40 ; release old edges ptr
mov eax,.edd_ptr
mov ecx,.ed_cnt
mov [edges_ptr],eax
mov [edges_count],ecx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
;in - ax - render mode
.x equ [ebp-8]
.y equ [ebp-12]
.new_y equ [ebp-16]
.temp equ [ebp-20]
.dr_f equ word[ebp-22]
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,30
mov .dr_f,ax
mov dword .x,0
mov dword .y,0
mov esi,[screen_ptr]
mov edi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
push edi
; clear Zbuffer temporally used as image buffer
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax ;SIZE_X*SIZE_Y
xor eax,eax
rep stosd
pop edi
fild dword .x
fmul [sin_frq]
fistp dword .temp
mov eax, .temp
and eax, 0x000000ff
fld dword [sin_tab+eax*4]
fimul dword [sin_amplitude]
fiadd dword .y
fistp dword .new_y
mov eax,.new_y
or eax,eax
jl .skip
movzx ebx,word[size_y_var]
cmp eax,ebx ;SIZE_Y
jg .skip
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
mul edx
add eax,dword .x
lea ebx,[eax*3]
cmp .dr_f,12 ; 32 bit col cause
jb @f
add ebx,eax
mov eax,[esi]
mov [edi+ebx],eax
add esi,3
cmp .dr_f,12
jb @f
inc esi
inc dword .x
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
cmp dword .x,edx ;SIZE_X
jl .again
mov dword .x,0
inc dword .y
movzx edx,word[size_y_var]
cmp dword .y,edx ;SIZE_Y
jl .again
; copy from temporary buffer -> Zbuffer to screen
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax
cmp .dr_f,12
jae @f
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
; mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3/4
rep movsd
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
mov esi,[points_translated_ptr]
mov ecx,[points_count_var]
add esi,2 ; skip z
movzx ebx,ax
shr eax,16 ; bx = x , ax = y
or ax,ax
jl @f
or bx,bx
jl @f
cmp ax,[size_y_var] ;SIZE_Y
jge @f
cmp bx,[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
jge @f
movzx edx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ; SIZE_X not only power of 2 -> 256,512,...
mul edx
add eax,ebx
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
lea eax,[eax*3]
add edi,eax
or eax,-1
; not eax
loop .drw
do_emboss: ; sse2 version only
; in ax - render model
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,4
.dr_mod equ word[ebp-2]
mov .dr_mod,ax
if Ext >= SSE2
movzx ecx,[bumps_deep_flag]
inc ecx
call blur_screen ;blur n times
mov eax,[size_y_var] ;load both x, y
mov ebx,eax
shr ebx,16
mul ebx
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,ebx
sub ecx,ebx
mov esi,[screen_ptr]
mov edi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
cmp .dr_mod,11
jge @f
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
jmp .gf
shl ebx,2
mov edx,esi
add esi,ebx
lea ebx,[ebx+esi]
pxor xmm0,xmm0
push eax
cmp .dr_mod ,11
jge @f
movlps xmm1,[esi+3]
movhps xmm1,[esi+6]
movlps xmm2,[esi-3]
movhps xmm2,[esi]
movlps xmm3,[ebx]
movhps xmm3,[ebx+3]
movlps xmm4,[edx]
movhps xmm4,[edx+3]
jmp .ff
movlps xmm1,[esi+4]
movhps xmm1,[esi+8]
movlps xmm2,[esi-4]
movhps xmm2,[esi]
movlps xmm3,[ebx]
movhps xmm3,[ebx+4]
movlps xmm4,[edx]
movhps xmm4,[edx+4]
punpcklbw xmm1,xmm0
punpcklbw xmm2,xmm0
punpcklbw xmm3,xmm0
punpcklbw xmm4,xmm0
psubsw xmm1,xmm2
paddw xmm1,[emboss_bias]
psubsw xmm3,xmm4
paddw xmm3,[emboss_bias]
pmulhw xmm1,xmm3
movaps xmm7,xmm1
movaps xmm6,xmm1
psrlq xmm7,2*8
psrlq xmm6,4*8
pmaxsw xmm1,xmm7
pmaxsw xmm1,xmm6
pmaxsw xmm1,xmm3
movd eax,xmm1
movzx eax,al
; cmp [dr_flag],12
; je @f
lea eax,[eax*3+envmap_cub]
; jmp .fff
mov eax,[eax]
mov [edi],eax ;xmm1
psrldq xmm1,8
movd eax,xmm1
movzx eax,al
lea eax,[eax*3+envmap_cub]
mov eax,[eax]
mov [edi+4],eax
cmp .dr_mod,11
jl @f
add esi,2
add ebx,2
add edx,2
add edi,8
add esi,6
add ebx,6
add edx,6
sub ecx,2
jnc .emb
pop ecx ;,eax
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
cmp .dr_mod,11
jge .e
dec edi
loop @b
rep movsd
end if
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
;align 16
; emboss_bias:
; dw 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
if 0 ; old emb proc
; emboss - after drawing all,
; transfer screen buffer into bump map
; and draw two bump triangles
; *************************************
mov esi,screen
mov edi,bumpmap2
mov ecx,TEXTURE_SIZE/3
if Ext=NON
xor eax,eax
xor bh,bh
xor dh,dh
movzx bx,al
movzx dx,al
add ax,bx
add ax,dx
; cwd
; div [i3]
;; push ax
;; pop bx
;; shr bx,3
;; shr ax,2
;; add ax,bx
lea eax,[eax*5]
shr ax,4
loop @b
pxor mm1,mm1
mov ebx,0x0000ffff
movd mm0,[esi]
punpcklbw mm0,mm1
movq mm2,mm0
psrlq mm2,16
movq mm3,mm0
psrlq mm3,32
paddw mm0,mm2
paddw mm0,mm3
movd eax,mm0
and eax,ebx
lea eax,[eax*5]
shr ax,4
add esi,3
loop @b
end if
push ebp
push dword 0 ; env coords
push word 0
push word SIZE_X
push word SIZE_Y
push dword 0
push dword 0 ; bump coords
push word SIZE_X
push word SIZE_Y
push word 0
mov eax,SIZE_Y
mov ebx,SIZE_X*65536+0
xor ecx,ecx
mov edx,bumpmap2
mov esi,envmap
mov edi,screen
call bump_triangle
push dword SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y ; env coords
push word 0
push word SIZE_X
push word SIZE_Y
push word 0
push dword SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y ; bump coords
push word 0
push word SIZE_X
push word SIZE_Y
push word 0
mov eax,SIZE_Y
mov ebx,SIZE_X * 65536+0
mov ecx,SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y
mov edx,bumpmap2
mov esi,envmap
mov edi,screen
call bump_triangle
pop ebp
end if
;********************************EMBOSS DONE*******************************
generate_object2: ; torus
;in ax - figure number 2=torus, 3=loop, 4=loop
; counter dw ?
; sin dd ?
; cos dd ?
.counter equ word[ebp-2]
.sin equ dword[ebp-6]
.cos equ dword[ebp-10]
.sin2 equ dword[ebp-14]
.cos2 equ dword[ebp-18]
.piD180m3 equ dword[ebp-22]
.cD2 equ word[ebp-24]
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,24
push ax
mov edi,[points_ptr]
xor eax,eax
; init seed -> 4 3d points
mov dword[edi],-1.0 ; x
add edi,4
stosd ; y
stosd ; z
mov dword[edi],-0.9 ; x1
mov dword[edi+4],0.1 ; y1
add edi,8
stosd ; z1
mov dword[edi],-0.8
add edi,4
mov dword[edi],-0.9 ; x3
mov dword[edi+4],-0.1 ; y3
add edi,8
stosd ; z3
mov [points_count_var],4
fld [piD180]
fidiv [i3]
fstp .piD180m3
mov .cD2,5
pop ax
mov ecx,1
mov edx,9
.next: ; calc angle and rotate seed 4 points
mov .counter,cx
mov ebx,[points_ptr]
fld .piD180m3
fimul .counter
fld st
fstp .sin
fstp .cos
fadd st,st0
fstp .sin2
fstp .cos2
.rotor: ; next 4
; rotary y
fld dword[ebx] ; x
fld .sin
fmul dword[ebx+8] ; z * sinbeta
fld .cos
fmul dword[ebx] ; x * cosbeta
fstp dword[edi] ; new x
fmul .sin ; old x * sinbeta
fld .cos
fmul dword[ebx+8] ; z * cosbeta
dec dx
or dx,dx
jnz @f
; mov .counter,dx
fld st
fidiv [i3]
fstp dword[edi+8] ; new z
fld dword[ebx+4]
or dx,dx
jnz @f
; fld1
; faddp
; fld st
fadd st,st0
fadd st,st0
; fxch
; fimul [i3]
; fsin
; faddp
mov dx,9
fstp dword[edi+4]
; rotary x
cmp al,3
jl .end_rot
fld dword[edi+4] ;y
fld .sin2
fmul dword[edi+8] ;z
fld .cos2
fmul dword[edi+4] ;y
fstp dword[edi+4] ; new y
fmul .sin2 ; sinbeta * old y
fld .cos2
fmul dword[edi+8]
fstp dword[edi+8]
; rotary z
cmp al,4
jl .end_rot
fld dword[edi] ;x
fld .sin
fmul dword[edi+4] ;y
fld .cos
fmul dword[edi] ;x
fstp dword[edi] ;new x
fmul .sin ; sinbeta * old x
fld .cos
fmul dword[edi+4] ; cosbeta * y
fstp dword[edi+4] ; new y
add edi,12
add ebx,12
mov esi,[points_ptr]
add esi,12*4
cmp ebx,esi
jl .rotor
add [points_count_var],4
add cx,18
cmp cx,(18*21*3)+1
jle .next
mov edi,[triangles_ptr]
mov eax,4
mov ebx,4+4
mov [triangles_count_var],160*3 ;164*3 ;140
mov ecx,80*3 ;68
stosd ;----
mov [edi],ebx ; |
add edi,4 ; |
inc eax ; |
stosd ; |repeat 4 times
mov [edi],ebx ; |
inc ebx
add edi,4
stosd ; |
mov [edi],ebx ; |
add edi,4 ;----
loop @b
mov dword[edi],-1 ; < - end mark
mov [culling_flag],0
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
generate_object3: ; heart
; counter dw ?
; sin dd ?
; cos dd ?
.counter equ word[ebp-2]
.sin equ dword[ebp-6]
.cos equ dword[ebp-10]
.sin2 equ dword[ebp-14]
.cos2 equ dword[ebp-18]
.piD180m3 equ dword[ebp-22]
.cD2 equ word[ebp-24]
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,24
mov edi,[points_ptr]
xor eax,eax
; init seed -> eight 3d points
mov dword[edi],2.0
add edi,4
mov dword[edi],2.0
mov dword[edi+4],-0.5
add edi,8
mov dword[edi],1.5
mov dword[edi+4],-1.5
add edi,8
mov dword[edi],1.0
mov dword[edi+4],-2.0
add edi,8
mov dword[edi],-2.5
add edi,4
mov [points_count_var],5
mov ecx,1
.next: ; calc angle and rotate seed 4 points
mov .counter,cx
mov ebx,[points_ptr]
fld [piD180]
fimul .counter
fstp .sin
fstp .cos
.rotor: ; next 4
; rotary y
fld dword[ebx] ; x
fld .sin
fmul dword[ebx+8] ; z * sinbeta
fld .cos
fmul dword[ebx] ; x * cosbeta
fidiv [i3]
fstp dword[edi] ; new x
fmul .sin ; old x * sinbeta
fld .cos
fmul dword[ebx+8] ; z * cosbeta
fstp dword[edi+8] ; new z
fld dword[ebx+4] ;y
fstp dword[edi+4]
add edi,12
add ebx,12
mov esi,[points_ptr]
add esi,12*5
cmp ebx,esi ;real_points + (12*5)
jl .rotor
add [points_count_var],5
add cx,18
cmp cx,(18*21)+1
jle .next
;last points
xor eax,eax
mov dword[edi],0.22
mov dword[edi+4],0.77
mov dword[edi+8],1.25
add edi,12
mov dword[edi],0.22
mov dword[edi+4],0.77
mov dword[edi+8],-1.25
add edi,12
add [points_count_var],2
; init triangles list
mov edi,[triangles_ptr]
mov eax,5
mov ebx,5+5
mov [triangles_count_var],200 ;204
mov ecx,100
stosd ;----
mov [edi],ebx ; |
add edi,4 ; |
inc eax ; |
stosd ; |repeat
mov [edi],ebx ; |
inc ebx
add edi,4
stosd ; |
mov [edi],ebx ; |
add edi,4 ;----
loop @b
mov eax,5
mov ebx,[points_count_var]
sub ebx,2
mov dl,2
mov ecx,5
add [triangles_count_var],ecx
add eax,5
mov dword[edi],ebx
add edi,4
loop @b
cmp dl,1
je @f
inc ebx
jmp .lab
dec ebx
mov ecx,5
add [triangles_count_var],ecx
add eax,5
mov dword[edi],ebx
add edi,4
loop @b
dec dl
or dl,dl
jnz .nx
sub eax,25
sub eax,50
mov dword[edi],ebx
add edi,4
add eax,50
inc ebx
mov dword[edi],ebx
add edi,4
add [triangles_count_var],2
mov dword[edi],-1 ; < - end mark
mov [culling_flag],0
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp