Kirill Lipatov (Leency) 6cfca28b78 KlbrInWin src uploaded
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@2292 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2011-10-15 10:20:45 +00:00

7835 lines
146 KiB

; Cb-n#%li.-# @l$i Lkbnbe
bswap eax
shr eax, 8
mov al, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and eax, 0xF
dec eax
js .type1
jz .nodraw
dec eax
jz .type2
; window with skin
push 1
call draw_border
call draw_caption_skinned
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
cmp eax, 21+5
jle @f
test byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3], 40h
jnz @f
push 1
push [ebp+tls.color_main]
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.y_size]
sub ecx, 5
push ecx
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
sub ecx, 5
push ecx
push [_skinh]
push 5
call rectangle_gradient
; close button
mov edx, 40000001h ; id=1, no draw
xor ebx, ebx
cmp [skin_btn_close.left], ebx
jge @f
mov ebx, dword [ebp+tls.x_size]
add ebx, [skin_btn_close.left]
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, word [skin_btn_close.width]
dec ebx
mov ecx, [skin_btn_close.top]
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, word [skin_btn_close.height]
dec ecx
call add_button
; minimize button
mov edx, 4000FFFFh ; id=65535, no draw
xor ebx, ebx
cmp [skin_btn_minimize.left], ebx
jge @f
mov ebx, dword [ebp+tls.x_size]
add ebx, [skin_btn_minimize.left]
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, word [skin_btn_minimize.width]
dec ebx
mov ecx, [skin_btn_minimize.top]
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, word [skin_btn_minimize.height]
dec ecx
call add_button
jmp .nodraw
; border
mov eax, [ebp+tls.color_border]
call create_select_pen
push eax
xor esi, esi
call rect_wnd
call select_delete
; caption
call draw_caption_type1
; work area
test byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3], 40h
jnz .nodraw
push 1
push [ebp+tls.color_main]
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
dec eax
push eax
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
dec eax
push eax
push 21
push 1
call rectangle_gradient
jmp .nodraw
; border
push eax
call draw_border
; caption
call draw_caption_type2
; work area
test byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3], 40h
jnz .nodraw
push 1
push [ebp+tls.color_main]
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
sub eax, 5
push eax
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
sub eax, 5
push eax
push 20
push 5
call rectangle_gradient
; caption string
call draw_caption_string
; draw buttons
mov esi, [ebp+tls.buttons]
test esi, esi
jz @f
push [esi+button_desc.next]
mov ebx, dword [esi+button_desc.xsize]
mov ecx, dword [esi+button_desc.ysize]
test byte [esi+button_desc.id+3], 0x40
mov esi, [esi+button_desc.color]
jnz .sk
call draw_button
pop esi
jmp @b
push 040404h
push [ebp+tls.color_capt]
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
dec eax
cmp eax, 21
jb @f
mov eax, 21
push eax
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
dec eax
push eax
push 1
push 1
call rectangle_gradient
mov eax, [ebp+tls.color_capt]
mov ecx, 0x040404
test eax, 0x40000000
jz @f
or ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, 0xC0000000
push ecx
push eax
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
sub eax, 4
cmp eax, 20
jb @f
mov eax, 20
@@: push eax
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
sub eax, 4
push eax
push 4
push 4
call rectangle_gradient
xor ebx, ebx
mov eax, [left_bmp]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], bl
jnz @f
mov eax, [left1_bmp]
xor ecx, ecx
call putbmp
movzx esi, [ebp+tls.x_size]
mov ecx, [eax+4]
sub esi, ecx
mov eax, [oper_bmp]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], bl
jnz @f
mov eax, [oper1_bmp]
sub esi, [eax+4]
mov eax, [base_bmp]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], bl
jnz @f
mov eax, [base1_bmp]
cmp esi, [eax+4]
jle .nobase
call putbmp
add ecx, [eax+4]
sub esi, [eax+4]
jg @b
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
mov eax, [oper_bmp]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], bl
jnz @f
mov eax, [oper1_bmp]
sub ecx, [eax+4]
; in: eax=bmpinfo,ecx=y*65536+x,edi=hDC
push eax ecx
lea edx, [eax+40]
push ebx ; fuColorUse = DIB_RGB_COLORS
push eax ; lpbmi
push edx ; lpBits
push dword [eax+8] ; cScanLines
push ebx ; uStartScan
push ebx ; YSrc
push ebx ; XSrc
push dword [eax+8] ; dwHeight
push dword [eax+4] ; dwWidth
movzx eax, cx
shr ecx, 10h
push ecx ; YDest
push eax ; XDest
push edi ; hDC
call [SetDIBitsToDevice]
pop ecx eax
test byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3], 0x10
jnz @f
mov esi, [ebp+tls.caption]
test esi, esi
jz .ret
add esi, [base]
mov al, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and eax, 0xF
dec eax
js .type1
jz .nodraw
dec eax
jz .type2
; caption for skinned windows
; determine maximum caption length
mov ax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
sub ax, [margins+2]
sub ax, [margins]
js .ret
push 6
pop ebx
div bx
mov ecx, eax
; determine coordinates
mov ebx, dword [margins]
mov bx, word [_skinh]
sub bx, [margins+6]
sub bx, [margins+4]
sar bx, 1
adc bx, 0
add bx, [margins+6]
add bx, -3
mov edx, esi
test al, al
loopnz @b
jnz @f
dec esi
@@: sub esi, edx
mov ecx, dword [common_colors+16]
jmp i40_writetext_l2
; caption for windows without skin
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
sub eax, 16
js .ret
push 6
pop ebx
div ebx
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, 0x00080007
jmp .common
mov [ebp+tls.color_main], edx
mov [ebp+tls.color_capt], esi
mov [ebp+tls.color_border], edi
mov [ebp+tls.curdraw], 0
cmp [ebp+tls.showwnd], 0
jnz .wasshown
; real size is 1 pixel more
inc ebx
mov dword [ebp+tls.x_size], ebx
inc ecx
mov dword [ebp+tls.y_size], ecx
test edx, 0x10000000
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.caption], edi
push 0
movzx eax, cx
push eax
movzx eax, bx
push eax
shr ecx, 10h
push ecx
shr ebx, 10h
push ebx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [MoveWindow]
push 5 ; SW_SHOW
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ShowWindow]
mov [ebp+tls.showwnd], 1
cmp [ebp+tls.lpShapeData], 0
jz @f
call set_window_shape
; define client box
test byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3], 0x20
jnz .client_relative
and [ebp+tls.client_left], 0
and [ebp+tls.client_top], 0
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
mov [ebp+tls.client_width], eax
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
mov [ebp+tls.client_height], eax
jmp .client_set
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [window_topleft+8*3+4], eax
mov [window_topleft+8*4+4], eax
mov al, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and eax, 0xF
mov edx, [eax*8+window_topleft]
mov [ebp+tls.client_left], edx
neg edx
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
lea ecx, [ecx+edx*2]
mov [ebp+tls.client_width], ecx
mov eax, [eax*8+window_topleft+4]
mov [ebp+tls.client_top], eax
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.y_size]
sub ecx, eax
add ecx, edx
mov [ebp+tls.client_height], ecx
push 0
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ValidateRect]
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, edi
call draw_window_base
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
test edx, 1000000h
jnz .negate
mov eax, edx
call convert_color
push eax
add ebx, [ebp+tls.client_left]
add ecx, [ebp+tls.client_top]
push ecx
push ebx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, edi
push edi
call [SetPixel]
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
push ecx
push ecx
push ebx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, edi
push edi
call [GetPixel]
pop ecx
not eax
push eax
push ecx
push ebx
jmp .1
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.keybuflen]
jecxz .empty
lea esi, [ebp+tls.keybuffer]
mov edi, esi
shl eax, 8
mov [esp+20h], ax
dec ecx
mov [ebp+tls.keybuflen], cl
rep movsb
mov byte [esp+20h], 1
sub esp, 10h
push esp
call [GetLocalTime]
movzx eax, word [esp+12]
shl ax, 4
shr ah, 4
shl eax, 16-4
mov ax, [esp+10]
shl ax, 4
shr ah, 4
shr ax, 4
mov bl, al
mov ax, [esp+8]
shl ax, 4
shr ah, 4
shr ax, 4
mov ah, bl
add esp, 10h
mov [esp+20h], eax
add edx, [base]
add bx, word [ebp+tls.client_top]
ror ebx, 16
add bx, word [ebp+tls.client_left]
ror ebx, 16
push edi
push ecx
push edx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
mov ecx, esi
pop esi
pop edi
push eax
; ecx=length, esi=pointer, ebx=x*65536+y, edi=font&color
xor eax, eax
test edi, edi
js .test_asciiz
dec ecx
js .done
jmp @f
test eax, eax
jz .done
push esi
push ecx
mov esi, [char_mt]
lea esi, [esi + eax*8]
add esi, eax
mov ecx, 6
test edi, 10000000h
jz @f
sub esi, [char_mt]
add esi, [char2_mt]
add esi, eax
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, 9
push ebx
push ecx
shr al, 1
jnc .nopix
mov eax, edi
call convert_color
push eax
movzx eax, bx
push eax
shr ebx, 16
push ebx
push dword [esp+3Ch] ; hDC
call [SetPixel]
jmp @f
mov eax, [esp+34h]
test edi, 0x40000000
jnz @b
add ebx, 10000h
loop .intintloop
pop ecx
pop ebx
inc ebx
dec edx
jnz .intloop
sub ebx, 9
shl ecx, 16
add ebx, ecx
pop ecx
pop esi
jmp .loop
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
pop edi
imul ebx, ebx, 10
push ebx
call [Sleep]
push edi
add ebx, [base]
mov esi, ramdisk_path
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
xchg eax, ecx
rep movsb
push edi
push edi
mov ecx, 8
mov al, [ebx]
inc ebx
cmp al, '.'
jz @f
loop @b
dec edi
cmp byte [edi], ' '
jz @b
inc edi
mov al, '.'
cmp [ebx], al
jnz @f
inc ebx
mov ecx, 3
mov al, [ebx]
inc ebx
loop @b
dec edi
cmp byte [edi], ' '
jz @b
inc edi
xor eax, eax
call [OemToCharA]
xor eax, eax
pop edi
sub esp, 512
mov edi, esp
push esi
call ramdisk2win32
pop ebx
push eax
push eax
push 3
push eax
push 1
push 80000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
add esp, 512
inc eax
jz .err_ret
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
push 0
push esi
call [GetFileSize]
xchg eax, edi
push eax
mov ecx, esp
push 0
push ecx
push edi
add ebx, [base]
push ebx
push esi
call [ReadFile]
pop eax
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
mov [esp+20h], edi
or dword [esp+20h], -1
movzx eax, cx
shr ecx, 10h
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2]
add ecx, 3
and ecx, not 3
mul ecx
push eax
call malloc
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
push eax
mov edi, eax
push ecx
mov esi, ebx
push ecx
shr ecx, 10h
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2]
mov eax, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
mov al, 0
@@: test edi, 3
jz @f
jmp @b
@@: pop ecx
dec cx
jnz .extloop
pop ecx
pop edi
jmp pad_cont
add ebx, [base]
; Windows requires that all scanlines are DWORD-padded
mov edi, ebx
test ecx, 30000h
jnz pad_bmp
xor esi, esi
push esi ; biClrImportant
push esi ; biClrUsed
push esi ; biYPelsPerMeter
push esi ; biXPelsPerMeter
push esi ; biSizeImage
push esi ; biCompression
push 180001h ; biPlanes, biBitCount
movzx eax, cx
neg eax
push eax ; biHeight
neg eax
shr ecx, 10h
push ecx ; biWidth
push 40 ; biSize
push ebx
lea ebx, [esp+4]
; SetDIBitsToDevice
push esi ; fuColorUse = DIB_RGB_COLORS
push ebx ; lpbmi
push edi ; lpvBits
push eax ; cScanLines
dec eax
push eax ; uStartScan
push eax ; YSrc
inc eax
push esi ; XSrc
push eax ; dwHeight
push ecx ; dwWidth
movzx ecx, dx
add ecx, [ebp+tls.client_top]
push ecx ; YDest
shr edx, 10h
add edx, [ebp+tls.client_left]
push edx ; XDest
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, ebx
push ebx ; hdc
call [SetDIBitsToDevice]
xchg eax, ebx
pop ebx
add esp, 40
push eax
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
cmp edi, ebx
jz @f
push edi
call free
push ebx
push ecx
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; word [ebp+4]=y_size, word [ebp+6]=y_start, word [ebp+8]=x_size, word [ebp+10]=x_start
; button body
push esi
cmp [buttontype], 0
jz .flatbtn
or esi, 80000000h
push esi
mov edx, 2
cmp byte [esp+edx], 0xEB
jbe @f
mov byte [esp+edx], 0xEB
@@: add byte [esp+edx], 0x14
dec edx
jns .l2
pop esi
mov eax, 010101h
cmp cx, 20
ja @f
mov eax, 020202h
sub esi, eax
push eax
push esi
movzx eax, word [ebp+6]
add ax, cx
push eax
movzx eax, word [ebp+10]
add ax, bx
push eax
shr ecx, 16
push ecx
shr ebx, 16
push ebx
call rectangle_gradient
; button frames
pop eax
push eax
push eax
xor ecx, ecx
cmp byte [esp+ecx], 0xDF
jbe @f
mov byte [esp+ecx], 0xDF
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 3
jb .l1
pop eax
add eax, 202020h
call create_select_pen
push eax
push 0
movzx eax, word [ebp+6]
add ax, [ebp+4]
push eax
push ebx
push edi
call [MoveToEx]
movzx eax, word [ebp+6]
push eax
push ebx
push edi
call [LineTo]
movzx eax, word [ebp+6]
push eax
movzx eax, word [ebp+8]
add ax, bx
push eax
push edi
call [LineTo]
call select_delete
cmp byte [ebp-4], 20h
jae @f
mov byte [ebp-4], 20h
cmp byte [ebp-3], 20h
jae @f
mov byte [ebp-3], 20h
cmp byte [ebp-2], 20h
jae @f
mov byte [ebp-2], 20h
mov eax, [ebp-4]
sub eax, 202020h
call create_select_pen
push eax
movzx eax, word [ebp+4]
add ax, [ebp+6]
push eax
movzx eax, word [ebp+8]
add ax, bx
push eax
push edi
call [LineTo]
movzx eax, word [ebp+4]
add ax, [ebp+6]
push eax
push ebx
push edi
call [LineTo]
call select_delete
pop eax
pop ebp
pop ecx
pop ebx
push esi
lea esi, [ebp+tls.buttons]
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, eax
jz .end
xchg esi, eax
jmp @b
push ecx
push edx
push button_desc.size
call malloc
mov [esi], eax
mov [eax+button_desc.next], 0
pop [eax+button_desc.id]
mov dword [eax+button_desc.xsize], ebx
pop dword [eax+button_desc.ysize]
pop [eax+button_desc.color]
test edx, 0x80000000
jnz .delete
rol ebx, 16
add bx, word [ebp+tls.client_left]
rol ebx, 16
rol ecx, 16
add cx, word [ebp+tls.client_top]
rol ecx, 16
test edx, 0x40000000
jnz .nodraw
push ecx
push edx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, edi
pop edx
pop ecx
call draw_button
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
call add_button
and edx, not 0x80000000
lea esi, [ebp+tls.buttons]
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, eax
jz @f
; The kernel checks only low word of button ID!
cmp word [eax+button_desc.id], dx
jz .found
xchg eax, esi
jmp @b
; if active button is deleting, there is no more active button
cmp eax, [ebp+tls.active_button]
jnz @f
and [ebp+tls.active_button], 0
push [eax+button_desc.next]
push eax
call free
pop [esi+button_desc.next]
invalid_slot_msg db 'Emulated program has requested information on non-existent slot'
db ' and will be terminated',0
call release_shared
push 0
push 0
push invalid_slot_msg
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp i40_terminate
mov ebx, 5
call i40_sys_service
stosd ; .cpu_usage
xor eax, eax
inc eax
stosw ; .window_stack_position
stosw ; .window_stack_value
dec eax
stosw ; .not_used1
mov eax, 'OS/I'
mov eax, 'DLE '
mov eax, ' '
xor eax, eax
stosd ; .memory_start
mov eax, 0x01000000-1
stosd ; .used_memory
xor eax, eax
inc eax
stosd ; .PID
dec eax
stosw ; .slot_state
jmp got_process_info
cmp ecx, -1
jnz @f
mov ecx, [ebp+tls.cur_slot]
inc ecx
add ebx, [base]
mov edx, [shared_data]
; cmp ecx, [edx+shared_data_struc.alloc_threads] ; too many programs will fail
cmp ecx, 256
ja invalid_slot
dec ecx
call acquire_shared
mov eax, ecx
call get_slot_ptr
mov esi, edi
mov edi, ebx
jecxz get_os_process_info
xor eax, eax
stosd ; .cpu_usage
mov eax, [edx+shared_data_struc.alloc_threads]
stosw ; .window_stack_position
stosw ; .window_stack_value
xor eax, eax
stosw ; .not_used1
push esi
add esi, 28
pop esi
stosd ; .memory_start
mov eax, [esi+24]
stosd ; .used_memory
mov eax, [esi]
stosd ; .PID
push ecx
xor eax, eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push esp
push dword [esi+20]
call [GetWindowRect]
pop eax
pop eax
pop eax
sub eax, [edi-8]
sub eax, 1
adc eax, 0
pop eax
sub eax, [edi-8]
sub eax, 1
adc eax, 0
pop ecx
and word [edi], 0 ; .slot_state
cmp dword [esi], 0
jnz @f
mov byte [edi], 9
; client area coordinates
push esi
; for my window, return true coordinates from tls
cmp ecx, [ebp+tls.cur_slot]
jnz .notmy
lea esi, [ebp+tls.client_left]
dec eax
dec eax
jmp @f
; for other windows, return copy of window coordinates
add esi, 0x22
pop esi
; window state
sub esp, 40
push 44
push esp
push dword [esi+20]
call [GetWindowPlacement]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
add esp, 44
jmp .normal
mov eax, [esp+8] ; showCmd
add esp, 44
cmp eax, 3
jz .maximized
cmp eax, 2
jz .minimized
test eax, eax
jz .minimized
push dword [esi+20]
call [IsWindowVisible]
test eax, eax
jz .minimized
xor eax, eax
jmp @f
mov al, 2
jmp @f
mov al, 1
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.alloc_threads]
mov dword [esp+20h], eax ; number of processes
call release_shared
cmp al, 86h
jnz @f
mov al, 6
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 4
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], al ; mouse
mov al, 3 ; button
@@: ret
; if function 0 has not been called, then redraw message is present
; cmp [ebp+tls.showwnd], 0
; jnz @f
cmp [ebp+tls.curdraw], 0
jz @f
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 1
jz @f
pop eax
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
call event_test_redraw
sub esp, 20h
xor eax, eax
xchg al, [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov al, 2
test byte [ebp+tls.message_mask], al
jz .nokey
cmp [ebp+tls.keybuflen], ah
jnz @f
inc eax
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 4
jz .nobut
cmp [ebp+tls.butbuflen], ah
jnz @f
mov ebx, esp
push 0
push 0
push 0
push ebx
call [GetMessageA]
test eax, eax
jz i40_terminate
push ebx
call [TranslateMessage]
push ebx
call [DispatchMessageA]
add esp, 20h
jmp i40_wait_event
add esp, 20h
cmp al, 6
jnz @f
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 20h
jz i40_wait_event
call test_button_mouse
mov [esp+20h], eax
call event_test_redraw
sub esp, 20h
xor eax, eax
xchg al, [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code]
or eax, eax
jnz .event
mov al, 2
test byte [ebp+tls.message_mask], al
jz .nokey
cmp [ebp+tls.keybuflen], ah
jnz .event
inc eax
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 4
jz .nobut
cmp [ebp+tls.butbuflen], ah
jnz .event
mov ebx, esp
push 1
push 0
push 0
push 0
push ebx
call [PeekMessageA]
test eax, eax
jz .noevent
cmp dword [ebx+4], 0x12 ; WM_QUIT
jz i40_terminate
push ebx
call [TranslateMessage]
push ebx
call [DispatchMessageA]
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebp+tls.curdraw], al
jnz .redraw
xchg al, [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code]
or eax, eax
jz @b
add esp, 20h
cmp al, 6
jnz @f
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 20h
jz i40_check_event
call test_button_mouse
mov [esp+20h], eax
inc eax
add esp, 20h
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], eax
jz i40_check_event
mov [esp+20h], eax
add esp, 20h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
dec ebx
jz .fn1
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
; delete all defined buttons
xor ebx, ebx
mov [ebp+tls.active_button], ebx ; no more active buttons
xchg ebx, [ebp+tls.buttons]
test ebx, ebx
jz .done
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebx]
call free
jmp @b
push ecx
push edx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
pop edx
pop ecx
xchg eax, edi
push 1
push edx
movzx eax, cx
shr ecx, 16
add ecx, [ebp+tls.client_top]
add eax, ecx
push eax
movzx eax, bx
shr ebx, 16
add ebx, [ebp+tls.client_left]
add eax, ebx
push eax
push ecx
push ebx
call rectangle_gradient
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
call [GetDesktopWindow]
push eax
push eax
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, esi
push 8 ; HORZRES
push esi
call [GetDeviceCaps]
dec eax
xchg ebx, eax
shl ebx, 16
push 10 ; VERTRES
push esi
call [GetDeviceCaps]
dec eax
or ebx, eax
pop eax
push esi
push eax
call [ReleaseDC]
call get_screen_size
mov [esp+20h], ebx
push 1
call init_background
mov eax, [bgr_section]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
dec ebx
jz .setsize
dec ebx
jz .setpixel
dec ebx
jz .redraw
dec ebx
jz .method
dec ebx
jz .setblock
dec ebx
jz .map
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
push ecx
mov esi, ecx
add esi, [base]
lea edi, [eax+10h]
mov ecx, [eax]
imul ecx, [eax+4]
lea ecx, [ecx*3]
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
mov byte [eax+12], 1
mov byte [eax+13], 0
pop ecx
jmp i40_sys_services.free_heap
mov cl, 1
xchg cl, [eax+13]
test cl, cl
jz @f
push eax ecx edx
push 100
call [Sleep]
pop edx ecx eax
jmp .map
lea esi, [eax+10h]
mov ecx, [eax]
imul ecx, [eax+4]
lea ecx, [ecx*3]
call i40_sys_services.allocate_heap
mov [esp+20h], eax
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov byte [esi-10h+13], 0
mov edi, eax
add edi, [base]
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
xchg esi, ecx
add esi, [base]
lea edi, [eax+edx+10h]
rep movsb
mov byte [eax+12], 1
push ecx
mov cl, 1
xchg cl, [eax+13]
test cl, cl
jz @f
push eax ecx edx
push 100
call [Sleep]
pop edx ecx eax
jmp @b
pop ecx
mov [eax], ecx
mov [eax+4], edx
mov byte [eax+12], 1
mov byte [eax+13], 0
mov [eax+8], ecx
mov byte [eax+12], 1
and edx, 0x00FFFFFF
and dword [eax+ecx+10h], 0xFF000000
or [eax+ecx+10h], edx
mov byte [eax+12], 1
@@: ret
cmp byte [eax+12], 0
jz @b
mov byte [eax+12], 0
mov ebx, 2
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.vk], 0
jnz .settmp
mov eax, [SetBgrQuestion]
dec eax
js .ask
jz .permanent
dec eax
jz .settmp
; don't set
push 123h
push aConfirm
push BgrQuestionText
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
cmp al, 6
jz .permanent
cmp al, 7
jz .settmp
inc ebx
push eax
push esp
push 0
push bgrkeyname
push 80000001h
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
test eax, eax
pop esi
jnz .nopos
; save old reg values
push '0'
push '0'
push 2
mov eax, esp
push eax ; lpcbData
add eax, 4
push eax ; lpData
push 0 ; lpType
push 0 ; lpReserved
push bgrstylevalue ; lpValueName
push esi ; hKey
call [RegQueryValueExA]
mov eax, esp
mov dword [eax], 2
push eax ; lpcbData
add eax, 8
push eax ; lpData
push 0 ; lpType
push 0 ; lpReserved
push bgrtilevalue ; lpValueName
push esi ; hKey
call [RegQueryValueExA]
pop eax
mov ecx, '0'
mov eax, [bgr_section]
cmp byte [eax+8], 1
jz @f
mov cl, '2'
push ecx
mov eax, esp
push 2
push eax
push 1
push 0
push bgrstylevalue
push esi
call [RegSetValueExA]
pop ecx
cmp cl, '0'
jnz .stretch
push '1' ; tile
jmp @f
push '0'
mov eax, esp
push 2
push eax
push 1
push 0
push bgrtilevalue
push esi
call [RegSetValueExA]
pop ecx
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
mov edi, win32_path
push startcurdir
push edi
call [lstrcpyA]
push bgrfilename
test bl, 1
jnz @f
mov dword [esp], bgrtempfilename
push edi
call [lstrcatA]
push 0
push 80h
push 2
push 0
push 0
push 40000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
inc eax
jnz @f
push 10h
push 0
push BgrFileErrorMsg
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
pop ecx
pop ecx
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
; bmp header
mov ecx, [bgr_section]
mov eax, [ecx+4]
mov [bgr_bmp_header+16h], eax
mov eax, [ecx]
mov [bgr_bmp_header+12h], eax
add eax, eax
add eax, [ecx]
add eax, 3
and al, not 3
mul dword [ecx+4]
; eax=size of image
mov [bgr_bmp_header+22h], eax
add eax, 36h
mov [bgr_bmp_header+2], eax
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push 36h
push bgr_bmp_header
push esi
call [WriteFile]
pop eax
; bmp data
mov eax, [bgr_section]
mov ecx, [eax+4]
lea edi, [eax+10h]
mov eax, [eax]
mul ecx
imul eax, 3
add edi, eax
push ecx
mov ecx, [bgr_section]
mov eax, [ecx]
add eax, eax
add eax, [ecx]
sub edi, eax
push eax
push eax
mov ecx, esp
push 0
push ecx
push eax
push edi
push esi
call [WriteFile]
pop eax
pop ecx
and ecx, 3
jz .nopad
push ecx
push 0
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
add eax, 4
push 1
push eax
push esi
call [WriteFile]
pop eax
pop eax
pop ecx
loop .padloop
pop ecx
loop .putline
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.dwNewBgrTime], -1
;or [dwNewBgrTime], -1
push ebx
push win32_path
push 0
push 14h
call [SystemParametersInfoA]
cmp bl, 2
jnz @f
push eax
push esp
push 500
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0x1A
push 0xFFFF
call [SendMessageTimeoutA]
pop eax
; restore key values
push eax
push esp
push 2 ; KEY_SET_VALUE
push 0
push bgrkeyname
push 80000001h
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
test eax, eax
pop esi
jnz @f
mov eax, esp
push 2
push eax
push 1
push 0
push bgrstylevalue
push esi
call [RegSetValueExA]
lea eax, [esp+4]
push 2
push eax
push 1
push 0
push bgrtilevalue
push esi
call [RegSetValueExA]
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
mov esi, [shared_data]
call [GetTickCount]
add eax, 3000
;mov [dwNewBgrTime], eax
mov [esi+shared_data_struc.dwNewBgrTime], eax
pop ecx
pop ecx
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.butbuflen]
jecxz .empty
lea edi, [ebp+tls.butbuffer]
mov eax, [edi]
and al, not 1
mov [esp+20h], eax
lea esi, [edi+4]
dec ecx
mov [ebp+tls.butbuflen], cl
rep movsd
mov byte [esp+20h], 1
cmp ebx, 1
jz .19
cmp ebx, 2
jz .kill
cmp ebx, 18
jnz .not2
call acquire_shared
xchg eax, ecx
cmp eax, 1
jbe release_shared ; invalid PID/slot - ignore
mov esi, [shared_data]
mov edi, esi
mov ecx, [esi]
add esi, shared_data_struc.threads
cmp ebx, 2
jz .slot
cmp [esi], eax
jz .found
add esi, 64
loop @b
jmp release_shared ; no such PID - ignore
dec eax
cmp eax, ecx
jae release_shared
shl eax, 6
add esi, eax
cmp dword [esi], 0
jz release_shared
; terminate self?
call get_cur_slot_ptr
cmp esi, edi
jnz @f
call release_shared
jmp i40_terminate
; get thread and process handles
mov eax, [esi+shared_data_struc.win32_hThread-shared_data_struc.threads]
call server_convert
mov edi, eax
call release_shared
; target thread is suspended? if so, do not wait
push edi
call [SuspendThread]
test eax, eax
jnz .suspended
push edi
call [ResumeThread]
; send WM_CLOSE to thread window
push 0
push 0
push 0x10 ; WM_CLOSE
push [esi+shared_data_struc.hWnd-shared_data_struc.threads]
call [PostMessageA]
; wait no more than 1 second
push 1000
push edi
call [WaitForSingleObject]
cmp eax, 258 ; WAIT_TIMEOUT
jnz .ret_close
; let target thread to terminate itself
push edi
call [SuspendThread]
mov ebx, [esi+shared_data_struc.win32_stack-shared_data_struc.threads]
sub esp, 0xB2*4
push 1000Fh
mov esi, esp
push esp
push edi
call [GetThreadContext]
mov ax, ss
cmp [esi+0xC8], ax
jz @f
mov [esi+0xC8], ss
mov [esi+0xC4], ebx
mov [esi+0xBC], cs
mov [esi+0x98], ds
mov [esi+0x94], es
mov [esi+0xB8], dword i40_terminate
push esi
push edi
call [SetThreadContext]
add esp, 0xB3*4
push edi
call [ResumeThread]
cmp eax, 1
ja @b
push edi
call [CloseHandle]
cmp ebx, 3
jnz .not3
cmp ecx, 2
jb .noactivate_ret
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp ecx, [eax+shared_data_struc.alloc_threads]
ja .noactivate_release
lea eax, [ecx-1]
call get_slot_ptr
cmp dword [edi], 0
jz .noactivate_release
mov esi, [edi+shared_data_struc.hWnd-shared_data_struc.threads]
call release_shared
sub esp, 40
push 44
push esp
push esi
call [GetWindowPlacement]
mov eax, [esp+8]
add esp, 44
mov ecx, 5 ; SW_SHOW
jnz @f
mov cl, 9 ; SW_RESTORE
push ecx
push esi
call [ShowWindow]
; push esi
; call [BringWindowToTop]
push esi
call [SetForegroundWindow]
call release_shared
cmp ebx, 4
jnz .not4
; get idle time - current implementation on NT simply returns cpuspeed
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jz .5
idletime_via_ring0 = 1
if ~idletime_via_ring0
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.b9xPerfInited], 0
jnz .perfinited
call acquire_shared
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.b9xPerfInited], 0
jnz @f
push eax
push esp ; phkResult
push 1 ; samDesired = KEY_QUERY_VALUE
push 0 ; ulOptions
push perfstart ; lpSubKey
push 80000006h ; hKey = HKEY_DYN_DATA
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
pop esi
test eax, eax
jnz .perfinitfail
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 4
push esp ; lpcbData
push eax ; lpData
push 0 ; lpType
push 0 ; lpReserved
push perfval ; lpValueName
push esi ; hKey
call [RegQueryValueExA]
pop ecx
pop ecx
push eax
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
pop eax
test eax, eax
jnz .perfinitfail
push 200
call [Sleep] ; give chance to collect data
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.b9xPerfInited], 1
call release_shared
push 100
pop ebx
push eax
push esp ; phkResult
push 1 ; samDesired = KEY_QUERY_VALUE
push 0 ; ulOptions
push perfget ; lpSubKey
push 80000006h ; hKey = HKEY_DYN_DATA
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
pop esi
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push ebx
mov eax, esp
push 4
push esp ; lpcbData
push eax ; lpData
push 0 ; lpType
push 0 ; lpReserved
push perfval ; lpValueName
push esi ; hKey
call [RegQueryValueExA]
pop ecx
pop ebx
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
call .5
push 100
pop ecx
sub ebx, ecx
neg ebx
mul ebx
div ecx
mov [esp+20h], eax
call release_shared
push 40h
push 0
push aPerfInitFailed
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp .5
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.b9xPerfInited], 0
jnz @f
div edx
mov ebx, [eax+shared_data_struc.idlecount]
call .5
mul ebx
mov ecx, 1000
div ecx
mov [esp+20h], eax
end if
cmp ebx, 5
jnz .not5
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov ebx, [eax+shared_data_struc.cpuspeed]
test ebx, ebx
jnz @f
; determine cpu speed
; 1) check for value in registry
push eax
push esp
push 0
push keycpu
push 80000002h
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .nokey
xchg eax, esi
push eax
push 4
push esp
lea eax, [esp+8]
push eax
push 0
push 0
push keymhz
push esi
call [RegQueryValueExA]
push eax
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
pop eax
test eax, eax
pop eax
pop eax
jnz .nokey
imul eax, 1000000
jmp .speed_found
; 2) sleep for 1/4 sec and read TSC
push eax edx
push 250
call [Sleep]
pop ecx ebx
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, ecx
shl eax, 2
xchg ebx, eax
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.cpuspeed], ebx
mov [esp+20h], ebx
cmp ebx, 7
jnz .not7
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.active_process]
mov [esp+20h], eax
cmp ebx, 8
jnz .not8
dec ecx
jnz @f
mov eax, [shared_data]
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.sound_flag]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ecx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov eax, [shared_data]
lock xor [eax+shared_data_struc.sound_flag], 1
cmp ebx, 9
jnz .not9
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.vk], 0
jz not_supported_i40_fn
div edx
cmp ebx, 10
; jnz .not10
; call minimize_window
; ret
jz minimize_window
cmp ebx, 11
jnz .not11
dec ecx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
xor eax, eax
mov edi, edx
add edi, [base]
; floppy is not supported yet => return "no floppy installed"
; IDEx configuration
; CD is not supported yet. On IDEx there may be only HD (or nothing)
xor edx, edx
mov esi, hd_partitions_num
push esi
shl edx, 2
test eax, eax
jz @f
inc edx
cmp esi, hd_partitions_num+4*4
jc .idex
mov [edi], dl
inc edi
; number of partitions
pop esi
mov cl, 4
loop @b
; reserved bytes
and dword [edi], 0
cmp ebx, 12
jnz .not12
and dword [esp+20h], 0
cmp ebx, 13
jnz .not13
mov edi, ecx
add edi, [base]
mov esi, version_inf
mov ecx, version_end - version_inf
rep movsb
cmp ebx, 14
jz .return0
cmp ebx, 15
jnz .not15
call get_screen_size
movzx eax, bx
inc eax
shr eax, 1
push eax
shr ebx, 16
inc ebx
shr ebx, 1
push ebx
call [SetCursorPos]
cmp ebx, 16
jnz .not16
sub esp, 20h
push esp
call [GlobalMemoryStatus]
mov eax, [esp+12]
add esp, 20h
shr eax, 10
mov [esp+20h], eax
cmp ebx, 17
jnz .not17
sub esp, 20h
push esp
call [GlobalMemoryStatus]
mov eax, [esp+8]
add esp, 20h
shr eax, 10
mov [esp+20h], eax
cmp ebx, 19
jnz .not19
jecxz .19_0
dec ecx
jz .19_1
dec ecx
jz .19_2
dec ecx
jz .19_3
dec ecx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
movzx eax, dx
push eax
shr edx, 16
push edx
call [SetCursorPos]
mov eax, [shared_data]
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.mouse_speed_factor]
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.mouse_speed_factor], dx
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.mouse_delay]
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.mouse_delay], edx
cmp ebx, 21
jnz .not21
xchg eax, ecx
call get_slot_num
mov [esp+20h], edx
cmp ebx, 22
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
cmp ecx, 4
jae not_supported_i40_fn
shr ecx, 1
jnc @f
xchg eax, edx
call get_slot_num
dec edx
jz .22err
mov esi, [shared_data]
cmp edx, [esi]
jae .22err
shl edx, 6
mov esi, [esi+edx+shared_data_struc.hWnd]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
dec ecx
js minimize_given_window
jmp .restore_given_window
or dword [esp+20h], -1
push ecx
mov esi, [shared_data]
mov ecx, [esi]
add esi, shared_data_struc.threads
xor edx, edx
inc edx
cmp [esi], eax
jz @f
add esi, 64
loop @b
xor edx, edx
pop ecx
mov esi, [ebp+tls.hWnd]
mov [ebp+tls.butbuflen], 0
xor eax, eax ; SW_HIDE
mov ecx, [shared_data]
cmp [ecx+shared_data_struc.vk], 0
jnz @f
mov al, 6 ; SW_MINIMIZE
push eax
push esi
call [ShowWindow]
div edx
mov eax, [shared_data]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
dec ebx
jnz .nomidi
cmp ecx, 100h
jb .nomidi
cmp ecx, 0xFFFF
ja .nomidi
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.midi_base], cx
dec ebx
jnz .not2
mov edi, keymap
dec ecx
jz .settable
mov edi, keymap_shift
dec ecx
jz .settable
mov edi, keymap_alt
dec ecx
jnz .nosettable
add edx, [base]
mov esi, edx
mov ecx, 80h/4
rep movsd
cmp ecx, 9-3
jnz .nosetkeyboard
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.keyboard], dx
inc dword [esp+20h]
dec ebx
jnz .not3
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.cd_base], cl
dec ebx
jnz .not4
cmp ecx, 0x100
jb .not4
cmp ecx, 0xFFFF
ja .not4
mov word [eax+shared_data_struc.sb16], cx
dec ebx
jnz .not5
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.syslang], ecx
dec ebx
jnz .not6
cmp ecx, 0x100
jb .not6
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.wss], ecx
dec ebx
jnz .not7
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.hd_base], cl
dec ebx
jnz .not8
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.fat32part], ecx
dec ebx
dec ebx
jnz .not10
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.sound_dma], ecx
dec ebx
jnz .not11
and ecx, 1
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.lba_read_enabled], ecx
dec ebx
jnz .not12
and ecx, 1
jz .okcheck11
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.bAllowReadPCI], 0
jnz .okcheck11
; be silent, because in loading process (of VirtualKolibri) SETUP will try this anyway
; push 40h
; push 0
; push aPciDisabled
; push 0
; call [MessageBoxA]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_access_enabled], ecx
mov byte [esp+20h], 21 ; restore eax
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
; call event_test_redraw
; imul ebx, ebx, 10
sub esp, 20h
mov esi, esp
jmp .M
push 2
pop eax
test byte [ebp+tls.message_mask], al
jz .nokey
cmp [ebp+tls.keybuflen], ah
jnz .event
inc eax
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 4
jz .nobut
cmp [ebp+tls.butbuflen], ah
jnz .event
push 1 ; PM_REMOVE
push 0
push 0
push 0
push esi
call [PeekMessageA]
test eax, eax
jz .notfound
cmp dword [esi+4], 0x12 ; WM_QUIT
jz i40_terminate
push esi
call [TranslateMessage]
push esi
call [DispatchMessageA]
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebp+tls.curdraw], al
jz @f
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 1
jz @f
inc eax
add esp, 20h
mov dword [esp+20h], eax
xchg al, [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code]
test eax, eax
jz .L
cmp al, 6
jnz .event
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 20h
jz .L
add esp, 20h
call test_button_mouse
mov [esp+20h], eax
push 10
call [Sleep]
dec ebx
jnz .L
add esp, 20h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov eax, [shared_data]
dec ebx
jnz .not_midi_base
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.midi_base]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_keyboard
mov esi, keymap
dec ecx
jz .getmap
mov esi, keymap_shift
dec ecx
jz .getmap
mov esi, keymap_alt
dec ecx
jnz .nobase
mov ecx, 128/4
mov edi, edx
add edi, [base]
rep movsd
cmp ecx, 9-3
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.keyboard]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_cd_base
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.cd_base]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_sb16
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.sb16]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_lang
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.syslang]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_wss
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.wss]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_hdbase
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.hd_base]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_fat32part
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.fat32part]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_timer_ticks
call [GetTickCount]
push 10
pop ecx
xor edx, edx
div ecx
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_sound_dma
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.sound_dma]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_lba_enabled
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.lba_read_enabled]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz .not_pci_enabled
mov eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_access_enabled]
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov dword [esp+20h], 1 ; this is kernel rule, not my
sub esp, 10h
push esp
call [GetLocalTime]
movzx eax, word [esp+6]
shl ax, 4
shr ah, 4
shl eax, 16-4
mov ax, [esp+2]
shl ax, 4
shr ah, 4
shr ax, 4
mov bl, al
mov ax, [esp]
sub ax, 2000
shl ax, 4
shr ah, 4
shr ax, 4
mov ah, bl
add esp, 10h
mov [esp+20h], eax
add ecx, [base]
dec ebx
jz .set
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov edi, ecx
mov esi, [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
push edx
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
pop ecx
inc eax
cmp ecx, eax
jb @f
mov ecx, eax
rep movsb
mov byte [edi-1], 0
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov esi, ecx
cmp byte [ecx], '/'
jnz .relative
push [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
call free
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
inc eax ; (for terminating zero)
inc eax ; '/sys' -> '/rd/1' requires one additional byte
push eax
push eax
call malloc
mov [ebp+tls.cur_dir], eax
mov edi, eax
pop ecx
mov eax, [esi]
or eax, ' '
cmp eax, '/sys'
jnz @f
mov eax, '/rd/'
mov al, '1'
sub ecx, 4
add esi, 4
rep movsb
push [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
call [lstrlenA]
push eax
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
mov edi, eax
inc eax
add [esp], eax
push [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
push 0
push [hHeap]
call [HeapReAlloc]
mov [ebp+tls.cur_dir], eax
add edi, eax
cmp word [esi], '.'
jz .ret
cmp word [esi], './'
jnz @f
inc esi
inc esi
jmp .l1
cmp word [esi], '..'
jnz .copy
cmp byte [esi+2], 0
jz @f
cmp byte [esi+2], '/'
jnz .copy
dec edi
cmp edi, [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
jbe @f
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jnz @b
inc esi
inc esi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .ret
inc esi
jmp .l1
test al, al
jnz .copy
mov byte [edi], 0
sub esp, 512
mov edi, esp
call ramdisk2win32
push edi
call [DeleteFileA]
add esp, 512
test esi, esi
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
sub esp, 512
mov edi, esp
push ecx edx
call ramdisk2win32
push 0
push 80h
push 2
push 0
push 0
push 40000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
inc eax
jz .ret
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
pop edx ecx
add ecx, [base]
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push edx
push ecx
push esi
call [WriteFile]
pop eax
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
add esp, 512
and dword [esp+20h], 0
push 0
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, esi
push 8
push esi
call [GetDeviceCaps]
xchg eax, ebx
xor edx, edx
div ebx
push eax
push edx
push esi
call [GetPixel]
push eax
push esi
push 0
call [ReleaseDC]
pop eax
call convert_color
mov [esp+20h], eax
add ebx, [base]
push ecx ebx edx
mov edi, ecx
movsx ebx, cx
sar edi, 16
cmp ebx, 0
jle .nodata
cmp edi, 0
jg .okdata
pop edx ebx ecx
xor eax, eax
push eax
call [GetDC]
push eax
push eax
call [CreateCompatibleDC]
xchg eax, esi
push ebx
push edi
push dword [esp+8]
call [CreateCompatibleBitmap]
push eax
push esi
call [SelectObject]
push eax
movzx eax, word [esp+8]
movzx ecx, word [esp+8+2]
push 0xCC0020
push eax
push ecx
push dword [esp+16]
push ebx
push edi
push 0
push 0
push esi
call [BitBlt]
push esi
call [SelectObject]
push ebp
xchg eax, ebp
; esi=hDC, ebp=hBitmap, ebx=height, edi=width
xor eax, eax
push eax ; biClrImportant
push eax ; biClrUsed
push eax ; biYPelsPerMeter
push eax ; biXPelsPerMeter
push eax ; biSizeImage
push eax ; biCompression
push 180001h ; biBitCount, biPlanes
push ebx ; biHeight
neg dword [esp]
push edi ; biWidth
push 40 ; biSize
mov ecx, esp
push eax ; uUsage
push ecx ; lpbi
mov eax, [ecx+52]
test edi, 3
jz .width_aligned_1
lea eax, [3*edi+3]
and al, not 3
mul ebx
call malloc_big
push eax ; lpvBits
push ebx ; cScanLines
push 0 ; uStartScan
push ebp ; hbmp
push esi ; hdc
xchg eax, edi
call [GetDIBits]
add esp, 40
push ebp
call [DeleteObject]
pop ebp
push esi
call [DeleteDC]
push 0
call [ReleaseDC]
pop edx eax edx
cmp eax, edi
jz .ret
; edi -> bits from Windows [dword-aligned scanlines], eax -> bits for Kolibri [no spaces],
shr edx, 16
; ebx = height, edx = width
push 8000h
push 0
push edi
xchg eax, edi
lea edx, [edx*3]
xchg eax, esi
mov ecx, edx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
add esi, 3
and esi, not 3
sub ebx, 1
jnz @b
call [VirtualFree]
dec ebx
js .get_coord
jz .get_coord
dec ebx
jnz .ifcursor
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jnz read_9x_mouse_buttons
xor ebx, ebx
push 6 ; VK_XBUTTON2
call .aks
push 5 ; VK_XBUTTON1
call .aks
push 4 ; VK_MBUTTON
call .aks
push 2 ; VK_RBUTTON
call .aks
push 1 ; VK_LBUTTON
call .aks
mov [esp+20h], ebx
push eax
push eax
push esp
call [GetCursorPos]
pop eax ; x
pop ecx ; y
test ebx, ebx
js @f
sub ax, [ebp+tls.x_start]
sub ax, word [ebp+tls.client_left]
sub cx, [ebp+tls.y_start]
sub cx, word [ebp+tls.client_top]
shl eax, 16
add eax, ecx
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
dec ebx
jz .load_cursor
dec ebx
jz .set_cursor
dec ebx
jnz .not_cursor
jecxz .delete_invalid
call acquire_shared
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, num_cursors
mov edi, [shared_data]
add edi, shared_data_struc.cursors
add edi, 8
cmp [edi-8], eax
loopnz @b
jnz .delete_invalid_release
mov ecx, [ebp+tls.cur_slot]
cmp [edi-4], ecx
jnz .delete_invalid_release
and dword [edi-8], 0
and dword [edi-4], 0
call release_shared
push eax
call [DestroyCursor]
; the current kernel implementation returns garbage !
mov dword [esp+20h], 0xBAADF00D ; is it garbage? :-)
call release_shared
push 10h
push 0
push aInvalidCursor
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
; the current kernel implementation returns 6 !?
mov dword [esp+20h], 6
; set_cursor for invalid handle reverts to standard arrow
call acquire_shared
mov eax, ecx
jecxz .setarrow
mov ecx, num_cursors
mov edi, [shared_data]
add edi, shared_data_struc.cursors
add edi, 8
cmp [edi-8], eax
loopnz @b
jz @f
mov eax, [hArrow]
; N.B. I don't check process field, because the kernel allows to set
; cursors, loaded by another process
call release_shared
mov [ebp+tls.hCursor], eax
push eax
call [SetCursor]
mov [esp+20h], eax
test dx, dx
jz .fromfile
dec dx
jz .frommem
dec dx
jz .indirect
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
mov esi, ecx
add esi, [base]
sub esp, 204h
mov edi, esp
call i40_file_system_lfn.parse
test eax, eax
jz @f
add esp, 204h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
push 32
push 32
push edi
push 0
call [LoadImageA]
add esp, 204h
test eax, eax
jnz .addcursor
push 10h
push 0
push aCursorFailed
jmp .mberr
call acquire_shared
mov ecx, num_cursors
mov edi, [shared_data]
add edi, shared_data_struc.cursors
add edi, 8
cmp dword [edi-8], 0
loopnz @b
jz @f
call release_shared
push 10h
push 0
push aCursorLimitExceeded
jmp .mberr
mov [edi-8], eax
mov edx, [ebp+tls.cur_slot]
mov [edi-4], edx
call release_shared
mov [esp+20h], eax
add ecx, [base]
cmp dword [ecx], 0x020000
jz @f
push 10h
push 0
push aInvCursorData
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
cmp word [ecx+4], 1
jz @f
push 10h
push 0
push aOnlyOneCursor
jmp .mberr
cmp word [ecx+6], 0x2020
jz @f
push 10h
push 0
push aInvCursorDim
jmp .mberr
mov eax, [ecx+0Ah]
add ecx, [ecx+12h]
sub ecx, 4
push dword [ecx]
mov [ecx], eax
push ecx
push 0
push 32
push 32
push 0x00030000
push 0
push 0x2E8+4
push ecx
call [CreateIconFromResourceEx]
pop ecx
pop dword [ecx]
test eax, eax
jnz .addcursor
push 10h
push 0
push aCursorFailed
jmp .mberr
mov ebx, edx
shr ebx, 16 ; bl = y, bh = x
mov esi, ecx
add esi, [base]
push 32*32*4
call malloc
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, 32*32
push esi edi
and eax, 0xFFFFFF
loop @b
pop edi esi
push edi ; lpvBits
push 32 ; cBitsPerPel
push 1 ; cPlanes
push 32 ; nHeight
push 32 ; nWidth
call [CreateBitmap]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push edi
call free
jmp .gen_failed
push eax ; ICONINFO.hbmColor
mov ecx, 32*4
push esi edi
push ecx
mov cl, 8
xor edx, edx
shr eax, 24
setz al
lea edx, [edx*2+eax]
loop @b
mov al, dl
pop ecx
loop .1
pop edi esi
push edi ; lpvBits
push 1 ; cBitsPerPel
push 1 ; cPlanes
push 32 ; nHeight
push 32 ; nWidth
call [CreateBitmap]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call [DeleteObject]
jmp .free_edi
push eax ; ICONINFO.hbmMask
movzx eax, bl
push eax ; ICONINFO.yHotSpot
movzx eax, bh
push eax ; ICONINFO.xHotSpot
push 0 ; ICONINFO.fIcon
push esp
call [CreateIconIndirect]
mov ebx, eax
add esp, 12
call [DeleteObject]
call [DeleteObject]
test ebx, ebx
jz .free_edi
push edi
call free
mov eax, ebx
jmp .addcursor
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov eax, [ebp+tls.scroll]
mov ecx, 120 ; WHEEL_DELTA
idiv ecx
mov [ebp+tls.scroll], edx
movzx eax, ax
mov [esp+20h], eax
push dword [esp+4]
call [GetAsyncKeyState]
cmp ah, 80h
adc ebx, ebx
ret 4
call [jmp_temp_int33]
movzx eax, bl
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov eax, esp
mov ss, [temp_ss]
mov sp, temp_stack_size
push eax
mov ax, 3
int 33h
pop eax
push ds
pop ss
mov esp, eax
db 66h
mov esi, esp
mov ss, [temp_ss]
mov sp, temp_stack_size
push esi
int 1Ah
pop esi
push ds
pop ss
mov esp, esi
db 66h
temp_code_size = $ - temp_code
push edx
mov esi, ecx
mov eax, edx
call convert_color
push eax
push eax
push 1
push 0
call [CreatePen]
push eax
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, edi
push edi
call [SelectObject]
push eax
push 0
test byte [esp+12+3], 0x01
jz @f
push 6 ; R2_NOT
push edi
call [SetROP2]
mov [esp], eax
push 0
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 16
add eax, [ebp+tls.client_top]
push eax
mov eax, ebx
shr eax, 16
add eax, [ebp+tls.client_left]
push eax
push edi
call [MoveToEx]
movzx esi, si
add esi, [ebp+tls.client_top]
push esi
movzx ebx, bx
add ebx, [ebp+tls.client_left]
push ebx
push edi
call [LineTo]
pop eax
test byte [esp+8+3], 0x01
jz @f
push eax
push edi
call [SetROP2]
push esi
push ebx
push edi
call [GetPixel]
xor eax, 0xFFFFFF
mov [esp+4], eax
pop eax
pop ecx
push eax
push ecx
push esi
push ebx
push edi
call [SetPixel]
push edi
call [SelectObject]
push eax
call [DeleteObject]
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
pop edx
push 0
call init_background
mov eax, [bgr_section]
dec ebx
jz .1
dec ebx
jz .2
dec ebx
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
test eax, eax
mov ecx, 2
jz @f
mov ecx, [eax+8]
mov [esp+20h], ecx
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov ecx, [eax]
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, [eax+4]
jmp @b
call get_screen_size
add ebx, 10001h
mov [esp+20h], ebx
; cmp ecx, 0x160000-16
; jae .ret
xor ebx, ebx
test eax, eax
jz @b
mov ebx, [eax+ecx+10h]
and ebx, 0x00FFFFFF
jmp @b
test ebx, not 1F7h
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov [ebp+tls.message_mask], ebx
cmp ebx, 1
ja not_supported_i40_fn
cmp edx, 0xFFFF
ja .inv_range
cmp ecx, edx
jbe .range_ok
push 30h
push aWarning
push PortsRangeErr
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
call acquire_shared
mov esi, [shared_data]
mov eax, ecx
test ebx, ebx
jnz .free
; reserve ports
mov edi, PortsNotEnabledErr
bt dword [esi+shared_data_struc.DisabledPorts], eax
jc .err_release
mov edi, PortsUsedErr
bt dword [esi+shared_data_struc.UsedIoMap], eax
jnc .err_release
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jbe @b
mov eax, ecx
btr dword [esi+shared_data_struc.UsedIoMap], eax
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jbe @b
jmp .update_iomap
mov edi, PortsNotUsedErr
bt dword [esi+shared_data_struc.UsedIoMap], eax
jc .err_release
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jbe .free
mov eax, ecx
bts dword [esi+shared_data_struc.UsedIoMap], eax
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jbe @b
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jz .nt
call release_shared
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov eax, [shared_data]
push 0
push 0
add eax, shared_data_struc.UsedIoMap
push 2000h
push eax
push 0x22203C
call send_driver_request
mov edi, DrvOpenErr
jnz @f
call release_shared
push 30h
push aWarning
push edi
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
call release_shared
; push 0
; call [Sleep] ; force task switch
and dword [esp+20h], 0
cmp bl, 1
ja not_supported_i40_fn
push ebx esi
and ebx, not 0xC0000000
xor esi, esi
cmp bl, 1
jb .noptr
mov eax, [base]
test byte [esp+7], 0x40
jz @f
mov esi, [eax+ecx+4]
mov ecx, [eax+ecx]
mov eax, 10
cmp bh, 1
jb @f
mov eax, 16
jz @f
mov eax, 2
shr ebx, 16
cmp ebx, 64
jbe @f
pop esi ebx
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
push edi
mov edi, esp
sub esp, 64
dec edi
push edx
push ebx
xchg eax, ecx
test ebx, ebx
jz .done
xor edx, edx
test esi, esi
jz .dig0
push eax
mov eax, esi
div ecx
pop esi
xchg eax, esi
div ecx
xchg eax, edx
cmp al, 10
sbb al, 69h
xchg eax, edx
dec ebx
jnz .digit
mov edx, edi
inc edx
pop esi
pop ebx
lea edi, [esp+40h]
test byte [esp+48h+3], 80h
jz .okleadzero
cmp byte [edx], '0'
jnz .okleadzero
inc edx
dec esi
cmp edx, edi
jb @b
dec edx
inc esi
mov byte [edx], '0'
mov ecx, [edi+4]
and ecx, not 0x80000000
mov edi, [edi]
call i40_writetext_l1
add esp, 4Ch
dec ebx
jnz @f
div edx
dec ebx
jnz @f
add ecx, [base]
div edx
dec ebx
jnz @f
add ecx, [base]
div edx
dec ebx
jnz @f
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [esp+20h], eax
dec ebx
jnz @f
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov ecx, [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_right]
mov [esp+20h], ecx
mov ecx, [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_left]
mov [esp+22h], cx
mov ecx, [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_bottom]
mov [esp+14h], ecx
mov ecx, [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_top]
mov [esp+16h], cx
call release_shared
dec ebx
jnz @f
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov bx, cx
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_right], ebx
shr ecx, 10h
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_left], ecx
mov bx, dx
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_bottom], ebx
shr edx, 10h
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.workarea_top], edx
call release_shared
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov eax, dword [margins]
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov eax, dword [margins+4]
mov [esp+14h], eax
test ebx, ebx
jnz @f
mov [ebp+tls.lpShapeData], ecx
jmp .common
@@: dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
inc ebx
shl ebx, cl
mov [ebp+tls.scale], ebx
cmp [ebp+tls.showwnd], 0
jz .done
call set_window_shape
.done: ret
mov esi, [ebp+tls.lpShapeData]
add esi, [base]
movzx ebx, [ebp+tls.y_size]
mov eax, ebx
inc eax
inc eax
shl eax, 4
push eax
call malloc
push eax
xchg eax, edi
push 20h
pop eax
stosd ; RGNDATAHEADER.dwSize
push 1
pop eax
stosd ; .iType
xor eax, eax
stosd ; .nCount
stosd ; .nRgnSize
stosd ; RGNDATAHEADER.rcBound.left
stosd ; .top
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
stosd ; .right
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.y_size]
stosd ; .bottom
xor edx, edx ; edx=number of rects, ebp=allocated number of rects
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
cmp al, 0
jnz .2
add ecx, [ebp+tls.scale]
cmp cx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
jae .3
jmp .1
inc edx
cmp edx, ebx
ja .realloc_rects
mov [edi], ecx
pop eax
mov [edi+4], eax
push eax
add eax, [ebp+tls.scale]
mov [edi+12], eax
add ecx, [ebp+tls.scale]
cmp al, 0
jz .5
add ecx, [ebp+tls.scale]
cmp cx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
jb .4
mov [edi+8], ecx
add edi, 10h
add ecx, [ebp+tls.scale]
cmp cx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
jb .1
pop ecx
add ecx, [ebp+tls.scale]
cmp cx, [ebp+tls.y_size]
jb .yloop
pop edi
mov [edi+8], edx
push edi
inc edx
inc edx
shl edx, 4
push edx
push 0
call [ExtCreateRegion]
push 1
push eax
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [SetWindowRgn]
push edi
call free
push ecx
push edx
add ebx, ebx ; multiply size by 2
mov eax, ebx
inc eax
inc eax
shl eax, 4
push eax
push dword [esp+10h]
push 0
push [hHeap]
call [HeapReAlloc]
sub edi, [esp+0xC]
add edi, eax
mov [esp+0xC], eax
pop edx
pop ecx
jmp .realloc_cont
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
push ecx
push edx
push 16
call malloc
xchg eax, ebx
pop dword [ebx+4] ; esp
pop dword [ebx] ; eip
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
call [CreateEventA]
mov [ebx+8], eax
mov eax, [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
mov [ebx+12], eax
push eax
push esp
push 0
push ebx
push KolibriThreadProc
push 10000h
push 0
call [CreateThread]
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jnz @f
or dword [esp+20h], -1
push eax
call [CloseHandle]
push -1
push dword [ebx+8]
call [WaitForSingleObject]
push dword [ebx+8]
call [CloseHandle]
mov esi, [ebx]
push ebx
call free
; esi = slot; get PID
call acquire_shared
xchg eax, esi
call get_slot_ptr
mov eax, [edi]
mov dword [esp+20h], eax
push edi
call get_cur_slot_ptr
lea esi, [edi+24]
pop edi
add edi, 24
call release_shared
mov ebp, [tls_index]
mov eax, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [eax+ebp*4]
mov ebx, [esp+4]
mov ecx, [ebx]
mov edx, [ebx+4]
mov [ebp+tls._cs], cs
mov [ebp+tls._ds], ds
mov [ebp+tls._fs], fs
mov [ebp+tls._esp], edx
mov [ebp+tls._eip], ecx
mov esi, [ebx+12]
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
inc eax
push eax
push eax
call malloc
pop ecx
mov [ebp+tls.cur_dir], eax
mov edi, eax
rep movsb
lock inc [NumThreads]
call acquire_shared
div edx
call release_shared
mov [ebp+tls.cur_slot], ecx
mov [ebx], ecx
push dword [ebx+8]
call [SetEvent]
xor ebx, ebx
push ebx
push 400000h
push ebx
push ebx
mov eax, 80000000h
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push [process_name]
push classname
push ebx
call [CreateWindowExA]
mov [ebp+tls.hWnd], eax
mov [ebp+tls.bActive], 1
mov [ebp+tls.bFirstMouseMove], 1
call acquire_shared
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov [edi+shared_data_struc.hWnd-shared_data_struc.threads], eax
call release_shared
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
xor esi, esi
xor edi, edi
push 202h
and dword [esp+8], 0
jmp i40_done
; initialize_winsock:
; push ecx edx
; cmp [WinSockDLL], -1
; jz .failed_ret
; cmp [WinSockDLL], 0
; jnz .ok
; push winsock_name
; call [LoadLibraryA]
; mov [WinSockDLL], eax
; test eax, eax
; jz .failed
; push esi
; mov esi, winsock_imports
; .import:
; lodsd
; test eax, eax
; jz .importok
; push eax
; push [WinSockDLL]
; call [GetProcAddress]
; mov [esi-4], eax
; test eax, eax
; jnz .import
; pop esi
; jmp .failed
; .importok:
; sub esp, 190h
; push esp
; push 101h
; call [WSAStartup]
; add esp, 190h
; test eax, eax
; jz .ok
; .failed:
; or [WinSockDLL], -1
; push 10h
; push 0
; push aWinsockInitErr
; push 0
; call [MessageBoxA]
; .failed_ret:
; stc
; .ok:
; pop edx ecx
; ret
; i40_socket:
; call initialize_winsock
; jnc @f
; or dword [esp+20h], -1
; ret
; @@:
; cmp ebx, 9
; jnz not_supported_i40_fn
; .is_localport_unused:
; mov esi, ecx
; ; destroy old tcp socket
; mov eax, [ebp+tls.cursocket]
; test eax, eax
; jz @f
; dec eax
; push eax
; call [closesocket]
; @@:
; xor ebx, ebx
; mov [ebp+tls.curport], bx
; ; create new tcp socket
; push ebx ; protocol - unspecified
; push 1 ; SOCK_STREAM aka TCP
; push 2 ; AF_INET
; call [socket]
; inc eax
; mov [ebp+tls.cursocket], eax
; jnz @f
; push 10h
; push ebx
; push aSocketErr
; push ebx
; call [MessageBoxA]
; mov dword [esp+20h], ebx
; ret
; @@:
; push ebx
; push ebx ; sockaddr_in.sin_zero
; push 0x0100007F ; sockaddr_in.sin_addr =
; shl esi, 16
; inc esi
; inc esi ; sockaddr_in.sin_family = 2 = AF_INET
; push esi ; sockaddr_in.sin_port
; mov ecx, esp
; push 10h ; namelen
; push ecx ; name
; dec eax
; push eax ; s
; call [bind]
cmp ebx, 55
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.sound_flag], 0
jz @f
; prepare wave-block
push 800h
call malloc
push eax
lea ebx, [eax+800h]
xchg eax, edi
push esi
mov esi, wave_block_begin
mov ecx, wbb_size/4
rep movsd
pop esi
add esi, [base]
test al, al
jz .done
cmp al, 81h
jae .note
movzx edx, al
xor eax, eax
jmp .doit
sub al, 81h
movzx edx, al
cmp al, 0xFF
jz .pause
mov cl, al
and eax, 0xF
movzx eax, word [kontrOctave+eax+eax]
shr cl, 4
shr eax, cl
; eax=divider (freq=1193180/divider), edx=time (in 1/100 sec)
mov ecx, edx
mul [wave_r]
div [_1193180]
push eax
mov eax, ecx
mul [wave_r]
div [_100]
mov ecx, eax
pop edx
; ecx=number of bytes required for this note
lea eax, [edi+ecx]
cmp eax, ebx
ja .realloc
; mov al, 0xFF
; cmp edx, ecx
; jbe @f
; mov al, 0 ; this is for pause
mov al, 80h
; if edx is zero, make it 1
cmp edx, 1
adc edx, 0
push ecx
cmp ecx, edx
jb @f
mov ecx, edx
@@: rep stosb
pop ecx
xor al, [sound_vol]
sub ecx, edx
ja .writeloop
jmp .mainloop
mov eax, edx
mul [wave_r]
div [_100]
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, eax
inc edx
jmp .doit2
pop eax
sub ebx, eax
add ebx, ebx ; ebx=new size
sub edi, eax ; edi=delta
push ecx edx
push ebx
push eax
push 0
push [hHeap]
call [HeapReAlloc]
pop edx ecx
push eax
add ebx, eax
add edi, eax
jmp .doit2
pop ebx
sub edi, ebx
sub edi, 8
mov [ebx+4], edi
sub edi, 24h
mov [ebx+28h], edi
; because we use asynchronous call of PlaySoundA, we can not free used memory,
; but we can free previous wave-block
push 0
push 0
push 0
call [PlaySoundA] ; force previous sound terminate
push 0
push ebx
call [PlaySoundA]
xchg ebx, [ebp+tls.prev_snd_block]
test ebx, ebx
jz @f
push ebx
call free
and dword [esp+20h], 0
add ebx, [base]
lea esi, [ebx+0x14]
cmp dword [ebx], 0
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
; read 0 bytes - OK
cmp dword [ebx+8], 0
jnz @f
and dword [esp+20h], 0
; check for root dir
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .root
cmp byte [esi+1], 0
jnz .noroot
mov esi, dir0
mov edi, [ebx+12]
add edi, [base]
mov ecx, 12
push ecx
rep movsb
add edi, 32-12
pop ecx
rep movsb
and dword [esp+20h], 0 ; eax=0: read ok
mov dword [esp+14h], 64 ; ebx=size
sub esp, 200h
call convert_path
jc emul_path_err
dec eax
jz .ramdisk
sub al, 3
jae .harddisk
add esp, 200h
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
cmp al, 0
jz .give_dir1
; must be {/RD | /RAMDISK}{/1 | /FIRST}/...
cmp ax, '1\'
jz .ramdisk_ok
cmp ax, '1'
jz .ramdisk_readdir
cmp ax, 'FI'
jnz emul_path_err
cmp eax, 'RST\'
jz .ramdisk_ok
cmp eax, 'RST'
jnz emul_path_err
add esp, 200h
mov esi, ramdisk_path
push 0 ; read /rd/1
call read_directory
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ebx
; now esi points to filename, relative from ramdisk
sub esp, 200h
mov edi, esp
push ramdisk_path
push edi
call [lstrcpyA]
cmp byte [esi], 0
setz al
push eax
push esi
push edi
call [lstrcatA]
pop eax
lea esi, [esp+200h]
xchg esi, edi
mov ecx, 200h/4
rep movsd
add esp, 200h
mov esi, esp
; now esi contains full Win32 name of requested file
push eax
push esi
call [GetFileAttributesA]
inc eax
pop ecx
jz emul_filenotfound
dec eax
jnz .read_dir
push 0
push 0
push 3
push 0
push 1
push 80000000h
push esi
call [CreateFileA]
inc eax
jz emul_filenotfound
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
mov eax, [ebx+4]
xor edx, edx
shld edx, eax, 9
shl eax, 9
push edx
mov edi, esp
push 0
push edi
push eax
push esi
call [SetFilePointer]
push 0
push edi
mov eax, [ebx+8]
shl eax, 9
; check limits
mov ecx, [limit]
inc ecx
sub ecx, [ebx+0xC]
cmp eax, ecx
jbe @f
mov eax, ecx
@@: push eax
mov eax, [ebx+0xC]
add eax, [base]
push eax
push esi
call [ReadFile]
pop eax
push 0
push esi
call [GetFileSize]
add esp, 200h
mov [esp+14h], eax
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
inc ecx
push ecx ; 2 for exclude '..', 1 for all
call read_directory
add esp, 200h
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ebx
movzx edx, al
test al, al
jnz @f
add esp, 200h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
xor ecx, ecx ; partition
cmp al, '\'
jz @f
cmp al, 0
jz @f
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 9
ja emul_path_err
imul ecx, 10
add cl, al
jmp @b
test al, al
jnz @f
dec esi
test ecx, ecx
jz emul_path_err
cmp ecx, [hd_partitions_num+edx*4]
jbe @f
add esp, 200h
mov dword [esp+20h], 4 ; partition not defined
sub esp, 200h
mov edi, esp
mov eax, [hd_partitions_array+edx*4]
dec ecx
shl ecx, 9
add eax, ecx
push eax
jmp .doit1
add esp, 200h
mov esi, dir1
mov edi, [ebx+12]
add edi, [base]
mov ecx, 12
push ecx
rep movsb
and dword [esp+20h], 0 ; eax=0: read ok
mov dword [esp+14h], 32 ; ebx=size
push 0
push aWarning
push aPathIsInvalid
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
add esp, 200h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
cmp dword [ebx], 10h
jnz @f
neg dword [esp+20h]
@@: ret
aWarning db 'Warning',0
aPathIsInvalid db 'Requested path is invalid',0
lea edi, [esp+4]
push ebx
lea ebx, [edi + 511]
cmp al, '/'
jz .1
dec esi
mov ecx, 11
sub ebx, ecx
cmp edi, ebx
ja .5
mov edx, edi
mov al, ' '
add ebx, ecx
rep stosb
mov edi, edx
cmp al, '/'
jz .3
cmp al, '.'
jz .4
cmp al, 0
jz .3
cmp edi, ebx
jae .5
cmp al, 'a'
jb @f
cmp al, 'z'
ja @f
sub al, ' '
@@: stosb
jmp .2
lea edi, [edx+8]
jmp .2
lea edi, [edx+7]
mov ecx, 8
mov al, ' '
repz scasb
jz .5
mov ecx, [edx+8]
mov [edi+3], ecx
mov byte [edi+2], '.'
add edi, 5
mov ecx, 3
repz scasb
jz @f
inc edi
inc edi
mov al, '\'
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz .1
mov byte [edi-1], 0
mov esi, path_begin
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
add esi, ecx
test al, al
jz .5
xchg eax, ecx
xchg ecx, eax
lea edi, [esp+8]
repz cmpsb
jnz .6
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .7
cmp byte [edi], '\'
jnz .6
mov esi, edi
pop ebx
push eax
push esi
push esi
call [OemToCharA]
pop eax
; convert /hd to /hdx
cmp al, 3
jnz @f
mov eax, [shared_data]
movzx eax, [eax+shared_data_struc.hd_base]
add eax, 3
pop ebx
; in: ebx->fileinfo block, esi->mask
; byte [esp+4] = 0 for /rd/1, 1 for normal call, 2 for exclude '..'
; out: eax,ebx according to kernel fn58 read /rd/1
; note that all returned values have been taken from kernel code
mov ecx, [ebx+8] ; number of blocks
mov edi, [ebx+12] ; output memory
add edi, [base]
mov ebx, [ebx+4] ; start block
; /rd/1 = 14 clusters
cmp byte [esp+4], 0
jnz .ok2
cmp ebx, 14 ; 14 clusters = root dir
jae .err1
cmp ecx, 14
jbe .ok1
mov eax, 5 ; out of range
or ebx, -1
ret 4
lea edx, [ebx+ecx]
cmp edx, 14
jbe @f
sub edx, 14
sub ecx, edx
jz .doret2
shl ebx, 9
shl ecx, 9
xor edx, edx
sub esp, 200h
lea edi, [esp+20h]
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
mov ecx, eax
rep movsb
mov al, '\'
cmp [edi-1], al
jz @f
mov eax, '*.*'
push 0
sub esp, 400h
mov esi, esp
push ecx
lea eax, [esi+404h]
call get_next_file
; if no file => zero record
test eax, eax
jnz .still
push edi
mov edi, esi
mov ecx, 0x20/4
rep stosd
pop edi
mov al, 0x20
add [esi+400h], eax
pop ecx
cmp byte [esp+60Ch], 1
jz @f
cmp word [esi], '..'
jz .loop
push ecx
cmp ebx, eax
jae .skip
add esi, ebx
mov ecx, eax
sub ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, [esp]
jb @f
mov ecx, [esp]
sub [esp], ecx
rep movsb
sub ebx, eax
jae @f
xor ebx, ebx
pop ecx
test ecx, ecx
jnz .loop
call done_find_file
add esp, 400h
pop ecx
add esp, 200h
xor ebx, ebx
xor eax, eax
cmp byte [esp+8], 0
jz .check_rd1
; cmp edx, -1
; jz .eof
cmp ecx, 0x200
jae .eof
jmp .ret
jb .ret
mov al, 6 ; EOF
.ret: ret 4
; in: eax=mask, edx=hFindData, edx=0 or edx=-1, esi->buffer
; out: buffer filled, eax=length
cmp edx, -1
jnz @f
xor eax, eax
sub esp, 0x140 ; sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)
lea ecx, [esp+0x20]
push ecx
test edx, edx
jnz .inited
push eax
call [FindFirstFileA]
mov edx, eax
mov [esp+0x14], edx
inc eax
jmp .cmn
push edx
call [FindNextFileA]
mov edx, [esp+0x14]
test eax, eax
jnz .ok
cmp edx, -1
jz @f
push edx
call [FindClose]
add esp, 0x140
xor eax, eax
or edx, -1
; Long File Names are not supported yet
; file name
push edi
lea edi, [esp+4+0x130] ; WIN32_FIND_DATA.cAlternateFileName
cmp byte [edi], 0
jnz .shortname
push esi
lea esi, [esp+8+0x2C] ; WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName
push edi
cmp al, 'a'
jb @f
cmp al, 'z'
ja @f
sub al, 0x20
@@: stosb
cmp al, 0
jnz .l2s
pop edi esi
push edi
push edi
call [CharToOemA]
; file name
mov ecx, 10
mov byte [esi+ecx], ' '
dec ecx
jns @b
inc ecx
cmp byte [edi], '.'
jnz @f
inc edi
mov byte [esi+ecx], '.'
inc ecx
jmp @b
mov al, [edi]
inc edi
cmp al, 0
jz .namedone
cmp al, '.'
jz .dot
mov [esi+ecx], al
inc ecx
jmp @b
mov cl, 8
jmp @b
pop edi
; attributes
mov eax, [esp] ; WIN32_FIND_DATA.dwFileAttributes
and al, 0x3F
mov [esi+11], al
and word [esi+12], 0
; creation file and date
lea eax, [esi+14]
push eax
inc eax
inc eax
push eax
lea eax, [esp+8+20h+4]
push eax
call [FileTimeToDosDateTime]
; last access date
lea eax, [esp+1Ch]
push eax
lea eax, [esi+18]
push eax
lea eax, [esp+8+20h+0xC]
push eax
call [FileTimeToDosDateTime]
; high word of cluster
and word [esi+20], 0
; last write file and date
lea eax, [esi+22]
push eax
inc eax
inc eax
push eax
lea eax, [esp+8+20h+0x14]
push eax
call [FileTimeToDosDateTime]
; low word of cluster
mov word [esi+26], 0xBAD ; random value
; file size
mov eax, [esp+0x20]
mov [esi+28], eax
; return
add esp, 0x140
mov eax, 0x20
test edx, edx
jz .ret
cmp edx, -1
jz .ret
push edx
push edx
call [FindClose]
pop edx
.ret: ret
test esi, esi
jz @f
add esi, [base]
call acquire_shared
push eax esi edi
mov esi, [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
mov edi, process_curdir
test al, al
jz @f
cmp edi, process_curdir+4096
jb @b
mov byte [edi-1], 0
pop edi esi eax
div edx
call release_shared
push ecx
push -1
push ecx
call [WaitForSingleObject]
call [CloseHandle]
div edx
jecxz .ret
push eax ecx edx
push 24
call malloc
mov [eax+16], esi
mov [eax+20], edi
mov esi, [ebp + tls.debuggees]
mov [eax], esi
mov [ebp + tls.debuggees], eax
pop dword [eax+12]
pop dword [eax+8]
pop dword [eax+4]
mov eax, [eax+4]
dec ebx
jnz @f
; set IPC memory
call acquire_shared
call get_cur_slot_ptr
add ecx, [base]
mov [edi+4], ecx
mov [edi+8], edx
call release_shared
and dword [esp+20h], 0
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
add edx, [base]
call acquire_shared
div edx
call release_shared
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push 0
push 0
push 400h ; WM_USER
push ecx
call [PostMessageA]
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+20h], eax
cmp [ColorDepth], 0
jnz @f
push 10h
push 0
push DSADisabled
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp i40_terminate
dec ebx
jz .1
dec ebx
jz .2
dec ebx
jz .3
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
call get_screen_size
add ebx, 10001h
mov [esp+20h], ebx
mov eax, [ColorDepth]
mov [esp+20h], eax
call get_screen_size
shr ebx, 16
lea eax, [ebx+1]
mul [ColorDepth]
shr eax, 3
add eax, 3
and eax, not 3
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_access_enabled], 0
jnz @f
or dword [esp+20h], -1 ; PCI access disabled
cmp bl, 2
ja .noinit
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], 0
jnz @f
push eax ebx
call pci_data_init
pop ebx eax
test bl, bl
jnz .not0
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], 1
jnz .unsupp0 ; emulate "unsupported" behavior
mov ch, [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_mj]
mov cl, [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_mn]
mov [esp+20h], ecx
dec bl
mov ecx, ebx
jnz .not1
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], 1
jnz .unsupp1
mov cl, [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_lb]
mov [esp+20h], ecx
test [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_pc], 1
jnz @b
test [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_pc], 2
jz @b
inc ecx
jmp @b
sub bl, 4
cmp bl, 2
ja not_supported_i40_fn
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jz .read_nt
mov ah, 0xB1
mov al, bl
add al, 8
mov bl, ch
movzx di, cl
mov ecx, ebx
call [jmp_temp_int1A]
jc .reterr
jmp .retecx
push cx
push bx
mov eax, esp
push ecx
mov ecx, esp
push 4
push ecx
push 4
push eax
push 0x222004
call send_driver_request
pop ecx edx
test eax, eax
jnz .retecx
push 30h
push aWarning
push DrvOpenErr
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp .reterr
call acquire_shared
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jz .nt
; On 9x systems, just do "int 1Ah" from 16-bit code
mov ax, 0xB101
call [jmp_temp_int1A]
test ah, ah
jnz .err
cmp edx, 'PCI '
jnz .err
mov edx, [shared_data]
mov [edx+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_mj], bh
mov [edx+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_mn], bl
mov [edx+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_lb], cl
mov [edx+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_pc], al
mov [edx+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], 1
jmp .ok
; On NT systems, there is 'HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\MultifunctionAdapter' key,
; with some subkeys '0','1',..., which hold information on periphery.
; Each PCI bus has its own subkey with 'Identifier'="PCI".
; For first PCI bus 'Configuration Data' holds 4 additional bytes = info on PCI BIOS.
push eax
push esp ; phkResult
push 1 ; samDesired = KEY_QUERY_VALUE
push 0 ; ulOptions
push keymfa ; lpSubKey
push 80000002h ; hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
pop esi ; key handle
test eax, eax
jnz .err ; subkeys are done, and we do not find required
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 4
push esp ; lpcbData
push eax ; lpData
push 0 ; lpType
push 0 ; lpReserved
push aIdentifier ; lpValueName
push esi ; hKey
call [RegQueryValueExA]
pop ecx
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .cont
cmp ecx, 4
jnz .cont
cmp edx, 'PCI'
jnz .cont
sub esp, 24h
mov eax, esp
push 24h
push esp
push eax
push 0
push 0
push aConfigurationData
push esi
call [RegQueryValueExA]
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jnz .err3
cmp ecx, 24h
jnz .err3
mov eax, [shared_data]
add esp, 20h
pop dword [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_mj]
dec [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_bios_lb]
js .err2
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], 1
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
call release_shared
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
inc [idxmfa]
cmp [idxmfa], '9'
jbe .loop
jmp .err
add esp, 24h
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], 2
call release_shared
push 40h
push 0
push aCannotGetPci
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
dec ebx
jz .write
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov ecx, [eax+shared_data_struc.msg_board_count]
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov [esp+20h], ecx ; zero eax
mov [esp+14h], ecx ; zero ebx
jmp .ret
dec [eax+shared_data_struc.msg_board_count]
lea edi, [eax+shared_data_struc.msg_board_data]
lea esi, [edi+1]
movzx edx, byte [edi]
mov [esp+20h], edx
mov dword [esp+14h], 1
dec ecx
rep movsb
jmp release_shared
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov edx, [eax+shared_data_struc.msg_board_count]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.msg_board_data+edx], cl
inc edx
and edx, 511
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.msg_board_count], edx
jmp .ret
dec ebx
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
cmp [heap_status], 0
jz @f
push 30h
push aWarning
push aInvFn64Call
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
cmp [NumThreads], 1
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
push ecx
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push ecx
push 0
call [VirtualAlloc]
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jnz .ok
mov dword [esp+0x20], 1
mov edi, eax
mov esi, [base]
push ecx
cmp ecx, [limit]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [limit]
inc ecx
push eax
rep movsb
call acquire_shared
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov ecx, [edi+4]
jecxz @f
sub ecx, [base]
add ecx, [esp]
mov [edi+4], ecx
call release_shared
push 8000h ; MEM_RELEASE
push 0
push [base]
call [VirtualFree]
pop eax
pop ecx
mov [base], eax
dec ecx
mov [limit], ecx
mov [fn9limit], ecx
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov [edi+24], ecx
mov esi, selector_data
mov [esi+2], ax
shr eax, 10h
mov [esi+4], al
mov [esi+7], ah
shr ecx, 0Ch
mov [esi], cx
shr ecx, 10h
or cl, 11000000b
mov [esi+6], cl
mov byte [esi+5], 11110010b
lea edi, [esi+8]
mov byte [esi+5], 11111010b
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jnz .9x
push dword [esi-4]
push dword [esi-8]
push 17h
push dword [esi+4]
push dword [esi]
push 0Fh
call [NtSetLdtEntries]
mov esi, ldterr
test eax, eax
js fail
.d: and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov eax, sl0p
call CallRing0
jmp .d
mov esi, edi
add esi, [base]
movzx eax, word [esp]
add ecx, 7
shr ecx, 1
and ecx, not 3
mul ecx
push eax
call malloc
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
push eax edx esi
mov edi, eax
movzx eax, word [esp+12]
mov esi, ebx
push eax
push ecx
mov dl, al
push eax
shr al, 6
shr dl, 4
shl al, 4
and dl, 3
or al, dl
pop eax
mov dl, al
shl al, 2
and dl, 3
and al, 0x30
or al, dl
sub ecx, 4
ja .innloop
test edi, 3
jz @f
pop ecx
pop eax
add esi, [esp+16+0Ch]
dec eax
jnz .extloop
pop esi edx edi
jmp pad_cont8
movzx eax, word [esp]
add ecx, 3
and ecx, not 3
mul ecx
push eax
call malloc
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
push eax esi
mov edi, eax
movzx eax, word [esp+8]
mov esi, ebx
push eax
push ecx
mov eax, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
mov ecx, eax
neg ecx
and ecx, 3
mov al, 0
rep stosb
pop ecx
pop eax
add esi, [esp+4*3+0Ch]
dec eax
jnz .extloop
pop esi edi
jmp pad_cont8
add ebx, [base]
push ecx
shr ecx, 16
cmp esi, 1
jz .1
cmp esi, 4
jz .4
cmp esi, 8
jz .8
cmp esi, 15
jz .15
cmp esi, 16
jz .16
cmp esi, 32
jz .32
cmp esi, 2
jz convert_2bpp
cmp esi, 24
jz .24
pop ecx
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
lea ecx, [ecx*3]
jmp @f
add ecx, 7
shr ecx, 3
jmp @f
add ecx, 3
shr ecx, 2
jmp @f
inc ecx
shr ecx, 1
jmp @f
add ecx, ecx
add ecx, ecx
add edi, [base]
mov esi, edi
; Windows requires that all scanlines are DWORD-padded
mov edi, ebx
test cl, 3
jnz pad_bmp8
cmp dword [esp+10h], 0
jnz pad_bmp8
pop ecx
mov eax, [esp+8]
; palette
sub esp, 256*4
push ecx edi
lea edi, [esp+8]
cmp al, 8
jnz @f
mov ecx, 256
rep movsd
cmp al, 4
jnz @f
mov ecx, 16
rep movsd
cmp al, 2
jnz @f
add eax, eax
cmp al, 1
jnz @f
cmp al, 16
jnz @f
mov dword [edi+0], 0xF800
mov dword [edi+4], 0x07E0
mov dword [edi+8], 0x001F
pop edi ecx
xor esi, esi
push esi ; biClrImportant
push esi ; biClrUsed
push esi ; biYPelsPerMeter
push esi ; biXPelsPerMeter
push esi ; biSizeImage
cmp al, 15
jnz .no15
push esi ; biCompression
push 100001h ; biPlanes, biBitCount
jmp @f
cmp al, 16
jnz .no16
push 3 ; biCompression
push 100001h ; biPlanes, biBitCount
jmp @f
push esi ; biCompression
; push 80001h ; biPlanes, biBitCount
shl eax, 16
inc eax
push eax ; biPlanes, biBitCount
movzx eax, cx
neg eax
push eax ; biHeight
neg eax
shr ecx, 10h
push ecx ; biWidth
push 40 ; biSize
push ebx
lea ebx, [esp+4]
; SetDIBitsToDevice
push esi ; fuColorUse = DIB_RGB_COLORS
push ebx ; lpbmi
push edi ; lpvBits
push eax ; cScanLines
dec eax
push eax ; uStartScan
push eax ; YSrc
inc eax
push esi ; XSrc
push eax ; dwHeight
push ecx ; dwWidth
movzx ecx, dx
add ecx, [ebp+tls.client_top]
push ecx ; YDest
shr edx, 10h
add edx, [ebp+tls.client_left]
push edx ; XDest
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, ebx
push ebx ; hdc
call [SetDIBitsToDevice]
xchg eax, ebx
pop ebx
add esp, 40+256*4
push eax
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
cmp edi, ebx
jz @f
push edi
call free
dec ebx
jz .setmode
dec ebx
jz .getmode
dec ebx
jz .get_control
dec ebx
jz .add_hotkey
dec ebx
jz .del_hotkey
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
mov [ebp+tls.usescancode], cl
movzx eax, [ebp+tls.usescancode]
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov esi, .vkeycodes
mov edi, 1
xor eax, eax
push eax
call [GetAsyncKeyState]
test ax, ax
jns @f
or ebx, edi
add edi, edi
cmp esi, .vkeycodes_end
jb .gcloop
mov [esp+20h], ebx
and dword [esp+20h], 0
db 0xA0 ; VK_LSHIFT
db 0xA1 ; VK_RSHIFT
db 0xA4 ; VK_LMENU
db 0xA5 ; VK_RMENU
db 0x14 ; VK_CAPITAL
db 0x90 ; VK_NUMLOCK
db 0x91 ; VK_SCROLL
cmp ebx, -1
jnz @f
movzx ebx, [ebp+tls.x_start]
@@: cmp ecx, -1
jnz @f
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.y_start]
@@: cmp edx, -1
jnz @f
movzx edx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
dec edx
@@: cmp esi, -1
jnz @f
movzx esi, [ebp+tls.y_size]
dec esi
inc edx
mov [ebp+tls.x_start], bx
inc esi
mov [ebp+tls.y_start], cx
mov [ebp+tls.x_size], dx
mov [ebp+tls.y_size], si
push 1
push esi
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [MoveWindow]
push 0
push 0
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [InvalidateRect]
cmp ebx, 3
jnz .not3
mov esi, [shared_data]
cmp [esi+shared_data_struc.bAllowReadMSR], 0
mov edi, aReadMSRDisabled
jz .err
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jz .nt
mov ecx, edx
mov eax, rdmsrp
call CallRing0
test ebx, ebx
jnz .nomsr
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], edx
push 0
push edx
push edx
mov eax, esp
push 9
push eax
push 4
push eax
push 0x222000
call send_driver_request
pop ecx
pop edx
pop esi
mov edi, DrvOpenErr
test eax, eax
jz .err
test esi, esi
jnz .nomsr
mov [esp+20h], ecx
mov [esp+14h], edx
push 30h
push aWarning
push edi
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
and dword [esp+14h], 0
push 10h
push 0
push aNoMsr
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp i40_terminate
cmp ebx, 11
jnz .not11
; initialize heap
cmp [heap_status], 0
jz .create_heap
cmp [heap_status], 1
jnz @f
push 5
call [Sleep]
jmp @b
mov eax, 0x5FC00000-0x1000
sub eax, [heap_start]
mov [esp+20h], eax
cmp [NumThreads], 1
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov [heap_status], 1
xor ebx, ebx
; reserve needed big region
mov esi, 0x40000000
push 2000h ; MEM_RESERVE
push esi
push ebx
call [VirtualAlloc]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
shr esi, 1
cmp esi, 0x01000000
jae @b
xor ebx, ebx
mov esi, memerr
jmp fail
mov [heap_region_size], esi
push eax
mov ecx, [limit]
inc ecx
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push ecx
push eax
call [VirtualAlloc]
test eax, eax
jz .nomem_fatal
mov esi, [base]
pop edi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [limit]
inc ecx
rep movsb
push 8000h ; MEM_RELEASE
push ebx
push [base]
call [VirtualFree]
pop eax
mov [base], eax
mov ecx, [heap_region_size]
dec ecx
mov [limit], ecx
mov esi, selector_data
mov [esi+2], ax
shr eax, 10h
mov [esi+4], al
mov [esi+7], ah
shr ecx, 0Ch
mov [esi], cx
shr ecx, 10h
or cl, 11000000b
mov [esi+6], cl
mov byte [esi+5], 11110010b
lea edi, [esi+8]
mov byte [esi+5], 11111010b
cmp [bIs9x], bl
jnz .9x
push dword [esi-4]
push dword [esi-8]
push 17h
push dword [esi+4]
push dword [esi]
push 0Fh
call [NtSetLdtEntries]
mov esi, ldterr
test eax, eax
js fail
jmp .heap_created
mov eax, sl0p
call CallRing0
xor ebx, ebx
mov eax, [fn9limit]
or eax, 0xFFF
inc eax
mov [heap_start], eax
mov eax, [heap_region_size]
sub eax, [heap_start]
shr eax, 10
call malloc_big
mov [heap_control_block], eax
test eax, eax
jz .nomem_fatal
mov ecx, [heap_region_size]
sub ecx, [heap_start]
or ecx, 4
mov [eax], ecx
push heap_critical_sec
call [InitializeCriticalSection]
mov [heap_status], 2
jmp .heap_ret_size
cmp ebx, 12
jnz .not12
; allocate memory block in heap
cmp [heap_status], 0
jnz @f
push 30h
push aWarning
push aHeapNotInited
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
lea edi, [ecx+0x1FFF]
and edi, not 0xFFF
cmp [heap_status], 1
jnz @f
push 5
call [Sleep]
jmp @b
push heap_critical_sec
call [EnterCriticalSection]
xor esi, esi
mov ecx, [heap_region_size]
sub ecx, [heap_start]
mov edx, [heap_control_block]
cmp esi, ecx
jae .m_exit
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov eax, [edx+ebx*4]
test al, 4
jz .test_used
and eax, not 0xFFF
cmp eax, edi
jb .m_next
jz @f
push esi
add esi, edi
sub eax, edi
or al, 4
shr esi, 12
mov [edx+esi*4], eax
pop esi
mov eax, edi
or al, 8
mov [edx+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [heap_start]
lea eax, [eax+esi+0x1000]
push eax
sub edi, 0x1000
; now do real allocate at eax with size edi
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push edi
add eax, [base]
push eax
call [VirtualAlloc]
test eax, eax
jz .nomem_fatal
jmp .allocated
add esi, eax
jmp .l_0
test al, 8
jnz @f
xor ebx, ebx
mov esi, aInternalError
jmp fail
and eax, not 0xFFF
jmp .m_next
push 0
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
cmp dword [esp], 0
jnz @f
push 30h
push aWarning
push aMallocFailed
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
pop eax
mov [esp+20h], eax
cmp ebx, 13
jnz .not13
; free memory block in heap
cmp [heap_status], 0
jnz @f
push 30h
push aWarning
push aHeapNotInited
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
; free(NULL) is OK
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
mov esi, ecx
cmp [heap_status], 1
jnz @f
push 5
call [Sleep]
jmp @b
cmp esi, [heap_region_size]
jae .inv_exit
sub esi, [heap_start]
jb .inv_exit
cmp esi, 0x1000
jae @f
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
push 30h
push aWarning
push aFreeInvalid
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
jmp .inv_exit_cmn
push heap_critical_sec
call [EnterCriticalSection]
mov eax, esi
shr esi, 12
dec esi
mov edx, [heap_control_block]
test byte [edx+esi*4], 10h
jnz .inv_exit_realloc
test byte [edx+esi*4], 8
jz .inv_wrn
test eax, 0xFFF
jz @f
push edx
push 30h
push aWarning
push aFreeInvalid
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
pop edx
mov eax, [edx+esi*4]
test al, 8
jz .freed
push edx
and eax, not 0xFFF
push 0x4000 ; MEM_DECOMMIT
sub eax, 0x1000
push eax
lea eax, [esi+1]
shl eax, 12
add eax, [heap_start]
add eax, [base]
push eax
call [VirtualFree]
pop edx
mov eax, [edx+esi*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
push eax
or al, 4
mov [edx+esi*4], al
shr eax, 12
add eax, esi
test byte [edx+eax*4], 4
jz @f
xor ecx, ecx
xchg ecx, [edx+eax*4]
and ecx, not 0xFFF
add [edx+esi*4], ecx
add [esp], ecx
pop eax
test esi, esi
jz .freed
xor edi, edi
cmp edi, esi
jz .foundprev
mov ecx, edi
mov ebx, [edx+ecx*4]
shr ebx, 12
add edi, ebx
jmp .findprev
test byte [edx+ecx*4], 4
jz .freed
and dword [edx+esi*4], 0
add [edx+ecx*4], eax
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
cmp ebx, 16
jnz .not16
add ecx, [base]
mov esi, ecx
push esi
push aSound
call [lstrcmpA]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
and dword [esp+20h], 0
push esi
push aInfinity
call [lstrcmpA]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
and dword [esp+20h], 0
push 10h
push 0
push aUnknownDriver
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
cmp ebx, 19
jnz .not19
; load DLL
sub esp, 40
mov eax, esp
sub eax, [base]
push 0
push 0
push eax
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 5
mov ebx, esp
mov [ebx+21], ecx
call i40_file_system_lfn.noadd
test eax, eax
jz @f
add esp, 28+40
and dword [esp+20h], 0
pop eax
push 0
mov ebx, esp
cmp dword [ebx+28+36], 0
jnz .err1
mov eax, [ebx+28+32]
mov [ebx+12], eax
call malloc_big
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push 10h
push memerr
push aCannotLoadDll
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp .err1
sub eax, [base]
mov [ebx+16], eax
push ebx
call i40_file_system_lfn.noadd
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .err1
mov eax, [ebx+16]
add eax, [base]
mov [ebx+16], eax
cmp dword [eax], 'KPCK'
jnz .notpacked
mov eax, [eax+4]
call malloc_big
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push dword [ebx+16]
call free_big
jmp .nomem_dll
push eax
push eax
push dword [ebx+16]
call unpack
push dword [ebx+16]
call free_big
pop eax
mov [ebx+16], eax
add esp, 28+40
; eax contains pointer to loaded file
mov ebx, eax
; 1. Calculate image size & allocate memory for image
movzx ecx, word [eax+2]
lea edx, [eax+20+16]
xor esi, esi
add esi, [edx]
add esi, 0xF
and esi, not 0xF
add edx, 40
loop @b
call .initialize_heap
mov ecx, [esp+4]
call .allocate_heap
test eax, eax
jnz @f
; no memory in user space, user has already been notified
and dword [esp+20h], 0
; eax = base addr in user space
; ebx = pointer to loaded DLL data
; 2. Copy image data
mov edi, eax
add edi, [base]
movzx ecx, word [ebx+2]
lea edx, [ebx+20+16]
mov [edx+12-16], edi
mov esi, [edx+20-16]
test esi, esi
jnz .copy
add edi, [edx+16-16]
jmp .next
add esi, ebx
push ecx
mov ecx, [edx+16-16]
rep movsb
pop ecx
add edi, 0xF
and edi, not 0xF
add edx, 40
loop @b
; 3. Fixup COFF symbols
; symbols table = ebx + [ebx+8]
; strings ptr = (symbols table)+[ebx+12]*18
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebx+8]
lea esi, [ecx+ecx*8]
lea esi, [edx+esi*2]
movsx edi, word [edx+12]
test edi, edi
jnz .internal
; current implementation does not support exports
; this is kernel limitation, not my
and dword [edx+8], 0
jmp .next_sym
js .next_sym
dec edi
shl edi, 3
lea edi, [edi+edi*4]
mov edi, [ebx+20+edi+12]
sub edi, [base]
add [edx+8], edi
add edx, 18
loop .fix_sym
; 4. Fixup COFF relocations
movzx ecx, word [ebx+2]
lea esi, [ebx+20]
mov edi, [esi+24]
add edi, ebx
push ecx
movzx ecx, word [esi+32]
jecxz .next_sec_reloc
mov edx, [edi+4]
lea edx, [edx+edx*8]
lea edx, [ebx+edx*2]
add edx, [ebx+8]
mov edx, [edx+8]
mov eax, [edi]
add eax, [esi+12]
cmp word [edi+8], 6
jz .dir32
cmp word [edi+8], 20
jz .rel32
push 30h
push aWarning
push aUnknownReloc
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp .next_reloc
sub edx, eax
sub edx, 4
add [eax], edx
add edi, 10
loop .fix_reloc
add esi, 40
pop ecx
loop .fix_sec_reloc
; 5. Lookup 'EXPORTS' symbol
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebx+8]
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
cmp dword [eax], 'EXPO'
jnz @f
cmp dword [eax+4], 'RTS'
jz .found_exp
add eax, 18
loop .find_exp
; 5b. Lookup '_EXPORTS' symbol
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebx+8]
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
cmp dword [eax], '_EXP'
jnz @f
cmp dword [eax+4], 'ORTS'
jz .found_exp
add eax, 18
loop .find__exp
push 30h
push aWarning
push aExportsNotFound
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
xor eax, eax
jmp @f
mov eax, [eax+8]
mov [esp+20h], eax
push ebx
call free_big
cmp ebx, 20
jnz .not20
; reallocate memory block in heap
cmp [heap_status], 0
jnz @f
push 30h
push aWarning
push aHeapNotInited
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
cmp [heap_status], 1
jnz @f
push ecx edx
push 5
call [Sleep]
pop edx ecx
jmp @b
; realloc(NULL,sz) = malloc(sz)
test edx, edx
jz .allocate_heap
cmp edx, [heap_region_size]
jae .inv_exit_realloc
sub edx, [heap_start]
jb .inv_exit_realloc
cmp edx, 0x1000
jb .inv_exit_realloc
push ecx edx
push heap_critical_sec
call [EnterCriticalSection]
pop edx ecx
test edx, 0xFFF
jnz @f
shr edx, 12
dec edx
mov esi, [heap_control_block]
mov eax, [esi+edx*4]
test al, 10h
jnz @f
test al, 8
jnz .realloc_valid
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
jmp .inv_exit_realloc
add ecx, 0x1FFF
and ecx, not 0xFFF
and eax, not 0xFFF
cmp eax, ecx
jb .realloc_inc
jz .realloc_done
sub eax, ecx
push eax ecx edx
push 0x4000 ; MEM_DECOMMIT
push eax
shl edx, 12
add edx, ecx
add edx, [heap_start]
add edx, [base]
push edx
call [VirtualFree]
test eax, eax
jz $
pop edx ecx
mov eax, ecx
cmp eax, 0x1000
jz .realloc_freeall
or al, 8
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
pop eax
shr ecx, 12
add edx, ecx
mov edi, [heap_region_size]
sub edi, [heap_start]
shr edi, 12
push edx
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 12
add edx, [esp]
cmp edx, edi
jae @f
mov ecx, [esi+edx*4]
test cl, 4
jz @f
and dword [esi+edx*4], 0
and ecx, not 0xFFF
add eax, ecx
shr ecx, 12
add edx, ecx
jmp @b
pop edx
or al, 4
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
mov eax, [esp+18h]
mov [esp+20h], eax
pop eax
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp ecx, edx
jae @f
mov eax, [esi+ecx*4]
shr eax, 12
add ecx, eax
jmp @b
test eax, eax
jz @f
sub ecx, eax
test byte [esi+ecx*4], 4
jz @f
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [esi+edx*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
add [esi+ecx*4], eax
mov edx, ecx
mov eax, [esi+edx*4]
shr eax, 12
add eax, edx
mov edi, [heap_region_size]
sub edi, [heap_start]
shr edi, 12
cmp eax, edi
jae @f
test byte [esi+eax*4], 4
jz @f
xor ecx, ecx
xchg ecx, [esi+eax*4]
and ecx, not 0xFFF
add [esi+edx*4], ecx
mov byte [esi+edx*4], 4
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov edi, [heap_region_size]
sub edi, [heap_start]
shr edi, 12
push eax
shr eax, 12
add eax, edx
cmp eax, edi
jae .realloc_realloc
mov eax, [esi+eax*4]
test al, 4
jz .realloc_realloc
and eax, not 0xFFF
add eax, [esp]
sub eax, ecx
jb .realloc_realloc
; reallocate in place
jz @f
push ecx edx
shr ecx, 12
add edx, ecx
or al, 4
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
pop edx ecx
pop eax
sub ecx, eax
add [esi+edx*4], ecx
mov edi, edx
inc edi
shl edi, 12
add edi, [heap_start]
mov [esp+20h], edi
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push ecx
shl edx, 12
add edx, eax
add edx, [heap_start]
add edx, [base]
push edx
call [VirtualAlloc]
test eax, eax
jz .nomem_fatal
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
pop esi
push ecx
push heap_critical_sec
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
pop ecx
call .allocate_heap
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov edi, eax
test edi, edi
jnz @f
lea ecx, [esi-0x1000]
mov esi, [esp+18h]
push esi
add esi, [base]
add edi, [base]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop ecx
call .free_heap
cmp ebx, 22
jnz .not22
; open/create named memory area
test esi, not 0xD
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
add ecx, [base]
mov edi, ecx
div edx
test eax, eax
jz @f
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov [esp+18h], eax
call .allocate_heap
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov ecx, edi
call ..server_destroy_shmem
mov al, 30
jmp .shmem.err
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+18h], edx
mov ecx, eax
sub ecx, [heap_start]
shr ecx, 12
mov edx, [heap_control_block]
or byte [edx+(ecx-1)*4], 10h
add eax, [base]
div edx
push eax
push esp
push ecx
push eax
call [VirtualProtect]
pop eax
cmp ebx, 23
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
add ecx, [base]
call ..server_destroy_shmem
jecxz @f
sub ecx, [base]
mov eax, ecx
sub eax, [heap_start]
shr eax, 12
mov edx, [heap_control_block]
and byte [edx+(eax-1)*4], not 10h
call .free_heap
jmp .ret22
push 30h
push aWarning
push aCannotDestroyShMem
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
mov dword [esp+20h], 0x87654320
div edx
include 'unpacker.inc'
align 4
dd i40_debug_services.set_event_data
dd i40_debug_services.getcontext
dd i40_debug_services.setcontext
dd not_supported_i40_fn ;i40_debug_services.detach
dd i40_debug_services.suspend
dd i40_debug_services.resume
dd i40_debug_services.read_process_memory
dd i40_debug_services.write_process_memory
dd i40_debug_services.terminate
; dd i40_debug_services.set_drx
.size = ($ - debug_services_table)/4
cmp ebx, debug_services_table.size
jae not_supported_i40_fn
jmp dword [debug_services_table+ebx*4]
call get_cur_slot_ptr
; atomic operation, no synchronization required
mov [edi+shared_data_struc.debugger_mem-shared_data_struc.threads], ecx
pop eax
pop eax
or dword [esp+20h], -1
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jz .ret
cmp edx, 40
jnz .ret
push dword [ebx+12]
call suspend_safe
sub esp, 0xB2*4
push 1000Fh
mov edi, esp
push edi
push dword [ebx+12]
call [GetThreadContext]
add esi, [base]
mov ax, cs
cmp word [edi+0xBC], ax
jz .context_win
mov eax, [edi+0xB8]
mov [esi], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xC0]
mov [esi+4], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xB0]
mov [esi+8], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xAC]
mov [esi+12], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xA8]
mov [esi+16], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xA4]
mov [esi+20], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xC4]
mov [esi+24], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xB4]
mov [esi+28], eax
mov eax, [edi+0xA0]
mov [esi+32], eax
mov eax, [edi+0x9C]
mov [esi+36], eax
jmp .gotcontext
mov eax, [ebx+16]
add eax, tls._esp
sub esp, 2Ch
mov ecx, esp
push 0
push esp
push 8
push ecx
push eax
push dword [ebx+8]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop dword [esi+24]
pop dword [esi]
mov ecx, esp
push 0
push esp
push 24h
push ecx
push dword [ebx+20]
push dword [ebx+8]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop dword [esi+36]
pop dword [esi+32]
pop dword [esi+28]
pop eax
pop dword [esi+20]
pop dword [esi+16]
pop dword [esi+12]
pop dword [esi+8]
pop dword [esi+4]
add esp, 0xB3*4
push dword [ebx+12]
call [ResumeThread]
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jz .ret
jmp @b
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jz .ret
push dword [ebx+12]
call suspend_safe
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jz .ret
cmp edx, 40
jnz .ret
push dword [ebx+12]
call suspend_safe
sub esp, 0xB2*4
push 1000Fh
mov edi, esp
push edi
push dword [ebx+12]
call [GetThreadContext]
add esi, [base]
mov ax, cs
cmp word [edi+0xBC], ax
jz .context_win_set
mov [edi+0xB8], eax
mov [edi+0xC0], eax
mov [edi+0xB0], eax
mov [edi+0xAC], eax
mov [edi+0xA8], eax
mov [edi+0xA4], eax
mov [edi+0xC4], eax
mov [edi+0xB4], eax
mov [edi+0xA0], eax
mov [edi+0x9C], eax
push edi
push dword [ebx+12]
call [SetThreadContext]
jmp .setcontextdone
mov edx, [ebx+16]
add edx, tls._esp
push eax
push dword [esi-4+24]
mov ecx, esp
push 0
push esp
push 8
push ecx
push eax
push dword [ebx+8]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop eax
pop eax
push 9
pop ecx
push eax
loop @b
mov ecx, esp
push 0
push esp
push 24h
push ecx
push dword [ebx+20]
push dword [ebx+8]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
add esp, 4+24h
add esp, 0xB3*4
push dword [ebx+12]
call [ResumeThread]
push [WriteProcessMemory]
jmp @f
push [ReadProcessMemory]
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jz .m1pop
; get base and limit of target process
push eax
push eax
mov eax, esp
push edx
push 0
push esp
push 8
push eax
push base
push dword [ebx+8]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop edx
pop ecx ; ecx = [base] for target process
cmp eax, 8
jnz .m1pop2
pop eax ; eax = [limit] for target process
push edx
inc eax
add edx, esi
sub edx, eax
jc @f
sub dword [esp], edx
jnc @f
and dword [esp], 0
add esi, ecx
pop edx
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
test edx, edx
jz @f
push -1
push esp
add edi, [base]
push edx
push edi
push esi
push dword [ebx+8]
call ecx
pop eax
mov [esp+20h], eax
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jnz i40_sys_service.kill
sub esp, 0xB2*4
push 1001Fh
call find_debuggee
test ebx, ebx
jz .ret1
mov edi, esp
push ecx edx
push edi
push dword [ebx+12]
call [GetThreadContext]
pop edx ecx
test dh, dh
js .clear
; set hardware breakpoint, dl=index (0..3), dh=(length*4)+(condition), esi=address
cmp esi, 0x80000000
jae .ret1
cmp dl, 4
jae .ret1
test dh, 0xF0
jnz .ret1
mov al, dh
and al, 3
cmp al, 2
jz .ret1
movzx eax, dh
shr al, 2
cmp al, 2
jz .ret1
test esi, eax
jnz .ret1
push edx
push 0
mov eax, esp
push eax
push esp
push 4
push eax
push base
push dword [ebx+8]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop eax
pop edx
add esi, eax
or byte [edi+18h+1], 3 ; set GE and LE flags
movzx eax, dh
movzx ecx, dl
add ecx, ecx
bts dword [edi+18h], ecx ; set L<i> flag
mov [edi+4+ecx*2], esi ; set DR<i>
shl eax, cl
mov edx, 0xF
shl edx, cl
not edx
and [edi+18h+2], dx
or [edi+18h+2], ax ; set R/W and LEN fields
jmp .set_and_ret
movzx ecx, dl
add ecx, ecx
btr dword [edi+18h], ecx ; clear L<i> flag
push edi
push dword [ebx+12]
call [SetThreadContext]
add esp, 0xB3*4
and dword [esp+20h], 0
add esp, 0xB3*4
push 30h
push aWarning
push aInvalidDataForDR
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
mov dword [esp+20h], 1
lea ebx, [ebp+tls.debuggees]
mov ebx, [ebx]
test ebx, ebx
jz @f
cmp dword [ebx+4], ecx
jnz @b
xchg ebx, [esp+4]
push ebx
call [SuspendThread]
sub esp, 0xB2*4
push 1000Fh
push esp
push ebx
call [GetThreadContext]
mov ax, cs
cmp word [context+0xBC], ax
jnz .ok
cmp dword [context+0xB8], i40_nt
jz .wait
cmp dword [context+0xB8], i40_9x
jb .test2
cmp dword [context+0xB8], safe_to_suspend
ja .test2
add esp, 0xB3*4
push ebx
call [ResumeThread]
push 50
call [Sleep]
jmp .redo
cmp dword [context+0xB8], i40_done
jb .ok
cmp dword [context+0xB8], not_supported_i40_fn
jb .wait
add esp, 0xB3*4
xchg ebx, [esp+4]
ret 4
db 2,'rd'
dd fs_OnRamdisk
dd fs_NextRamdisk
db 7,'ramdisk'
dd fs_OnRamdisk
dd fs_NextRamdisk
; db 2,'fd'
; dd fs_OnFloppy
; dd fs_NextFloppy
; db 10,'floppydisk'
; dd fs_OnFloppy
; dd fs_NextFloppy
db 3,'hd0'
dd fs_OnHd0
dd fs_NextHd0
db 3,'hd1'
dd fs_OnHd1
dd fs_NextHd1
db 3,'hd2'
dd fs_OnHd2
dd fs_NextHd2
db 3,'hd3'
dd fs_OnHd3
dd fs_NextHd3
db 0
dd fs_HasRamdisk
db 'rd',0
; dd fs_HasFloppy
; db 'fd',0
dd fs_HasHd0
db 'hd0',0
dd fs_HasHd1
db 'hd1',0
dd fs_HasHd2
db 'hd2',0
dd fs_HasHd3
db 'hd3',0
dd 0
add ebx, [base]
push 0
; parse file name
lea esi, [ebx+20]
test al, al
jnz @f
mov esi, [esi]
add esi, [base]
jmp @f
push edi
push 0
cmp al, '/'
jz @f
dec esi
mov dword [esp], esi
mov esi, [ebp+tls.cur_dir]
inc esi
jmp @f
pop eax
pop eax
test eax, eax
mov eax, 5 ; file not found
jnz .notfound_retparse
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov eax, [esi]
or eax, ' '
cmp eax, 'sys'
jz .sys1
cmp eax, 'sys/'
jnz @f
inc esi
mov eax, ramdisk_path
add esi, 3
jmp fs_common
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .rootdir
mov edi, rootdirs-8
xor ecx, ecx
push esi
pop esi
add edi, ecx
mov cl, byte [edi]
jecxz .notfound
inc edi
push esi
or al, 20h
loopz @b
jnz .scan1
cmp al, '/'
jz .found1
test al, al
jnz .scan1
pop eax
; directory /xxx
pop eax
pop eax
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov eax, 10 ; access denied
cmp dword [ebx], 1
jnz .access_denied
xor eax, eax
push dword [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
add edx, [base]
push dword [ebx+4] ; first block
mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags
and ebx, 1
mov esi, [edi+4]
; [esp]=first block, [esp+4]=number of blocks, ebx=flags, edx=return area, esi='Next' handler
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
rep stosd
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
call esi
jc .maindir_done
inc dword [edx+8]
dec dword [esp]
jns .maindir_loop
dec dword [esp+4]
js .maindir_loop
inc dword [edx+4]
mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder
mov dword [edi+4], ebx ; name type
push eax
xor eax, eax
add edi, 8
mov ecx, 40/4-2
rep stosd
pop eax
push eax edx
; convert number in eax to decimal ANSI/UNICODE string
push edi
push -'0'
mov cl, 10
xor edx, edx
div ecx
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @b
pop eax
add al, '0'
test bl, 1
jz .ansi_name
xor eax, eax
jnz @b
pop edi
add edi, 520
test bl, 1
jnz @f
sub edi, 520-264
pop edx eax
jmp .maindir_loop
mov ebx, [edx+4]
xor eax, eax
pop ecx ecx
dec ecx
js @f
mov al, 6
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ebx
; directory /
pop eax
pop eax
test eax, eax
jnz .parse_access_denied
cmp dword [ebx], 1 ; read folder?
jz .readroot
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
; virtual root folder - special handler
mov esi, virtual_root_query
push dword [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
add edx, [base]
push dword [ebx+4]
mov ebx, [ebx+8]
xor eax, eax
; eax=0, [esp]=first block, [esp+4]=number of blocks, ebx=flags, edx=return area
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
rep stosd
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
cmp dword [esi], eax
jz .readroot_done
call dword [esi]
add esi, 4
test eax, eax
jnz @f
or ecx, -1
xchg esi, edi
repnz scasb
xchg esi, edi
jmp .readroot_loop
xor eax, eax
inc dword [edx+8]
dec dword [esp]
jns .readroot_next
dec dword [esp+4]
js .readroot_next
inc dword [edx+4]
mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder
mov dword [edi+4], ebx ; name type
add edi, 8
push 40/4-2
pop ecx
rep stosd
push edi
test bl, 1
jz .ansi_name2
mov byte [edi], 0
inc edi
test eax, eax
jnz @b
pop edi
add edi, 520
test bl, 1
jnz @f
sub edi, 520-264
jmp .readroot_loop
mov ebx, [edx+4]
xor eax, eax
pop ecx ecx
dec ecx
js @f
mov al, 6
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ebx
pop eax
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .maindir
; read partition number
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp al, '/'
jz .done1
test al, al
jz .done1
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 9
ja .notfound
imul ecx, 10
add ecx, eax
jmp @b
test ecx, ecx
jz .notfound
test al, al
jnz @f
dec esi
; now [edi] contains handler address, ecx - partition number,
; esi points to ASCIIZ string - rest of name
jmp dword [edi]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov al, 1
@@: ret
push 0
jmp fs_NextHd
push 1
jmp fs_NextHd
push 2
jmp fs_NextHd
push 3
pop ecx
mov ecx, [hd_partitions_num+ecx*4]
cmp eax, ecx
jae .no
inc eax
mov al, 1
cmp [hd_partitions_num], 0
setnz al
cmp [hd_partitions_num+4], 0
setnz al
cmp [hd_partitions_num+8], 0
setnz al
cmp [hd_partitions_num+12], 0
setnz al
cmp ecx, 1
jnz i40_file_system_lfn.notfound
mov eax, ramdisk_path
jmp fs_common
push 0
jmp fs_OnHd
push 1
jmp fs_OnHd
push 2
jmp fs_OnHd
push 3
pop eax
cmp ecx, [hd_partitions_num+eax*4]
jbe @f
pop eax eax
test eax, eax
mov eax, 5
jnz .ret
mov dword [esp+20h], eax
dec ecx
mov eax, [hd_partitions_array+eax*4]
shl ecx, 9
add eax, ecx
cmp byte [eax+511], 0
jz fs_common
; readonly disk - allow only subfunctions 0,1,5,7
cmp dword [ebx], 0
jz fs_common
cmp dword [ebx], 1
jz fs_common
cmp dword [ebx], 5
jz fs_common
cmp dword [ebx], 7
jz fs_common
; access denied!
pop eax eax
test eax, eax
mov eax, 10
jmp .hderr
pop ecx
pop edi
test edi, edi
jnz @f
sub esp, 204h
mov edi, esp
push ecx
push eax
push edi
call [lstrcpyA]
push edi
call [lstrlenA]
pop ecx
push edi
add edi, eax
sub eax, 204h
neg eax
push ecx
push eax
push esi
push edi
call [lstrcpynA]
pop ecx
jecxz .slash_pass
cmp byte [ecx], 0
jz .slash_pass
mov esi, ecx
push edi
call [lstrlenA]
add edi, eax
mov eax, edi
sub eax, [esp]
sub eax, 204h
neg eax
push eax
push esi
push edi
call [lstrcpynA]
mov al, [edi]
test al, al
jz .slash_pass_done
cmp al, '\'
jz .invalid
cmp al, '/'
jnz @f
mov al, '\'
jmp .slash_pass
; delete trailing slashes, if present
dec edi
cmp byte [edi], '\'
jz .slash_pass_done
inc edi
; but do not delete one slash in X:\
pop edi
cmp byte [edi+1], ':'
jnz @f
cmp byte [edi+2], 0
jnz @f
mov word [edi+2], '\'
push edi
push edi
call [OemToCharA]
; now edi -> Win32 path
cmp edi, esp
jz fs_do
xor eax, eax
pop edi
cmp edi, esp
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
push 5
pop eax
cmp dword [ebx], 10
jb @f
add esp, 204h
jmp not_supported_i40_fn
push edi
call [GetFileAttributesA]
mov ecx, dword [ebx]
jmp dword [i40_fs_subfunctions + ecx*4]
dd fs_read
dd fs_read_folder
dd fs_rewrite
dd fs_write
dd fs_setsize
dd fs_getattr
dd fs_setattr
dd fs_execute
dd fs_delete
dd fs_makedir
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
or dword [esp+14h], -1
dec eax
jz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
or dword [esp+14h], -1
push 0
push 0
push 3
push 0
push 1
push 80000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
add esp, 204h
inc eax
jz .access_denied
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
push dword [ebx+8]
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push dword [ebx+4]
push esi
call [SetFilePointer]
inc eax
jnz @f
call [GetLastError]
test eax, eax
jz @f
pop eax
mov dword [esp+20h], 6 ; EOF
and dword [esp+14h], 0 ; no bytes read
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
; mov eax, [limit]
; inc eax
; sub eax, [ebx+16]
; cmp eax, [ebx+12]
; jb @f
; mov eax, [ebx+12]
; push eax
push dword [ebx+12]
mov eax, [ebx+16]
add eax, [base]
push eax
push esi
call [ReadFile]
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp ecx, [ebx+12]
jz @f
mov al, 6 ; EOF
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ecx ; bytes read
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
or dword [esp+14h], -1
push edi
call [lstrlenA]
cmp eax, 202h
jb @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5
or dword [esp+14h], -1
cmp byte [edi+eax-1], '/'
jz @f
cmp byte [edi+eax-1], '\'
jz @f
mov byte [edi+eax], '/'
inc eax
mov word [edi+eax], '*'
cmp byte [esi], 0
mov esi, 2
jz @f
xor esi, esi
sub esp, 140h ; sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAA)
push esp
push edi
call [FindFirstFileA]
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 140h+204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
or dword [esp+14h], -1
dec eax
push dword [ebx+8] ; flags
push dword [ebx+4] ; 1st block
push dword [ebx+12] ; number of blocks
mov edi, [ebx+16] ; buffer
add edi, [base]
push edi
xchg eax, ebx
mov ecx, 32/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov byte [edi-32], 1 ; version
test esi, 2
jz .noroot
cmp word [esp+16+44], '.'
jz .cont
cmp word [esp+16+44], '..'
jnz .noroot
cmp byte [esp+16+46], 0
jz .cont
pop eax
push eax
inc dword [eax+8] ; new file found
dec dword [esp+8]
jns .cont
dec dword [esp+4]
js .cont
inc dword [eax+4] ; new file copied
mov eax, [esp+16] ; attributes
and eax, 3Fh
mov al, [esp+12] ; name type
and eax, 1
lea eax, [esp+16+4]
call get_bdfe_time
lea eax, [esp+16+12]
call get_bdfe_time
lea eax, [esp+16+20]
call get_bdfe_time
mov eax, [esp+16+32]
mov eax, [esp+16+28]
lea eax, [esp+16+44]
test byte [esp+12], 1
jz .name_ansi
push 260
push edi
push -1
push eax
push 0
push 0
call [MultiByteToWideChar]
add edi, 260*2
jmp .cont
push edi
push eax
call [CharToOemA]
add edi, 264
lea eax, [esp+16]
push eax
push ebx
call [FindNextFileA]
test eax, eax
jnz .loop
push ebx
call [FindClose]
pop edx
mov ebx, [edx+4]
xor eax, eax
pop ecx
dec ecx
js @f
mov al, 6
add esp, 140h+204h+8
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ebx
sub esp, 10h
push esp
push eax
call [FileTimeToSystemTime]
mov ax, [esp+8]
shl eax, 16
mov ah, [esp+10]
mov al, [esp+12]
mov ax, [esp+0]
shl eax, 16
mov ah, [esp+2]
mov al, [esp+6]
add esp, 10h
sub esp, 10h
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+12], ax
mov [esp+10], ax
mov [esp+8], ax
mov ah, 0
mov [esp+6], ax
mov [esp+2], ax
mov [esp+0], ax
mov eax, esp
push edi
push eax
call [SystemTimeToFileTime]
add esp, 10h
add edi, 8
push 0
push 80h
push 2
push 0
push 0
push 40000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
add esp, 204h
inc eax
jnz @f
mov dword [esp+20h], 10
and dword [esp+14h], 0
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push dword [ebx+12]
mov eax, [ebx+16]
add eax, [base]
push eax
push esi
call [WriteFile]
pop ebx
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov [esp+14h], ebx
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
or dword [esp+14h], -1
dec eax
jz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
or dword [esp+14h], -1
push 0
push 0
push 3
push 0
push 1
push 40000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
add esp, 204h
inc eax
jz .access_denied
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
push dword [ebx+8]
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push dword [ebx+4]
push esi
call [SetFilePointer]
inc eax
jnz @f
call [GetLastError]
test eax, eax
jz @f
pop eax
mov dword [esp+20h], 6 ; EOF
and dword [esp+14h], 0 ; no bytes read
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
mov eax, [limit]
inc eax
sub eax, [ebx+16]
cmp eax, [ebx+12]
jb @f
mov eax, [ebx+12]
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+16]
add eax, [base]
push eax
push esi
call [WriteFile]
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp ecx, [ebx+12]
jz @f
mov al, 6 ; EOF
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov [esp+14h], ecx ; bytes read
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
or dword [esp+14h], -1
dec eax
jz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
or dword [esp+14h], -1
push 0
push 0
push 3
push 0
push 1
push 40000000h
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
add esp, 204h
inc eax
jz .access_denied
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
push dword [ebx+8]
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push dword [ebx+4]
push esi
call [SetFilePointer]
inc eax
jnz @f
call [GetLastError]
test eax, eax
jz @f
pop eax
mov dword [esp+20h], 6 ; EOF
mov dword [esp+14h], 1234567h ; destroy ebx
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
pop ecx
push esi
call [SetEndOfFile]
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov dword [esp+14h], 234567h ; destroy ebx
push esi
call [CloseHandle]
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
mov dword [esp+14h], 12345678h
; Win32 does not allow to read attributes of root directories through FindFirstFile.
; Moreover, on FAT systems the root directory simply does not contain attributes.
; The current kernel implementation in Kolibri returns error eax = 2.
; Let it be.
cmp word [edi+1], ':\'
jnz @f
cmp byte [edi+3], 0
jnz @f
; The program requests root directory. Return eax=2.
; N.B. All previous words are related to the case when Kolibri-disk is mapped to
; real disk, /hdi/j = N:\. Otherwise, it is possible to get real attributes
; of root directory, and emulator will do so (in another branch).
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 2
jmp .ret_destroy_ebx
sub esp, 140h ; sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAA)
push esp
push edi
call [FindFirstFileA]
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 140h+204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
mov dword [esp+14h], 12345678h
dec eax
push eax
call [FindClose]
mov edi, [ebx+16]
add edi, [base]
pop eax ; attributes
and eax, 3Fh
xor eax, eax
mov eax, esp
call get_bdfe_time
lea eax, [esp+12-4]
call get_bdfe_time
lea eax, [esp+20-4]
call get_bdfe_time
mov eax, [esp+32-4]
mov eax, [esp+28-4]
add esp, 140h-4+204h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
mov dword [esp+14h], 12345678h
inc eax
jz fs_getattr.notfound
mov esi, [ebx+16]
add esi, [base]
push eax ; remember attributes
push edi
call [SetFileAttributesA]
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0x40000000 ; GENERIC_WRITE
push edi
call [CreateFileA]
mov ebx, eax
inc eax
jnz @f
push edi
call [SetFileAttributesA]
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 10
sub esp, 8*3
mov edi, esp
call from_bdfe_time
call from_bdfe_time
call from_bdfe_time
lea eax, [esp+16]
push eax
sub eax, 8
push eax
sub eax, 8
push eax
push ebx
call [SetFileTime]
add esp, 8*3
push ebx
call [CloseHandle]
push edi
call [SetFileAttributesA]
add esp, 204h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], -5 ; file not found
or dword [esp+14h], -1
mov eax, [ebx+4]
mov esi, [ebx+8]
call notify_run_prg
add esp, 204h
mov [esp+20h], eax
mov dword [esp+14h], 23456789h
inc eax
jnz @f
add esp, 204h
mov dword [esp+20h], 5 ; file not found
mov dword [esp+14h], 0x12345678
dec eax
test al, 10h
jnz .directory
push edi
call [DeleteFileA]
add esp, 204h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
test eax, eax
jnz .ret
mov byte [esp+20h], 10 ; access denied
jmp .ret
push edi
call [RemoveDirectoryA]
jmp @b
push 0
push edi
call [CreateDirectoryA]
add esp, 204h
and dword [esp+20h], 0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call [GetLastError]
jz @f
mov byte [esp+20h], 10
cmp ebx, 1
jnz not_supported_i40_fn
mov [ebp+tls.caption], ecx
or byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3], 10h
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
push eax
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
mov edi, eax
; redraw caption
mov al, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and eax, 0xF
dec eax
js .type1
jz .nodraw
dec eax
jz .type2
call draw_caption_skinned
call draw_caption_string
call [ReleaseDC]
call draw_caption_type1
jmp .str
call draw_caption_type2
jmp .str