kolibrios/programs/develop/open watcom/trunk/clib/search/qsortr_s.c
Sergey Semyonov (Serge) 836c97f0ac Clib string & memory functions
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@553 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2007-06-26 00:54:22 +00:00

361 lines
16 KiB

* Open Watcom Project
* Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* governing rights and limitations under the License.
* ========================================================================
* Description: Implementation of qsort_s() - bounds-checking qsort().
* Included by qsort_s.c.
/* Support OS/2 16-bit protected mode - will never get stack overflow */
#define MAXDEPTH (sizeof( long ) * 8)
#define SHELL 3 /* Shell constant used in shell sort */
typedef int WORD;
#define W sizeof( WORD )
swap() is a macro that chooses between an in_line function call and
an exchange macro.
#define exch( a, b, t) ( t = a, a = b, b = t )
#define swap( a, b ) \
swaptype != 0 ? BYTESWAP( a, b, size ) : \
( void ) exch( *( WORD* )( a ), *( WORD* )( b ), t )
Note: The following assembly was timed against several other methods
of doing the same thing. The pragmas here were either fastest on all
machines tested, or fastest on most machines tested. (including an 8088,
386 16mhz, 386 33mhz, and 486 25mhz).
#if defined( __386__ )
/* this is intended for 386 only... */
void inline_swap( char *p, char *q, size_t size );
#pragma aux inline_swap = \
0x06 /* push es */ \
0x1e /* push ds */ \
0x07 /* pop es */ \
0x0f 0xb6 0xd1 /* movzx edx,cl */ \
0xc1 0xe9 0x02 /* shr ecx,02H */ \
0x74 0x0b /* je L1 */ \
0x8b 0x07 /*L2 mov eax,[edi] */ \
0x87 0x06 /* xchg eax,[esi] */ \
0xab /* stosd */ \
0x83 0xc6 0x04 /* add esi,0004H */ \
0x49 /* dec ecx */ \
0x75 0xf5 /* jne L2 */ \
0x80 0xe2 0x03 /*L1 and dl,03H */ \
0x74 0x09 /* je L3 */ \
0x8a 0x07 /*L4 mov al,[edi] */ \
0x86 0x06 /* xchg al,[esi] */ \
0xaa /* stosb */ \
0x46 /* inc esi */ \
0x4a /* dec edx */ \
0x75 0xf7 /* jne L4 */ \
/*L3 */ \
0x07 /* pop es */ \
parm caller [esi] [edi] [ecx] \
value \
modify exact [esi edi ecx eax edx];
#pragma aux byteswap parm [esi] [edi] [ecx] \
modify exact [esi edi ecx eax edx];
static void _WCNEAR byteswap( char *p, char *q, size_t size ) {
inline_swap( p, q, size );
#elif defined( M_I86 ) && defined( __BIG_DATA__ )
void inline_swap( char _WCFAR *p, char _WCFAR *q, size_t size );
#pragma aux inline_swap = \
0x1e /* push ds */ \
0x8e 0xda /* mov ds,dx */ \
0xd1 0xe9 /* shr cx,1 */ \
0x74 0x0b /* je L1 */ \
0x26 0x8b 0x05 /*L2 mov ax,es:[di] */ \
0x87 0x04 /* xchg ax,[si] */ \
0xab /* stosw */ \
0x46 /* inc si */ \
0x46 /* inc si */ \
0x49 /* dec cx */ \
0x75 0xf5 /* jne L2 */ \
0x73 0x07 /*L1 jnc L3 */ \
0x8a 0x04 /* mov al,[si] */ \
0x26 0x86 0x05 /* xchg al,es:[di] */ \
0x88 0x04 /* mov [si],al */ \
0x1f /*L3 pop ds */ \
parm caller [dx si] [es di] [cx] \
value \
modify exact [si di cx ax];
#pragma aux byteswap parm [dx si] [es di] [cx] modify exact [si di cx ax];
static void _WCNEAR byteswap( char _WCFAR *p, char _WCFAR *q, size_t size ) {
inline_swap( p, q, size );
#elif defined( M_I86 ) && defined( __SMALL_DATA__ )
/* we'll ask for char __far *q to save us writing code to load es */
void inline_swap( char *p, char _WCFAR *q, size_t size );
#pragma aux inline_swap = \
0xd1 0xe9 /* shr cx,1 */ \
0x74 0x0b /* je L1 */ \
0x26 0x8b 0x05 /*L2 mov ax,es:[di] */ \
0x87 0x04 /* xchg ax,[si] */ \
0xab /* stosw */ \
0x46 /* inc si */ \
0x46 /* inc si */ \
0x49 /* dec cx */ \
0x75 0xf5 /* jne L2 */ \
0x73 0x07 /*L1 jnc L3 */ \
0x8a 0x04 /* mov al,[si] */ \
0x26 0x86 0x05 /* xchg al,es:[di] */ \
0x88 0x04 /* mov [si],al */ \
/*L3 */ \
parm caller [si] [es di] [cx] \
value \
modify exact [si di cx ax];
#pragma aux byteswap parm [si] [es di] [cx] modify exact [si di cx ax];
static void _WCNEAR byteswap( char *p, char _WCFAR *q, size_t size ) {
inline_swap( p, q, size );
/* this is an optimized version of a simple byteswap */
#define inline_swap BYTESWAP
static void _WCNEAR BYTESWAP( PTRATTR char *p, PTRATTR char *q, size_t size ) {
long dword;
short word;
char byte;
#if 1 /* this is for 32 bit machines */
while( size > 3 ) {
dword = *(PTRATTR long *)p;
*(PTRATTR long *)p = *(PTRATTR long *)q;
*(PTRATTR long *)q = dword;
p += 4;
q += 4;
size -= 4;
if( size > 1 ) {
word = *(PTRATTR short *)p;
*(PTRATTR short *)p = *(PTRATTR short *)q;
*(PTRATTR short *)q = word;
p += 2;
q += 2;
size -= 2;
#else /* this is for 16 bit machines */
while( size > 1 ) {
word = *(PTRATTR short *)p;
*(PTRATTR short *)p = *(PTRATTR short *)q;
*(PTRATTR short *)q = word;
p += 2;
q += 2;
size -= 2;
if( size ) {
byte = *p;
*p = *q;
*q = byte;
rsize_t n, rsize_t size,
int (*compar)( const void *, const void *, void * ),
void *context )
PTRATTR char *base = (PTRATTR char*) in_base;
PTRATTR char *p1;
PTRATTR char *p2;
PTRATTR char *pa;
PTRATTR char *pb;
PTRATTR char *pc;
PTRATTR char *pd;
PTRATTR char *pn;
PTRATTR char *pv;
PTRATTR char *mid;
WORD v; /* used in pivot initialization */
WORD t; /* used in exch() macro */
int comparison, swaptype, shell;
size_t count, r, s;
unsigned sp;
auto char *base_stack[MAXDEPTH];
unsigned n_stack[MAXDEPTH];
qcomp *cmp = (qcomp*)compar;
errno_t rc = -1;
/* runtime-constraints */
// n <= RSIZE_MAX
// size <= RSIZE_MAX
// if n > 0 then in_base, compar not NULL
if( __check_constraint_maxsize( n ) &&
__check_constraint_maxsize( size ) &&
((n == 0) || __check_constraint_nullptr( in_base ) &&
__check_constraint_nullptr( compar )) ) {
if( n == 0 ) { /* empty array - nothing to do */
return( 0 );
Initialization of the swaptype variable, which determines which
type of swapping should be performed when swap() is called.
0 for single-word swaps, 1 for general swapping by words, and
2 for swapping by bytes. W (it's a macro) = sizeof(WORD).
swaptype = ( ( base - (char *)0 ) | size ) % W ? 2 : size > W ? 1 : 0;
sp = 0;
for( ;; ) {
while( n > 1 ) {
if( n < 16 ) { /* 2-shell sort on smallest arrays */
for( shell = (size * SHELL) ;
shell > 0 ;
shell -= ((SHELL-1) * size) ) {
p1 = base + shell;
for( ; p1 < base + n * size; p1 += shell ) {
for( p2 = p1;
p2 > base && cmp( p2 - shell, p2, context ) > 0;
p2 -= shell ) {
swap( p2, p2 - shell );
} else { /* n >= 16 */
/* Small array (15 < n < 30), mid element */
mid = base + (n >> 1) * size;
if( n > 29 ) {
p1 = base;
p2 = base + ( n - 1 ) * size;
if( n > 42 ) { /* Big array, pseudomedian of 9 */
s = (n >> 3) * size;
p1 = MED3( p1, p1 + s, p1 + (s << 1), cmp, context );
mid = MED3( mid - s, mid, mid + s, cmp, context );
p2 = MED3( p2 - (s << 1), p2 - s, p2, cmp, context );
/* Mid-size (29 < n < 43), med of 3 */
mid = MED3( p1, mid, p2, cmp, context );
The following sets up the pivot (pv) for partitioning.
It's better to store the pivot value out of line
instead of swapping it to base. However, it's
inconvenient in C unless the element size is fixed.
So, only the important special case of word-size
objects has utilized it.
if( swaptype != 0 ) { /* Not word-size objects */
pv = base;
swap( pv, mid );
} else { /* Storing the pivot out of line (at v) */
pv = (char *)&v;
v = *(WORD *)mid;
pa = pb = base;
pc = pd = base + ( n - 1 ) * size;
count = n;
count keeps track of how many entries we have
examined. Once we have looked at all the entries
then we know that the partitioning is complete.
We use count to terminate the looping, rather than
a pointer comparison, to handle 16bit pointer
limitations that may lead pb or pc to wrap.
i.e. pc = 0x0000;
pc -= 0x0004;
pc == 0xfffc;
pc is no longer less that 0x0000;
for( ;; ) {
while( count && (comparison = cmp(pb, pv, context )) <= 0 ) {
if( comparison == 0 ) {
swap( pa, pb );
pa += size;
pb += size;
while( count && (comparison = cmp(pc, pv, context )) >= 0 ) {
if( comparison == 0 ) {
swap( pc, pd );
pd -= size;
pc -= size;
if( !count ) break;
swap( pb, pc );
pb += size;
if( !count ) break;
pc -= size;
pn = base + n * size;
s = min( pa - base, pb - pa );
if( s > 0 ) {
inline_swap( base, pb - s, s );
s = min( pd - pc, pn - pd - size);
if( s > 0 ) {
inline_swap( pb, pn - s, s );
/* Now, base to (pb-pa) needs to be sorted */
/* Also, pn-(pd-pc) needs to be sorted */
/* The middle 'chunk' contains all elements=pivot value */
r = pb - pa;
s = pd - pc;
if( s >= r ) { /* Stack up the larger chunk */
base_stack[sp] = pn - s; /* Stack up base */
n_stack[sp] = s / size; /* Stack up n */
n = r / size; /* Set up n for next 'call' */
/* next base is still base */
} else {
if( r <= size ) break;
base_stack[sp] = base; /* Stack up base */
n_stack[sp] = r / size; /* Stack up n */
base = pn - s; /* Set up base and n for */
n = s / size; /* next 'call' */
if( sp == 0 ) break;
base = base_stack[sp];
n = n_stack[sp];
rc = 0;
return( rc );