Rustem Gimadutdinov (rgimad) 2359531a17 [KERNEL] #3 Preparing to merge legacy TASKDATA into APPDATA:
- get rid of CURRENT_TASK
- to APPDATA added new fields which will be used instead of TASKDATA's
- other small fixes

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@8869 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2021-06-17 09:41:16 +00:00

2493 lines
76 KiB

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2021. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;///// public functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.BORDER_SIZE = 5
common_colours rd 48
draw_limits RECT
syscall_draw_window: ;///// system function 0 /////////////////////////////////
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 24
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 5
jae .exit
push eax
call window._.sys_set_window
pop eax
or al, al
jnz @f
; type I - original style
call drawwindow_I
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
dec al
jnz @f
; type II - only reserve area, no draw
call __sys_draw_pointer
jmp .exit
dec al
jnz @f
; type III - new style
call drawwindow_III
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
; type IV & V - skinned window (resizable & not)
mov eax, [thread_count]
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
cmp eax, [current_slot_idx]
setz al
movzx eax, al
push eax
call drawwindow_IV
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
syscall_display_settings: ;///// system function 48 ///////////////////////////
cmp ebx, 13
ja .ret
jmp dword[.ftable + ebx*4]
align 4
dd .redrawWholeScreen
dd .setButtonStyle
dd .setSystemColors
dd .getSystemColors
dd .getCaptionHeight
dd .getScreenWorkingArea
dd .setScreenWorkingArea
dd .getSkinMargins
dd .setSkin
dd .getFontSmoothing
dd .setFontSmoothing
dd .getFontSize
dd .setFontSize
dd .setSkinUnicode
xor eax, eax
inc ebx
cmp [windowtypechanged], ebx
jne .ret
mov [windowtypechanged], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
mov [draw_limits.top], eax
mov eax, [_display.width]
dec eax
mov [draw_limits.right], eax
mov eax, [_display.height]
dec eax
mov [draw_limits.bottom], eax
mov eax, window_data
jmp redrawscreen
; in: ecx: 0 = flat, 1 = with gradient
and ecx, 1
cmp ecx, [buttontype]
je .ret
mov [buttontype], ecx
mov [windowtypechanged], ebx
; in: ecx = pointer to color table, edx = size of color table
dec ebx
mov esi, ecx
cmp edx, 192
jnae @f
mov edx, 192 ; max size
stdcall is_region_userspace, esi, edx ;
jnz @f ;
ret ;
mov edi, common_colours
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
mov [windowtypechanged], ebx
; in: ecx = pointer to color table, edx = size of color table
mov edi, ecx
cmp edx, 192
jnae @f
mov edx, 192 ; max size
stdcall is_region_userspace, edi, edx
jnz @f
mov esi, common_colours
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [esp + 32], eax
; out: eax = pack[left, right], ebx = pack[top, bottom]
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left - 2]
mov ax, word[screen_workarea.right]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov eax, [screen_workarea.top - 2]
mov ax, word[screen_workarea.bottom]
mov [esp + 20], eax
; in: ecx = pack[left, right], edx = pack[top, bottom]
xor esi, esi
mov edi, [_display.width]
dec edi
mov eax, ecx
movsx ebx, ax
sar eax, 16
cmp eax, ebx
jge .check_horizontal
inc esi
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
mov [screen_workarea.left], eax
cmp ebx, edi
jle @f
mov ebx, edi
mov [screen_workarea.right], ebx
mov edi, [_display.height]
dec edi
mov eax, edx
movsx ebx, ax
sar eax, 16
cmp eax, ebx
jge .check_if_redraw_needed
inc esi
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
mov [screen_workarea.top], eax
cmp ebx, edi
jle @f
mov ebx, edi
mov [screen_workarea.bottom], ebx
or esi, esi
jz @f
call repos_windows
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [_display.width]
mov edx, [_display.height]
dec ecx
dec edx
jmp calculatescreen
; out: eax = pack[left, right], ebx = pack[top, bottom]
mov eax, [_skinmargins + 0]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov eax, [_skinmargins + 4]
mov [esp + 20], eax
; in: ecx -> file path string
mov ebx, ecx
call read_skin_file
mov [esp + 32], eax
test eax, eax
jnz .ret
call .calculateScreen
jmp .redrawScreen
xor eax, eax
mov al, [fontSmoothing]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov [fontSmoothing], cl
xor eax, eax
mov al, [fontSize]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov [fontSize], cl
; in: ecx -> file path string, edx = string encoding
push ecx edx
stdcall kernel_alloc, maxPathLength
mov edi, eax
pop eax esi
push edi
call getFullPath
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov ebx, [esp]
call read_skin_file
mov [esp + 32 + 4], eax
call kernel_free
call .calculateScreen
jmp .redrawScreen
syscall_set_window_shape: ;///// system function 50 ///////////////////////////
;; Set window shape address:
;> ebx = 0
;> ecx = shape data address
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set window shape scale:
;> ebx = 1
;> ecx = scale power (resulting scale is 2^ebx)
mov edi, [current_slot]
test ebx, ebx
jne .shape_scale
mov [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape], ecx
align 4
dec ebx
jnz .exit
mov [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape_scale], ecx
align 4
align 4
syscall_move_window: ;///// system function 67 ////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov edi, [current_slot_idx]
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
jz .exit
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MAXIMIZED
jnz .exit
cmp ebx, -1
jne @f
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
align 4
cmp ecx, -1
jne @f
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
align 4
cmp edx, -1
jne @f
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
align 4
cmp esi, -1
jne @f
mov esi, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
align 4
push esi edx ecx ebx
mov eax, esp
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
align 4
jz @f
call change_task
jmp @b
align 4
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
syscall_window_settings: ;///// system function 71 ////////////////////////////
mov edi, [current_slot_idx]
shl edi, 5
or [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_HASCAPTION
cmp ebx, 2
jz @f
xor edx, edx
cmp dl, 4
jc @f
xor edx, edx
mov [edi*8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_caption], ecx
mov [edi*8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.captionEncoding], dl
jmp window._.draw_window_caption
align 4
set_window_defaults: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov byte [window_data + 0x20 + WDATA.cl_titlebar + 3], 1 ; desktop is not movable
push eax ecx
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, WIN_STACK
align 4
inc eax
add ecx, 2
; process no
mov [ecx + 0x000], ax
; positions in stack
mov [ecx + 0x400], ax
cmp ecx, WIN_POS - 2
jne @b
pop ecx eax
align 4
calculatescreen: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Scan all windows from bottom to top, calling `setscreen` for each one
;? intersecting given screen area
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
push esi
mov esi, 1
call window._.set_screen
push ebp
mov ebp, [thread_count]
cmp ebp, 1
jbe .exit
push eax ;for num layout
push edx ecx ebx eax
mov dword[esp+10h], ZPOS_DESKTOP
align 4
mov esi, 1 ; = num in window stack
mov ebp, [thread_count]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5 ;size of TASKDATA and WDATA = 32 bytes
cmp byte [TASK_TABLE + edi + TASKDATA.state], TSTATE_FREE
je .skip_window
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .skip_window
mov eax, [esp+10h]
cmp [edi + WDATA.z_modif], al
jne .skip_window
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.right]
jg .skip_window
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
cmp ebx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jg .skip_window
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
add ecx, eax
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.left]
jl .skip_window
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
add edx, ebx
cmp edx, [esp + RECT.top]
jl .skip_window
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.left]
jae @f
mov eax, [esp + RECT.left]
align 4
cmp ebx, [esp + RECT.top]
jae @f
mov ebx, [esp + RECT.top]
align 4
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
align 4
cmp edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jbe @f
mov edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
align 4
push esi
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
pop esi
align 4
inc esi
dec ebp
jnz .next_window
inc dword[esp+10h]
cmp dword[esp+10h], ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP
jle .layout
mov esi, [thread_count]
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
pop eax ebx ecx edx
pop ebp ;del num layout
align 4
pop ebp
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
pop esi
align 4
repos_windows: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov ecx, [thread_count]
mov edi, window_data + sizeof.WDATA * 2
call force_redraw_background
dec ecx
jle .exit
align 4
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MAXIMIZED
jnz .fix_maximized
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
add eax, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
mov ebx, [_display.width]
cmp eax, ebx
jl .fix_vertical
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
sub eax, ebx
jl @f
mov [edi + WDATA.box.width], ebx
align 4
sub ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
mov [edi + WDATA.box.left], ebx
align 4
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
add eax, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
mov ebx, [_display.height]
cmp eax, ebx
jl .fix_client_box
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
sub eax, ebx
jl @f
mov [edi + WDATA.box.height], ebx
align 4
sub ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
mov [edi + WDATA.box.top], ebx
align 4
call window._.set_window_clientbox
add edi, sizeof.WDATA
loop .next_window
align 4
align 4
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left]
mov [edi + WDATA.box.left], eax
sub eax, [screen_workarea.right]
neg eax
mov [edi + WDATA.box.width], eax
mov eax, [screen_workarea.top]
mov [edi + WDATA.box.top], eax
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_ROLLEDUP
jnz .fix_client_box
sub eax, [screen_workarea.bottom]
neg eax
mov [edi + WDATA.box.height], eax
jmp .fix_client_box
align 4
draw_rectangle: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = pack[16(left), 16(right)]
;> ebx = pack[16(top), 16(bottom)]
;> esi = color
; ?? RR GG BB ; 0x01000000 negation
; ; 0x02000000 used for draw_rectangle without top line
; ; for example drawwindow_III and drawwindow_IV
push eax ebx ecx edi
xor edi, edi
align 4
push ebx
; set line color
mov ecx, esi
; draw top border
rol ebx, 16
push ebx
rol ebx, 16
pop bx
test ecx, 1 shl 25
jnz @f
sub ecx, 1 shl 25
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
align 4
; draw bottom border
mov ebx, [esp - 2]
pop bx
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
pop ebx
add ebx, 1 * 65536 - 1
; draw left border
rol eax, 16
push eax
rol eax, 16
pop ax
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
; draw right border
mov eax, [esp - 2]
pop ax
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
pop edi ecx ebx eax
align 4
push eax ebx ecx edi
xor edi, edi
inc edi
jmp .flags_set
align 4
drawwindow_I_caption: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
push [edx + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
mov esi, edx
mov edx, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
mov eax, edx
lea ebx, [edx + 21]
inc edx
add eax, [esi + WDATA.box.height]
cmp ebx, eax
jbe @f
mov ebx, eax
align 4
push ebx
xor edi, edi
align 4
mov ebx, edx
shl ebx, 16
add ebx, edx
mov eax, [esi + WDATA.box.left]
inc eax
shl eax, 16
add eax, [esi + WDATA.box.left]
add eax, [esi + WDATA.box.width]
dec eax
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
test ecx, 0x80000000
jz @f
sub ecx, 0x00040404
mov [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar], ecx
align 4
and ecx, 0x00ffffff
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
inc edx
cmp edx, [esp]
jb .next_line
add esp, 4
pop [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
align 4
drawwindow_I: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; window border
mov eax, [edx + WDATA.box.left - 2]
mov ax, word[edx + WDATA.box.left]
add ax, word[edx + WDATA.box.width]
mov ebx, [edx + WDATA.box.top - 2]
mov bx, word[edx + WDATA.box.top]
add bx, word[edx + WDATA.box.height]
mov esi, [edx + WDATA.cl_frames]
call draw_rectangle
; window caption
call drawwindow_I_caption
; window client area
; do we need to draw it?
mov edi, [esi + WDATA.cl_workarea]
test edi, 0x40000000
jnz .exit
; does client area have a positive size on screen?
cmp [esi + WDATA.box.height], 21
jle .exit
; okay, let's draw it
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 21
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.box.width]
mov edx, [esi + WDATA.box.height]
; call [drawbar]
call vesa20_drawbar
align 4
align 4
drawwindow_III_caption: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov ecx, [edx + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
push ecx
mov esi, edx
mov edx, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
add edx, 4
mov ebx, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
add ebx, 20
mov eax, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
add eax, [esi + WDATA.box.height]
cmp ebx, eax
jb @f
mov ebx, eax
align 4
push ebx
xor edi, edi
align 4
mov ebx, edx
shl ebx, 16
add ebx, edx
mov eax, [esi + WDATA.box.left]
shl eax, 16
add eax, [esi + WDATA.box.left]
add eax, [esi + WDATA.box.width]
add eax, 4 * 65536 - 4
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz @f
add ecx, 0x00040404
align 4
test ecx, 0x80000000
jz @f
sub ecx, 0x00040404
align 4
mov [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar], ecx
and ecx, 0x00ffffff
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
inc edx
cmp edx, [esp]
jb .next_line
add esp, 4
pop [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
align 4
drawwindow_III: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; window border
mov eax, [edx + WDATA.box.left - 2]
mov ax, word[edx + WDATA.box.left]
add ax, word[edx + WDATA.box.width]
mov ebx, [edx + WDATA.box.top - 2]
mov bx, word[edx + WDATA.box.top]
add bx, word[edx + WDATA.box.height]
mov esi, [edx + WDATA.cl_frames]
shr esi, 1
and esi, 0x007f7f7f
call draw_rectangle
push esi
mov ecx, 3
mov esi, [edx + WDATA.cl_frames]
align 4
add eax, 1 * 65536 - 1
add ebx, 1 * 65536 - 1
call draw_rectangle
dec ecx
jnz .next_frame
pop esi
add eax, 1 * 65536 - 1
add ebx, 1 * 65536 - 1
call draw_rectangle
; window caption
call drawwindow_III_caption
; window client area
; do we need to draw it?
mov edi, [esi + WDATA.cl_workarea]
test edi, 0x40000000
jnz .exit
; does client area have a positive size on screen?
mov edx, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
add edx, 21 + 5
mov ebx, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
add ebx, [esi + WDATA.box.height]
cmp edx, ebx
jg .exit
; okay, let's draw it
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, 20
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.box.width]
mov edx, [esi + WDATA.box.height]
sub ecx, 4
sub edx, 4
; call [drawbar]
call vesa20_drawbar
align 4
align 4
waredraw: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Activate window, redrawing if necessary
push -1
mov eax, [thread_count]
lea eax, [WIN_POS + eax * 2]
cmp eax, esi
pop eax
je .exit
; is it overlapped by another window now?
push ecx
call window._.check_window_draw
test ecx, ecx
pop ecx
jz .do_not_draw
; yes it is, activate and update screen buffer
call window._.window_activate
mov edi, [thread_count]
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + edi * 2]
shl esi, 5
add esi, window_data
mov eax, [esi + WDATA.box.left]
mov ebx, [esi + WDATA.box.top]
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.box.width]
mov edx, [esi + WDATA.box.height]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
mov edi, [thread_count]
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + edi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
call window._.set_top_wnd
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
; tell application to redraw itself
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
xor eax, eax
jmp .exit
align 4
; no it's not, just activate the window
call window._.window_activate
xor eax, eax
align 4
inc eax
align 4
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
xor edx, edx
mov eax, 2 ; we do not minimize the kernel thread N1
mov ebx, [thread_count]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
shl edi, 5
; it is a unused slot?
je @f
; it is a hidden thread?
lea esi, [edi*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.app_name]
cmp [esi], byte '@'
je @f
; is it already minimized?
test [edi + window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz @f
; no it's not, let's do that
or [edi + window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
inc edx
align 4
inc eax
cmp eax, ebx
jbe .loop
; If nothing has changed
test edx, edx
jz @f
push edx
call syscall_display_settings.calculateScreen
call syscall_display_settings.redrawScreen
pop edx
align 4
mov eax, edx
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
align 4
minimize_window: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = window number on screen
;# corrupts [dl*]
push edi
; is it already minimized?
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .exit
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
; no it's not, let's do that
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
; If the window width is 0, then the action is not needed.
cmp [edi + WDATA.box.width], dword 0
je @f
; If the window height is 0, then the action is not needed.
cmp [edi + WDATA.box.height], dword 0
je @f
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
mov [draw_limits.right], ecx
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
mov [draw_limits.top], ebx
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], edx
; DEBUGF 1, "K : minimize_window\n"
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_left %x\n",[draw_limits.left]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_right %x\n",[draw_limits.right]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_top %x\n",[draw_limits.top]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_bottom %x\n",[draw_limits.bottom]
call calculatescreen
; xor esi, esi
; xor eax, eax
mov eax, edi
call redrawscreen
align 4
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
pop edi
align 4
restore_minimized_window: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = window number on screen
;# corrupts [dl*]
; is it already restored?
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jz .exit
; no it's not, let's do that
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
and [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], not WSTATE_MINIMIZED
mov ebp, window._.set_screen
cmp eax, [thread_count]
jz @f
mov ebp, calculatescreen
align 4
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call ebp
cmp ebp, window._.set_screen
jne @f
call window._.set_top_wnd
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
align 4
; TODO: remove this proc
window_check_events: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; do we have window minimize/restore request?
cmp [window_minimize], 0
je .exit
; okay, minimize or restore top-most window and exit
mov eax, [thread_count]
mov bl, 0
xchg [window_minimize], bl
dec bl
jnz @f
call minimize_window
jmp .exit
align 4
call restore_minimized_window
align 4
align 4
sys_window_maximize_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> esi = process slot
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
; can window change its height?
; only types 2 and 3 can be resized
mov dl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
test dl, 2
jz .exit
; toggle normal/maximized window state
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
; calculate and set appropriate window bounds
jz .restore_size
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left]
mov ecx, [screen_workarea.top]
push [screen_workarea.bottom] \
[screen_workarea.right] \
ecx \
sub [esp + BOX.width], eax
sub [esp + BOX.height], ecx
mov eax, esp
jmp .set_box
align 4
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 8
add eax, SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.saved_box
push [eax + BOX.height] \
[eax + BOX.width] \
[eax + BOX.top] \
[eax + BOX.left]
mov eax, esp
align 4
jz @f
xchg eax, ecx
call window._.get_rolledup_height
mov [ecx + BOX.height], eax
xchg eax, ecx
align 4
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
align 4
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
sys_window_rollup_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> esi = process slot
mov edx, esi
shl edx, 8
add edx, SLOT_BASE
; toggle normal/rolled up window state
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
; calculate and set appropriate window bounds
jz .restore_size
call window._.get_rolledup_height
push eax \
[edi + WDATA.box.width] \
[edi + WDATA.box.top] \
[edi + WDATA.box.left]
mov eax, esp
jmp .set_box
align 4
jnz @f
add esp, -sizeof.BOX
lea eax, [edx + APPDATA.saved_box]
jmp .set_box
align 4
mov eax, [screen_workarea.top]
push [screen_workarea.bottom] \
[edi + WDATA.box.width] \
eax \
[edi + WDATA.box.left]
sub [esp + BOX.height], eax
mov eax, esp
align 4
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
align 4
;sys_window_start_moving_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> esi = process slot
; mov edi, eax
; call window._.draw_negative_box
; ret
align 4
sys_window_end_moving_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> ebx = new (final) window box
;> esi = process slot
; mov edi, ebx
; call window._.end_moving__box
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [fl_moving], 1
jz @f
push edi
mov edi, ebx
call window._.draw_negative_box
pop edi
mov eax, ebx
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
call window._.set_window_box
align 4
sys_window_moving_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (from previous call) window box
;> ebx = new (current) window box
;> esi = process_slot
mov edi, eax
call window._.draw_negative_box
mov edi, ebx
call window._.draw_negative_box
;///// private functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
align 4
window_topleft dd \
1, 21, \ ;type 0
0, 0, \ ;type 1
5, 20, \ ;type 2
5, ?, \ ;type 3 {set by skin}
5, ? ;type 4 {set by skin}
align 4
window._.invalidate_screen: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> ebx = new (final) window box
;> edi = pointer to WDATA struct
push eax ebx
; TODO: do we really need `draw_limits`?
; Yes, they are used by background drawing code.
; we need only to restore the background windows at the old place!
mov ecx, [ebx + BOX.left]
mov [draw_limits.left], ecx
add ecx, [ebx + BOX.width]
mov [draw_limits.right], ecx
mov ecx, [ebx + BOX.top]
mov [draw_limits.top], ecx
add ecx, [ebx + BOX.height]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], ecx
; recalculate screen buffer at old position
push ebx
mov edx, [eax + BOX.height]
mov ecx, [eax + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [eax + BOX.top]
mov eax, [eax + BOX.left]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call calculatescreen
pop eax
; recalculate screen buffer at new position
mov edx, [eax + BOX.height]
mov ecx, [eax + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [eax + BOX.top]
mov eax, [eax + BOX.left]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call calculatescreen
mov eax, edi
call redrawscreen
; tell window to redraw itself
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
pop ebx eax
align 4
window._.set_window_box: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = pointer to BOX struct
;> bl = new window state flags
;> edi = pointer to WDATA struct
push eax ebx esi
; don't do anything if the new box is identical to the old
cmp bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
jnz @f
mov esi, eax
push edi
if WDATA.box
add edi, WDATA.box
end if
mov ecx, 4
repz cmpsd
pop edi
jz .exit
align 4
add esp, -sizeof.BOX
mov ebx, esp
if WDATA.box
lea esi, [edi + WDATA.box]
mov esi, edi ; optimization for WDATA.box = 0
end if
xchg eax, esi
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
xchg eax, esi
xchg ebx, esi
call memmove
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, esi
call window._.check_window_position
call window._.set_window_clientbox
call window._.invalidate_screen
add esp, sizeof.BOX
mov cl, [esp + 4]
mov ch, cl
xchg cl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
or cl, ch
jnz .exit
mov eax, edi
sub eax, window_data
shl eax, 3
add eax, SLOT_BASE
lea ebx, [edi + WDATA.box]
xchg esp, ebx
pop [eax + APPDATA.saved_box.left] \
[eax + APPDATA.saved_box.top] \
[eax + APPDATA.saved_box.width] \
xchg esp, ebx
jnz .exit
mov [eax + APPDATA.saved_box.height], edx
align 4
pop esi ebx eax
align 4
window._.set_window_clientbox: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> edi = pointer to WDATA struct
push eax ecx edi
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [window_topleft + 8 * 3 + 4], eax
mov [window_topleft + 8 * 4 + 4], eax
mov ecx, edi
sub edi, window_data
shl edi, 3
test [ecx + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_CLIENTRELATIVE
jz .whole_window
movzx eax, [ecx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and eax, 0x0F
mov eax, [eax * 8 + window_topleft + 0]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left], eax
shl eax, 1
neg eax
add eax, [ecx + WDATA.box.width]
inc eax ;Leency: as window is created width+1 so client the same
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.width], eax
movzx eax, [ecx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and eax, 0x0F
push [eax * 8 + window_topleft + 0]
mov eax, [eax * 8 + window_topleft + 4]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.top], eax
neg eax
sub eax, [esp]
add eax, [ecx + WDATA.box.height]
inc eax ;Leency: as window is created height+1 so client the same
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.height], eax
add esp, 4
jmp .exit
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left], eax
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.top], eax
mov eax, [ecx + WDATA.box.width]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.width], eax
mov eax, [ecx + WDATA.box.height]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.height], eax
align 4
pop edi ecx eax
align 4
window._.sys_set_window: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;< edx = pointer to WDATA struct
mov eax, [current_slot_idx]
shl eax, 5
add eax, window_data
; save window colors
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_workarea], edx
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_titlebar], esi
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_frames], edi
mov edi, eax
; Was it already defined before?
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
jnz .set_client_box
; No, it wasn't. After first draw_window we need redraw mouse necessarily!
; Otherwise the user can see cursor specified by f.37.5 from another window.
; He will be really unhappy! Usually, he will be enraged!
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call wakeup_osloop
; performing initial window definition
movzx eax, bx
mov [edi + WDATA.box.width], eax
movzx eax, cx
mov [edi + WDATA.box.height], eax
sar ebx, 16
sar ecx, 16
mov [edi + WDATA.box.left], ebx
mov [edi + WDATA.box.top], ecx
call window._.check_window_position
push ecx edi
mov cl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.cl_frames]
sub edi, window_data
shl edi, 3
add edi, SLOT_BASE
and cl, 0x0F
cmp cl, 3
je @f
cmp cl, 4
je @f
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov [edi + APPDATA.wnd_caption], eax
mov esi, [esp]
add edi, APPDATA.saved_box
pop edi ecx
mov esi, [current_slot_idx]
movzx esi, word[WIN_STACK + esi * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call waredraw
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call calculatescreen
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0 ; empty keyboard buffer
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0 ; empty button buffer
align 4
; update window client box coordinates
call window._.set_window_clientbox
; reset window redraw flag and exit
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 0
mov edx, edi
align 4
window._.check_window_position: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Check if window is inside screen area
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
mov esi, [_display.width]
cmp ecx, esi
jae .fix_width_high
align 4
or eax, eax
jl .fix_left_low
add eax, ecx
cmp eax, esi
jge .fix_left_high
align 4
mov esi, [_display.height]
cmp edx, esi
jae .fix_height_high
align 4
or ebx, ebx
jl .fix_top_low
add ebx, edx
cmp ebx, esi
jge .fix_top_high
align 4
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
mov ecx, esi
mov [edi + WDATA.box.width], esi
jmp .check_left
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edi + WDATA.box.left], eax
jmp .check_height
align 4
mov eax, esi
sub eax, ecx
mov [edi + WDATA.box.left], eax
jmp .check_height
align 4
mov edx, esi
mov [edi + WDATA.box.height], esi
jmp .check_top
align 4
xor ebx, ebx
mov [edi + WDATA.box.top], ebx
jmp .exit
align 4
mov ebx, esi
sub ebx, edx
mov [edi + WDATA.box.top], ebx
jmp .exit
align 4
window._.get_titlebar_height: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
mov al, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 0x03
jne @f
mov eax, [_skinh]
align 4
mov eax, 21
align 4
window._.get_rolledup_height: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
mov al, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 0x03
jb @f
mov eax, [_skinh]
add eax, 3
align 4
or al, al
jnz @f
mov eax, 21
align 4
mov eax, 21 + 2
align 4
window._.set_screen: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Reserve window area in screen buffer
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
;> esi = process number
virtual at esp
ff_x dd ?
ff_y dd ?
ff_width dd ?
ff_xsz dd ?
ff_ysz dd ?
ff_scale dd ?
end virtual
cmp esi, 1
jz .check_for_shaped_window
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
cmp [window_data + edi + WDATA.box.width], 0
jnz .check_for_shaped_window
cmp [window_data + edi + WDATA.box.height], 0
jz .exit
align 4
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 8
add edi, SLOT_BASE
cmp [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape], 0
jne .shaped_window
; get x&y size
sub ecx, eax
sub edx, ebx
inc ecx
inc edx
; get WinMap start
push esi
mov esi, [_display.width]
mov edi, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add edi, eax
add edi, [_display.win_map]
pop eax
mov ah, al
push ax
shl eax, 16
pop ax
align 4
push ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep stosd
mov ecx, [esp]
and ecx, 3
rep stosb
pop ecx
add edi, esi
sub edi, ecx
dec edx
jnz .next_line
jmp .exit
align 4
; for (y=0; y <= x_size; y++)
; for (x=0; x <= x_size; x++)
; if (shape[coord(x,y,scale)]==1)
; set_pixel(x, y, process_number);
sub ecx, eax
sub edx, ebx
inc ecx
inc edx
push [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape_scale] ; push scale first -> for loop
; get WinMap start -> ebp
push eax
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add eax, [esp]
add eax, [_display.win_map]
mov ebp, eax
mov edi, [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape]
pop eax
; eax = x_start
; ebx = y_start
; ecx = x_size
; edx = y_size
; esi = process_number
; edi = &shape
; [scale]
push edx ecx ; for loop - x,y size
mov ecx, esi
shl ecx, 5
mov edx, [window_data + ecx + WDATA.box.top]
push [window_data + ecx + WDATA.box.width] ; for loop - width
mov ecx, [window_data + ecx + WDATA.box.left]
sub ebx, edx
sub eax, ecx
push ebx eax ; for loop - x,y
add [ff_xsz], eax
add [ff_ysz], ebx
mov ebx, [ff_y]
align 4
mov edx, [ff_x]
align 4
; -- body --
mov ecx, [ff_scale]
mov eax, [ff_width]
inc eax
shr eax, cl
push ebx edx
shr ebx, cl
shr edx, cl
imul eax, ebx
add eax, edx
pop edx ebx
add eax, edi
call .read_byte
test al, al
jz @f
mov eax, esi
mov [ebp], al
; -- end body --
align 4
inc ebp
inc edx
cmp edx, [ff_xsz]
jb .ff_new_x
sub ebp, [ff_xsz]
add ebp, [ff_x]
add ebp, [_display.width] ; screen.x
inc ebx
cmp ebx, [ff_ysz]
jb .ff_new_y
add esp, 24
align 4
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
; eax - address
; esi - slot
push eax ecx edx esi
xchg eax, esi
lea ecx, [esp + 12]
mov edx, 1
call read_process_memory
pop esi edx ecx eax
align 4
window._.window_activate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Activate window
;> esi = pointer to WIN_POS+ window data
push eax ebx
; if type of current active window is 3 or 4, it must be redrawn
mov ebx, [thread_count]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : thread_count (0x%x)\n", ebx
movzx ebx, word[WIN_POS + ebx * 2]
shl ebx, 5
add eax, window_data
mov al, [window_data + ebx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 0x03
je .set_window_redraw_flag
cmp al, 0x04
jne .move_others_down
align 4
mov [window_data + ebx + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
align 4
; bx <- process no
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; bx <- position in window stack
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
; drop others
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [thread_count]
jae .move_self_up
inc eax
; push ebx
; xor ebx,ebx
; mov bx,[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : DEC WIN_STACK (0x%x)\n",ebx
; pop ebx
cmp [WIN_STACK + eax * 2], bx
jbe .next_stack_window
dec word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
jmp .next_stack_window
align 4
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; number of thread
mov ax, word [thread_count]
; this is the last (and the upper)
mov [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2], ax
; update on screen - window stack
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [thread_count]
jae .reset_vars
inc eax
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
mov [WIN_POS + ebx * 2], ax
jmp .next_window_pos
align 4
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_H], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_V], 0
pop ebx eax
window._.window_deactivate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Deactivate window
;> esi = pointer to WIN_POS+ window data
push eax ebx
align 4
; ax <- process no
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; ax <- position in window stack
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
; up others
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [thread_count]
jae .move_self_down
inc eax
cmp [WIN_STACK + eax * 2], bx
jae .next_stack_window
inc word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
jmp .next_stack_window
align 4
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; this is the last (and the low)
mov [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2], word 1
; update on screen - window stack
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [thread_count]
jae .reset_vars
inc eax
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
mov [WIN_POS + ebx * 2], ax
jmp .next_window_pos
align 4
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_H], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_V], 0
pop ebx eax
align 4
window._.check_window_draw: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Check if window is necessary to draw
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
mov cl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and cl, 0x0f
cmp cl, 3
je .exit.redraw ; window type 3
cmp cl, 4
je .exit.redraw ; window type 4
push eax ebx edx esi
mov eax, edi
sub eax, window_data
shr eax, 5
movzx eax, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2] ; get value of the curr process
lea esi, [WIN_POS + eax * 2] ; get address of this process at 0xC400
align 4
add esi, 2
mov eax, [thread_count]
lea eax, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2] ; number of the upper window
cmp esi, eax
ja .exit.no_redraw
movzx edx, word[esi]
shl edx, 5 ; size of TASKDATA and WDATA is 32 bytes
cmp byte [TASK_TABLE + edx + TASKDATA.state], TSTATE_FREE
je .next_window
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
add ebx, eax
mov ecx, [window_data + edx + WDATA.box.top]
cmp ecx, ebx
jge .next_window
add ecx, [window_data + edx + WDATA.box.height]
cmp eax, ecx
jge .next_window
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
add ebx, eax
mov ecx, [window_data + edx + WDATA.box.left]
cmp ecx, ebx
jge .next_window
add ecx, [window_data + edx + WDATA.box.width]
cmp eax, ecx
jge .next_window
pop esi edx ebx eax
align 4
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx
align 4
pop esi edx ebx eax
xor ecx, ecx
align 4
window._.draw_window_caption: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [thread_count]
movzx edx, word[WIN_POS + edx * 2]
cmp edx, [current_slot_idx]
jne @f
inc eax
align 4
mov edx, [current_slot_idx]
shl edx, 5
add edx, window_data
movzx ebx, [edx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and bl, 0x0F
cmp bl, 3
je .draw_caption_style_3
cmp bl, 4
je .draw_caption_style_3
jmp .not_style_3
align 4
push edx
call drawwindow_IV_caption
add esp, 4
jmp .2
align 4
cmp bl, 2
jne .not_style_2
call drawwindow_III_caption
jmp .2
align 4
cmp bl, 0
jne .2
call drawwindow_I_caption
align 4
mov edi, [current_slot_idx]
shl edi, 5
test [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_HASCAPTION
jz .exit
mov edx, [edi * 8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_caption]
or edx, edx
jz .exit
mov ebp, [edi + window_data + WDATA.box.left - 2]
mov bp, word[edi + window_data + WDATA.box.top]
movzx eax, [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0F
cmp al, 3
je .skinned
cmp al, 4
je .skinned
jmp .not_skinned
align 4
movzx eax, word[edi + window_data + WDATA.box.width]
sub ax, [_skinmargins.left]
sub ax, [_skinmargins.right]
js .exit
mov ebx, dword[_skinmargins.left - 2]
mov bx, word[_skinh]
sub bx, [_skinmargins.bottom]
sub bx, [_skinmargins.top]
sar bx, 1
add bx, [_skinmargins.top]
sub bx, 8
jmp .dodraw
align 4
cmp al, 1
je .exit
movzx eax, word[edi + window_data + WDATA.box.width]
sub eax, 16
js .exit
mov ebx, 80002h
shr eax, 3
mov esi, eax
add ebx, ebp
mov ecx, [common_colours + 16]
mov al, [edi*8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.captionEncoding]
test al, al
jnz @f
mov al, 1
cmp byte [edx], 4
jnc @f
mov al, [edx]
test al, al
jz .exit
inc edx
shl eax, 28
or ecx, eax
xor edi, edi
call dtext._
jmp __sys_draw_pointer
align 4
window._.draw_negative_box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Draw negative box
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
push eax ebx esi
mov esi, 0x01000000
align 4
mov eax, [edi + BOX.left - 2]
mov ax, word[edi + BOX.left]
add ax, word[edi + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [edi + BOX.top - 2]
mov bx, word[edi + BOX.top]
add bx, word[edi + BOX.height]
call draw_rectangle.forced
pop esi ebx eax
;align 4
;window._.end_moving__box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Draw positive box
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
; push eax ebx esi
; xor esi, esi
; jmp window._.draw_negative_box.1
align 4
window._.get_rect: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description> void __fastcall get_window_rect(struct RECT* rc);
;> ecx = pointer to RECT
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov edx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.left]
mov [ecx+RECT.left], edx
add edx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.width]
mov [ecx+RECT.right], edx
mov edx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.top]
mov [ecx+RECT.top], edx
add edx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.height]
mov [ecx+RECT.bottom], edx
align 4
window._.redraw_top_wnd: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? redraw all windows one above the window
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
;> esi = process number
;! corrupted edi
push 0
jmp window._.set_top_wnd.go
align 4
window._.set_top_wnd: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? call set_screen for all windows one above the window
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
;> esi = process number
;! corrupted edi
push 1
push esi
push ebp
mov ebp, [thread_count]
cmp ebp, 1
jbe .exit
shl esi, 5
cmp [esi + window_data + WDATA.z_modif], ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP
je .exit
push eax ;for num layout
push edx ecx ebx eax
movsx eax, byte [esi + window_data + WDATA.z_modif]
inc eax
mov dword[esp+10h], eax
align 4
mov esi, 1 ; = num in window stack
mov ebp, [thread_count]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5 ;size of TASKDATA and WDATA = 32 bytes
cmp byte [TASK_TABLE + edi + TASKDATA.state], TSTATE_FREE
je .skip_window
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .skip_window
mov eax, [esp+10h]
cmp [edi + WDATA.z_modif], al
jne .skip_window
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.right]
jg .skip_window
mov ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
cmp ebx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jg .skip_window
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
add ecx, eax
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.left]
jl .skip_window
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
add edx, ebx
cmp edx, [esp + RECT.top]
jl .skip_window
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.left]
jae @f
mov eax, [esp + RECT.left]
align 4
cmp ebx, [esp + RECT.top]
jae @f
mov ebx, [esp + RECT.top]
align 4
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
align 4
cmp edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jbe @f
mov edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
align 4
cmp dword[esp+32], 0
je .set_fl_redraw
push esi
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
pop esi
jmp @f
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1 ;set redraw flag
align 4
inc esi
dec ebp
jnz .next_window
inc dword[esp+10h]
cmp byte[esp+10h], ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP
jle .layout
pop eax ebx ecx edx
pop ebp ;del num layout
align 4
pop ebp
pop esi
add esp, 4 ;dword for 0/1 - set_screen/fl_redraw