hidnplayr e1a519a379 clean up
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@7675 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2019-08-22 16:38:09 +00:00

2492 lines
62 KiB

format binary as ""
include '../../macros.inc'
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1
dd start
dd i_end
dd used_mem
dd used_mem
dd i_param
dd 0
include 'gui.inc' ; GUI routines
; Find command in list
; all commands are case-insensitive
push edi
mov al, [edi]
cmp al, 0
jz .x5
cmp al, 'A'
jb @f
cmp al, 'Z'
ja @f
or al, 20h
jmp .x4
; find command
pop edi
cmp dword [esi], 0
jz .x7
push esi
mov esi, [esi]
movzx ecx, al
push edi
repz cmpsb
pop edi
pop esi
jz .x8
add esi, 17
jmp .x6
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DEBUGGING ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Help event
mov esi, help_msg
mov edi, [curarg]
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .x
mov esi, help_groups
call find_cmd
jc .nocmd
mov esi, [esi+12]
jmp put_message
mov esi, aUnknownCommand
jmp .x
; Quit event
mcall -1
; Working with debug context
mov esi, context
mov edi, oldcontext
mov ecx, (ctx_end-context)/4
rep movsd
mcall 69, 1, [debuggee_pid], ctx_end-context, context
mcall 69, 2, [debuggee_pid], 28h, context
mov edi, dumpdata
mov esi, [edi-4]
mov edx, dump_height*10h
mov ecx, edx
xor eax, eax
push edi
rep stosb
pop edi
mcall 69, 6, [debuggee_pid]
cmp eax, -1
jnz @f
mov esi, read_mem_err
call put_message
xor eax, eax
mov [edi-8], eax
; call restore_from_breaks
; ret
; in: edi=buffer,eax=size,esi=address
mov ebx, breakpoints
test byte [ebx+4], 1
jz .cont ; ignore invalid
test byte [ebx+4], 2 or 8
jnz .cont ; ignore disabled and memory breaks
mov ecx, [ebx]
sub ecx, esi
cmp ecx, eax
jae .cont
mov dl, [ebx+5]
mov [edi+ecx], dl
add ebx, 6
cmp ebx, breakpoints+breakpoints_n*6
jb @b
; Load executable event
mov esi, [curarg]
mov edi, loadname
or [prgname_len], -1
mov [prgname_ptr], edi
inc [prgname_len]
cmp al, '/'
jnz @f
or [prgname_len], -1
mov [prgname_ptr], edi
cmp al, ' '
ja .copyname
mov byte [edi-1], 0
and [load_params], 0
dec esi
call get_arg.skip_spaces
cmp al, 0
jz @f
mov [load_params], esi
and [dumppos], 0
mov ecx, [symbols]
jecxz do_reload
mcall 68, 13
and [symbols], 0
and [num_symbols], 0
; TODO: make it local
mcall 18, 7
mov [dbgwnd], eax
xchg ecx, eax
mcall 70, fn70_load_block
test eax, eax
jns .load_ok
push eax
mov esi, load_err_msg
call put_message
pop eax
not eax
cmp eax, 0x20
jae .unk_err
mov esi, [load_err_msgs+eax*4]
test esi, esi
jnz put_message
mov esi, unk_err_msg
inc eax
push eax
call put_message_nodraw
jmp draw_messages
mov [debuggee_pid], eax
mov [bSuspended], 1
mcall 5, 20
push ecx
call get_context
mov edi, oldcontext
mov ecx, (ctx_end-context)/4
rep movsd
; activate debugger window
pop ecx
mcall 18, 3
call redraw_title
call draw_registers.redraw
; read and draw dump of memory
call get_dump
call draw_dump.redraw
call update_disasm_eip_force
mov esi, load_succ_msg
push [debuggee_pid]
call put_message_nodraw
call draw_messages
; try to load symbols
mov esi, loadname
mov edi, symbolsfile
push edi
test al, al
jnz @b
lea ecx, [edi-1]
dec edi
cmp edi, symbolsfile
jb @f
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jz @f
cmp byte [edi], '.'
jnz @b
mov ecx, edi
mov dword[ecx], '.dbg'
mov byte[ecx+4], 0
pop esi
mov ebp, esi
push ecx esi
call OnLoadSymbols.silent ; Try to load .dbg file
pop esi ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp [num_symbols], eax
jne @f
mov dword[ecx], '.map' ; If failed, try .map file too
call OnLoadSymbols.silent
; now test for packed progs
cmp [disasm_buf_size], 100h
jz @f
mov esi, mxp_nrv_sig
mov ebp, disasm_buffer
mov edi, ebp
push 3
pop ecx
repz cmpsb
jnz .not_mxp_nrv
mov cl, mxp_nrv_sig_size-4
repz cmpsb
mov esi, mxp_nrv_name
jz .packed
mov esi, mxp_sig
mov edi, ebp
mov cl, mxp_sig_size
repz cmpsb
mov esi, mxp_name
jz .packed
mov esi, mxp_lzo_sig1
mov edi, ebp
mov cl, mxp_lzo_sig1_size
repz cmpsb
mov esi, mxp_lzo_name
jz .packed
mov esi, mxp_lzo_sig2
mov edi, ebp
mov cl, 8
repz cmpsb
jnz .not_mxp_lzo
mov cl, mxp_lzo_sig2_size - 9
repz cmpsb
mov esi, mxp_lzo_name
jz .packed
mov esi, mtappack_name
cmp dword [ebp], 0xBF5E246A
jnz .not_mtappack
cmp dword [ebp+8], 0xEC4E8B57
jnz .not_mtappack1
cmp dword [ebp+12], 0x8D5EA4F3
jnz .not_mtappack1
cmp byte [ebp+12h], 0xE9
jz .packed
cmp word [ebp+8], 0xB957
jnz .not_mtappack
cmp dword [ebp+14], 0x575EA4F3
jnz .not_mtappack2
cmp byte [ebp+17h], 0xE9
jz .packed
cmp dword [ebp+14], 0x5F8DA4F3
jnz .not_mtappack3
cmp word [ebp+18], 0xE9FC
jz .packed
cmp word [ebp+14], 0xA4F3
jnz .not_mtappack
cmp byte [ebp+15h], 0xE9
jz .packed
push esi
mov esi, aPacked1
call put_message_nodraw
pop esi
call put_message_nodraw
mov esi, aPacked2
call put_message
call hide_cursor
mcall 10
dec eax
jz .redraw
dec eax
jz .key
or eax, -1
call draw_window
call hide_cursor
jmp .wait
mcall 2
cmp ah, 'y'
jz .yes
cmp ah, 'Y'
jz .yes
cmp ah, 0xD
jz .yes
cmp ah, 'n'
jz .no
cmp ah, 'N'
jnz .wait
call draw_cursor
mov esi, aN_str
jmp put_message
call draw_cursor
mov esi, aY_str
call put_message
call OnUnpack
; Searching signatures
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 0x95 ; 0xA1 for programs with parameters
mov [eax], ecx
add ecx, [eax+24h]
push 40h
pop esi
mov edi, [eax+20h]
push edi
rep movsb
jmp dword [esp]
pop esi
add esi, [eax]
xor edi, edi
mxp_nrv_sig_size = $ - mxp_nrv_sig
mov ecx, 1CBh
push 46h
pop esi
mov edi, [20h]
rep movsb
mov ecx, [24h]
rep movsb
jmp dword [20h]
mov eax, [20h]
add eax, 1CBh
push eax
push dword [24h]
push 0
push 8
call $+0x25
mxp_sig_size = $ - mxp_sig
xor eax, eax
mov ebp, 0FFh
mov ecx, 175h
mov [eax], ecx
add ecx, [eax+24h]
push 45h
pop esi
mov edi, [eax+20h]
push edi
rep movsb
jmp dword [esp]
pop ebx
add ebx, [eax]
xor edi, edi
cmp byte [ebx], 11h
jbe $+0x1A
mxp_lzo_sig1_size = $ - mxp_lzo_sig1
xor eax, eax
mov ebp, 0FFh
mov ecx, 188h ; or 177h
mov [eax], ecx
add ecx, [eax+24h]
push 44h
pop esi
mov edi, [eax+20h]
rep movsb
jmp dword [eax+20h]
mov ebx, [eax+20h]
add ebx, [eax]
mxp_lzo_sig2_size = $ - mxp_lzo_sig2
; Reload executable event
cmp [debuggee_pid], 0
jnz terminate_reload
mov esi, need_debuggee
cmp byte [loadname], 0
jnz do_reload
jz put_message
; TODO: make it local
mov [bReload], 1
; Terminate process event
mcall 69, 8, [debuggee_pid]
; Suspend process event
mov [bSuspended], 1
call get_new_context
call get_dump
call redraw_title
call draw_registers.redraw
call draw_dump.redraw
call update_disasm_eip
mcall 69, 4, [debuggee_pid]
call AfterSuspend
mov esi, aSuspended
jmp put_message
; Resume process event
mcall 69, 5, [debuggee_pid]
mov [bSuspended], 0
mov esi, [curarg]
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz GoOn
call calc_expression
jc .ret
mov eax, ebp
push eax
call find_enabled_breakpoint
pop eax
jz GoOn
mov bl, 5 ; valid enabled one-shot
call add_breakpoint
jnc GoOn
mov esi, aBreakpointLimitExceeded
call put_message
; test for enabled breakpoint at eip
mov eax, [_eip]
call find_enabled_breakpoint
jnz .nobreak
; temporarily disable breakpoint, make step, enable breakpoint, continue
inc eax
mov [temp_break], eax
mov [bAfterGo], 1
dec eax
call disable_breakpoint
call get_context
or byte [_eflags+1], 1 ; set TF
call set_context
and byte [_eflags+1], not 1
call DoResume
call DoResume
call redraw_title
call draw_registers.redraw
call draw_dump.redraw
; Detach process event
;mov ecx, [debuggee_pid]
;push 3
;pop ebx
;push 69
;pop eax
mcall 69, 3, [debuggee_pid]
and [debuggee_pid], 0
call redraw_title
call draw_registers.redraw
call draw_dump.redraw
call free_symbols
mov esi, aContinued
jmp put_message
push eax
mov eax, [temp_break]
dec eax
push esi
call enable_breakpoint
; in any case, clear TF and RF
call get_new_context
and [_eflags], not 10100h ; clear TF,RF
call set_context
xor edx, edx
mov [temp_break], edx
xchg dl, [bAfterGo]
pop esi
pop eax
cmp dl, 2
jnz @f
push esi
call get_dump
jmp exception.done
test eax, eax
jz .notint1
; if exception is result of single step, simply ignore it and continue
test dword [esi], 0xF
jnz dbgmsgstart.5
push esi
mov esi, oldcontext
mov edi, context
mov ecx, 28h/4
rep movsd
call DoResume
jmp dbgmsgend
; in other case, work as without temp_break
push esi
push eax
jmp exception.4
; TODO: split it out
neg [dbgbufsize]
mov esi, dbgbuf
; TODO: make it local
; push eax esi
; push dword [esi]
; mov esi, dbgmsg_str
; call put_message_nodraw
; pop esi eax
add esi, 4
dec eax
jz exception
dec eax
jz terminated
dec eax
jnz dbg_notify
mov [bSuspended], 1
cmp [bAfterGo], 0
jnz after_go_exception
push esi
call get_new_context
and [_eflags], not 10100h ; clear TF,RF
call set_context
pop esi
; TODO: WTF? Need for meaning label names
push esi
call get_dump
pop esi
xor ecx, ecx
bt eax, ecx
jnc .7
mov ebx, [drx_break+ecx*4]
test ebx, ebx
jz .7
dec ebx
push ebx
mov esi, aBreakStop
call put_message_nodraw
inc ecx
cmp cl, 4
jb .6
push esi
jmp exception.done_draw
add esi, 32
push esi
jmp dbgmsgend
; TODO: make it local
push esi
mov esi, terminated_msg
call put_message
and [debuggee_pid], 0
and [temp_break], 0
mov [bAfterGo], 0
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, breakpoints_n*6/4+4
mov edi, breakpoints
rep stosd
cmp [bReload], 1
sbb [bReload], -1
jnz exception.done
call free_symbols
jmp exception.done
mov [bSuspended], 1
cmp [bAfterGo], 0
jnz after_go_exception
push esi
push eax
call get_new_context
and [_eflags], not 10100h ; clear TF,RF
call set_context
; TODO: fix for useful name
call get_dump
pop eax
; int3 command generates exception 0x0D, #GP
push eax
cmp al, 0x0D
jnz .notdbg
; check for 0xCC byte at eip
push 0
mcall 69, 6, [debuggee_pid], 1, [_eip], esp
pop eax
cmp al, 0xCC
je .int3
; check for 0xCD03 word at eip
push 0
inc edx
mcall 69;, 6, [debuggee_pid], 2, [_eip], esp
pop eax
cmp ax, 0x03CD
jne .notdbg
mov eax, [_eip]
inc [_eip]
inc [_eip]
jmp .user_int3_
; this is either dbg breakpoint or int3 cmd in debuggee
mov eax, [_eip]
call find_enabled_breakpoint
jnz .user_int3
; dbg breakpoint; clear if one-shot
pop ecx
push eax
mov esi, aBreakStop
test byte [edi+4], 4
jz .put_msg_eax
pop ecx
call clear_breakpoint
jmp .done
mov eax, [_eip]
inc [_eip]
pop ecx
push eax
call set_context
mov esi, aUserBreak
jmp .put_msg_eax
pop eax
push eax
push eax
mov esi, aException
call put_message_nodraw
pop eax
cmp al, 16
ja .suspended
mov esi, [msg_fault_sel + eax*4]
call put_message_nodraw
mov esi, aSuspended
call put_message_nodraw
call draw_messages
mcall 18, 3, [dbgwnd] ; activate dbg window
call redraw_title
call draw_registers.redraw
call draw_dump.redraw
call update_disasm_eip
pop esi
mov ecx, [dbgbuflen]
add ecx, dbgbuf
cmp esi, ecx
jnz dbgmsgstart
and [dbgbuflen], 0
neg [dbgbufsize]
cmp [bReload], 2
jnz @f
mov [bReload], 0
call do_reload
jmp waitevent
; TODO: make it local
cmp [debuggee_pid], 0
jz .no
call OnStep
jmp waitevent
; TODO: make it local
cmp [debuggee_pid], 0
jz F7.no
call OnProceed
jmp F7.no
; Step execution event
;Here we get [<number>] argument at do step <number> times
cmp [bSuspended], 0
jz OnStep.running
mov [step_num], 1
mov esi, [curarg]
test esi, esi
jz .do
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .do
call get_hex_number
jc .ret
cmp eax, 0 ; check if lesser or equal than 0
jle .ret
mov [step_num], eax
call OnStep
dec [step_num]
jnz .do
cmp [bSuspended], 0
jz .running
call get_context
or byte [_eflags+1], 1 ; set TF
call set_context
and byte [_eflags+1], not 1
; if instruction at eip is "int xx", set one-shot breakpoint immediately after
mov eax, [_eip]
call find_enabled_breakpoint
jnz @f
cmp byte [edi+5], 0xCD
jz .int
push 0
mcall 69, 6, [debuggee_pid], 3, [_eip], esp
cmp eax, edx
pop eax
jnz .doit
cmp al, 0xCD
jz .int
cmp ax, 0x050F
jz .syscall
cmp ax, 0x340F
jz .sysenter
; resume process
call GoOn
cmp [bAfterGo], 0
jz @f
mov [bAfterGo], 2
; return address is [ebp-4]
push 0
inc edx ; read 4 bytes
mov esi, [_ebp]
sub esi, 4
mcall 69
cmp eax, edx
pop eax
jnz .syscall
push eax
and byte [_eflags+1], not 1
call set_context
pop eax
jmp @f
and byte [_eflags+1], not 1 ; clear TF - avoid system halt (!)
call set_context
mov eax, [_eip]
inc eax
inc eax
push eax
call find_enabled_breakpoint
pop eax
jz .doit
; there is no enabled breakpoint yet; set temporary breakpoint
mov bl, 5
call add_breakpoint
jmp .doit
mov esi, aRunningErr
jmp put_message
; Proceed process event
;Here we get [<number>] argument at do step <number> times
cmp [bSuspended], 0
jz OnStep.running
mov [proc_num], 1
mov esi, [curarg]
test esi, esi
jz .do
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .do
call get_hex_number
jc .ret
cmp eax, 0 ; check if lesser or equal than 0
jle .ret
mov [proc_num], eax
mov [curarg], 0
call OnProceed
dec [proc_num]
jnz .do
cmp [bSuspended], 0
jz OnStep.running
mov esi, [_eip]
call get_byte_nobreak
jc OnStep
inc esi
; skip prefixes
call is_prefix
jz @b
cmp al, 0xE8 ; call
jnz @f
add esi, 4
jmp .doit
; A4,A5 = movs; A6,A7 = cmps
cmp al, 0xA4
jb @f
cmp al, 0xA8
jb .doit
; AA,AB = stos; AC,AD = lods; AE,AF = scas
cmp al, 0xAA
jb @f
cmp al, 0xB0
jb .doit
; E0 = loopnz; E1 = loopz; E2 = loop
cmp al, 0xE0
jb .noloop
cmp al, 0xE2
ja .noloop
inc esi
jmp .doit
; FF /2 = call
cmp al, 0xFF
jnz OnStep
call get_byte_nobreak
jc OnStep
inc esi
mov cl, al
and al, 00111000b
cmp al, 00010000b
jnz OnStep
; skip instruction
mov al, cl
and eax, 7
shr cl, 6
jz .mod0
jp .doit
cmp al, 4
jnz @f
inc esi
inc esi
dec cl
jz @f
add esi, 3
jmp .doit
cmp al, 4
jnz @f
call get_byte_nobreak
jc OnStep
inc esi
and al, 7
cmp al, 5
jnz .doit
add esi, 4
; insert one-shot breakpoint at esi and resume
call get_byte_nobreak
jc OnStep
mov eax, esi
call find_enabled_breakpoint
jz @f
mov eax, esi
mov bl, 5
call add_breakpoint
jmp OnStep.doit
; Read next byte of machine code
mov eax, esi
call find_enabled_breakpoint
jnz .nobreak
mov al, [edi+5]
xor edx, edx
push edx
inc edx
mov edi, esp
mcall 69, 6, [debuggee_pid]
dec eax
jz @f
pop eax
include 'parser.inc'
; Calculate expression event
mov esi, [curarg]
call calc_expression
jc .ret
push ebp
mov esi, calc_string
call put_message_nodraw
jmp draw_messages
; Dump memory event
mov esi, [curarg]
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz .param
add [dumppos], dump_height*10h
jmp .doit
call calc_expression
jc .ret
mov [dumppos], ebp
call get_dump
call draw_dump.redraw
; Dissassemble block of executable event
mov esi, [curarg]
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz .param
mov eax, [disasm_start_pos]
mov ecx, [disasm_height_dd]
mov [disasm_cur_pos], eax
mov eax, [disasm_cur_pos]
call find_symbol
jc @f
dec ecx
jz .m
push ecx
call disasm_instr
pop ecx
jc .err
loop .l
mov eax, [disasm_cur_pos]
jmp .doit
call calc_expression
jc .ret
mov eax, ebp
push eax
push [disasm_start_pos]
mov [disasm_start_pos], eax
call update_disasm
pop [disasm_start_pos]
pop eax
cmp [disasm_cur_str], 0
jz @f
mov [disasm_start_pos], eax
call update_disasm
mov esi, aInvAddr
jmp put_message
; Access to register value event
mov esi, [curarg]
call get_arg.skip_spaces
call find_reg
jnc @f
mov esi, RSyntax
jmp put_message
call get_arg.skip_spaces
test al, al
jz .err
cmp al, '='
jnz @f
inc esi
call get_arg.skip_spaces
test al, al
jz .err
push edi
call calc_expression
pop edi
jc .ret
; now edi=register id, ebp=value
cmp [bSuspended], 0
mov esi, aRunningErr
jz put_message
xchg eax, ebp
cmp edi, 24
jz .eip
sub edi, 4
jb .8lo
sub edi, 4
jb .8hi
sub edi, 8
jb .16
mov [_eax+edi*4], eax
jmp .ret
mov word [_eax+(edi+8)*4], ax
jmp .ret
mov byte [_eax+(edi+4)*4], al
jmp .ret
mov byte [_eax+(edi+4)*4+1], al
jmp .ret
mov [_eip], eax
call update_disasm_eip
call set_context
jmp draw_registers.redraw
; Breakpoints manipulation
mov esi, [curarg]
call calc_expression
jc .ret
xchg eax, ebp
push eax
call find_breakpoint
inc eax
pop eax
jz .notfound
mov esi, aDuplicateBreakpoint
jmp .sayerr
mov bl, 1
call add_breakpoint
jnc .ret
mov esi, aBreakpointLimitExceeded
call put_message
jmp draw_disasm
mov dh, 0011b
jmp DoBpm
mov dh, 0111b
jmp DoBpm
mov dh, 1111b
mov esi, [curarg]
cmp byte [esi], 'w'
jnz @f
and dh, not 2
inc esi
push edx
call calc_expression
pop edx
jnc @f
; ebp = expression, dh = flags
movzx eax, dh
shr eax, 2
test ebp, eax
jz @f
mov esi, aUnaligned
jmp put_message
mov eax, ebp
mov bl, 0Bh
call add_breakpoint
jnc @f
mov esi, aBreakpointLimitExceeded
jmp put_message
; now find index
push eax
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [drx_break+ecx*4], 0
jnz .l2
push ecx
mov dl, cl
mov esi, ebp
mcall 69, 9, [debuggee_pid]
test eax, eax
jz .ok
pop ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 4
jb .l1
pop eax
call clear_breakpoint
mov esi, aBreakpointLimitExceeded
jmp put_message
pop ecx
pop eax
and byte [edi], not 2 ; breakpoint is enabled
shl dl, 6
or dl, dh
mov byte [edi+1], dl
inc eax
mov [drx_break+ecx*4], eax
mov esi, [curarg]
call get_hex_number
jc OnBp.ret
call clear_breakpoint
jmp @b
mov esi, [curarg]
call get_hex_number
jc OnBp.ret
call disable_breakpoint
jmp @b
mov esi, [curarg]
call get_hex_number
jc OnBp.ret
push eax
call find_enabled_breakpoint
pop eax
jz .err
call enable_breakpoint
jmp @b
mov esi, OnBeErrMsg
jmp put_message
; TODO: split it out in parser.inc
call get_arg.skip_spaces
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
call is_hex_digit
jc .ret
shl edx, 4
or dl, al
inc ecx
jmp @b
dec esi
cmp ecx, 1
xchg eax, edx
; Breakpoints list event
mov esi, [curarg]
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .listall
call get_hex_number
jc .ret
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jae .err
push eax
add eax, eax
lea edi, [breakpoints + eax + eax*2]
pop eax
test byte [edi+4], 1
jz .err
call show_break_info
mov esi, aInvalidBreak
jmp put_message
mov edi, breakpoints
xor eax, eax
test byte [edi+4], 1
jz .cont
push edi eax
call show_break_info
pop eax edi
add edi, 6
inc eax
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jb @b
push edi
test byte [edi+4], 8
jnz .dr
push dword [edi]
push eax
mov esi, aBreakNum
call put_message_nodraw
jmp .cmn
push eax
mov esi, aMemBreak1
call put_message_nodraw
pop edi
push edi
mov esi, aMemBreak2
test byte [edi+5], 2
jz @f
mov esi, aMemBreak3
call put_message_nodraw
pop edi
push edi
mov esi, aMemBreak6
test byte [edi+5], 8
jnz @f
mov esi, aMemBreak5
test byte [edi+5], 4
jnz @f
mov esi, aMemBreak4
call put_message_nodraw
pop edi
push edi
push dword [edi]
mov esi, aMemBreak7
call put_message_nodraw
pop edi
test byte [edi+4], 2
jz @f
push edi
mov esi, aDisabled
call put_message_nodraw
pop edi
test byte [edi+4], 4
jz @f
mov esi, aOneShot
call put_message_nodraw
mov esi, newline
jmp put_message
; Add breakpoint
; in: EAX = address; BL = flags
; out: CF = 1 => error
; CF = 0 and EAX = breakpoint number
xor ecx, ecx
mov edi, breakpoints
test byte [edi+4], 1
jz .found
add edi, 6
inc ecx
cmp ecx, breakpoints_n
jb @b
xchg eax, ecx
mov [edi], bl
test bl, 2
jnz @f
or byte [edi], 2
push eax
call enable_breakpoint
pop eax
; Remove breakpoint
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jae .ret
mov ecx, 4
inc eax
cmp [drx_break-4+ecx*4], eax
jnz @f
and [drx_break-4+ecx*4], 0
loop .1
dec eax
push eax
add eax, eax
lea edi, [breakpoints + eax + eax*2 + 4]
test byte [edi], 1
pop eax
jz .ret
push edi
call disable_breakpoint
pop edi
mov byte [edi], 0
; Disable breakpoint
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jae .ret
add eax, eax
lea edi, [breakpoints + eax + eax*2 + 5]
test byte [edi-1], 1
jz .ret
test byte [edi-1], 2
jnz .ret
or byte [edi-1], 2
test byte [edi-1], 8
jnz .dr
push esi
mcall 69, 7, [debuggee_pid], 1, [edi-5]
pop esi
mov dl, [edi]
shr dl, 6
mov dh, 80h
mcall 69, 9, [debuggee_pid]
; Enable breakpoint
push esi
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jae .ret
add eax, eax
lea edi, [breakpoints + eax + eax*2 + 5]
test byte [edi-1], 1
jz .ret
test byte [edi-1], 2
jz .ret
and byte [edi-1], not 2
test byte [edi-1], 8
jnz .dr
mcall 69, 6, [debuggee_pid], 1, [edi-5]
dec eax
jnz .err
push 0xCC
mov edi, esp
inc ebx
mcall 69
pop eax
pop esi
or byte [edi-1], 2
mov esi, aBreakErr
call put_message
pop esi
mov esi, [edi-5]
mov dl, [edi]
shr dl, 6
mov dh, [edi]
and dh, 0xF
mcall 69, 9, [debuggee_pid]
test eax, eax
jnz .err
pop esi
; Find breakpoint
xor ecx, ecx
xchg eax, ecx
mov edi, breakpoints
test byte [edi+4], 1
jz .cont
test byte [edi+4], 8
jnz .cont
cmp [edi], ecx
jz .found
add edi, 6
inc eax
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jb @b
or eax, -1
xor ecx, ecx
xchg eax, ecx
mov edi, breakpoints
test byte [edi+4], 1
jz .cont
test byte [edi+4], 2 or 8
jnz .cont
cmp [edi], ecx
jz .found
add edi, 6
inc eax
cmp eax, breakpoints_n
jb @b
or eax, -1
; TODO: add find_disabled_breakpoint
; Unpack executable event
; program must be loaded - checked when command was parsed
; program must be stopped
mov esi, aRunningErr
cmp [bSuspended], 0
jz put_message
; all breakpoints must be disabled
mov edi, breakpoints
test byte [edi+4], 1
jz .cont
test byte [edi+4], 2
jnz .cont
mov esi, aEnabledBreakErr
jmp put_message
add edi, 6
cmp edi, breakpoints+breakpoints_n*6
jb @b
; ok, now do it
; set breakpoint on 0xC dword access
push 9
pop ebx
mov ecx, [debuggee_pid]
mov dx, 1111b*256
push 0xC
pop esi
mcall 69
test eax, eax
jz .breakok
inc edx
cmp dl, 4
jb @b
call GoOn
; now wait for event
mcall 10
dec eax
jz .redraw
dec eax
jz .key
dec eax
jnz .debug
; button; we have only one button, close
or eax, -1
call draw_window
jmp .wait
mov al, 2
cmp ah, 3 ; Ctrl+C
jnz .wait
mov esi, aInterrupted
push edx esi
call put_message
pop esi edx
or dh, 80h
mcall 69, 9, [debuggee_pid]
cmp esi, aUnpacked
jnz OnSuspend
jmp AfterSuspend
cmp [dbgbuflen], 4*3
jnz .notour
cmp dword [dbgbuf], 3
jnz .notour
test byte [dbgbuf+8], 1
jnz .our
mov esi, aInterrupted
push edx
call put_message
pop edx
or dh, 80h
mcall 69, 9, [debuggee_pid]
jmp debugmsg
and [dbgbuflen], 0
push edx
call get_context
push eax
mcall 69, 6, [debuggee_pid], 4, 0xC, esp
pop eax
pop edx
cmp eax, [_eip]
jz .done
call DoResume
jmp .wait
mov esi, aUnpacked
jmp .x1
; Include Symbol parser
include 'symbols.inc'
; Include disassembler engine
include 'disasm.inc'
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DATA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
caption_str db 'Kolibri Debugger',0
begin_str db 'Kolibri Debugger, version 0.35',10
db 'Hint: type "help" for help, "quit" to quit'
newline db 10,0
prompt db '> ',0
dd aControl, 0, 0, help_control_msg
db 0
dd aData, 0, 0, help_data_msg
db 0
dd aBreakpoints, 0, 0, help_breaks_msg
db 0
; Commands format definitions
; TODO: make it with macros
; flags field:
; &1: command may be called without parameters
; &2: command may be called with parameters
; &4: command may be called without loaded program
; &8: command may be called with loaded program
dd _aH, OnHelp, HelpSyntax, HelpHelp
db 0Fh
dd aHelp, OnHelp, HelpSyntax, HelpHelp
db 0Fh
dd aQuit, OnQuit, QuitSyntax, QuitHelp
db 0Dh
dd aLoad, OnLoad, LoadSyntax, LoadHelp
db 6
dd aReload, OnReload, ReloadSyntax, ReloadHelp
db 0Dh
dd aTerminate, OnTerminate, TerminateSyntax, TerminateHelp
db 9
dd aDetach, OnDetach, DetachSyntax, DetachHelp
db 9
dd aSuspend, OnSuspend, SuspendSyntax, SuspendHelp
db 9
dd aResume, OnResume, ResumeSyntax, ResumeHelp
db 0Bh
dd aStep, OnStepMultiple, StepSyntax, StepHelp
db 0Bh
dd aProceed, OnProceedMultiple, ProceedSyntax, ProceedHelp
db 0Bh
dd aCalc, OnCalc, CalcSyntax, CalcHelp
db 0Eh
dd aDump, OnDump, DumpSyntax, DumpHelp
db 0Bh
dd aUnassemble, OnUnassemble, UnassembleSyntax, UnassembleHelp
db 0Bh
dd aBp, OnBp, BpSyntax, BpHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBpm, OnBpmb, BpmSyntax, BpmHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBpmb, OnBpmb, BpmSyntax, BpmHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBpmw, OnBpmw, BpmSyntax, BpmHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBpmd, OnBpmd, BpmSyntax, BpmHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBl, OnBl, BlSyntax, BlHelp
db 0Bh
dd aBc, OnBc, BcSyntax, BcHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBd, OnBd, BdSyntax, BdHelp
db 0Ah
dd aBe, OnBe, BeSyntax, BeHelp
db 0Ah
dd aReg, OnReg, RSyntax, RHelp
db 0Ah
dd aUnpack, OnUnpack, UnpackSyntax, UnpackHelp
db 9
dd aLoadSymbols, OnLoadSymbols, LoadSymbolsSyntax, LoadSymbolsHelp
db 0Ah
dd 0
; Help messages for commands groups
aHelp db 5,'help',0
_aH db 2,'h',0
HelpHelp db 'Help on specified function',10
HelpSyntax db 'Usage: h or help [group | command]',10,0
help_msg db 'List of known command groups:',10
db '"help control" - display list of control commands',10
db '"help data" - display list of commands concerning data',10
db '"help breakpoints" - display list of commands concerning breakpoints',10,0
; Control commands group
aControl db 8,'control',0
help_control_msg db 'List of control commands:',10
db 'h = help - help',10
db 'quit - exit from debugger',10
db 'load <name> [params] - load program for debugging',10
db 'reload - reload debugging program',10
db 'load-symbols <name> - load information on symbols for program',10
db 'terminate - terminate loaded program',10
db 'detach - detach from debugging program',10
db 'stop - suspend execution of debugging program',10
db 'g [<expression>] - go on (resume execution of debugging program)',10
db 's [<num>] - program step, also <F7>',10
db 'p [<num>] - program wide step, also <F8>',10
db 'unpack - try to bypass unpacker code (heuristic)',10,0
; Data commands group
aData db 5,'data',0
help_data_msg db 'List of data commands:',10
db '? <expression> - calculate value of expression',10
db 'd [<expression>] - dump data at given address',10
db 'u [<expression>] - unassemble instructions at given address',10
db 'r <register> <expression> or',10
db 'r <register>=<expression> - set register value',10,0
; Breakpoints commands group
aBreakpoints db 12,'breakpoints',0
help_breaks_msg db 'List of breakpoints commands:',10
db 'bp <expression> - set breakpoint on execution',10
db 'bpm[b|w|d] <type> <expression> - set breakpoint on memory access',10
db 'bl [<number>] - breakpoint(s) info',10
db 'bc <number>... - clear breakpoint',10
db 'bd <number>... - disable breakpoint',10
db 'be <number>... - enable breakpoint',10,0
; Individual command help messages
aQuit db 5,'quit',0
QuitHelp db 'Quit from debugger',10
QuitSyntax db 'Usage: quit',10,0
aLoad db 5,'load',0
LoadHelp db 'Load program for debugging',10
LoadSyntax db 'Usage: load <program-name> [parameters]',10,0
aReload db 7,'reload',0
ReloadHelp db 'Reload debugging program (restart debug session)',10
ReloadSyntax db 'Usage: reload',10,0
aTerminate db 10,'terminate',0
TerminateHelp db 'Terminate debugged program',10
TerminateSyntax db 'Usage: terminate',10,0
aDetach db 7,'detach',0
DetachHelp db 'Detach from debugged program',10
DetachSyntax db 'Usage: detach',10,0
aSuspend db 5,'stop',0
SuspendHelp db 'Suspend execution of debugged program',10
SuspendSyntax db 'Usage: stop',10,0
aResume db 2,'g',0
ResumeHelp db 'Go (resume execution of debugged program)',10
ResumeSyntax db 'Usage: g',10
db ' or: g <expression> - wait until specified address is reached',10,0
aStep db 2,'s',0
StepHelp db 'Make step in debugged program',10
StepSyntax db 'Usage: s [<number>]',10,0
aProceed db 2,'p',0
ProceedHelp db 'Make wide step in debugged program (step over CALL, REPxx, LOOP)',10
ProceedSyntax db 'Usage: p [<number>]',10,0
aDump db 2,'d',0
DumpHelp db 'Dump data of debugged program',10
DumpSyntax db 'Usage: d <expression> - dump data at specified address',10
db ' or: d - continue current dump',10,0
aCalc db 2,'?',0
CalcHelp db 'Calculate value of expression',10
CalcSyntax db 'Usage: ? <expression>',10,0
aUnassemble db 2,'u',0
UnassembleHelp db 'Unassemble',10
UnassembleSyntax db 'Usage: u <expression> - unassemble instructions at specified address',10
db ' or: u - continue current unassemble screen',10,0
aReg db 2,'r',0
RHelp db 'Set register value',10
RSyntax db 'Usage: r <register> <expression>',10
db ' or: r <register>=<expression> - set value of <register> to <expression>',10,0
aBp db 3,'bp',0
BpHelp db 'set BreakPoint on execution',10
BpSyntax db 'Usage: bp <expression>',10,0
aBpm db 4,'bpm',0
aBpmb db 5,'bpmb',0
aBpmw db 5,'bpmw',0
aBpmd db 5,'bpmd',0
BpmHelp db 'set BreakPoint on Memory access',10
db 'Maximum 4 breakpoints of this type are allowed',10
db 'Note that for this breaks debugger is activated after access',10
BpmSyntax db 'Usage: bpmb [w] <expression>',10
db ' bpmw [w] <expression>',10
db ' bpmd [w] <expression>',10
db ' bpm is synonym for bpmd',10
db '"w" means break only on writes (default is on read/write)',10,0
aBl db 3,'bl',0
BlHelp db 'Breakpoint List',10
BlSyntax db 'Usage: bl - list all breakpoints',10
db ' bl <number> - display info on particular breakpoint',10,0
aBc db 3,'bc',0
BcHelp db 'Breakpoint Clear',10
BcSyntax db 'Usage: bc <number-list>',10
db 'Examples: bc 2',10
db ' bc 1 3 4 A',10,0
aBd db 3,'bd',0
BdHelp db 'Breakpoint Disable',10
BdSyntax db 'Usage: bd <number-list>',10
db 'Examples: bd 2',10
db ' bd 1 3 4 A',10,0
aBe db 3,'be',0
BeHelp db 'Breakpoint Enable',10
BeSyntax db 'Usage: be <number-list>',10
db 'Examples: be 2',10
db ' be 1 3 4 A',10,0
aUnpack db 7,'unpack',0
UnpackHelp db 'Try to bypass unpacker code',10
UnpackSyntax db 'Usage: unpack',10,0
aLoadSymbols db 13,'load-symbols',0
LoadSymbolsHelp db 'Load symbolic information for executable',10
LoadSymbolsSyntax db 'Usage: load-symbols <symbols-file-name>',10,0
aUnknownCommand db 'Unknown command',10,0
; Error messages
load_err_msg db 'Cannot load program. ',0
unk_err_msg db 'Unknown error code -%4X',10,0
aCannotLoadFile db 'Cannot load file. ',0
unk_err_msg2 db 'Unknown error code %4X.',10,0
dd .1, 0, .3, 0, .5, .6, 0, 0, .9, .A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
dd 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .1E, .1F, .20
.1 db 'HD undefined.',10,0
.3 db 'Unknown FS.',10,0
.5 db 'File not found.',10,0
.6 db 'Unexpected EOF.',10,0
.9 db 'FAT table corrupted.',10,0
.A db 'Access denied.',10,0
.1E db 'No memory.',10,0
.1F db 'Not Menuet/Kolibri executable.',10,0
.20 db 'Too many processes.',10,0
load_succ_msg db 'Program loaded successfully! PID=%4X. Use "g" to run.',10,0
need_debuggee db 'No program loaded. Use "load" command.',10,0
aAlreadyLoaded db 'Program is already loaded. Use "terminate" or "detach" commands',10,0
terminated_msg db 'Program terminated.',10,0
aException db 'Debugged program caused an exception %2X. ', 0
msg_fault_sel dd aDivide, aDebug, aNonMask, aUndefined, aOverflow
dd aBounds, aInvalid, aCoProcessorNA, aDoubleFault
dd aUndefined, aInvalidTSS, aSegment, aStack
dd aProtection, aPageFault, aUndefined, aCoProcessor
aDivide db '(Divide error)',10,0
aDebug db '(Single-step/debug exception)',10,0
aNonMask db '(Nonmaskable interrupt)',10,0
aOverflow db '(Overflow)',10,0
aBounds db '(Bounds check)',10,0
aInvalid db '(Invalid opcode)',10,0
aCoProcessorNA db '(Coprocessor not available)',10,0
aDoubleFault db '(Double fault)',10,0
aUndefined db '(Undefined fault)',10,0
aInvalidTSS db '(Invalid TSS)',10,0
aSegment db '(Segment not present)',10,0
aStack db '(Stack fault)',10,0
aProtection db '(General protection fault)',10,0
aPageFault db '(Page fault)',10,0
aCoProcessor db '(Coprocessor error)',10,0
aSuspended db 'Suspended',10,0
aContinued db 'Continuing',10,0
aRunningErr db 'Program is running',10,0
read_mem_err db 'ERROR: cannot read process memory!!!',10,0
aBreakpointLimitExceeded db 'Breakpoint limit exceeded',10,0
aBreakErr db 'Cannot activate breakpoint, it will be disabled',10,0
aDuplicateBreakpoint db 'Duplicate breakpoint',10,0
aInvalidBreak db 'Invalid breakpoint number',10,0
OnBeErrMsg db 'There is already enabled breakpoint on this address',10,0
aBreakNum db '%2X: at %8X',0
aMemBreak1 db '%2X: on ',0
aMemBreak2 db 'read from ',0
aMemBreak3 db 'access of ',0
aMemBreak4 db 'byte',0
aMemBreak5 db 'word',0
aMemBreak6 db 'dword',0
aMemBreak7 db ' at %8X',0
aOneShot db ', one-shot',0
aDisabled db ', disabled',0
aBreakStop db 'Breakpoint #%2X',10,0
aUserBreak db 'int3 command at %8X',10,0
;dbgmsg_str db 'Debug message for process %4X.',10,0
aInvAddr db 'Invalid address',10,0
NoPrgLoaded_str db 'No program loaded'
NoPrgLoaded_len = $ - NoPrgLoaded_str
aRunning db 'Running'
aPaused db 'Paused'
aFPU db '[ FPU ]'
aMMX db '[ MMX ]'
aSSE db '[SSE32]'
aSSE2 db '[SSE64]'
aMMX128 db '[MMX128]'
aAVX db '[ AVX ]'
aMSR db '[ MSR ]'
aPoint db 0x1C
aMinus db '-'
aColon db ':'
aSpace db ' '
aQuests db '??'
aDots db '...'
aParseError db 'Parse error',10,0
aDivByZero db 'Division by 0',10,0
calc_string db '%8X',10,0
aNoMemory db 'No memory',10,0
aSymbolsLoaded db 'Symbols loaded',10,0
aUnaligned db 'Unaligned address',10,0
aEnabledBreakErr db 'Enabled breakpoints are not allowed',10,0
aInterrupted db 'Interrupted',10,0
aUnpacked db 'Unpacked successful!',10,0
aPacked1 db 'Program is probably packed with ',0
aPacked2 db '.',10,'Try to unpack automatically? [y/n]: ',0
aY_str db 'y',10,0
aN_str db 'n',10,0
mxp_nrv_name db 'mxp_nrv',0
mxp_name db 'mxp',0
mxp_lzo_name db 'mxp_lzo',0
mtappack_name db 'mtappack',0
flags db 'CPAZSDO'
flags_bits db 0,2,4,6,7,10,11
; Registers strings
db 'EAX='
db 'EBX='
db 'ECX='
db 'EDX='
db 'ESI='
db 'EDI='
db 'EBP='
db 'ESP='
db 'EIP='
db 'EFLAGS='
db '-XMM0-'
db '-XMM1-'
db '-XMM2-'
db '-XMM3-'
db '-XMM4-'
db '-XMM5-'
db '-XMM6-'
db '-XMM7-'
db '-YMM0-'
db '-YMM1-'
db '-YMM2-'
db '-YMM3-'
db '-YMM4-'
db '-YMM5-'
db '-YMM6-'
db '-YMM7-'
align 4
n_digits dd 10000000
btn2_tab dd aFPU
dd aMMX
btn3_tab dd aSSE2
dd aMMX128
dd aSSE
reg_mode db 1
include 'disasm_tbl.inc'
db 2,'al',0
db 2,'cl',1
db 2,'dl',2
db 2,'bl',3
db 2,'ah',4
db 2,'ch',5
db 2,'dh',6
db 2,'bh',7
db 2,'ax',8
db 2,'cx',9
db 2,'dx',10
db 2,'bx',11
db 2,'sp',12
db 2,'bp',13
db 2,'si',14
db 2,'di',15
db 3,'eax',16
db 3,'ecx',17
db 3,'edx',18
db 3,'ebx',19
db 3,'esp',20
db 3,'ebp',21
db 3,'esi',22
db 3,'edi',23
db 3,'eip',24
db 0
dd 0
dq 0
dd ?
dd ?
db 0
dd ?
dd 5
dd 0,0,0
dd fileattr
db 0
dd ?
dd 7
dd 1
load_params dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
db 0
rb 255
symbolsfile rb 260
prgname_ptr dd ?
prgname_len dd ?
align 4
debuggee_pid dd ?
dbgwnd dd ?
temp_break dd ?
fpu_mode db ?
sse_mode db ?
bSuspended db ?
bAfterGo db ?
messages_pos dd ?
messages rb messages_height*messages_width
cmdline rb cmdline_width+1
cmdline_len dd ?
cmdline_pos dd ?
curarg dd ?
cmdline_prev rb cmdline_width+1
was_temp_break db ?
symbol_section db ?
dbgbufsize dd ?
dbgbuflen dd ?
dbgbuf rb 256
fileattr rb 40
;keep aligned !!!
;do not change layout !!!
align 16
_eip dd ?
_eflags dd ?
_eax dd ?
_ecx dd ?
_edx dd ?
_ebx dd ?
_esp dd ?
_ebp dd ?
_esi dd ?
_edi dd ?
dd ?
dd ?
_fcw dw ?
_fsw dw ?
_ftw db ?
db ?
_fop dw ?
_fpu_ip dd ?
dw ?
dw ?
dq ?
dq ?
_mm0: rq 2
_mm1: rq 2
_mm2: rq 2
_mm3: rq 2
_mm4: rq 2
_mm5: rq 2
_mm6: rq 2
_mm7: rq 2
_xmm0 rq 2
_xmm1 rq 2
_xmm2 rq 2
_xmm3 rq 2
_xmm4 rq 2
_xmm5 rq 2
_xmm6 rq 2
_xmm7 rq 2
oldcontext rb _ctx_flags-context
rb 32
oldmmxcontext: rb sse_context-fpu_context
oldssecontext: rb ctx_end-sse_context
if 0
_ymm0 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm1 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm2 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm3 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm4 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm5 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm6 dq 4 dup ?
_ymm7 dq 4 dup ?
oldavxcontext rb $-avx_context
end if
step_num dd ?
proc_num dd ?
dumpread dd ?
dumppos dd ?
dumpdata rb dump_height*10h
; breakpoint structure:
; dword +0: address
; byte +4: flags
; bit 0: 1 <=> breakpoint valid
; bit 1: 1 <=> breakpoint disabled
; bit 2: 1 <=> one-shot breakpoint
; bit 3: 1 <=> DRx breakpoint
; byte +5: overwritten byte
; for DRx breaks: flags + (index shl 6)
breakpoints_n = 256
breakpoints rb breakpoints_n*6
drx_break rd 4
disasm_buf_size dd ?
symbols dd ?
num_symbols dd ?
bReload db ?
disasm_buffer rb 256
disasm_start_pos dd ?
disasm_cur_pos dd ?
disasm_cur_str dd ?
disasm_string rb 256
thread_info process_information
; Coordinates and sizes for GUI
data_x_size_dd dd ?, ?
messages_x_size_dd dd ?, ?
registers_x_pos_dd dd ?, ?
disasm_height_dd dd ?
disasm_y_size_dd dd ?, ?
messages_y_pos_dd dd ?, ?
cmdline_y_pos_dd dd ?, ?
registers_y_size_dd dd ?, ?
i_param rb 256
; stack
align 400h
rb 400h
; vim: ft=fasm tabstop=4