Egor00f 2bfe470796 use powershell features for install toolchain && use powershell script in installer
+ modules for download and unpacking package
+ use Write-Progress for show progress
+ update libs in for loop
+ use ps1 installer in setup installer, because it not need pre-installed depends
+ Add test for PowerShell install script

Script not tested.
2024-11-15 16:45:10 +00:00

112 lines
2.8 KiB

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
if (!Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name 7Zip4PowerShell)
Install-Module -Name 7Zip4PowerShell
PSStyle.Progress.View = 'Classic'
$URL_TO_LIBS = "http://builds.kolibrios.org/en_US/data/contrib/sdk/lib/"
param (
[string] $InstallPath=$DEFAULT_InstallPath
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "toolchain",
PercentComplete = 0,
CurrentOperation = "Create the $InstallPath folder"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
mkdir $InstallPath
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "toolchain",
PercentComplete = 1,
CurrentOperation = "Download the kos32-gcc toolchain"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
Invoke-WebRequest http://ftp.kolibrios.org/users/Serge/new/Toolchain/msys-kos32- -OutFile $InstallPath\kos32-toolchain.7z
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "toolchain",
PercentComplete = 20,
CurrentOperation = "Unpacking kos32-gcc toolchain"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName $InstallPath\kos32-toolchain.7z -TargetPath $InstallPath
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "Installing libraries",
PercentComplete = 40,
CurrentOperation = "Downloading libraries"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
Invoke-WebRequest http://ftp.kolibrios.org/users/Serge/new/Toolchain/sdk-28-10-16.7z -OutFile $InstallPath\win32\mingw32\sdk-28-10-16.7z
# Unpack libs
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "Installing libraries",
PercentComplete = 50,
CurrentOperation = "Downloading libraries"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName $InstallPath\win32\mingw32\sdk-28-10-16.7z -TargetPath $InstallPath\win32\mingw32\
for (($i = 0); $i -lt $LIST_OF_LIBS.count; $i++)
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "Updating libraries",
PercentComplete = 50+(49 * ($i / $LIST_OF_LIBS.count) ),
CurrentOperation = "download $($LIST_OF_LIBS[$i])"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
Invoke-WebRequest $URL_TO_LIBS$LIST_OF_LIBS[$i] -OutFile $InstallPath\win32\mingw32\lib\$LIST_OF_LIBS[$i]
$OuterLoopProgressParameters = @{
Activity = "Installing toolchain"
Status = "Done!",
PercentComplete = 99,
CurrentOperation = "Adding C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\autobuild\tools\win32\bin to PATH"
Write-Progress @OuterLoopProgressParameters
Write-Information -MessageData "Installation was successful!"