
2329 lines
79 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens
* Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren
* Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Francois Devaux and Antonin Descampe
* Copyright (c) 2005, Herv<EFBFBD> Drolon, FreeImage Team
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
* Copyright (c) 2006, M<EFBFBD>nica D<EFBFBD>ez Garc<EFBFBD>a, Image Processing Laboratory, University of Valladolid, Spain
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "opj_includes.h"
/** @defgroup J3D J3D - JPEG-2000 PART 10 codestream reader/writer */
/** @name Funciones locales */
Write the SOC marker (Start Of Codestream)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_soc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the SOC marker (Start of Codestream)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_soc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the SIZ marker (2D volume and tile size)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_siz(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the SIZ marker (2D volume and tile size)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_siz(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the ZSI marker (3rd volume and tile size)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_zsi(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the ZSI marker (3rd volume and tile size)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_zsi(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the COM marker (comment)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_com(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the COM marker (comment)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_com(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the value concerning the specified component in the marker COD and COC
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concerned by the information written
static void j3d_write_cox(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno);
Read the value concerning the specified component in the marker COD and COC
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concerned by the information read
static void j3d_read_cox(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno);
Write the COD marker (coding style default)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_cod(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the COD marker (coding style default)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_cod(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the COC marker (coding style component)
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concerned by the information written
static void j3d_write_coc(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno);
Read the COC marker (coding style component)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_coc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the value concerning the specified component in the marker QCD and QCC
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concerned by the information written
static void j3d_write_qcx(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno);
Read the value concerning the specified component in the marker QCD and QCC
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concern by the information read
@param len Length of the information in the QCX part of the marker QCD/QCC
static void j3d_read_qcx(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno, int len);
Write the QCD marker (quantization default)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_qcd(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the QCD marker (quantization default)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_qcd(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the QCC marker (quantization component)
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concerned by the information written
static void j3d_write_qcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno);
Read the QCC marker (quantization component)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_qcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the POC marker (progression order change)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_poc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the POC marker (progression order change)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_poc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the CRG marker (component registration)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_crg(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the TLM marker (tile-part lengths)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_tlm(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the PLM marker (packet length, main header)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_plm(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the PLT marker (packet length, tile-part header)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_plt(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the PPM marker (packet packet headers, main header)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_ppm(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the PPT marker (packet packet headers, tile-part header)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_ppt(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the SOT marker (start of tile-part)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_sot(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the SOT marker (start of tile-part)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_sot(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the SOD marker (start of data)
@param j3d J3D handle
@param tile_coder Pointer to a TCD handle
static void j3d_write_sod(opj_j3d_t *j3d, void *tile_coder);
Read the SOD marker (start of data)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_sod(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the RGN marker (region-of-interest)
@param j3d J3D handle
@param compno Number of the component concerned by the information written
@param tileno Number of the tile concerned by the information written
static void j3d_write_rgn(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno, int tileno);
Read the RGN marker (region-of-interest)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_rgn(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the EOC marker (end of codestream)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_eoc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the EOC marker (end of codestream)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_eoc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read an unknown marker
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_unk(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the CAP marker (extended capabilities)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_cap(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the CAP marker (extended capabilities)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_cap(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the DCO marker (Variable DC offset)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_dco(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the DCO marker (Variable DC offset)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_dco(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the ATK marker (arbitrary transformation kernel)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_atk(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the ATK marker (arbitrary transformation kernel)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_atk(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the CBD marker (component bit depth definition)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_cbd(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the CBD marker (component bit depth definition)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_cbd(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the MCT marker (multiple component transfomation definition)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_mct(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the MCT marker (multiple component transfomation definition)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_mct(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the MCC marker (multiple component transfomation collection)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_mcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the MCC marker (multiple component transfomation collection)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_mcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the MCO marker (multiple component transfomation ordering)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_mco(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the MCO marker (multiple component transfomation ordering)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_mco(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Write the NLT marker (non-linearity point transformation)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_write_nlt(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
Read the NLT marker (non-linearity point transformation)
@param j3d J3D handle
static void j3d_read_nlt(opj_j3d_t *j3d);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void j3d_dump_volume(FILE *fd, opj_volume_t * vol) {
int compno;
fprintf(fd, "volume {\n");
fprintf(fd, " x0=%d, y0=%d, z0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, z1=%d\n", vol->x0, vol->y0, vol->z0,vol->x1, vol->y1, vol->z1);
fprintf(fd, " numcomps=%d\n", vol->numcomps);
for (compno = 0; compno < vol->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_volume_comp_t *comp = &vol->comps[compno];
fprintf(fd, " comp %d {\n", compno);
fprintf(fd, " dx=%d, dy=%d, dz=%d\n", comp->dx, comp->dy, comp->dz);
fprintf(fd, " prec=%d\n", comp->prec);
fprintf(fd, " sgnd=%d\n", comp->sgnd);
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, "}\n");
void j3d_dump_cp(FILE *fd, opj_volume_t * vol, opj_cp_t * cp) {
int tileno, compno, layno, bandno, resno, numbands;
fprintf(fd, "coding parameters {\n");
fprintf(fd, " tx0=%d, ty0=%d, tz0=%d\n", cp->tx0, cp->ty0, cp->tz0);
fprintf(fd, " tdx=%d, tdy=%d, tdz=%d\n", cp->tdx, cp->tdy, cp->tdz);
fprintf(fd, " tw=%d, th=%d, tl=%d\n", cp->tw, cp->th, cp->tl);
fprintf(fd, " transform format: %d\n", cp->transform_format);
fprintf(fd, " encoding format: %d\n", cp->encoding_format);
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl; tileno++) {
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno];
fprintf(fd, " tile %d {\n", tileno);
fprintf(fd, " csty=%x\n", tcp->csty);
fprintf(fd, " prg=%d\n", tcp->prg);
fprintf(fd, " numlayers=%d\n", tcp->numlayers);
fprintf(fd, " mct=%d\n", tcp->mct);
fprintf(fd, " rates=");
for (layno = 0; layno < tcp->numlayers; layno++) {
fprintf(fd, "%f ", tcp->rates[layno]);
fprintf(fd, "\n");
fprintf(fd, " first=%d\n", tcp->first);
for (compno = 0; compno < vol->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
fprintf(fd, " comp %d {\n", compno);
fprintf(fd, " csty=%x\n", tccp->csty);
fprintf(fd, " numresx=%d, numresy=%d, numresz=%d\n", tccp->numresolution[0], tccp->numresolution[1], tccp->numresolution[2]);
fprintf(fd, " cblkw=%d, cblkh=%d, cblkl=%d\n", tccp->cblk[0], tccp->cblk[1], tccp->cblk[2]);
fprintf(fd, " cblksty=%x\n", tccp->cblksty);
fprintf(fd, " qntsty=%d\n", tccp->qntsty);
fprintf(fd, " numgbits=%d\n", tccp->numgbits);
fprintf(fd, " roishift=%d\n", tccp->roishift);
fprintf(fd, " reversible=%d\n", tccp->reversible);
fprintf(fd, " dwtidx=%d dwtidy=%d dwtidz=%d\n", tccp->dwtid[0], tccp->dwtid[1], tccp->dwtid[2]);
if (tccp->atk != NULL) {
fprintf(fd, " atk.index=%d\n", tccp->atk->index);
fprintf(fd, " atk.coeff_typ=%d\n", tccp->atk->coeff_typ);
fprintf(fd, " atk.filt_cat=%d\n", tccp->atk->filt_cat);
fprintf(fd, " atk.exten=%d\n", tccp->atk->exten);
fprintf(fd, " atk.minit=%d\n", tccp->atk->minit);
fprintf(fd, " atk.wt_typ=%d\n", tccp->atk->wt_typ);
fprintf(fd, " stepsizes of bands=");
numbands = (tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT) ? 1 :
( (cp->transform_format == TRF_2D_DWT) ? (tccp->numresolution[0] * 3 - 2) :
(tccp->numresolution[0] * 7 - 6) - 4 *(tccp->numresolution[0] - tccp->numresolution[2]) );
for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) {
fprintf(fd, "(%d,%d) ", tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant,tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn);
fprintf(fd, "\n");
if (tccp->csty & J3D_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
fprintf(fd, " prcw=");
for (resno = 0; resno < tccp->numresolution[0]; resno++) {
fprintf(fd, "%d ", tccp->prctsiz[0][resno]);
fprintf(fd, "\n");
fprintf(fd, " prch=");
for (resno = 0; resno < tccp->numresolution[0]; resno++) {
fprintf(fd, "%d ", tccp->prctsiz[1][resno]);
fprintf(fd, "\n");
fprintf(fd, " prcl=");
for (resno = 0; resno < tccp->numresolution[0]; resno++) {
fprintf(fd, "%d ", tccp->prctsiz[2][resno]);
fprintf(fd, "\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, "}\n");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Extended capabilities
static void j3d_write_cap(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
int len,lenp;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_CAP, 2); /* CAP */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cio_write(cio,J3D_CAP_10, 4);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lsiz */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_cap(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
int len, Cap;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
/*cio_read(cio, 2); CAP */
len = cio_read(cio, 2);
Cap = cio_read(cio, 4);
static void j3d_write_zsi(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int i;
int lenp, len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_ZSI, 2); /* ZSI */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cio_write(cio, volume->z1, 4); /* Zsiz */
cio_write(cio, volume->z0, 4); /* Z0siz */
cio_write(cio, cp->tdz, 4); /* ZTsiz */
cio_write(cio, cp->tz0, 4); /* ZT0siz */
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
cio_write(cio, volume->comps[i].dz, 1); /* ZRsiz_i */
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lsiz */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_zsi(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lsiz */
volume->z1 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* Zsiz */
volume->z0 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* Z0siz */
cp->tdz = cio_read(cio, 4); /* ZTsiz */
cp->tz0 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* ZT0siz */
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
volume->comps[i].dz = cio_read(cio, 1); /* ZRsiz_i */
//Initialization of volume
cp->tw = int_ceildiv(volume->x1 - cp->tx0, cp->tdx);
cp->th = int_ceildiv(volume->y1 - cp->ty0, cp->tdy);
cp->tl = int_ceildiv(volume->z1 - cp->tz0, cp->tdz);
cp->tcps = (opj_tcp_t *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(opj_tcp_t));
cp->tileno = (int *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(int));
cp->tileno_size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl ; i++) {
cp->tcps[i].POC = 0;
cp->tcps[i].numpocs = 0;
cp->tcps[i].first = 1;
/* Initialization for PPM marker (Packets header)*/
cp->ppm = 0;
cp->ppm_data = NULL;
cp->ppm_data_first = NULL;
cp->ppm_previous = 0;
cp->ppm_store = 0;
j3d->default_tcp->tccps = (opj_tccp_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tccp_t) * volume->numcomps);
for (i = 0; i < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl ; i++) {
cp->tcps[i].tccps = (opj_tccp_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tccp_t) * volume->numcomps);
j3d->tile_data = (unsigned char **) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(unsigned char *));
j3d->tile_len = (int *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(int));
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_MH;
static void j3d_write_dco(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
int lenp, len, i;
int dcotype;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
dcotype = 1; /* Offsets are 16bit signed integers Table A21 15444-2 */
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_DCO, 2); /* DCO */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cio_write(cio, dcotype, 1);
if (dcotype == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++)
cio_write(cio, volume->comps[i].dcoffset, 1); /* SPdco_i */
} else if (dcotype == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++){
cio_write(cio, volume->comps[i].dcoffset, 1); /* SPdco_i */
opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "dcotype %d DCO %d \n",dcotype,volume->comps[i].dcoffset);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Ldco */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_dco(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
int len, i;
int dcotype;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lsiz */
dcotype = cio_read(cio, 1); //offset 8bit unsigned / 16bit signed integers
if (dcotype == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
volume->comps[i].dcoffset = cio_read(cio, 1);
if (volume->comps[i].dcoffset > 128)
volume->comps[i].dcoffset = volume->comps[i].dcoffset - 256;
} else if (dcotype == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
volume->comps[i].dcoffset = cio_read(cio, 1);
if (volume->comps[i].dcoffset > 128)
volume->comps[i].dcoffset = volume->comps[i].dcoffset - 256;
static void j3d_write_atk(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
int lenp, len, s, k;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_atk_t *atk = j3d->cp->tcps->tccps->atk;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_ATK, 2); /* ATK */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cio_write(cio, atk->index + (atk->coeff_typ << 8) + (atk->filt_cat << 11)
+ (atk->wt_typ << 12) + (atk->minit << 13) + (atk->exten << 14), 2); /* Satk */
if (atk->wt_typ == J3D_ATK_IRR)
cio_write(cio,(unsigned int) (atk->Katk * 8192.0), 1 << atk->coeff_typ);
cio_write(cio, atk->Natk, 1);
for (s = 0; s < atk->Natk; s++){
if (atk->filt_cat == J3D_ATK_ARB)
cio_write(cio, atk->Oatk[s], 1);
if (atk->wt_typ == J3D_ATK_REV){
cio_write(cio, atk->Eatk[s], 1);
cio_write(cio, atk->Batk[s], 1);
cio_write(cio, atk->LCatk[s], 1);
for (k = 0; k < atk->LCatk[s]; k++)
cio_write(cio,(unsigned int) (atk->Aatk[s][k] * 8192.0), 1 << atk->coeff_typ);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Latk */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_atk(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
int len, i, Satk, k;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_atk_t *atk = cp->tcps->tccps->atk;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Latk */
Satk = cio_read(cio, 2);
atk->index = Satk & 0x00ff;
atk->coeff_typ = Satk >> 8 & 0x0007;
atk->filt_cat = Satk >> 11 & 0x0001;
atk->wt_typ = Satk >> 12 & 0x0001;
atk->minit = Satk >> 13 & 0x0001;
atk->exten = Satk >> 14 & 0x0001;
if (atk->wt_typ == J3D_ATK_IRR)
atk->Katk = ((double) cio_read(cio, 1 << atk->coeff_typ) / 8192.0);
atk->Natk = cio_read(cio, 1);
for (i = 0; i < atk->Natk; i++) {
if (atk->filt_cat == J3D_ATK_ARB)
atk->Oatk[i] = cio_read(cio, 1);
if (atk->wt_typ == J3D_ATK_REV){
atk->Eatk[i] = cio_read(cio, 1);
atk->Batk[i] = cio_read(cio, 1);
atk->LCatk[i] = cio_read(cio, 1);
for (k = 0; k < atk->LCatk[i]; k++)
atk->Aatk[i][k] = ((double) cio_read(cio, 1 << atk->coeff_typ) / 8192.0);
static void j3d_write_cbd(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_read_cbd(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_write_mct(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_read_mct(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_write_mcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_read_mcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_write_mco(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_read_mco(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_write_nlt(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
static void j3d_read_nlt(opj_j3d_t *j3d){
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
15444-1 codestream syntax
static void j3d_write_soc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_SOC, 2);
static void j3d_read_soc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_MHSIZ;
static void j3d_write_siz(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int i;
int lenp, len;
int Rsiz;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_SIZ, 2); /* SIZ */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
//cio_write(cio, 0, 2); /* Rsiz (capabilities of 15444-1 only) */
Rsiz = J3D_RSIZ_DCO | J3D_RSIZ_ATK; /** | J3D_RSIZ_MCT | J3D_RSIZ_NONLT (not implemented yet)*/
cio_write(cio, Rsiz, 2); /* capabilities of WDv5.2*/
cio_write(cio, volume->x1, 4); /* Xsiz */
cio_write(cio, volume->y1, 4); /* Ysiz */
cio_write(cio, volume->x0, 4); /* X0siz */
cio_write(cio, volume->y0, 4); /* Y0siz */
cio_write(cio, cp->tdx, 4); /* XTsiz */
cio_write(cio, cp->tdy, 4); /* YTsiz */
cio_write(cio, cp->tx0, 4); /* XT0siz */
cio_write(cio, cp->ty0, 4); /* YT0siz */
cio_write(cio, volume->numcomps, 2); /* Csiz */
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
cio_write(cio, volume->comps[i].prec - 1 + (volume->comps[i].sgnd << 7), 1); /* Ssiz_i */
cio_write(cio, volume->comps[i].dx, 1); /* XRsiz_i */
cio_write(cio, volume->comps[i].dy, 1); /* YRsiz_i */
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lsiz */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_siz(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lsiz */
cp->rsiz = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Rsiz (capabilities) */
volume->x1 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* Xsiz */
volume->y1 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* Ysiz */
volume->x0 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* X0siz */
volume->y0 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* Y0siz */
cp->tdx = cio_read(cio, 4); /* XTsiz */
cp->tdy = cio_read(cio, 4); /* YTsiz */
cp->tx0 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* XT0siz */
cp->ty0 = cio_read(cio, 4); /* YT0siz */
volume->numcomps = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Csiz */
volume->comps = (opj_volume_comp_t *) opj_malloc(volume->numcomps * sizeof(opj_volume_comp_t));
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
int tmp, j;
tmp = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Ssiz_i */
volume->comps[i].prec = (tmp & 0x7f) + 1;
volume->comps[i].sgnd = tmp >> 7;
volume->comps[i].dx = cio_read(cio, 1); /* XRsiz_i */
volume->comps[i].dy = cio_read(cio, 1); /* YRsiz_i */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
volume->comps[i].resno_decoded[j] = 0; /* number of resolution decoded */
volume->comps[i].factor[j] = 0; /* reducing factor per component */
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J2K){
volume->z1 = 1;
volume->z0 = 0;
volume->numslices = 1;
cp->tdz = 1;
cp->tz0 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++)
volume->comps[i].dz = 1;
//Initialization of volume
cp->tw = int_ceildiv(volume->x1 - cp->tx0, cp->tdx);
cp->th = int_ceildiv(volume->y1 - cp->ty0, cp->tdy);
cp->tl = int_ceildiv(volume->z1 - cp->tz0, cp->tdz);
cp->tcps = (opj_tcp_t *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(opj_tcp_t));
cp->tileno = (int *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(int));
cp->tileno_size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl ; i++) {
cp->tcps[i].POC = 0;
cp->tcps[i].numpocs = 0;
cp->tcps[i].first = 1;
/* Initialization for PPM marker (Packets header)*/
cp->ppm = 0;
cp->ppm_data = NULL;
cp->ppm_data_first = NULL;
cp->ppm_previous = 0;
cp->ppm_store = 0;
j3d->default_tcp->tccps = (opj_tccp_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tccp_t) * volume->numcomps);
for (i = 0; i < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl ; i++) {
cp->tcps[i].tccps = (opj_tccp_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tccp_t) * volume->numcomps);
j3d->tile_data = (unsigned char **) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(unsigned char *));
j3d->tile_len = (int *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(int));
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_MH;
static void j3d_write_com(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
unsigned int i;
int lenp, len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_COM, 2);
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
//cio_write(cio, 0, 2);
cio_write(cio, j3d->cp->transform_format,1);
cio_write(cio, j3d->cp->encoding_format,1);
//opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "TRF %D ENCOD %d\n",j3d->cp->transform_format,j3d->cp->encoding_format);
if (j3d->cp->comment != NULL) {
char *comment = j3d->cp->comment;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(comment); i++) {
cio_write(cio, comment[i], 1);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2);
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_com(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2);
j3d->cp->transform_format = (OPJ_TRANSFORM) cio_read(cio, 1);
j3d->cp->encoding_format = (OPJ_ENTROPY_CODING) cio_read(cio, 1);
//opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "TRF %D ENCOD %d\n",j3d->cp->transform_format,j3d->cp->encoding_format);
cio_skip(cio, len - 4); //posible comments
static void j3d_write_cox(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno) {
int i;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, tccp->numresolution[0] - 1, 1); /* SPcox (D) No of decomposition levels in x-axis*/
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
cio_write(cio, tccp->numresolution[1] - 1, 1); /* SPcox (E) No of decomposition levels in y-axis*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->numresolution[2] - 1, 1); /* SPcox (F) No of decomposition levels in z-axis*/
/* (cblkw - 2) + (cblkh - 2) + (cblkl - 2) <= 18*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->cblk[0] - 2, 1); /* SPcox (G) Cblk width entre 10 y 2 (8 y 0)*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->cblk[1] - 2, 1); /* SPcox (H) Cblk height*/
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
cio_write(cio, tccp->cblk[2] - 2, 1); /* SPcox (I) Cblk depth*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->cblksty, 1); /* SPcox (J) Cblk style*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->dwtid[0], 1); /* SPcox (K) WT in x-axis 15444-2 Table A10*/
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
cio_write(cio, tccp->dwtid[1], 1); /* SPcox (L) WT in y-axis 15444-2 Table A10*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->dwtid[2], 1); /* SPcox (M) WT in z-axis 15444-2 Table A10*/
if (tccp->csty & J3D_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
for (i = 0; i < tccp->numresolution[0]; i++) {
if (i < tccp->numresolution[2])
cio_write(cio, tccp->prctsiz[0][i] + (tccp->prctsiz[1][i] << 4) + (tccp->prctsiz[2][i] << 8), 2); /* SPcox (N_i) Table A9*/
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D)
cio_write(cio, tccp->prctsiz[0][i] + (tccp->prctsiz[1][i] << 4), 2); /* SPcox (N_i) Table A9*/
cio_write(cio, tccp->prctsiz[0][i] + (tccp->prctsiz[1][i] << 4), 1); /* SPcox (N_i) Table A9*/ }
static void j3d_read_cox(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno) {
int i;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = j3d->state == J3D_STATE_TPH ? &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno] : j3d->default_tcp;
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
tccp->numresolution[0] = cio_read(cio, 1) + 1; /* SPcox (D) No of decomposition levels in x-axis*/
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
tccp->numresolution[1] = cio_read(cio, 1) + 1; /* SPcox (E) No of decomposition levels in y-axis*/
tccp->numresolution[2] = cio_read(cio, 1) + 1; /* SPcox (F) No of decomposition levels in z-axis*/
}else if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J2K) {
tccp->numresolution[1] = tccp->numresolution[0];
tccp->numresolution[2] = 1;
/* check the reduce value */
cp->reduce[0] = int_min((tccp->numresolution[0])-1, cp->reduce[0]);
cp->reduce[1] = int_min((tccp->numresolution[1])-1, cp->reduce[1]);
cp->reduce[2] = int_min((tccp->numresolution[2])-1, cp->reduce[2]);
tccp->cblk[0] = cio_read(cio, 1) + 2; /* SPcox (G) */
tccp->cblk[1] = cio_read(cio, 1) + 2; /* SPcox (H) */
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D)
tccp->cblk[2] = cio_read(cio, 1) + 2; /* SPcox (I) */
tccp->cblk[2] = tccp->cblk[0];
tccp->cblksty = cio_read(cio, 1); /* SPcox (J) */
tccp->dwtid[0] = cio_read(cio, 1); /* SPcox (K) */
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
tccp->dwtid[1] = cio_read(cio, 1); /* SPcox (L) */
tccp->dwtid[2] = cio_read(cio, 1); /* SPcox (M) */
tccp->dwtid[1] = tccp->dwtid[0]; /* SPcox (L) */
tccp->dwtid[2] = tccp->dwtid[0]; /* SPcox (M) */
tccp->reversible = (tccp->dwtid[0]>=1 && tccp->dwtid[1]>=1 && tccp->dwtid[2]>=1); //TODO: only valid for irreversible 9x7 WTs
if (tccp->csty & J3D_CP_CSTY_PRT) {
for (i = 0; i < tccp->numresolution[0]; i++) {
int tmp = cio_read(cio, 2); /* SPcox (N_i) */
tccp->prctsiz[0][i] = tmp & 0xf;
tccp->prctsiz[1][i] = tmp >> 4;
tccp->prctsiz[2][i] = tmp >> 8;
static void j3d_write_cod(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
opj_cp_t *cp = NULL;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = NULL;
int lenp, len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_COD, 2); /* COD */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cp = j3d->cp;
tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
/* Scod : Table A-4*/
cio_write(cio, tcp->csty, 1); /* Scod : Coding style parameters */
/* SGcod : Table A-5*/
cio_write(cio, tcp->prg, 1); /* SGcod (A) : Progression order */
cio_write(cio, tcp->numlayers, 2); /* SGcod (B) : No of layers */
cio_write(cio, tcp->mct, 1); /* SGcod (C) : Multiple component transformation usage */
/* SPcod : Table A-6*/
j3d_write_cox(j3d, 0);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lcod */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_cod(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i, pos;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = j3d->state == J3D_STATE_TPH ? &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno] : j3d->default_tcp;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
/* Lcod */
len = cio_read(cio, 2);
/* Scod : Table A-4*/
tcp->csty = cio_read(cio, 1);
/* SGcod : Table A-5*/
tcp->prg = (OPJ_PROG_ORDER)cio_read(cio, 1);
tcp->numlayers = cio_read(cio, 2);
tcp->mct = cio_read(cio, 1);
pos = cio_tell(cio);
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
tcp->tccps[i].csty = tcp->csty & J3D_CP_CSTY_PRT;
cio_seek(cio, pos);
j3d_read_cox(j3d, i);
static void j3d_write_coc(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno) {
int lenp, len;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_COC, 2); /* COC */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cio_write(cio, compno, volume->numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Ccoc */
cio_write(cio, tcp->tccps[compno].csty, 1); /* Scoc */
j3d_write_cox(j3d, compno);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lcoc */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_coc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, compno;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = j3d->state == J3D_STATE_TPH ? &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno] : j3d->default_tcp;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lcoc */
compno = cio_read(cio, volume->numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Ccoc */
tcp->tccps[compno].csty = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Scoc */
j3d_read_cox(j3d, compno);
static void j3d_write_qcx(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno) {
int bandno, numbands;
int expn, mant;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, tccp->qntsty + (tccp->numgbits << 5), 1); /* Sqcx : Table A28 de 15444-1*/
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J2K)
numbands = tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT ? 1 : tccp->numresolution[0] * 3 - 2;
else if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
int diff = tccp->numresolution[0] - tccp->numresolution[2];
numbands = (tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT) ? 1 : (tccp->numresolution[0] * 7 - 6) - 4 *diff; /* SIQNT vs. SEQNT */
for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) {
expn = tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn;
mant = tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant;
if (tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT) {
cio_write(cio, expn << 3, 1); /* SPqcx_i */
} else {
cio_write(cio, (expn << 11) + mant, 2); /* SPqcx_i */
static void j3d_read_qcx(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno, int len) {
int tmp;
int bandno, numbands;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = j3d->state == J3D_STATE_TPH ? &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno] : j3d->default_tcp;
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
tmp = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Sqcx */
tccp->qntsty = tmp & 0x1f;
tccp->numgbits = tmp >> 5;
/*Numbands = 1 si SIQNT
len - 1 si NOQNT
(len - 1) / 2 si SEQNT */
numbands = tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT ? 1 : ((tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT) ? len - 1 : (len - 1) / 2);
for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) {
int expn, mant;
if (tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT) {
expn = cio_read(cio, 1) >> 3; /* SPqcx_i */
mant = 0;
} else {
tmp = cio_read(cio, 2); /* SPqcx_i */
expn = tmp >> 11;
mant = tmp & 0x7ff;
tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn = expn;
tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant = mant;
/* Add Antonin : if scalar_derived -> compute other stepsizes */
if (tccp->qntsty == J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT) {
for (bandno = 1; bandno < J3D_MAXBANDS; bandno++) {
int numbands = (cp->transform_format==TRF_2D_DWT) ? 3 : 7;
tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn = tccp->stepsizes[0].expn - ((bandno - 1) / numbands);
tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant = tccp->stepsizes[0].mant;
/* ddA */
static void j3d_write_qcd(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int lenp, len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_QCD, 2); /* QCD */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
j3d_write_qcx(j3d, 0); /* Sqcd*/
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lqcd */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_qcd(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i, pos;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
opj_volume_t *volume = j3d->volume;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lqcd */
pos = cio_tell(cio);
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
cio_seek(cio, pos);
j3d_read_qcx(j3d, i, len - 2);
static void j3d_write_qcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno) {
int lenp, len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_QCC, 2); /* QCC */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2);
cio_write(cio, compno, j3d->volume->numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Cqcc */
j3d_write_qcx(j3d, compno);
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lqcc */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_qcc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, compno;
int numcomp = j3d->volume->numcomps;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lqcc */
compno = cio_read(cio, numcomp <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Cqcc */
j3d_read_qcx(j3d, compno, len - 2 - (numcomp <= 256 ? 1 : 2));
static void j3d_write_poc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, numpchgs, i;
int numcomps = j3d->volume->numcomps;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[0];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
numpchgs = tcp->numpocs;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_POC, 2); /* POC */
len = 2 + (5 + 2 * (numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2)) * numpchgs;
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lpoc */
for (i = 0; i < numpchgs; i++) {
opj_poc_t *poc = &tcp->pocs[i];
cio_write(cio, poc->resno0, 1); /* RSpoc_i */
cio_write(cio, poc->compno0, (numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2)); /* CSpoc_i */
cio_write(cio, poc->layno1, 2); /* LYEpoc_i */
poc->layno1 = int_min(poc->layno1, tcp->numlayers);
cio_write(cio, poc->resno1, 1); /* REpoc_i */
poc->resno1 = int_min(poc->resno1, tccp->numresolution[0]);
cio_write(cio, poc->compno1, (numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2)); /* CEpoc_i */
poc->compno1 = int_min(poc->compno1, numcomps);
cio_write(cio, poc->prg, 1); /* Ppoc_i */
static void j3d_read_poc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, numpchgs, i, old_poc;
int numcomps = j3d->volume->numcomps;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = j3d->state == J3D_STATE_TPH ? &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno] : j3d->default_tcp;
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[0];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
old_poc = tcp->POC ? tcp->numpocs + 1 : 0;
tcp->POC = 1;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lpoc */
numpchgs = (len - 2) / (5 + 2 * (numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2));
for (i = old_poc; i < numpchgs + old_poc; i++) {
opj_poc_t *poc;
poc = &tcp->pocs[i];
poc->resno0 = cio_read(cio, 1); /* RSpoc_i */
poc->compno0 = cio_read(cio, numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* CSpoc_i */
poc->layno1 = int_min(cio_read(cio, 2), (unsigned int) tcp->numlayers); /* LYEpoc_i */
poc->resno1 = int_min(cio_read(cio, 1), (unsigned int) tccp->numresolution[0]); /* REpoc_i */
poc->compno1 = int_min(
cio_read(cio, numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2), (unsigned int) numcomps); /* CEpoc_i */
poc->prg = (OPJ_PROG_ORDER)cio_read(cio, 1); /* Ppoc_i */
tcp->numpocs = numpchgs + old_poc - 1;
static void j3d_read_crg(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i, Xcrg_i, Ycrg_i, Zcrg_i;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
int numcomps = j3d->volume->numcomps;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lcrg */
for (i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) {
Xcrg_i = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Xcrg_i */
Ycrg_i = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Ycrg_i */
Zcrg_i = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Zcrg_i */
static void j3d_read_tlm(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, Ztlm, Stlm, ST, SP, tile_tlm, i;
long int Ttlm_i, Ptlm_i;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Ltlm */
Ztlm = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Ztlm */
Stlm = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Stlm */
ST = ((Stlm >> 4) & 0x01) + ((Stlm >> 4) & 0x02);
SP = (Stlm >> 6) & 0x01;
tile_tlm = (len - 4) / ((SP + 1) * 2 + ST);
for (i = 0; i < tile_tlm; i++) {
Ttlm_i = cio_read(cio, ST); /* Ttlm_i */
Ptlm_i = cio_read(cio, SP ? 4 : 2); /* Ptlm_i */
static void j3d_read_plm(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i, Zplm, Nplm, add, packet_len = 0;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lplm */
Zplm = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Zplm */
len -= 3;
while (len > 0) {
Nplm = cio_read(cio, 4); /* Nplm */
len -= 4;
for (i = Nplm; i > 0; i--) {
add = cio_read(cio, 1);
packet_len = (packet_len << 7) + add; /* Iplm_ij */
if ((add & 0x80) == 0) {
/* New packet */
packet_len = 0;
if (len <= 0)
static void j3d_read_plt(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, i, Zplt, packet_len = 0, add;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lplt */
Zplt = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Zplt */
for (i = len - 3; i > 0; i--) {
add = cio_read(cio, 1);
packet_len = (packet_len << 7) + add; /* Iplt_i */
if ((add & 0x80) == 0) {
/* New packet */
packet_len = 0;
static void j3d_read_ppm(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, Z_ppm, i, j;
int N_ppm;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2);
cp->ppm = 1;
Z_ppm = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Z_ppm */
len -= 3;
while (len > 0) {
if (cp->ppm_previous == 0) {
N_ppm = cio_read(cio, 4); /* N_ppm */
len -= 4;
} else {
N_ppm = cp->ppm_previous;
j = cp->ppm_store;
if (Z_ppm == 0) { /* First PPM marker */
cp->ppm_data = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc(N_ppm * sizeof(unsigned char));
cp->ppm_data_first = cp->ppm_data;
cp->ppm_len = N_ppm;
} else { /* NON-first PPM marker */
cp->ppm_data = (unsigned char *) opj_realloc(cp->ppm_data, (N_ppm + cp->ppm_store) * sizeof(unsigned char));
cp->ppm_data_first = cp->ppm_data;
cp->ppm_len = N_ppm + cp->ppm_store;
for (i = N_ppm; i > 0; i--) { /* Read packet header */
cp->ppm_data[j] = cio_read(cio, 1);
if (len == 0)
break; /* Case of non-finished packet header in present marker but finished in next one */
cp->ppm_previous = i - 1;
cp->ppm_store = j;
static void j3d_read_ppt(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, Z_ppt, i, j = 0;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = cp->tcps + j3d->curtileno;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2);
Z_ppt = cio_read(cio, 1);
tcp->ppt = 1;
if (Z_ppt == 0) { /* First PPT marker */
tcp->ppt_data = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc((len - 3) * sizeof(unsigned char));
tcp->ppt_data_first = tcp->ppt_data;
tcp->ppt_store = 0;
tcp->ppt_len = len - 3;
} else { /* NON-first PPT marker */
tcp->ppt_data = (unsigned char *) opj_realloc(tcp->ppt_data, (len - 3 + tcp->ppt_store) * sizeof(unsigned char));
tcp->ppt_data_first = tcp->ppt_data;
tcp->ppt_len = len - 3 + tcp->ppt_store;
j = tcp->ppt_store;
for (i = len - 3; i > 0; i--) {
tcp->ppt_data[j] = cio_read(cio, 1);
tcp->ppt_store = j;
static void j3d_write_sot(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int lenp, len;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
j3d->sot_start = cio_tell(cio);
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_SOT, 2); /* SOT */
lenp = cio_tell(cio);
cio_skip(cio, 2); /* Lsot (further) */
cio_write(cio, j3d->curtileno, 2); /* Isot */
cio_skip(cio, 4); /* Psot (further in j3d_write_sod) */
cio_write(cio, 0, 1); /* TPsot */
cio_write(cio, 1, 1); /* TNsot (no of tile-parts of this tile in this codestream)*/
len = cio_tell(cio) - lenp;
cio_seek(cio, lenp);
cio_write(cio, len, 2); /* Lsot */
cio_seek(cio, lenp + len);
static void j3d_read_sot(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, tileno, totlen, partno, numparts, i;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = NULL;
char status = 0;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
len = cio_read(cio, 2);
tileno = cio_read(cio, 2);
if (cp->tileno_size == 0) {
cp->tileno[cp->tileno_size] = tileno;
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < cp->tileno_size && status == 0) {
status = cp->tileno[i] == tileno ? 1 : 0;
if (status == 0) {
cp->tileno[cp->tileno_size] = tileno;
totlen = cio_read(cio, 4);
if (!totlen)
totlen = cio_numbytesleft(cio) + 8;
partno = cio_read(cio, 1);
numparts = cio_read(cio, 1);
j3d->curtileno = tileno;
j3d->eot = cio_getbp(cio) - 12 + totlen;
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_TPH;
tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
if (tcp->first == 1) {
/* Initialization PPT */
opj_tccp_t *tmp = tcp->tccps;
memcpy(tcp, j3d->default_tcp, sizeof(opj_tcp_t));
tcp->ppt = 0;
tcp->ppt_data = NULL;
tcp->ppt_data_first = NULL;
tcp->tccps = tmp;
for (i = 0; i < j3d->volume->numcomps; i++) {
tcp->tccps[i] = j3d->default_tcp->tccps[i];
cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno].first = 0;
static void j3d_write_sod(opj_j3d_t *j3d, void *tile_coder) {
int l, layno;
int totlen;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = NULL;
opj_volume_info_t *volume_info = NULL;
opj_tcd_t *tcd = (opj_tcd_t*)tile_coder; /* cast is needed because of conflicts in header inclusions */
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_SOD, 2);
if (j3d->curtileno == 0) {
j3d->sod_start = cio_tell(cio) + j3d->pos_correction;
/* INDEX >> */
volume_info = j3d->volume_info;
if (volume_info && volume_info->index_on) {
volume_info->tile[j3d->curtileno].end_header = cio_tell(cio) + j3d->pos_correction - 1;
/* << INDEX */
tcp = &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno];
for (layno = 0; layno < tcp->numlayers; layno++) {
tcp->rates[layno] -= tcp->rates[layno] ? (j3d->sod_start / (cp->th * cp->tw * cp->tl)) : 0;
if(volume_info) {
volume_info->num = 0;
l = tcd_encode_tile(tcd, j3d->curtileno, cio_getbp(cio), cio_numbytesleft(cio) - 2, volume_info);
/* Writing Psot in SOT marker */
totlen = cio_tell(cio) + l - j3d->sot_start;
cio_seek(cio, j3d->sot_start + 6);
cio_write(cio, totlen, 4);
cio_seek(cio, j3d->sot_start + totlen);
static void j3d_read_sod(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, truncate = 0, i;
unsigned char *data = NULL, *data_ptr = NULL;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
int curtileno = j3d->curtileno;
len = int_min(j3d->eot - cio_getbp(cio), cio_numbytesleft(cio) + 1);
if (len == cio_numbytesleft(cio) + 1) {
truncate = 1; /* Case of a truncate codestream */
data = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc((j3d->tile_len[curtileno] + len) * sizeof(unsigned char));
for (i = 0; i < j3d->tile_len[curtileno]; i++) {
data[i] = j3d->tile_data[curtileno][i];
data_ptr = data + j3d->tile_len[curtileno];
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
data_ptr[i] = cio_read(cio, 1);
j3d->tile_len[curtileno] += len;
j3d->tile_data[curtileno] = data;
if (!truncate) {
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_TPHSOT;
} else {
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_NEOC; /* RAJOUTE !! */
static void j3d_write_rgn(opj_j3d_t *j3d, int compno, int tileno) {
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno];
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
int numcomps = j3d->volume->numcomps;
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_RGN, 2); /* RGN */
cio_write(cio, numcomps <= 256 ? 5 : 6, 2); /* Lrgn */
cio_write(cio, compno, numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Crgn */
cio_write(cio, 0, 1); /* Srgn */
cio_write(cio, tcp->tccps[compno].roishift, 1); /* SPrgn */
static void j3d_read_rgn(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int len, compno, roisty;
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = j3d->state == J3D_STATE_TPH ? &cp->tcps[j3d->curtileno] : j3d->default_tcp;
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
int numcomps = j3d->volume->numcomps;
len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* Lrgn */
compno = cio_read(cio, numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Crgn */
roisty = cio_read(cio, 1); /* Srgn */
tcp->tccps[compno].roishift = cio_read(cio, 1); /* SPrgn */
static void j3d_write_eoc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
opj_cio_t *cio = j3d->cio;
/* opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, "%.8x: EOC\n", cio_tell(cio) + j3d->pos_correction); */
cio_write(cio, J3D_MS_EOC, 2);
static void j3d_read_eoc(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int i, tileno;
opj_tcd_t *tcd = tcd_create(j3d->cinfo);
tcd_malloc_decode(tcd, j3d->volume, j3d->cp);
/*j3d_dump_volume(stdout, tcd->volume);
j3d_dump_cp(stdout, tcd->volume, tcd->cp);*/
for (i = 0; i < j3d->cp->tileno_size; i++) {
tileno = j3d->cp->tileno[i];
//opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "tcd_decode_tile \n");
tcd_decode_tile(tcd, j3d->tile_data[tileno], j3d->tile_len[tileno], tileno);
j3d->tile_data[tileno] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < j3d->cp->tileno_size; i++) {
tileno = j3d->cp->tileno[i];
j3d->tile_data[tileno] = NULL;
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_MT;
static void j3d_read_unk(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Unknown marker\n");
static opj_atk_t atk_info_wt[] = {
{0, 1, J3D_ATK_WS, J3D_ATK_IRR, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, 1.230174104, 4, {0}, {0}, {0}, {1,1,1,1}, {-1.586134342059924, -0.052980118572961, 0.882911075530934, 0.443506852043971}},/* WT 9-7 IRR*/
{1, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, J3D_ATK_REV, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, 0, 2, {0}, {1,2}, {1,2}, {1,1}, {-1.0,1.0}},/* WT 5-3 REV*/
{2, 0, J3D_ATK_ARB, J3D_ATK_REV, 0, J3D_ATK_CON, 0, 2, {0,0}, {0,1}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {{-1.0},{1.0}}}, /* WT 2-2 REV*/
{3, 0, J3D_ATK_ARB, J3D_ATK_REV, 1, J3D_ATK_CON, 0, 3, {0,0,-1}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {1,1,3}, {{-1.0},{1.0},{1.0,0.0,-1.0}}}, /* WT 2-6 REV*/
{4, 0, J3D_ATK_ARB, J3D_ATK_REV, 1, J3D_ATK_CON, 0, 3, {0,0,-2}, {0,1,6}, {0,1,32}, {1,1,5}, {{-1},{1},{-3.0,22.0,0.0,-22.0,3.0}}}, /* WT 2-10 REV*/
{5, 1, J3D_ATK_ARB, J3D_ATK_IRR, 1, J3D_ATK_WS, 1, 7, {0}, {0}, {0}, {1,1,2,1,2,1,3},{{-1},{1.58613434206},{-0.460348209828, 0.460348209828},{0.25},{0.374213867768,-0.374213867768},{-1.33613434206},{0.29306717103,0,-0.29306717103}}}, /* WT 6-10 IRR*/
{6, 1, J3D_ATK_ARB, J3D_ATK_IRR, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, 1, 11, {0}, {0}, {0}, {1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,5},{{-1},{0,99715069105},{-1.00573127827, 1.00573127827},{-0.27040357631},{2.20509972343, -2.20509972343},{0.08059995736},
{-1.62682532350, 1.62682532350},{0.52040357631},{0.60404664250, -0.60404664250},{-0.82775064841},{-0.06615812964, 0.29402137720, 0, -0.29402137720, 0.06615812964}}}, /* WT 10-18 IRR*/
{7, 1, J3D_ATK_WS, J3D_ATK_IRR, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, 1, 2, {0}, {0}, {0}, {1,1}, {-0.5, 0.25}}, /* WT 5-3 IRR*/
{8, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, J3D_ATK_REV, 0, J3D_ATK_WS, 0, 2, {0}, {4,4}, {8,8}, {2,2}, {{-9,1},{5,-1}}} /* WT 13-7 REV*/
typedef struct opj_dec_mstabent {
/** marker value */
int id;
/** value of the state when the marker can appear */
int states;
/** action linked to the marker */
void (*handler) (opj_j3d_t *j3d);
} opj_dec_mstabent_t;
opj_dec_mstabent_t j3d_dec_mstab[] = {
{J3D_MS_SOC, J3D_STATE_MHSOC, j3d_read_soc},
{J3D_MS_SOT, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPHSOT, j3d_read_sot},
{J3D_MS_SOD, J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_sod},
{J3D_MS_EOC, J3D_STATE_TPHSOT, j3d_read_eoc},
{J3D_MS_CAP, J3D_STATE_MHSIZ, j3d_read_cap},
{J3D_MS_SIZ, J3D_STATE_MHSIZ, j3d_read_siz},
{J3D_MS_ZSI, J3D_STATE_MHSIZ, j3d_read_zsi},
{J3D_MS_COD, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_cod},
{J3D_MS_COC, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_coc},
{J3D_MS_RGN, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_rgn},
{J3D_MS_QCD, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_qcd},
{J3D_MS_QCC, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_qcc},
{J3D_MS_POC, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_poc},
{J3D_MS_TLM, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_tlm},
{J3D_MS_PLM, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_plm},
{J3D_MS_PLT, J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_plt},
{J3D_MS_PPM, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_ppm},
{J3D_MS_PPT, J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_ppt},
{J3D_MS_SOP, 0, 0},
{J3D_MS_CRG, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_crg},
{J3D_MS_COM, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_com},
{J3D_MS_DCO, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_dco},
{J3D_MS_ATK, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_atk},
{0, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_unk}
/*, -->must define the j3d_read functions
{J3D_MS_CBD, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_cbd},
{J3D_MS_MCT, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_mct},
{J3D_MS_MCC, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_mcc},
{J3D_MS_MCO, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_mco},
{J3D_MS_NLT, J3D_STATE_MH | J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_nlt},
{J3D_MS_VMS, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_vms},
{J3D_MS_DFS, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_dfs},
{J3D_MS_ADS, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_ads},
{J3D_MS_QPD, J3D_STATE_MH, j3d_read_qpd},
{J3D_MS_QPC, J3D_STATE_TPH, j3d_read_qpc}*/
Read the lookup table containing all the marker, status and action
@param id Marker value
static opj_dec_mstabent_t *j3d_dec_mstab_lookup(int id) {
opj_dec_mstabent_t *e;
for (e = j3d_dec_mstab; e->id != 0; e++) {
if (e->id == id) {
return e;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* J3D / JPT decoder interface */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
opj_j3d_t* j3d_create_decompress(opj_common_ptr cinfo) {
opj_j3d_t *j3d = (opj_j3d_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_j3d_t));
if(j3d) {
j3d->cinfo = cinfo;
j3d->default_tcp = (opj_tcp_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tcp_t));
if(!j3d->default_tcp) {
return NULL;
return j3d;
void j3d_destroy_decompress(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int i = 0;
if(j3d->tile_len != NULL) {
if(j3d->tile_data != NULL) {
if(j3d->default_tcp != NULL) {
opj_tcp_t *default_tcp = j3d->default_tcp;
if(default_tcp->ppt_data_first != NULL) {
if(j3d->default_tcp->tccps != NULL) {
if(j3d->cp != NULL) {
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
if(cp->tcps != NULL) {
for(i = 0; i < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl; i++) {
if(cp->tcps[i].ppt_data_first != NULL) {
if(cp->tcps[i].tccps != NULL) {
if(cp->ppm_data_first != NULL) {
if(cp->tileno != NULL) {
if(cp->comment != NULL) {
void j3d_setup_decoder(opj_j3d_t *j3d, opj_dparameters_t *parameters) {
if(j3d && parameters) {
/* create and initialize the coding parameters structure */
opj_cp_t *cp = (opj_cp_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_cp_t));
cp->reduce[0] = parameters->cp_reduce[0];
cp->reduce[1] = parameters->cp_reduce[1];
cp->reduce[2] = parameters->cp_reduce[2];
cp->layer = parameters->cp_layer;
cp->bigendian = parameters->bigendian;
cp->encoding_format = ENCOD_2EB;
cp->transform_format = TRF_2D_DWT;
/* keep a link to cp so that we can destroy it later in j3d_destroy_decompress */
j3d->cp = cp;
opj_volume_t* j3d_decode(opj_j3d_t *j3d, opj_cio_t *cio) {
opj_volume_t *volume = NULL;
opj_common_ptr cinfo = j3d->cinfo;
j3d->cio = cio;
/* create an empty volume */
volume = (opj_volume_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_volume_t));
j3d->volume = volume;
j3d->state = J3D_STATE_MHSOC;
for (;;) {
opj_dec_mstabent_t *e;
int id = cio_read(cio, 2);
if (id >> 8 != 0xff) {
opj_event_msg(cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "%.8x: expected a marker instead of %x\n", cio_tell(cio) - 2, id);
return 0;
e = j3d_dec_mstab_lookup(id);
//opj_event_msg(cinfo, EVT_INFO, "MARKER %x PREVSTATE %d E->STATE %d\n",e->id,j3d->state,e->states);
if (!(j3d->state & e->states)) {
opj_event_msg(cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "%.8x: unexpected marker %x\n", cio_tell(cio) - 2, id);
return 0;
if (e->handler) {
//opj_event_msg(cinfo, EVT_INFO, "POSTSTATE %d\n",j3d->state);
if (j3d->state == J3D_STATE_MT) {
if (j3d->state == J3D_STATE_NEOC) {
if (j3d->state == J3D_STATE_NEOC) {
if (j3d->state != J3D_STATE_MT) {
opj_event_msg(cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Incomplete bitstream\n");
return volume;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* J3D encoder interface */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
opj_j3d_t* j3d_create_compress(opj_common_ptr cinfo) {
opj_j3d_t *j3d = (opj_j3d_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_j3d_t));
if(j3d) {
j3d->cinfo = cinfo;
return j3d;
void j3d_destroy_compress(opj_j3d_t *j3d) {
int tileno;
if(!j3d) return;
if(j3d->volume_info != NULL) {
opj_volume_info_t *volume_info = j3d->volume_info;
if (volume_info->index_on && j3d->cp) {
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cp->tw * cp->th; tileno++) {
opj_tile_info_t *tile_info = &volume_info->tile[tileno];
if(j3d->cp != NULL) {
opj_cp_t *cp = j3d->cp;
if(cp->comment) {
if(cp->matrice) {
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cp->tw * cp->th; tileno++) {
void j3d_setup_encoder(opj_j3d_t *j3d, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, opj_volume_t *volume) {
int i, j, tileno, numpocs_tile;
opj_cp_t *cp = NULL;
if(!j3d || !parameters || ! volume) {
/* create and initialize the coding parameters structure */
cp = (opj_cp_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_cp_t));
/* keep a link to cp so that we can destroy it later in j3d_destroy_compress */
j3d->cp = cp;
/* set default values for cp */
cp->tw = 1;
cp->th = 1;
cp->tl = 1;
/* copy user encoding parameters */
cp->disto_alloc = parameters->cp_disto_alloc;
cp->fixed_alloc = parameters->cp_fixed_alloc;
cp->fixed_quality = parameters->cp_fixed_quality;
/* transform and coding method */
cp->transform_format = parameters->transform_format;
cp->encoding_format = parameters->encoding_format;
/* mod fixed_quality */
if(parameters->cp_matrice) {
size_t array_size = parameters->tcp_numlayers * 3 * parameters->numresolution[0] * sizeof(int);
cp->matrice = (int *) opj_malloc(array_size);
memcpy(cp->matrice, parameters->cp_matrice, array_size);
/* creation of an index file ? */
cp->index_on = parameters->index_on;
if(cp->index_on) {
j3d->volume_info = (opj_volume_info_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_volume_info_t));
/* tiles */
cp->tdx = parameters->cp_tdx;
cp->tdy = parameters->cp_tdy;
cp->tdz = parameters->cp_tdz;
/* tile offset */
cp->tx0 = parameters->cp_tx0;
cp->ty0 = parameters->cp_ty0;
cp->tz0 = parameters->cp_tz0;
/* comment string */
if(parameters->cp_comment) {
cp->comment = (char*)opj_malloc(strlen(parameters->cp_comment) + 1);
if(cp->comment) {
strcpy(cp->comment, parameters->cp_comment);
/*calculate other encoding parameters*/
if (parameters->tile_size_on) {
cp->tw = int_ceildiv(volume->x1 - cp->tx0, cp->tdx);
cp->th = int_ceildiv(volume->y1 - cp->ty0, cp->tdy);
cp->tl = int_ceildiv(volume->z1 - cp->tz0, cp->tdz);
} else {
cp->tdx = volume->x1 - cp->tx0;
cp->tdy = volume->y1 - cp->ty0;
cp->tdz = volume->z1 - cp->tz0;
/* initialize the multiple tiles */
/* ---------------------------- */
cp->tcps = (opj_tcp_t *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(opj_tcp_t));
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl; tileno++) {
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno];
tcp->numlayers = parameters->tcp_numlayers;
for (j = 0; j < tcp->numlayers; j++) {
if (cp->fixed_quality) { /* add fixed_quality */
tcp->distoratio[j] = parameters->tcp_distoratio[j];
} else {
tcp->rates[j] = parameters->tcp_rates[j];
tcp->csty = parameters->csty;
tcp->prg = parameters->prog_order;
tcp->mct = volume->numcomps == 3 ? 1 : 0;
numpocs_tile = 0;
tcp->POC = 0;
if (parameters->numpocs) {
/* initialisation of POC */
tcp->POC = 1;
for (i = 0; i < parameters->numpocs; i++) {
if((tileno == parameters->POC[i].tile - 1) || (parameters->POC[i].tile == -1)) {
opj_poc_t *tcp_poc = &tcp->pocs[numpocs_tile];
tcp_poc->resno0 = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].resno0;
tcp_poc->compno0 = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].compno0;
tcp_poc->layno1 = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].layno1;
tcp_poc->resno1 = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].resno1;
tcp_poc->compno1 = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].compno1;
tcp_poc->prg = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].prg;
tcp_poc->tile = parameters->POC[numpocs_tile].tile;
tcp->numpocs = numpocs_tile;
tcp->tccps = (opj_tccp_t *) opj_malloc(volume->numcomps * sizeof(opj_tccp_t));
for (i = 0; i < volume->numcomps; i++) {
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[i];
tccp->csty = parameters->csty & J3D_CCP_CSTY_PRT; /* 0 => standard precint || 1 => custom-defined precinct */
tccp->numresolution[0] = parameters->numresolution[0];
tccp->numresolution[1] = parameters->numresolution[1];
tccp->numresolution[2] = parameters->numresolution[2];
assert (parameters->cblock_init[0] <= T1_MAXCBLKW);
assert (parameters->cblock_init[0] >= T1_MINCBLKW);
assert (parameters->cblock_init[1] <= T1_MAXCBLKH);
assert (parameters->cblock_init[1] >= T1_MINCBLKH);
assert (parameters->cblock_init[2] <= T1_MAXCBLKD);
assert (parameters->cblock_init[2] >= T1_MINCBLKD);
tccp->cblk[0] = int_floorlog2(parameters->cblock_init[0]);
tccp->cblk[1] = int_floorlog2(parameters->cblock_init[1]);
tccp->cblk[2] = int_floorlog2(parameters->cblock_init[2]);
assert (tccp->cblk[0]+tccp->cblk[1]+tccp->cblk[1] <= T1_MAXWHD);
tccp->cblksty = parameters->mode; //Codeblock style --> Table A.19 (default 0)
/*ATK / transform */
tccp->reversible = parameters->irreversible ? 0 : 1; /* 0 => DWT 9-7 || 1 => DWT 5-3 */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
tccp->dwtid[j] = parameters->irreversible ? 0 : 1; /* 0 => DWT 9-7 || 1 => DWT 5-3 */
/* Quantification: SEQNT (Scalar Expounded, value for each subband) / NOQNT (no quant)*/
tccp->qntsty = parameters->irreversible ? J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT : J3D_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT;
tccp->numgbits = 2;
if (i == parameters->roi_compno) {
tccp->roishift = parameters->roi_shift;
} else {
tccp->roishift = 0;
/* Custom defined precints */
if (parameters->csty & J3D_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
int p = 0;
for (j = tccp->numresolution[k] - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (p < parameters->res_spec) {/* p < number of precinct size specifications */
if (parameters->prct_init[k][p] < 1) {
tccp->prctsiz[k][j] = 1;
} else {
tccp->prctsiz[k][j] = int_floorlog2(parameters->prct_init[k][p]);
} else {
int res_spec = parameters->res_spec;
int size_prct = parameters->prct_init[k][res_spec - 1] >> (p - (res_spec - 1));
if (size_prct < 1) {
tccp->prctsiz[k][j] = 1;
} else {
tccp->prctsiz[k][j] = int_floorlog2(size_prct);
} else {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < tccp->numresolution[k]; j++) {
tccp->prctsiz[k][j] = 15;
//Calcular stepsize for each subband (if NOQNT -->stepsize = 1.0)
dwt_calc_explicit_stepsizes(tccp, volume->comps[i].prec);
Create an index file
@param j3d
@param cio
@param volume_info
@param index Index filename
@return Returns 1 if successful, returns 0 otherwise
static int j3d_create_index(opj_j3d_t *j3d, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_volume_info_t *volume_info, char *index) {
int tileno, compno, layno, resno, precno, pack_nb, x, y, z;
FILE *stream = NULL;
double total_disto = 0;
volume_info->codestream_size = cio_tell(cio) + j3d->pos_correction; /* Correction 14/4/03 suite rmq de Patrick */
stream = fopen(index, "w");
if (!stream) {
opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "failed to open %s for writing\n", index);
return 0;
fprintf(stream, "w %d\t h %d\t l %d\n", volume_info->volume_w, volume_info->volume_h, volume_info->volume_l);
fprintf(stream, "TRASNFORM\t%d\n", volume_info->transform_format);
fprintf(stream, "ENTROPY CODING\t%d\n", volume_info->encoding_format);
fprintf(stream, "PROG\t%d\n", volume_info->prog);
fprintf(stream, "TILE\tx %d y %d z %d\n", volume_info->tile_x, volume_info->tile_y, volume_info->tile_z);
fprintf(stream, "NOTILE\tx %d y %d z %d\n", volume_info->tw, volume_info->th, volume_info->tl);
fprintf(stream, "COMPONENTS\t%d\n", volume_info->comp);
fprintf(stream, "LAYER\t%d\n", volume_info->layer);
fprintf(stream, "RESOLUTIONS\tx %d y %d z %d\n", volume_info->decomposition[0], volume_info->decomposition[1], volume_info->decomposition[2]);
fprintf(stream, "Precint sizes for each resolution:\n");
for (resno = volume_info->decomposition[0]; resno >= 0; resno--) {
fprintf(stream, "Resno %d \t [%d,%d,%d] \n", resno,
(1 << volume_info->tile[0].prctsiz[0][resno]), (1 << volume_info->tile[0].prctsiz[0][resno]), (1 << volume_info->tile[0].prctsiz[2][resno])); /* based on tile 0 */
fprintf(stream, "HEADER_END\t%d\n", volume_info->main_head_end);
fprintf(stream, "CODESTREAM\t%d\n", volume_info->codestream_size);
fprintf(stream, "Num_tile Start_pos End_header End_pos Distotile Nbpix Ratio\n");
for (tileno = 0; tileno < (volume_info->tw * volume_info->th * volume_info->tl); tileno++) {
fprintf(stream, "%4d\t%9d\t%9d\t%9d\t%9e\t%9d\t%9e\n",
volume_info->tile[tileno].distotile, volume_info->tile[tileno].nbpix,
volume_info->tile[tileno].distotile / volume_info->tile[tileno].nbpix);
for (tileno = 0; tileno < (volume_info->tw * volume_info->th * volume_info->tl); tileno++) {
int start_pos, end_pos;
double disto = 0;
pack_nb = 0;
if (volume_info->prog == LRCP) { /* LRCP */
fprintf(stream, "pack_nb tileno layno resno compno precno start_pos end_pos disto\n");
for (layno = 0; layno < volume_info->layer; layno++) {
for (resno = 0; resno < volume_info->decomposition[0] + 1; resno++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < volume_info->comp; compno++) {
int prec_max = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[1][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[2][resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
start_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %7d %5d %6d %6d %9d %9d %8e\n",pack_nb, tileno, layno, resno, compno, precno, start_pos, end_pos, disto);
total_disto += disto;
} /* LRCP */
else if (volume_info->prog == RLCP) { /* RLCP */
fprintf(stream, "pack_nb tileno resno layno compno precno start_pos end_pos disto");
for (resno = 0; resno < volume_info->decomposition[0] + 1; resno++) {
for (layno = 0; layno < volume_info->layer; layno++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < volume_info->comp; compno++) {
int prec_max = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[1][resno]* volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[2][resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
start_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %5d %7d %6d %6d %9d %9d %8e\n",
pack_nb, tileno, resno, layno, compno, precno, start_pos, end_pos, disto);
total_disto += disto;
} /* RLCP */
else if (volume_info->prog == RPCL) { /* RPCL */
fprintf(stream, "\npack_nb tileno resno precno compno layno start_pos end_pos disto\n");
for (resno = 0; resno < volume_info->decomposition[0] + 1; resno++) {
/* I suppose components have same XRsiz, YRsiz */
//int x0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + tileno - (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tw * volume_info->tile_x;
//int y0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tile_y;
int x0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tile_x;
int y0 = volume_info->tile_Oy + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->th ) * volume_info->tile_y;
int z0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tl ) * volume_info->tile_z;
int x1 = x0 + volume_info->tile_x;
int y1 = y0 + volume_info->tile_y;
int z1 = z0 + volume_info->tile_z;
for(z = z0; z < z1; z++) {
for(y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
for(x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < volume_info->comp; compno++) {
int prec_max = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[1][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[2][resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
int pcnx = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno];
int pcx = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[0][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[0] - resno );
int pcy = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[1][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[1] - resno );
int pcz = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[2][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[2] - resno );
int precno_x = precno - (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx ) * pcnx;
int precno_y = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
if (precno_y*pcy == y ) {
if (precno_x*pcx == x ) {
for (layno = 0; layno < volume_info->layer; layno++) {
start_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %5d %6d %6d %7d %9d %9d %8e\n",
pack_nb, tileno, resno, precno, compno, layno, start_pos, end_pos, disto);
total_disto += disto;
} /* precno */
} /* compno */
} /* x = x0..x1 */
} /* y = y0..y1 */
} /* z = z0..z1 */
} /* resno */
} /* RPCL */
else if (volume_info->prog == PCRL) { /* PCRL */
/* I suppose components have same XRsiz, YRsiz */
int x0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + tileno - (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tw * volume_info->tile_x;
int y0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tile_y;
int z0 = volume_info->tile_Oz + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tile_z;
int x1 = x0 + volume_info->tile_x;
int y1 = y0 + volume_info->tile_y;
int z1 = z0 + volume_info->tile_z;
fprintf(stream, "\npack_nb tileno precno compno resno layno start_pos end_pos disto\n");
for(z = z0; z < z1; z++) {
for(y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
for(x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < volume_info->comp; compno++) {
for (resno = 0; resno < volume_info->decomposition[0] + 1; resno++) {
int prec_max = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[1][resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
int pcnx = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno];
int pcx = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[0][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[0] - resno );
int pcy = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[1][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[1] - resno );
int pcz = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[2][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[2] - resno );
int precno_x = precno - (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx ) * pcnx;
int precno_y = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
int precno_z = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
if (precno_z*pcz == z ) {
if (precno_y*pcy == y ) {
if (precno_x*pcx == x ) {
for (layno = 0; layno < volume_info->layer; layno++) {
start_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %6d %6d %5d %7d %9d %9d %8e\n",
pack_nb, tileno, precno, compno, resno, layno, start_pos, end_pos, disto);
total_disto += disto;
} /* precno */
} /* resno */
} /* compno */
} /* x = x0..x1 */
} /* y = y0..y1 */
} /* PCRL */
else { /* CPRL */
fprintf(stream, "\npack_nb tileno compno precno resno layno start_pos end_pos disto\n");
for (compno = 0; compno < volume_info->comp; compno++) {
/* I suppose components have same XRsiz, YRsiz */
int x0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + tileno - (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tw * volume_info->tile_x;
int y0 = volume_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tile_y;
int z0 = volume_info->tile_Oz + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)volume_info->tw ) * volume_info->tile_z;
int x1 = x0 + volume_info->tile_x;
int y1 = y0 + volume_info->tile_y;
int z1 = z0 + volume_info->tile_z;
for(z = z0; z < z1; z++) {
for(y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
for(x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
for (resno = 0; resno < volume_info->decomposition[0] + 1; resno++) {
int prec_max = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[1][resno] * volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[2][resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
int pcnx = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[0][resno];
int pcny = volume_info->tile[tileno].prctno[1][resno];
int pcx = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[0][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[0] - resno );
int pcy = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[1][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[1] - resno );
int pcz = (int) pow( 2, volume_info->tile[tileno].prctsiz[2][resno] + volume_info->decomposition[2] - resno );
int precno_x = precno - (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx ) * pcnx;
int precno_y = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
int precno_z = 0; /*???*/
if (precno_z*pcz == z ) {
if (precno_y*pcy == y ) {
if (precno_x*pcx == x ) {
for (layno = 0; layno < volume_info->layer; layno++) {
start_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_pos = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = volume_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %6d %6d %5d %7d %9d %9d %8e\n",
pack_nb, tileno, compno, precno, resno, layno, start_pos, end_pos, disto);
total_disto += disto;
} /* precno */
} /* resno */
} /* x = x0..x1 */
} /* y = y0..y1 */
} /* z = z0..z1 */
} /* comno */
} /* CPRL */
} /* tileno */
fprintf(stream, "SE_MAX\t%8e\n", volume_info->D_max); /* SE max */
fprintf(stream, "SE_TOTAL\t%.8e\n", total_disto); /* SE totale */
return 1;
bool j3d_encode(opj_j3d_t *j3d, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_volume_t *volume, char *index) {
int tileno, compno;
opj_volume_info_t *volume_info = NULL;
opj_cp_t *cp = NULL;
opj_tcd_t *tcd = NULL; /* TCD component */
j3d->cio = cio;
j3d->volume = volume;
cp = j3d->cp;
/*j3d_dump_volume(stdout, volume);
j3d_dump_cp(stdout, volume, cp);*/
/* INDEX >> */
volume_info = j3d->volume_info;
if (volume_info && cp->index_on) {
volume_info->index_on = cp->index_on;
volume_info->tile = (opj_tile_info_t *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl * sizeof(opj_tile_info_t));
volume_info->volume_w = volume->x1 - volume->x0;
volume_info->volume_h = volume->y1 - volume->y0;
volume_info->volume_l = volume->z1 - volume->z0;
volume_info->prog = (&cp->tcps[0])->prg;
volume_info->tw = cp->tw;
volume_info->th = cp->th;
volume_info->tl = cp->tl;
volume_info->tile_x = cp->tdx; /* new version parser */
volume_info->tile_y = cp->tdy; /* new version parser */
volume_info->tile_z = cp->tdz; /* new version parser */
volume_info->tile_Ox = cp->tx0; /* new version parser */
volume_info->tile_Oy = cp->ty0; /* new version parser */
volume_info->tile_Oz = cp->tz0; /* new version parser */
volume_info->transform_format = cp->transform_format;
volume_info->encoding_format = cp->encoding_format;
volume_info->comp = volume->numcomps;
volume_info->layer = (&cp->tcps[0])->numlayers;
volume_info->decomposition[0] = (&cp->tcps[0])->tccps->numresolution[0] - 1;
volume_info->decomposition[1] = (&cp->tcps[0])->tccps->numresolution[1] - 1;
volume_info->decomposition[2] = (&cp->tcps[0])->tccps->numresolution[2] - 1;
volume_info->D_max = 0; /* ADD Marcela */
/* << INDEX */
if (j3d->cinfo->codec_format == CODEC_J3D) {
for (compno = 0; compno < volume->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[0];
if (tcp->tccps[compno].roishift)
j3d_write_rgn(j3d, compno, 0);
/*Optional 15444-2 markers*/
if (j3d->cp->tcps->tccps[0].atk != NULL)
if (j3d->volume->comps[0].dcoffset != 0)
if (j3d->cp->transform_format != TRF_2D_DWT || j3d->cp->encoding_format != ENCOD_2EB)
/* INDEX >> */
if(volume_info && volume_info->index_on) {
volume_info->main_head_end = cio_tell(cio) - 1;
/* << INDEX */
/* create the tile encoder */
tcd = tcd_create(j3d->cinfo);
/* encode each tile */
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl; tileno++) {
opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "tile number %d / %d\n", tileno + 1, cp->tw * cp->th * cp->tl);
j3d->curtileno = tileno;
/* initialisation before tile encoding */
if (tileno == 0) {
tcd_malloc_encode(tcd, volume, cp, j3d->curtileno);
} else {
tcd_init_encode(tcd, volume, cp, j3d->curtileno);
/* INDEX >> */
if(volume_info && volume_info->index_on) {
volume_info->tile[j3d->curtileno].num_tile = j3d->curtileno;
volume_info->tile[j3d->curtileno].start_pos = cio_tell(cio) + j3d->pos_correction;
/* << INDEX */
for (compno = 1; compno < volume->numcomps; compno++) {
j3d_write_coc(j3d, compno);
j3d_write_qcc(j3d, compno);
if (cp->tcps[tileno].numpocs) {
j3d_write_sod(j3d, tcd); //--> tcd_encode_tile
/* INDEX >> */
if(volume_info && volume_info->index_on) {
volume_info->tile[j3d->curtileno].end_pos = cio_tell(cio) + j3d->pos_correction - 1;
/* << INDEX */
/* destroy the tile encoder */
/* Creation of the index file */
if(volume_info && volume_info->index_on) {
if(!j3d_create_index(j3d, cio, volume_info, index)) {
opj_event_msg(j3d->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "failed to create index file %s\n", index);
return false;
return true;