forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
204 lines
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204 lines
6.5 KiB
* Decode a Game Genie code into an M68000 address/data pair.
* The Game Genie code is made of the characters
* ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ0123456789 (notice the missing I, O, Q and U).
* Where A = 00000, B = 00001, C = 00010, ... , on to 9 = 11111.
* These come out to a very scrambled bit pattern like this:
* (SCRA-MBLE is just an example)
* S C R A - M B L E
* 01111 00010 01110 00000 01011 00001 01010 00100
* ijklm nopIJ KLMNO PABCD EFGHd efgha bcQRS TUVWX
* Our goal is to rearrange that to this:
* 0000 0101 1001 1100 0100 0100 : 1011 0000 0111 1000
* ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVWX : abcd efgh ijkl mnop
* which in Hexadecimal is 059C44:B078. Simple, huh? ;)
* So, then, we dutifully change memory location 059C44 to B078!
* (of course, that's handled by a different source file :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "decode.h"
static char genie_chars[] = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhJjKkLlMmNnPpRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz0O1I2233445566778899";
* Decode a Game Genie Code.
* This function converts a Game Genie code to an address:data pair.
* The code is given as an 8-character string, like "BJX0SA1C". It need not
* be null terminated, since only the first 8 characters are taken. It is
* assumed that the code is already made of valid characters, i.e. there are no
* Q's, U's, or symbols. If such a character is
* encountered, the function will return with a warning on stderr.
* The resulting address:data pair is returned in the struct patch pointed to
* by result. If an error results, both the address and data will be set to -1.
* @param[in] code 8 character Game Genie code.
* @param[out] result The resulting address:data pair is returned in the struct
* patch pointed to by result. If an error results, both the address and data
* will be set to -1.
void genie_decode(const char *code, struct patch *result)
int i = 0, n;
char* x;
for(; i < 8; ++i)
/* If strchr returns NULL, we were given a bad character */
if(!(x = strchr(genie_chars, code[i])))
result->addr = -1; result->data = -1;
n = (x - genie_chars) >> 1;
/* Now, based on which character this is, fit it into the result */
case 0:
/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ : ____ ____ ABCD E___ */
result->data |= n << 3;
case 1:
/* ____ ____ DE__ ____ ____ ____ : ____ ____ ____ _ABC */
result->data |= n >> 2;
result->addr |= (n & 3) << 14;
case 2:
/* ____ ____ __AB CDE_ ____ ____ : ____ ____ ____ ____ */
result->addr |= n << 9;
case 3:
/* BCDE ____ ____ ___A ____ ____ : ____ ____ ____ ____ */
result->addr |= (n & 0xF) << 20 | (n >> 4) << 8;
case 4:
/* ____ ABCD ____ ____ ____ ____ : ___E ____ ____ ____ */
result->data |= (n & 1) << 12;
result->addr |= (n >> 1) << 16;
case 5:
/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ : E___ ABCD ____ ____ */
result->data |= (n & 1) << 15 | (n >> 1) << 8;
case 6:
/* ____ ____ ____ ____ CDE_ ____ : _AB_ ____ ____ ____ */
result->data |= (n >> 3) << 13;
result->addr |= (n & 7) << 5;
case 7:
/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ___A BCDE : ____ ____ ____ ____ */
result->addr |= n;
/* Go around again */
* "Decode" an address/data pair into a structure. This is for "012345:ABCD"
* type codes. You're more likely to find Genie codes circulating around, but
* there's a chance you could come on to one of these. Which is nice, since
* they're MUCH easier to implement ;) Once again, the input should be
* depunctuated already.
* @param[in] code 8 character Game Genie code.
* @param[out] result The resulting address:data pair is returned in the struct
* patch pointed to by result. If an error results, both the address and data
* will be set to -1.
void hex_decode(const char *code, struct patch *result)
static char hex_chars[] = "00112233445566778899AaBbCcDdEeFf";
char *x;
int i;
/* 6 digits for address */
for(i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
if(!(x = strchr(hex_chars, code[i])))
result->addr = result->data = -1;
result->addr = (result->addr << 4) | ((x - hex_chars) >> 1);
/* 4 digits for data */
for(i = 6; i < 10; ++i)
if(!(x = strchr(hex_chars, code[i])))
result->addr = result->data = -1;
result->data = (result->data << 4) | ((x - hex_chars) >> 1);
* THIS is the function you call from the MegaDrive or whatever. This figures
* out whether it's a genie or hex code, depunctuates it, and calls the proper
* decoder.
* @param[in] code Game Genie or hex code.
* @param[out] result The resulting address:data pair is returned in the struct
* patch pointed to by result. If an error results, both the address and data
* will be set to -1.
void decode(const char *code, struct patch *result)
int len = strlen(code), i, j;
char code_to_pass[16], *x;
const char *ad, *da;
int adl, dal;
/* Initialize the result */
result->addr = result->data = 0;
/* If it's 9 chars long and the 5th is a hyphen, we have a Game Genie
* code. */
if(len == 9 && code[4] == '-')
/* Remove the hyphen and pass to genie_decode */
code_to_pass[0] = code[0];
code_to_pass[1] = code[1];
code_to_pass[2] = code[2];
code_to_pass[3] = code[3];
code_to_pass[4] = code[5];
code_to_pass[5] = code[6];
code_to_pass[6] = code[7];
code_to_pass[7] = code[8];
code_to_pass[8] = '\0';
genie_decode(code_to_pass, result);
/* Otherwise, we assume it's a hex code.
* Find the colon so we know where address ends and data starts. If there's
* no colon, then we haven't a code at all! */
if(!(x = strchr(code, ':'))) goto bad_code;
ad = code; da = x + 1; adl = x - code; dal = len - adl - 1;
/* If a section is empty or too long, toss it */
if(adl == 0 || adl > 6 || dal == 0 || dal > 4) goto bad_code;
/* Pad the address with zeros, then fill it with the value */
for(i = 0; i < (6 - adl); ++i) code_to_pass[i] = '0';
for(j = 0; i < 6; ++i, ++j) code_to_pass[i] = ad[j];
/* Do the same for data */
for(i = 6; i < (10 - dal); ++i) code_to_pass[i] = '0';
for(j = 0; i < 10; ++i, ++j) code_to_pass[i] = da[j];
code_to_pass[10] = '\0';
/* Decode and goodbye */
hex_decode(code_to_pass, result);
/* AGH! Invalid code! */
result->data = result->addr = -1;