
565 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; include file for Crown_s Soft Screensaver
; You may add you own figures for Screensaver.
; For example see tor function.
; If you add new figures, please contact us, we will help you.
;input parametrs:
; alf=word [esi] - random quantity 0<=alf<=0xffff
; bet=word [esi+2] - random quantity 0<=bet<=0xffff
; Fl - number of point in frame
; (may be used as random quantity) 0<=Fl<=mFl
; p - number of frame
; (may be use for animated figures)
;output parametrs:
; st0=x, st1=y, st2=z
align 8
const_mpi dd 0.0000958767251683032697061874258638112 ; 1/00007fffh*pi
const_m dd 0.0000305185094759971922971282082583087 ; 1/00007fffh
tabl_calls dd cubes
dd explosion
dd galaxy
dd cube
dd sin
dd tor1
dd tors
dd spiral
dd tor
dd planet
dd balls
tor_r dw 60
tor_R dw 175
balls_x1 dw 0
balls_x2 dw 189
balls_x3 dw -94
balls_x4 dw -94
balls_y1 dw 0
balls_y2 dw 0
balls_y3 dw 163
balls_y4 dw -163
balls_z1 dw 200
balls_z2 dw -71
balls_z3 dw -71
balls_z4 dw -71
balls_R dw 35
cube_R dw 118
spiral_R dw 100
spiral_r dw 20
spiral_h dw 150
spiral_L dw 12
sin_a dw 165
sin_c dw 3
sin_k dw 20
sin_A dw 85
sin_R dw 10
planet_R dw 120
planet_r dw 25
planet_h dw 195
planet_d dw 30
tors_r dw 10
tors_R1 dw 100
tors_R2 dw 150
tors_R3 dw 200
tors_a1 dw 6
tors_a2 dw 3
tor1_R dw 7
tor1_r dd 1.8
tor1_turns dd 25.132741228718345907701147066236 ; 2*4*pi
tor1_whorls dd 87.9645943005142106769540147318261 ; 7*4*pi
tor1_a dw 20
galaxy_rq dw 45
galaxy_rz dw 30
galaxy_R dw 185
galaxy_k dd 9.42477796076937971538793014983851 ; 3*pi
galaxy_A dw 230
cubes_R dw 70
explosion_R dw 230
;----------------------- calculation figures -------------------------------
;---------------------------- explosion ------------------------------------
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [Fl]
fidiv [mFl]
fadd [al_r]
fimul [explosion_R] ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=pi*bet*mbet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a) st3=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
;------------------------------ cubes --------------------------------------
push edx
xor edx,edx
mov eax,[Fl]
div [const6]
fild [cubes_R] ; st0=R
bt dx,0
jc cubes_l0
; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0b
fchs ; st0=-R
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R
fmul [const_m] ; st0=bet*mbet st1=R
fmul st0,st1 ; st0=R*bet*mbet st1=R
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf st1=R*bet*mbet st2=R
fmul [const_m] ; st0=alf*malf st1=R*bet*mbet st2=R
fmul st0,st2 ; st0=R*alf*malf st1=R*bet*mbet st2=R
bt dx,2
jc cubes_l1 ; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx x10xb
bt dx,1
jc cubes_l2 ; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx x01xb
; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx x00xb
fstp st3
fstp st3
div [const6]
fild [cubes_R] ; st0=R
fadd st0,st0
bt dx,0
jc cubes_l4
; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0b
fchs ; st0=-R
faddp st1,st0
bt dx,2
jc cubes_l5 ; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx x10xb
bt dx,1
jc cubes_l6 ; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx x01xb
; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx x00xb
fstp st3
fstp st3
pop edx
;----------------------------- galaxy --------------------------------------
bt [Fl],0
jc not_gal
fild [Fl]
fidiv [mFl] ; st0=f=Fl/mFl
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=f
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=f
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=f
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf st1=cos(b) st2=sin(b) st3=f
fmul [const_m] ; st0=a=alf*malf st1=cos(b) st2=sin(b) st3=f
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=a st1=cos(b) st2=a*sin(b) st3=f
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=a*cos(b) st1=a*sin(b) st2=f
fmul st0,st2 ; st0=f*a*cos(b) st1=a*sin(b) st2=f
fimul [galaxy_rz] ; st0=rz*f*a*cos(b) st1=a*sin(b) st2=f
fstp st3 ; st0=a*sin(b) st1=f st2=Z
fimul [galaxy_rq] ; st0=a*rq*sin(b) st1=f st2=Z
fiadd [galaxy_R] ; st0=R+a*rq*sin(b) st1=f st2=Z
fxch st1 ; st0=f st1=R+rq*a*sin(b) st2=Z
fmul st1,st0 ; st0=f st1=f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st2=Z
fmul [galaxy_k] ; st0=F=k*f st1=f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st2=Z
bt [Fl],1
jc gal_lb
faddp st1,st0 ; st0=F=F+pi st1=f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st2=Z
fsincos ; st0=cos(F) st1=sin(F) st2=f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st3=Z
fxch st2 ; st0=f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st1=sin(F) st2=cos(F) st3=Z
fmul st2,st0
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=cos(F)*f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st1=sin(F)*f*(R+rq*a*sin(b)) st2=Z
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [Fl] ; st0=Fl st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fidiv [mFl] ; st0=Fl/mFl st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st0,st0
fmul st0,st0
fmul st0,st0
fst st3
fimul [galaxy_A] ; st0=R=A*Fl/mFl st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=pi*bet*mbet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a) st3=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
; around Z
fld st1
fld st1 ; st0=x st1=y st2=x st3=y st4=z
fld [al_r] ; st0=a st1=x st2=y st3=x st4=y st5=z
fmul st0,st6
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a) st2=x st3=y st4=x st5=y st6=z
fmul st4,st0
fmulp st5,st0
fmul st2,st0
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=x*sin(a) st1=y*sin(a) st2=x*cos(a) st3=y*cos(a) st4=z
faddp st3,st0
fsubp st1,st0
ffree st3
;------------------------------ balls --------------------------------------
mov eax,[Fl]
and eax,03h
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [balls_R] ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=pi*bet*mbet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a) st3=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fiadd [balls_y1+2*eax] ; st0=y+R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fxch st1 ; st0=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st1=y+R*cos(a)*sin(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fiadd [balls_z1+2*eax] ; st0=z+R*cos(a)*cos(b) st1=y+R*cos(a)*sin(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*sin(a) st1=y+R*cos(a)*sin(b) st2=z+R*cos(a)*cos(b)
fiadd [balls_x1+2*eax] ; st0=x+R*sin(a) st1=y+R*cos(a)*sin(b) st2=z+R*cos(a)*cos(b)
;------------------------------- sin ---------------------------------------
test [Fl],3Fh
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
jnz sin_lb1
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [sin_R] ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a) st3=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fiadd [sin_A] ; st0=A+R*cos(b)*sin(a) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_m] ; st0=alf*malf
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=alf*malf
fmul [const_m] ; st0=bet*mbet st1=alf*malf
fld st0 ; st0=bet*mbet st1=bet*mbet st2=alf*malf
fmul st0,st0 ; st0=(bet*mbet)^2 st1=bet*mbet st2=alf*malf
fld st2 ; st0=alf*malf st1=(bet*mbet)^2 st2=bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
fmul st0,st0 ; st0=(alf*malf)^2 st1=(bet*mbet)^2 st2=bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
faddp st1,st0 ; st0=(alf*malf)^2+(bet*mbet)^2 st1=bet*mbet st2=alf*malf
fsqrt ; st0=r=sqr((alf*malf)^2*(bet*mbet)^2) st1=bet*mbet st2=alf*malf
fild [sin_k] ; st0=k st1=r st2=bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
fmul st0,st1 ; st0=k*r st1=r st2=bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
fsin ; st0=sin(k*r) st1=r st2=bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
fdivrp st1,st0 ; st0=sin(k*r)/r st1=bet*mbet st2=alf*malf
fimul [sin_c] ; st0=c*sin(k*r)/r st1=bet*mbet st2=alf*malf
fild [sin_a] ; st0=a st1=c*sin(k*r)/r st2=bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=a st1=c*sin(k*r)/r st2=a*bet*mbet st3=alf*malf
fmulp st3,st0 ; st0=c*sin(k*r)/r st1=a*bet*mbet st2=a*alf*malf
;------------------------------ tors ---------------------------------------
push edx
xor edx,edx
mov eax,[Fl]
div [const3]
mov al,dl
pop edx
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [tors_r] ; st0=r st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r st1=cos(a) st2=r*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=r*cos(a) st1=r*sin(a)
bt ax,1
jc tors_l1 ; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1xb
bt ax,0
jc tors_l2 ; ax=xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1b
fiadd [tors_R3] ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=r*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=r*cos(a)+R st3=r*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=r*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st3=r*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=sin(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st1=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st2=r*sin(a)
fiadd [tors_R2] ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=r*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=r*cos(a)+R st3=r*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=r*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st3=r*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=sin(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st1=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st2=r*sin(a)
jmp tors_l3
fiadd [tors_R1] ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=r*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=r*cos(a)+R st3=r*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=r*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st3=r*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=sin(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st1=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st2=r*sin(a)
; around Y
; x= x*cos(a)-z*sin(a)
; y= y
; z= x*sin(a)+z*cos(a)
fld st2 ; st0=z st1=x st2=y st3=z
fld st1 ; st0=x st1=z st2=x st3=y st4=z
fld [al_r]
fimul [tors_a1] ; st0=a st1=x st2=z st3=x st4=y st5=z
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a) st2=x st3=z st4=x st5=y st6=z
fmul st4,st0
fmulp st6,st0 ; st0=sin(a) st1=x st2=z st3=x*cos(a) st4=y st5=z*cos(a)
fmul st2,st0
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=x*sin(a) st1=z*sin(a) st2=x*cos(a) st3=y st4=z*cos(a)
faddp st4,st0
fsubp st1,st0
; around X
; x=x
; y= y*cos(b)+z*sin(b)
; z=-y*sin(b)+z*cos(b)
fld st2 ; st0=z st1=x st2=y st3=z
fld st2 ; st0=y st1=z st2=x st3=y st4=z
fld [al_r]
fimul [tors_a2] ; st0=b st1=y st2=z st3=x st4=y st5=z
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=y st3=z st4=x st5=y st6=z
fmul st5,st0
fmulp st6,st0 ; st0=sin(b) st1=y st2=z st3=x st4=y*cos(b) st5=z*cos(b)
fmul st2,st0
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=y*sin(b) st1=z*sin(b) st2=x st3=y*cos(b) st4=z*cos(b)
fsubp st4,st0 ; st0=z*sin(b) st1=x st2=y*cos(b) st3=z*cos(b)-y*sin(b)
faddp st2,st0
;------------------------------ tor1 ---------------------------------------
fild [tor1_a] ; st0=a
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=a
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=a
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=a
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf st1=cos(b) st2=sin(b) st3=a
fmul [const_m] ; st0=alf*malf st1=cos(b) st2=sin(b) st3=a
fld st0 ; st0=alf*malf st1=alf*malf st2=cos(b) st3=sin(b) st4=a
fmul [tor1_whorls] ; st0=wa=whorls*alf*malf st1=alf*malf st2=cos(b) st3=sin(b) st4=a
fsincos ; st0=cos(wa) st1=sin(wa) st2=alf*malf st3=cos(b) st4=sin(b) st5=a
fld [tor1_r] ; st0=r st1=cos(wa) st2=sin(wa) st3=alf*malf st4=cos(b) st5=sin(b) st6=a
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r st1=cos(wa) st2=r*sin(wa) st3=alf*malf st4=cos(b) st5=sin(b) st6=a
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=r*cos(wa) st1=r*sin(wa) st2=alf*malf st3=cos(b) st4=sin(b) st5=a
fiadd [tor1_R] ; st0=R+r*cos(wa) st1=r*sin(wa) st2=alf*malf st3=cos(b) st4=sin(b) st5=a
faddp st3,st0 ; st0=r*sin(wa) st1=alf*malf st2=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st3=sin(b) st4=a
faddp st3,st0 ; st0=alf*malf st1=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st2=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st3=a
fmul [tor1_turns] ; st0=ta=turns*alf*malf st1=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st2=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st3=a
fsincos ; st0=cos(ta) st1=sin(ta) st2=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st3=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st4=a
fmul st0,st2 ; st0=cos(ta)*(R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b)) st1=sin(ta) st2=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st3=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st4=a
fmul st0,st4 ; st0=a*cos(ta)*(R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b)) st1=sin(ta) st2=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st3=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st4=a
fstp st5 ; st0=sin(ta) st1=R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b) st2=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st3=a st4=y
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=sin(ta)*(R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b)) st1=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st2=a st3=y
fmul st0,st2 ; st0=z=a*sin(ta)*(R+r*cos(wa)+cos(b)) st1=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st2=a st3=y
fstp st4 ; st0=r*sin(wa)+sin(b) st1=a st2=y st3=z
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=x=a*(r*sin(wa)+sin(b)) st1=y st2=z
;------------------------------- tor ---------------------------------------
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [tor_r] ; st0=r st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r st1=cos(a) st2=r*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=r*cos(a) st1=r*sin(a)
fiadd [tor_R] ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=r*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2]; st0=bet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=r*cos(a)+R st2=r*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=r*cos(a)+R st3=r*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=r*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r*cos(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st3=r*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=sin(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st1=cos(b)*(r*cos(a)+R) st2=r*sin(a)
;------------------------------ spiral -------------------------------------
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet
fmul [const_m] ; st0=bet*mbet
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf st1=bet*mbet
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf st1=bet*mbet
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a) st2=bet*mbet
fimul [spiral_r] ; st0=r*cos(a) st1=sin(a) st2=bet*mbet
fld st2 ; st0=bet*mbet st1=r*cos(a) st2=sin(a) st3=bet*mbet
fimul [spiral_h] ; st0=bet*mbet*h st1=r*cos(a) st2=sin(a) st3=bet*mbet
faddp st1,st0 ; st0=z=bet*mbet*h+r*cos(a) st1=sin(a) st2=bet*mbet
fstp st3 ; st0=sin(a) st1=bet*mbet st2=z
fimul [spiral_r] ; st0=r*sin(a) st1=bet*mbet st2=z
fiadd [spiral_R] ; st0=r*sin(a)+R st1=bet*mbet st2=z
fxch st1 ; st0=bet*mbet st1=r*sin(a)+R st2=z
fimul [spiral_L] ; st0=b=L*bet*mbet st1=r*sin(a)+R st2=z
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=r*sin(a)+R st3=z
fxch st2 ; st0=r*sin(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=z
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=r*sin(a)+R st1=sin(b) st2=(r*sin(a)+R)*cos(b) st3=z
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=x=(r*sin(a)+R)*sin(b) st2=y=(r*sin(a)+R)*cos(b) st3=z
;------------------------------- cube --------------------------------------
push edx
xor edx,edx
mov eax,[Fl]
div [const6]
fild [cube_R] ; st0=R
bt dx,0
jc cube_l0
; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0b
fchs ; st0=-R
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R
fmul [const_m] ; st0=bet*mbet st1=R
fmul st0,st1 ; st0=R*bet*mbet st1=R
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf st1=R*bet*mbet st2=R
fmul [const_m] ; st0=alf*malf st1=R*bet*mbet st2=R
fmul st0,st2 ; st0=R*alf*malf st1=R*bet*mbet st2=R
bt dx,2
jc cube_l1 ; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx x10xb
bt dx,1
jc cube_l2 ; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx x01xb
; dx=xxxx xxxx xxxx x00xb
fstp st3
fstp st3
pop edx
;------------------------------ planet -------------------------------------
bt [Fl],0
jc planet_lb1
bt [Fl],1
jc planet_lb0
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [planet_R] ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a) st3=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a)
fild [planet_r] ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R st1=cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=b=pi*bet*mbet st1=R*cos(a) st2=R*sin(a)
fsincos ; st0=cos(b) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a) st3=R*sin(a)
fxch st2 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a) st1=sin(b) st2=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st3=R*sin(a)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b) st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fiadd [planet_h] ; st0=R*cos(a)*sin(b)+h st1=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st2=R*sin(a)
fxch st1 ; st0=R*cos(a)*cos(b) st1=R*cos(a)*sin(b)+h st2=R*sin(a)
fild word [esi+2] ; st0=bet
fmul [const_m] ; st0=bet*mbet
fimul [planet_d] ; st0=d*bet*mbet
fiadd [planet_h] ; st0=h+d*bet*mbet
fild word [esi] ; st0=alf st1=h+d*bet*mbet
fmul [const_mpi] ; st0=a=pi*alf*malf st1=h+d*bet*mbet
fsincos ; st0=cos(a) st1=sin(a) st2=h+d*bet*mbet
fxch st2 ; st0=h+d*bet*mbet st1=sin(a) st2=cos(a)
fmul st2,st0 ; st0=h+d*bet*mbet st1=sin(a) st2=cos(a)*(h+d*bet*mbet)
fmulp st1,st0 ; st0=(h+d*bet*mbet)*sin(a) st1=cos(a)*(h+d*bet*mbet)
fldz ; st0=0 st1=(h+d*bet*mbet)*sin(a) st2=cos(a)*(h+d*bet*mbet)