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; made by hidnplayr (hidnplayr@gmail.com) for KolibriOS and DEX4U
; The given code before every macro is only a simple example
; Change the OS value to DEX4U or MEOS
; v1.0: 18 august 2006
MEOS equ 1 ; Dont change these !
DEX4U equ 2 ;
OS equ MEOS ; Change these instead ;)
TIMEOUT equ 60 ; timeout for DNS request
BUFFER equ 512 ; Buffer size for DNS
macro int1 {
if OS eq MEOS
else if OS eq DEX4U
int 0x52
end if
macro int2 {
if OS eq MEOS
else if OS eq DEX4U
int 0x53
end if
macro mov arg1,arg2 {
if arg1 eq arg2
mov arg1,arg2
end if
; eth.get_IP eax
; gets the current IP that is defined in Stack (return in eax in this example)
macro eth.get_IP IP {
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,1
mov IP ,eax
; eth.get_GATEWAY eax
; gets the current GATEWAY that is defined in Stack (return in eax in this example)
macro eth.get_GATEWAY GATEWAY {
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,9
move GATEWAY ,eax
; eth.get_SUBNET eax
; gets the current SUBNET that is defined in Stack (return in eax in this example)
macro eth.get_SUBNET SUBNET {
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,10
mov SUBNET ,eax
; eth.get_DNS eax
; gets the current DNS that is defined in Stack (return in eax in this example)
macro eth.get_DNS DNS {
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,13
mov DNS ,eax
; eth.set_IP eax
; set a new IP in stack (input in eax in this example)
macro eth.set_IP IP {
mov ecx,IP
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,3
; eth.set_GATEWAY eax
; set a new GATEWAY in stack (input in eax in this example)
macro eth.set_GATEWAY GATEWAY {
mov ecx,GATEWAY
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,11
; eth.set_SUBNET eax
; set a new SUBNET in stack (input in eax in this example)
macro eth.set_SUBNET SUBNET {
mov ecx,SUBNET
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,12
; eth.set_DNS eax
; set a new DNS in stack (input in eax in this example)
macro eth.set_DNS DNS {
mov ecx,DNS
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,52
end if
mov ebx,14
; eth.open eax,80,ebx,[socket]
; open a socket on local port in eax to port 80 on server on ebx
; the socketnumber will be returned in [socket] (dword)
macro eth.open local,remote,ip,socket {
mov ecx, local
mov edx, remote
mov esi, ip
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 0
mov socket,eax
; eth.close [socket]
; closes socket on socketnumber [socket]
macro eth.close socket {
mov ecx, socket
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 1
; eth.poll [socket],eax
; polls [socket] for data
; eax = 0 when there is data
macro eth.poll socket,result {
mov ecx, socket
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 2
mov result, eax
; eth.read_byte [socket], bl
; reads a byte from the socket and returns in bl
macro eth.read_byte socket, result {
mov ecx, socket
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 3
mov result,bl
; eth.write [socket],12,msg
; msg db 'hello world!'
; send message msg to socket
macro eth.write socket,length,msg {
mov ecx, socket
mov edx, length
mov esi, msg
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 4
; eth.open_tcp 80,80,eax,0,[socket]
; opens a tcp socket on port 80 to port 80 on IP eax with passive open
; returns socket number in eax
macro eth.open_tcp local,remote,ip,passive,socket {
mov ecx, local
mov edx, remote
mov esi, ip
mov edi, passive ; 0 = PASSIVE open
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 5
mov socket,eax
; eth.socket_status [socket],eax
; returns socket status in eax
macro eth.socket_status socket,result {
mov ecx, socket
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 6
mov result,eax
; eth.write_tcp [socket],12,msg
; msg db 'hello world!'
; send message to TCP socket
macro eth.write_tcp socket,length,msg {
mov ecx, socket
mov edx, length
mov esi, msg
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 7
; eth.close_tcp [socket]
; closes tcp socket [socket]
macro eth.close_tcp socket {
mov ecx, socket
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 8
; eth.check_port 165,eax
; checks if port 165 is used
; return is 0 when port is free
macro eth.check_port port,result {
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 9
mov ecx, port
mov result,eax
; eth.status eax
; returns socket status in eax
macro eth.status status {
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,53
end if
mov ebx, 255
mov ecx, 6
mov status,eax
; eth.search 165,edx
; searches a free local port starting from 166 (165 + 1 !)
; returns in edx
macro eth.search_port port,result {
mov edx,port
inc edx
eth.check_port edx,eax
cmp eax,0
je @r
mov result,edx
; eth.read_data [socket],buffer,512
; buffer rb 512
; socket dd ?
; reads data from socket into a buffer, stops when there is no more data or buffer is full.
macro eth.read_data socket,dest,endptr,bufferl {
mov eax, dest
mov endptr, eax
; we have data - this will be the response
mov eax,endptr
cmp eax,bufferl
jg @f
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 3
mov ecx, socket
mcall ; read byte - block (high byte)
; Store the data in the response buffer
mov eax, endptr
mov [eax], bl
inc dword endptr
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 2
mov ecx, socket
mcall ; any more data?
cmp eax, 0
jne @r ; yes, so get it
; eth.wait_for_data [socket],60,abort
; eth.read_data ....
; abort:
; Waits for data with timeout
macro eth.wait_for_data socket,TIMEOUT,abort {
mov edx,TIMEOUT
eth.poll socket,eax
cmp eax,0
jne @f
dec edx
jz abort
if OS eq MEOS
mov eax,5 ; wait here for event
mov ebx,100
else if OS eq DEX4U
mov ax,18
call [SetDelay]
call dword[stack_handler]
end if
jmp @r
; The function 'resolve' resolves the address in edx and puts the resulting IP in eax.
; When the input is an IP-adress, the function will output this IP in eax.
; If something goes wrong, the result in eax should be 0
; example:
; resolve query1,IP
; resolve '',IP
; resolve query2,IP
; query1 db 'www.google.com',0
; query2 db '',0
; IP dd ?
macro resolve query,result {
if query eqtype 0
mov edx,query
local ..string, ..label
jmp ..label
..string db query,0
mov edx,..string
end if
call __resolve
mov result,eax
if used __resolve
;DEBUGF 1,'Resolving started\n'
; This code validates if the query is an IP containing 4 numbers and 3 dots
push edx ; push edx (query address) onto stack
xor al, al ; make al (dot count) zero
cmp byte[edx],'0' ; check if this byte is a number, if not jump to no_IP
jl no_IP ;
cmp byte[edx],'9' ;
jg no_IP ;
inc edx ; the byte was a number, so lets check the next byte
cmp byte[edx],0 ; is this byte zero? (have we reached end of query?)
jz @f ; jump to next @@ then
cmp byte[edx],'.' ; is this byte a dot?
jne @r ; if not, jump to previous @@
inc al ; the byte was a dot so increment al(dot count)
inc edx ; next byte
jmp @r ; lets check for numbers again (jump to previous @@)
@@: ; we reach this when end of query reached
cmp al,3 ; check if there where 3 dots
jnz no_IP ; if not, jump to no_IP (this is where the DNS will take over)
; The following code should convert this IP into a dword and output it in eax
pop esi ; edx (query address) was pushed onto stack and is now popped in esi
xor edx, edx ; result
xor eax, eax ; current character
xor ebx, ebx ; current byte
shl edx, 8
add edx, ebx
xor ebx, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .finish
cmp al, '.'
jz .outer_loop
sub eax, '0'
imul ebx, 10
add ebx, eax
jmp .inner_loop
shl edx, 8
add edx, ebx
bswap edx
mov eax, edx
;DEBUGF 1,'The query was an IP: %x.%x.%x.%x\n',dh,dl,al,ah
pop edx
; The query is not an IP address, we will send the query to a DNS server and hope for answer ;)
;DEBUGF 1,'The query is no ip, Building request string from:%u\n',edx
; Build the request string
mov eax, 0x00010100
mov [dnsMsg], eax
mov eax, 0x00000100
mov [dnsMsg+4], eax
mov eax, 0x00000000
mov [dnsMsg+8], eax
; domain name goes in at dnsMsg+12
mov esi, dnsMsg + 12 ; location of label length
mov edi, dnsMsg + 13 ; label start
mov ecx, 12 ; total string length so far
mov [esi], byte 0
inc ecx
mov al, [edx]
cmp al, 0
je td001 ; we have finished the string translation
cmp al, '.'
je td004 ; we have finished the label
inc byte [esi]
inc ecx
mov [edi], al
inc edi
inc edx
jmp td0021
mov esi, edi
inc edi
inc edx
jmp td002
; write label len + label text
mov [edi], byte 0
inc ecx
inc edi
mov [edi], dword 0x01000100
add ecx, 4
mov [dnsMsgLen], ecx ; We'll need the length of the message when we send it
; Now, lets send this and wait for an answer
eth.search_port 1024,edx ; Find a free port starting from 1025 and store in edx
eth.get_DNS esi ; Read DNS IP from stack into esi
eth.open edx,53,esi,[socketNum] ; First, open socket
; DEBUGF 1,'Socket opened: %u (port %u)\n',[socketNum],ecx
eth.write [socketNum],[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg ; Write to socket ( request DNS lookup )
; DEBUGF 1,'Data written, length:%u offset:%u\n',[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg
; DEBUGF 1,'Waiting for data: (timeout is %us)\n',TIMEOUT
eth.wait_for_data [socketNum],TIMEOUT,no_data; Now, we wait for data from remote
eth.read_data [socketNum],dnsMsg,[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg+BUFFER ; Read the data into the buffer
; DEBUGF 1,'Data received, offset:%u buffer size:%u length:%u\n',dnsMsg,BUFFER,esi-dnsMsg
eth.close [socketNum] ; We're done, close the socket
; DEBUGF 1,'Closed Socket\n'
; Now parse the message to get the host IP. Man, this is complicated. It's described in RFC 1035
; 1) Validate that we have an answer with > 0 responses
; 2) Find the answer record with TYPE 0001 ( host IP )
; 3) Finally, copy the IP address to the display
; Note: The response is in dnsMsg, the end of the buffer is pointed to by [dnsMsgLen]
mov esi, dnsMsg
mov al, [esi+2] ; Is this a response to my question?
and al, 0x80
cmp al, 0x80
jne abort
;DEBUGF 1,'It was a response to my question\n'
mov al, [esi+3] ; Were there any errors?
and al, 0x0F
cmp al, 0x00
jne abort
;DEBUGF 1,'There were no errorst\n'
mov ax, [esi+6] ; Is there ( at least 1 ) answer?
cmp ax, 0x00
je abort
; Header validated. Scan through and get my answer
add esi, 12 ; Skip to the question field
call skipName ; Skip through the question field
add esi, 4 ; skip past the questions qtype, qclass
; Now at the answer. There may be several answers, find the right one ( TYPE = 0x0001 )
call skipName
mov ax, [esi]
cmp ax, 0x0100 ; Is this the IP address answer?
jne ctr002c
add esi, 10 ; Yes! Point eax to the first byte of the IP address
mov eax,[esi]
;DEBUGF 1,'Found First Byte of IP\n'
ctr002c: ; Skip through the answer, move to the next
add esi, 8
movzx eax, byte [esi+1]
mov ah, [esi]
add esi, eax
add esi, 2
cmp esi, [dnsMsgLen] ; Have we reached the end of the msg? This is an error condition, should not happen
jl ctr002z ; Check next answer
;DEBUGF 1,'Something went wrong, aborting\n'
xor eax,eax
; Increment esi to the first byte past the name field
; Names may use compressed labels. Normally do.
; RFC 1035 page 30 gives details
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
je sn_exit
and al, 0xc0
cmp al, 0xc0
je sn001
movzx eax, byte [esi]
inc eax
add esi, eax
jmp skipName
add esi, 2 ; A pointer is always at the end
inc esi
eth.close [socketNum]
xor eax,eax
dnsMsgLen: dd 0
socketNum: dd 0xFFFF
if ~defined dnsMsg
dnsMsg: rb BUFFER
end if
end if