forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
* New function 65 (PutImagePalette) + documentation
* KFar 0.19 (requires new kernel) git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ iglobal
dd sys_pci ; 62-PCI functions
dd sys_msg_board ; 63-System message board
dd sys_resize_app_memory ; 64-Resize application memory usage
dd undefined_syscall ; 65-UTF
dd syscall_putimage_palette; 65-PutImagePalette
dd sys_process_def ; 66-Process definitions - keyboard
dd sys_window_move ; 67-Window move or resize
dd new_services ; 68-Some internal services
@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
Advanced Power Management
eax = 49
dx = íîìåð ôóíêöèè APM BIOS (àíàëîãè÷åí ax â ðåàëüíîì ðåæèìå)
îñòàëüíûå (bx, cx) ðåãèñòðû ïî ñïåöèôèêàöèè (ñì. apm.txt)
ðåçóëüòàò : ïî ñïåöèôèêàöèè (âêëþ÷àÿ CF), ñòàðøàÿ ÷àñòü 32 áèòíûõ ðåãèñòðîâ íå îïðåäåëåíà
0x9040 - dword - entry point of APM BIOS
0x9044 - word - version (BCD)
0x9046 - word - flags
Òðè íîâûõ äåñêðèïòîðà
dw gdte-$-1
dd gdts
dw 0
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
; --------------- APM ---------------------
dw 0x0f ; limit 64kb
db 0, 0, 0
dw 11010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
; -----------------------------------------
dw ((0x80000000-std_application_base_address) shr 12) and 0xffff
dw 0
db 0
dw 11010000b*256+11111010b+256*((0x80000000-std_application_base_address) shr 28)
db std_application_base_address shr 24
dw (0x80000000-std_application_base_address) shr 12 and 0xffff
dw 0
db 0
dw 11010000b*256+11110010b+256*((0x80000000-std_application_base_address) shr 28)
db std_application_base_address shr 24
dw 0x3ff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11010000b *256 +11110010b
db 0x00
dd display_number ; 47-WriteNum
dd display_settings ; 48-SetRedrawType and SetButtonType
dd sys_apm ; 49-Advanced Power Management (APM)
dd random_shaped_window ; 50-Window shape & scale
dd syscall_threads ; 51-Threads
×àñòü 1 (ïîñëå ìåòêè "; SAVE REAL MODE VARIABLES"):
; --------------- APM ---------------------
mov eax, [0x2f0000 + 0x9040] ; entry point
mov dword[apm_entry], eax
mov word [apm_entry + 4], apm_code_32 - gdts
mov eax, [0x2f0000 + 0x9044] ; version & flags
mov [apm_vf], eax
; -----------------------------------------
×àñòü 2 (ñèñòåìíûé âûçîâ, ðàñïîëîæåíèå íå êðèòè÷íî,
ÿ ðàñïîëîæèë ïåðåä ìåòêîé "undefined_syscall:")
; --------------- APM ---------------------
apm_entry dp 0
apm_vf dd 0
align 4
cmp word [apm_vf], 0 ; Check APM BIOS enable
jne @f
or [esp + 56], byte 1 ; error
mov [esp + 36], dword 8 ; 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported
@@: xchg eax, ecx
xchg ebx, ecx
cmp al, 3
ja @f
and [esp + 56], byte 0xfe ; emulate func 0..3 as func 0
mov eax, [apm_vf]
mov [esp + 36], eax
shr eax, 16
mov [esp + 32], eax
@@: call pword [apm_entry] ; call APM BIOS
mov [esp + 8 ], edi
mov [esp + 12], esi
mov [esp + 24], ebx
mov [esp + 28], edx
mov [esp + 32], ecx
mov [esp + 36], eax
setc al
and [esp + 56], byte 0xfe
or [esp + 56], al
; -----------------------------------------
align 4
undefined_syscall: ; Undefined system call
; --------------- APM ---------------------
push 0
pop es
mov word [es : 0x9044], 0 ; ver = 0.0 (APM not found)
mov ax, 0x5300
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
jc apm_end ; APM not found
test cx, 2
jz apm_end ; APM 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported
mov [es : 0x9044], ax ; Save APM Version
mov [es : 0x9046], cx ; Save APM flags
; Write APM ver ----
jmp @f
msg_apm:db ' APM x.x ', 0
@@: and ax, 0xf0f
add ax, '00'
mov si, msg_apm - 0x10000
mov [si + 5], ah
mov [si + 7], al
_setcursor 0, 3
call printplain
_setcursor d80x25_top_num,0
; ------------------
mov ax, 0x5304 ; Disconnect interface
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x5303 ; Connect 32 bit mode interface
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
; init selectors
movzx eax, ax ; real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 32-bit code segment
shl eax, 4
mov [apm_code_32 - 0x10000 + 2], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [apm_code_32 - 0x10000 + 4], al
movzx ecx, cx ; real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit code segment
shl ecx, 4
mov [apm_code_16 - 0x10000 + 2], cx
shr ecx, 16
mov [apm_code_16 - 0x10000 + 4], cl
movzx edx, dx ; real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit data segment
shl edx, 4
mov [apm_data_16 - 0x10000 + 2], dx
shr edx, 16
mov [apm_data_16 - 0x10000 + 4], dl
mov [es : 0x9040], ebx ; offset of APM entry point
; -----------------------------------------
Ðåøåíèå ïðîáëåìû APM poweroff
mov ax, 5304h
xor bx, bx
int 15h
mov ax,0x5300
xor bx,bx
int 0x15
push ax
@ -3461,6 +3461,26 @@ IPC
‚맮¢ äãªæ¨¨ ¡ã¤¥â ¨£®à¨à®¢ âìáï, ¥á«¨ ¯à¨«®¦¥¨¥ ᮧ¤ áâ
«®ª «ìãî ªãç㠢맮¢®¬ 68.11.
========= ”ãªæ¨ï 65 - ¢ë¢¥á⨠¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ á ¯ «¨âன ¢ ®ª®. ========
<EFBFBD> à ¬¥âàë:
* eax = 65 - ®¬¥à äãªæ¨¨
* ebx = 㪠§ â¥«ì ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥
* ecx = [à §¬¥à ¯® ®á¨ x]*65536 + [à §¬¥à ¯® ®á¨ y]
* edx = [ª®®à¤¨ â ¯® ®á¨ x]*65536 + [ª®®à¤¨ â ¯® ®á¨ y]
* esi = ç¨á«® ¡¨â ¯¨ªá¥«ì, ¤®«¦® ¡ëâì 8 ¢ ⥪ã饩 ॠ«¨§ 樨
* edi = 㪠§ â¥«ì ¯ «¨âàã (256 梥⮢ 0x00RRGGBB)
‚®§¢à é ¥¬®¥ § 票¥:
* äãªæ¨ï ¥ ¢®§¢à é ¥â § 票ï
‡ ¬¥ç ¨ï:
* Š®®à¤¨ âë ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï - íâ® ª®®à¤¨ âë ¢¥à奣® «¥¢®£® 㣫
¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ®â®á¨â¥«ì® ®ª .
* <20> §¬¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¢ ¡ ©â å ¥áâì xsize*ysize.
* Š ¦¤ë© ¡ ©â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï à áᬠâਢ ¥âáï ª ª ¨¤¥ªá ¢ ¯ «¨âà¥.
* …᫨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥â ¥ ¢á¥ 256 梥⮢, ¬¥ìè¥,
à §¬¥à ¯ «¨âàë ¬®¦¥â ¡ëâì ¬¥ìè¥ 256.
================= ”ãªæ¨ï 66 - à ¡®â á ª« ¢¨ âãன. =================
@ -3428,6 +3428,26 @@ Remarks:
The function call will be ignored after creation of process heap
with function 68.11.
======== Function 65 - draw image with palette in the window. ========
* eax = 65 - function number
* ebx = pointer to the image
* ecx = [size on axis x]*65536 + [size on axis y]
* edx = [coordinate on axis x]*65536 + [coordinate on axis y]
* esi = number of bits per pixel, must be 8
* edi = pointer to palette (256 colors 0x00RRGGBB)
Returned value:
* function does not return value
* Coordinates of the image are coordinates of the upper left corner
of the image relative to the window.
* Size of the image in bytes is xsize*ysize.
* Each byte of image is index in the palette.
* If the image uses less than 256 colors, palette size may be
less than 256 too.
================== Function 66 - work with keyboard. =================
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ macro epiloguedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
if parmbytes | localbytes
end if
if flag and 10000b
if (flag and 10000b) | (parmbytes=0)
retn parmbytes
@ -1365,7 +1365,9 @@ sys_setup:
mov word [midisp],bx
midi_base dw 0
@ -1501,7 +1503,9 @@ cd_base db 0
hd_base db 0
@ -1667,12 +1671,13 @@ sys_getsetup:
mov [esp+36],dword 1
align 4
mousefn dd msscreen, mswin, msbutton, msset
dd app_load_cursor
dd app_set_cursor
dd app_delete_cursor
@ -3972,6 +3977,11 @@ sys_putimage:
add dx,word[edi+0x80000+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol edx,16
push esi ebp
mov ebp, putimage_get24bpp
mov esi, putimage_init24bpp
; call [disable_mouse] ; this will be done in xxx_putimage
; mov eax, vga_putimage
cmp [0xfe0c], word 0x12
jz @f ;.doit
@ -3986,8 +3996,51 @@ sys_putimage:
inc [mouse_pause]
call eax
dec [mouse_pause]
pop ebp esi
jmp [draw_pointer]
lea edi, [esi+std_application_base_address]
mov esi, edx
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, ebx
lea ebx, [eax+std_application_base_address]
; ebx = pointer to image
; ecx = [xsize]*65536 + [ysize]
; edx = [xstart]*65536 + [ystart]
; esi = number of bits per pixel, must be 8
; edi = pointer to palette
mov eax, [0x3000]
shl eax, 8
add dx, word []
rol edx, 16
add dx, word [eax+0x80000+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol edx, 16
push esi ebp
mov ebp, putimage_get8bpp
mov esi, putimage_init8bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
lea eax, [eax*3]
mov eax, [esi]
add esi, 3
ret 4
movzx eax, byte [esi]
push edx
mov edx, [esp+8]
mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
pop edx
inc esi
ret 4
; eax x beginning
; ebx y beginning
; ecx x end
@ -4003,6 +4056,7 @@ __sys_drawbar:
add edx,[]
inc [mouse_pause]
; call [disable_mouse]
cmp [0xfe0c],word 0x12
je dbv20
@ -709,6 +709,12 @@ Vesa12_getpixel32:
; ebx = pointer to image
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
; ebp = pointer to 'get' function
; esi = pointer to 'init' function
; edi = parameter for 'get' function
; mov ebx,image
; mov ecx,320*65536+240
@ -730,8 +736,7 @@ vesa12_putimage:
add ebx,[]
push eax
mov eax,ebx ; y
mov ebx,[0xfe08]
mul ebx
mul dword [0xfe08]
pop ecx
add eax,ecx ; x
add eax,ecx
@ -747,29 +752,18 @@ vesa12_putimage:
; x size
movzx eax,word [esp+6]
mov ecx,eax
add ecx,eax
add ecx,eax
cmp [0xfbf1],byte 24 ; 24 or 32 bpp ? - x size
jz pi24312
add ecx,eax
movzx ecx,word [esp+6]
mov esi,[esp+8]
movzx ebx,word [esp+4]
; check limits while draw ?
push eax
push ecx
mov eax,[0x3010]
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.left]
cmp ecx,0
cmp dword [eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.left], 0
jnz dbcblimitlset212
mov ecx,[]
cmp ecx,0
cmp dword [], 0
jnz dbcblimitlset212
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.right]
cmp ecx,[0xfe00]
@ -778,84 +772,67 @@ vesa12_putimage:
cmp ecx,[0xfe04]
jnz dbcblimitlset212
pop ecx
pop eax
push dword 0
push 0
jmp dbcblimitlno212
pop ecx
pop eax
push dword 1
push 1
cmp [0xfbf1],byte 24 ; 24 or 32 bpp ?
jz pi24bit12
jmp pi32bit12
jnz pi32bit12
push eax
push ebx
push edx
xor edx,edx
mov eax,ecx
mov ebx,3
div ebx
mov ecx,eax
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
push edi
push esi
push ecx
push ebx
xor edx,edx
mov eax,edi
sub eax,[0xfe80]
mov edx,edi
sub edx,[0xfe80]
mov ebx,3
div ebx
add eax,WinMapAddress
add edx,WinMapAddress
mov ebx,[0x3000]
mov bh,[esp+4*4]
mov bh,[esp+4*3]
cmp bl,[eax]
cmp bl,[edx]
jnz imp24no12
mov edx,[esi]
cmp bh,0
jz imp24yes12
; mov eax,[esi]
push dword [esp+4*3+20]
call ebp
; cmp bh,0
; jz imp24yes12
; call dbcplimit
; jnz imp24no12
push eax
push edi
push eax
mov eax,edi
sub eax,[0xfe80]
shr eax,16
call set_bank
pop eax
and edi,0xffff
add edi,0xa0000
mov [edi],edx
shr edx,2
mov [edi+2],dl
mov [edi],ax
shr eax,16
mov [edi+2],al
pop edi
pop eax
inc eax
add esi,3
inc edx
; add esi,3
add edi,3
dec ecx
jnz np2412
@ -864,73 +841,63 @@ vesa12_putimage:
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop esi
pop edi
add edi,[0xfe08]
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[esp+4+2+4]
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]
add esi,eax
dec ebx
jz nonewpi12
jmp newpi12
jnz newpi12
add esp,7*4
mov eax,0
pop eax edx ecx ebx eax edi esi
xor eax, eax
shr ecx,2
push edi
push esi
push ecx
push ebx
mov eax,edi
sub eax,[0xfe80]
shr eax,2
add eax,WinMapAddress
mov edx,edi
sub edx,[0xfe80]
shr edx,2
add edx,WinMapAddress
mov ebx,[0x3000]
mov bh,[esp+4*4]
mov bh,[esp+4*3]
cmp bl,[eax]
cmp bl,[edx]
jnz imp32no12
mov edx,[esi]
cmp bh,0
jz imp32yes12
; mov eax,[esi]
push dword [esp+4*3+20]
call ebp
; cmp bh,0
; jz imp32yes12
; call dbcplimit
; jnz imp32no12
push eax
push edi
push eax
mov eax,edi
sub eax,[0xfe80]
shr eax,16
call set_bank
and edi,0xffff
add edi,0xa0000
mov [edi],edx
pop edi
pop eax
and edi,0xffff
mov [edi+0xa0000],eax
pop edi
inc eax
add esi,3
inc edx
; add esi,3
add edi,4
dec ecx
jnz np3212
@ -939,21 +906,16 @@ vesa12_putimage:
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop esi
pop edi
add edi,[0xfe08]
movzx eax,word [esp+4+2+4]
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]
add esi,eax
dec ebx
jz nonewpi3212
jmp newpi3212
jnz newpi3212
add esp,7*4
mov eax,0
pop eax edx ecx ebx eax edi esi
xor eax, eax
@ -76,29 +76,27 @@ virtual at esp
.abs_cx dd ?
.abs_cy dd ?
.line_increment dd ?
.source_bpp dd ?
.winmap_newline dd ?
.screen_newline dd ?
.stack_data = 4*13
.stack_data = 4*12
.edi dd ?
.esi dd ?
.ebp dd ?
end virtual
align 4
align 16
; ebx = pointer
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
; ebp = pointer to 'get' function
; esi = pointer to 'init' function
; edi = parameter for 'get' function
call [disable_mouse]
sub esp, putimg.stack_data
mov [putimg.source_bpp], 3
; test ebx, 0x80000000
; jz @f
; inc [putimg.source_bpp]
; @@:
; and ebx, 0x7FFFFFFF
; save pointer to image
mov [putimg.pti], ebx
@ -164,7 +162,8 @@ vesa20_putimage:
mov eax, [putimg.image_sx]
sub eax, [putimg.real_sx]
;; imul eax, [putimg.source_bpp]
lea eax, [eax + eax * 2]
; lea eax, [eax + eax * 2]
call esi
mov [putimg.line_increment], eax
; winmap new line increment
@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ vesa20_putimage:
mov [putimg.screen_newline], eax
; pointer to image
mov ecx, [putimg.pti]
mov esi, [putimg.pti]
; pointer to screen
mov edx, [putimg.abs_cy]
@ -213,29 +212,32 @@ vesa20_putimage:
mov edi, [putimg.real_sy]
align 4
mov esi, [putimg.real_sx]
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
; push ebp edx
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov eax, [ecx] ; ecx = RRBBGGRR
; mov eax, [esi] ; eax = RRBBGGRR
mov [edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edx+2], al
add ecx, 3 ;[putimg.source_bpp]
; add esi, 3 ;[putimg.source_bpp]
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec esi
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
; pop edx ebp
add ecx, [putimg.line_increment]
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline] ;[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline] ;[ScreenWidth]
;inc ebp
@ -251,27 +253,30 @@ put_image_end_32:
mov edi, [putimg.real_sy]
align 4
mov esi, [putimg.real_sx]
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
; push ebp edx
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov eax, [ecx] ; ecx = RRBBGGRR
; mov eax, [esi] ; ecx = RRBBGGRR
mov [edx], eax
add ecx, [putimg.source_bpp]
; add esi, [putimg.source_bpp]
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec esi
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
; pop edx ebp
add ecx, [putimg.line_increment]
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline] ;[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline] ;[ScreenWidth]
;inc ebp
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ GenericBox:
mov eax, esi
pop esi
sub eax, esi
inc eax ; eax = äëèíà çàãîëîâêà + 2
inc eax ; eax = ¤«¨ § £®«®¢ª + 2
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
cmp eax, ecx
jbe .fullhea
@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ GenericBox:
mov ah, [ebx+dlgtemplate.header_color]
mov al, ' '
dec ecx
jecxz .3
dec ecx
jz .3
test al, al
jz .4
@ -404,6 +404,8 @@ GenericBox:
call draw_keybar
mov eax, ebp
call mf_free
or [cursor_x], -1
or [cursor_y], -1
call draw_image
ret 8
@ -955,11 +957,18 @@ virtual at 0
; <EFBFBD>«¥¬¥âë:
; 1 = áâ â¨ç¥áª¨© ⥪áâ
; 2 = ª®¯ª
; 3 = ¯®«¥ । ªâ¨à®¢ ¨ï
.type dd ?
.x1 dd ?
.y1 dd ?
.x2 dd ?
.y2 dd ?
; „ ë¥:
; ¤«ï ⥪áâ : const char* data - ASCIIZ-áâப
; ¤«ï ª®¯ª¨: const char* data - § £®«®¢®ª
; ¤«ï । ªâ®à : struct {unsigned maxlength; unsigned pos; unsigned start;
; char data[maxlength+1];}* data;
.data dd ?
.flags dd ?
; ”« £¨:
@ -967,6 +976,9 @@ dlgitemtemplate:
; 1 = ¢ëà ¢¨¢ ¨¥ ¯® æ¥âàã
; 2 = ¢ëà ¢¨¢ ¨¥ ¢¯à ¢®
; 4 = í«¥¬¥â ¨¬¥¥â 䮪ãá ¢¢®¤
; 8 = í«¥¬¥â ¬®¦¥â ¨¬¥âì 䮪ãá ¢¢®¤
; 10h: ¤«ï ª®¯ª¨ = ª®¯ª ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î (Enter ¥-ª®¯ª¥)
; ¤«ï ¯®«ï ¢¢®¤ = ¤ ë¥ ¡ë«¨ ¬®¤¨ä¨æ¨à®¢ ë
.size = $
end virtual
; struct DLGDATA
@ -1017,12 +1029,16 @@ ManagerDlgProc:
jz .tab
cmp al, 0x48
jz .up
cmp al, 0x50
jz .down
jecxz @f
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 3
jz .key_edit
cmp al, 0x4B
jz .left
cmp al, 0x4D
jz .right
cmp al, 0x50
jz .down
xor eax, eax
ret 16
@ -1030,8 +1046,22 @@ ManagerDlgProc:
or eax, -1
ret 16
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jnz @f
mov eax, ebx
ret 16
mov ebx, [esp+4]
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+12
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jnz @f
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 0x10
jnz .enter_found
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
jmp .enter_find
test [ctrlstate], 3
jnz .shift_tab
@ -1043,19 +1073,20 @@ ManagerDlgProc:
jz .find_first_btn
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jz .btn_found
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
jnz .btn_found
loop @b
mov ebx, [esp+4]
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+12
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jz .btn_found
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
jnz .btn_found
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
jmp @b
or byte [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
mov ebx, [esp+4]
call .dodraw
call draw_image
@ -1072,20 +1103,135 @@ ManagerDlgProc:
jz .find_last_btn
sub ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
loopnz @b
jz .btn_found
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
loopz @b
jnz .btn_found
mov ebx, [eax+dlgtemplate.size+8]
imul ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
lea ebx, [ebx+eax+dlgtemplate.size+12]
sub ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jnz @b
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
jz @b
jmp .btn_found
; ®¡à ¡®âª ª« ¢¨è ¢ ¯®«¥ ¢¢®¤
test al, 0x80
jnz .ret0
or [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 0x10
mov edx, []
cmp al, 0x4B
jz .editor_left
cmp al, 0x4D
jz .editor_right
cmp al, 0x47
jz .editor_home
cmp al, 0x4F
jz .editor_end
cmp al, 0x0E
jz .editor_backspace
cmp al, 0x53
jz .editor_del
test [ctrlstate], 0x3C
jnz .ret_draw
; query keyboard layout
push 26
pop eax
push 2
pop ebx
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [ctrlstate], 1
sbb ecx, -2
mov edx, layout
int 0x40
; translate scancode to ASCII
movzx eax, al
movzx eax, byte [layout+eax]
push eax
; insert entered symbol
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [edx+12]
or ecx, -1
repnz scasb
not ecx
pop eax
cmp ecx, [edx]
ja .ret_test ; buffer capacity exceeded
lea edi, [edx+ecx+12-1]
mov esi, [edx+4]
lea esi, [edx+esi+12]
mov cl, [edi]
mov [edi+1], cl
dec edi
cmp edi, esi
jae @b
mov [esi], al
inc dword [edx+4]
@@: jmp .ret_test
mov ecx, [edx+4]
jecxz @f
dec dword [edx+4]
@@: jmp .ret_test
mov ecx, [edx+4]
cmp byte [edx+ecx+12], 0
jz @b
inc dword [edx+4]
jmp @b
and dword [edx+4], 0
jmp @b
lea edi, [edx+12]
xor eax, eax
or ecx, -1
repnz scasb
not ecx
dec ecx
mov [edx+4], ecx
mov eax, [edx+4]
cmp [edx+8], eax
jl .ret_test.l1
mov [edx+8], eax
jmp .ret_test.l2
add eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x1]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x2]
cmp [edx+8], eax
jge .ret_test.l2
mov [edx+8], eax
jmp .ret_draw
mov ecx, [edx+4]
jecxz .ret_test
dec dword [edx+4]
lea esi, [edx+ecx+12]
lea edi, [esi-1]
test al, al
jnz @b
jmp .ret_test
mov ecx, [edx+4]
lea edi, [ecx+edx+12]
lea esi, [edi+1]
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .ret_test
jmp .copy_and_ret_test
or [cursor_x], -1
or [cursor_y], -1
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+8
mov ecx, [ebx]
add ebx, 4
@ -1096,7 +1242,12 @@ ManagerDlgProc:
dec eax
jz .draw_text
dec eax
jz .draw_button
dec eax
jnz .draw_loop_continue
call draw_editbox
jmp .draw_loop_continue
call draw_button
jmp .draw_loop_continue
@ -1114,6 +1265,7 @@ draw_static_text:
; ®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¤«¨ã áâப¨
mov esi, []
test esi, esi
jz .ret
or ecx, -1
@ -1163,6 +1315,11 @@ draw_text:
pop ecx
cmp ecx, edx
jbe .text_copy
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 3
jnz @f
mov ecx, edx
jmp .text_copy
cmp edx, 3
jb .ret
mov al, '.'
@ -1203,3 +1360,27 @@ draw_button:
mov ah, [dialog_selected_btn_color]
jmp draw_text
mov edx, []
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
jz @f
mov eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x1]
add eax, [edx+4]
sub eax, [edx+8]
mov ecx, [esp+16]
add eax, [ecx+dlgtemplate.x]
mov [cursor_x], eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.y1]
add eax, [ecx+dlgtemplate.y]
mov [cursor_y], eax
mov ah, [dialog_edit_color]
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 10h
jnz @f
mov ah, [dialog_unmodified_edit_color]
mov esi, []
add esi, [edx+8]
add esi, 12
jmp draw_text_esi
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