/* ------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed Rate Pig - a fixed logic frame rate demo ------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004 David Olofson <david@olofson.net> * * This software is released under the terms of the GPL. * * Contact author for permission if you want to use this * software, or work derived from it, under other terms. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include "engine.h" /* Graphics defines */ #define SCREEN_W 800 #define SCREEN_H 600 #define TILE_W 32 #define TILE_H 32 #define MAP_W 25 #define MAP_H 17 #define FONT_SPACING 45 #define PIG_FRAMES 12 /* World/physics constants */ #define GRAV_ACC 4 #define JUMP_SPEED 28 /* Sprite collision groups */ #define GROUP_ENEMY 0x0001 #define GROUP_POWERUP 0x0002 typedef enum { POWER_LIFE, POWER_BONUS1, POWER_BONUS2 } POWERUPS; typedef struct GAMESTATE { /* I/O */ PIG_engine *pe; Uint8 *keys; int nice; int refresh_screen; int jump; /* Sprites */ int lifepig; int scorefont; int glassfont; int icons; int stars; int pigframes; int evil; int slime; /* Global game state */ int running; int level; int lives; float lives_wobble; float lives_wobble_time; int score; float score_wobble; float score_wobble_time; float dashboard_time; int fun_count; int enemycount; int messages; /* Objects */ PIG_object *player; /* Statistics */ int logic_frames; int rendered_frames; } GAMESTATE; static void add_life(GAMESTATE *gs); static void remove_life(GAMESTATE *gs); static void inc_score(GAMESTATE *gs, int v); static void inc_score_nobonus(GAMESTATE *gs, int v); static PIG_object *new_player(GAMESTATE *gs); static void message(GAMESTATE *gs, const char *s); static PIG_object *new_powerup(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int speed, POWERUPS type); static PIG_object *new_star(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int vx, int vy); static PIG_object *new_evil(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int speed); static PIG_object *new_slime(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int speed); /*---------------------------------------------------------- Init, load stuff etc ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static int load_level(GAMESTATE *gs, int map) { const char *m; const char *k; if(map > 4) map = 1; gs->level = map; pig_object_close_all(gs->pe); gs->enemycount = 0; gs->messages = 0; switch(map) { case 1: case 2: case 4: k = "abcd" "efgh" "ijkl" /* Red, green, yellov */ "0123456789ABCDEFG" /* Sky */ "xyz"; /* Single R, G, Y */ break; case 0: case 3: k = "abcd" "efgh" "ijkl" /* Red, green, yellov */ "................." "xyz" /* Single R, G, Y */ "-+012345..ABCDEF"; /* Night sky */ break; } switch(map) { case 0: m = "-------------ad----------" "-abcd-x-ad--ad-abcd-acd--" "-x----x--abcd--x----x--x-" "-abd--x---ad---abd--x--x-" "-x----x--abcd--x----x--x-" "-x----x-ad--ad-abcd-abd--" "----efhad-eh--egh-efh----" "----y--y-y--y--y--y------" "++++efh++efgh++y++eh+++++" "0123y50y2y45y12y45y123450" "ABCDyFAyCyEFyBCyEFeghDEFA" "----ijkjl-ijkl--ijkjl----" "----il--il-il--il--------" "----ijkjl--il--il-ikl----" "----il-----il--il--il----" "----il----ijkl--ijkjl----" "-------------------------"; break; case 1: m = "0000000000000000000000000" "1111111111111111111111111" "2222222222222222222222222" "3333333333333333333333333" "4444444444444444444444444" "5555555555555555555555555" "6666666666666666666666666" "7777777ijkjkjjkjkl7777777" "8888888888888888888888888" "9999999999999999999999999" "abcdAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAabcd" "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB" "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC" "efgfgffgfgfgfgfggffgfgfgh" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" "GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"; new_evil(gs, 2, 0, 5); new_evil(gs, 22, 0, 5); new_evil(gs, 5, 0, 7); new_evil(gs, 19, 0, 7); break; case 2: m = "0000000000000000000000000" "1111111111111111111111111" "2222222222222222222222222" "3333333333333333333333333" "4444444444xxxxx4444444444" "5555555555x555x5555555555" "6666666666x666x6666666666" "7777777xxxx777xxxx7777777" "8888888x888888888x8888888" "9999999x999999999x9999999" "AAAAAAAxxxxAAAxxxxAAAAAAA" "BBBBBBBBBBxBBBxBBBBBBBBBB" "CCCCCCCCCCxCCCxCCCCCCCCCC" "DDDDDDDDDDxxxxxDDDDDDDDDD" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "ijklFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFijkl" "GGGijlGilGilGilGilGiklGGG"; new_slime(gs, 2, 0, -5); new_slime(gs, 22, 0, 5); new_evil(gs, 8, 0, 7); new_evil(gs, 16, 0, -7); break; case 3: m = "-------------------------" "-------------------------" "-------------------------" "-------------------------" "ijkl----------efgh-------" "-------------------------" "-------------------------" "z----------------abcbcbbd" "+++++++++++++++++++++++++" "01z3450123450123450123450" "ABCDEFABCefgfgfghFABCDEFA" "----z--------------------" "-------------------------" "------z--------------ijkl" "-------------------------" "-------------------------" "abdefghijkl---efghijklabd"; new_slime(gs, 5, 0, -5); new_slime(gs, 20, 15, -5); new_evil(gs, 1, 0, 7); new_evil(gs, 20, 0, 10); new_evil(gs, 15, 0, 7); break; case 4: m = "0000000000000000000000000" "1111111111111111111111111" "2222222222222222222222222" "3333333333333333333333333" "4444444444444444444444444" "555555555555z555555555555" "66666666666ijl66666666666" "7777777777ijlil7777777777" "888888888ijlikkl888888888" "99999999ijkjklikl99999999" "AAAAAAAikjlijkjkjlAAAAAAA" "BBBBBBiklijkjlijkjlBBBBBB" "CCCCCijkjlikkjklikklCCCCC" "DDDDijklijjklikjkjkklDDDD" "EEEijkkjkjlikjkjlijjklEEE" "FFijkjlilijkjklikjlikklFF" "efggfggfgfgfggfgfgfgfgfgh"; new_evil(gs, 11, 0, 5); new_evil(gs, 10, 0, 6); new_evil(gs, 9, 0, 7); new_evil(gs, 8, 0, 8); new_evil(gs, 7, 0, 9); new_evil(gs, 6, 0, 10); new_evil(gs, 5, 0, 11); new_evil(gs, 4, 0, 12); new_evil(gs, 3, 0, 13); new_slime(gs, 1, 0, 16); new_slime(gs, 24, 0, -14); break; default: return -1; } pig_map_from_string(gs->pe->map, k, m); gs->refresh_screen = gs->pe->pages; return 0; } static GAMESTATE *init_all(SDL_Surface *screen) { int i; PIG_map *pm; GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)calloc(1, sizeof(GAMESTATE)); if(!gs) return NULL; gs->running = 1; gs->pe = pig_open(screen); if(!gs->pe) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open the Pig Engine!\n"); free(gs); return NULL; } gs->pe->userdata = gs; pig_viewport(gs->pe, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, MAP_H * TILE_H); i = gs->lifepig = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "lifepig.png", 0, 0); i |= gs->scorefont = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "font.png", 44, 56); i |= gs->glassfont = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "glassfont.png", 60, 60); i |= gs->icons = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "icons.png", 48, 48); i |= gs->stars = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "stars.png", 32, 32); i |= gs->pigframes = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "pigframes.png", 64, 48); i |= gs->evil = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "evil.png", 48, 48); i |= gs->slime = pig_sprites(gs->pe, "slime.png", 48, 48); if(i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load graphics!\n"); pig_close(gs->pe); free(gs); return NULL; } for(i = gs->icons; i < gs->icons + 3*8; ++i) pig_hotspot(gs->pe, i, PIG_CENTER, 45); for(i = gs->pigframes; i < gs->pigframes + 12; ++i) pig_hotspot(gs->pe, i, PIG_CENTER, 43); for(i = gs->evil; i < gs->evil + 16; ++i) pig_hotspot(gs->pe, i, PIG_CENTER, 46); for(i = gs->slime; i < gs->slime + 16; ++i) pig_hotspot(gs->pe, i, PIG_CENTER, 46); pm = pig_map_open(gs->pe, MAP_W, MAP_H); if(!pm) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create map!\n"); pig_close(gs->pe); free(gs); return NULL; } if(pig_map_tiles(pm, "tiles.png", TILE_W, TILE_H) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load background graphics!\n"); pig_close(gs->pe); free(gs); return NULL; } /* Mark tiles for collision detection */ pig_map_collisions(pm, 0, 12, PIG_ALL); /* Red, green, yellov */ pig_map_collisions(pm, 12, 17, PIG_NONE);/* Sky */ pig_map_collisions(pm, 29, 3, PIG_ALL); /* Single R, G, Y */ load_level(gs, 0); return gs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Render the dashboard ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void dashboard(GAMESTATE *gs) { SDL_Rect r; int i, v; float x; float t = SDL_GetTicks() * 0.001; r.x = 0; r.y = SCREEN_H - 56; r.w = SCREEN_W; r.h = 56; SDL_SetClipRect(gs->pe->surface, &r); /* Render "plasma bar" */ for(i = 0; i < 56; ++i) { float f1, f2, m; SDL_Rect cr; cr.x = 0; cr.w = SCREEN_W; cr.y = SCREEN_H - 56 + i; cr.h = 1; f1 = .25 + .25 * sin(t * 1.7 + (float)i / SCREEN_H * 42); f1 += .25 + .25 * sin(-t * 2.1 + (float)i / SCREEN_H * 66); f2 = .25 + .25 * sin(t * 3.31 + (float)i / SCREEN_H * 90); f2 += .25 + .25 * sin(-t * 1.1 + (float)i / SCREEN_H * 154); m = sin((float)i * M_PI / 56.0); m = sin(m * M_PI * 0.5); m = sin(m * M_PI * 0.5); SDL_FillRect(gs->pe->surface, &cr, SDL_MapRGB(gs->pe->surface->format, ((int)128.0 * f1 + 64) * m, ((int)64.0 * f1 * f2 + 64) * m, ((int)128.0 * f2 + 32) * m )); } /* Draw pigs... uh, lives! */ x = -10; for(i = 0; i < gs->lives; ++i) { x += 48 + gs->lives_wobble * sin(gs->lives_wobble_time * 12) * .2; pig_draw_sprite(gs->pe, gs->lifepig, (int)x + gs->lives_wobble * sin(gs->lives_wobble_time * 20 + i * 1.7), SCREEN_H - 56/2); } /* Print score */ x = SCREEN_W + 5; v = gs->score; for(i = 9; i >= 0; --i) { int n = v % 10; x -= 39 - gs->score_wobble * sin(gs->score_wobble_time * 15 + i * .5); pig_draw_sprite(gs->pe, gs->scorefont + n, (int)x, SCREEN_H - 56/2); v /= 10; if(!v) break; } pig_dirty(gs->pe, &r); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Game logic event handlers ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void before_objects(PIG_engine *pe) { GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)pe->userdata; if(gs->lives_wobble > 0) { gs->lives_wobble *= 0.95; gs->lives_wobble -= 0.3; if(gs->lives_wobble < 0) gs->lives_wobble = 0; } if(gs->score_wobble > 0) { gs->score_wobble *= 0.95; gs->score_wobble -= 0.3; if(gs->score_wobble < 0) gs->score_wobble = 0; } ++gs->logic_frames; if(0 == gs->level) { switch(gs->fun_count % 60) { case 17: new_powerup(gs, 250, -20, -10, POWER_LIFE); break; case 29: new_powerup(gs, 550, -20, 10, POWER_LIFE); break; case 37: new_powerup(gs, 250, -20, 10, POWER_BONUS2); break; case 51: new_powerup(gs, 550, -20, -10, POWER_BONUS1); break; } if(150 == gs->fun_count % 300) message(gs, "Press Space!"); ++gs->fun_count; } } typedef enum { WAITING, WALKING, FALLING, KNOCKED, NEXT_LEVEL, DEAD } OBJECT_states; static void player_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)po->owner->userdata; switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: switch(po->state) { case WAITING: if(1 == po->age) message(gs, "Get ready!"); else if(po->age > 50) po->state = FALLING; break; case WALKING: if(gs->keys[SDLK_LEFT]) { po->ax = -(20 + po->vx) * .4; po->target = 3 + po->age % 4 - 1; if(5 == po->target) po->target = 3; } else if(gs->keys[SDLK_RIGHT]) { po->ax = (20 - po->vx) * .4; po->target = 9 + po->age % 4 - 1; if(11 == po->target) po->target = 9; } else { po->ax = -po->vx * .8; if(po->target >= 6) po->target = (po->target + 1) % PIG_FRAMES; else if(po->target) --po->target; } break; case FALLING: if(gs->keys[SDLK_LEFT]) po->ax = -(20 + po->vx) * .2; else if(gs->keys[SDLK_RIGHT]) po->ax = (20 - po->vx) * .2; else po->ax = -po->vx * .2; po->target = (po->target + 1) % PIG_FRAMES; break; } po->timer[0] = 1; break; case PIG_TIMER0: if(po->x < 0) po->x = 0; else if(po->x > po->owner->view.w - 1) po->x = po->owner->view.w - 1; switch(po->state) { case WALKING: if(po->power) --po->power; po->image = po->target % PIG_FRAMES; if(!pig_test_map(gs->pe, po->x, po->y + 1)) { po->state = FALLING; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; } if(gs->jump || gs->keys[SDLK_UP]) { po->ay = 0; po->vy = -JUMP_SPEED; po->state = FALLING; gs->jump = 0; } break; case FALLING: if(po->vy > 2) po->power = 3; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; po->image = po->target; break; case KNOCKED: po->power = 0; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; po->target = (po->target + 2) % PIG_FRAMES; po->image = po->target; po->ax = -po->vx * .2; break; case NEXT_LEVEL: po->vx = (SCREEN_W / 2 - po->x) * .1; po->target = (po->target + 1) % PIG_FRAMES; po->image = po->target; break; case DEAD: po->ax = po->ay = 0; po->vx = po->vy = 0; break; } if(gs->jump) --gs->jump; if(NEXT_LEVEL != po->state) { if(gs->enemycount <= 0) { message(gs, "Well Done!"); po->state = NEXT_LEVEL; po->vy = 0; po->ay = -1; po->tilemask = 0; po->hitgroup = 0; po->timer[2] = 50; } } break; case PIG_TIMER1: /* Snap out of KNOCKED mode */ po->state = FALLING; break; case PIG_TIMER2: switch(po->state) { case NEXT_LEVEL: add_life(gs); pig_object_close(po); load_level(gs, gs->level + 1); new_player(gs); break; default: pig_object_close(po); if(!new_player(gs)) load_level(gs, 0); break; } break; case PIG_HIT_TILE: if(KNOCKED == po->state) break; if(ev->cinfo.sides & PIG_TOP) { po->y = ev->cinfo.y; po->vy = 0; po->ay = 0; } po->state = WALKING; break; case PIG_HIT_OBJECT: if(KNOCKED == po->state) break; switch(ev->obj->hitgroup) { case GROUP_ENEMY: if((po->power && ev->cinfo.sides & PIG_TOP) || (po->vy - ev->obj->vy) >= 15) { /* Win: Stomp! */ inc_score(gs, ev->obj->score); ev->obj->y = ev->cinfo.y + 10; if(po->vy > 0) ev->obj->vy = po->vy; else ev->obj->vy = 10; ev->obj->ay = GRAV_ACC; ev->obj->tilemask = 0; ev->obj->hitgroup = 0; if(gs->jump || gs->keys[SDLK_UP]) { /* Mega jump! */ po->vy = -(JUMP_SPEED + 7); gs->jump = 0; } else { /* Bounce a little */ po->vy = -15; } po->y = ev->cinfo.y; po->ay = 0; po->state = FALLING; } else { /* Lose: Knocked! */ po->vy = -15; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; po->state = KNOCKED; po->timer[1] = 11; new_star(gs, po->x, po->y - 20, -5, 3); new_star(gs, po->x, po->y - 20, 2, -6); new_star(gs, po->x, po->y - 20, 4, 4); } break; case GROUP_POWERUP: switch(ev->obj->score) { case POWER_LIFE: add_life(gs); message(gs, "Extra Life!"); break; case POWER_BONUS1: /* Double or 100k bonus! */ if(gs->score < 100000) { inc_score_nobonus(gs, gs->score); message(gs, "Double Score!"); } else { inc_score_nobonus(gs, 100000); message(gs, "100 000!"); } break; case POWER_BONUS2: inc_score_nobonus(gs, 1000); message(gs, "1000!"); break; } ev->obj->state = DEAD; ev->obj->tilemask = 0; ev->obj->hitgroup = 0; ev->obj->vy = -20; ev->obj->ay = -2; break; } break; case PIG_OFFSCREEN: /* * Dead pigs don't care about being off-screen. * A timer is used to remove them, and to continue * the game with a new life. */ if(DEAD == po->state) break; if(po->y < 0) /* Above the playfield is ok. */ break; if(gs->lives) message(gs, "Oiiiiiiink!!!"); else message(gs, "Game Over!"); po->state = DEAD; po->timer[2] = 50; default: break; } } static void powerup_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)po->owner->userdata; switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: if(DEAD == po->state) break; po->ax = (po->target - po->vx) * .3; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; po->image = po->age % 8; ++po->power; break; case PIG_HIT_TILE: if(DEAD == po->state) break; if(po->power > 2) po->target = -po->target; po->power = 0; po->vy = 0; po->ay = 0; po->x = ev->cinfo.x + po->vx; po->y = ev->cinfo.y; break; case PIG_OFFSCREEN: if(po->y > SCREEN_H || (po->y < -100)) { pig_object_close(po); --gs->enemycount; } default: break; } } static void star_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: if(po->age >= 8) pig_object_close(po); else po->image = po->age; default: break; } } static void evil_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)po->owner->userdata; int look_x; switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: if(DEAD == po->state) break; po->ax = (po->target - po->vx) * .5; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; po->image = po->age % 16; break; case PIG_HIT_TILE: if(DEAD == po->state) break; po->vy = 0; po->ay = 0; po->x = ev->cinfo.x + po->vx; po->y = ev->cinfo.y; break; case PIG_OFFSCREEN: if(po->y > SCREEN_H) { pig_object_close(po); --gs->enemycount; } break; case PIG_POSTFRAME: if(DEAD == po->state) break; look_x = 10 + fabs(po->vx * 2); if(po->target < 0) look_x = -look_x; if(!pig_test_map(po->owner, po->x + look_x, po->y + 1)) po->target = -po->target; default: break; } } static void slime_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)po->owner->userdata; int look_x; switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: if(DEAD == po->state) break; po->ax = (po->target - po->vx) * .2; po->ay = GRAV_ACC; po->image = po->age % 16; break; case PIG_HIT_TILE: po->vy = -(JUMP_SPEED + GRAV_ACC); po->ay = 0; po->y = ev->cinfo.y; break; case PIG_OFFSCREEN: if(po->y > SCREEN_H) { pig_object_close(po); --gs->enemycount; } break; case PIG_POSTFRAME: if(DEAD == po->state) break; /* Don't bother looking if we're close to a floor. */ if(pig_test_map_vector(po->owner, po->x, po->y, po->x, po->y + 48, PIG_TOP, NULL)) break; /* Turn around if there's no floor! */ look_x = 10 + fabs(po->vx * 4); if(po->target < 0) look_x = -look_x; if(!pig_test_map_vector(po->owner, po->x + look_x, po->y, po->x + look_x, SCREEN_H, PIG_TOP, NULL)) po->target = -po->target; default: break; } } static void chain_head_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { GAMESTATE *gs = (GAMESTATE *)po->owner->userdata; switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: po->vx = (po->target - po->x) * .3; po->vy = 15 * cos(po->age * .3) - 9; if((gs->messages > 1) && (1 == po->state)) po->timer[1] = 0; if(po->timer[1]) break; case PIG_TIMER1: switch(po->state) { case 0: po->timer[1] = 35; ++po->state; break; case 1: po->target = -SCREEN_W; po->timer[1] = 50; ++po->state; if(gs->messages > 0) --gs->messages; break; case 2: pig_object_close(po); break; } default: break; } } static void chain_link_handler(PIG_object *po, const PIG_event *ev) { PIG_object *target = pig_object_find(po, po->target); switch(ev->type) { case PIG_PREFRAME: if(target) { po->vx = ((target->x + FONT_SPACING) - po->x) * .6; po->vy = (target->y - po->y) * .6 - 9; } else pig_object_close(po); default: break; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Accounting (score, lives etc) ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void add_life(GAMESTATE *gs) { ++gs->lives; gs->lives_wobble += 10; if(gs->lives_wobble > 15) gs->lives_wobble = 15; gs->lives_wobble_time = 0; } static void remove_life(GAMESTATE *gs) { --gs->lives; gs->lives_wobble += 10; if(gs->lives_wobble > 15) gs->lives_wobble = 15; gs->lives_wobble_time = 0; } static void inc_score_nobonus(GAMESTATE *gs, int v) { int os = gs->score; gs->score += v; while(v) { gs->score_wobble += 1; v /= 10; } if(gs->score_wobble > 15) gs->score_wobble = 15; gs->score_wobble_time = 0; if(os / 10000 != gs->score / 10000) new_powerup(gs, SCREEN_W / 2, -20, -4, POWER_LIFE); } static void inc_score(GAMESTATE *gs, int v) { int os = gs->score; inc_score_nobonus(gs, v); if(os / 5000 != gs->score / 5000) new_powerup(gs, SCREEN_W / 2, -20, 8, POWER_BONUS1); else if(os / 1000 != gs->score / 1000) new_powerup(gs, SCREEN_W / 2, -20, -6, POWER_BONUS2); } static PIG_object *new_player(GAMESTATE *gs) { PIG_object *po; if(!gs->lives) return NULL; po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, SCREEN_W / 2, -50, 1); if(!po) return NULL; remove_life(gs); po->ibase = gs->pigframes; po->handler = player_handler; po->hitmask = GROUP_POWERUP | GROUP_ENEMY; return po; } static PIG_object *new_powerup(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int speed, POWERUPS type) { PIG_object *po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, x, y, 1); if(!po) return NULL; ++gs->enemycount; po->score = type; po->ibase = gs->icons + 8 * po->score; po->target = speed; po->handler = powerup_handler; po->tilemask = PIG_TOP; po->hitgroup = GROUP_POWERUP; return po; } static PIG_object *new_star(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int vx, int vy) { PIG_object *po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, x + vx, y + vy, 1); if(!po) return NULL; po->ibase = gs->stars; po->ax = -vx * 0.3; po->vx = vx * 3; po->ay = -vy * 0.3; po->vy = vy * 3; po->handler = star_handler; return po; } static PIG_object *new_evil(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int speed) { PIG_object *po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, x * TILE_W, y * TILE_H, 1); if(!po) return NULL; ++gs->enemycount; po->ibase = gs->evil; po->target = speed; po->handler = evil_handler; po->score = 200; po->tilemask = PIG_TOP; po->hitgroup = GROUP_ENEMY; return po; } static PIG_object *new_slime(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int speed) { PIG_object *po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, x * TILE_W, y * TILE_H, 1); if(!po) return NULL; ++gs->enemycount; po->ibase = gs->slime; po->target = speed; po->handler = slime_handler; po->score = 300; po->tilemask = PIG_TOP; po->hitgroup = GROUP_ENEMY; return po; } static PIG_object *new_chain_head(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int image, int target_x) { PIG_object *po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, x, y, 1); if(!po) return NULL; po->ibase = image; po->handler = chain_head_handler; po->target = target_x; return po; } static PIG_object *new_chain_link(GAMESTATE *gs, int x, int y, int image, int target) { PIG_object *po = pig_object_open(gs->pe, x, y, 1); if(!po) return NULL; po->ibase = image; po->handler = chain_link_handler; po->target = target; return po; } static void message(GAMESTATE *gs, const char *s) { int i = 0; const int x = SCREEN_W + FONT_SPACING; const int y = MAP_H * TILE_H - 30; int tx = (SCREEN_W - ((signed)strlen(s) - 1) * FONT_SPACING) / 2; PIG_object *po = NULL; while(s[i]) { int c = toupper(s[i]) - 32 + gs->glassfont; if(0 == i) po = new_chain_head(gs, x, y, c, tx); else po = new_chain_link(gs, x, y, c, po->id); if(!po) return; ++i; } ++gs->messages; } static int start_game(GAMESTATE *gs) { if(0 != gs->level) return 0; /* Already playing! --> */ gs->score = 0; gs->lives = 5; if(load_level(gs, 1) < 0) return -1; gs->player = new_player(gs); if(!gs->player) return -1; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Input; events and game control keys ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handle_input(GAMESTATE *gs, SDL_Event *ev) { switch(ev->type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: gs->jump = 3; break; case SDLK_F1: gs->pe->interpolation = !gs->pe->interpolation; if(gs->pe->interpolation) message(gs, "Interpolation: ON"); else message(gs, "Interpolation: OFF"); break; case SDLK_F2: gs->pe->direct = !gs->pe->direct; if(gs->pe->direct) message(gs, "Rendering: Direct"); else message(gs, "Rendering: Buffered"); break; case SDLK_F3: gs->pe->show_dirtyrects = !gs->pe->show_dirtyrects; if(gs->pe->show_dirtyrects) message(gs, "Dirtyrects: ON"); else message(gs, "Dirtyrects: OFF"); break; case SDLK_F4: gs->nice = !gs->nice; if(gs->nice) message(gs, "Be Nice: ON"); else message(gs, "Be Nice: OFF"); break; case SDLK_SPACE: start_game(gs); default: break; } break; case SDL_KEYUP: switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: gs->running = 0; default: break; } break; case SDL_QUIT: gs->running = 0; break; } } static void handle_keys(GAMESTATE *gs) { } static int break_received = 0; #ifndef RETSIGTYPE #define RETSIGTYPE void #endif static RETSIGTYPE breakhandler(int sig) { /* For platforms that drop the handlers on the first signal... */ signal(SIGTERM, breakhandler); signal(SIGINT, breakhandler); break_received = 1; #if (RETSIGTYPE != void) return 0; #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------- main() ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SDL_Surface *screen; GAMESTATE *gs; int i; int bpp = 0; int last_tick, start_time, end_time; int dashframe; float logic_fps = 20.0; int flags = SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWSURFACE; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); atexit(SDL_Quit); signal(SIGTERM, breakhandler); signal(SIGINT, breakhandler); for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if(strncmp(argv[i], "-s", 2) == 0) flags &= ~SDL_DOUBLEBUF; else if(strncmp(argv[i], "-f", 2) == 0) flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; else bpp = atoi(&argv[i][1]); } screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, bpp, flags); if(!screen) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open screen!\n"); return 1; } SDL_WM_SetCaption("Fixed Rate Pig", "Pig"); SDL_ShowCursor(0); gs = init_all(screen); if(!gs) return 1; gs->keys = SDL_GetKeyState(&i); gs->logic_frames = 0; gs->rendered_frames = 0; gs->pe->before_objects = before_objects; pig_start(gs->pe, 0); gs->refresh_screen = gs->pe->pages; start_time = last_tick = SDL_GetTicks(); while(gs->running) { int tick; float frames, dt; SDL_Event ev; /* Handle input */ while(SDL_PollEvent(&ev) > 0) handle_input(gs, &ev); handle_keys(gs); if(break_received) gs->running = 0; /* Calculate time since last update */ tick = SDL_GetTicks(); dt = (tick - last_tick) * 0.001; frames = dt * logic_fps; /* Run the game logic */ pig_animate(gs->pe, frames); /* * Limit the dashboard frame rate to 15 fps * when there's no wobbling going on. * * The 'dashframe' deal is about keeping the * pages in sync on a double buffered display. */ if(gs->lives_wobble || gs->score_wobble || (gs->dashboard_time > 1.0/15.0)) { dashframe = gs->pe->pages; gs->dashboard_time = 0; } if(dashframe) { --dashframe; dashboard(gs); } /* Update sprites */ if(gs->refresh_screen) { --gs->refresh_screen; pig_refresh_all(gs->pe); } else pig_refresh(gs->pe); /* Make the new frame visible */ pig_flip(gs->pe); /* Update statistics, timers and stuff */ ++gs->rendered_frames; gs->lives_wobble_time += dt; gs->score_wobble_time += dt; gs->dashboard_time += dt; last_tick = tick; if(gs->nice) SDL_Delay(10); } /* Print some statistics */ end_time = SDL_GetTicks(); i = end_time - start_time; printf(" Total time running: %d ms\n", i); if(!i) i = 1; printf("Average rendering frame rate: %.2f fps\n", gs->rendered_frames * 1000.0 / i); printf(" Average logic frame rate: %.2f fps\n", gs->logic_frames * 1000.0 / i); pig_close(gs->pe); return 0; }