;;                                                              ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License    ;;
;;                                                              ;;

format PE DLL native 0.05
entry START

DEBUG           equ 1

API_VERSION     equ 0x01000100
DEBUG_IRQ       equ 0

USE_COM_IRQ     equ 0    ;make irq 3 and irq 4 available for PCI devices
IRQ_REMAP       equ 0
IRQ_LINE        equ 0

;irq 0,1,2,8,12,13 недоступны
;                   FEDCBA9876543210
VALID_IRQ       equ 1100111011111000b
ATTCH_IRQ       equ 0000111010100000b

ATTCH_IRQ       equ 0000111010111000b
end if

CPU_FREQ        equ  2000d

BIT0  EQU 0x00000001
BIT1  EQU 0x00000002
BIT2  EQU 0x00000004
BIT3  EQU 0x00000008
BIT4  EQU 0x00000010
BIT5  EQU 0x00000020
BIT6  EQU 0x00000040
BIT7  EQU 0x00000080
BIT8  EQU 0x00000100
BIT9  EQU 0x00000200
BIT10 EQU 0x00000400
BIT11 EQU 0x00000800
BIT12 EQU 0x00001000
BIT13 EQU 0x00002000
BIT14 EQU 0x00004000
BIT15 EQU 0x00008000
BIT16 EQU 0x00010000
BIT17 EQU 0x00020000
BIT18 EQU 0x00040000
BIT19 EQU 0x00080000
BIT20 EQU 0x00100000
BIT21 EQU 0x00200000
BIT22 EQU 0x00400000
BIT23 EQU 0x00800000
BIT24 EQU 0x00100000
BIT25 EQU 0x02000000
BIT26 EQU 0x04000000
BIT27 EQU 0x08000000
BIT28 EQU 0x10000000
BIT29 EQU 0x20000000
BIT30 EQU 0x40000000
BIT31 EQU 0x80000000

VID_SIS           equ 0x1039
CTRL_SIS          equ 0x7012

PCM_OUT_BDL       equ  0x10  ; PCM out buffer descriptors list
PCM_OUT_CR_REG    equ  0x1b  ; PCM out Control Register
PCM_OUT_LVI_REG   equ  0x15      ; PCM last valid index
PCM_OUT_SR_REG    equ  0x18  ; PCM out Status register
PCM_OUT_PIV_REG   equ  0x1a      ; PCM out prefetched index
PCM_OUT_CIV_REG   equ  0x14      ; PCM out current index

PCM_IN_CR_REG     equ  0x0b      ; PCM in Control Register
MC_IN_CR_REG      equ  0x2b  ; MIC in Control Register
RR                equ  BIT1      ; reset registers.  Nukes all regs

CODEC_MASTER_VOL_REG            equ     0x02
CODEC_AUX_VOL                   equ     0x04    ;
CODEC_PCM_OUT_REG            equ 0x18 ; PCM output volume
CODEC_EXT_AUDIO_REG          equ 0x28 ; extended audio
CODEC_EXT_AUDIO_CTRL_REG     equ 0x2a ; extended audio control
CODEC_PCM_FRONT_DACRATE_REG  equ 0x2c ; PCM out sample rate
CODEC_PCM_SURND_DACRATE_REG  equ 0x2e ; surround sound sample rate
CODEC_PCM_LFE_DACRATE_REG    equ 0x30 ; LFE sample rate

GLOB_CTRL         equ  0x2C        ;   Global Control
CTRL_STAT         equ  0x30        ;   Global Status
CTRL_CAS          equ  0x34        ;   Codec Access Semiphore

CAS_FLAG          equ  0x01        ;   Codec Access Semiphore Bit

CTRL_ST_CREADY    equ  BIT8+BIT9+BIT28 ;   Primary Codec Ready

CTRL_ST_RCS       equ  0x00008000  ;   Read Completion Status

CTRL_CNT_CRIE     equ  BIT4+BIT5+BIT6  ;   Codecs Resume Interrupt Enable
CTRL_CNT_AC_OFF   equ  0x00000008  ;   ACLINK Off
CTRL_CNT_WARM     equ  0x00000004  ;   AC97 Warm Reset
CTRL_CNT_COLD     equ  0x00000002  ;   AC97 Cold Reset
CTRL_CNT_GIE      equ  0x00000001  ;   GPI Interrupt Enable

CODEC_REG_ST          equ 0x26

SRV_GETVERSION        equ  0
DEV_PLAY              equ  1
DEV_STOP              equ  2
DEV_CALLBACK          equ  3
DEV_SET_BUFF          equ  4
DEV_NOTIFY            equ  5
DEV_GET_INFO          equ  8

struc AC_CNTRL              ;AC controller base class
{ .bus                dd ?
  .devfn              dd ?

  .vendor             dd ?
  .dev_id             dd ?
  .pci_cmd            dd ?
  .pci_stat           dd ?

  .codec_io_base      dd ?
  .codec_mem_base     dd ?

  .ctrl_io_base       dd ?
  .ctrl_mem_base      dd ?
  .cfg_reg            dd ?
  .int_line           dd ?

  .vendor_ids         dd ?    ;vendor id string
  .ctrl_ids           dd ?    ;hub id string

  .buffer             dd ?

  .notify_pos         dd ?
  .notify_task        dd ?

  .lvi_reg            dd ?
  .ctrl_setup         dd ?
  .user_callback      dd ?
  .codec_read16       dd ?
  .codec_write16      dd ?

  .ctrl_read8         dd ?
  .ctrl_read16        dd ?
  .ctrl_read32        dd ?

  .ctrl_write8        dd ?
  .ctrl_write16       dd ?
  .ctrl_write32       dd ?

struc CODEC                ;Audio Chip base class
  .chip_id            dd ?
  .flags              dd ?
  .status             dd ?

  .ac_vendor_ids      dd ?    ;ac vendor id string
  .chip_ids           dd ?    ;chip model string

  .shadow_flag        dd ?
                      dd ?

  .regs               dw ?     ; codec registers
  .reg_master_vol     dw ?     ;0x02
  .reg_aux_out_vol    dw ?     ;0x04
  .reg_mone_vol       dw ?     ;0x06
  .reg_master_tone    dw ?     ;0x08
  .reg_beep_vol       dw ?     ;0x0A
  .reg_phone_vol      dw ?     ;0x0C
  .reg_mic_vol        dw ?     ;0x0E
  .reg_line_in_vol    dw ?     ;0x10
  .reg_cd_vol         dw ?     ;0x12
  .reg_video_vol      dw ?     ;0x14
  .reg_aux_in_vol     dw ?     ;0x16
  .reg_pcm_out_vol    dw ?     ;0x18
  .reg_rec_select     dw ?     ;0x1A
  .reg_rec_gain       dw ?     ;0x1C
  .reg_rec_gain_mic   dw ?     ;0x1E
  .reg_gen            dw ?     ;0x20
  .reg_3d_ctrl        dw ?     ;0X22
  .reg_page           dw ?     ;0X24
  .reg_powerdown      dw ?     ;0x26
  .reg_ext_audio      dw ?     ;0x28
  .reg_ext_st         dw ?     ;0x2a
  .reg_pcm_front_rate dw ?     ;0x2c
  .reg_pcm_surr_rate  dw ?     ;0x2e
  .reg_lfe_rate       dw ?     ;0x30
  .reg_pcm_in_rate    dw ?     ;0x32
                      dw ?     ;0x34
  .reg_cent_lfe_vol   dw ?     ;0x36
  .reg_surr_vol       dw ?     ;0x38
  .reg_spdif_ctrl     dw ?     ;0x3A
                      dw ?     ;0x3C
                      dw ?     ;0x3E
                      dw ?     ;0x40
                      dw ?     ;0x42
                      dw ?     ;0x44
                      dw ?     ;0x46
                      dw ?     ;0x48
                      dw ?     ;0x4A
                      dw ?     ;0x4C
                      dw ?     ;0x4E
                      dw ?     ;0x50
                      dw ?     ;0x52
                      dw ?     ;0x54
                      dw ?     ;0x56
                      dw ?     ;0x58
                      dw ?     ;0x5A
                      dw ?     ;0x5C
                      dw ?     ;0x5E
  .reg_page_0         dw ?     ;0x60
  .reg_page_1         dw ?     ;0x62
  .reg_page_2         dw ?     ;0x64
  .reg_page_3         dw ?     ;0x66
  .reg_page_4         dw ?     ;0x68
  .reg_page_5         dw ?     ;0x6A
  .reg_page_6         dw ?     ;0x6C
  .reg_page_7         dw ?     ;0x6E
                      dw ?     ;0x70
                      dw ?     ;0x72
                      dw ?     ;0x74
                      dw ?     ;0x76
                      dw ?     ;0x78
                      dw ?     ;0x7A
  .reg_vendor_id_1    dw ?     ;0x7C
  .reg_vendor_id_2    dw ?     ;0x7E

  .reset              dd ?    ;virual
  .set_master_vol     dd ?

{   .pci_cmd          dd ?
    .irq              dd ?
    .glob_cntrl       dd ?
    .glob_sta         dd ?
    .codec_io_base    dd ?
    .ctrl_io_base     dd ?
    .codec_mem_base   dd ?
    .ctrl_mem_base    dd ?
    .codec_id         dd ?

EVENT_NOTIFY          equ 0x00000200

section '.flat' code readable writable executable
include '../struct.inc'
include '../macros.inc'
include '../proc32.inc'
include '../peimport.inc'

proc START c uses ebx esi edi, state:dword, cmdline:dword

        cmp     [state], 1
        jne     .stop

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgInit
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if

        call    detect_controller
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .fail

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, [ctrl.vendor_ids]
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        mov     esi, [ctrl.ctrl_ids]
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

     end if

        call    init_controller
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .fail

        call    init_codec
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .fail

        call    reset_controller
        call    setup_codec

        mov     esi, msgPrimBuff
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        call    create_primary_buff
        mov     esi, msgDone
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr


        mov     ebx, [ctrl.int_line]
        in      al, 0xA1
        mov     ah, al
        in      al, 0x21
        test    ebx, ebx
        jz      .skip
        bts     ax, bx                     ;mask old line
        bts     ax, IRQ_LINE               ;mask new ine
        out     0x21, al
        mov     al, ah
        out     0xA1, al
                                           ;remap IRQ
        invoke  PciWrite8, 0, 0xF8, 0x61, IRQ_LINE

        mov     dx, 0x4d0                  ;8259 ELCR1
        in      al, dx
        bts     ax, IRQ_LINE
        out     dx, al                     ;set level-triggered mode
        mov     [ctrl.int_line], IRQ_LINE
        mov     esi, msgRemap
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
  end if

        mov     eax, VALID_IRQ
        mov     ebx, [ctrl.int_line]
        mov     esi, msgInvIRQ
        bt      eax, ebx
        jnc     .fail_msg
        mov     eax, ATTCH_IRQ
        mov     esi, msgAttchIRQ
        bt      eax, ebx
        jnc     .fail_msg

        invoke  AttachIntHandler, ebx, ac97_irq, 0
        invoke  RegService, sz_sound_srv, service_proc
   if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgFail
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
   end if
        xor     eax, eax
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        xor     eax, eax
        call    stop
        xor     eax, eax

handle     equ  IOCTL.handle
io_code    equ  IOCTL.io_code
input      equ  IOCTL.input
inp_size   equ  IOCTL.inp_size
output     equ  IOCTL.output
out_size   equ  IOCTL.out_size

align 4
proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword

        mov     edi, [ioctl]
        mov     eax, [edi+io_code]

        cmp     eax, SRV_GETVERSION
        jne     @F

        mov     eax, [edi+output]
        cmp     [edi+out_size], 4
        jne     .fail

        mov     [eax], dword API_VERSION
        xor     eax, eax
        cmp     eax, DEV_PLAY
        jne     @F
     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgPlay
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if
        call    play
        cmp     eax, DEV_STOP
        jne     @F
     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgStop
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if
        call    stop
        cmp     eax, DEV_CALLBACK
        jne     @F
        mov     ebx, [edi+input]
        stdcall set_callback, [ebx]
        cmp     eax, DEV_SET_MASTERVOL
        jne     @F
        mov     eax, [edi+input]
        mov     eax, [eax]
        call    set_master_vol      ;eax= vol
        cmp     eax, DEV_GET_MASTERVOL
        jne     @F
        mov     ebx, [edi+output]
        stdcall get_master_vol, ebx
;           cmp eax, DEV_GET_INFO
;           jne @F
;           mov ebx, [edi+output]
;           stdcall get_dev_info, ebx
;           ret
        or      eax, -1

restore   handle
restore   io_code
restore   input
restore   inp_size
restore   output
restore   out_size

align 4
proc ac97_irq

     if DEBUG_IRQ
        mov     esi, msgIRQ
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        mov     al, 0x10
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     ax, 0x1c
        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_SR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write16]

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CIV_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read8]

        and     eax, 0x1F
        cmp     eax, [civ_val]
        je      .skip

        mov     [civ_val], eax
        dec     eax
        and     eax, 0x1F
        mov     [ctrl.lvi_reg], eax

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_LVI_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        mov     ax, 0x11
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     eax, [civ_val]
        add     eax, 1
        and     eax, 31
        mov     ebx, dword [buff_list+eax*4]

        cmp     [ctrl.user_callback], 0
        je      @f

        stdcall [ctrl.user_callback], ebx

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        mov     ax, 0x11
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

align 4
proc create_primary_buff

        invoke  KernelAlloc, 0x10000
        mov     [ctrl.buffer], eax

        mov     edi, eax
        mov     ecx, 0x10000/4
        xor     eax, eax
        rep stosd

        mov     eax, [ctrl.buffer]
        invoke  GetPgAddr

        mov     ebx, 0xC0004000
        mov     ecx, 4
        mov     edi, pcmout_bdl
        mov     [edi], eax
        mov     [edi+4], ebx

        mov     [edi+32], eax
        mov     [edi+4+32], ebx

        mov     [edi+64], eax
        mov     [edi+4+64], ebx

        mov     [edi+96], eax
        mov     [edi+4+96], ebx

        mov     [edi+128], eax
        mov     [edi+4+128], ebx

        mov     [edi+160], eax
        mov     [edi+4+160], ebx

        mov     [edi+192], eax
        mov     [edi+4+192], ebx

        mov     [edi+224], eax
        mov     [edi+4+224], ebx

        add     eax, 0x4000
        add     edi, 8
        loop    @B

        mov     edi, buff_list
        mov     eax, [ctrl.buffer]
        mov     ecx, 4
        mov     [edi], eax
        mov     [edi+16], eax
        mov     [edi+32], eax
        mov     [edi+48], eax
        mov     [edi+64], eax
        mov     [edi+80], eax
        mov     [edi+96], eax
        mov     [edi+112], eax

        add     eax, 0x4000
        add     edi, 4
        loop    @B

        mov     eax, pcmout_bdl
        mov     ebx, eax
        invoke  GetPgAddr     ;eax
        and     ebx, 0xFFF
        add     eax, ebx

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_BDL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write32]

        mov     eax, 16
        mov     [ctrl.lvi_reg], eax
        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_LVI_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        and     eax, not 0x000000C0
        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write32]


align 4
proc detect_controller
        push    ebx
        invoke  GetPCIList
        mov     ebx, eax
        mov     eax, [eax+PCIDEV.fd]
        cmp     eax, ebx
        je      .err
        cmp     [eax+PCIDEV.class], 0x060100  ;pci-isa
        jne     .no_bridge
        movzx   edx, [eax+PCIDEV.bus]
        mov     [brg_bus], edx
        movzx   edx, [eax+PCIDEV.devfn]
        mov     [brg_devfn], edx
        mov     edx, [eax+PCIDEV.vendor_device_id]
        mov     esi, devices
        cmp     dword [esi], 0
        jz      .next_dev
        cmp     dword [esi], edx
        jz      .found
        add     esi, 12
        jmp     @b
        xor     eax, eax
        pop     ebx
        movzx   ebx, [eax+PCIDEV.bus]
        mov     [ctrl.bus], ebx

        movzx   ecx, [eax+PCIDEV.devfn]
        mov     [ctrl.devfn], ecx

        mov     eax, edx
        and     edx, 0xFFFF
        mov     [ctrl.vendor], edx
        shr     eax, 16
        mov     [ctrl.dev_id], eax

        mov     ebx, [esi+4]
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_ids], ebx
        mov     [ctrl.vendor_ids], msg_SIS

        mov     eax, [esi+8]
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_setup], eax
        pop     ebx

align 4
proc init_controller

        invoke  PciRead32, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 4
        mov     ebx, eax
        or      al, 5
        invoke  PciWrite16, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 4, eax
        movzx   eax, bx
        mov     [ctrl.pci_cmd], eax
        shr     ebx, 16
        mov     [ctrl.pci_stat], ebx

        mov     esi, msgPciCmd
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     esi, msgPciStat
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        mov     eax, [ctrl.pci_stat]
        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     esi, msgMixIsaIo
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        invoke  PciRead32, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x10

        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        and     eax, 0xFFFE
        mov     [ctrl.codec_io_base], eax

        mov     esi, msgCtrlIsaIo
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        invoke  PciRead32, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x14

        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        and     eax, 0xFFC0
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_io_base], eax

        mov     esi, msgMixMMIo
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        invoke  PciRead32, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x18
        mov     [ctrl.codec_mem_base], eax

        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     esi, msgCtrlMMIo
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        invoke  PciRead32, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x1C
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_mem_base], eax

        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        invoke  PciRead32, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x3C
        cmp     al, 0xFF
        jnz     @f
        movzx   eax, ah
        add     eax, 0x40
        invoke  PciWrite8, [brg_bus], [brg_devfn], eax, 5
        invoke  PciWrite8, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x3C, 5
        mov     al, 5
        and     eax, 0xFF
        mov     [ctrl.int_line], eax

        invoke  PciRead8, [ctrl.bus], [ctrl.devfn], 0x41
        and     eax, 0xFF
        mov     [ctrl.cfg_reg], eax

        call    [ctrl.ctrl_setup]
        xor     eax, eax
        inc     eax

align 4
proc set_SIS
        mov     [ctrl.codec_read16], codec_io_r16    ;virtual
        mov     [ctrl.codec_write16], codec_io_w16   ;virtual

        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_read8 ], ctrl_io_r8      ;virtual
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_read16], ctrl_io_r16      ;virtual
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_read32], ctrl_io_r32      ;virtual

        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_write8 ], ctrl_io_w8     ;virtual
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_write16], ctrl_io_w16     ;virtual
        mov     [ctrl.ctrl_write32], ctrl_io_w32     ;virtual

align 4
proc reset_controller

        xor     eax, eax
        mov     edx, PCM_IN_CR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, MC_IN_CR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     eax, RR
        mov     edx, PCM_IN_CR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, MC_IN_CR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

align 4
proc init_codec
             counter dd ?

        mov     esi, msgControl
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     esi, msgStatus
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        push    eax
        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        pop     eax
        cmp     eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
        je      .err

        test    eax, CTRL_ST_CREADY
        jnz     .ready

        call    reset_codec
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .err

        xor     edx, edx    ;ac_reg_0
        call    [ctrl.codec_write16]

        xor     eax, eax
        mov     edx, CODEC_REG_POWERDOWN
        call    [ctrl.codec_write16]

        mov     [counter], 200    ; total 200*5 ms = 1s
        mov     eax, 5000  ; wait 5 ms
        call    StallExec

        mov     edx, CODEC_REG_POWERDOWN
        call    [ctrl.codec_read16]
        and     eax, 0x0F
        cmp     eax, 0x0F
        je      .done

        sub     [counter] , 1
        jnz     .wait
        xor     eax, eax       ; timeout error
        mov     eax, 2     ;force set 16-bit 2-channel PCM
        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write32]
        mov     eax, 5000  ; wait 5 ms
        call    StallExec

        call    detect_codec

        xor     eax, eax
        inc     eax

align 4
proc reset_codec
        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]

        test    eax, 0x02
        jz      .cold

        call    warm_reset
        jnc     .ok
        call    cold_reset
        jnc     .ok

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgCFail
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if
        xor     eax, eax    ; timeout error
        xor     eax, eax
        inc     eax

align 4
proc warm_reset
             counter dd ?

        mov     eax, 0x06
        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write32]

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgWarm
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if

        mov     [counter], 10   ; total 10*100 ms = 1s
        mov     eax, 100000   ; wait 100 ms
        call    StallExec

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        test    eax, CTRL_ST_CREADY
        jnz     .ok

        dec     [counter]
        jnz     .wait

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgWRFail
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if

align 4
proc cold_reset
             counter dd ?

        mov     eax, 0x02
        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write32]

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgCold
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if

        mov     eax, 400000    ; wait 400 ms
        call    StallExec

        mov     [counter], 16   ; total 20*100 ms = 2s

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        test    eax, CTRL_ST_CREADY
        jnz     .ok

        mov     eax, 100000   ; wait 100 ms
        call    StallExec

        dec     [counter]
        jnz     .wait

     if DEBUG
        mov     esi, msgCRFail
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
     end if

        mov     esi, msgControl
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     esi, msgStatus
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        push    eax
        call    dword2str
        invoke  SysMsgBoardStr
        pop     eax

        test    eax, CTRL_ST_CREADY
        jz      .fail

align 4
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     [civ_val], eax
        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CIV_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     eax, 16
        mov     [ctrl.lvi_reg], eax
        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_LVI_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        mov     ax, 0x1D
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]
        xor     eax, eax

align 4
        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_CR_REG
        mov     ax, 0x0
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write8]

        mov     ax, 0x1c
        mov     edx, PCM_OUT_SR_REG
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write16]
        xor     eax, eax

align 4
proc get_dev_info stdcall, p_info:dword
           virtual at esi
             CTRL_INFO CTRL_INFO
           end virtual

        mov     esi, [p_info]
        mov     eax, [ctrl.int_line]
        mov     ebx, [ctrl.codec_io_base]
        mov     ecx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        mov     edx, [ctrl.codec_mem_base]
        mov     edi, [ctrl.ctrl_mem_base]

        mov     [CTRL_INFO.irq], eax
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.codec_io_base], ebx
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.ctrl_io_base], ecx
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.codec_mem_base], edx
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.ctrl_mem_base], edi

        mov     eax, [codec.chip_id]
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.codec_id], eax

        mov     edx, GLOB_CTRL
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.glob_cntrl], eax

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.glob_sta], eax

        mov     ebx, [ctrl.pci_cmd]
        mov     [CTRL_INFO.pci_cmd], ebx

align 4
proc set_callback stdcall, handler:dword
        mov     eax, [handler]
        mov     [ctrl.user_callback], eax

align 4
proc codec_read stdcall, ac_reg:dword      ; reg = edx, reval = eax

        mov     edx, [ac_reg]

        mov     ebx, edx
        shr     ebx, 1
        bt      [codec.shadow_flag], ebx
        jc      .use_shadow

        call    [ctrl.codec_read16]  ;change edx !!!
        mov     ecx, eax

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        test    eax, CTRL_ST_RCS
        jz      .read_ok

        mov     edx, CTRL_STAT
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_write32]
        xor     eax, eax
        not     eax ;timeout
        mov     edx, [ac_reg]
        mov     [codec.regs+edx], cx
        bts     [codec.shadow_flag], ebx
        mov     eax, ecx
        movzx   eax, word [codec.regs+edx]

align 4
proc codec_write stdcall, ac_reg:dword
        mov     esi, [ac_reg]
        mov     edx, esi
        call    [ctrl.codec_write16]
        mov     [codec.regs+esi], ax
        shr     esi, 1
        bts     [codec.shadow_flag], esi

align 4
proc codec_check_ready

        mov     edx, CTRL_ST
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read32]
        and     eax, CTRL_ST_CREADY
        jz      .not_ready

        xor     eax, wax
        inc     eax
        xor     eax, eax

align 4
proc check_semaphore
           local counter:DWORD

        mov     [counter], 100
        mov     edx, CTRL_CAS
        call    [ctrl.ctrl_read8]
        and     eax, CAS_FLAG
        jz      .ok

        mov     eax, 1
        call    StallExec
        sub     [counter], 1
        jnz     .l1
        xor     eax, eax
align 4
        xor     eax, eax
        inc     eax

align 4
proc StallExec
        push    ecx
        push    edx
        push    ebx
        push    eax

        mov     ecx, CPU_FREQ
        mul     ecx
        mov     ebx, eax      ;low
        mov     ecx, edx      ;high
        add     ebx, eax
        adc     ecx, edx
        sub     eax, ebx
        sbb     edx, ecx
        js      @B

        pop     eax
        pop     ebx
        pop     edx
        pop     ecx

;          CONTROLLER IO functions

align 4
proc codec_io_r16
        push    eax edx
        call    check_semaphore
        test    eax, eax
        pop     edx eax
        jz      .err
        add     edx, [ctrl.codec_io_base]
        in      ax, dx

align 4
proc codec_io_w16
        push    eax edx
        call    check_semaphore
        test    eax, eax
        pop     edx eax
        jz      .err
        add     edx, [ctrl.codec_io_base]
        out     dx, ax

align 4
proc ctrl_io_r8
        add     edx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        in      al, dx

align 4
proc ctrl_io_r16
        add     edx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        in      ax, dx

align 4
proc ctrl_io_r32
        add     edx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        in      eax, dx

align 4
proc ctrl_io_w8
        add     edx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        out     dx, al

align 4
proc ctrl_io_w16
        add     edx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        out     dx, ax

align 4
proc ctrl_io_w32
        add     edx, [ctrl.ctrl_io_base]
        out     dx, eax

align 4
        mov     esi, hex_buff
        mov     ecx, -8
        rol     eax, 4
        mov     ebx, eax
        and     ebx, 0x0F
        mov     bl, [ebx+hexletters]
        mov     [8+esi+ecx], bl
        inc     ecx
        jnz     @B

hexletters   db '0123456789ABCDEF'
hex_buff     db 8 dup(0),13,10,0

include "codec.inc"

align 4
devices dd (CTRL_SIS  shl 16)+VID_SIS,msg_AC, set_SIS
        dd 0

msg_AC       db '7012 AC97 controller',13,10, 0
msg_SIS      db 'Silicon Integrated Systems',13,10, 0

sz_sound_srv        db 'SOUND',0

msgInit      db 'detect hardware...',13,10,0
msgFail      db 'device not found',13,10,0
msgAttchIRQ  db 'IRQ line not supported', 13,10, 0
msgInvIRQ    db 'IRQ line not assigned or invalid', 13,10, 0
msgPlay      db 'start play', 13,10,0
msgStop      db 'stop play',  13,10,0
;msgNotify    db 'call notify',13,10,0
msgIRQ       db 'AC97 IRQ', 13,10,0
msgInitCtrl  db 'init controller',13,10,0
;msgInitCodec db 'init codec',13,10,0
msgPrimBuff  db 'create primary buffer ...',0
msgDone      db 'done',13,10,0
msgRemap     db 'Remap IRQ',13,10,0
;msgReg       db 'set service handler',13,10,0
msgOk        db 'service installed',13,10,0
msgCold      db 'cold reset',13,10,0
msgWarm      db 'warm reset',13,10,0
msgWRFail    db 'warm reset failed',13,10,0
msgCRFail    db 'cold reset failed',13,10,0
msgCFail     db 'codec not ready',13,10,0
msgResetOk   db 'reset complete',13,10,0
msgStatus    db 'global status   ',0
msgControl   db 'global control  ',0
msgPciCmd    db 'PCI command     ',0
msgPciStat   db 'PCI status      ',0
msgCtrlIsaIo db 'controller io base   ',0
msgMixIsaIo  db 'codec io base        ',0
msgCtrlMMIo  db 'controller mmio base ',0
msgMixMMIo   db 'codec mmio base      ',0
msgIrqMap    db 'AC97 irq map as      ',0

align 4
data fixups
end data

align 8
pcmout_bdl       rq 32
buff_list        rd 32

codec CODEC

lpc_bus  rd 1
civ_val  rd 1

brg_bus   dd ?
brg_devfn dd ?