/**************************************************************************** * * Open Watcom Project * * Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original * Code as defined in and that are subject to the Sybase Open Watcom * Public License version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. BY USING THIS FILE YOU AGREE TO * ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. A copy of the License is * provided with the Original Code and Modifications, and is also * available at www.sybase.com/developer/opensource. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SYBASE AND ALL CONTRIBUTORS HEREBY DISCLAIM * ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please see the License for the specific language * governing rights and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================== * * Description: WHEN YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT THIS FILE DOES, PLEASE * DESCRIBE IT HERE! * ****************************************************************************/ /* * MEMTEST.C * Non-exhaustive test of the C library memory manipulation functions. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #if defined(__386__) || defined(M_I86) #include <i86.h> #endif #ifdef __SW_BW #include <wdefwin.h> #endif #define VERIFY( exp ) if( !(exp) ) { \ printf( "%s: ***FAILURE*** at line %d of %s.\n",\ ProgramName, __LINE__, \ strlwr(__FILE__) ); \ NumErrors++; \ exit(-1); \ } void TestCompare( void ); void TestCompareF( void ); void TestCopy( void ); void TestCopyF( void ); void TestOverlap( void ); void TestOverlapF( void ); void TestMisc( void ); char ProgramName[128]; /* executable filename */ int NumErrors = 0; /* number of errors */ /**** ***** Program entry point. ****/ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { #ifdef __SW_BW FILE *my_stdout; my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout ); if( my_stdout == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" ); exit( -1 ); } #endif /*** Initialize ***/ strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr(argv[0]) ); /* store filename */ /*** Test various functions ***/ TestCompare(); /* comparing stuff */ TestCopy(); /* copying stuff */ TestOverlap(); /* test overlapping copy */ TestMisc(); /* other stuff */ #if defined(__386__) || defined(M_I86) TestCompareF(); TestCopyF(); TestOverlapF(); #endif /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/ if( NumErrors!=0 ) { printf( "%s: SUCCESS.\n", ProgramName ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) ); #ifdef __SW_BW { fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) ); fclose( my_stdout ); _dwShutDown(); } #endif return( 0 ); } /**** ***** Test memcmp(), memicmp(), and memchr(). ****/ void TestCompare( void ) { char buf[80]; char * ptr; int status; strcpy( buf, "Foo !" ); /* initialize string */ status = memcmp( buf, "Foo", 3 ); /* compare */ VERIFY( status == 0 ); status = memcmp( buf, "Foo!", 4 ); /* compare */ VERIFY( status != 0 ); status = memicmp( buf, "FOO", 3 ); /* compare */ VERIFY( status == 0 ); status = memicmp( buf, "fOo!", 4 ); /* compare */ VERIFY( status != 0 ); ptr = memchr( buf, '~', 6 ); /* try to find a tilde */ VERIFY( ptr == NULL ); ptr = memchr( buf, '!', 6 ); /* find the '!' */ VERIFY( ptr == buf+4 ); } #if defined(__386__) || defined(M_I86) void TestCompareF( void ) { char buf[80]; char __far * ptr; int status; strcpy( buf, "Foo !" ); /* initialize string */ status = _fmemcmp( buf, "Foo", 3 ); /* compare */ VERIFY( status == 0 ); status = _fmemcmp( buf, "Foo!", 4 ); /* compare */ VERIFY( status != 0 ); ptr = _fmemchr( buf, '~', 6 ); /* try to find a tilde */ VERIFY( ptr == NULL ); ptr = _fmemchr( buf, '!', 6 ); /* find the '!' */ VERIFY( ptr == buf+4 ); } #endif /**** ***** Test memcpy(), memccpy(), and movedata(). ****/ void TestCopy( void ) { char bufA[80], bufB[80]; strcpy( bufB, "Hello, world!" ); /* initialize bufB */ memccpy( bufA, bufB, 'o', strlen(bufB)+1 ); /* copy "Hello" to bufA */ VERIFY( !memcmp(bufA, "Hello", 5) ); /* ensure copied ok */ memcpy( bufA, bufB, strlen(bufB)+1 ); /* copy to bufA */ VERIFY( !strcmp(bufA, bufB) ); /* ensure copied ok */ } #if defined(__386__) || defined(M_I86) void TestCopyF( void ) { char __far bufA[80], bufB[80]; char __far testStr[] = "Foo Bar Goober Blah"; strcpy( bufB, "Hello, world!" ); /* initialize bufB */ _fmemccpy( bufA, bufB, 'o', strlen(bufB)+1 ); /* copy "Hello" to bufA */ VERIFY( !_fmemcmp(bufA, "Hello", 5) ); /* ensure copied ok */ _fmemcpy( bufA, bufB, strlen(bufB)+1 ); /* copy to bufA */ VERIFY( !_fstrcmp(bufA, bufB) ); /* ensure copied ok */ movedata( FP_SEG(bufA), FP_OFF(bufA), /* copy data */ FP_SEG(testStr), FP_OFF(testStr), _fstrlen(testStr) ); VERIFY( !_fmemcmp(bufA, testStr, _fstrlen(testStr)) ); } #endif /**** ***** Test memmove(). ****/ void TestOverlap( void ) { char bufA[80], bufB[80]; strcpy( bufA, " Hello, world!" ); /* initialize string */ memmove( bufB, bufA, strlen(bufA)+1 ); /* copy string */ VERIFY( !strcmp(bufB, bufA) ); memmove( bufA, bufA+1, strlen(bufA+1) ); /* shift one character over */ VERIFY( !strcmp(bufA, "Hello, world!!") ); memmove( bufA+1, bufA, strlen(bufA+1) ); VERIFY( !strcmp(bufA, "HHello, world!") ); } #if defined(__386__) || defined(M_I86) void TestOverlapF( void ) { char bufA[80], bufB[80]; strcpy( bufA, " Hello, world!" ); /* initialize string */ _fmemmove( bufB, bufA, strlen(bufA)+1 ); /* copy string */ VERIFY( !strcmp(bufB, bufA) ); _fmemmove( bufA, bufA+1, strlen(bufA+1) ); /* shift one character over */ VERIFY( !strcmp(bufA, "Hello, world!!") ); _fmemmove( bufA+1, bufA, strlen(bufA+1) ); VERIFY( !strcmp(bufA, "HHello, world!") ); } #endif /**** ***** Test memset(), _fmemset(), and swab(). ****/ void TestMisc( void ) { char bufA[80], bufB[80]; void * addr; int count; addr = memset( bufA, 0x00, 80 ); /* zero out memory */ VERIFY( addr == bufA ); for( count=0; count<80; count++ ) /* ensure all zero bytes */ VERIFY( bufA[count] == 0x00 ); #if defined(__386__) || defined(M_I86) { void __far * addrFar; addrFar = _fmemset( bufB, 0x00, 80 ); /* zero out memory */ VERIFY( addrFar == bufB ); for( count=0; count<80; count++ ) { /* ensure all zero bytes */ VERIFY( bufB[count] == 0x00 ); } } #else memset( bufB, 0x00, 80 ); /* zero out memory */ #endif strcpy( bufA, "eHll,ow rodl" ); /* initialize string */ swab( bufA, bufB, strlen(bufA) ); /* swap pairs of characters */ VERIFY( !strcmp(bufB, "Hello, world") ); /* ensure swapped ok */ }