format PE console 0.8
include ''
include '../../../../'

        invoke  con_set_title, caption
; C-equivalent of the following code:
; for (ebx=0;ebx<0x100;ebx++)
; {
;   con_printf(t1,ebx);
;   eax = con_set_flags(ebx);
;   con_write_asciiz(text);
;   con_set_flags(eax);
; }
; N.B. For efficiency result of first con_set_flags is not saved
;      in register, but is pushed beforehand to the stack
;      for second con_set_flags.
;      Note that such code cannot be generated by stdcall macros.
        xor	ebx, ebx
        push    ebx
        push    t1
        call    [con_printf]
        add     esp, 8
        push	ebx
        call	[con_set_flags]
        push	eax
        push    text
        call    [con_write_asciiz]
        call	[con_set_flags]
        inc	bl
        jnz	@b
        push    text2
        call    [con_write_asciiz]
        push    0
        call    [con_exit]
        xor     eax, eax

align 4
data import
library console, 'console.dll'
import console, \
    con_set_title, 'con_set_title', \
    con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \
    con_printf, 'con_printf', \
    con_set_flags, 'con_set_flags', \
    con_exit, 'con_exit'
end data

caption            db 'Console test - colors',0
t1                 db 'Color 0x%02X: ',0
text               db 'This is sample text.',10,0
text2		db	27,'[7mAnd this is an example of '
		db	27,'[1;36;41mEsc'
		db	27,'[7m-sequences.',10,0