lang equ ru ; ; Assembler ; SMALL ; CODE ; Graphics ; Libary ; ; Ver 0.10 By Pavlushin Evgeni (RUSSIA) ; ;InfoList ;0.01 LoadImage ;0.02 SetBmp ;0.03 Bmptoimg, Setimg ~01.03.2004 ;0.04 Bug deleted, copyimg ~03.05.2004 ;0.05 fullimg, collimg ~05.05.2004 ;0.06 getimg ~09.05.2004 ;0.07 convbmp ~13.05.2004 ;0.08 fps ~14.05.2004 ;0.09 drawfbox ~03.06.2004 ;0.10 all macros optimized by halyavin, add at ~07.06.2004 ;DrawBox macro drawfbox x,y,xs,ys,color { mov ecx,y mov ebx,x shl ebx,16 add ebx,xs shl ecx,16 add ecx,ys mov edx,color mov eax,13 mcall } ; FPS - Set Frame Per Second Display fps_show_frequency=40 macro fps x,y,color,delcolor { local spdat,savetime,new_time,fps,fps_cntr,out_fps,new_time,ttt local no_out_fps jmp spdat savetime dd 0 fps_cntr dd 0 fps dd 0 ttt dd 0 spdat: get_time: mov eax,3 mcall cmp eax,[savetime] jne new_time inc [fps_cntr] cmp dword [ttt],0 je out_fps dec dword [ttt] jmp no_out_fps new_time: mov [savetime],eax mov ebx,[fps_cntr] mov [fps],ebx mov [fps_cntr],0 out_fps: if ~(delcolor eq ) mov ebx,x*65536+30 mov ecx,y*65536+7 mov edx,delcolor mov eax,13 mcall end if mov dword [ttt],fps_show_frequency mov eax,47 mov ebx,5*65536 ; mov bl,0 mov edx,x*65536+y mov esi,color mov ecx,[fps] mcall no_out_fps: } ; COLLIMG - Collusion image's _ldbounce_count=0; macro collimg img1_off,x1,y1,img2_off,x2,y2,otv { local bounce,exit,_1dbounce,anot,bc,nbc mov esi,[img1_off] ;xs1 mov edi,[img2_off] ;ys2 mov eax,x1 ; mov ebx,x2 ; call _1dbounce mov edx,ecx mov esi,[img1_off+4] ;ys1 mov edi,[img2_off+4] ;ys2 mov eax,y1 ; mov ebx,y2 ; call _1dbounce add edx,ecx cmp edx,2 je bounce mov otv,0 jmp exit _ldbounce_count=_ldbounce_count+1 if (_ldbounce_count = 1) _1dbounce: cmp ebx,eax jnae anot add eax,esi cmp eax,ebx jna nbc jmp bc anot: add ebx,edi cmp ebx,eax jna nbc bc: mov ecx,1 ret nbc: mov ecx,0 ret end if bounce: mov otv,1 exit: } ; SETBMP - Set bmp to window ; (SYNTAX) SETBMP dd xstart ,dd ystart ,BMP_offset,dd soi ; (SAMPLE) SETBMP dword [xt],dword [yt],I_END,dword [tsoi] ; SETBMP 15,10,I_END,dword [tsoi] ; ( NOTE ) SOI - Start of image macro setbmp arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4 { local nodi cmp word [arg3],word 'BM' jne nodi mov eax,7 mov ebx,arg4 ;[soi] mov ecx,dword [arg3+18] shl ecx,16 add ecx,dword [arg3+22] if (arg1 eqtype 0) & (arg2 eqtype 0) mov edx,arg1*65536+arg2 else mov edx,arg1 shl edx,16 add edx,arg2 end if mcall nodi: } macro setimg arg1,arg2,arg3 { local nodi mov eax,7 mov ebx,arg3 add ebx,8 mov ecx,dword [arg3] shl ecx,16 add ecx,dword [arg3+4] if (arg1 eqtype 0) & (arg2 eqtype 0) mov edx,arg1*65536+arg2 else mov edx,arg1 shl edx,16 add edx,arg2 end if mcall } ;Not optimiz macro getimg imgsrc,x,y,xs,ys,imgdest { local cyc mov eax,xs mov dword [imgdest],eax mov eax,ys mov dword [imgdest+4],eax mov eax,dword [imgsrc] ;getx size mov edi,eax mov ebx,y mul ebx add eax,x mov ebx,3 mul ebx ;eax=offset on imsrc mov ecx,0 mov ebx,0 mov ebp,eax mov esi,0 add esi,8 add ebp,8 cyc: mov al,byte [imgsrc+ebp] mov [imgdest+esi],al mov al,byte [imgsrc+ebp+1] mov [imgdest+esi+1],al mov al,byte [imgsrc+ebp+2] mov [imgdest+esi+2],al add esi,3 add ebp,3 inc ecx cmp ecx,xs jne cyc add ebp,edi add ebp,edi add ebp,edi sub ebp,xs sub ebp,xs sub ebp,xs mov ecx,0 inc ebx cmp ebx,ys jne cyc } ; macro bmptoimg bmp_off,soi,img_off { local nodix,conv cmp word [bmp_off],word 'BM' jne nodix mov eax,dword [bmp_off+18] mov ebx,dword [bmp_off+22] mov dword [img_off],eax mov dword [img_off+4],ebx mul ebx lea ecx,[eax+2*eax] lea edi,[img_off+8] mov esi,dword [soi] cld rep movsb nodix: } macro copyimg img2_off,img1_off { local cop mov eax,dword [img1_off] mov ebx,dword [img1_off+4] mul ebx lea ecx,[eax+2*eax] lea esi,[img1_off+8] lea edi,[img2_off+8] cld rep movsb } macro fullimg img_off,xs,ys,color { local cop mov eax,xs mov ebx,ys mov dword [img_off],eax mov dword [img_off+4],ebx mul ebx lea ebp,[eax+2*eax] mov esi,color if color eqtype 0 mov ecx,color/65536 else mov ecx,esi shr ecx,16 end if xor edi,edi cop: mov word [img_off+8+edi],si add edi,2 mov byte [img_off+8+edi],cl inc edi cmp edi,ebp jne cop } macro convbmp bmp_load_area,bmp_soi { local status,bps,dwps,soi,sop,eop,eos,process,fileinfo,string,end_bmp local converttable,noaddelem,nextbit,convert1bpp,convert4bpp,convert2 local nextelem,convertno32,nomorestring,convert1,nextstring,yespicsize local noaddword ;local qwe,bmpfn ; convert: movzx eax,word [bmp_load_area+28] mul dword [bmp_load_area+18] mov ebx,32 div ebx test edx,edx je noaddword inc eax noaddword: mov dword [dwps],eax ;dwps-doublewords per string shl eax,2 mov dword [bps],eax ;bps-bytes per string cmp dword [bmp_load_area+34],0 jne yespicsize ;if picture size is defined mul dword [bmp_load_area+22] mov dword [bmp_load_area+34],eax yespicsize: mov eax,bmp_load_area mov ebx,eax add ebx, [bmp_load_area+2];file size inc ebx mov dword [bmp_soi],ebx ;soi-start of image area for drawing add eax, [bmp_load_area+10] mov dword [sop],eax ;sop-start of picture in file add eax, [bmp_load_area+34] mov dword [eop],eax ;eop-end of picture in file mov eax, [bmp_load_area+18] lea eax,[eax+2*eax] ;3x pixels in eax mov edi,dword [bmp_soi] ;initializing mov esi,dword [eop] sub esi,dword [bps] nextstring: push edi cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],24 jne convertno32 mov ecx,[dwps] cld rep movsd convert1: pop edi sub esi,dword [bps] sub esi,dword [bps] cmp esi,dword [sop] jb end_bmp;nomorestring add edi,eax jmp nextstring ; nomorestring: ; jmp end_bmp convertno32: mov ebx,bmp_load_area add ebx, [bmp_load_area+14] add ebx,14 ;start of color table push esi add esi,dword [bps] mov dword [eos],esi pop esi nextelem: push eax movzx eax,byte [esi] cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],4 je convert4bpp cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],1 je convert1bpp call converttable convert2: pop eax inc esi cmp esi,dword [eos] jae convert1 add edi,3 jmp nextelem convert4bpp: shl ax,4 shr al,4 push ax movzx eax,ah call converttable add edi,3 pop ax movzx eax,al call converttable jmp convert2 convert1bpp: mov ecx,eax mov edx,7 nextbit: xor eax,eax bt ecx,edx jnc noaddelem inc eax noaddelem: push edx call converttable pop edx dec edx cmp edx,0xffffffff je convert2 add edi,3 jmp nextbit converttable: shl eax,2 add eax,ebx mov edx, dword [eax] mov dword [edi],edx ret ; DATA AREA ;status dd 0 ;bit0=1 if file thread is created bps dd 0 dwps dd 0 ;soi dd 0 sop dd 0 eop dd 0 eos dd 0 ;process dd 0 end_bmp: ; mov eax,dword [soi] ; mov dword [bmp_soi],eax } ; LOADBMP - Load bmp image from file ; (SYNTAX) LOADBMP 'file_path',temp_area(rb 0x10000),load_area,dd soi ; (SAMPLE) LOADBMP '/rd/1/menuet.bmp',temp_area,I_END,tsoi ; ( NOTE ) Macros create on Base of ; Picture browser by & Ivan Poddubny ; SOI - Start of image macro loadbmp bmp_file_name,bmp_temp_area,bmp_load_area,bmp_soi { local status,bps,dwps,soi,sop,eop,eos,process,fileinfo,string,end_bmp local converttable,noaddelem,nextbit,convert1bpp,convert4bpp,convert2 local nextelem,convertno32,nomorestring,convert1,nextstring,yespicsize local noaddword ;local qwe,bmpfn mov dword [fileinfo+8],1 ; how many blocks to read (1) mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo mcall mov eax,[bmp_load_area+2] shr eax,9 ; ������� �� 512 � �ਡ���� 1 - ����稬 � ������ inc eax mov dword [fileinfo+8],eax mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo mcall ; jmp qwe ;bmpfn db bmp_file_name ;qwe: ; mov eax,6 ; mov ebx,bmpfn ; mov ecx,0 ; mov edx,0xFFFFFF ; mov esi,bmp_load_area ; mov edi,0 ; mcall ; convert: movzx eax,word [bmp_load_area+28] mul dword [bmp_load_area+18] mov ebx,32 div ebx test edx,edx je noaddword inc eax noaddword: mov dword [dwps],eax ;dwps-doublewords per string shl eax,2 mov dword [bps],eax ;bps-bytes per string cmp dword [bmp_load_area+34],0 jne yespicsize ;if picture size is defined mul dword [bmp_load_area+22] mov dword [bmp_load_area+34],eax yespicsize: mov eax,bmp_load_area push eax add eax, [bmp_load_area+2];file size inc eax mov dword [soi],eax ;soi-start of image area for drawing pop eax add eax, [bmp_load_area+10] mov dword [sop],eax ;sop-start of picture in file add eax, [bmp_load_area+34] mov dword [eop],eax ;eop-end of picture in file mov eax, [bmp_load_area+18] mov ebx,3 mul ebx ;3x pixels in eax mov edi,dword [soi] ;initializing mov esi,dword [eop] sub esi,dword [bps] nextstring: push edi cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],24 jne convertno32 mov ecx,[dwps] cld rep movsd convert1: pop edi sub esi,dword [bps] sub esi,dword [bps] cmp esi,dword [sop] jb nomorestring add edi,eax jmp nextstring nomorestring: jmp end_bmp convertno32: mov ebx,bmp_load_area add ebx, [bmp_load_area+14] add ebx,14 ;start of color table push esi add esi,dword [bps] mov dword [eos],esi pop esi nextelem: push eax movzx eax,byte [esi] cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],4 je convert4bpp cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],1 je convert1bpp call converttable convert2: pop eax inc esi cmp esi,dword [eos] jae convert1 add edi,3 jmp nextelem convert4bpp: shl ax,4 shr al,4 push ax movzx eax,ah call converttable add edi,3 pop ax movzx eax,al call converttable jmp convert2 convert1bpp: mov ecx,eax mov edx,7 nextbit: xor eax,eax bt ecx,edx jnc noaddelem inc eax noaddelem: push edx call converttable pop edx dec edx cmp edx,0xffffffff je convert2 add edi,3 jmp nextbit converttable: shl eax,2 add eax,ebx mov edx, dword [eax] mov dword [edi],edx ret ; DATA AREA ;status dd 0 ;bit0=1 if file thread is created bps dd 0 dwps dd 0 soi dd 0 sop dd 0 eop dd 0 eos dd 0 ;process dd 0 ; DATA AREA fileinfo: dd 0 dd 0 dd 1 ;number of blocks of 512 bytes dd bmp_load_area dd bmp_temp_area string: db bmp_file_name,0 db ' ' db ' ' db ' ' db ' ',0 end_bmp: mov eax,dword [soi] mov dword [bmp_soi],eax }