; MFAR pre-alpha 8.1 ; 2003-2004 (C) Semenyako Mike a.k.a. mike.dld ; e-mail: mike.dld@tut.by ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// ENGLISH //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---[ ATTENTION ]--------------------------------------------------------------- This MFAR version is far from being RELEASE! So, use it carefully, paying special attention to the new features. ---[ ABOUT ]------------------------------------------------------------------- MFAR was intended as SYSTREE-alternative & at the same time as file-manager with well-known & handy interface for MenuetOS. It'll be look like FAR (farmanager.com) which i really like BTW. ---[ FEATURES ]---------------------------------------------------------------- - displaying RD (left) & HD (right) file structure - color highlighting for files (depending on their extensions) - sotring (by name or extension) - selected file info: date, size - MeOS apps execution ---[ TODO ]-------------------------------------------------------------------- - copying (moving), deleting files - disk selection - other sort types - not only apps execution - ... ---[ HOTKEYS ]----------------------------------------------------------------- Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End - if you worked in any DOS-based file- manager (NC, VC, DN, ...), even a few minutes, you may know that this keys direct the caret (light pen) F5 - copy !FILE! from one panel to another (in development) F10 - exit program Ctrl+F3 - sort by name Ctrl+F4 - sort by extension ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// ������� //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---[ �������� ]---------------------------------------------------------------- ��� ����� MFAR ����� ����� ����� ५����! �ணࠬ�� ��室���� � ࠧࠡ�⪥ � � �祭� ᮦ���� � ⮬, �� �� � ᨫ�� ���� �� �।�⠢��� ��� �����業�� 䠩�-��������, ��� �� �ਡ����⥫쭮 �ࠢ���� �� �㭪樮����� ����������� � ��������묨 ��⠬� ��� *nix � *dows. ---[ � �ணࠬ�� ]------------------------------------------------------------- MFAR �� ���㬠� ��� ����ୠ⨢� SYSTREE � �����६���� ��� 䠩�-�������� � ������� � 㤮��� ����䥩ᮬ ��� MenuetOS. �� �������� ����� ����������, �� ���譨� ��� �ணࠬ�� �㤥� �� �ᮡ� �⫨����� �� FAR'� (farmanager.com), �祭�, ����, ���� ����� � 㢠������� ���. ---[ �� ᤥ���� ]------------------------------------------------------------- - �⮡ࠦ���� 䠩����� �������� ��ࠧ� (��) � �� (�ࠢ�) - ���ᢥ⪠ ���� 䠩��� ࠧ�묨 梥⠬� (� ����ᨬ��� �� �ଠ�) - ����� (�� ����� ��� ���७��) - ࠧ��� � ��� ᮧ����� (���������) ��� �뤥������� 䠩�� - ����� �ᯮ��塞�� 䠩��� ---[ �� �⥫��� �� ᤥ���� ]------------------------------------------------- - �������� (��६�饭��), 㤠����� 䠩��� - �롮� ��⨢���� ��᪠ ��� ������� - ��㣨� ���� ����� - ����� �� ⮫쪮 �ᯮ��塞�� 䠩��� - ... ---[ ���⠭�� ������ ]-------------------------------------------------------- Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End - �� ��� �� ࠧ ࠡ�⠫ � ������ 䠩�-�������� (NC, VC, DN, ...) �����, �� � ������� ��� ������ ����� �ࠢ���� ���������� ����� (ᢥ⮢��� ���) F5 - ������� 䠩� �� ����� ������ � ����� (� ࠧࠡ�⪥) F10 - ��室 �� �ணࠬ�� Ctrl+F3 - ������ �� ����� Ctrl+F4 - ������ �� ���७��