	org 0x0
	db 'MENUET01' ;¨¤¥­â¨ä. ¨á¯®«­ï¥¬®£® ä ©«  ¢á¥£¤  8 ¡ ©â
	dd 0x1
	dd start
	dd i_end ;à §¬¥à ¯à¨«®¦¥­¨ï
	dd mem
	dd stacktop
	dd 0
	dd sys_path

include '../../../'
include '../../../'
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../nu_pogodi/trunk/'
include '../../nu_pogodi/trunk/'

@use_library_mem mem.Alloc,mem.Free,mem.ReAlloc,dll.Load
hed db 'Life 23.03.12',0 ;¯®¤¯¨áì ®ª­ 

struct FileInfoBlock
	Function dd ?
	Position dd ?
	Flags	 dd ?
	Count	 dd ?
	Buffer	 dd ?
		db ?
	FileName dd ?

run_file_70 FileInfoBlock
image_data dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¢à¥¬¥­­ãî ¯ ¬ïâì. ¤«ï ­ã¦¥­ ¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ­¨ï ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï

fn_toolbar db 'toolbar.png',0
image_data_toolbar dd 0

macro load_image_file path,buf,size { ;¬ ªà®á ¤«ï § £à㧪¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨©
	;path - ¬®¦¥â ¡ëâì ¯¥à¥¬¥­­®© ¨«¨ áâப®¢ë¬ ¯ à ¬¥â஬
	if path eqtype '' ;¯à®¢¥à塞 § ¤ ­ «¨ áâப®© ¯ à ¬¥âà path
		jmp @f
			local .path_str
			.path_str db path ;ä®à¬¨à㥬 «®ª «ì­ãî ¯¥à¥¬¥­­ãî
			db 0
		;32 - áâ ­¤ àâ­ë©  ¤à¥á ¯® ª®â®à®¬ã ¤®«¦¥­ ¡ëâì ¡ãä¥à á á¨á⥬­ë¬ ¯ã⥬
		copy_path .path_str,[32],file_name,0x0
		copy_path path,[32],file_name,0x0 ;ä®à¬¨à㥬 ¯®«­ë© ¯ãâì ª ä ©«ã ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï, ¯®¤à §ã¬¥¢ ¥¬ çâ® ®­ ¢ ®¤­®© ¯ ¯ª¥ á ¯à®£à ¬¬®©
	end if

	stdcall mem.Alloc, dword size ;¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì ¤«ï ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
	mov [buf],eax

	mov eax,70 ;70-ï äã­ªæ¨ï à ¡®â  á ä ©« ¬¨
	mov [run_file_70.Function], 0
	mov [run_file_70.Position], 0
	mov [run_file_70.Flags], 0
	mov [run_file_70.Count], dword size
	m2m [run_file_70.Buffer], [buf]
	mov byte[run_file_70+20], 0
	mov [run_file_70.FileName], file_name
	mov ebx,run_file_70
	int 0x40 ;§ £à㦠¥¬ ä ©« ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
	cmp ebx,0xffffffff
	je @f
		;®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¢¨¤ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï ¨ ¯¥à¥¢®¤¨¬ ¥£® ¢® ¢à¥¬¥­­ë© ¡ãä¥à image_data
		stdcall dword[img_decode], dword[buf],ebx,0
		mov dword[image_data],eax
		;¯à¥®¡à §ã¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨¥ ª ä®à¬ âã rgb
		stdcall dword[img_to_rgb2], dword[image_data],dword[buf]
		;㤠«ï¥¬ ¢à¥¬¥­­ë© ¡ãä¥à image_data
		stdcall dword[img_destroy], dword[image_data]

struct Cell
	x dd ? ;+0
	y dd ? ;+4
	tc dd ? ;+8
	liv db ? ;+12
	so db ? ;+13

MAX_CELL equ 90000
COL_MEM equ 64 ;ç¨á«® 梥⮢

cell dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯ ¬ïâì á® áâàãªâãà ¬¨ ï祥ª
memCell dd 0
CellColors dd 0

macro get_cell_offset reg,ind
	mov reg,ind
	imul reg,sizeof.Cell
	add reg,dword[cell]

capt rb 50
er_oom db 0 ;­  á«ãç © ¨áç¥à¯ ­¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
tim_ch db 0 ; ¢â®¬ â¨ç¥áª¨ ¯à®áç¨â뢠âì ¯®ª®«¥­¨ï
poc_stop dd 1 ;¯à®áç¥â ­  ç¨á«® ¯®ª®«¥­¨©
Cor_x dd 0
Cor_y dd 0
tim dd 0 ;¢à¥¬ï (¯®ª®«¥­¨¥)
b_sort dd 0 ;£à ­¨æ  ¤«ï á®àâ¨à®¢ ­­ëå ï祥ª
osob dd 0 ;ç¨á«® ®á®¡¥©
zoom db 3 ;¬ áèâ ¡ ¯®«ï
txt_zoom db 'Œ áèâ ¡:',0
txt_gen db '®ª®«¥­¨¥:',0
txt_osob db 'Žá®¡¥©:',0

;­ áâனª  ¬ áᨢ  á 梥⠬¨
; col_pole - 梥⠯®«ï
; col_cell_n - 梥⠭®¢®© ï祩ª¨
; col_cell_o - 梥â áâ à®© ï祩ª¨
align 4
proc pole_init_colors uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi, col_pole:dword, col_cell_n:dword, col_cell_o:dword
	mov esi,dword[CellColors]
	mov ebx,dword[col_pole]
	mov dword[esi],ebx

	add esi,4
	mov edi,COL_MEM
	dec edi
	shl edi,2
	add edi,esi
	; esi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  1-© £à ¤¨¥­â­ë© 梥â
	; edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯®á«¥¤­¨© £à ¤¨¥­â­ë© 梥â
	mov eax,dword[col_cell_n]
	mov ebx,dword[col_cell_o]

	mov dword[esi],eax
	mov dword[edi],ebx
	;need save ecx edx
	stdcall middle_colors, esi,edi


;¢á¯®¬®£ â¥«ì­ ï äã­ªæ¨ï ¤«ï ­ å®¤¦¥­¨ï á।­¥£® æ¢¥â  ¨ § ¯¨á¨ ¥£® ¢ ¬ áᨢ
; eax - 梥⠭ ç «ì­ë©
; ebx - 梥⠪®­¥ç­ë©
;§ §àãè îâìáï: ecx, edx
align 4
proc middle_colors uses edi esi, i0:dword, i1:dword
	mov esi,dword[i0]
	mov edi,dword[i1]
	;¯¥à¥¤ ¢ë§®¢®¬ ä㭪樨
	sub edi,esi
	shr edi,1
	btr edi,1 ;®ªà㣫塞 ¤® 4-å, â. ª. ­ã¦­® ¯®«ãç¨âì  ¤à¥á (®ªà㣫¥­¨¥ å¨â஥ - 㡨ࠥ¬ ®¤¨­ ¡¨â ¢¬¥áâ® ¯à¥¤¯®« £ ¥¬ëå 2-å)
	add edi,esi
	cmp edi,esi
	je @f
		push eax ebx

		mov ecx,eax
		mov edx,ebx

		;­ å®¤¨¬ á।­¨© 梥⠬¥¦¤ã eax ¨ ebx
		and ebx,111111101111111011111110b ;㡨ࠥ¬ ¯®á«¥¤­¨¥ ¡¨âë ¢ 梥â å r, g, b
		and eax,111111101111111011111110b
		add eax,ebx ;á㬨à㥬 æ¢¥â  ¨§ r, g, b
		shr eax,1   ;¤¥«¨¬ ­  2
		mov dword[edi],eax

		;४ãàᨢ­ë© ¢ë§®¢ ¤«ï ¤à®¡«¥­¨ï ¢¥àå­¥© ¯®«®¢¨­ë
		mov ebx,eax
		mov eax,ecx
		stdcall middle_colors, [i0],edi

		;४ãàᨢ­ë© ¢ë§®¢ ¤«ï ¤à®¡«¥­¨ï ­¨¦­¥© ¯®«®¢¨­ë
		mov eax,ebx
		mov ebx,edx
		stdcall middle_colors, edi,[i1]

		pop ebx eax

align 4
	push eax ecx edi
	xor eax,eax
	mov dword[tim],eax
	mov dword[osob],eax
	mov  byte[tim_ch],al
	mov dword[Cor_x],eax
	mov dword[Cor_y],eax
	mov dword[b_sort],eax
	mov  byte[er_oom],al
	mov ecx,MAX_CELL
	imul ecx,sizeof.Cell
	mov edi,dword[cell]
	repne stosb ;memset(cell,0,sizeof(Cell)*MAX_CELL);
	mov edi,dword[memCell]
	mov ecx,MAX_CELL
		stosd ;for(i=0;i<MAX_CELL;i++) memCell[i]=i;
		;mov dword[edi],eax
		;add edi,4
		inc eax
		loop @b
	pop edi ecx eax

align 4
proc pole_cell_creat, x:dword, y:dword, li:dword
	pushad ;eax ebx ecx edx edi

	; *** ¥á«¨ ª«¥âª  㦥 ¡ë«  ᮧ¤ ­ 
	stdcall pole_cell_find, [x],[y]
	cmp eax,0
	je @f ;if(i){
		get_cell_offset ebx,eax
		cmp dword[li],0
		jne .else_if ;if(!li)
			; ¥á«¨ ᮧ¤ ¥âáï ¯ãáâ ï ª«¥âª 
			inc byte[ebx+13] ;+13 = .so
			jmp .fun_e
		.else_if: ;else if(!(cell[i].liv&1) ){
		bt word[ebx+12],0 ;+12 = .liv
			; ¥á«¨ ᮧ¤ ¥âáï ¦¨¢ ï ª«¥âª 
			; ¨ à ­ìè¥ ª«¥âª  ¡ë«  ᮧ¤ ­  ­® ®ª § « áì ¯ãá⮩
			jae .creat_border_cells
		jmp .fun_e

	; *** ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ­®¢®© ï祩ª¨
	; ­ å®¤¨¬ ­®¬¥à ᢮¡®¤­®© ï祩ª¨ (i) ¤«ï ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨ï ­®¢®©
	mov edi,dword[memCell]
	inc dword[edi]
	cmp dword[edi],MAX_CELL
	jne @f
		dec dword[edi]
		mov byte[tim_ch],0
		;... need call message: "eror out of memory" ...
		;... ¢ë¢®¤ á®®¡é¥­¨ï ¯¥à¥¯®«­¥­¨ï ­ ¤® ¤®¡ ¢¨âì  ...
		mov byte[er_oom],0
		jmp .fun_e ;return;
	mov eax,dword[edi]
	shl eax,2
	add eax,dword[memCell] ;eax -> memCell[firstC]
	get_cell_offset ebx,dword[eax]

	mov ecx,dword[x]
	mov dword[ebx],ecx ;+0 = .x
	mov edx,dword[y]
	mov dword[ebx+4],edx ;+4 = .y
	mov eax,dword[tim]
	mov dword[ebx+8],eax ;+8 = .tc
	mov byte[ebx+12],0 ;+12 = .liv

	cmp dword[li],0
	jne @f
		mov byte[ebx+13],1 ;+13 = .so
		jmp .fun_e
	mov byte[ebx+13],0 ;+13 = .so

		inc dword[osob]
		or byte[ebx+12],1 ;+12 = .liv
		mov ecx,dword[x]
		dec ecx
		mov edx,dword[y]
		dec edx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		inc edx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		inc edx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		inc ecx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		sub edx,2
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		inc ecx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		inc edx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
		inc edx
		stdcall pole_cell_creat,ecx,edx,0
	popad ;edi edx ecx ebx eax

; eax - index
align 4
proc pole_cell_find, x:dword, y:dword
	mov eax,dword[memCell]
	cmp dword[eax],0
	jne @f
		xor eax,eax ;if(!fristC) return 0;
		jmp .fun_e

	xor eax,eax ;fnd=0;
	cmp dword[b_sort],0
	je @f
		stdcall pole_bin_find, [memCell], [x],[y], [b_sort] ;i=BinFind(memCell, x,y, b_sort);
		cmp eax,0
		je @f
			shl eax,2
			add eax,dword[memCell]
			mov eax,dword[eax] ;if(i) fnd=memCell[i];
			jmp .fun_e

	cmp eax,0
	jne @f ;if(!fnd){ // ¯®¨áª ï祩ª¨ §  ¡¨­ à­ë¬ ¤¥à¥¢®¬
		push ebx ecx edx edi esi
		;ebx -> i
		;ecx -> firstC
		;edx -> &memCell[i]
		;edi -> cell[memCell[i]]
		mov ecx,dword[memCell]
		mov ebx,dword[b_sort]
		mov edx,ebx
		shl edx,2
		add edx,ecx
		mov ecx,dword[ecx]
		.cycle_b: ;for(i=b_sort+1;i<=fristC;i++)
			inc ebx
			cmp ebx,ecx
			jg .cycle_e
			add edx,4
			get_cell_offset edi,dword[edx]
			mov esi,dword[x]
			cmp dword[edi],esi ;+0 = .x
			jne .if_e
			mov esi,dword[y]
			cmp dword[edi+4],esi ;+4 = .y
			jne .if_e
				;if(cell[memCell[i]].x==x && cell[memCell[i]].y==y){
				mov eax,dword[edx] ;fnd=memCell[i];
				jmp .cycle_e ;break;
			jmp .cycle_b
		pop esi edi edx ecx ebx

; eax - index
align 4
proc pole_bin_find, mas:dword, fx:dword, fy:dword, k:dword
	push ebx ecx edx edi
	xor eax,eax
	mov ebx,1 ;ebx - ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì­ë© ¯®à冷ª ¤«ï ¤¥à¥¢ 
	cmp dword[k],ebx
	jle @f ;while(k>por)
		shl ebx,1 ;por<<=1;
		jmp @b
	cmp dword[k],ebx
	jge @f ;if(k<por)
		shr ebx,1 ;por>>=1;
	mov ecx,ebx ;i=por;

	;ecx -> i
	;edi -> mas[i]
	.cycle_b: ;do{
		shr ebx,1 ;por>>=1;

		mov edi,ecx
		shl edi,2
		add edi,dword[mas]
		stdcall pole_compare_cells_mb_coords, dword[edi],[fx],[fy]
		cmp dl,0
		je .if_u0_e
			@@: ;while(i+por>k)
			mov edx,ecx
			add edx,ebx
			cmp edx,dword[k] ;i+por>k
			jle @f
				shr ebx,1 ;por>>=1;
				jmp @b
			add ecx,ebx ;i+=por;
			jmp .if_e
		;else if(compare_cells_bm(mas[i],fx,fy))i-=por;
		stdcall pole_compare_cells_bm_coords, dword[edi],[fx],[fy]
		cmp dl,0
		je .if_u1_e
			sub ecx,ebx
			jmp .if_e
		;else { m=i; por=0; }
			mov eax,ecx
			xor ebx,ebx
	cmp ebx,0
	jne .cycle_b ;}while(por);

	pop edi edx ecx ebx

; dl
align 4
proc pole_compare_cells_bm_coords, i0:dword, fx:dword, fy:dword
	push eax ebx ecx
	get_cell_offset eax,[i0]
	;eax -> cell[i0]
	mov ebx,dword[fx]
	cmp dword[eax],ebx
	jle @f
		mov dl,1
		jmp .fun_e
	mov ecx,dword[fy]
	cmp dword[eax+4],ecx
	jle @f
	cmp dword[eax],ebx
	jne @f
		mov dl,1
		jmp .fun_e
	xor dl,dl
	pop ecx ebx eax

; dl
align 4
proc pole_compare_cells_mb_coords, i0:dword, fx:dword, fy:dword
	push eax ebx ecx
	get_cell_offset eax,[i0]
	;eax -> cell[i0]
	mov ebx,dword[fx]
	cmp dword[eax],ebx
	jge @f
		mov dl,1
		jmp .fun_e
	mov ecx,dword[fy]
	cmp dword[eax+4],ecx
	jge @f
	cmp dword[eax],ebx
	jne @f
		mov dl,1
		jmp .fun_e
	xor dl,dl
	pop ecx ebx eax

; dl
align 4
proc pole_compare_cells_bm, i0:dword, i1:dword
	push eax ebx ecx
	get_cell_offset eax,[i0] ;eax -> cell[i0]
	get_cell_offset ebx,[i1] ;ebx -> cell[i1]
	mov ecx,dword[ebx] ;+0 = .x
	cmp dword[eax],ecx
	jle @f ;x0>x1
		mov dl,1
		jmp .fun_e
	jne @f ;x0==x1
	mov ecx,dword[ebx+4] ;+4 = .y
	cmp dword[eax+4],ecx
	jle @f ;y0>y1
		mov dl,1
		jmp .fun_e
	xor dl,dl
	pop ecx ebx eax

align 4
	;eax -> firstC
	;ebx -> i
	;ecx -> cell[memCell[i]]
	;edx -> color
	;edi -> coord_x
	;esi -> coord_y
	mov eax,dword[memCell]
	cmp dword[eax],0
	je .no_draw

	mov eax,dword[eax]
	mov ebx,1

	@@: ;while(i<b_sort && Cor_x+cell[memCell[i]].x<0)
		cmp ebx,dword[b_sort]
		jge @f ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ­  ­ ç «® ­¨¦­¥£® 横« 
		mov ecx,ebx
		shl ecx,2
		add ecx,dword[memCell]
		get_cell_offset ecx,dword[ecx]
		mov edx,dword[ecx] ;+0 = .x
		add edx,dword[Cor_x]
		cmp edx,0
		jge @f ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ­  ­ ç «® ­¨¦­¥£® 横« 
			inc ebx ;i++; // ¤«ï ¯à®¯ã᪠ ï祥ª §  ®ª­®¬ á«¥¢ 
		jmp @b

	cmp byte[zoom],2
	jge .zoom2
	@@: ;for(;i<=fristC;i++){
		mov ecx,ebx
		shl ecx,2
		add ecx,dword[memCell]
		get_cell_offset ecx,dword[ecx]
		mov edi,dword[Cor_x]
		add edi,dword[ecx] ;+0 = .x
		mov esi,dword[Cor_y]
		add esi,dword[ecx+4] ;+4 = .y
		bt word[ecx+12],0 ;+12 = .liv
		jc .cell_1
			;­¥ ¦¨¢ ï ï祩ª 
			mov edx,dword[CellColors]
			mov edx,dword[edx]
			jmp .cell_0
			;¦¨¢ ï ï祩ª 
			mov edx,dword[tim]
			inc edx
			sub edx,dword[ecx+8] ;+8 = .tc
			cmp edx,COL_MEM
			jle .in_color
				mov edx,COL_MEM
			shl edx,2
			add edx,dword[CellColors]
			mov edx,dword[edx]
		stdcall [buf2d_set_pixel], buf_0, edi, esi, edx
		inc ebx
		cmp ebx,eax
		jle @b

	jmp .no_draw

	@@: ;for(;i<=fristC;i++){
		mov ecx,ebx
		shl ecx,2
		add ecx,dword[memCell]
		get_cell_offset ecx,dword[ecx]

		xor edx,edx
		mov dl,byte[zoom] ;edx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¤«ï ¢­¥á¥­¨ï zoom ¢ 4 ¡ ©â­®¥ ç¨á«®
		mov edi,dword[ecx] ;+0 = .x
		add edi,dword[Cor_x]
		imul edi,edx
		mov esi,dword[ecx+4] ;+4 = .y
		add esi,dword[Cor_y]
		imul esi,edx
		bt word[ecx+12],0 ;+12 = .liv
		jc .z2_cell_1
			;­¥ ¦¨¢ ï ï祩ª 
			mov edx,dword[CellColors]
			mov edx,dword[edx]
			jmp .z2_cell_0
			;¦¨¢ ï ï祩ª 
			mov edx,dword[tim]
			inc edx
			sub edx,dword[ecx+8] ;+8 = .tc
			cmp edx,COL_MEM
			jle .z2_in_color
				mov edx,COL_MEM
			shl edx,2
			add edx,dword[CellColors]
			mov edx,dword[edx]
		xor ecx,ecx
		mov cl,byte[zoom] ;ecx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¤«ï ¢­¥á¥­¨ï zoom ¢ 4 ¡ ©â­®¥ ç¨á«®
		;;;dec ecx
		stdcall [buf2d_filled_rect_by_size], buf_0, edi, esi, ecx, ecx, edx
		inc ebx
		cmp ebx,eax
		jle @b


align 4
	;eax -> firstC
	;ebx -> i
	;ecx -> &memCell[i]
	;edx -> cell[memCell[i]]

	mov eax,dword[memCell]
	mov ecx,eax
	mov eax,dword[eax]
	cmp eax,1
	jl .fun_e
	inc dword[tim]
	mov ebx,1
	@@: ;for(i=1;i<=firstC;i++)
		add ecx,4
		get_cell_offset edx,dword[ecx]
		bt word[edx+12],0 ;+12 = .liv
		jae .if_0_e
			; á®åà ­¥­¨¥ ï祩ª¨ (á®á¥¤¥© 2 ¨«¨ 3)
			cmp byte[edx+13],2 ;+13 = .so
			je .if_2_e
			cmp byte[edx+13],3 ;+13 = .so
			je .if_2_e
			jmp .change
			; ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ï祩ª¨ (á®á¥¤¥© 3)
			cmp byte[edx+13],3 ;+13 = .so
			jne .if_1_e
				or byte[edx+12],2 ;+12 = .liv
				jmp .if_2_e
			; 㤠«¥­¨¥ ¯ãá⮩ ï祩ª¨ ¤«ï ®á¢®¡®¦¤¥­¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
			cmp byte[edx+13],0 ;+13 = .so
			jne .if_2_e
			mov edi,dword[edx+8] ;+8 = .tc
			add edi,5 ; 5 - ¢à¥¬ï á®åà ­¥­¨ï ¯ãá⮩ ï祩ª¨, ¤® ¥ñ 㤠«¥­¨ï
			cmp edi,dword[tim]
			jge .if_2_e
				mov edi,eax
				shl edi,2
				add edi,dword[memCell] ;edi -> &memCell[fristC]
				mov esi,dword[edi] ;swp=memCell[fristC];
				mov edx,dword[ecx] ;edx - 㦥 ­¥ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬, ¯®â®¬ã ¬®¦¥¬ ¯®àâ¨âì
				mov dword[edi],edx ;memCell[fristC]=memCell[i];
				mov dword[ecx],esi ;memCell[i]=swp;
				dec eax
				dec ebx
				sub ecx,4

		inc ebx
		cmp ebx,eax
		jle @b
	mov ebx,dword[memCell]
	mov dword[ebx],eax ;firstC <- eax

	mov dword[b_sort],eax
	stdcall pole_fl_sort, dword[memCell],eax

	mov ecx,dword[memCell]
	mov ebx,1
	@@: ;for(i=1;i<=firstC;i++)
		add ecx,4
		get_cell_offset edx,dword[ecx]
		bt word[edx+12],1 ;+12 = .liv
		jae .no_change
			xor byte[edx+12],3 ;+12 = .liv
			mov edi,dword[tim]
			mov dword[edx+8],edi ;+8 = .tc
			bt word[edx+12],0 ;+12 = .liv
			jc .new_cell
				push eax
				mov edi,dword[edx]
				dec edi
				mov esi,dword[edx+4]
				dec esi
				dec dword[osob]
				;¤ «ìè¥ §­ ç¥­¨¥ edx ¯®àâ¨âáï
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				inc edi
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				sub esi,2
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				inc edi
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_find,edi,esi
				get_cell_offset edx,eax
				dec byte[edx+13] ;+13 = .so
				pop eax
				jmp .no_change
			.new_cell: ; ¯®ï¢¨« áì ­®¢ ï ï祩ª 
				inc dword[osob]
				mov edi,dword[edx]
				dec edi
				mov esi,dword[edx+4]
				dec esi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				inc edi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				sub esi,2
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				inc edi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
				inc esi
				stdcall pole_cell_creat,edi,esi,0
		inc ebx
		cmp ebx,eax
		jle @b

;‘®àâ¨à®¢ª  ¢¥ªâ®à  a[1..n] ¬¥â®¤®¬ ”«®©¤ 
align 4
proc pole_fl_sort, a:dword, n:dword
	mov ecx,dword[a]
	;”®à¬¨à®¢ âì ¨á室­®¥ ç áâ¨ç­® 㯮à冷祭­®¥ ¤¥à¥¢®
	mov eax,dword[n]
	shr eax,1
	@@: ;for(i=n>>1; i>=2; i--)
		stdcall pole_fl_surface, ecx,eax,[n] ;(a,i,n)
		dec eax
		cmp eax,2
		jge @b
	;‚믮«­¨âì ¯à®æ¥¤ãà㠢ᯫëâ¨ï ”«®©¤  ¤«ï ª ¦¤®£® ¯®¤¤¥à¥¢ 
	mov eax,dword[n]
	@@: ;for(i=n; i>=2; i--){
		stdcall pole_fl_surface, ecx,1,eax ;(a,1,i)
		;®¬¥áâ¨âì ­ ©¤¥­­ë© ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì­ë© í«¥¬¥­â ¢ ª®­¥æ ᯨ᪠
		mov edi,eax
		shl edi,2
		add edi,ecx ;edi -> &a[i]
		mov esi,dword[edi] ;w=a[i];
		mov edx,dword[ecx+4]
		mov dword[edi],edx ;a[i]=a[1];
		mov dword[ecx+4],esi ;a[1]=w;

		dec eax
		cmp eax,2
		jge @b

;à®æ¥¤ãà  ¢á¯«ëâ¨ï ”«®©¤  ¯® ¤¥à¥¢ã a[1..k]
align 4
proc pole_fl_surface, a:dword, i:dword, k:dword
	copy dd ?
	;edx -> ...
	;edi -> m
	;esi -> j
	mov eax,dword[a]
	mov ebx,dword[i]
	mov ecx,dword[k]

	mov edx,ebx
	shl edx,2
	add edx,eax
	mov edx,dword[edx]
	mov dword[copy],edx ;copy=a[i];
	mov edi,ebx
	shl edi,1 ;m=i<<1;
	.cycle_b: ;while (m<=k) {
		cmp edi,ecx
		jg .cycle_e
		jne @f ;if (m==k) j=m;
			mov esi,edi
			jmp .else_e
		@@: ;else if (pole_compare_cells_bm(a[m],a[m+1])) j=m;
		mov edx,edi
		shl edx,2
		add edx,eax
		stdcall pole_compare_cells_bm, dword[edx],dword[edx+4]
		cmp dl,0
		je @f
			mov esi,edi
			jmp .else_e
		@@: ;else j=m+1;
			mov esi,edi
			inc esi

		;if (pole_compare_cells_bm(a[j],copy)) {
		mov edx,esi
		shl edx,2
		add edx,eax
		stdcall pole_compare_cells_bm, dword[edx],dword[copy]
		cmp dl,0
		je .cycle_e ;} else break; //¢ë室 ¨§ 横« 

		mov edx,esi
		shl edx,2
		add edx,eax
		push dword[edx] ;push a[j];
		mov edx,ebx
		shl edx,2
		add edx,eax
		pop dword[edx] ;a[i]=a[j];
		mov ebx,esi ;i=j;
		mov edi,ebx
		shl edi,1 ;m=i<<1;

		jmp .cycle_b

	;§­ ç¥­¨ï ¬­®£¨å ॣ¨áâ஢ 㦥 ­¥ ¢ ¦­ë â. ª. ª®­¥æ ä㭪樨
	shl ebx,2
	add eax,ebx
	mov edx,dword[copy]
	mov dword[eax],edx ;a[i]=copy;


align 4
	load_libraries l_libs_start,l_libs_end
	;¯à®¢¥àª  ­  ᪮«ìª® 㤠筮 § £ã§¨« áì ­ è  «¨¡ 
	mov	ebp,lib_7
	cmp	dword [ebp+ll_struc_size-4],0
	jz	@f
		mcall -1 ;exit not correct
	mcall 48,3,sc,sizeof.system_colors
	mcall 40,0x27
	stdcall [OpenDialog_Init],OpenDialog_data ;¯®¤£®â®¢ª  ¤¨ «®£ 

	stdcall [buf2d_create], buf_0 ;ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ¡ãä¥à 

	stdcall mem.Alloc,MAX_CELL*sizeof.Cell
	mov [cell],eax
	stdcall mem.Alloc,MAX_CELL*4
	mov [memCell],eax
	stdcall mem.Alloc,(COL_MEM+1)*4
	mov [CellColors],eax
	load_image_file fn_toolbar, image_data_toolbar,IMAGE_TOOLBAR_SIZE

	;­ áâனª  梥⮢ ï祥ª
	stdcall pole_init_colors, 0xffffd0,0xff0000,0x0000ff
	call pole_clear
	call pole_paint ;à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ¯®«ï ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥ (­¥ ­  íªà ­¥)

	;xor eax,eax
	;mov edi,txt_zoom.zi
	;mov al,byte[zoom]
	;call tl_convert_to_str

	mcall 26,9
	mov [last_time],eax

align 4
	call draw_window

align 4
	mcall 26,9
	mov ebx,[last_time]
	add ebx,10 ;§ ¤¥à¦ª 
	cmp ebx,eax
	jge @f
		mov ebx,eax
	sub ebx,eax
	;cmp ebx,10 ;§ ¤¥à¦ª 
	;ja timer_funct
	;test ebx,ebx
	;jz timer_funct
	mcall 23
	cmp eax,0
	je timer_funct

	cmp al,1
	jz red_win
	cmp al,2
	jz key
	cmp al,3
	jz button

	jmp still

align 4
	mcall 26,9
	mov [last_time],eax

	cmp byte[tim_ch],0
	je @f
		;call but_next_gen
		mov ecx,dword[poc_stop]
		cmp ecx,1
		jg .clear
			mov ecx,1 ;¨á¯à ¢«¥­¨¥ ecx ­  á«ãç © ç¨á¥« ¬¥­ìè¨å 1
			jmp .cycle
		.clear: ;ç¨á⨬ ¯®«¥ ¥á«¨ ¥áâì ¯à®áç¥â ­  ­¥áª®«ìª® ¯®ª®«¥­¨© §  1 â ªâ â ©¬¥à 
			stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
			call pole_next_gen
			loop .cycle
		call pole_paint
		stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
		call draw_pok
	jmp still

align 4
	mcall 12,1
	xor eax,eax
	mov ebx,(20 shl 16)+485
	mov ecx,(20 shl 16)+415
	mov edx,[]
	or  edx,(3 shl 24)+0x10000000+0x20000000
	mov edi,hed
	int 0x40

	mov eax,8
	mov ebx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,3
	mov esi,[sc.work_button]
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(30 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,4
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(55 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,5
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(85 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,6
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(110 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,7
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(135 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,8
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(165 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,9
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(190 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,10
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(220 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,11
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(245 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,12
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(270 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,13
	int 0x40

	mov ebx,(295 shl 16)+20
	mov ecx,(5 shl 16)+20
	mov edx,14
	int 0x40

	mov eax,7
	mov ebx,[image_data_toolbar]
	mov ecx,(16 shl 16)+16
	mov edx,(32 shl 16)+7
	int 0x40

	mov edx,(87 shl 16)+7 ;run once
	int 0x40

	mov edx,(112 shl 16)+7 ;run auto
	int 0x40
	mov edx,(137 shl 16)+7 ;stop
	int 0x40

	mov edx,(167 shl 16)+7 ;-
	int 0x40
	mov edx,(192 shl 16)+7 ;+
	int 0x40

	mov edx,(222 shl 16)+7 ;move up
	int 0x40
	mov edx,(247 shl 16)+7 ;move doun
	int 0x40
	mov edx,(272 shl 16)+7 ;move left
	int 0x40
	mov edx,(297 shl 16)+7 ;move up
	int 0x40

	call draw_pok

	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

	mcall 12,2

align 4
	mov eax,4 ;à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ⥪áâ 
	mov ebx,325*65536+5
	mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
	or  ecx,0x80000000 ;or (1 shl 30)
	mov edx,txt_zoom
	;mov edi,[]
	int 0x40
	add bx,9
	mov edx,txt_gen
	int 0x40
	add bx,9
	mov edx,txt_osob
	int 0x40

	mov eax,47
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov cl,byte[zoom]
	mov ebx,(2 shl 16)
	mov edx,(325+6*9)*65536+5
	mov esi,[sc.work_button_text]
	or  esi,(1 shl 30)
	mov edi,[sc.work_button]
	int 0x40 ;¬ áèâ ¡
	mov ebx,(5 shl 16)
	mov ecx,[tim]
	add edx,(6*2)*65536+9
	int 0x40 ;¢à¥¬ï
	mov ebx,(5 shl 16)
	mov ecx,[osob]
	add edx,(6*0)*65536+9
	int 0x40 ;¯®¯ã«ïæ¨ï

align 4
	mcall 2
	jmp still

align 4
	mcall 17
	cmp ah,3
	jne @f
		call but_new_file
	cmp ah,4
	jne @f
		call but_open_file
	cmp ah,5
	jne @f
		call but_save_file
	cmp ah,6
	jne @f
		call but_next_gen
	cmp ah,7
	jne @f
		call but_run
	cmp ah,8
	jne @f
		call but_stop
	cmp ah,9
	jne @f
		call but_zoom_p
	cmp ah,10
	jne @f
		call but_zoom_m
	cmp ah,11
	jne @f
		call but_pole_up
	cmp ah,12
	jne @f
		call but_pole_dn
	cmp ah,13
	jne @f
		call but_pole_left
	cmp ah,14
	jne @f
		call but_pole_right
	cmp ah,1
	jne still
	stdcall [buf2d_delete],buf_0
	stdcall mem.Free,[cell]
	stdcall mem.Free,[memCell]
	stdcall mem.Free,[CellColors]
	stdcall mem.Free,[image_data_toolbar]
	mcall -1

align 4

align 4
	rb 4096 ;®¡« áâì ¤«ï ®âªàëâ¨ï ä ©«®¢

align 4
	copy_path open_dialog_name,communication_area_default_path,file_name,0
	mov [OpenDialog_data.type],0
	stdcall [OpenDialog_Start],OpenDialog_data
	cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],2
	je .end_open_file
	;ª®¤ ¯à¨ 㤠筮¬ ®âªàë⨨ ¤¨ «®£ 

	mov eax,70 ;70-ï äã­ªæ¨ï à ¡®â  á ä ©« ¬¨
	mov [run_file_70.Function], 0
	mov [run_file_70.Position], 0
	mov [run_file_70.Flags], 0
	mov dword[run_file_70.Count], open_file_lif.end-open_file_lif
	m2m [run_file_70.Buffer], open_file_lif
	mov byte[run_file_70+20], 0
	mov dword[run_file_70.FileName], openfile_path
	mov ebx,run_file_70
	int 0x40 ;§ £à㦠¥¬ ä ©« ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
	cmp ebx,0xffffffff
	je .end_open_file

	add ebx,open_file_lif
	mov byte[ebx],0 ;­  á«ãç © ¥á«¨ à ­¥¥ ¡ë« ®âªàëâ ä ©« ¡®«ì襣® à §¬¥à  ç¨á⨬ ª®­¥æ ¡ãä¥à  á ä ©«®¬
	mcall 71,1,openfile_path

	call pole_clear
	mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
	shr eax,1
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov cl,byte[zoom]
	cmp cx,2
	jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
		xor edx,edx
		div ecx
	add dword[Cor_x],eax
	mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
	shr eax,1
	cmp cx,2
	jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
		xor edx,edx
		div ecx
	add dword[Cor_y],eax

	;eax - first x position
	;ebx - x position
	;ecx - y position
	mov edi,open_file_lif
	xor ebx,ebx
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov eax,ebx
		cmp byte[edi],'*'
		jne .no_cell
			stdcall pole_cell_creat, ebx,ecx,1
			inc ebx
		cmp byte[edi],'.'
		jne .cell_move
			inc ebx
		cmp byte[edi],13
		jne .cell_nl
			mov ebx,eax
			inc ecx
		cmp word[edi],'#P' ;ᬥ­  ¯®§¨æ¨¨
		jne .pos
			inc edi ;¯à®¯ã᪠'#'
				inc edi ;¯à®¯ã᪠'P' ¨ ' '
				cmp byte[edi],' '
				je .space
			stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
			mov ebx,eax
			cmp byte[edi],'-'
			jne .digit
				inc edi
				cmp byte[edi],'0'
				jl .digit_no
				cmp byte[edi],'9'
				jg .digit_no
				inc edi
				jmp .digit
				inc edi ;¯à®¯ã᪠'P' ¨ ' '
				cmp byte[edi],' '
				je .digit_no ;.space_1
			stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
			mov ecx,eax
			mov eax,ebx ;¢®ááâ ­®¢«¥­¨¥ «¥¢®£® ®âáâ㯠 ¢ eax
		inc edi
		cmp byte[edi],0
		jne @b
	stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color] ;ç¨á⨬ ¡ãä¥à
	call pole_paint ;à¨á㥬 ¯®«¥ (­  á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¥áâì á¥âª  ¨«¨ ⥪áâ®¢ë¥ ¯®¤¯¨á¨)
	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0 ;®¡­®¢«ï¥¬ ¡ãä¥à ­  íªà ­¥

align 4

align 4
	call pole_next_gen
	call pole_paint
	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
		call draw_pok

align 4
	mov byte[tim_ch],1

align 4
	mov byte[tim_ch],0
	;mov ecx,100
	;       call pole_next_gen
	;loop @b
	;stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
	;call pole_paint
	;stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

align 4
	cmp byte[zoom],16
	jge @f
		;¢ëç¨á«¥­¨¥ ᤢ¨£®¢ ¤«ï ¯®«ï, ª®â®àë¥ ®¡¥á¯¥ç â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï ¯à¨ 㢥«¨ç¥­¨¨ ¬ áèâ ¡ 
		xor ecx,ecx
		mov cl,byte[zoom]
		xor edx,edx
		mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
		shr eax,1 ;¢ eax ¯®«®¢¨­  è¨à¨­ë ¯®«ï
		mov ebx,eax ;¤¥« ¥¬ १¥à¢­ãî ª®¯¨î eax
		div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ⥪ã騩 ¬ áèâ ¡
		xchg eax,ebx
		xor edx,edx
		inc ecx
		div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ­®¢ë© ¬ áèâ ¡
		sub ebx,eax ;¢ëç¨á«ï¥âáï ᤢ¨£ ¯®«ï ª®â®àë© ®¡¥á¯¥ç¨â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï
		sub dword[Cor_x],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ x
		xor ecx,ecx
		mov cl,byte[zoom]
		xor edx,edx
		mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
		shr eax,1
		mov ebx,eax
		div ecx
		xchg eax,ebx
		xor edx,edx
		inc ecx
		div ecx
		sub ebx,eax
		sub dword[Cor_y],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ y

		inc byte[zoom]
		;xor eax,eax
		;mov edi,txt_zoom.zi
		;mov al,byte[zoom]
		;call tl_convert_to_str
		call draw_pok

		cmp dword[poc_stop],1
		jle .buf_clear
		cmp byte[tim_ch],0
		jne @f
			stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
			call pole_paint
			stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

align 4
	cmp byte[zoom],1
	jle @f
		;¢ëç¨á«¥­¨¥ ᤢ¨£®¢ ¤«ï ¯®«ï, ª®â®àë¥ ®¡¥á¯¥ç â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï ¯à¨ 㬥­ì襭¨¨ ¬ áèâ ¡ 
		xor ecx,ecx
		mov cl,byte[zoom]
		xor edx,edx
		mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
		shr eax,1 ;¢ eax ¯®«®¢¨­  è¨à¨­ë ¯®«ï
		mov ebx,eax ;¤¥« ¥¬ १¥à¢­ãî ª®¯¨î eax
		div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ⥪ã騩 ¬ áèâ ¡
		xchg eax,ebx
		xor edx,edx
		dec ecx
		div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ­®¢ë© ¬ áèâ ¡
		sub ebx,eax ;¢ëç¨á«ï¥âáï ᤢ¨£ ¯®«ï ª®â®àë© ®¡¥á¯¥ç¨â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï
		sub dword[Cor_x],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ x
		xor ecx,ecx
		mov cl,byte[zoom]
		xor edx,edx
		mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
		shr eax,1
		mov ebx,eax
		div ecx
		xchg eax,ebx
		xor edx,edx
		dec ecx
		div ecx
		sub ebx,eax
		sub dword[Cor_y],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ y

		dec byte[zoom]
		;xor eax,eax
		;mov edi,txt_zoom.zi
		;mov al,byte[zoom]
		;call tl_convert_to_str
		call draw_pok

		cmp dword[poc_stop],1
		jle .buf_clear
		cmp byte[tim_ch],0
		jne @f
			stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
			call pole_paint
			stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

align 4
	push eax ecx edx
	mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
	shr eax,2
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov cl,byte[zoom]
	cmp cx,2
	jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
		xor edx,edx
		div ecx
	add dword[Cor_y],eax
	pop edx ecx eax
	stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
	call pole_paint
	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

align 4
	push eax ecx edx
	mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
	shr eax,2
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov cl,byte[zoom]
	cmp cx,2
	jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
		xor edx,edx
		div ecx
	sub dword[Cor_y],eax
	pop edx ecx eax
	stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
	call pole_paint
	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

align 4
	push eax ecx edx
	mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
	shr eax,2
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov cl,byte[zoom]
	cmp cx,2
	jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
		xor edx,edx
		div ecx
	add dword[Cor_x],eax
	pop edx ecx eax
	stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
	call pole_paint
	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

align 4
	push eax ecx edx
	mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
	shr eax,2
	xor ecx,ecx
	mov cl,byte[zoom]
	cmp cx,2
	jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
		xor edx,edx
		div ecx
	sub dword[Cor_x],eax
	pop edx ecx eax
	stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
	call pole_paint
	stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0

;align 4
;        ret

; buf - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  áâபã, ç¨á«® ¤®«¦­® ¡ëâì ¢ 10 ¨«¨ 16 à¨ç­®¬ ¢¨¤¥
; eax - ç¨á«®
align 4
proc conv_str_to_int, buf:dword
	xor eax,eax
	push ebx ecx esi
	xor ebx,ebx
	mov esi,[buf]
	;®¯à¥¤¥«¥­¨¥ ®âà¨æ â¥«ì­ëå ç¨á¥«
	xor ecx,ecx
	inc ecx
	cmp byte[esi],'-'
	jne @f
		dec ecx
		inc esi

	cmp word[esi],'0x'
	je .load_digit_16

	.load_digit_10: ;áç¨â뢠­¨¥ 10-â¨ç­ëå æ¨äà
		mov bl,byte[esi]
		cmp bl,'0'
		jl @f
		cmp bl,'9'
		jg @f
			sub bl,'0'
			imul eax,10
			add eax,ebx
			inc esi
			jmp .load_digit_10
	jmp @f

	.load_digit_16: ;áç¨â뢠­¨¥ 16-à¨ç­ëå æ¨äà
		add esi,2
		mov bl,byte[esi]
		cmp bl,'0'
		jl @f
		cmp bl,'f'
		jg @f
		cmp bl,'9'
		jle .us1
			cmp bl,'A'
			jl @f ;®âᥨ¢ ¥¬ ᨬ¢®«ë >'9' ¨ <'A'
		.us1: ;á®áâ ¢­®¥ ãá«®¢¨¥
		cmp bl,'F'
		jle .us2
			cmp bl,'a'
			jl @f ;®âᥨ¢ ¥¬ ᨬ¢®«ë >'F' ¨ <'a'
			sub bl,32 ;¯¥à¥¢®¤¨¬ ᨬ¢®«ë ¢ ¢¥àå­¨© ॣ¨áâà, ¤«ï ã¯à®é¥­¨ï ¨å ¯®á«¥¤ã饩 ®¡à ¡®âª¨
		.us2: ;á®áâ ¢­®¥ ãá«®¢¨¥
			sub bl,'0'
			cmp bl,9
			jle .cor1
				sub bl,7 ;convert 'A' to '10'
			shl eax,4
			add eax,ebx
			inc esi
			jmp .cycle_16
	cmp ecx,0 ;¥á«¨ ç¨á«® ®âà¨æ â¥«ì­®¥
	jne @f
		sub ecx,eax
		mov eax,ecx
	pop esi ecx ebx

;¤ ­­ë¥ ¤«ï ¤¨ «®£  ®âªàëâ¨ï ä ©«®¢
align 4
.type			dd 0 ;0 - ®âªàëâì, 1 - á®åà ­¨âì, 2 - ¢ë¡à âì ¤â४â®à¨î
.procinfo		dd procinfo	;+4
.com_area_name		dd communication_area_name	;+8
.com_area		dd 0	;+12
.opendir_path		dd plugin_path	;+16
.dir_default_path	dd default_dir ;+20
.start_path		dd file_name ;+24 ¯ãâì ª ¤¨ «®£ã ®âªàëâ¨ï ä ©«®¢
.draw_window		dd draw_window	;+28
.status 		dd 0	;+32
.openfile_path		dd openfile_path	;+36 ¯ãâì ª ®âªà뢠¥¬®¬ã ä ©«ã
.filename_area		dd filename_area	;+40
.filter_area		dd Filter
.x_size 		dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size
.x_start		dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position
.y_size 		dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size
.y_start		dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position

default_dir db '/rd/1',0

	db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0
	db 'opendial',0
	db '/rd/1/File managers/',0

dd Filter.end - Filter ;.1
db 'LIF',0
db 'RLE',0
db 0

head_f_l db '‘¨á⥬­ ï ®è¨¡ª ',0

system_dir_0 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_0 db 'proc_lib.obj',0
err_message_found_lib_0 db '¥ ­ ©¤¥­  ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª  ',39,'proc_lib.obj',39,0
err_message_import_0 db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ ',39,'proc_lib.obj',39,0

system_dir_1 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_1 db 'libimg.obj',0
err_message_found_lib_1 db '¥ ­ ©¤¥­  ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª  ',39,'libimg.obj',39,0
err_message_import_1 db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ ',39,'libimg.obj',39,0

system_dir_7 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_7 db 'buf2d.obj',0
err_msg_found_lib_7 db '¥ ­ ©¤¥­  ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª  ',39,'buf2d.obj',39,0
err_msg_import_7 db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ ',39,'buf2d',39,0

	lib0 l_libs lib_name_0, sys_path, file_name, system_dir_0,\
		err_message_found_lib_0, head_f_l, proclib_import,err_message_import_0, head_f_i
	lib1 l_libs lib_name_1, sys_path, file_name, system_dir_1,\
		err_message_found_lib_1, head_f_l, import_libimg, err_message_import_1, head_f_i
	lib_7 l_libs lib_name_7, sys_path, library_path, system_dir_7,\

align 4
	dd alib_init1
	img_is_img  dd aimg_is_img
	img_info    dd aimg_info
	img_from_file dd aimg_from_file
	img_to_file dd aimg_to_file
	img_from_rgb dd aimg_from_rgb
	img_to_rgb  dd aimg_to_rgb
	img_to_rgb2 dd aimg_to_rgb2
	img_decode  dd aimg_decode
	img_encode  dd aimg_encode
	img_create  dd aimg_create
	img_destroy dd aimg_destroy
	img_destroy_layer dd aimg_destroy_layer
	img_count   dd aimg_count
	img_lock_bits dd aimg_lock_bits
	img_unlock_bits dd aimg_unlock_bits
	img_flip    dd aimg_flip
	img_flip_layer dd aimg_flip_layer
	img_rotate  dd aimg_rotate
	img_rotate_layer dd aimg_rotate_layer
	img_draw    dd aimg_draw

	dd 0,0
	alib_init1   db 'lib_init',0
	aimg_is_img  db 'img_is_img',0 ;®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥â ¯® ¤ ­­ë¬, ¬®¦¥â «¨ ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª  ᤥ« âì ¨§ ­¨å ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨¥
	aimg_info    db 'img_info',0
	aimg_from_file db 'img_from_file',0
	aimg_to_file db 'img_to_file',0
	aimg_from_rgb db 'img_from_rgb',0
	aimg_to_rgb  db 'img_to_rgb',0 ;¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ­¨¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï ¢ ¤ ­­ë¥ RGB
	aimg_to_rgb2 db 'img_to_rgb2',0
	aimg_decode  db 'img_decode',0 ; ¢â®¬ â¨ç¥áª¨ ®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥â ä®à¬ â £à ä¨ç¥áª¨å ¤ ­­ëå
	aimg_encode  db 'img_encode',0
	aimg_create  db 'img_create',0
	aimg_destroy db 'img_destroy',0
	aimg_destroy_layer db 'img_destroy_layer',0
	aimg_count   db 'img_count',0
	aimg_lock_bits db 'img_lock_bits',0
	aimg_unlock_bits db 'img_unlock_bits',0
	aimg_flip    db 'img_flip',0
	aimg_flip_layer db 'img_flip_layer',0
	aimg_rotate  db 'img_rotate',0
	aimg_rotate_layer db 'img_rotate_layer',0
	aimg_draw    db 'img_draw',0

align 4
proclib_import: ;®¯¨á ­¨¥ íªá¯®àâ¨à㥬ëå ä㭪権
	OpenDialog_Init dd aOpenDialog_Init
	OpenDialog_Start dd aOpenDialog_Start
dd 0,0
	aOpenDialog_Init db 'OpenDialog_init',0
	aOpenDialog_Start db 'OpenDialog_start',0

align 4
	init dd sz_init
	buf2d_create dd sz_buf2d_create
	buf2d_create_f_img dd sz_buf2d_create_f_img
	buf2d_clear dd sz_buf2d_clear
	buf2d_draw dd sz_buf2d_draw
	buf2d_delete dd sz_buf2d_delete
	buf2d_line dd sz_buf2d_line
	buf2d_rect_by_size dd sz_buf2d_rect_by_size
	buf2d_filled_rect_by_size dd sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size
	buf2d_circle dd sz_buf2d_circle
	buf2d_img_hdiv2 dd sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2
	buf2d_img_wdiv2 dd sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2
	buf2d_conv_24_to_8 dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8
	buf2d_conv_24_to_32 dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32
	buf2d_bit_blt dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt
	buf2d_bit_blt_transp dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp
	buf2d_bit_blt_alpha dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha
	buf2d_curve_bezier dd sz_buf2d_curve_bezier
	buf2d_convert_text_matrix dd sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix
	buf2d_draw_text dd sz_buf2d_draw_text
	buf2d_crop_color dd sz_buf2d_crop_color
	buf2d_offset_h dd sz_buf2d_offset_h
	buf2d_flood_fill dd sz_buf2d_flood_fill
	buf2d_set_pixel dd sz_buf2d_set_pixel
	dd 0,0
	sz_init db 'lib_init',0
	sz_buf2d_create db 'buf2d_create',0
	sz_buf2d_create_f_img db 'buf2d_create_f_img',0
	sz_buf2d_clear db 'buf2d_clear',0
	sz_buf2d_draw db 'buf2d_draw',0
	sz_buf2d_delete db 'buf2d_delete',0
	sz_buf2d_line db 'buf2d_line',0
	sz_buf2d_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_rect_by_size',0
	sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_filled_rect_by_size',0
	sz_buf2d_circle db 'buf2d_circle',0
	sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_hdiv2',0
	sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_wdiv2',0
	sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_8',0
	sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_32',0
	sz_buf2d_bit_blt db 'buf2d_bit_blt',0
	sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp db 'buf2d_bit_blt_transp',0
	sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha db 'buf2d_bit_blt_alpha',0
	sz_buf2d_curve_bezier db 'buf2d_curve_bezier',0
	sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix db 'buf2d_convert_text_matrix',0
	sz_buf2d_draw_text db 'buf2d_draw_text',0
	sz_buf2d_crop_color db 'buf2d_crop_color',0
	sz_buf2d_offset_h db 'buf2d_offset_h',0
	sz_buf2d_flood_fill db 'buf2d_flood_fill',0
	sz_buf2d_set_pixel db 'buf2d_set_pixel',0

mouse_dd dd 0x0
sc system_colors 
last_time dd 0

align 16
procinfo process_information 

align 4
buf_0: dd 0 ;a? § a?«i ­  ?aa?a ?§®?a ¦?­?i
	dw 5 ;+4 left
	dw 35 ;+6 top
.w: dd 460 ;+8 w
.h: dd 340 ;+12 h
.color: dd 0xffffd0 ;+16 color
	db 24 ;+20 bit in pixel

;íâ®â ª®¤ ­¥ ¬®©, ®­ ¯à¥®¡à §ã¥â ç¨á«® ¢ áâபã
; eax = value
; edi = string buffer
align 4
		mov dword[edi+1],0
		call .str

align 4
	mov ecx,0x0a ;§ ¤ ¥âáï á¨á⥬  áç¨á«¥­¨ï ¨§¬¥­ïîâáï ॣ¨áâàë ebx,eax,ecx,edx ¢å®¤­ë¥ ¯ à ¬¥âàë eax - ç¨á«®
    ;¯à¥à¥¢®¤ ç¨á«  ¢ ASCII áâப㠢§®¤­ë¥ ¤ ­­ë¥ ecx=á¨á⥬  áç¨á«¥­ï edi  ¤à¥á ªã¤  § ¯¨á뢠âì, ¡ã¤¥¬ áâபã, ¯à¨ç¥¬ ª®­¥æ ¯¥à¥¬¥­­®© 
	cmp eax,ecx  ;áà ¢­¨âì ¥á«¨ ¢ eax ¬¥­ìè¥ ç¥¬ ¢ ecx â® ¯¥à¥©â¨ ­  @@-1 â.¥. ­  pop eax
	jb @f
		xor edx,edx  ;®ç¨áâ¨âì edx
		div ecx      ;à §¤¥«¨âì - ®áâ â®ª ¢ edx
		push edx     ;¯®«®¦¨âì ¢ á⥪
		;dec edi             ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ­¥®¡å®¤¨¬®¥ ¤«ï § ¯¨á¨ á ª®­æ  áâப¨
		call .str ;¯¥à¥©â¨ ­  á ¬ã ᥡï â.¥. ¢ë§¢ âì á ¬ã á¥¡ï ¨ â ª ¤® ⮣® ¬®¬¥­â  ¯®ª  ¢ eax ­¥ áâ ­¥â ¬¥­ìè¥ ç¥¬ ¢ ecx
		pop eax
	@@: ;cmp al,10 ;¯à®¢¥à¨âì ­¥ ¬¥­ìè¥ «¨ §­ ç¥­¨¥ ¢ al 祬 10 (¤«ï á¨á⥬ë áç¨á«¥­ï 10 ¤ ­­ ï ª®¬ ­¤  - «¨è­ ï))
	or al,0x30  ;¤ ­­ ï ª®¬ ­¤  ª®à®ç¥  祬 ¤¢¥ ¢ëè¥
	stosb	    ;§ ¯¨á âì í«¥¬¥­â ¨§ ॣ¨áâà  al ¢ ï祪㠯 ¬ï⨠es:edi
	ret	      ;¢¥à­ãâìáï ç¥­ì ¨­â¥à¥á­ë© 室 â.ª. ¯®ª  ¢ á⥪¥ åà ­¨âìáï ª®«-¢® ¢ë§®¢®¢ â® á⮫쪮 à § ¬ë ¨ ¡ã¤¥¬ ¢ë§ë¢ âìáï

	rb 1024
	sys_path rb 1024
		rb 1024 ;4096 
	library_path rb 1024
	plugin_path rb 4096
	openfile_path rb 4096
	filename_area rb 256