//Leency 2008-2015 #define EDITOR_PATH "/sys/tinypad" #ifdef LANG_RUS ?define EDIT_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS "Редактировать ассоциации файлов" ?define TITLE_SETT "Настройки" ?define SET_1 "Выводить названия класса устройств" ?define SET_2 "Показывать имена файлов не меняя регистр" ?define SET_3 "Высота строки в списке" ?define SET_4 "Уведомлять о завершении копирования" ?define CANCEL_T "Отмена" ?define APPLY_T "Применить" #else ?define EDIT_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS "Edit file associations" ?define TITLE_SETT "Settings" ?define SET_1 "Show device class name" ?define SET_2 "Show real file names without changing case" ?define SET_3 "List line height" ?define SET_4 "To notify the completion of the copy" ?define CANCEL_T "Cancel" ?define APPLY_T "Apply" #endif int mouse_ddd; char lineh_s[30]="18\0"; edit_box LineHeight_ed = {52,10,97,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffc90E,0xffffff,2,4,#lineh_s,#mouse_ddd, 1000000000000000b,2,2}; void settings_dialog() { byte id; unsigned int key; proc_info settings_form; if (active_settings) ExitProcess(); active_settings=1; SetEventMask(0x27); loop() switch(WaitEvent()) { case evButton: id=GetButtonID(); if (id==10) { SaveIniSettings(); active_settings=0; action_buf = 300; ExitProcess(); } if (id==1) || (id==11) { active_settings=0; ExitProcess(); } if (id==5) { RunProgram("tinypad", "/sys/settings/assoc.ini"); break; } if (id==20) show_dev_name ^= 1; if (id==21) real_files_names_case ^= 1; if (id==22) info_after_copy ^= 1; DrawSettingsCheckBoxes(); break; case evKey: key = GetKey(); if (key==27) { active_settings=0; action_buf = 300; ExitProcess(); } EAX=key<<8; edit_box_key stdcall(#LineHeight_ed); break; case evMouse: edit_box_mouse stdcall (#LineHeight_ed); break; case evReDraw: DefineAndDrawWindow(Form.left + 100, 150, 300, 210+GetSkinHeight(),0x34,sc.work,TITLE_SETT); GetProcessInfo(#settings_form, SelfInfo); DrawSettingsCheckBoxes(); WriteText(10, 84, 0x80, 0x000000, SET_3); key = itoa(files.line_h); strcpy(#lineh_s, key); edit_box_draw stdcall (#LineHeight_ed); DrawRectangle(LineHeight_ed.left-1, LineHeight_ed.top-1, LineHeight_ed.width+2, 16, sc.work_graph); DrawFlatButton(9, 127, strlen(EDIT_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS)+4*6, 22, 5, 0xE4DFE1, EDIT_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS); DrawFlatButton(128, settings_form.cheight - 34, 70, 22, 10, 0xE4DFE1, APPLY_T); DrawFlatButton(208, settings_form.cheight - 34, 70, 22, 11, 0xE4DFE1, CANCEL_T); } } void DrawSettingsCheckBoxes() { CheckBox2(10, 11, 20, SET_1, show_dev_name); CheckBox2(10, 33, 21, SET_2, real_files_names_case); CheckBox2(10, 55, 22, SET_4, info_after_copy); } void LoadIniSettings() { ini_get_color stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "SelectionColor", 0x94AECE); edit2.shift_color = EAX; col_selec = EAX; ini_get_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "LineHeight", 18); files.line_h = EAX; ini_get_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "ShowDeviceName", 1); show_dev_name = EAX; ini_get_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "RealFileNamesCase", 0); real_files_names_case = EAX; ini_get_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "InfoAfterCopy", 0); info_after_copy = EAX; } void SaveIniSettings() { ini_set_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "ShowDeviceName", show_dev_name); ini_set_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "RealFileNamesCase", real_files_names_case); ini_set_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "InfoAfterCopy", info_after_copy); ini_set_int stdcall (eolite_ini_path, "Config", "LineHeight", atoi(#lineh_s)); } void Write_Error(int error_number) { char error_message[500]; dword ii; if (files.current>=0) Line_ReDraw(0xFF0000, files.current); pause(5); strcpy(#error_message, "\"Eolite\n"); ii = get_error(error_number); strcat(#error_message, ii); strcat(#error_message, "\" -tE"); notify(#error_message); } void SetAppColors() { sc.work = 0xE4DFE1; sc.work_text = 0; sc.work_graph = 0x9098B0; //A0A0B8; //0x819FC5; sc.work_button_text = 0x000000; col_padding = 0xC8C9C9; //col_selec = 0x94AECE; col_lpanel = 0x00699C; } void CheckBox2(dword x, y, id, text, byte value) { CheckBox(x, y, 14, 14, id, text, sc.work_graph, sc.work_text, value); }