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Function 25 - write area to background layer


  * eax = 25 - function number

  * ebx = pointer to a preallocated memory area where the original image is placed in BBGGRRTTBBGGRRTT format ...

  * ecx = [x-axis size] * 65536 + [y-axis size]

  * edx = [x-coordinate] * 65536 + [y-coordinate]

Return value:

  * function does not return value



  The coordinates of the area are the coordinates of the upper left corner of the area relative to the screen.

  Image size in bytes is 4 * xsize * ysize.

  TT - byte transparency index, currently: from 1 to FF - opaque, from 0 - transparent.

  The function places the image not on the background image (f.15), but directly in the LFB. Options f.15 for f. 25 does not make sense.


Constants for registers:

  eax - SF_SCREEN_PUT_IMAGE (25)