unit LRLMainMenu; interface uses LRLRoutines, LRLSprites; procedure LRLSelectItem(var Item: Word); implementation var MainScreen: Pointer; Selection: array[1..4] of Pointer; SelectionDark: array[1..4] of Pointer; SelectionSize: array[1..4] of Word; SelectionDarkSize: array[1..4] of Word; procedure LoadData; var j: Word; i: Integer; begin GetMem(MainScreen, 64004); Seek(ImageFile, LRLImagesFilePosition + 7940); BlockRead(ImageFile, MainScreen^, 64004, j); for i := 1 to 4 do begin BlockRead(ImageFile, SelectionSize[i], 2, j); GetMem(Selection[i], SelectionSize[i]); BlockRead(ImageFile, Selection[i]^, SelectionSize[i], j); BlockRead(ImageFile, SelectionDarkSize[i], 2, j); GetMem(SelectionDark[i], SelectionDarkSize[i]); BlockRead(ImageFile, SelectionDark[i]^, SelectionDarkSize[i], j); end; end; procedure DisposeData; var i: Integer; begin FreeMem(MainScreen, 64004); for i := 1 to 4 do begin FreeMem(Selection[i], SelectionSize[i]); FreeMem(SelectionDark[i], SelectionDarkSize[i]); end; end; procedure LRLSelectItem(var Item: Word); var Keypress: Word; RedrawAll: Boolean; NeedToFade: Boolean; p: Pointer; i: Integer; begin GetMem(p, 768); DataFill(p^, 768, 0, 0); Palette256Set(p^); FreeMem(p, 768); LoadData; NeedToFade := True; ImagePut(LRLScreen^, MainScreen^, 0, 0, 0, 0, 319, 199); RedrawAll := True; KeyboardFlush; repeat if RedrawAll then begin for i := 1 to 4 do if i = Item then ImagePutTransparent(LRLScreen^, Selection[i]^, 63, 66 + (i - 1) * 30, 0, 0, 319, 199) else ImagePutTransparent(LRLScreen^, SelectionDark[i]^, 63, 66 + (i - 1) * 30, 0, 0, 319, 199); ScreenApply(LRLScreen^); if NeedToFade then begin FadeTo(LRLMenuPalette); NeedToFade := False; end; RedrawAll := False; end; Keypress := ReadKey; if (Keypress = KEY_DOWN) and (Item < 4) then begin Inc(Item); RedrawAll := True; end else if (Keypress = KEY_UP) and (Item > 1) then begin Dec(Item); RedrawAll := True; end; until Keypress = KEY_ENTER; FadeClear; ImageClear(LRLScreen^); ScreenApply(LRLScreen^); DisposeData; end; end.