;***** THIS IS A MACHINE GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT ********************
;***** Created: 2005-01-11 10:31 ******* Source: ATmega3250.xml **********
;* A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   F O R   T H E   A V R   F A M I L Y
;* Number            : AVR000
;* File Name         : "m3250def.inc"
;* Title             : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATmega3250
;* Date              : 2005-01-11
;* Version           : 2.14
;* Support E-mail    : avr@atmel.com
;* Target MCU        : ATmega3250
;* When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register 
;* names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used.
;* In addition, the six registers forming the three data pointers X, Y and 
;* Z have been assigned names XL - ZH. Highest RAM address for Internal 
;* SRAM is also defined 
;* The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal address.
;* The Register Bit names are represented by their bit number (0-7).
;* Please observe the difference in using the bit names with instructions
;* such as "sbr"/"cbr" (set/clear bit in register) and "sbrs"/"sbrc"
;* (skip if bit in register set/cleared). The following example illustrates
;* this:
;* in    r16,PORTB             ;read PORTB latch
;* sbr   r16,(1<<PB6)+(1<<PB5) ;set PB6 and PB5 (use masks, not bit#)
;* out   PORTB,r16             ;output to PORTB
;* in    r16,TIFR              ;read the Timer Interrupt Flag Register
;* sbrc  r16,TOV0              ;test the overflow flag (use bit#)
;* rjmp  TOV0_is_set           ;jump if set
;* ...                         ;otherwise do something else

#ifndef _M3250DEF_INC_
#define _M3250DEF_INC_

#pragma partinc 0

; ***** SPECIFY DEVICE ***************************************************
.device ATmega3250
.equ	SIGNATURE_000	= 0x1e
.equ	SIGNATURE_001	= 0x95
.equ	SIGNATURE_002	= 0x06


; ***** I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
; Definitions marked "MEMORY MAPPED"are extended I/O ports
; and cannot be used with IN/OUT instructions
.equ	DDRJ	= 0xdc	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PINJ	= 0xdb	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	DDRH	= 0xd9	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PINH	= 0xd8	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	UDR	= 0xc6	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	ASSR	= 0xb6	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	OCR2A	= 0xb3	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCNT2	= 0xb2	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCCR2A	= 0xb0	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	OCR1BH	= 0x8b	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	OCR1BL	= 0x8a	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	OCR1AH	= 0x89	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	OCR1AL	= 0x88	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	ICR1H	= 0x87	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	ICR1L	= 0x86	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCNT1H	= 0x85	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCNT1L	= 0x84	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCCR1C	= 0x82	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCCR1B	= 0x81	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TCCR1A	= 0x80	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	DIDR1	= 0x7f	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	DIDR0	= 0x7e	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	ADCH	= 0x79	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	ADCL	= 0x78	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PCMSK3	= 0x73	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TIMSK2	= 0x70	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TIMSK1	= 0x6f	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	TIMSK0	= 0x6e	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PCMSK2	= 0x6d	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PCMSK1	= 0x6c	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PCMSK0	= 0x6b	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	PRR	= 0x64	; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ	SREG	= 0x3f
.equ	SPH	= 0x3e
.equ	SPL	= 0x3d
.equ	SPMCSR	= 0x37
.equ	MCUCR	= 0x35
.equ	MCUSR	= 0x34
.equ	SMCR	= 0x33
.equ	OCDR	= 0x31
.equ	ACSR	= 0x30
.equ	SPDR	= 0x2e
.equ	SPSR	= 0x2d
.equ	SPCR	= 0x2c
.equ	GPIOR2	= 0x2b
.equ	GPIOR1	= 0x2a
.equ	OCR0A	= 0x27
.equ	TCNT0	= 0x26
.equ	TCCR0A	= 0x24
.equ	GTCCR	= 0x23
.equ	EEARH	= 0x22
.equ	EEARL	= 0x21
.equ	EEDR	= 0x20
.equ	EECR	= 0x1f
.equ	GPIOR0	= 0x1e
.equ	EIMSK	= 0x1d
.equ	EIFR	= 0x1c
.equ	TIFR2	= 0x17
.equ	TIFR1	= 0x16
.equ	TIFR0	= 0x15
.equ	PORTG	= 0x14
.equ	DDRG	= 0x13
.equ	PING	= 0x12
.equ	PORTF	= 0x11
.equ	DDRF	= 0x10
.equ	PINF	= 0x0f
.equ	PORTE	= 0x0e
.equ	DDRE	= 0x0d
.equ	PINE	= 0x0c
.equ	PORTD	= 0x0b
.equ	DDRD	= 0x0a
.equ	PIND	= 0x09
.equ	PORTC	= 0x08
.equ	DDRC	= 0x07
.equ	PINC	= 0x06
.equ	PORTB	= 0x05
.equ	DDRB	= 0x04
.equ	PINB	= 0x03
.equ	PORTA	= 0x02
.equ	DDRA	= 0x01
.equ	PINA	= 0x00

; ***** BIT DEFINITIONS **************************************************

; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_0 **************
; TCCR0A - Timer/Counter0 Control Register
.equ	CS00	= 0	; Clock Select 1
.equ	CS01	= 1	; Clock Select 1
.equ	CS02	= 2	; Clock Select 2
.equ	WGM01	= 3	; Waveform Generation Mode 1
.equ	COM0A0	= 4	; Compare match Output Mode 0
.equ	COM0A1	= 5	; Compare Match Output Mode 1
.equ	WGM00	= 6	; Waveform Generation Mode 0
.equ	FOC0A	= 7	; Force Output Compare

; TCNT0 - Timer/Counter0
.equ	TCNT0_0	= 0	; 
.equ	TCNT0_1	= 1	; 
.equ	TCNT0_2	= 2	; 
.equ	TCNT0_3	= 3	; 
.equ	TCNT0_4	= 4	; 
.equ	TCNT0_5	= 5	; 
.equ	TCNT0_6	= 6	; 
.equ	TCNT0_7	= 7	; 

; OCR0A - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
.equ	OCR0A0	= 0	; 
.equ	OCR0A1	= 1	; 
.equ	OCR0A2	= 2	; 
.equ	OCR0A3	= 3	; 
.equ	OCR0A4	= 4	; 
.equ	OCR0A5	= 5	; 
.equ	OCR0A6	= 6	; 
.equ	OCR0A7	= 7	; 

; TIMSK0 - Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Mask Register
.equ	TOIE0	= 0	; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ	OCIE0A	= 1	; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable

; TIFR0 - Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Flag register
.equ	TOV0	= 0	; Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
.equ	OCF0A	= 1	; Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0

; GTCCR - General Timer/Control Register
.equ	PSR310	= 0	; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0
.equ	PSR10	= PSR310	; For compatibility
.equ	PSR0	= PSR310	; For compatibility
.equ	PSR1	= PSR310	; For compatibility
.equ	PSR3	= PSR310	; For compatibility
.equ	TSM	= 7	; Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode

; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_1 **************
; TIMSK1 - Timer/Counter1 Interrupt Mask Register
.equ	TOIE1	= 0	; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ	OCIE1A	= 1	; Timer/Counter1 Output Compare A Match Interrupt Enable
.equ	OCIE1B	= 2	; Timer/Counter1 Output Compare B Match Interrupt Enable
.equ	ICIE1	= 5	; Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable

; TIFR1 - Timer/Counter1 Interrupt Flag register
.equ	TOV1	= 0	; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
.equ	OCF1A	= 1	; Output Compare Flag 1A
.equ	OCF1B	= 2	; Output Compare Flag 1B
.equ	ICF1	= 5	; Input Capture Flag 1

; TCCR1A - Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
.equ	WGM10	= 0	; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ	WGM11	= 1	; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ	COM1B0	= 4	; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 0
.equ	COM1B1	= 5	; Compare Output Mode 1B, bit 1
.equ	COM1A0	= 6	; Compare Output Mode 1A, bit 0
.equ	COM1A1	= 7	; Compare Output Mode 1A, bit 1

; TCCR1B - Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
.equ	CS10	= 0	; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ	CS11	= 1	; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ	CS12	= 2	; Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
.equ	WGM12	= 3	; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ	WGM13	= 4	; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ	ICES1	= 6	; Input Capture 1 Edge Select
.equ	ICNC1	= 7	; Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler

; TCCR1C - Timer/Counter 1 Control Register C
.equ	FOC1B	= 6	; Force Output Compare 1B
.equ	FOC1A	= 7	; Force Output Compare 1A

; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_2 **************
; TIMSK2 - Timer/Counter2 Interrupt Mask register
.equ	TOIE2	= 0	; Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ	OCIE2A	= 1	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable

; TIFR2 - Timer/Counter2 Interrupt Flag Register
.equ	TOV2	= 0	; Timer/Counter2 Overflow Flag
.equ	OCF2A	= 1	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Flag 2

; TCCR2A - Timer/Counter2 Control Register
.equ	CS20	= 0	; Clock Select bit 0
.equ	CS21	= 1	; Clock Select bit 1
.equ	CS22	= 2	; Clock Select bit 2
.equ	WGM21	= 3	; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ	COM2A0	= 4	; Compare Output Mode bit 0
.equ	COM2A1	= 5	; Compare Output Mode bit 1
.equ	WGM20	= 6	; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ	FOC2A	= 7	; Force Output Compare A

; TCNT2 - Timer/Counter2
.equ	TCNT2_0	= 0	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 0
.equ	TCNT2_1	= 1	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 1
.equ	TCNT2_2	= 2	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 2
.equ	TCNT2_3	= 3	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 3
.equ	TCNT2_4	= 4	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 4
.equ	TCNT2_5	= 5	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 5
.equ	TCNT2_6	= 6	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 6
.equ	TCNT2_7	= 7	; Timer/Counter 2 bit 7

; OCR2A - Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register
.equ	OCR2A0	= 0	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 0
.equ	OCR2A1	= 1	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 1
.equ	OCR2A2	= 2	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 2
.equ	OCR2A3	= 3	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 3
.equ	OCR2A4	= 4	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 4
.equ	OCR2A5	= 5	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 5
.equ	OCR2A6	= 6	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 6
.equ	OCR2A7	= 7	; Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register Bit 7

; GTCCR - General Timer/Counter Control Register
.equ	PSR2	= 1	; Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter2

; ASSR - Asynchronous Status Register
.equ	TCR2UB	= 0	; TCR2UB: Timer/Counter Control Register2 Update Busy
.equ	OCR2UB	= 1	; Output Compare Register2 Update Busy
.equ	TCN2UB	= 2	; TCN2UB: Timer/Counter2 Update Busy
.equ	AS2	= 3	; AS2: Asynchronous Timer/Counter2
.equ	EXCLK	= 4	; Enable External Clock Interrupt

; ***** WATCHDOG *********************
; WDTCR - Watchdog Timer Control Register
.equ	WDTCSR	= WDTCR	; For compatibility
.equ	WDP0	= 0	; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 0
.equ	WDP1	= 1	; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 1
.equ	WDP2	= 2	; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 2
.equ	WDE	= 3	; Watch Dog Enable
.equ	WDCE	= 4	; Watchdog Change Enable
.equ	WDTOE	= WDCE	; For compatibility

; ***** EEPROM ***********************
; EEDR - EEPROM Data Register
.equ	EEDR0	= 0	; EEPROM Data Register bit 0
.equ	EEDR1	= 1	; EEPROM Data Register bit 1
.equ	EEDR2	= 2	; EEPROM Data Register bit 2
.equ	EEDR3	= 3	; EEPROM Data Register bit 3
.equ	EEDR4	= 4	; EEPROM Data Register bit 4
.equ	EEDR5	= 5	; EEPROM Data Register bit 5
.equ	EEDR6	= 6	; EEPROM Data Register bit 6
.equ	EEDR7	= 7	; EEPROM Data Register bit 7

; EECR - EEPROM Control Register
.equ	EERE	= 0	; EEPROM Read Enable
.equ	EEWE	= 1	; EEPROM Write Enable
.equ	EEMWE	= 2	; EEPROM Master Write Enable
.equ	EERIE	= 3	; EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable

; ***** SPI **************************
; SPDR - SPI Data Register
.equ	SPDR0	= 0	; SPI Data Register bit 0
.equ	SPDR1	= 1	; SPI Data Register bit 1
.equ	SPDR2	= 2	; SPI Data Register bit 2
.equ	SPDR3	= 3	; SPI Data Register bit 3
.equ	SPDR4	= 4	; SPI Data Register bit 4
.equ	SPDR5	= 5	; SPI Data Register bit 5
.equ	SPDR6	= 6	; SPI Data Register bit 6
.equ	SPDR7	= 7	; SPI Data Register bit 7

; SPSR - SPI Status Register
.equ	SPI2X	= 0	; Double SPI Speed Bit
.equ	WCOL	= 6	; Write Collision Flag
.equ	SPIF	= 7	; SPI Interrupt Flag

; SPCR - SPI Control Register
.equ	SPR0	= 0	; SPI Clock Rate Select 0
.equ	SPR1	= 1	; SPI Clock Rate Select 1
.equ	CPHA	= 2	; Clock Phase
.equ	CPOL	= 3	; Clock polarity
.equ	MSTR	= 4	; Master/Slave Select
.equ	DORD	= 5	; Data Order
.equ	SPE	= 6	; SPI Enable
.equ	SPIE	= 7	; SPI Interrupt Enable

; ***** PORTA ************************
; PORTA - Port A Data Register
.equ	PORTA0	= 0	; Port A Data Register bit 0
.equ	PA0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA1	= 1	; Port A Data Register bit 1
.equ	PA1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA2	= 2	; Port A Data Register bit 2
.equ	PA2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA3	= 3	; Port A Data Register bit 3
.equ	PA3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA4	= 4	; Port A Data Register bit 4
.equ	PA4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA5	= 5	; Port A Data Register bit 5
.equ	PA5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA6	= 6	; Port A Data Register bit 6
.equ	PA6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTA7	= 7	; Port A Data Register bit 7
.equ	PA7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRA - Port A Data Direction Register
.equ	DDA0	= 0	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 0
.equ	DDA1	= 1	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 1
.equ	DDA2	= 2	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 2
.equ	DDA3	= 3	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 3
.equ	DDA4	= 4	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 4
.equ	DDA5	= 5	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 5
.equ	DDA6	= 6	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 6
.equ	DDA7	= 7	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 7

; PINA - Port A Input Pins
.equ	PINA0	= 0	; Input Pins, Port A bit 0
.equ	PINA1	= 1	; Input Pins, Port A bit 1
.equ	PINA2	= 2	; Input Pins, Port A bit 2
.equ	PINA3	= 3	; Input Pins, Port A bit 3
.equ	PINA4	= 4	; Input Pins, Port A bit 4
.equ	PINA5	= 5	; Input Pins, Port A bit 5
.equ	PINA6	= 6	; Input Pins, Port A bit 6
.equ	PINA7	= 7	; Input Pins, Port A bit 7

; ***** PORTB ************************
; PORTB - Port B Data Register
.equ	PORTB0	= 0	; Port B Data Register bit 0
.equ	PB0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB1	= 1	; Port B Data Register bit 1
.equ	PB1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB2	= 2	; Port B Data Register bit 2
.equ	PB2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB3	= 3	; Port B Data Register bit 3
.equ	PB3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB4	= 4	; Port B Data Register bit 4
.equ	PB4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB5	= 5	; Port B Data Register bit 5
.equ	PB5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB6	= 6	; Port B Data Register bit 6
.equ	PB6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTB7	= 7	; Port B Data Register bit 7
.equ	PB7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRB - Port B Data Direction Register
.equ	DDB0	= 0	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ	DDB1	= 1	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ	DDB2	= 2	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ	DDB3	= 3	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ	DDB4	= 4	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ	DDB5	= 5	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ	DDB6	= 6	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ	DDB7	= 7	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 7

; PINB - Port B Input Pins
.equ	PINB0	= 0	; Port B Input Pins bit 0
.equ	PINB1	= 1	; Port B Input Pins bit 1
.equ	PINB2	= 2	; Port B Input Pins bit 2
.equ	PINB3	= 3	; Port B Input Pins bit 3
.equ	PINB4	= 4	; Port B Input Pins bit 4
.equ	PINB5	= 5	; Port B Input Pins bit 5
.equ	PINB6	= 6	; Port B Input Pins bit 6
.equ	PINB7	= 7	; Port B Input Pins bit 7

; ***** PORTC ************************
; PORTC - Port C Data Register
.equ	PORTC0	= 0	; Port C Data Register bit 0
.equ	PC0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC1	= 1	; Port C Data Register bit 1
.equ	PC1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC2	= 2	; Port C Data Register bit 2
.equ	PC2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC3	= 3	; Port C Data Register bit 3
.equ	PC3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC4	= 4	; Port C Data Register bit 4
.equ	PC4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC5	= 5	; Port C Data Register bit 5
.equ	PC5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC6	= 6	; Port C Data Register bit 6
.equ	PC6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTC7	= 7	; Port C Data Register bit 7
.equ	PC7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRC - Port C Data Direction Register
.equ	DDC0	= 0	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ	DDC1	= 1	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ	DDC2	= 2	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ	DDC3	= 3	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ	DDC4	= 4	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ	DDC5	= 5	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ	DDC6	= 6	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ	DDC7	= 7	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 7

; PINC - Port C Input Pins
.equ	PINC0	= 0	; Port C Input Pins bit 0
.equ	PINC1	= 1	; Port C Input Pins bit 1
.equ	PINC2	= 2	; Port C Input Pins bit 2
.equ	PINC3	= 3	; Port C Input Pins bit 3
.equ	PINC4	= 4	; Port C Input Pins bit 4
.equ	PINC5	= 5	; Port C Input Pins bit 5
.equ	PINC6	= 6	; Port C Input Pins bit 6
.equ	PINC7	= 7	; Port C Input Pins bit 7

; ***** PORTD ************************
; PORTD - Port D Data Register
.equ	PORTD0	= 0	; Port D Data Register bit 0
.equ	PD0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD1	= 1	; Port D Data Register bit 1
.equ	PD1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD2	= 2	; Port D Data Register bit 2
.equ	PD2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD3	= 3	; Port D Data Register bit 3
.equ	PD3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD4	= 4	; Port D Data Register bit 4
.equ	PD4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD5	= 5	; Port D Data Register bit 5
.equ	PD5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD6	= 6	; Port D Data Register bit 6
.equ	PD6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTD7	= 7	; Port D Data Register bit 7
.equ	PD7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRD - Port D Data Direction Register
.equ	DDD0	= 0	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ	DDD1	= 1	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ	DDD2	= 2	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ	DDD3	= 3	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ	DDD4	= 4	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ	DDD5	= 5	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ	DDD6	= 6	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ	DDD7	= 7	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 7

; PIND - Port D Input Pins
.equ	PIND0	= 0	; Port D Input Pins bit 0
.equ	PIND1	= 1	; Port D Input Pins bit 1
.equ	PIND2	= 2	; Port D Input Pins bit 2
.equ	PIND3	= 3	; Port D Input Pins bit 3
.equ	PIND4	= 4	; Port D Input Pins bit 4
.equ	PIND5	= 5	; Port D Input Pins bit 5
.equ	PIND6	= 6	; Port D Input Pins bit 6
.equ	PIND7	= 7	; Port D Input Pins bit 7

; ***** ANALOG_COMPARATOR ************
; ADCSRB - ADC Control and Status Register B
.equ	ACME	= 6	; Analog Comparator Multiplexer Enable

; ACSR - Analog Comparator Control And Status Register
.equ	ACIS0	= 0	; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 0
.equ	ACIS1	= 1	; Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 1
.equ	ACIC	= 2	; Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable
.equ	ACIE	= 3	; Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
.equ	ACI	= 4	; Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
.equ	ACO	= 5	; Analog Compare Output
.equ	ACBG	= 6	; Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
.equ	ACD	= 7	; Analog Comparator Disable

; DIDR1 - Digital Input Disable Register 1
.equ	AIN0D	= 0	; AIN0 Digital Input Disable
.equ	AIN1D	= 1	; AIN1 Digital Input Disable

; ***** PORTE ************************
; PORTE - Data Register, Port E
.equ	PORTE0	= 0	; 
.equ	PE0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE1	= 1	; 
.equ	PE1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE2	= 2	; 
.equ	PE2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE3	= 3	; 
.equ	PE3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE4	= 4	; 
.equ	PE4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE5	= 5	; 
.equ	PE5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE6	= 6	; 
.equ	PE6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTE7	= 7	; 
.equ	PE7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRE - Data Direction Register, Port E
.equ	DDE0	= 0	; 
.equ	DDE1	= 1	; 
.equ	DDE2	= 2	; 
.equ	DDE3	= 3	; 
.equ	DDE4	= 4	; 
.equ	DDE5	= 5	; 
.equ	DDE6	= 6	; 
.equ	DDE7	= 7	; 

; PINE - Input Pins, Port E
.equ	PINE0	= 0	; 
.equ	PINE1	= 1	; 
.equ	PINE2	= 2	; 
.equ	PINE3	= 3	; 
.equ	PINE4	= 4	; 
.equ	PINE5	= 5	; 
.equ	PINE6	= 6	; 
.equ	PINE7	= 7	; 

; ***** PORTF ************************
; PORTF - Data Register, Port F
.equ	PORTF0	= 0	; 
.equ	PF0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF1	= 1	; 
.equ	PF1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF2	= 2	; 
.equ	PF2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF3	= 3	; 
.equ	PF3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF4	= 4	; 
.equ	PF4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF5	= 5	; 
.equ	PF5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF6	= 6	; 
.equ	PF6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTF7	= 7	; 
.equ	PF7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRF - Data Direction Register, Port F
.equ	DDF0	= 0	; 
.equ	DDF1	= 1	; 
.equ	DDF2	= 2	; 
.equ	DDF3	= 3	; 
.equ	DDF4	= 4	; 
.equ	DDF5	= 5	; 
.equ	DDF6	= 6	; 
.equ	DDF7	= 7	; 

; PINF - Input Pins, Port F
.equ	PINF0	= 0	; 
.equ	PINF1	= 1	; 
.equ	PINF2	= 2	; 
.equ	PINF3	= 3	; 
.equ	PINF4	= 4	; 
.equ	PINF5	= 5	; 
.equ	PINF6	= 6	; 
.equ	PINF7	= 7	; 

; ***** PORTG ************************
; PORTG - Port G Data Register
.equ	PORTG0	= 0	; 
.equ	PG0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTG1	= 1	; 
.equ	PG1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTG2	= 2	; 
.equ	PG2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTG3	= 3	; 
.equ	PG3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTG4	= 4	; 
.equ	PG4	= 4	; For compatibility

; DDRG - Port G Data Direction Register
.equ	DDG0	= 0	; 
.equ	DDG1	= 1	; 
.equ	DDG2	= 2	; 
.equ	DDG3	= 3	; 
.equ	DDG4	= 4	; 

; PING - Port G Input Pins
.equ	PING0	= 0	; 
.equ	PING1	= 1	; 
.equ	PING2	= 2	; 
.equ	PING3	= 3	; 
.equ	PING4	= 4	; 
.equ	PING5	= 5	; 

; ***** JTAG *************************
; OCDR - On-Chip Debug Related Register in I/O Memory
.equ	OCDR0	= 0	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 0
.equ	OCDR1	= 1	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 1
.equ	OCDR2	= 2	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 2
.equ	OCDR3	= 3	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 3
.equ	OCDR4	= 4	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 4
.equ	OCDR5	= 5	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 5
.equ	OCDR6	= 6	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 6
.equ	OCDR7	= 7	; On-Chip Debug Register Bit 7
.equ	IDRD	= OCDR7	; For compatibility

; MCUCR - MCU Control Register
.equ	JTD	= 7	; JTAG Interface Disable

; MCUSR - MCU Status Register
.equ	JTRF	= 4	; JTAG Reset Flag

; ***** EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT ***********
; EICRA - External Interrupt Control Register A
.equ	ISC00	= 0	; External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 0
.equ	ISC01	= 1	; External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 1

; EIMSK - External Interrupt Mask Register
.equ	INT0	= 0	; External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
.equ	PCIE0	= 4	; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 0
.equ	PCIE1	= 5	; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 1
.equ	PCIE2	= 6	; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 2
.equ	PCIE3	= 7	; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 3

; EIFR - External Interrupt Flag Register
.equ	INTF0	= 0	; External Interrupt Flag 0
.equ	PCIF0	= 4	; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 0
.equ	PCIF1	= 5	; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 1
.equ	PCIF2	= 6	; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 2
.equ	PCIF3	= 7	; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 3

; PCMSK3 - Pin Change Mask Register 3
.equ	PCINT24	= 0	; Pin Change Enable Mask 24
.equ	PCINT25	= 1	; Pin Change Enable Mask 25
.equ	PCINT26	= 2	; Pin Change Enable Mask 26
.equ	PCINT27	= 3	; Pin Change Enable Mask 27
.equ	PCINT28	= 4	; Pin Change Enable Mask 28
.equ	PCINT29	= 5	; Pin Change Enable Mask 29
.equ	PCINT30	= 6	; Pin Change Enable Mask 30

; PCMSK2 - Pin Change Mask Register 2
.equ	PCINT16	= 0	; Pin Change Enable Mask 16
.equ	PCINT17	= 1	; Pin Change Enable Mask 17
.equ	PCINT18	= 2	; Pin Change Enable Mask 18
.equ	PCINT19	= 3	; Pin Change Enable Mask 19
.equ	PCINT20	= 4	; Pin Change Enable Mask 20
.equ	PCINT21	= 5	; Pin Change Enable Mask 21
.equ	PCINT22	= 6	; Pin Change Enable Mask 22
.equ	PCINT23	= 7	; Pin Change Enable Mask 23

; PCMSK1 - Pin Change Mask Register 1
.equ	PCINT8	= 0	; Pin Change Enable Mask 8
.equ	PCINT9	= 1	; Pin Change Enable Mask 9
.equ	PCINT10	= 2	; Pin Change Enable Mask 10
.equ	PCINT11	= 3	; Pin Change Enable Mask 11
.equ	PCINT12	= 4	; Pin Change Enable Mask 12
.equ	PCINT13	= 5	; Pin Change Enable Mask 13
.equ	PCINT14	= 6	; Pin Change Enable Mask 14
.equ	PCINT15	= 7	; Pin Change Enable Mask 15

; PCMSK0 - Pin Change Mask Register 0
.equ	PCINT0	= 0	; Pin Change Enable Mask 0
.equ	PCINT1	= 1	; Pin Change Enable Mask 1
.equ	PCINT2	= 2	; Pin Change Enable Mask 2
.equ	PCINT3	= 3	; Pin Change Enable Mask 3
.equ	PCINT4	= 4	; Pin Change Enable Mask 4
.equ	PCINT5	= 5	; Pin Change Enable Mask 5
.equ	PCINT6	= 6	; Pin Change Enable Mask 6
.equ	PCINT7	= 7	; Pin Change Enable Mask 7

; ***** CPU **************************
; SREG - Status Register
.equ	SREG_C	= 0	; Carry Flag
.equ	SREG_Z	= 1	; Zero Flag
.equ	SREG_N	= 2	; Negative Flag
.equ	SREG_V	= 3	; Two's Complement Overflow Flag
.equ	SREG_S	= 4	; Sign Bit
.equ	SREG_H	= 5	; Half Carry Flag
.equ	SREG_T	= 6	; Bit Copy Storage
.equ	SREG_I	= 7	; Global Interrupt Enable

; MCUCR - MCU Control Register
.equ	IVCE	= 0	; Interrupt Vector Change Enable
.equ	IVSEL	= 1	; Interrupt Vector Select
.equ	PUD	= 4	; Pull-up disable

; MCUSR - MCU Status Register
.equ	PORF	= 0	; Power-on reset flag
.equ	EXTRF	= 1	; External Reset Flag
.equ	BORF	= 2	; Brown-out Reset Flag
.equ	WDRF	= 3	; Watchdog Reset Flag
;.equ	JTRF	= 4	; JTAG Reset Flag

; OSCCAL - Oscillator Calibration Value
.equ	CAL0	= 0	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit0
.equ	CAL1	= 1	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit1
.equ	CAL2	= 2	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit2
.equ	CAL3	= 3	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit3
.equ	CAL4	= 4	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit4
.equ	CAL5	= 5	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit5
.equ	CAL6	= 6	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit6
.equ	CAL7	= 7	; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit7

; CLKPR - Clock Prescale Register
.equ	CLKPS0	= 0	; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 0
.equ	CLKPS1	= 1	; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 1
.equ	CLKPS2	= 2	; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 2
.equ	CLKPS3	= 3	; Clock Prescaler Select Bit 3
.equ	CLKPCE	= 7	; Clock Prescaler Change Enable

; PRR - Power Reduction Register
.equ	PRADC	= 0	; Power Reduction ADC
.equ	PRUSART0	= 1	; Power Reduction USART
.equ	PRSPI	= 2	; Power Reduction Serial Peripheral Interface
.equ	PRTIM1	= 3	; Power Reduction Timer/Counter1
.equ	PRLCD	= 4	; Power Reduction LCD

; SMCR - Sleep Mode Control Register
.equ	SE	= 0	; Sleep Enable
.equ	SM0	= 1	; Sleep Mode Select bit 0
.equ	SM1	= 2	; Sleep Mode Select bit 1
.equ	SM2	= 3	; Sleep Mode Select bit 2

; GPIOR2 - General Purpose IO Register 2
.equ	GPIOR20	= 0	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 0
.equ	GPIOR21	= 1	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 1
.equ	GPIOR22	= 2	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 2
.equ	GPIOR23	= 3	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 3
.equ	GPIOR24	= 4	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 4
.equ	GPIOR25	= 5	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 5
.equ	GPIOR26	= 6	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 6
.equ	GPIOR27	= 7	; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 7

; GPIOR1 - General Purpose IO Register 1
.equ	GPIOR10	= 0	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 0
.equ	GPIOR11	= 1	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 1
.equ	GPIOR12	= 2	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 2
.equ	GPIOR13	= 3	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 3
.equ	GPIOR14	= 4	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 4
.equ	GPIOR15	= 5	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 5
.equ	GPIOR16	= 6	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 6
.equ	GPIOR17	= 7	; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 7

; GPIOR0 - General Purpose IO Register 0
.equ	GPIOR00	= 0	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 0
.equ	GPIOR01	= 1	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 1
.equ	GPIOR02	= 2	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 2
.equ	GPIOR03	= 3	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 3
.equ	GPIOR04	= 4	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 4
.equ	GPIOR05	= 5	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 5
.equ	GPIOR06	= 6	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 6
.equ	GPIOR07	= 7	; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 7

; ***** USI **************************
; USIDR - USI Data Register
.equ	USIDR0	= 0	; USI Data Register bit 0
.equ	USIDR1	= 1	; USI Data Register bit 1
.equ	USIDR2	= 2	; USI Data Register bit 2
.equ	USIDR3	= 3	; USI Data Register bit 3
.equ	USIDR4	= 4	; USI Data Register bit 4
.equ	USIDR5	= 5	; USI Data Register bit 5
.equ	USIDR6	= 6	; USI Data Register bit 6
.equ	USIDR7	= 7	; USI Data Register bit 7

; USISR - USI Status Register
.equ	USICNT0	= 0	; USI Counter Value Bit 0
.equ	USICNT1	= 1	; USI Counter Value Bit 1
.equ	USICNT2	= 2	; USI Counter Value Bit 2
.equ	USICNT3	= 3	; USI Counter Value Bit 3
.equ	USIDC	= 4	; Data Output Collision
.equ	USIPF	= 5	; Stop Condition Flag
.equ	USIOIF	= 6	; Counter Overflow Interrupt Flag
.equ	USISIF	= 7	; Start Condition Interrupt Flag

; USICR - USI Control Register
.equ	USITC	= 0	; Toggle Clock Port Pin
.equ	USICLK	= 1	; Clock Strobe
.equ	USICS0	= 2	; USI Clock Source Select Bit 0
.equ	USICS1	= 3	; USI Clock Source Select Bit 1
.equ	USIWM0	= 4	; USI Wire Mode Bit 0
.equ	USIWM1	= 5	; USI Wire Mode Bit 1
.equ	USIOIE	= 6	; Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ	USISIE	= 7	; Start Condition Interrupt Enable

; ***** AD_CONVERTER *****************
; ADMUX - The ADC multiplexer Selection Register
.equ	MUX0	= 0	; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ	MUX1	= 1	; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ	MUX2	= 2	; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ	MUX3	= 3	; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ	MUX4	= 4	; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ	ADLAR	= 5	; Left Adjust Result
.equ	REFS0	= 6	; Reference Selection Bit 0
.equ	REFS1	= 7	; Reference Selection Bit 1

; ADCSRA - The ADC Control and Status register
.equ	ADPS0	= 0	; ADC  Prescaler Select Bits
.equ	ADPS1	= 1	; ADC  Prescaler Select Bits
.equ	ADPS2	= 2	; ADC  Prescaler Select Bits
.equ	ADIE	= 3	; ADC Interrupt Enable
.equ	ADIF	= 4	; ADC Interrupt Flag
.equ	ADATE	= 5	; ADC Auto Trigger Enable
.equ	ADSC	= 6	; ADC Start Conversion
.equ	ADEN	= 7	; ADC Enable

; ADCH - ADC Data Register High Byte
.equ	ADCH0	= 0	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 0
.equ	ADCH1	= 1	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 1
.equ	ADCH2	= 2	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 2
.equ	ADCH3	= 3	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 3
.equ	ADCH4	= 4	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 4
.equ	ADCH5	= 5	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 5
.equ	ADCH6	= 6	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 6
.equ	ADCH7	= 7	; ADC Data Register High Byte Bit 7

; ADCL - ADC Data Register Low Byte
.equ	ADCL0	= 0	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 0
.equ	ADCL1	= 1	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 1
.equ	ADCL2	= 2	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 2
.equ	ADCL3	= 3	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 3
.equ	ADCL4	= 4	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 4
.equ	ADCL5	= 5	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 5
.equ	ADCL6	= 6	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 6
.equ	ADCL7	= 7	; ADC Data Register Low Byte Bit 7

; ADCSRB - ADC Control and Status Register B
.equ	ADTS0	= 0	; ADC Auto Trigger Source 0
.equ	ADTS1	= 1	; ADC Auto Trigger Source 1
.equ	ADTS2	= 2	; ADC Auto Trigger Source 2

; DIDR0 - Digital Input Disable Register 0
.equ	ADC0D	= 0	; ADC0 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC1D	= 1	; ADC1 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC2D	= 2	; ADC2 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC3D	= 3	; ADC3 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC4D	= 4	; ADC4 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC5D	= 5	; ADC5 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC6D	= 6	; ADC6 Digital input Disable
.equ	ADC7D	= 7	; ADC7 Digital input Disable

; ***** BOOT_LOAD ********************
; SPMCSR - Store Program Memory Control Register
.equ	SPMCR	= SPMCSR	; For compatibility
.equ	SPMEN	= 0	; Store Program Memory Enable
.equ	PGERS	= 1	; Page Erase
.equ	PGWRT	= 2	; Page Write
.equ	BLBSET	= 3	; Boot Lock Bit Set
.equ	RWWSRE	= 4	; Read While Write section read enable
.equ	ASRE	= RWWSRE	; For compatibility
.equ	RWWSB	= 6	; Read While Write Section Busy
.equ	ASB	= RWWSB	; For compatibility
.equ	SPMIE	= 7	; SPM Interrupt Enable

; ***** USART0 ***********************
; UDR - USART I/O Data Register
.equ	UDR0	= UDR	; For compatibility
.equ	UDR00	= 0	; USART I/O Data Register bit 0
.equ	UDR01	= 1	; USART I/O Data Register bit 1
.equ	UDR02	= 2	; USART I/O Data Register bit 2
.equ	UDR03	= 3	; USART I/O Data Register bit 3
.equ	UDR04	= 4	; USART I/O Data Register bit 4
.equ	UDR05	= 5	; USART I/O Data Register bit 5
.equ	UDR06	= 6	; USART I/O Data Register bit 6
.equ	UDR07	= 7	; USART I/O Data Register bit 7

; UCSRA - USART Control and Status Register A
.equ	UCSR0A	= UCSRA	; For compatibility
.equ	USR	= UCSRA	; For compatibility
.equ	MPCM	= 0	; Multi-processor Communication Mode
.equ	MPCM0	= MPCM	; For compatibility
.equ	U2X	= 1	; Double the USART Transmission Speed
.equ	U2X0	= U2X	; For compatibility
.equ	UPE	= 2	; USART Parity Error
.equ	UPE0	= UPE	; For compatibility
.equ	DOR	= 3	; Data OverRun
.equ	DOR0	= DOR	; For compatibility
.equ	FE	= 4	; Framing Error
.equ	FE0	= FE	; For compatibility
.equ	UDRE	= 5	; USART Data Register Empty
.equ	UDRE0	= UDRE	; For compatibility
.equ	TXC	= 6	; USART Transmit Complete
.equ	TXC0	= TXC	; For compatibility
.equ	RXC	= 7	; USART Receive Complete
.equ	RXC0	= RXC	; For compatibility

; UCSRB - USART Control and Status Register B
.equ	UCSR0B	= UCSRB	; For compatibility
.equ	UCR	= UCSRB	; For compatibility
.equ	TXB8	= 0	; Transmit Data Bit 8
.equ	TXB80	= TXB8	; For compatibility
.equ	RXB8	= 1	; Receive Data Bit 8
.equ	RXB80	= RXB8	; For compatibility
.equ	UCSZ2	= 2	; Character Size
.equ	UCSZ02	= UCSZ2	; For compatibility
.equ	TXEN	= 3	; Transmitter Enable
.equ	TXEN0	= TXEN	; For compatibility
.equ	RXEN	= 4	; Receiver Enable
.equ	RXEN0	= RXEN	; For compatibility
.equ	UDRIE	= 5	; USART Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable
.equ	UDRIE0	= UDRIE	; For compatibility
.equ	TXCIE	= 6	; TX Complete Interrupt Enable
.equ	TXCIE0	= TXCIE	; For compatibility
.equ	RXCIE	= 7	; RX Complete Interrupt Enable
.equ	RXCIE0	= RXCIE	; For compatibility

; UCSRC - USART Control and Status Register C
.equ	UCSR0C	= UCSRC	; For compatibility
.equ	UCPOL	= 0	; Clock Polarity
.equ	UCPOL0	= UCPOL	; For compatibility
.equ	UCSZ0	= 1	; Character Size
.equ	UCSZ00	= UCSZ0	; For compatibility
.equ	UCSZ1	= 2	; Character Size
.equ	UCSZ01	= UCSZ1	; For compatibility
.equ	USBS	= 3	; Stop Bit Select
.equ	USBS0	= USBS	; For compatibility
.equ	UPM0	= 4	; Parity Mode Bit 0
.equ	UPM00	= UPM0	; For compatibility
.equ	UPM1	= 5	; Parity Mode Bit 1
.equ	UPM01	= UPM1	; For compatibility
.equ	UMSEL	= 6	; USART Mode Select
.equ	UMSEL0	= UMSEL	; For compatibility

.equ	UBRR0H	= UBRRH	; For compatibility
.equ	UBRR0L	= UBRRL	; For compatibility
.equ	UBRR0	= UBRRL	; For compatibility
.equ	UBRR	= UBRRL	; For compatibility

; ***** PORTH ************************
; PORTH - PORT H Data Register
.equ	PORTH0	= 0	; PORT H Data Register bit 0
.equ	PH0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH1	= 1	; PORT H Data Register bit 1
.equ	PH1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH2	= 2	; PORT H Data Register bit 2
.equ	PH2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH3	= 3	; PORT H Data Register bit 3
.equ	PH3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH4	= 4	; PORT H Data Register bit 4
.equ	PH4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH5	= 5	; PORT H Data Register bit 5
.equ	PH5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH6	= 6	; PORT H Data Register bit 6
.equ	PH6	= 6	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTH7	= 7	; PORT H Data Register bit 7
.equ	PH7	= 7	; For compatibility

; DDRH - PORT H Data Direction Register
.equ	DDH0	= 0	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ	DDH1	= 1	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ	DDH2	= 2	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ	DDH3	= 3	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ	DDH4	= 4	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ	DDH5	= 5	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ	DDH6	= 6	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ	DDH7	= 7	; PORT H Data Direction Register bit 7

; PINH - PORT H Input Pins
.equ	PINH0	= 0	; PORT H Input Pins bit 0
.equ	PINH1	= 1	; PORT H Input Pins bit 1
.equ	PINH2	= 2	; PORT H Input Pins bit 2
.equ	PINH3	= 3	; PORT H Input Pins bit 3
.equ	PINH4	= 4	; PORT H Input Pins bit 4
.equ	PINH5	= 5	; PORT H Input Pins bit 5
.equ	PINH6	= 6	; PORT H Input Pins bit 6
.equ	PINH7	= 7	; PORT H Input Pins bit 7

; ***** PORTJ ************************
; PORTJ - PORT J Data Register
.equ	PORTJ0	= 0	; PORT J Data Register bit 0
.equ	PJ0	= 0	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTJ1	= 1	; PORT J Data Register bit 1
.equ	PJ1	= 1	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTJ2	= 2	; PORT J Data Register bit 2
.equ	PJ2	= 2	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTJ3	= 3	; PORT J Data Register bit 3
.equ	PJ3	= 3	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTJ4	= 4	; PORT J Data Register bit 4
.equ	PJ4	= 4	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTJ5	= 5	; PORT J Data Register bit 5
.equ	PJ5	= 5	; For compatibility
.equ	PORTJ6	= 6	; PORT J Data Register bit 6
.equ	PJ6	= 6	; For compatibility

; DDRJ - PORT J Data Direction Register
.equ	DDJ0	= 0	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ	DDJ1	= 1	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ	DDJ2	= 2	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ	DDJ3	= 3	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ	DDJ4	= 4	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ	DDJ5	= 5	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ	DDJ6	= 6	; PORT J Data Direction Register bit 6

; PINJ - PORT J Input Pins
.equ	PINJ0	= 0	; PORT J Input Pins bit 0
.equ	PINJ1	= 1	; PORT J Input Pins bit 1
.equ	PINJ2	= 2	; PORT J Input Pins bit 2
.equ	PINJ3	= 3	; PORT J Input Pins bit 3
.equ	PINJ4	= 4	; PORT J Input Pins bit 4
.equ	PINJ5	= 5	; PORT J Input Pins bit 5
.equ	PINJ6	= 6	; PORT J Input Pins bit 6

; ***** LOCKSBITS ********************************************************
.equ	LB1	= 0	; Lock bit
.equ	LB2	= 1	; Lock bit
.equ	BLB01	= 2	; Boot Lock bit
.equ	BLB02	= 3	; Boot Lock bit
.equ	BLB11	= 4	; Boot lock bit
.equ	BLB12	= 5	; Boot lock bit

; ***** FUSES ************************************************************
; LOW fuse bits
.equ	CKSEL0	= 0	; Select Clock Source
.equ	CKSEL1	= 1	; Select Clock Source
.equ	CKSEL2	= 2	; Select Clock Source
.equ	CKSEL3	= 3	; Select Clock Source
.equ	SUT0	= 4	; Select start-up time
.equ	SUT1	= 5	; Select start-up time
.equ	CKOUT	= 6	; Oscillator options
.equ	CLKDIV8	= 7	; Divide clock by 8

; HIGH fuse bits
.equ	BOOTRST	= 0	; Select Reset Vector
.equ	BOOTSZ0	= 1	; Select Boot Size
.equ	BOOTSZ1	= 2	; Select Boot Size
.equ	EESAVE	= 3	; EEPROM memory is preserved through chip erase
.equ	WDTON	= 4	; Watchdog timer always on
.equ	SPIEN	= 5	; Enable Serial programming and Data Downloading
.equ	JTAGEN	= 6	; Enable JTAG
.equ	OCDEN	= 7	; Enable OCD

; EXTENDED fuse bits
.equ	RSTDISBL	= 0	; External Reset Disable
.equ	BODLEVEL0	= 1	; Brown-out Detector trigger level
.equ	BODLEVEL1	= 2	; Brown-out Detector trigger level

; ***** CPU REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
.def	XH	= r27
.def	XL	= r26
.def	YH	= r29
.def	YL	= r28
.def	ZH	= r31
.def	ZL	= r30

; ***** DATA MEMORY DECLARATIONS *****************************************
.equ	FLASHEND	= 0x3fff	; Note: Word address
.equ	IOEND	= 0x00ff
.equ	SRAM_START	= 0x0100
.equ	SRAM_SIZE	= 2048
.equ	RAMEND	= 0x08ff
.equ	XRAMEND	= 0x0000
.equ	E2END	= 0x03ff
.equ	EEPROMEND	= 0x03ff
.equ	EEADRBITS	= 10

; ***** BOOTLOADER DECLARATIONS ******************************************
.equ	NRWW_START_ADDR	= 0x3800
.equ	NRWW_STOP_ADDR	= 0x3fff
.equ	RWW_START_ADDR	= 0x0
.equ	RWW_STOP_ADDR	= 0x37ff
.equ	PAGESIZE	= 64
.equ	FIRSTBOOTSTART	= 0x3f00
.equ	THIRDBOOTSTART	= 0x3c00

; ***** INTERRUPT VECTORS ************************************************
.equ	INT0addr	= 0x0002	; External Interrupt Request 0
.equ	PCI0addr	= 0x0004	; Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
.equ	PCI1addr	= 0x0006	; Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
.equ	OC2addr	= 0x0008	; Timer/Counter2 Compare Match
.equ	OVF2addr	= 0x000a	; Timer/Counter2 Overflow
.equ	ICP1addr	= 0x000c	; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
.equ	OC1Aaddr	= 0x000e	; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
.equ	OC1Baddr	= 0x0010	; Timer/Counter Compare Match B
.equ	OVF1addr	= 0x0012	; Timer/Counter1 Overflow
.equ	OC0addr	= 0x0014	; Timer/Counter0 Compare Match
.equ	OVF0addr	= 0x0016	; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
.equ	SPIaddr	= 0x0018	; SPI Serial Transfer Complete
.equ	URXCaddr	= 0x001a	; USART, Rx Complete
.equ	URXC0addr	= 0x001a	; For compatibility
.equ	UDREaddr	= 0x001c	; USART Data register Empty
.equ	UDRE0addr	= 0x001c	; For compatibility
.equ	UTXC0addr	= 0x001e	; USART0, Tx Complete
.equ	UTXCaddr	= 0x001e	; For compatibility
.equ	USI_STARTaddr	= 0x0020	; USI Start Condition
.equ	USI_OVFaddr	= 0x0022	; USI Overflow
.equ	ACIaddr	= 0x0024	; Analog Comparator
.equ	ADCCaddr	= 0x0026	; ADC Conversion Complete
.equ	ERDYaddr	= 0x0028	; EEPROM Ready
.equ	SPMRaddr	= 0x002a	; Store Program Memory Read
.equ	RESERVEDaddr	= 0x002c	; RESERVED
.equ	PCI2addr	= 0x002e	; Pin Change Interrupt Request 2
.equ	PCI3addr	= 0x0030	; Pin Change Interrupt Request 3

.equ	INT_VECTORS_SIZE	= 50	; size in words

#endif  /* _M3250DEF_INC_ */

; ***** END OF FILE ******************************************************