#include "func.h" #include "parser.h" //#include <math.h> //#include <stdlib.h> //#include <stdio.h> // token types #define DELIMITER 1 #define VARIABLE 2 #define NUMBER 3 #define FUNCTION 4 #define FINISHED 10 //#define allocmem(x) malloc(x) //#define freemem(x) free(x) double epsilon = 1e-6; // structure for most parser functions char token[80]; int token_type; char *prog; int code; // error code variable_callback *find_var; struct double_list { double val; int code; // êîä îøèáêè double_list *next; }; double tg(double d) { double cosd = cos(d); if (fabs(cosd) < epsilon) { serror(ERR_OVERFLOW); return 0.0; } return sin(d) / cosd; } double ctg(double d) { double sind = sin(d); if (fabs(sind) < epsilon) { serror(ERR_OVERFLOW); return 0.0; } return cos(d) / sind; } double exp(double x) { __asm { fld x FLDL2E FMUL FLD st(0) FLD1 FXCH FPREM F2XM1 fadd FSCALE FSTP st(1) } } double log(double x) { //return 0.0; if (x <= 0) { serror(ERR_OVERFLOW); //return 0.0; __asm { fldz } } __asm { FLD1 FLD x FYL2X FLDLN2 FMUL } } double sqrt(double x) { if (x < 0) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); __asm { fldz } } __asm { fld x fsqrt } } double atan(double x) { serror(ERR_GENERAL); return 0.0; // â ëîì } double pow(double x, double y) { return exp(y * log(x)); // } double func_pi() { return 3.14159265358979; } double func_eps() { return epsilon; } double func_if(double_list *p) { double_list *a, *b, *c; a = p; b = a->next; if (!b) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); return 0.0; } c = b->next; if (!c || c->next) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); return 0.0; } if (a->val != 0.0) { if (b->code) code = b->code; return b->val; } else { if (c->code) code = c->code; return c->val; } } double sum(double_list *p) { double res = 0.0; while (p) { res += p->val; if (p->code) code = p->code; p = p->next; } return res; } double func_min(double_list *p) { if (!p) serror(ERR_BADPARAM); double res = p->val; p = p->next; while (p) { if (p->code) code = p->code; if (p->val < res) res = p->val; p = p->next; } return res; } double func_max(double_list *p) { if (!p) serror(ERR_BADPARAM); double res = p->val; p = p->next; while (p) { if (p->code) code = p->code; if (p->val > res) res = p->val; p = p->next; } return res; } double avg(double_list *p) { double res = 0.0; int count = 0; while (p) { if (p->code) code = p->code; res += p->val; count++; p = p->next; } return res / count; } double func_isnull(char *str) { if (code != 0) return 0.0; double tmp = find_var(str); int c = code; code = 0; if (c != 0) return 1.0; return 0.0; } const double HALF = 0.5; double func_ceil(double val) // õîòåë round, à ïîëó÷èëñÿ ceil... { int x; __asm fld val __asm fld HALF // äà, êðèâîðóêî ^_^ __asm fadd __asm fistp x __asm fild x } double func_round(double val) { int x; __asm fld val __asm fld epsilon __asm fadd __asm fistp x __asm fild x } //const double ALMOST_HALF = 0.5 - epsilon; double ALMOST_HALF; extern void ALMOST_HALF_init(void) { ALMOST_HALF = 0.5 - epsilon; } double func_floor(double val) { int x; __asm fld val __asm fld ALMOST_HALF __asm fsub __asm fistp x __asm fild x } double logic_xor(double a, double b) { if (a == 0.0) if (b == 0.0) return 0.0; else return 1.0; else if (b == 0.0) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } double logic_and(double a, double b) { if (a == 0.0) return 0.0; else if (b == 0.0) return 0.0; else return 1.0; } double logic_or(double a, double b) { if (a == 0.0) if (b == 0.0) return 0.0; else return 1.1; else return 1.0; } double rand_seed; double func_rand(double max) { double q = (257.0 * rand_seed + 739.0); // ÷èñëà îò áàëäû. íàäî âñòàâèòü ïðàâèëüíûå. rand_seed = q - 65536.0 * func_floor(q / 65536.0); // äëÿ õîðîøåãî ðàñïðåäåëåíèÿ return q - max * func_floor(q / max); // äëÿ ìîäóëÿ } double func_case(double_list *p) { if (!p || !p->next) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); return 0.0; } double x = p->val; int count = (int)p->next->val; int i, k; double_list *cur = p->next->next; k = count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!cur) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); return 0.0; } if (fabs(x - cur->val) < epsilon) { if (k != count + 1) { serror(ERR_GENERAL); return 0.0; } k = i; } cur = cur->next; } for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (!cur) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); return 0.0; } cur = cur->next; } if (!cur) // ïðîâåðêè áèï. äîñòàëè áèï. { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); return 0.0; } if (cur->code) code = cur->code; return cur->val; } #define INF_ARGS -1 #define STR_ARG -2 // represents general mathematical function typedef double(*matfunc0)(); typedef double(*matfunc)(double); typedef double(*matfunc2)(double,double); typedef double(*matfunc3)(double,double,double); typedef double(*matfunc_inf)(double_list*); typedef double(*matfunc_str)(char*); // used to link function name to the function typedef struct { char name[10]; int args; void * f; } func; // the list of functions const int max_func = 29; func functions[max_func] = { "", 1, NULL, // íå ïîìíþ, ñ êàêîé öåëüþ "sin", 1, &sin, "cos", 1, &cos, "exp", 1, &exp, "sqrt", 1, &sqrt, "log", 1, &log, "tg", 1, &tg, "ctg", 1, &ctg, "arcsin", 1, &asin, "arccos", 1, &acos, "arctg", 1, &atan, // íå ðåàëèçîâàíî. âîçâðàùàåò îøèáêó ERR_GENERAL "abs", 1, &fabs, "pow", 2, &pow, "if", INF_ARGS, &func_if, "sum",INF_ARGS,&sum, "isnull",STR_ARG,&func_isnull, // ñëåãêà ÷/æ "min",INF_ARGS,&func_min, "max",INF_ARGS,&func_max, "avg",INF_ARGS,&avg, "ceil",1,&func_ceil, "round",1,&func_round, "floor",1,&func_floor, "and",2,&logic_and, "or",2,&logic_or, "xor",2,&logic_xor, "rand",1,&func_rand, "case",INF_ARGS,&func_case, "pi",0,&func_pi, "eps",0,&func_eps }; // all delimiters #define MAXDELIM 17 const char delim[MAXDELIM]="+-*^/%=;(),><#! "; // not bad words int isdelim(char c) { //return strchr(delim, c) != 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXDELIM; i++) if (c == delim[i]) return 1; return 0; } int isdigit(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } int isalpha2(char c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c=='$')); } int iswhite(char c) { return (c==' ' || c=='\t'); } void serror(int acode) { if (acode != 0) code = acode; } void set_exp(char *exp) { prog = exp; } int get_token() { int tok; char *temp; (token_type) = 0; tok = 0; temp = (token); if (*(prog) == '\0') { *(token) = 0; tok = FINISHED; return ((token_type) = DELIMITER); } while (iswhite(*(prog))) ++(prog); if (isdelim(*(prog))) { char t=*temp = *(prog); (prog)++; temp++; if ((t == '>' || t == '<' || t == '!') && (*prog) && (*prog == '=')) { *temp = *(prog); (prog)++; temp++; } *temp = 0; return ((token_type) = DELIMITER); } if (isdigit(*(prog))) { while (!isdelim(*(prog))) *temp++=*(prog)++; *temp = '\0'; return ((token_type) = NUMBER); } if (isalpha2(*(prog))) { while (!isdelim(*(prog))) *temp++=*(prog)++; (token_type) = VARIABLE; } *temp = '\0'; if ((token_type) == VARIABLE) { tok = look_up((token)); if (tok) (token_type) = FUNCTION; } return (token_type); } double sign(double d) { if (d > 0.0) return 1.0; if (d < 0.0) return -1.0; return 0.0; } void putback() { char *t; t = (token); for (;*t;t++) (prog)--; } int get_exp(double *hold) { code = 0; get_token(); if (!*(token)) { return 0; } level1( hold); putback(); return code==0; } void level1(double *hold) { char op[2]; double h; level1_5( hold); while (op[0] = *token, op[1] = (*(token+1)) ? *(token + 1) : 0, *op == '<' || *op == '>' || *op == '=' || *op == '#' || *op == '!') { get_token(); level1_5( &h); logic(op, hold, &h); } } void level1_5(double *hold) { char op; op = 0; if (((token_type) == DELIMITER) && *(token) == '!') { op = *(token); get_token(); } level2( hold); if (op) { if (*hold == 0.0) *hold = 1.0; else *hold = 0.0; } } void level2(double *hold) { char op; double h; level3( hold); while ((op=*(token)) == '+' || op == '-') { get_token(); level3( &h); arith(op, hold, &h); } } void level3(double *hold) { char op; double h; level4( hold); while ((op=*(token)) == '*' || op == '/' || op == '%') { get_token(); level4( &h); arith( op, hold, &h); } } void level4(double *hold) { double h; level5( hold); if (*(token) == '^') { get_token(); level5( &h); arith( '^', hold, &h); } } void level5(double *hold) { char op; op = 0; if (((token_type) == DELIMITER) && *(token) == '+' || *(token) == '-') { op = *(token); get_token(); } level6( hold); if (op) unary(op, hold); } void level6(double *hold) { if ((*(token) == '(') && ((token_type) == DELIMITER)) { get_token(); level1( hold); if (*(token) != ')') serror( ERR_NOBRACKET); get_token(); } else primitive( hold); } void calc_function(double *hold) { double_list *args = NULL, *last = NULL, *t; double d; int i,argc=0,save_code; save_code = code; code = 0; i = look_up(token); if (i == 0) serror(ERR_BADFUNCTION); // error get_token(); if (*(token) != '(') serror(ERR_NOBRACKET); // error //get_token(); if (functions[i].args == STR_ARG) { get_token(); d = ((matfunc_str)(functions[i].f))(token); *hold = d; get_token(); if (save_code) code = save_code; return; } //last = args = (double_list*)malloc(sizeof(double_list)); //args->next = NULL; //level1(&args->val); //get_token(); argc=0; do { get_token(); if (*token == ')') break; t = (double_list*)allocmem(sizeof(double_list)); code = 0; level1(&t->val); t->code = code; t->next = NULL; if (last) last->next = t; else args = t; last = t; argc++; } while (*token == ','); code = save_code; if (argc != functions[i].args && functions[i].args >= 0) { serror(ERR_BADPARAM); } else { switch (functions[i].args) { case 0: d = ((matfunc0)(functions[i].f))(); break; case 1: d = ((matfunc)(functions[i].f))(args->val); break; case 2: d = ((matfunc2)(functions[i].f))(args->val,args->next->val); break; case 3: d = ((matfunc3)(functions[i].f))(args->val,args->next->val,args->next->next->val); break; case INF_ARGS: d = ((matfunc_inf)(functions[i].f))(args); break; } } t = args; while (t) { args = t->next; freemem(t); t = args; } *hold = d; // else // serror( ERR_OVERFLOW); } void primitive(double *hold) { switch (token_type) { case VARIABLE: *hold = find_var(token); get_token(); return; case NUMBER: // *hold = atof((token)); //if (sscanf(token, "%lf", hold) != 1) *hold = convert(token); if (convert_error == ERROR) serror( ERR_BADNUMER); get_token(); return; case FUNCTION: calc_function( hold); if (*token != ')') serror(ERR_NOBRACKET); get_token(); return; default: // error return; } } void arith(char op, double *r, double *h) { double t; switch(op) { case '-': *r = *r - *h; break; case '+': *r = *r + *h; break; case '*': *r = *r * *h; break; case '/': if (fabs(*h) < epsilon) serror( ERR_OVERFLOW); else *r = (*r) / (*h); break; case '%': if (fabs(*h) < epsilon) serror( ERR_OVERFLOW); else { t = func_floor ((*r) / (*h)); *r = *r - (t * (*h)); } break; case '^': *r = pow(*r, *h); break; } } void logic(char *op, double *r, double *h) { double t; switch (*op) { case '<': if (*(op+1) && *(op+1) == '=') t = *r <= *h + epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0; else t = *r < *h - epsilon? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case '>': if (*(op+1) && *(op+1) == '=') t = *r >= *h - epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0; else t = *r > *h + epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case '=': t = fabs(*r - *h) <= epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case '#': t = fabs(*r - *h) > epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case '!': if (*(op+1) && *(op+1) == '=') t = fabs(*r - *h) > epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0; else serror(ERR_GENERAL); break; } *r = t; } void unary(char op, double *r) { if (op == '-') *r = -(*r); } bool strcmp(char *s1, char *s2) { int i; if (s1 == NULL) if (s2 == NULL) return 0; else return 1; else if (s2 == NULL) return 1; for (i = 0;;i++) { if (s1[i] == '\0') if (s2[i] == '\0') return 0; else return 1; else if (s2[i] == '\0') return 1; else { if (s1[i] != s2[i]) return 1; } } return 0; } bool strncmp(char *s1, char *s2, int n) { int i; if (s1 == NULL) if (s2 == NULL) return 0; else return 1; else if (s2 == NULL) return 1; for (i = 0;i<n;i++) { if (s1[i] == '\0') if (s2[i] == '\0') return 0; else return 1; else if (s2[i] == '\0') return 1; else { if (s1[i] != s2[i]) return 1; } } return 0; } int look_up(char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < max_func; i++) if (strcmp(s, functions[i].name) == 0) return i; return 0; // search command/function name }