# 21 days: a game for programmers

## Features

* You start as a helpdesker.
* Work in a big company.
* Join a startup and launch a popular game (or not).
* Study new courses.
* Help your friends to repair their computer.

* With the help of quantum space–time folder you can do all of this in 21 days!
* Jump in time to change your choice and collect all achievements!

## License

21 days is licensed under GPL version 2.0. See COPYING in the same directory.

## Author

This program developed by Maxim Grishin (igevorse)

## Installation

This program does not require installation.
See "Run" section below.

## Run

Open your favourite file manager and run the executable file.
You can also use your shell: 

* KolibriOS:


* Windows:

        cd bin
* Linux (you have to use a terminal supporting IBM866 code page(CP866)):

        cd bin

## Building from sources

If you want to build game from sources, you have to install GCC (Linux) and MinGW (Windows).

* KolibriOS
You have to install menuetlibc: see "Compilers GCC, G++." section at diamond.kolibrios.org/hll/hll_eng.htm.
To build a binary file for KolibriOS under Linux type in a terminal:


Binary file would appear in current directory.

* Linux
To build a Linux binary file:

    make -f Makefile.linux

Binary files would appear in bin directory.

* Windows
To build a Windows binary file you have to install MinGW (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/) with mingw32-base, mingw32-gcc and mingw-gcc-g++ packages.
Don't forget to add a path to a folder containing MinGW binary files to the Path environment variable ("C:\MinGW\bin" for me).

  * If you don't have MSYS installed:

      mingw32-make -f Makefile.win

  * If you have MSYS installed:
      make -f Makefile.linux
Binary files would appear in bin directory.

Have fun!