Contents of the "win32" sub-archive for UnZip 6.0 and later:

  Contents      this file
  Makefile      makefile for UnZip using MS Visual C++
  Makefile.bc   makefile for UnZip using Borland C++   makefile for UnZip using djgpp v2.x with rsxntdj 1.31
  Makefile.emx  makefile for UnZip using emx+gcc 0.9c with RSXNT 1.4 (+)
  Makefile.gcc  makefile for UnZip using native Win32 gcc ports (Cygwin, MinGW)
  Makefile.lcc  makefile for UnZip using free LCC-Win32 compiler
  Makefile.wat  makefile for UnZip using Watcom C/C++
  crc_i386.asm  32-bit Intel-assembler version of CRC routine
  crc_i386.c    ditto, for MS[V]C with no MASM only
  crc_lcc.asm   ditto, adapted for LCC-Win32 assembler syntax
  nt.c          WinNT-specific support routines (ACLs/security descriptors)
  nt.h          WinNT-specific support header
  rsxntwin.h    supplement header for RSXNT, fills holes in their <windows.h>
  w32cfg.h      Win32-specific configuration, included by unzpriv.h
  win32.c       Win32-specific support routines
  winapp.rc     resource file for regular console-mode UnZip application
  vc6/          directory containing Visual C++ 6.0 project files
    funzip.dsp    MSVC++ 6.0 project file for fUnZip command-line tool
    unzip.dsp     MSVC++ 6.0 project file for UnZip command-line main program
    unzipsfx.dsp  MSVC++ 6.0 project file for UnZipSFX console mode stub
    unzipbz2.dsp  MSVC++ 6.0 project file for UnZip with bzip2 support
    bz2lib.dsp    MSVC++ 6.0 project file for bz2lib (de)compression library
    unzip.dsw     MSVC++ 6.0 workspace file for all UnZip command line tools
  vc8/          directory containing Visual C++ 2005 (8.0) project files
    funzip.vcproj   MSVC++ 8.0 project file for fUnZip command-line tool
    unzip.vcproj    MSVC++ 8.0 project file for UnZip command-line main program
    unzipsfx.vcproj MSVC++ 8.0 project file for UnZipSFX console mode stub
    unzipbz2.vcproj MSVC++ 8.0 project file for UnZip with bzip2 support
    bz2lib.vcproj   MSVC++ 8.0 project file for bz2lib (de)compression library
    unzip.sln       MSVC++ 8.0 workspace file for all UnZip command line tools

crc_i386.c has been tested with MSVC and can be selected through the MSVC
makefile.  It is provided for those who may have MSVC but no assembler.
Note that some C compilers on Pentium-class machines have been reported
to emit faster code from the plain C sources (crc32.c) than the assembler
routines provide.  This has not been tested lately, however.