;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GUI ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

macro DrawRectangle x, y, w, h, color
	mcall 13, x shl 16 + w,     y shl 16 + 1,     color   ; top
	mcall   , x shl 16 + 1,     y shl 16 + h,     color   ; left
	mcall   , (x+w) shl 16 +1,  y shl 16 + (h+1), color   ; right
	mcall   , x shl 16 + w,   (y+h) shl 16 + 1,   color   ; bottom

;                             Color scheme

MOVIEOS         equ 1

;                         format - 0xRRGGBB

        COLOR_BG_NORMAL           = 0x1d272f
        COLOR_BG_BREAKPOINT       = 0x0000aa
        COLOR_BG_SELECTED         = 0xec9300
        COLOR_LINE                = 0x00b9a0
        COLOR_TXT_NORMAL          = 0xffffff
        COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE        = 0x8f7948
        COLOR_TXT_CHANGED         = 0xec9300
        COLOR_TXT_SELECTED        = 0x1d272f


        COLOR_BG_NORMAL           = 0x101010 ; dark grey
        COLOR_BG_BREAKPOINT       = 0xFF0000 ; red
        COLOR_BG_SELECTED         = 0x0000FF ; blue
        COLOR_LINE                = 0xFFFFFF ; white
        COLOR_TXT_NORMAL          = 0xFFFFFF ; white
        COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE        = 0x808080 ; grey
        COLOR_TXT_CHANGED         = 0x00AA00 ; green
        COLOR_TXT_SELECTED        = 0xFFFFFF ; white


        COLOR_BG_NORMAL           = 0xffffff ; white
        COLOR_BG_BREAKPOINT       = 0xFF0000 ; red
        COLOR_BG_SELECTED         = 0x0000FF ; blue
        COLOR_LINE                = 0x000000 ; black
        COLOR_TXT_NORMAL          = 0x000000 ; black
        COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE        = 0x808080 ; grey
        COLOR_TXT_CHANGED         = 0x00AA00 ; green
        COLOR_TXT_SELECTED        = 0xFFFFFF ; white

end if


data_width      equ 80
data_x_pos      equ 12
data_x_size     equ data_width*6

title_x_pos     equ 30
title_y_pos     equ 32
title_y_size    equ 10

;dump_y_pos      equ (registers_y_pos + registers_y_size + 5)
dump_y_pos      equ (title_y_pos + title_y_size)
dump_height     equ 6
dump_y_size     equ (dump_height*10)

disasm_y_pos    equ (dump_y_pos + dump_y_size + 4)
disasm_height   equ 18
disasm_y_size   equ (disasm_height*10)

messages_width  equ data_width
messages_height equ 8
messages_x_pos  equ data_x_pos
messages_y_pos  equ (disasm_y_pos + disasm_y_size + 4)
messages_x_size equ messages_width*6
messages_y_size equ messages_height*10

cmdline_width   equ data_width
cmdline_x_pos   equ data_x_pos
cmdline_y_pos   equ (messages_y_pos + messages_y_size + 4)
cmdline_x_size  equ messages_x_size
cmdline_y_size  equ 10

registers_x_pos equ (data_x_pos + messages_x_size + 4)
registers_y_pos equ (title_y_pos + title_y_size - 3)
registers_x_size equ 134
registers_y_size equ (cmdline_y_pos + cmdline_y_size - registers_y_pos+1)

wnd_x_size      equ (data_x_pos + messages_x_size + data_x_pos + registers_x_size+3)
wnd_y_size      equ (cmdline_y_pos + cmdline_y_size + data_x_pos)

;                          Entry point

; TODO: split all gui part in independent function, move entry point into mtdbg.asm

    ; initialize process heap
        mcall   68, 11
        mov     edi, messages
        mov     ecx, messages_width*messages_height
        mov     al, ' '
        rep stosb
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     [messages_pos], eax
        mov     [cmdline_len], eax
        mov     [cmdline_pos], eax
        mov     edi, needzerostart
        mov     ecx, (needzeroend-needzerostart+3)/4
        rep stosd
        mov     esi, begin_str
        call    put_message_nodraw
    ; set event mask - default events and debugging events
        ;push   40
        ;pop    eax
        ;mov    ebx, 0x107
        mcall   40, 0x107
    ; set debug messages buffer
        mov     ecx, dbgbufsize
        mov     dword [ecx], 256
        xor     ebx, ebx
        mov     [ecx+4], ebx
        mov     al, 69
        mov     esi, i_param
        call    get_arg.skip_spaces
        test    al, al
        jz      dodraw
        push    esi
        call    draw_window
        pop     esi
        call    OnLoadInit
        jmp     waitevent

        call    draw_window

        ;push   10
        ;pop    eax
        mcall   10
        cmp     al, 9
        jz      debugmsg
        dec     eax
        jz      dodraw
        dec     eax
        jz      keypressed
        dec     eax
        jnz     waitevent
    ; button pressed - we have only one button (close)
        ;push   -1
        ;pop    eax
        mcall   -1

; TODO: split in more independent function
        mov     al, 2
        shr     eax, 8
        cmp     al, 8
        jz      .backspace
        cmp     al, 0xB0
        jz      .left
        cmp     al, 0xB3
        jz      .right
        cmp     al, 0x0D
        jz      .enter
        cmp     al, 0xB6
        jz      .del
        cmp     al, 0xB4
        jz      .home
        cmp     al, 0xB5
        jz      .end
        cmp     al, 0xB1
        jz      .down
        cmp     al, 0xB2
        jz      .up
        cmp     ah, 0x41
        jz      F7
        cmp     ah, 0x42
        jz      F8
        cmp     [cmdline_len], cmdline_width
        jae     waitevent
        push    eax
        call    clear_cmdline_end
        pop     eax
        mov     edi, cmdline
        mov     ecx, [cmdline_len]
        add     edi, ecx
        lea     esi, [edi-1]
        sub     ecx, [cmdline_pos]
        rep movsb
        inc     [cmdline_len]
        call    draw_cmdline_end
        inc     [cmdline_pos]
        call    draw_cursor
        jmp     waitevent

        cmp     [cmdline_pos], 0
        jz      waitevent
        dec     [cmdline_pos]

        call    clear_cmdline_end
        mov     edi, [cmdline_pos]
        dec     [cmdline_len]
        mov     ecx, [cmdline_len]
        sub     ecx, edi
        add     edi, cmdline
        lea     esi, [edi+1]
        rep movsb
        call    draw_cmdline_end
        call    draw_cursor
        jmp     waitevent

        mov     eax, [cmdline_pos]
        cmp     eax, [cmdline_len]
        jae     waitevent
        jmp     .delchar

        cmp     [cmdline_pos], 0
        jz      waitevent
        call    hide_cursor
        dec     [cmdline_pos]
        call    draw_cursor
        jmp     waitevent

        mov     eax, [cmdline_pos]
        cmp     eax, [cmdline_len]
        jae     waitevent
        call    hide_cursor
        inc     [cmdline_pos]
        call    draw_cursor
        jmp     waitevent

        call    hide_cursor
        and     [cmdline_pos], 0
        call    draw_cursor
        jmp     waitevent

        call    hide_cursor
        mov     eax, [cmdline_len]
        mov     [cmdline_pos], eax
        call    draw_cursor

        jmp     waitevent

    ; We also trying to execute previous command, if empty command_line
        mov     ecx, [cmdline_len]
        test    ecx, ecx
        jnz     .exec_cur
        mov     cl, byte [cmdline_prev]
        cmp     cl, 0
        jz      waitevent

        mov     esi, cmdline_prev
        jmp     .exec

        mov     esi, cmdline

        mov     byte [esi+ecx], 0
        and     [cmdline_pos], 0
        push    esi
        call    clear_cmdline_end
        call    draw_cursor
        pop     esi
        and     [cmdline_len], 0
    ; skip leading spaces
        call    get_arg.skip_spaces
        cmp     al, 0
        jz      waitevent
    ; now esi points to command
        push    esi
        mov     esi, prompt
        call    put_message_nodraw
        pop     esi
        push    esi
        call    put_message_nodraw

; TODO: add meaningful name
        mov     esi, newline
        call    put_message
        pop     esi
        push    esi
        call    get_arg
        mov     [curarg], esi
        pop     edi
        mov     esi, commands
        call    find_cmd
        mov     eax, aUnknownCommand
        jc      .x11

    ; check command requirements
    ; flags field:
    ; &1: command may be called without parameters
    ; &2: command may be called with parameters
    ; &4: command may be called without loaded program
    ; &8: command may be called with loaded program
        mov     eax, [esi+8]
        mov     ecx, [curarg]
        cmp     byte [ecx], 0
        jz      .noargs
        test    byte [esi+16], 2
        jz      .x11
        jmp     @f

        test    byte [esi+16], 1
        jz      .x11

        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .nodebuggee
        mov     eax, aAlreadyLoaded
        test    byte [esi+16], 8
        jz      .x11
        jmp     .x9

        mov     eax, need_debuggee
        test    byte [esi+16], 4
        jnz     .x9

        xchg    esi, eax
        call    put_message

    ; store cmdline for repeating
        mov     esi, cmdline
        mov     ecx, [cmdline_len]

        cmp     ecx, 0
        jle     .we
        mov     al, [esi + ecx]
        mov     [cmdline_prev + ecx], al
        dec     ecx
        jmp     @b

        mov     [cmdline_len], 0
        jmp     waitevent

        call    dword [esi+4]
        jmp     .x10

;                            Cmdline handling

        mov     ebx, [cmdline_pos]
        mov     ecx, [cmdline_len]
        sub     ecx, ebx
        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        imul    ebx, 6
        imul    ecx, 6
        inc     ecx
        add     ebx, cmdline_x_pos
        shl     ebx, 16
        or      ebx, ecx
        mov     ecx, cmdline_y_pos*10000h + cmdline_y_size
        ; setting up container color scheme
        ; COLOR_BG_NORMAL was 0xFFFFFF
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; draw container rectangle/box for cmdline
        mcall   13

        xor     ebx, ebx
        jmp     @f

; TODO: make it local
        mov     ebx, [cmdline_pos]

        mov     esi, [cmdline_len]
        sub     esi, ebx
        ;push   4
        ;pop    eax
        ; setting up text color scheme and attributes
        ; was 'xor     ecx, ecx'
        mov     ecx, COLOR_TXT_NORMAL
        lea     edx, [cmdline+ebx]
        imul    ebx, 6
        add     ebx, cmdline_x_pos
        shl     ebx, 16
        or      ebx, cmdline_y_pos+1
        ; draw a text string in the window, color in ecx
        mcall   4

;                        Working with messages
; in: esi->ASCIIZ message
        mov     edx, [messages_pos]

        lea     edi, [messages+edx]

        cmp     al, 0
        jz      .done
        call    test_scroll
        cmp     al, 10
        jz      .newline
        cmp     al, '%'
        jnz     @f
        cmp     dword [esp], z1
        jnz     .format

        inc     edx
        jmp     .l

        push    edx
        mov     ecx, messages_width
        xor     eax, eax
        xchg    eax, edx
        div     ecx
        xchg    eax, edx
        pop     edx
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .m
        sub     edx, eax
        add     edx, ecx
        jmp     .m

        mov     [messages_pos], edx

    ; at this moment all format specs must be %<digit>X
        lodsb   ; get <digit>
        sub     al, '0'
        movzx   ecx, al
        pop     eax
        pop     ebp
        push    eax
    ; write number in ebp with ecx digits
        dec     ecx
        shl     ecx, 2

        push    ecx
        call    test_scroll
        pop     ecx
        mov     eax, ebp
        shr     eax, cl
        and     al, 0xF
        cmp     al, 10
        sbb     al, 69h
        inc     edx
        sub     ecx, 4
        jns     .writenibble
        jmp     .l

        cmp     edx, messages_width*messages_height
        jnz     .ret
        push    esi
        mov     edi, messages
        lea     esi, [edi+messages_width]
        mov     ecx, (messages_height-1)*messages_width/4
        rep movsd
        push    eax
        mov     al, ' '
        push    edi
        push    messages_width
        pop     ecx
        sub     edx, ecx
        rep stosb
        pop     edi
        pop     eax
        pop     esi



        call    put_message_nodraw

        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        ;mov    edx, 0xFFFFFF
        ;mov    ebx, messages_x_pos*10000h+messages_x_size
        ;mov    ecx, messages_y_pos*10000h+messages_y_size
        ; draw container rectanle/box
        ; COLOR_BG_NORMAL was 0xFFFFFF
        mcall   13, messages_x_pos*10000h+messages_x_size, messages_y_pos*10000h+messages_y_size, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        mov     edx, messages
        push    messages_width
        pop     esi
        ; setting up text color scheme/attributes
        ; was 'xor     ecx, ecx'
        mov     ecx, COLOR_TXT_NORMAL
        ;mov    al, 4
        mov     ebx, messages_x_pos*10000h+messages_y_pos

        ; display text string in the window
        mcall   4
        add     edx, esi
        add     ebx, 10
        cmp     edx, messages+messages_width*messages_height
        jb      @b

;                     Show/hide cursor in command line

; TODO: make it cursor.draw and cursor.hide ???
        ;push   38
        ;pop    eax
        mov     ecx, cmdline_y_pos*10001h+cmdline_y_size-1
        mov     ebx, [cmdline_pos]
        imul    ebx, 6
        add     ebx, cmdline_x_pos
        mov     edx, ebx
        shl     ebx, 16
        or      ebx, edx
        ; setting line color
        ; was 'xor     edx, edx' - black
        mov     edx, COLOR_LINE
        ; draw line, color in edx
        mcall   38

        mov     ebx, [cmdline_pos]
        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        imul    ebx, 6
        add     ebx, cmdline_x_pos
        shl     ebx, 16
        inc     ebx
        mov     ecx, cmdline_y_pos*10000h + cmdline_y_size
        ; setting up rectangle color
        ; was 0xFFFFFF
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; draw container rectangle/box
        mcall   13
        mov     ebx, [cmdline_pos]
        cmp     ebx, [cmdline_len]
        jae     .ret
        ;mov    al, 4
        ; setting up text color scheme and attributes
        ;was 'xor     ecx, ecx'
        mov     ecx, COLOR_TXT_NORMAL
        lea     edx, [cmdline+ebx]
        imul    ebx, 6
        add     ebx, cmdline_x_pos
        shl     ebx, 16
        or      ebx, cmdline_y_pos+1
        push    1
        pop     esi
        ; draw text string in the window
        mcall   4


;                       Draw program window title

; FIXME: something wrong here
        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        ;mov    edx, 0xFFFFFF
        ;mov    ebx, title_x_pos*10000h + data_x_pos+data_x_size-title_x_pos
        ;mov    ecx, title_y_pos*10000h + title_y_size
        ; draw container rectangle/box
        ; color was 0xFFFFFF
        mcall   13, title_x_pos*10000h+data_x_pos+data_x_size-title_x_pos, title_y_pos*10000h+title_y_size, COLOR_BG_NORMAL

        ;mov    al, 38
        ;mov    ebx, (data_x_pos-2)*10000h + title_x_pos-5
        ;mov    ecx, (title_y_pos+5)*10001h
        ; draw line with COLOR_LINE (in edx)
        mcall   38, (data_x_pos-2)*10000h+title_x_pos-5, (title_y_pos+5)*10001h, COLOR_LINE
        push    NoPrgLoaded_len
        pop     esi
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      @f
        mov     esi, [prgname_len]

        imul    ebx, esi, 6
        add     ebx, title_x_pos+4
        shl     ebx, 16
        mov     bx, data_x_pos+data_x_size-10-5-6*7
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      @f
        add     ebx, 6

        ; draw line with COLOR_LINE (in edx)
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+data_x_size-10+4)*0x10000 + data_x_pos+data_x_size+2
        ; draw line with COLOR_LINE (in edx)
        mov     al, 4
        mov     ebx, title_x_pos*10000h+title_y_pos
        ; setting up text color scheme and attributes
        mov     ecx, COLOR_TXT_NORMAL
        mov     edx, NoPrgLoaded_str
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      @f
        mov     edx, [prgname_ptr]

        ; draw text string in the window
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .nodebuggee
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+data_x_size-10-6*7)*10000h + title_y_pos
        mov     edx, aRunning
        push    7
        pop     esi
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      @f
        add     ebx, 6*10000h
        mov     edx, aPaused
        dec     esi

        ; draw line with COLOR_LINE (in edx) in one case
        ; and draw text string with color COLOR_TXT_NORMAL (in ecx) in another

        mov     al, 38
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+data_x_size-10-6*7-5)*0x10000 + data_x_pos+data_x_size+2
        mov     ecx, (title_y_pos+5)*10001h
        mov     edx, COLOR_LINE
        jmp     @b

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; REGISTERS PANEL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;                      Display common register content

; TODO: add format support (e.g. numerical value, or address offset/pointer)

; in: esi->value, edx->string, ecx = string length, ebx = coord
        push    edx
        push    ecx
        push    esi
        mov     eax, esi
        mov     esi, ecx
    ; setting up registers colors
    ; can be usual, inactive and changed
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .cd
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      .cd
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000 - black
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)
        push    edi
        mov     edi, [eax]
        cmp     dword [eax+oldcontext-context], edi
        pop     edi
        jz      .cd
        ; changed register color
        ; was 0x4000AA00 - green
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_CHANGED or 0x40000000)

        ;push   4
        ;pop    eax
        ; draw a text string in the window
        mcall   4
        imul    esi, 60000h
        lea     edx, [ebx+esi]
        ;mov    al, 47
        ;mov    ebx, 80101h
        mov     esi, ecx
        pop     ecx
        ; draw a number in the window
        ; color in the esi (same value as for usual text)
        mcall   47, 80101h
        lea     ebx, [edx+60000h*18]
        mov     esi, ecx
        pop     ecx
        pop     edx
        add     edx, ecx

;                  Display FPU register (ST0 - ST7) content
; in: esi->value, edx->string, ecx = string length, ebx = coord
        push    edx
        push    ecx
        push    esi
        mov     eax, esi
        mov     esi, ecx
    ; setting up registers color
    ; can be usual, inactive and changed
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .cd
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      .cd
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000 - black
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)
        push    edi
        mov     edi, [eax]
        cmp     dword [eax+oldcontext-context], edi
        pop     edi
        jnz     .scol
        push    edi
        mov     edi, [eax+4]
        cmp     dword [eax+oldcontext-context+4], edi
        pop     edi
        jz      .cd

        ; changed register color
        ; was 0x4000AA00 - green
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_CHANGED or 0x40000000)

        ;push   4
        ;pop    eax
        ; draw a text string in the window
        mcall   4
        imul    esi, 60000h
        lea     edx, [ebx+esi]
        ;mov    al, 47
        ;mov    ebx, 40100101h ; [20] show 16 chars set [30] bit - qword
        mov     esi, ecx
        pop     ecx
        ; draw a number in the window
        ; color is the same as for previous text draw function
        ; ebx : [20] show 16 chars set [30] bit - qword
        mcall   47, 40100101h
        lea     ebx, [edx+60000h*18]
        mov     esi, ecx
        pop     ecx
        pop     edx
        add     edx, ecx

;                      Show FPU MMX register content
; in: esi->value, edx->string, ecx = string length, ebx = coord
        push    edx
        push    ecx
        push    esi
        mov     eax, esi
        mov     esi, ecx
    ; setting up registers color
    ; can be usual, inactive and changed
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .cd
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      .cd
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000 - black
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)
        push    edi
        mov     edi, [eax]
        cmp     dword [eax+oldcontext-context], edi
        pop     edi
        jnz     .scol
        push    edi
        mov     edi, [eax+4]
        cmp     dword [eax+oldcontext-context+4], edi
        pop     edi
        jz      .cd

        ; changed color
        ; was 0x4000AA00 - green
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_CHANGED or 0x40000000)

        ;push   4
        ;pop    eax
        ; draw a text string in the window
        mcall   4
        imul    esi, 60000h
        lea     edx, [ebx+esi]
        ;mov    al, 47
        ;mov    ebx, 40100101h ; [20] show 16 chars set [30] bit - qword
        mov     esi, ecx
        pop     ecx
        ; draw a number in the window
        ; color is the same as for previous draw text function
        ; ebx : [20] show 16 chars set [30] bit - qword
        mcall   47, 40100101h
        lea     ebx, [edx+60000h*18]
        mov     esi, ecx
        pop     ecx
        pop     edx
        add     edx, ecx

; TODO add SSE registers
; TODO add AVX registers

;                   Display contents of EFLAGS register
        movzx   edi, byte [edx+7]
        bt      [_eflags], edi
        jc      .on
        or      byte [edx], 20h
        jmp     .onoff

        and     byte [edx], not 20h

    ; setting up registers colors
    ; can be usual, inactive and changed
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .doit
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      .doit
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000 - black
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)
        bt      [_eflags], edi
        bt      dword [_eflags + oldcontext - context], edi
        rcl     ah, 1
        test    ah, 3
        jp      .doit
        ; changed color
        ; was 0x4000AA00 - green
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_CHANGED or 0x40000000)

        mov     ah, 0
        ; background color for text string or number
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mov     edi, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; draw a text string in the window in one case
        ; and a number in another
        ; color scheme same as for previously called function (was in ecx)

;                      Draw registers frame title

; Also show current register set (common + MMX, SSE or AVX)
        ;push   4
        ;pop    eax
    ; setting up text backround color
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mov     edi, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
    ; setting up text color
    ; can be usual and inactive
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000 - black
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)
        mov     esi, 7
        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_CPU
        jz      @f
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)

        mov     edx, aMain
        ;mov    ebx, (registers_x_pos+4)*10000h + registers_y_pos+2
        ; draw a text string in the window
        mcall   4, (registers_x_pos+4)*10000h+registers_y_pos+2
        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_SSE
        jz      @f
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)

        mov     edx, aSSE
        ;mov        ebx, (registers_x_pos+46)*10000h + registers_y_pos+2
        ; draw a text string in the window
        mcall   4, (registers_x_pos+46)*10000h+registers_y_pos+2
        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_AVX
        jz      @f
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)

        mov     edx, aAVX
        ;mov    ebx, (registers_x_pos+88)*10000h + registers_y_pos+2
        ; draw a text string in the window
        mcall   4, (registers_x_pos+88)*10000h+registers_y_pos+2

;                Display common registers set + MMX + FPU

        ;push    13
        ;pop     eax
        ;mov     edx, 0xFFFFFF
        ;mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos-1)*10000h + (registers_x_size+2)
        ;mov     ecx, (registers_y_pos-1)*10000h + (registers_y_size+2)
        ; draw container rectangle/box with COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; color in edx, was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mcall   13, (registers_x_pos-1)*10000h+(registers_x_size+2), (registers_y_pos-1)*10000h+(registers_y_size+2), COLOR_BG_NORMAL

    ; TODO: add support for FPU ST0-ST7 registers
        ; setting up background color for text and numbers output
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mov     edi, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        mov     esi, _eax
        push    4
        pop     ecx
        mov     edx, regs_strs
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+22
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+32
        add     esi, _ebx-_eax
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+42
        add     esi, _ecx-_ebx
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+52
        add     esi, _edx-_ecx
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+62
        add     esi, _esi-_edx
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+72
        add     esi, _edi-_esi
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+82
        add     esi, _ebp-_edi
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+92
        add     esi, _esp-_ebp
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+102
        add     esi, _eip-_esp
        call    draw_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+112
        push    cx
        mov     cl, 7
        add     esi, _eflags-_eip
        call    draw_register
        pop     cx

    ; MMX registers
        mov     edx, mmx_strs
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+142
        mov     esi, _mm0
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+152
        add     esi, _mm1-_mm0
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+162
        add     esi, _mm2-_mm1
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+172
        add     esi, _mm3-_mm2
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+182
        add     esi, _mm4-_mm3
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+192
        add     esi, _mm5-_mm4
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+202
        add     esi, _mm6-_mm5
        call    draw_mmx_register
        mov     ebx, (registers_x_pos+2)*10000h+registers_y_pos+212
        add     esi, _mm7-_mm6
        call    draw_mmx_register
        ;mov    al, 4
        ; setting up text color
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x808080 - grey
        mov     ecx, COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      @f
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      @f
        xor     ecx, ecx

        mov     edx, aColon
        xor     esi, esi
        inc     esi
        mov     ecx, COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE
        ;mov    ebx, (registers_x_pos+10)*10000h + registers_y_pos+122
        ; draw a text string in the window, color in ecx
        mcall   4, (registers_x_pos+10)*10000h+registers_y_pos+122
        mov     edx, flags

        add     ebx, 2*6*10000h
        call    draw_flag
        inc     edx
        cmp     dl, flags_bits and 0xFF
        jnz     @b

;                  Draw SSE registers set


;                  Draw AVX registers set


;                 Draw all registers sets
        call    draw_reg_title
        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_CPU
        jnz     @f
        call    draw_main_registers

        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_SSE
        jnz     @f
        call    draw_sse_registers

        call    draw_avx_registers

        call    draw_reg_title
        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_CPU
        jnz     @f
        call    draw_main_registers.redraw

        cmp     [reg_mode], REG_MODE_SSE
        jnz     @f
        call    draw_sse_registers.redraw

        call    draw_avx_registers.redraw

;                     Display memory dump

        ;push    13
        ;pop     eax
        ;mov     edx, 0xFFFFFF
        ;mov     ebx, data_x_pos*10000h + data_x_size
        ;mov     ecx, dump_y_pos*10000h + dump_y_size
        ; draw container rectangle/box in the window
        ; with color in COLOR_BG_NORMAL (was 0xFFFFFF - white)
        mcall   13, data_x_pos*10000h+data_x_size, dump_y_pos*10000h+dump_y_size, COLOR_BG_NORMAL

    ; addresses
        ;mov    al, 47
        mov     ebx, 80100h
        mov     edx, data_x_pos*10000h + dump_y_pos
        mov     ecx, [dumppos]
        ; background color for text string
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mov     edi, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; inactive color
        ; was 0x40808080 - grey
        mov     esi, (COLOR_TXT_INACTIVE or 0x40000000)
        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      @f
        cmp     [bSuspended], 0
        jz      @f
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000 - black
        mov     esi, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)

        ; draw a number in the window, color in esi
        mcall   47
        add     ecx, 10h
        add     edx, 10
        cmp     dl, dump_y_pos + dump_y_size
        jb      @b
    ; hex dump of data
        mov     ecx, dumpdata
        push    ecx
        xor     ebx, ebx
        mov     edx, (data_x_pos+12*6)*10000h + dump_y_pos
        cmp     [dumpread], ebx
        jz      .hexdumpdone1

        push    ebx
        mov     ebx, 20101h
        ; draw a number in the window, color in esi
        pop     ebx
        add     edx, 3*6*10000h
        inc     ecx
        inc     ebx
        test    bl, 15
        jz      .16
        test    bl, 7
        jnz     @f
        add     edx, 2*6*10000h - 10 + 6*(3*10h+2)*10000h

        add     edx, 10 - 6*(3*10h+2)*10000h

        cmp     ebx, [dumpread]
        jb      .hexdumploop1

        mov     al, 4
        ; copy color value from esi to ecx
        ; to draw text string with 'mcall 4'
        mov     ecx, esi
        xchg    ebx, edx
        push    2
        pop     esi

        cmp     edx, dump_height*10h
        jae     .hexdumpdone2
        push    edx
        mov     edx, aQuests
        ; draw text string with color in ecx, copied from esi
        pop     edx
        add     ebx, 3*6*10000h
        inc     edx
        test    dl, 15
        jz      .16x
        test    dl, 7
        jnz     .hexdumploop2
        add     ebx, 2*6*10000h - 10 + 6*(3*10h+2)*10000h

        add     ebx, 10 - 6*(3*10h+2)*10000h
        jmp     .hexdumploop2

        dec     esi
    ; colon, minus signs
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+8*6)*10000h + dump_y_pos
        mov     edx, aColon

        add     ebx, 10
        cmp     bl, dump_y_pos+dump_height*10
        jb      @b
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+(12+3*8)*6)*10000h + dump_y_pos
        mov     edx, aMinus

        add     ebx, 10
        cmp     bl, dump_y_pos+dump_height*10
        jb      @b
    ; ASCII data
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+(12+3*10h+2+2)*6)*10000h + dump_y_pos
        pop     edx
        push    dump_height*10h

        push    edx
        cmp     byte [edx], 20h
        jae     @f
        mov     edx, aPoint

        ; draw a text string in the window, color in ecx
        pop     edx
        inc     edx
        add     ebx, 6*10000h
        dec     dword [esp]
        jz      .asciidone
        test    byte [esp], 15
        jnz     .asciiloop
        add     ebx, 10 - 6*10h*10000h
        jmp     .asciiloop

        pop     ecx

;                   Display disassembled code

; @@@@@ WAS:
; redraw_disasm:
;       push    13
;       pop     eax
;       mov     edx, 0xFFFFFF
;       mov     ebx, data_x_pos*10000h + data_x_size
;       mov     ecx, (disasm_y_pos-1)*10000h + (disasm_y_size+1)
;       mcall
; @@@@@ NOW:

        mov     eax, [disasm_start_pos]
        mov     [disasm_cur_pos], eax
        and     [disasm_cur_str], 0

        mov     eax, [disasm_cur_pos]
        call    find_symbol
        jc      .nosymb
        mov     ebx, [disasm_cur_str]
        imul    ebx, 10
        push    ebx
        lea     ecx, [ebx+disasm_y_pos-1]
        shl     ecx, 16
        mov     cl, 11
        ; setting up background color for disassembled text
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ;mov    ebx, data_x_pos*10000h + data_x_size
        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        ; draw container rectangle/box with color COLOR_BG_NORMAL (was 0xFFFFFF - white)
        mcall   13, data_x_pos*10000h+data_x_size
        pop     ebx
        ; copy color value from edx (COLOR_BG_NORMAL)
        mov     edi, edx
        add     ebx, (data_x_pos+6*2)*10000h+disasm_y_pos
        mov     edx, esi

        test    al, al
        jnz     @b
        mov     byte [esi-1], ':'
        sub     esi, edx
        ; normal color
        ; was 0x40000000
        mov     ecx, (COLOR_TXT_NORMAL or 0x40000000)
        mov     al, 4
        ; draw a text string in the window with color COLOR_TXT_NORMAL in ecx
        mov     byte [esi+edx-1], 0
        lea     esi, [esi*3]
        movzx   ecx, bx
        shr     ebx, 16
        lea     ebx, [ebx+esi*2]
        shl     ecx, 16
        mov     cl, 10
        imul    ebx, 10001h
        sub     bx, data_x_pos+data_x_size
        neg     bx
        mov     al, 13
        ; copy color value from edi
        mov     edx, edi
        ; draw container rectangle/box for disassembled text, color in edx
        inc     [disasm_cur_str]
        cmp     [disasm_cur_str], disasm_height
        jae     .loopend

        push    [disasm_cur_pos]
        call    disasm_instr
        pop     ebp
        jc      .loopend
        ; setting up colors
        ; was 'xor     esi, esi' - default color: black
        mov     esi, COLOR_TXT_NORMAL
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - default background: white
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        mov     ebx, data_x_pos*10000h + data_x_size
        mov     ecx, [disasm_cur_str]
        imul    ecx, 10*10000h
        add     ecx, (disasm_y_pos-1)*10000h + 10
        mov     eax, ebp
        call    find_enabled_breakpoint
        jnz     .nored
        ; setting up background color for breakpoint
        ; was 0xFF0000 - red
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_BREAKPOINT

        mov     eax, [_eip]
        cmp     eax, ebp
        jnz     .noblue
        ; setting up background color for selected text
        ; (current running instruction)
        ; was 0x0000FF - blue
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_SELECTED
        ; setting up selected text color
        ; (current running  instruction)
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mov     esi, COLOR_TXT_SELECTED

        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        ; draw container rectangle/box for disassembled text
        ; color in edx
        mcall   13
        ;mov    al, 47
        ;mov    ebx, 80100h
        mov     edx, [disasm_cur_str]
        imul    edx, 10
        add     edx, data_x_pos*10000h + disasm_y_pos
        ;mov    ecx, ebp
        ; draw a number in the window, color in esi
        mcall   47, 80100h, ebp
        ;mov    al, 4
        lea     ebx, [edx+8*6*10000h]
        ; copy color value from esi
        mov     ecx, esi
        push    2
        pop     esi
        mov     edx, aColon
        ; draw a text string in the window, color in ecx
        mcall   4
        push    9
        pop     edi
        lea     edx, [ebx+2*6*10000h]
        mov     esi, ecx
        mov     ecx, ebp
        sub     ecx, [disasm_start_pos]
        add     ecx, disasm_buffer

        ;mov    al, 47
        ;mov    ebx, 20101h
        ; draw a number in the window, color in esi
        mcall   47, 20101h
        add     edx, 6*3*10000h
        inc     ecx
        inc     ebp
        cmp     ebp, [disasm_cur_pos]
        jae     .hexdone
        dec     edi
        jnz     .drawhex
        push    esi
        mov     esi, [disasm_cur_pos]
        dec     esi
        cmp     esi, ebp
        pop     esi
        jbe     .drawhex
        ;mov    al, 4
        lea     ebx, [edx-6*10000h]
        ; copy color value from esi
        mov     ecx, esi
        push    3
        pop     esi
        mov     edx, aDots
        ; draw a text string in the window, color in ecx
        mcall   4
        ; copy color value from ecx
        mov     esi, ecx

        xor     eax, eax
        mov     edi, disasm_string
        mov     edx, edi
        or      ecx, -1
        repnz scasb
        not     ecx
        dec     ecx
        xchg    ecx, esi
        mov     ebx, [disasm_cur_str]
        imul    ebx, 10
        add     ebx, (data_x_pos+6*40)*10000h+disasm_y_pos
        ;mov    al, 4
        ; draw a text string in the window, color in ecx
        mcall   4
        inc     [disasm_cur_str]
        cmp     [disasm_cur_str], disasm_height
        jb      .loop

        mov     ecx, disasm_height
        sub     ecx, [disasm_cur_str]
        jz      @f
        imul    ecx, 10
        inc     ecx
        mov     eax, disasm_y_pos + disasm_y_size
        sub     eax, ecx
        shl     eax, 16
        add     ecx, eax
        ;push   13
        ;pop    eax
        ;mov    ebx, data_x_pos*65536 + data_x_size
        ; set backroung color for disassembly container
        ; was 0xFFFFFF - white
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; draw container rectangle/box with color COLOR_BG_NORMAL (in edx)
        mcall   13, data_x_pos*65536+data_x_size



; TODO: cleanup of this function, make some global labels local
; test if instruction at eip is showed
        mov     ecx, disasm_height
        mov     eax, [disasm_start_pos]
        mov     [disasm_cur_pos], eax

        mov     eax, [disasm_cur_pos]
        call    find_symbol
        jc      @f
        dec     ecx
        jz      .m

        cmp     [_eip], eax
        jz      draw_disasm.redraw
        push    ecx
        call    disasm_instr
        pop     ecx
        jc      .m
        loop    .l


        mov     eax, [_eip]
        mov     [disasm_start_pos], eax

        cmp     [debuggee_pid], 0
        jz      .no
        ;push   69
        ;pop    eax
        ;push   6
        ;pop    ebx
        ;mov    ecx, [debuggee_pid]
        ;mov    edi, disasm_buffer
        ;mov    edx, 256
        ;mov    esi, [disasm_start_pos]
        mcall   69, 6, [debuggee_pid], 256, [disasm_start_pos], disasm_buffer
        cmp     eax, -1
        jnz     @f
        mov     esi, read_mem_err
        call    put_message

        xor     eax, eax

        mov     [disasm_buf_size], eax
        call    restore_from_breaks
        jmp     draw_disasm.redraw

;                               Draw main window

    ; start window redraw
        mcall   12, 1

    ; define window
        mcall   0, wnd_x_size, wnd_y_size, (COLOR_BG_NORMAL or 0x54000000), , caption_str

    ; clear unused areas
        ; get window skin height
        mcall   48, 4
        cmp     eax, title_y_pos
        jb      @f
        push    registers_y_pos
        pop     eax

        push    registers_y_pos
        pop     ecx
        push    eax
        sub     ecx, eax
        shl     eax, 16
        add     ecx, eax
        mov     ebx, 5*10000h + (wnd_x_size-9)
        mov     edx, COLOR_BG_NORMAL
        ; draw container rectangle/box for registers information region
        mcall   13
        mov     ecx, (dump_y_pos+dump_y_size)*10000h + (disasm_y_pos-dump_y_pos-dump_y_size)
        ; draw container rectangle/box for dump memory region
        mov     ecx, (disasm_y_pos-1+disasm_y_size)*10000h + (messages_y_pos-disasm_y_pos+1-disasm_y_size)
        ; draw container rectangle/box for disassembled code region
        mov     ecx, (messages_y_pos+messages_y_size)*10000h + (wnd_y_size-messages_y_pos-messages_y_size-4)
        ; draw container rectangle/box for messages window region
        mov     ebx, 5*10000h + (data_x_pos-5)
        pop     ecx
        imul    ecx, 10001h
        sub     cx, wnd_y_size-4
        neg     cx
        ; draw container rectangle/box
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+data_x_size)*10000h + (wnd_x_size-data_x_pos-data_x_size-4)
        ; draw container rectangle/box
        mov     ebx, 5*10000h + title_x_pos - 5
        mov     ecx, (title_y_pos)*10000h + (title_y_size)
        ; draw container rectangle/box for dump memory region title

    ; messages frame
        mov     ebx, (messages_x_pos-2)*10000h + (messages_x_pos+messages_x_size+2)
        push    ebx
        mov     ecx, (messages_y_pos-2)*10001h
        mov     edx, COLOR_LINE
        mcall   38
        mov     ecx, (messages_y_pos+messages_y_size+2)*10001h
        mov     ebx, (messages_x_pos-2)*10001h
        push    ebx
        mov     ecx, (messages_y_pos-2)*10000h + (messages_y_pos+messages_y_size+2)
        mov     ebx, (messages_x_pos+messages_x_size+2)*10001h
        push    ebx

    ; command line frame
        mov     ecx, (cmdline_y_pos-2)*10000h + (cmdline_y_pos+cmdline_y_size+2)
        pop     ebx
        pop     ebx
        pop     ebx
        mov     ecx, (cmdline_y_pos+cmdline_y_size+2)*10001h
        mov     ecx, (cmdline_y_pos-2)*10001h

    ; registers frame
		DrawRectangle (registers_x_pos-2), (registers_y_pos-2), (registers_x_size+3), (registers_y_size+3), COLOR_LINE
        ; draw container rectangle/box for registers information window region

    ; messages
        call    draw_messages

    ; command line & cursor
        call    draw_cmdline
        call    draw_cursor

    ; title & registers & dump & disasm
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos-2)*10001h
        mov     ecx, (title_y_pos+5)*10000h + (messages_y_pos-2)
        mov     edx, COLOR_LINE
        mcall   38
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos+data_x_size+2)*10001h
        mov     ebx, (data_x_pos-2)*10000h + (data_x_pos+data_x_size+2)
        mov     ecx, (disasm_y_pos-4)*10001h

    ; redraw whole window again
        call    redraw_title
        call    draw_registers
        call    draw_dump
        call    draw_disasm.redraw

    ; end of window redraw
        mcall   12, 2

; vim: ft=fasm tabstop=4