/* ------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed Rate Pig - a fixed logic frame rate demo ------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004 David Olofson <david@olofson.net> * * This software is released under the terms of the GPL. * * Contact author for permission if you want to use this * software, or work derived from it, under other terms. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "engine.h" #include "SDL_image.h" /* Size of sprite frame table */ #define PIG_MAX_SPRITES 1024 /* * Actually remove an objects. Used internally, * to remove objects that have been marked for * destruction. */ static void close_object(PIG_object *po); /*---------------------------------------------------------- Engine ----------------------------------------------------------*/ PIG_engine *pig_open(SDL_Surface *screen) { PIG_engine *pe = (PIG_engine *)calloc(1, sizeof(PIG_engine)); if(!pe) return NULL; pe->screen = screen; if(!pe->screen) { pig_close(pe); return NULL; } if((pe->screen->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE) { pe->buffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, screen->w, screen->h, screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask, screen->format->Gmask, screen->format->Bmask, screen->format->Amask); if(!pe->buffer) { pig_close(pe); return NULL; } pe->surface = pe->buffer; } else pe->surface = screen; pe->pages = 1 + ((screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) == SDL_DOUBLEBUF); pe->interpolation = 1; pe->time = 0.0; pe->view.w = pe->surface->w; pe->view.h = pe->surface->h; pe->sprites = (PIG_sprite **)calloc(PIG_MAX_SPRITES, sizeof(PIG_sprite *)); if(!pe->sprites) { pig_close(pe); return NULL; } pe->pagedirty[0] = pig_dirty_open(128); pe->workdirty = pig_dirty_open(256); if(!pe->pagedirty[0] || !pe->workdirty) { pig_close(pe); return NULL; } if(pe->pages > 1) { pe->pagedirty[1] = pig_dirty_open(128); if(!pe->pagedirty[1]) { pig_close(pe); return NULL; } } return pe; } void pig_close(PIG_engine *pe) { if(pe->sprites) { int i; for(i = 0; i < pe->nsprites; ++i) if(pe->sprites[i]) { if(pe->sprites[i]->surface) SDL_FreeSurface(pe->sprites[i]->surface); free(pe->sprites[i]); } free(pe->sprites); } while(pe->objects) close_object(pe->objects); if(pe->map) pig_map_close(pe->map); if(pe->buffer) SDL_FreeSurface(pe->buffer); if(pe->pagedirty[0]) pig_dirty_close(pe->pagedirty[0]); if(pe->pagedirty[1]) pig_dirty_close(pe->pagedirty[1]); if(pe->workdirty) pig_dirty_close(pe->workdirty); free(pe); } void pig_viewport(PIG_engine *pe, int x, int y, int w, int h) { pe->view.x = x; pe->view.y = y; pe->view.w = w; pe->view.h = h; } int pig_sprites(PIG_engine *pe, const char *filename, int sw, int sh) { int x, y, count, handle; SDL_Surface *tmp = IMG_Load(filename); if(!tmp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load '%s'!\n", filename); return -1; } handle = pe->nsprites; if(!sw) sw = tmp->w; if(!sh) sh = tmp->h; /* Disable blending, so we get the alpha channel COPIED! */ SDL_SetAlpha(tmp, 0, 0); count = 0; for(y = 0; y <= tmp->h - sh; y += sh) for(x = 0; x <= tmp->w - sw; x += sw) { SDL_Rect r; SDL_Surface *tmp2; PIG_sprite *s; if(pe->nsprites >= PIG_MAX_SPRITES) { fprintf(stderr, "Sprite bank full!\n"); return -1; } s = (PIG_sprite *)calloc(1, sizeof(PIG_sprite)); if(!s) return -1; s->w = sw; s->h = sh; s->hotx = sw / 2; s->hoty = sh / 2; s->radius = (sw + sh) / 5; tmp2 = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, sw, sh, 32, 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff); SDL_SetAlpha(tmp2, 0, 0); r.x = x; r.y = y; r.w = sw; r.h = sh; SDL_BlitSurface(tmp, &r, tmp2, NULL); SDL_SetAlpha(tmp2, SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); s->surface = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(tmp2); if(!s->surface) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert sprite %d" " of '%s'!\n", count, filename); return -1; } SDL_FreeSurface(tmp2); pe->sprites[pe->nsprites] = s; ++pe->nsprites; ++count; } SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); return handle; } int pig_hotspot(PIG_engine *pe, int frame, int hotx, int hoty) { if((frame < 0 ) || (frame >= pe->nsprites)) return -1; switch(hotx) { case PIG_UNCHANGED: break; case PIG_MIN: pe->sprites[frame]->hotx = 0; break; case PIG_CENTER: pe->sprites[frame]->hotx = pe->sprites[frame]->w / 2; break; case PIG_MAX: pe->sprites[frame]->hotx = pe->sprites[frame]->w; break; default: pe->sprites[frame]->hotx = hotx; break; } switch(hoty) { case PIG_UNCHANGED: break; case PIG_MIN: pe->sprites[frame]->hoty = 0; break; case PIG_CENTER: pe->sprites[frame]->hoty = pe->sprites[frame]->h / 2; break; case PIG_MAX: pe->sprites[frame]->hoty = pe->sprites[frame]->h; break; default: pe->sprites[frame]->hoty = hoty; break; } return 0; } int pig_radius(PIG_engine *pe, int frame, int radius) { if((frame < 0 ) || (frame >= pe->nsprites)) return -1; pe->sprites[frame]->radius = radius; return 0; } void pig_start(PIG_engine *pe, int frame) { PIG_object *po = pe->objects; pe->time = (double)frame; pe->frame = frame; while(po) { po->ip.gx = po->ip.ox = po->x; po->ip.gy = po->ip.oy = po->y; po->ip.gimage = po->ibase + po->image; po = po->next; } } static void run_timers(PIG_engine *pe, PIG_object *po) { int i; for(i = 0; i < PIG_TIMERS; ++i) if(po->timer[i]) { --po->timer[i]; if(!po->timer[i]) { PIG_event ev; ev.type = PIG_TIMER0 + i; po->handler(po, &ev); if(!po->id) return; } } } static void test_offscreen(PIG_engine *pe, PIG_object *po, PIG_sprite *s) { PIG_event ev; int hx, hy, w, h; if(s) { hx = s->hotx; hy = s->hoty; w = s->w; h = s->h; } else hx = hy = w = h = 0; ev.cinfo.sides = (po->y - hy < -h) << PIG_TOP_B; ev.cinfo.sides |= (po->y - hy >= pe->view.h) << PIG_BOTTOM_B; ev.cinfo.sides |= (po->x - hx < -w) << PIG_LEFT_B; ev.cinfo.sides |= (po->x - hx >= pe->view.w) << PIG_RIGHT_B; if(ev.cinfo.sides) { float dx = po->x - po->ip.ox; float dy = po->y - po->ip.oy; if(ev.cinfo.sides & PIG_TOP) { ev.cinfo.y = 0; if(dy) ev.cinfo.x = po->ip.ox - dx * po->ip.oy / dy; } else if(ev.cinfo.sides & PIG_BOTTOM) { ev.cinfo.y = pe->view.h - 1; if(dy) ev.cinfo.x = po->ip.ox + dx * (ev.cinfo.y - po->ip.oy) / dy; } if(ev.cinfo.sides & PIG_LEFT) { ev.cinfo.x = 0; if(dx) ev.cinfo.y = po->ip.oy - dy * po->ip.ox / dx; } else if(ev.cinfo.sides & PIG_RIGHT) { ev.cinfo.x = pe->view.w - 1; if(dx) ev.cinfo.y = po->ip.oy + dy * (ev.cinfo.x - po->ip.ox) / dx; } ev.type = PIG_OFFSCREEN; po->handler(po, &ev); } } /* Test for stationary sprite/sprite collision */ static void sprite_sprite_one(PIG_object *po, PIG_object *po2, float t, float hitdist) { float dx, dy, dsquare; PIG_event ev; int sides; float ix = po->ip.ox * (1 - t) + po->x * t; float iy = po->ip.oy * (1 - t) + po->y * t; float ix2 = po2->ip.ox * (1 - t) + po2->x * t; float iy2 = po2->ip.oy * (1 - t) + po2->y * t; dx = ix - ix2; dy = iy - iy2; dsquare = dx*dx + dy*dy; if(dsquare >= hitdist*hitdist) return; /* Nothing... --> */ if(fabs(dsquare) < 1) sides = PIG_ALL; else { float d = sqrt(dsquare); dx /= d; dy /= d; if(dx < -0.707) sides = PIG_LEFT; else if((dx > 0.707)) sides = PIG_RIGHT; else sides = 0; if(dy < -0.707) sides |= PIG_TOP; else if((dy > 0.707)) sides |= PIG_BOTTOM; } ev.type = PIG_HIT_OBJECT; ev.cinfo.ff = 0.0; ev.cinfo.x = ix; ev.cinfo.y = iy; ev.cinfo.sides = sides; if(po->hitmask & po2->hitgroup) { ev.obj = po2; po->handler(po, &ev); } if(po2->id && (po2->hitmask & po->hitgroup)) { int s; ev.cinfo.x = ix2; ev.cinfo.y = iy2; s = ((sides >> PIG_LEFT_B) & 1) << PIG_RIGHT_B; s |= ((sides >> PIG_RIGHT_B) & 1) << PIG_LEFT_B; s |= ((sides >> PIG_TOP_B) & 1) << PIG_BOTTOM_B; s |= ((sides >> PIG_BOTTOM_B) & 1) << PIG_TOP_B; ev.cinfo.sides = s; ev.obj = po; po2->handler(po2, &ev); } } /* * Check 'po' against all subsequent objects in the list. * The testing is step size limited so that neither object * moves more than 25% of the collision distance between tests. * (25% should be sufficient for correct direction flags.) */ static void test_sprite_sprite(PIG_engine *pe, PIG_object *po, PIG_sprite *s) { int image; PIG_object *po2, *next2; for(po2 = po->next; po2; po2 = next2) { float hitdist, d, dmax, t, dt; next2 = po2->next; if(!po->id || !po2->id) break; /* Check collision groups and masks */ if(!(po->hitmask & po2->hitgroup) && !(po2->hitmask & po->hitgroup)) continue; /* Calculate minimum distance */ hitdist = s ? s->radius : 0; image = po2->ibase + po2->image; if((image >= 0) && (image < pe->nsprites)) hitdist += pe->sprites[image]->radius; if(hitdist < 1) hitdist = 1; /* Calculate number of testing steps */ dmax = fabs(po->ip.ox - po->x); d = fabs(po->ip.oy - po->y); dmax = d > dmax ? d : dmax; d = fabs(po2->ip.ox - po2->x); dmax = d > dmax ? d : dmax; d = fabs(po2->ip.oy - po2->y); dmax = d > dmax ? d : dmax; if(dmax > 1) dt = hitdist / (dmax * 4); else dt = 1; /* Sweep test! */ for(t = 0; t < 1; t += dt) sprite_sprite_one(po, po2, t, hitdist); } } /* * Returns a non-zero value if the tile at (x, y) is marked for * collisions on the side indicated by 'mask'. */ static __inline__ int check_tile(PIG_map *m, int x, int y, int mask) { int mx, my; /* * Must check < 0 first! (Division rounds * towards zero - not downwards.) */ if(x < 0 || y < 0) return PIG_NONE; mx = x / m->tw; my = y / m->th; if(mx >= m->w || my >= m->h) return PIG_NONE; return m->hit[my * m->w + mx] & mask; } int pig_test_map(PIG_engine *pe, int x, int y) { int mx, my; if(x < 0 || y < 0) return PIG_NONE; mx = x / pe->map->tw; my = y / pe->map->th; if(mx >= pe->map->w || my >= pe->map->h) return PIG_NONE; return pe->map->hit[my * pe->map->w + mx]; } /* * Simple implementation that checks only for top edge collisions. * (Full top/bottom/left/right checks with proper handling of * corners and rows of tiles is a lot more complicated, so I'll * leave that out for now, rather than hacking something simple * but incorrect.) */ int pig_test_map_vector(PIG_engine *pe, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int mask, PIG_cinfo *ci) { PIG_cinfo lci; PIG_map *m = pe->map; int x, y; int dist = 2000000000L; if(!ci) ci = &lci; ci->sides = 0; if((mask & PIG_TOP) && (y1 < y2)) { /* Test for tiles that can be hit from the top */ for(y = y1 + m->th - y1 % m->th; y <= y2; y += m->th) { x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1); if(check_tile(m, x, y + 1, PIG_TOP)) { dist = (x-x1) * (x-x1) + (y-y1) * (y-y1); ci->x = x; ci->y = y - 1; ci->sides |= PIG_TOP; break; } } } if(ci->sides) ci->ff = sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) / dist); return ci->sides; } static void test_sprite_map(PIG_engine *pe, PIG_object *po, PIG_sprite *s) { PIG_event ev; if(pig_test_map_vector(pe, po->ip.ox, po->ip.oy, po->x, po->y, po->tilemask, &ev.cinfo)) { ev.type = PIG_HIT_TILE; po->handler(po, &ev); } } static void run_logic(PIG_engine *pe) { PIG_object *po, *next; int image; /* Shift logic coordinates */ for(po = pe->objects; po; po = po->next) { po->ip.ox = po->x; po->ip.oy = po->y; } if(pe->before_objects) pe->before_objects(pe); for(po = pe->objects; po; po = next) { PIG_event ev; /* * We must grab the next pointer before * we call any event handlers, as they * may cause objects to remove themselves! */ next = po->next; ev.type = PIG_PREFRAME; po->handler(po, &ev); } for(po = pe->objects; po; po = next) { PIG_sprite *s; next = po->next; image = po->ibase + po->image; if((image >= 0) && (image < pe->nsprites)) s = pe->sprites[image]; else s = NULL; /* Move! */ po->vx += po->ax; po->vy += po->ay; po->x += po->vx; po->y += po->vy; /* Check and handle events */ if(po->handler) { run_timers(pe, po); if(po->id) test_offscreen(pe, po, s); if(po->id && (po->hitmask || po->hitgroup)) test_sprite_sprite(pe, po, s); if(po->id && po->tilemask) test_sprite_map(pe, po, s); } } for(po = pe->objects; po; po = next) { next = po->next; if(po->id) { PIG_event ev; ev.type = PIG_POSTFRAME; po->handler(po, &ev); ++po->age; } } if(pe->after_objects) pe->after_objects(pe); } void pig_animate(PIG_engine *pe, float frames) { /* Advance logic time */ int i = floor(pe->time + frames) - floor(pe->time); while(i--) { run_logic(pe); ++pe->frame; } pe->time += frames; } void pig_dirty(PIG_engine *pe, SDL_Rect *dr) { SDL_Rect r; r.x = 0; r.y = 0; r.w = pe->surface->w; r.h = pe->surface->h; if(dr) pig_intersectrect(dr, &r); if(r.w && r.h) pig_dirty_add(pe->pagedirty[pe->page], &r); } static void tile_area(PIG_engine *pe, SDL_Rect *r) { SDL_Rect cr; int x, y, startx, starty, maxx, maxy, tilesperrow; cr = *r; cr.x += pe->view.x; cr.y += pe->view.y; SDL_SetClipRect(pe->surface, &cr); startx = r->x / pe->map->tw; starty = r->y / pe->map->th; maxx = (r->x + r->w + pe->map->tw - 1) / pe->map->tw; maxy = (r->y + r->h + pe->map->th - 1) / pe->map->th; if(maxx > pe->map->w - 1) maxx = pe->map->w - 1; if(maxy > pe->map->h - 1) maxy = pe->map->h - 1; tilesperrow = pe->map->tiles->w / pe->map->tw; for(y = starty; y <= maxy; ++y) for(x = startx; x <= maxx; ++x) { SDL_Rect from, to; int c = pe->map->map[y * pe->map->w + x]; from.x = c % tilesperrow * pe->map->tw; from.y = c / tilesperrow * pe->map->th; from.w = pe->map->tw; from.h = pe->map->th; to.x = pe->view.x + x * pe->map->tw; to.y = pe->view.y + y * pe->map->th; SDL_BlitSurface(pe->map->tiles, &from, pe->surface, &to); } } void remove_sprites(PIG_engine *pe) { SDL_Rect r; PIG_sprite *s; PIG_object *po, *next; /* * Remove all objects, using the information that * remains from the last frame. The actual removal * is done by drawing over the sprites with tiles * from the map. * * We assume that most objects don't overlap. If * they do that a lot, we could use a "dirty map" * to avoid rendering the same tiles multiple times * in the overlapping areas. */ for(po = pe->objects; po; po = next) { next = po->next; if((po->ip.gimage < 0) || (po->ip.gimage >= pe->nsprites)) continue; s = pe->sprites[po->ip.gimage]; r.x = po->ip.gx - s->hotx; r.y = po->ip.gy - s->hoty; r.w = s->w; r.h = s->h; pig_intersectrect(&pe->view, &r); if(r.w && r.h) tile_area(pe, &r); /* * Delete dead objects *after* they've * been removed from the rendering buffer! */ if(!po->id) close_object(po); } } void draw_sprites(PIG_engine *pe) { PIG_dirtytable *pdt; PIG_sprite *s; PIG_object *po; float fframe = pe->time - floor(pe->time); SDL_SetClipRect(pe->surface, &pe->view); /* Swap the work and display/back page dirtytables */ pdt = pe->workdirty; pe->workdirty = pe->pagedirty[pe->page]; pe->pagedirty[pe->page] = pdt; /* Clear the display/back page dirtytable */ pdt->count = 0; /* Update positions and render all objects */ po = pe->objects; while(po) { /* Calculate graphic coordinates */ if(pe->interpolation) { po->ip.gx = po->ip.ox * (1 - fframe) + po->x * fframe; po->ip.gy = po->ip.oy * (1 - fframe) + po->y * fframe; } else { po->ip.gx = po->x; po->ip.gy = po->y; } po->ip.gimage = po->ibase + po->image; /* Render the sprite! */ if((po->ip.gimage >= 0) && (po->ip.gimage < pe->nsprites)) { SDL_Rect dr; s = pe->sprites[po->ip.gimage]; dr.x = po->ip.gx - s->hotx + pe->view.x; dr.y = po->ip.gy - s->hoty + pe->view.y; SDL_BlitSurface(pe->sprites[po->ip.gimage]->surface, NULL, pe->surface, &dr); /* * We use the clipped rect for the dirtyrect! */ if(dr.w && dr.h) pig_dirty_add(pdt, &dr); } po = po->next; } /* Merge the display/back page table into the work table */ pig_dirty_merge(pe->workdirty, pdt); } void pig_refresh(PIG_engine *pe) { remove_sprites(pe); draw_sprites(pe); } void pig_refresh_all(PIG_engine *pe) { tile_area(pe, &pe->view); pig_dirty(pe, NULL); draw_sprites(pe); } static void show_rects(PIG_engine *pe, PIG_dirtytable *pdt) { int i; Uint32 color; if(!pe->buffer) { pe->buffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, pe->screen->w, pe->screen->h, pe->screen->format->BitsPerPixel, pe->screen->format->Rmask, pe->screen->format->Gmask, pe->screen->format->Bmask, pe->screen->format->Amask); if(!pe->buffer) return; pe->surface = pe->buffer; tile_area(pe, &pe->view); } if(!pe->buffer) return; pe->direct = 0; for(i = 0; i < pdt->count; ++i) { SDL_Rect r; r = pdt->rects[i]; r.x -= 32; r.y -= 32; r.w += 64; r.h += 64; SDL_BlitSurface(pe->buffer, &r, pe->screen, &r); } color = SDL_MapRGB(pe->screen->format, 255, 0, 255); for(i = 0; i < pdt->count; ++i) { SDL_Rect r; r = pdt->rects[i]; r.h = 1; SDL_FillRect(pe->screen, &r, color); r.y += pdt->rects[i].h - 1; SDL_FillRect(pe->screen, &r, color); r = pdt->rects[i]; r.w = 1; SDL_FillRect(pe->screen, &r, color); r.x += pdt->rects[i].w - 1; SDL_FillRect(pe->screen, &r, color); } } void pig_flip(PIG_engine *pe) { PIG_dirtytable *pdt = pe->workdirty; int i; SDL_SetClipRect(pe->surface, NULL); if(pe->show_dirtyrects) { show_rects(pe, pdt); for(i = 0; i < pdt->count; ++i) { pdt->rects[i].x -= 32; pdt->rects[i].y -= 32; pdt->rects[i].w += 64; pdt->rects[i].h += 64; pig_intersectrect(&pe->buffer->clip_rect, &pdt->rects[i]); } } else if(pe->surface == pe->buffer) for(i = 0; i < pdt->count; ++i) SDL_BlitSurface(pe->buffer, pdt->rects + i, pe->screen, pdt->rects + i); if((pe->screen->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE) { SDL_Flip(pe->screen); if(pe->pages > 1) pe->page = 1 - pe->page; } else SDL_UpdateRects(pe->screen, pdt->count, pdt->rects); if(pe->direct) pe->surface = pe->screen; else pe->surface = pe->buffer ? pe->buffer : pe->screen; } void pig_draw_sprite(PIG_engine *pe, int frame, int x, int y) { SDL_Rect dr; if(frame >= pe->nsprites) return; dr.x = x - pe->sprites[frame]->hotx + pe->view.x; dr.y = y - pe->sprites[frame]->hoty + pe->view.y; SDL_BlitSurface(pe->sprites[frame]->surface, NULL, pe->surface, &dr); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Map ----------------------------------------------------------*/ PIG_map *pig_map_open(PIG_engine *pe, int w, int h) { if(pe->map) pig_map_close(pe->map); pe->map = (PIG_map *)calloc(1, sizeof(PIG_map)); if(!pe->map) return NULL; pe->map->owner = pe; pe->map->w = w; pe->map->h = h; pe->map->hit = (unsigned char *)calloc(w, h); if(!pe->map->hit) { pig_map_close(pe->map); return NULL; } pe->map->map = (unsigned char *)calloc(w, h); if(!pe->map->map) { pig_map_close(pe->map); return NULL; } return pe->map; } void pig_map_close(PIG_map *pm) { PIG_engine *pe = pm->owner; if(pm->tiles) SDL_FreeSurface(pm->tiles); free(pm->hit); free(pm->map); free(pe->map); pe->map = NULL; } int pig_map_tiles(PIG_map *pm, const char *filename, int tw, int th) { SDL_Surface *tmp; pm->tw = tw; pm->th = th; tmp = IMG_Load(filename); if(!tmp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load '%s'!\n", filename); return -1; } pm->tiles = SDL_DisplayFormat(tmp); if(!pm->tiles) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert '%s'!\n", filename); return -1; } SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); return 0; } void pig_map_collisions(PIG_map *pm, unsigned first, unsigned count, PIG_sides sides) { int i; if(first > 255) return; if(first + count > 255) count = 255 - first; for(i = first; i < first + count; ++i) pm->hitinfo[i] = sides; } /* * Load a map from a string (one byte/tile). 'trans' * is a string used for translating 'data' into integer * tile indices. Each position in 'trans' corresponds * to one tile in the tile palette. */ int pig_map_from_string(PIG_map *pm, const char *trans, const char *data) { int x, y, z; /* Load the map */ z = 0; for(y = 0; y < pm->h; ++y) for(x = 0; x < pm->w; ++x) { const char *f; int c = data[z]; if(!c) { fprintf(stderr, "Map string too short!\n"); return -1; } f = strchr(trans, c); if(!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Character '%c' not in" " the translation string!\n", c); return -1; } pm->map[z] = f - trans; ++z; } /* Generate collision map */ for(y = 0; y < pm->h; ++y) for(x = 0; x < pm->w; ++x) pm->hit[y * pm->w + x] = pm->hitinfo[pm->map[y * pm->w + x]]; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Object ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static PIG_object *get_object(PIG_engine *pe) { PIG_object *po; if(pe->object_pool) { po = pe->object_pool; pe->object_pool = po->next; memset(po, 0, sizeof(PIG_object)); } else { po = (PIG_object *)calloc(1, sizeof(PIG_object)); if(!po) return NULL; } po->id = ++pe->object_id_counter; return po; } static void free_object(PIG_object *po) { po->prev = NULL; po->next = po->owner->object_pool; po->owner->object_pool = po; po->id = 0; } PIG_object *pig_object_open(PIG_engine *pe, int x, int y, int last) { PIG_object *po = get_object(pe); if(!po) return NULL; po->owner = pe; po->tilemask = PIG_ALL; po->hitmask = 0; po->hitgroup = 0; if(last && pe->objects) { PIG_object *lo = pe->objects; while(lo->next) lo = lo->next; po->prev = lo; po->next = NULL; lo->next = po; } else { po->prev = NULL; po->next = pe->objects; if(po->next) po->next->prev = po; pe->objects = po; } po->x = x; po->y = y; po->ip.ox = x; po->ip.oy = y; return po; } static void close_object(PIG_object *po) { if(po == po->owner->objects) po->owner->objects = po->next; else if(po->prev) po->prev->next = po->next; if(po->next) po->next->prev = po->prev; free_object(po); } void pig_object_close(PIG_object *po) { if(!po->id) fprintf(stderr, "Object %p closed more than once!\n", po); po->id = 0; /* Mark for eventual removal and destruction */ } void pig_object_close_all(PIG_engine *pe) { while(pe->objects) close_object(pe->objects); } PIG_object *pig_object_find(PIG_object *start, int id) { PIG_object *pob, *pof; if(start) pob = pof = start; else { pof = start->owner->objects; while(pof) { if(pof->id == id) return pof; pof = pof->next; } return NULL; } while(1) { if(pob) { if(pob->id == id) return pob; pob = pob->prev; } if(pof) { if(pof->id == id) return pof; pof = pof->next; } else if(!pob) return NULL; } }