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Function 66 - Keyboard Operation


The input mode affects the reading of the keys by function 2.

When a program is loaded, an input mode is set for it.


Subfunction 1 - set keyboard input mode



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 1-subfunction number

  ecx = mode:

    0 = regular (ASCII characters)

    1 = scancodes


Return value: function does not return value


Subfunction 2 - get keyboard input mode



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 2-number subfunction


Return value: eax = current mode


Subfunction 3 - get the state of control keys



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 3-subfunction number


Return value:

  eax = bitmask:

  bit 0 (mask 1): shift shift pressed

  bit 1 (mask 2): shift shift pressed

  bit 2 (mask 4): Ctrl Ctrl pressed

  bit 3 (mask 8): Ctrl Ctrl pressed

  bit 4 (mask 0x10): alt alt pressed

  bit 5 (mask 0x20): alt alt pressed

  bit 6 (mask 0x40): CapsLock enabled

  bit 7 (mask 0x80): NumLock enabled

  bit 8 (mask 0x100): ScrollLock enabled

  bit 9 (mask 0x200): win win pressed

  bit 10 (0x400 mask): right win pressed

  other bits are reset


Subfunction 4 - set a system-wide hotkey


Only applications are notified of a hotkey installed it; active application (to which all normal input) does not receive such keys. The notification consists in sending an event with code 2. You can read the hotkey in the same way as a regular one - function 2.



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 4-number subfunction

  KL sets the key scan-code; use CL = 0 to specify Ctrl shift type combinations

  edx = 0xXYZ sets the possible states of the control keys:

    Z (the lower 4 bits) sets the state of the LShift and RShift keys:

      0 = none of the keys should be pressed;

      1 = exactly one of the keys must be pressed;

      2 = both keys must be pressed;

      3 = LShift, RShift should be pressed but not;

      4 = RShift must be pressed, but not LShift

    G - similarly for LKTRV and RCtrl;

    X - similarly for Laht and Ralt


Return value:

  eax = 0-successful

  eax = 1 - too many hotkeys (maximum 256 is allowed)



  A hot key can be triggered either when pressed or when released. The key release scan code is 128 more than the key scan code (i.e., the most significant bit is set).

  Multiple applications can install the same combination; when such a combination is pressed, all such applications will be notified.


Subfunction 5 - delete the installed hotkey



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 5-number subfunction

  CZ = scan key and edr = 0xXYZ are the same as in subfunction 4


Return value:

  eax = 0-successful

  eax = 1-no such hotkey



  At the end of the process / thread, all hotkeys set by it are deleted.

  A function call does not affect other applications. If another application has detected the same combination, it will still receive notifications.


Subfunction 6 - normal block input



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 6-number subfunction


Return value: function does not return value



  Normal keyboard input for installed hotkeys is blocked

  The MOUSEMUL application is used to emulate the mouse through the keyboard.


Subfunction 7 - unlock regular input



  eax = 66 function number

  ebx = 7-subfunction number


Return value: function does not return value



  Unlocking the results f. 66.6

  The MOUSEMUL application is used to emulate the mouse through the keyboard.


Registers for Constants:

  eax-SF_KEYBOARD (66)