forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
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INI.TXT | ||
* Kolibri OS *
* February 2010 *
The latest release of the OS is available on the official site:
If you have questions - look for support on our forum: (rus+eng)
* What is new in this release? *
The following changes, revisions, fixes in the kernel have been made:
From Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond) - Russian Federation
1) Improvement of drives detection using BIOS service (V86)
2) Kernel bugfixes.
From Sergey Semyonov (Serge) - Russian Federation
1) Driver for ATI videocards updated.
2) Linux-like kernel mutexes
From Mihail Semenyako (mike.dld) - Republic of Belarus
1) Refactoring of window subsystem.
From <Lrz>
1) Processing API functions in order to completely remove the shift-register-call
2) Refactoring, optimization, bugfixes of some places in the kernel.
From A.Jerdev (art_zh) - United Kingdom
1) Memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) access from the userworld.
2) PCIe Extended configuration space access (auto-adjust for AMD-NPT since Athlon64).
From turbanoff
1) Read from ext2fs/ext3fs.
From Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) - Russian Federation
1) Improvements in the processing of mouse clicks.
From hidnplayr
1) Rewriting of the entire network subsystem.
From Asper
1) Drivers for the sound cards VT823(X) and EMU10K1X.
From tsdima
1) Driver for the sound card ForteMedia fm801.
From Maxis
1) changes in free memory checks.
The following changes, revisions, fixes in applications have been made:
* New versions of applications and new applications:
FTPS - tsdima, some improvements
VIEW3DS - macgub, version 0.054
FASM - Pavel Rymovski (Heavyiron), updated to version 1.69.11
IgorA, use the library box_lib, russification,
Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) fix bugs encountered
Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond), fix of window wrapping
PCIDEV - art_zh, MMIO sample dumps added; vendors database
trimmed to reduce the distro size.
BOARD - Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond), do not throw out existing
messages at the program start
UNVWATER - Asper, demo ported from OctaOS
(the author is Octavio Vega Fernandez).
HEED - staper, version 0.14: use the library box_lib;
Ctrl+C/X/V, Ctrl+B to select a block
Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79), using of OpenDialog component,
little optimization of the code
SHELL - Albom, version 0.4.2
CPU - Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond) at the suggestion of
Kirill Lipatov (Leency), do not show system processes
by default
HTMLV - Kirill Lipatov (Leency), version 0.62a
EOLITE - Kirill Lipatov (Leency), version 0.98.7a
RTFREAD - Sorcerer, cosmetic fix
dunkaist, menu_bar and scroll_bar from box_lib, 'end' hotkey
E80 - Albom, version 0.5.1
KIV - Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond), file name in the window
title, configurable keyboard shortcuts for next/prev
images in the current folder
SUDOKU - staper, port of Sudoku game - that is a puzzle with digits, where you
have to fill free cells with digits from 1 to 9 so that every row,
every column and every small square 3x3 contain each digit just one time.
There are 9 levels in the game.
REVERSI - staper, port of strategy game Reversi (Othello)
MSQUARE - staper, math puzzle "magic square": sum of the numbers in rows, columns
(less often in diagonals) should be equal
FINDN-S - Artemonische, a simple game in which you have to collect all the numbers
in the order of 10 to 90
PANEL - Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond), a little change in the panel clock
and reanimation of backlight on the Alt+[Shift+]Tab press.
AC97SND - Asper, support of playlists in m3u format.
@NOTIFY - SoUrcerer, program for popup text messages
DOSBOX - Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond), version 0.74
ASCIIVJU - Konstantin Dutkevich (Nazarus), program shows ASCII table
PIPETKA - Rock_maniak_forever, program to get color of a pixel on the screen
SNAKE - dunkaist, yet another implementation of classic game
* New versions of dynamic libraries and new dynamic libraries:
libini - Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond), added function to read
keyboard shortcuts
box_lib - IgorA, update component tree_list, new component
text_editor, documentation on the library
Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) refinement of <20>penDialog component, rewriting
of some applications to use it, new component PathShow
* Dates of publication of the distribution kits *
RE N1 30.08.2003
RE N2 07.10.2003
RE N3 26.11.2003
RE N4 23.12.2003
RE N5 15.02.2004
RE N6 27.03.2004
KOLIBRI N1 16.05.2004
RE N7 11.06.2004
KOLIBRI N2 28.08.2004
RE N8 01.12.2004
KOLIBRI N3 22.02.2005
Beta 2: 20.03.2005
KOLIBRI N4 07.06.2005
KOLIBRI 04.10.2005 12.10.2005 02.12.2005 18.03.2006 09.07.2006 25.07.2006 04.09.2006 31.10.2006 14.02.2007 07.06.2007 23.09.2007 31.01.2009 13.12.2009
* KolibriOS TEAM *
This list contains all, who has actively helped to creation and development
of KolibriOS, whoever possible.
(people are enumerated in the order by time of participation in the project,
from bottom to top - from past to future, through present)
* Trans \
* VaStaNi |
* Ivan Poddubny |
* Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) |
* Mihail Semenyako (mike.dld) | system programming
* Sergey Kuzmin (Wildwest) |
* Andrey Halyavin (halyavin) | loaders,
* Mihail Lisovin (Mihasik) | kernel improvements and so on
* Andrey Ignatiev (andrew_programmer) |
* NoName |
* Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond) |
* Iliya Mihailov (Ghost) |
* Sergey Semyonov (Serge) |
* Johnny_B |
* kasTIgar |
* SPraid |
* Rus |
* Alver |
* Maxis |
* Galkov |
* CleverMouse |
* tsdima |
* turbanoff |
* Asper |
* art_zh /
* Mihail Lisovin (Mihasik) \
* Andrey Ivushkin (Willow) |
* Mihail Semenyako (mike.dld) |
* Pavlushin Evgeny (Exis) |
* Ivan Poddubny | application programming
* Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) |
* Sergey Kuzmin (Wildwest) |
* Andrey Halyavin (halyavin) | creation of new,
* Hex | port of existing
* Andrey Ignatiev (andrew_programmer) | or revisions of old
* ealex | applications for Kolibri
* Olaf |
* Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond) |
* Navanax |
* Johnny_B |
* Pavel Rymovski (Heavyiron) |
* Vitaly Bendik (mistifi(ator) |
* Iliya Mihailov (Ghost) |
* Maxim Evtihov (Maxxxx32) |
* Vladimir Zaitsev (Rabid Rabbit) |
* vectoroc |
* Alexey Teplov (<Lrz>) |
* Sergey Semyonov (Serge) |
* iadn |
* Maciej Guba (macgub) |
* Mario Birkner (cYfleXX) |
* hidden player (hidnplayr) |
* trolly |
* nilgui |
* kaitz |
* DedOk |
* SPraid |
* Rus |
* Alver |
* Dron2004 |
* Gluk |
* Aleksandr Bogomaz (Albom) |
* Kirill Lipatov (Leency) |
* Vasiliy Kosenko (vkos) |
* IgorA |
* staper |
* chaykin |
* Alexander Meshcheryakov |
(Self-Perfection) |
* CleverMouse |
* tsdima |
* art_zh |
* Asper |
* Pterox |
* Artemonische |
* dunkaist /
* Hex \
* Diamond / documentation
* CodeWorld \ forum
* mike.dld / site; svn-server
* Alexey Teplov (<Lrz>) \ (KolibriOS logo)
* goglus | design (KolibriOS background)
* Kirill Lipatov (Leency) / (KolibriOS icons)
* Pavel Rymovski (Heavyiron) \
* Vitaly Bendik (mistifi(ator) |
* vectoroc |
* Veliant | testing,
* AqwAS | countenance
* Mike |
* camper |
* Dmitry the Sorcerer |
* Ataualpa |
* Maxis |
* Galkov |
* ChE /
and others...
KolibriOS team