KolibriOS unit improvements and bugfixes

This commit is contained in:
Владислав Джавадов 2020-05-24 01:32:23 +03:00
parent 988daadc67
commit a400afb119
6 changed files with 143 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ var
FileSize: LongWord;
ExtractFileDirectory(AppPath^, AppPath^);

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ var
FileAttributes: TFileAttributes;
ExtractFileDirectory(AppPath^, AppPath^);

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ begin
Screen := GetScreenSize;

View File

@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ var
ArrowBitmapFile, PointBitmapFile, WaitBitmapFile: PBitmapFile;
ArrowBitmap, PointBitmap, WaitBitmap: Pointer;
hArrowCursor, hPointCursor, hWaitCursor: LongWord;
hArrowCursor, hPointCursor, hWaitCursor: THandle;
FileSize: LongWord;
ExtractFileDirectory(AppPath^, AppPath^);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
KolibriOS system functions and definitions
unit KolibriOS;
@ -59,19 +60,18 @@ type
WinStackPos: Word;
Reserved0: Word;
Reserved1: Word;
Name: array[0..10] of KolibriChar;
Reserved2: Byte;
Name: array[0..11] of KolibriChar;
MemAddress: LongWord;
MemUsage: LongWord;
Identifier: LongWord;
Window: TRect;
ThreadState: Word;
Reserved3: Word;
Reserved2: Word;
Client: TRect;
WindowState: Byte;
EventMask: LongWord;
KeyboardMode: Byte;
Reserved4: array[0..947] of Byte;
Reserved3: array[0..947] of Byte;
TKeyboardInputMode = (kmChar, kmScan);
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ type
TKeyboardLayout = array[0..127] of KolibriChar;
TCtrlDriver = packed record
Handle: LongWord;
TDriverControl = packed record
Handle: THandle;
Func: LongWord;
InputData: Pointer;
InputDataSize: LongWord;
@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ type
// Window styles
WS_SKINNED_FIXED = $4000000;
@ -333,7 +335,7 @@ const
{-1} procedure TerminateThread; stdcall;
{0} procedure DrawWindow(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt; Caption: PKolibriChar; BackColor, Style, CapStyle: LongWord); stdcall;
{0} procedure DrawWindow(Left, Top, Width, Height: LongInt; Caption: PKolibriChar; BackColor, Style, CapStyle: LongWord); stdcall;
{1} procedure SetPixel(X, Y: LongInt; Color: LongWord); stdcall;
{2} function GetKey: TKeyboardInput; stdcall;
{3} function GetSystemTime: TSystemTime; stdcall;
@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ const
{5} procedure Sleep(Time: LongWord); stdcall;
{7} procedure DrawImage(const Image; X, Y: LongInt; Width, Height: LongWord); stdcall;
{8} procedure DrawButton(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt; BackColor, Style, ID: LongWord); stdcall;
{8} procedure DrawButton(Left, Top, Width, Height: LongInt; BackColor, Style, ID: LongWord); stdcall;
{8} procedure DeleteButton(ID: LongWord); stdcall;
{9} function GetThreadInfo(Slot: LongWord; var Buffer: TThreadInfo): LongWord; stdcall;
{10} function WaitEvent: LongWord; stdcall;
@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ const
{15.4} procedure SetBackgroundDrawMode(DrawMode: LongWord); stdcall;
{15.5} procedure DrawBackgroundImage(const Image; X, Y: LongInt; Width, Height: LongWord); stdcall;
{15.6} function MapBackground: Pointer; stdcall;
{15.7} function UnMapBackground(Background: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
{15.7} function UnmapBackground(Background: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
{15.8} function GetLastDrawnBackgroundRect: TRect; stdcall;
{15.9} procedure UpdateBackgroundRect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt); stdcall;
{16} function FlushFloppyCache(FloppyNumber: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
@ -366,7 +368,7 @@ const
{18.3} procedure ActivateWindow(Slot: LongWord); stdcall;
{18.4} function GetIdleTime: LongWord; stdcall;
{18.5} function GetCPUClock: LongWord; stdcall;
{18.6} function SaveRamDisk(Path: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
{18.6} function SaveRamDisk(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
{18.7} function GetActiveWindow: LongWord; stdcall;
{18.8.1} function GetSpeakerState: LongInt; stdcall;
{18.8.2} procedure SwitchSpeakerState; stdcall;
@ -450,11 +452,11 @@ const
{37.1} function GetWindowMousePos: TPoint; stdcall;
{37.2} function GetMouseButtons: LongWord; stdcall;
{37.3} function GetMouseEvents: LongWord; stdcall;
{37.4} function LoadCursorFromFile(Path: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
{37.4} function LoadCursorFromMemory(const Buffer): LongWord; stdcall;
{37.4} function LoadCursorIndirect(const Buffer; HotSpotX, HotSpotY: ShortInt): LongWord; stdcall;
{37.5} function SetCursor(Handle: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{37.6} function DeleteCursor(Handle: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{37.4} function LoadCursorFromFile(FileName: PKolibriChar): THandle; stdcall;
{37.4} function LoadCursorFromMemory(const Buffer): THandle; stdcall;
{37.4} function LoadCursorIndirect(const Buffer; HotSpotX, HotSpotY: ShortInt): THandle; stdcall;
{37.5} function SetCursor(Handle: LongWord = 0): THandle; stdcall;
{37.6} procedure DeleteCursor(Handle: THandle); stdcall;
{37.7} function GetMouseScroll: TPoint; stdcall;
{38} procedure DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: LongInt; Color: LongWord); stdcall;
{39.1} function GetBackgroundSize: TSize; stdcall;
@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ const
{48.5} function GetScreenWorkingArea: TRect; stdcall;
{48.6} procedure SetScreenWorkingArea(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt); stdcall;
{48.7} function GetSkinMargins: TRect; stdcall;
{48.8} function SetSkin(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{48.8} function SetSkin(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{48.9} function GetFontSmoothing: LongInt; stdcall;
{48.10} procedure SetFontSmoothing(Smoothing: LongInt); stdcall;
{48.11} function GetFontHeight: LongWord; stdcall;
@ -516,8 +518,8 @@ const
{62.8} function WritePCIByte(Bus, Device, Func, Reg: Byte; Data: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{62.9} function WritePCIWord(Bus, Device, Func, Reg: Byte; Data: Word): LongWord; stdcall;
{62.10} function WritePCILongWord(Bus, Device, Func, Reg: Byte; Data: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{63.1} procedure BoardWriteByte(Data: Byte); stdcall;
{63.2} function BoardReadByte(var Data: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{63.1} procedure DebugWrite(Data: Byte); stdcall;
{63.2} function DebugRead(var Data: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{64} function ReallocAppMemory(Count: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{65} procedure DrawImageEx(const Image; Left, Top: LongInt; Width, Height, BPP: LongWord; Palette: Pointer; Padding: LongWord); stdcall;
{66.1} procedure SetKeyboardInputMode(Mode: LongWord); stdcall;
@ -525,8 +527,8 @@ const
{66.3} function GetControlKeyState: LongWord; stdcall;
{66.4} function SetHotKey(ScanCode, Control: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{66.5} function ResetHotKey(ScanCode, Control: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{66.6} procedure KeyboardLock; stdcall;
{66.7} procedure KeyboardUnlock; stdcall;
{66.6} procedure LockKeyboard; stdcall;
{66.7} procedure UnlockKeyboard; stdcall;
{67} procedure SetWindowPos(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt); stdcall;
{68.0} function GetTaskSwitchCount: LongWord; stdcall;
{68.1} procedure SwitchThread; stdcall;
@ -542,23 +544,23 @@ const
{68.8} {UNDEFINED}
{68.9} {UNDEFINED}
{68.10} {UNDEFINED}
{68.11} function HeapCreate: LongWord; stdcall;
{68.11} function HeapInit: LongWord; stdcall;
{68.12} function HeapAllocate(Bytes: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.13} function HeapFree(MemPtr: Pointer): LongWord; stdcall;
{68.14} procedure WaitSignal(var Buffer: TSignalBuffer); stdcall;
{68.15} {UNDEFINED}
{68.16} function GetDriver(Name: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
{68.17} function ControlDriver(var CtrlStructure: TCtrlDriver): LongWord; stdcall;
{68.16} function LoadDriver(Name: PKolibriChar): THandle; stdcall;
{68.17} function ControlDriver(var CtrlStructure: TDriverControl): LongWord; stdcall;
{68.18} {UNDEFINED}
{68.19} function LoadLibrary(Path: PKolibriChar): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.19} function LoadLibrary(FileName: PKolibriChar): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.20} function HeapReallocate(MemPtr: Pointer; Bytes: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.21} function LoadDriver(Name, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
{68.21} function LoadPEDriver(Name, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): THandle; stdcall;
{68.22} function OpenSharedMemory(Name: PKolibriChar; Bytes: LongWord; Flags: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.23} function CloseSharedMemory(Name: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
{68.24} function SetExceptionHandler(Handler: Pointer; Mask: LongWord; var OldMask: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.25} function SetExceptionActivity(Signal, Activity: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{68.26} procedure ReleaseMemoryPages(MemPtr: Pointer; Offset, Size: LongWord); stdcall;
{68.27} function LoadFile(Path: PKolibriChar; var Size: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
{68.27} function LoadFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Size: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
{69.0} procedure SetDebugBuffer(const Buffer: TDebugBuffer); stdcall;
{69.1} procedure GetThreadContext(ID: LongWord; var Context: TThreadContext); stdcall;
{69.2} procedure SetThreadContext(ID: LongWord; const Context: TThreadContext); stdcall;
@ -570,16 +572,16 @@ const
{69.8} procedure DebugTerminate(ID: LongWord); stdcall;
{69.9} function SetBreakPoint(ID: LongWord; Index, Flags: Byte; Address: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
{69.9} function ResetBreakPoint(ID: LongWord; Index, Flags: Byte; Address: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.0} function ReadFile(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesRead: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.0} function ReadFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesRead: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.1} function ReadFolder(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer; Count, Start, Flags: LongWord; var BlocksRead: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.2} function CreateFile(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.3} function WriteFile(Path: PKolibriChar; const Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesWritten: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.4} function ResizeFile(Path: PKolibriChar; LoSize, HiSize: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.5} function GetFileAttributes(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.6} function SetFileAttributes(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.7} function RunFile(Path, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.7} function DebugFile(Path, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.8} function DeleteFile(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.2} function CreateFile(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.3} function WriteFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; const Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesWritten: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.4} function ResizeFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; Size: UInt64): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.5} function GetFileAttributes(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongWord; stdcall;
{70.6} function SetFileAttributes(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongWord; stdcall;
{70.7} function RunFile(FileName, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.7} function DebugFile(FileName, CommandLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.8} function DeleteFile(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{70.9} function CreateFolder(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
{71.1} procedure SetWindowCaption(Caption: PKolibriChar); stdcall;
{72.1.2} function SendActiveWindowKey(KeyCode: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
@ -594,21 +596,21 @@ const
{74.5} {UNDEFINED}
{74.6} function GetSentPackets(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
{74.7} function GetReceivedPackets(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
{74.8} function GetSentBytes(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
{74.9} function GetReceivedBytes(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
{74.8} function GetSentBytes(Device: Byte): UInt64; stdcall;
{74.9} function GetReceivedBytes(Device: Byte): UInt64; stdcall;
{74.10} function GetLinkStatus(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.0} function OpenSocket(Domain, Kind, Protocol: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{75.1} function CloseSocket(Socket: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.2} function SocketBind(Socket: LongWord; var SockAddr: TSockAddr): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.3} function SocketListen(Socket: LongWord; var BackLog): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.4} function SocketConnect(Socket: LongWord; var SockAddr: TSockAddr): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.5} function SocketAccept(Socket: LongWord; var SockAddr: TSockAddr): LongWord; stdcall;
{75.6} function SocketSend(Socket: LongWord; const Buffer; Size, Flags: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.7} function SocketReceive(Socket: LongWord; var Buffer; Size, Flags: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.0} function SocketOpen(Domain, Kind, Protocol: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall; //////////////////////////
{75.1} function SocketClose(Socket: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; //
{75.2} function SocketBind(Socket: LongWord; var SockAddr: TSockAddr): LongInt; stdcall; //
{75.3} function SocketListen(Socket: LongWord; var BackLog): LongInt; stdcall; // BSD Sockets
{75.4} function SocketConnect(Socket: LongWord; var SockAddr: TSockAddr): LongInt; stdcall; // API
{75.5} function SocketAccept(Socket: LongWord; var SockAddr: TSockAddr): LongWord; stdcall; //
{75.6} function SocketSend(Socket: LongWord; const Buffer; Size, Flags: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; //
{75.7} function SocketReceive(Socket: LongWord; var Buffer; Size, Flags: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall; /////
{75.8} function SetSocketOptions(Socket: LongWord; var OptStruct: TOptStruct): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.9} function GetSocketOptions(Socket: LongWord; var OptStruct: TOptStruct): LongInt; stdcall;
{75.10} function GetSocketPair(var Socket1, Socket2: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{76.0.0} function GetMAC(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{76.0.0} function GetMAC(Device: Byte): UInt64; stdcall;
{76.1.0} function GetIPv4SentPackets(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{76.1.1} function GetIPv4ReceivedPackets(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{76.1.2} function GetIPv4IP(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
@ -633,10 +635,10 @@ const
{76.5.5} function RemoveARPEntry(Device: Byte; Entry: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{76.5.6} function SendARPAnnounce(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{76.5.7} function GetARPConflicts(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
{77.0} function CreateFutex(Futex: Pointer): LongWord; stdcall;
{77.1} function DestroyFutex(Handle: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{77.2} function WaitFutex(Handle, Value, Time: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{77.3} function WakeFutex(Handle, Waiters: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
{77.0} function CreateFutex(Futex: Pointer): THandle; stdcall;
{77.1} function DestroyFutex(Handle: THandle): LongInt; stdcall;
{77.2} function WaitFutex(Handle: THandle; Value, Time: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
{77.3} function WakeFutex(Handle: THandle; Waiters: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
function GetProcAddress(hLib: Pointer; ProcName: PKolibriChar): Pointer; stdcall;
@ -647,7 +649,7 @@ asm
int $40
procedure DrawWindow(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt; Caption: PKolibriChar; BackColor, Style, CapStyle: LongWord); stdcall;
procedure DrawWindow(Left, Top, Width, Height: LongInt; Caption: PKolibriChar; BackColor, Style, CapStyle: LongWord); stdcall;
push ebx
push edi
@ -657,8 +659,8 @@ asm
mov ecx, Top
shl ebx, 16
shl ecx, 16
or ebx, Right
or ecx, Bottom
or ebx, Width
or ecx, Height
mov edx, Style
or edx, BackColor
mov edi, Caption
@ -736,7 +738,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
procedure DrawButton(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: LongInt; BackColor, Style, ID: LongWord); stdcall;
procedure DrawButton(Left, Top, Width, Height: LongInt; BackColor, Style, ID: LongWord); stdcall;
push ebx
push esi
@ -745,8 +747,8 @@ asm
mov ecx, Top
shl ebx, 16
shl ecx, 16
or ebx, Right
or ecx, Bottom
or ebx, Width
or ecx, Height
mov edx, ID
or edx, Style
mov esi, BackColor
@ -917,7 +919,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function UnMapBackground(Background: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
function UnmapBackground(Background: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 15
@ -1025,12 +1027,12 @@ asm
pop ebx
function SaveRamDisk(Path: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
function SaveRamDisk(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 18
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, Path
mov ecx, FileName
int $40
pop ebx
@ -1704,18 +1706,18 @@ asm
pop ebx
function LoadCursorFromFile(Path: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
function LoadCursorFromFile(FileName: PKolibriChar): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 37
mov ebx, 4
mov ecx, Path
mov ecx, FileName
mov edx, 0
int $40
pop ebx
function LoadCursorFromMemory(const Buffer): LongWord; stdcall;
function LoadCursorFromMemory(const Buffer): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 37
@ -1726,7 +1728,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function LoadCursorIndirect(const Buffer; HotSpotX, HotSpotY: ShortInt): LongWord; stdcall;
function LoadCursorIndirect(const Buffer; HotSpotX, HotSpotY: ShortInt): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 37
@ -1740,7 +1742,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function SetCursor(Handle: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
function SetCursor(Handle: THandle): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 37
@ -1750,7 +1752,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function DeleteCursor(Handle: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
procedure DeleteCursor(Handle: THandle); stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 37
@ -1992,12 +1994,12 @@ asm
pop ebx
function SetSkin(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
function SetSkin(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 48
mov ebx, 8
mov ecx, Path
mov ecx, FileName
int $40
pop ebx
@ -2311,7 +2313,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
procedure BoardWriteByte(Data: Byte); stdcall;
procedure DebugWrite(Data: Byte); stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 63
@ -2321,7 +2323,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function BoardReadByte(var Data: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
function DebugRead(var Data: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 63
@ -2415,7 +2417,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
procedure KeyboardLock; stdcall;
procedure LockKeyboard; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 66
@ -2424,7 +2426,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
procedure KeyboardUnlock; stdcall;
procedure UnlockKeyboard; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 66
@ -2505,7 +2507,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function HeapCreate: LongWord; stdcall;
function HeapInit: LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 68
@ -2544,7 +2546,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function GetDriver(Name: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
function LoadDriver(Name: PKolibriChar): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 68
@ -2554,7 +2556,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function ControlDriver(var CtrlStructure: TCtrlDriver): LongWord; stdcall;
function ControlDriver(var CtrlStructure: TDriverControl): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 68
@ -2564,12 +2566,12 @@ asm
pop ebx
function LoadLibrary(Path: PKolibriChar): Pointer; stdcall;
function LoadLibrary(FileName: PKolibriChar): Pointer; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 19
mov ecx, Path
mov ecx, FileName
int $40
pop ebx
@ -2585,7 +2587,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function LoadDriver(Name, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongWord; stdcall;
function LoadPEDriver(Name, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 68
@ -2658,12 +2660,12 @@ asm
pop ebx
function LoadFile(Path: PKolibriChar; var Size: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
function LoadFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Size: LongWord): Pointer; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 27
mov ecx, Path
mov ecx, FileName
int $40
mov ecx, Size
mov [ecx], edx
@ -2817,10 +2819,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function ReadFile(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesRead: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
function ReadFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesRead: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push Buffer
@ -2857,10 +2859,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function CreateFile(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
function CreateFile(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push 0
@ -2875,10 +2877,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function WriteFile(Path: PKolibriChar; const Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesWritten: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
function WriteFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; const Buffer; Count: LongWord; Pos: UInt64; var BytesWritten: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push Buffer
@ -2895,16 +2897,16 @@ asm
pop ebx
function ResizeFile(Path: PKolibriChar; LoSize, HiSize: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
function ResizeFile(FileName: PKolibriChar; Size: UInt64): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push 0
push 0
push HiSize
push LoSize
push dword [Size+4]
push dword [Size]
push 4
mov ebx, esp
mov eax, 70
@ -2913,10 +2915,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function GetFileAttributes(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongInt; stdcall;
function GetFileAttributes(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push Buffer
@ -2931,10 +2933,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function SetFileAttributes(Path: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongInt; stdcall;
function SetFileAttributes(FileName: PKolibriChar; var Buffer: TFileAttributes): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push Buffer
@ -2949,10 +2951,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function RunFile(Path, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
function RunFile(FileName, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push 0
@ -2967,15 +2969,15 @@ asm
pop ebx
function DebugFile(Path, CmdLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
function DebugFile(FileName, CommandLine: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push 0
push 0
push CmdLine
push CommandLine
push 1
push 7
mov ebx, esp
@ -2985,10 +2987,10 @@ asm
pop ebx
function DeleteFile(Path: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
function DeleteFile(FileName: PKolibriChar): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push Path
push FileName
dec esp
mov byte[esp], 0
push 0
@ -3154,23 +3156,37 @@ asm
pop ebx
function GetSentBytes(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
function GetSentBytes(Device: Byte): UInt64; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 74
mov bl, 8
mov bh, Device
int $40
cmp eax, -1
jz @error
mov edx, ebx
jmp @end
mov edx, eax
pop ebx
function GetReceivedBytes(Device: Byte): LongInt; stdcall;
function GetReceivedBytes(Device: Byte): UInt64; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 74
mov bl, 9
mov bh, Device
int $40
cmp eax, -1
jz @error
mov edx, ebx
jmp @end
mov edx, eax
pop ebx
@ -3184,7 +3200,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function OpenSocket(Domain, Kind, Protocol: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
function SocketOpen(Domain, Kind, Protocol: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
push esi
@ -3198,7 +3214,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function CloseSocket(Socket: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
function SocketClose(Socket: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 75
@ -3335,14 +3351,20 @@ asm
pop ebx
function GetMAC(Device: Byte): LongWord; stdcall;
function GetMAC(Device: Byte): UInt64; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 76
mov ebx, $00000000
mov bl, 0
xor ebx, ebx
mov bh, Device
int $40
cmp ebx, -1
je @error
movzx edx, bx
jmp @end
mov edx, eax
pop ebx
@ -3622,7 +3644,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function CreateFutex(Futex: Pointer): LongWord; stdcall;
function CreateFutex(Futex: Pointer): THandle; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 77
@ -3632,7 +3654,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function DestroyFutex(Handle: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
function DestroyFutex(Handle: THandle): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 77
@ -3642,7 +3664,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function WaitFutex(Handle, Value, Time: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
function WaitFutex(Handle: THandle; Value, Time: LongWord): LongInt; stdcall;
push ebx
push esi
@ -3656,7 +3678,7 @@ asm
pop ebx
function WakeFutex(Handle, Waiters: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
function WakeFutex(Handle: THandle; Waiters: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
push ebx
mov eax, 77

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ type
PPAnsiChar = ^PAnsiChar;
PInteger = ^Integer;
THandle = LongWord;
TGUID = record
D1: LongWord;
D2: Word;