program CharMap; uses CRT; const HexDigits: array[$0..$F] of KolibriChar = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var CharLine: array[$0..$F] of KolibriChar; Line, Ch: Byte; begin InitConsole('Character map'); con_write_asciiz(' '); con_write_string(HexDigits, Length(HexDigits)); con_write_asciiz(#10); for Line := Low(HexDigits) to High(HexDigits) do begin con_write_string(@HexDigits[Line], 1); con_write_asciiz(' '); for Ch := Low(CharLine) to High(CharLine) do CharLine[Ch] := Chr(Line shl 4 + Ch); con_set_flags(con_get_flags or CON_IGNORE_SPECIALS); con_write_string(CharLine, Length(CharLine)); con_set_flags(con_get_flags and not CON_IGNORE_SPECIALS); con_write_asciiz(#10); end; end.