785 lines
17 KiB
785 lines
17 KiB
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 38 ; required os
dd STARTAPP ; program start
dd I_END ; program image size
dd 0x100000 ; required amount of memory
dd 0x100000 ; reserved= extended header
dd filename, 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include "aspAPI.inc"
;Clock_Hz equ 4608 ; Frequency of clock
;Monitor_Hz equ 70 ; Frequency of monitor
;Clock_Scale equ Clock_Hz / Monitor_Hz
CData equ 0x40 ; Port number of timer 0
CMode equ 0x43 ; Port number of timer control word
BufSize equ 65528 ; Frame buffer size - Must be even
struc MainHeaderRec
.Padding1 dd ? ; size of the file
.ID dw ? ; magic
.Frames dw ? ; frames
.Padding2 dd ? ; width/height
.Padding3 dd ? ; depth/flags
.Speed dw ? ; speed
.Reserv dw ? ; always = 0
; Only for FLC
.Created dd ? ; date file attribute
.Creator dd ? ; creator serial number
.Updated dd ? ; date of the last change
.Updater dd ? ; updater serial number
.Aspectx dw ? ; scale by x
.Aspecty dw ? ; scale by Y
.Padding4 db 38 dup(?) ; Reserved. All zeroes.
.Oframe1 dd ? ; offset to the 1st frame
.Oframe2 dd ? ; offset to the 2nd frame
.Padding5 db 40 dup(?) ; Reserved. All zeroes.
struc FrameHeaderRec
.Size dd ? ; size
.Padding1 dw ? ; magic
.Chunks dw ? ; chunks
.Padding2 db 8 dup(?) ;Pad to 16 Bytes. All zeroes.
; in: esi = pointer to the buffer
; this is the routine that takes a frame and put it on the screen
@Fli_Loop: ; main loop that goes through all the chunks in a frame
cmp word [Chunks],0 ;are there any more chunks to draw?
je @Exit
dec word [Chunks] ;decrement Chunks For the chunk to process now
mov ax, word [esi+4] ; let AX have the ChunkType
add esi, 6 ; skip the ChunkHeader
cmp ax, 0Bh ; is it a FLI_COLor chunk?
je @Fli_Color
cmp ax, 0Ch ; is it a FLI_LC chunk?
je @Fli_Lc
cmp ax, 0Dh ; is it a FLI_BLACK chunk?
je @Fli_Black
cmp ax, 0Fh ; is it a FLI_BRUN chunk?
je @Fli_Brun
cmp ax, 10h ; is it a FLI_COPY chunk?
je @Fli_Copy
jmp @Fli_Loop ; This command should not be necessary
mov bx, word [esi] ; number of packets in this chunk (always 1?)
add esi, 2 ; skip the NumberofPackets
mov al, 0 ; start at color 0
xor cx, cx ; reset CX
or bx, bx ; set flags
jz @Fli_Loop ; Exit if no more packages
dec bx ; decrement NumberofPackages For the package to process now
mov cl, byte [esi] ; first Byte in packet tells how many colors to skip
add al, cl ; add the skiped colors to the start to get the new start
mov edi, pal
add di, cx
;push cx ;----- save how many colors to skip ----->
mov cl, byte [esi+1] ; next Byte in packet tells how many colors to change
or cl, cl ; set the flags
jnz @Jump_Over ; if NumberstoChange=0 then NumberstoChange=256
inc ch ; CH=1 and CL=0 => CX=256
;add al, cl ; update the color to start at
add esi, 2 ; skip the NumberstoSkip and NumberstoChange Bytes
lodsb ; B
shl al, 2 ; Enlight the color r*4, g*4, b*4
push ax
lodsb ; G
shl al, 2 ; Enlight the color r*4, g*4, b*4
push ax
lodsb ; R
shl al, 2 ; Enlight the color r*4, g*4, b*4
stosb ; R
pop ax
stosb ; G
pop ax
stosb ; B
xor al, al
stosb ; 0
loop .set_next_color
jmp @Color_Loop ; finish With this packet - jump back
mov di, word [esi] ; put LinestoSkip into DI -
mov ax, di ; - to get the offset address to this line we have to multiply With 320 -
shl ax, 8 ; - DI = old_DI shl 8 + old_DI shl 6 -
shl di, 6 ; - it is the same as DI = old_DI*256 + old_DI*64 = old_DI*320 -
add di, ax ; - but this way is faster than a plain mul
add edi, dword [image]
mov bx, word [esi+2] ; put LinestoChange into BX
add esi, 4 ; skip the LinestoSkip and LinestoChange Words
xor cx, cx ; reset cx
or bx, bx ; set flags
jz @Fli_Loop ; Exit if no more lines to change
dec bx
mov dl, byte [esi] ; put PacketsInLine into DL
inc esi ; skip the PacketsInLine Byte
push edi ; save the offset address of this line
or dl, dl ; set flags
jz @Next_Line ; Exit if no more packets in this line
dec dl
mov cl, byte [esi] ; put BytestoSkip into CL
add di, cx ; update the offset address
mov cl, byte [esi+1] ; put BytesofDatatoCome into CL
or cl, cl ; set flags
jns @Copy_Bytes ; no SIGN means that CL number of data is to come -
; - else the next data should be put -CL number of times
mov al, byte [esi+2] ; put the Byte to be Repeated into AL
add esi, 3 ; skip the packet
neg cl ; Repeat -CL times
rep stosb
jmp @Pack_Loop ; finish With this packet
add esi, 2 ; skip the two count Bytes at the start of the packet
rep movsb
jmp @Pack_Loop ; finish With this packet
pop edi ; restore the old offset address of the current line
add edi, 320 ; offset address to the next line
jmp @Line_Loop
mov edi, dword [image]
mov cx, 32000 ; number of Words in a screen
xor ax, ax ; color 0 is to be put on the screen
rep stosw
jmp @Fli_Loop ; jump back to main loop
mov edi, dword [image]
mov bx, 200 ; numbers of lines in a screen
xor cx, cx
mov dl, byte [esi] ; put PacketsInLine into DL
inc esi ; skip the PacketsInLine Byte
push edi ; save the offset address of this line
or dl, dl ; set flags
jz @Next_Line2 ; Exit if no more packets in this line
dec dl
mov cl, byte [esi] ; put BytesofDatatoCome into CL
or cl, cl ; set flags
js @Copy_Bytes2 ; SIGN meens that CL number of data is to come -
; - else the next data should be put -CL number of times
mov al, byte [esi+1] ; put the Byte to be Repeated into AL
add esi, 2 ; skip the packet
rep stosb
jmp @Pack_Loop2 ; finish With this packet
inc esi ; skip the count Byte at the start of the packet
neg cl ; Repeat -CL times
rep movsb
jmp @Pack_Loop2 ; finish With this packet
pop edi ; restore the old offset address of the current line
add edi, 320 ; offset address to the next line
dec bx ; any more lines to draw?
jnz @Line_Loop2
jmp @Fli_Loop ; jump back to main loop
mov edi, dword [image]
mov cx, 32000 ; number of Words in a screen
rep movsw
jmp @Fli_Loop ; jump back to main loop
mov eax, 65
mov ebx, dword [image]
mov ecx, 320*65536+200
mov edx, 10*65536+100
mov esi, 8
mov edi, pal
xor ebp, ebp
int 0x40
ret ; DrawFrame end.
mov eax, 68 ; Init process memory
mov ebx, 11
int 0x40
cmp eax, BufSize
jl .fail
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, BufSize
int 0x40
mov dword [Buffer], eax
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, 320*200*4 ;32000
int 0x40
mov dword [image], eax
mov word [Interval], -1 ; ClearSpeed
mov ax, 1
xor ax, ax
ret ; TFliPlayer_Init end.
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, dword [Buffer]
int 0x40
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, dword [image]
int 0x40
ret ; TFliPlayer_Done end.
; in: ax = Speed
; mov bl, byte Clock_Scale
; mul bl
; mov word [Interval], ax ;= Speed * Clock_Scale;
; ret ; TFliPlayer_SetSpeed end.
ReadHeader: ;Boolean;
;BlockRead(FliFile,MainHeader,SizeOf(MainHeader)) ; Read header record
mov eax, dword [filepos]
mov dword [InfoStructure+4], eax
mov dword [InfoStructure+12], 128
mov dword [InfoStructure+16], MainHeader
mov eax, 70
mov ebx, InfoStructure
int 0x40
mov eax, 128
mov dword [filepos], eax
mov ax, word [MainHeader.ID]
cmp ax, 0xAF11 ; FLI ?
je .fli
cmp ax, 0xAF12 ; FLC ?
je .flc
xor ax, ax ; Not a .FLI File
mov byte [filetype], 1
jmp .ok
mov byte [filetype], 2
; cmp word [Interval], -1
; jne @f
; ; Read speed from header
; mov ax, word [MainHeader.Speed]
; mov bl, byte Clock_Scale
; mul bl
; mov word [Interval], ax ;= Speed * Clock_Scale;
mov ax, 1
; @@:
ret ; ReadHeader end.
mov eax, dword [filepos]
mov dword [InfoStructure+4], eax
mov dword [InfoStructure+12], 16
mov dword [InfoStructure+16], FrameHeader
mov eax, 70
mov ebx, InfoStructure
int 0x40
add dword [filepos], 16
;FrameSize := FrameHeader.Size - SizeOf(FrameHeader);
mov eax, dword [FrameHeader.Size]
sub eax, 16
mov dword [FrameSize], eax
xor ecx, ecx
ret ; ReadFrame end.
mov eax, dword [filepos]
mov dword [InfoStructure+4], eax
mov eax, dword [FrameSize]
mov dword [InfoStructure+12], eax
mov eax, dword [Buffer]
mov dword [InfoStructure+16], eax
mov eax, 70
mov ebx, InfoStructure
int 0x40
mov eax, dword [FrameSize]
add dword [filepos], eax
mov esi, dword [Buffer]
mov dx, word [FrameHeader.Chunks]
mov word [Chunks], dx
call DrawFrame
ret ; ProcessFrame end.
; in: esi = pointer to the filename
mov eax, 70
mov ebx, InfoStructure
mov dword [InfoStructure+12], 1
mov dword [InfoStructure+16], FrameHeader
int 0x40
test ax, ax
jnz .err
call ReadHeader
test ax, ax
jz .err
call ReadFrame
mov eax, dword [FrameSize]
add eax, 128+16
mov dword [RestartPos], eax
call ProcessFrame
mov word [Frame], 1
call ReadFrame
cmp dword [FrameSize], 0
je @f
call ProcessFrame
;REPEAT UNTIL GetClock > Timeout;
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, 2
int 0x40
push edi
call process_events
pop edi
mov al, byte [stop]
cmp al, 1
je .end
mov ax, word [Frame]
inc ax
mov word [Frame], ax
cmp ax, word [MainHeader.Frames]
jng .show_next_frame
mov eax, dword [RestartPos]
mov dword [InfoStructure+4], eax
mov eax, 128
mov dword [filepos], eax
jmp .play_again
mov dword [filepos], 0
xor ax, ax
ret ; TFliPlayer_Play end.
; in: esi = pointer to filename
mov byte [pausetime], 0
mov byte [stop], 0
cmp byte [playtime], 1
je .end
call unprint_error
mov byte [playtime], 1
call TFliPlayer_Play
test ax, ax
jz .end
call print_error
mov byte [playtime], 0
ret ; AAPlay end.
N_KEYCOLOR equ 0x00444444 ; Normal button color
TEXTCOLOR equ 0x80FFFFFF ; Text color
BUTCAPCOLOR equ 0x0000FF00 ; Button caption color
mov eax, 13
mov ebx, 10*65536+320
mov ecx, 50*65536+15
mov edx, 0 ; color
int 0x40
;call unprint_error
mov ebx, 15*65536+54
mov edx, error_text
mov ecx, TEXTCOLOR - 0x0000FFFF
mov eax, 4
int 0x40
mov eax, 13
mov ebx, 10*65536+320
mov ecx, 30*65536+15
mov edx, 0 ; color
int 0x40
mov ebx, 15*65536+34
mov edx, filename
mov ecx, TEXTCOLOR - 0x00FF00FF
mov eax, 4
int 0x40
;* input: ecx = type of map *
mov eax, 26
mov ebx, 2
mov edx, keymap
int 0x40
;* input: ecx = type of mode *
mov eax, 66
mov ebx, 1 ; Set keyboard mode
int 0x40
mov eax, 66
mov ebx, 3
int 0x40
call get_control_keys_state
mov ecx, 1
test ax, 1 ; Left Shift pressed ?
jnz @f
test ax, 2 ; Right Shift pressed ?
jnz @f
test ax, 0x40 ; Caps Lock on ?
jz .load_ascii_keymap
mov ecx, 2
call get_keyboard_map
call TFliPlayer_Init
test ax, ax
jz close_app
mov ecx, 1 ; to send scancodes.
call set_keyboard_mode
call reload_ascii_keymap
call draw_window
call print_filename
cmp [filename], byte 0
je .noparam
call AAPlay
jmp still
start_draw_window 20,170,340,310,0x14224466,labelt
draw_button 15,70,20,20,2,N_KEYCOLOR,keyText,1,BUTCAPCOLOR ; Play
mov edx, keyText
mov ebx, 21*65536+77 ; |
call out_symbol
mov edx, keyText+1
mov ebx, 22*65536+75 ; -
call out_symbol
mov ebx, 24*65536+76 ; -
call out_symbol
inc ebx
cmp ebx, 24*65536+79
jl @b
mov ebx, 22*65536+79 ; -
call out_symbol
mov ebx, 26*65536+77 ; -
call out_symbol
draw_button 45,70,20,20,3,N_KEYCOLOR,keyText,1,BUTCAPCOLOR ; Pause
mov edx, keyText
mov ebx, 49*65536+77 ; |
call out_symbol
mov ebx, 51*65536+77 ; |
call out_symbol
mov ebx, 54*65536+77 ; |
call out_symbol
mov ebx, 55*65536+77 ; |
call out_symbol
mov ebx, 56*65536+77 ; |
call out_symbol
draw_button 75,70,20,20,4,N_KEYCOLOR,keyText,1,BUTCAPCOLOR ; Stop
bar 81,77,8,7,BUTCAPCOLOR
mov eax, 11 ; Test if there is an event in the queue.
int 0x40
cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ?
jnz @f
call red
cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ?
jnz @f
call button
cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ?
jnz @f
call key
;jz key
; cmp eax, 2
; jnz @f
; cmp byte [playtime], 0
; je @f
;int 0x40
call process_events
jmp still
call draw_window
ret ;jmp still
mov eax, 2
int 0x40
test al, al
jnz .end
cmp ah, 1 ; Esc
jne @f
jmp close_app
cmp ah, 28 ; Enter
jne @f
call AAPlay
jmp .end
cmp ah, 15 ; Tab
je .end
cmp ah, 29 ; Left Control
je .end
cmp ah, 42 ; Left Shift
je .end
cmp ah, 14 ; BackSpace
jne @f
; strlen(filename)
mov edi, filename
xor al, al ; search for the end of the filename
repne scasb
cmp edi, filename+2
jl .end
cmp edi, filename+2
jl .end
mov byte [edi-2], 0
call print_filename
jmp .end
cmp ah, 57 ; Space
je .input_symbol
cmp ah, 2
jl .end
cmp ah, 54
jg .end
mov byte [stop], 1
call reload_ascii_keymap
; strlen(filename)
mov edi, filename
xor al, al ; search for the end of the filename
repne scasb
cmp edi, filename+52
jg .end
shr ax, 8
and eax, 0x7F
mov al, byte [keymap+eax] ; Read ASCII from the keymap table.
mov byte [edi-1], al
mov byte [edi], 0
call print_filename
mov eax, 17 ; Get pressed button code
int 0x40
cmp ah, 1 ; Test x button
je close_app
cmp ah, 2 ; Test "Play" button
jne @f
call AAPlay
jmp .end
cmp ah, 3 ; Test "Pause" button
jne @f
cmp byte [playtime], 1
jne @f
not byte [pausetime]
call process_events
cmp byte [pausetime], 0
jne .pause
cmp ah, 4 ; Test "Stop" button
jne @f
mov byte [stop], 1
jne @f
cmp dword [image], 0
je @f
call TFliPlayer_Done
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40
; Application Title
labelt db 'FLI Player v0.31',0
keyText db '|-_'
error_text db "Can't load file.",0
filepos dd 0x0
filetype db 0 ; 0 - unsupported, 1 - fli, 2 - flc
playtime db 0
pausetime db 0
stop db 0
pal rb 256*4
image dd 0
dd 0x0 ; subfunction number
dd filepos ; position in the file in bytes
dd 0x0 ; upper part of the position address
dd 0x0 ; number of bytes to read
dd 0x0 ; pointer to the buffer to write data
db 0
dd filename
keymap rb 128
Buffer dd ?
Interval dw ?
Chunks dw ?
FrameSize dd ?
RestartPos dd ?
Frame dw ?
MainHeader MainHeaderRec
FrameHeader FrameHeaderRec
filename db '/hd0/2/',0
rb 46